Exeter Times, 1896-4-23, Page 1TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. No. 22.
We have just made thet\
purchase of a brand, new
lot of Ladies' and Misses'
Spring Capes at 25% off
regular prices.Come quick,
...4you want k bargain.
WORDi. Ces
Buying the best qualities of goods for cash, and in many instances
„from the makers, and selling:at a close margin over cost, is one of the
?good reasons why you should do your trading here.
Dress Goods.
We have a complete stock of the
very newest with trimmings to match. We've bought this season from
They start at 25e, a yard and go to an one a the best factories in Canada a
elegant display of dress patterns. sample stock of all the best makes in
Men's, Women's and Children's Foot-
wear. Our price a will be the lowest.
Boots aticl
If you have visited our show room
we needn't say another word -if you
haven't you'd better. There is much
to interest you and our prices are
Unclerw ear
Ladies' Tan and Black Kid Gloves
for 40c.
Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose,10c
Ladies' Summer Vests with half
sleeves, regular 10c line, for 5c.
Ladies' Black Parasol, large size,
with fancy bone handle, for 90c.
House Cleaning time is coming
around again. Do you intend. to do
some painting? We have many
different colored paints already mixed
for you.
Do you intend papering your
walls? We have a beautiful assort-
ment of all the new papers. Our
prices will speak for themselves.
We have a heavy stock of
See our "Special Window Shade
for 37tc.
- -
Arrived at Centralia, a fresh ear of lime; also
.a quantity of mai age corn for seed, an A 1
O. W. Surat.
BRIEFS. - Elijah Colwell was at
Clinton last week consulting doctors
of various places. -Mrs. F. Grigg and
Mrs. Sabine left for London Saturday
evening. -Mrs. T. Boyle and family
are moving to Ingersoll to live. Tom
hasaacared a position in 11 large stare
there.- Mrs. Matins and family, of
Biddulph, have moved into the house
of Wm. Nairn. -Miss Mary Lingard
is very ill. Two different doctors
being there last week tit the ,seene
tirue.-Mr. Towle is a little better. -S.
Brock has started his new butcher
shop. -Tom Handford has a large
number of horses in his stablea ready
to be shipped. -Mrs. Handford, sr.,
left for Mitchell on Monday, where she
intends to visit for a couple of months.
R e v. John Kenner preached
educational sermons here on Sunday,
the pastor taking his work at Stage. -
Rev. J. Ge Yelland is announced to
preach here Sunday eveni ag next.
a-- --a-------
SPRING Meas. -The annual spring
show of entire stock, under the aus-
pices of the South Huron Agricultural
Society, was held in Brucefield on Fri-
day. The receipts were only $7.00 at
15c. each, instead of about $80 as in
former years, so the show could not be
termed a snccess. Following is the
prize list:-
Honsas-Itnported draught -Aged,
Horton & Innis' "Joe Anderson;" 0.
E. Mason's "Clenery Prince;" Thos.
Inglis' "Lord Salisbury." Three year
old., John Murdock's "Henry Irving."
Two year old, McKay Bros., "Stud
Book Chief." Canadian bred, Frank
Taylor's "Lord Rnsebury" Sweep- '
stakes, Horton &Innis' "joeAnderson".
Roadsters -P. McGregor's "St. Blaise"
T. Murdock's "King Stanton". Sweep-
stakes, "St. Meese.'
Bones -Aged Durham, H. Smith,
Hay, W. j. Biggins, Stanley, Robt.
Charter's, Tuckersmith. Two year
.old -Thos. Russell, Usborne; Thos.
Lang, Stanley. One year old, Thos.
Russell, Robt, McLean, W. Oarnigan.
.Sweepstakes, Henry Sinith, Hay.
,r-ATIIDGRS-Horses, Jas. Hackney, Us -
borne and John Charlton, Ilclerton.
Bulls, D. McLaren, Cromarty and G.
...Chesney, Seaforth.
For two years I was dosed, pilled, and plaster-
ed for weak back. scalding urine and consti-
pation, without benefit. Ono box of Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills relieved, three boxes cured.
R. J. Smith, Toronto. One pill a dose, price 25
Duncan McLeod, an eight-year-old
lad, was thrown from a waggon in
Hamilton and died of his injuries.
BRIEFS -Miss Olive Webb, of Toronto
is visiting friends in this vicinity. --S.
A. McIntosh, of Guelph, has opened up
a watchmaker's establishment in the
Oddfellows' Block, on the corner of
Main and Station streets. We predict
for him a fair share of patronage. -The
concert on Wednesday night was fair-
ly well attended, and the rendering of
the several numbers • well performed,
especially by Miss M. .T. Steveuson, of
Guelph, who received encores after
every selection. Sim Fax, as usaal, al-
so brought down the house. Dr. H.
Lane occupied the char. --e Mr. pranion
zuovild to his farm Thursday.
Bainns.-On Sunday afternoon the
remains of the late James Vancamp,
an old resident of East Waevanosh,
passed through oiw burg to the Union
cemetery for interment, followed by
a large number of vehicles and sorrow-
ing friends.-.Mesers. McGill & Cowan
are getting the timber in shape for
putting up a barn for Will Levy. -Oar
fire company were out for practice on
Wednesday evening last. -Rev. A.
McLean left here on Monday to attend.
the Presbyterian Synod, which is be-
ing held in Chatham this week. -Mrs.
Helps has rented herresidence in town i
and s going to move to Wingham this
Bretars.-The time for making
maple molasses is coining to a close, as
the weather is now very warm. -We
are sorry to chronicle the death of Mr.
Patrick Johnston, which took place at
his residence on Saturday, after a
very brief illness from inflammation
of the lungs. Mrs. johnston will have
the heartfelt sympathy of the entire
neighborbood.-Mr. S. Witwer has
sold his house and lot to Mr. J. John-
ston, for a, large figure. He intends
leaping for Michigan in the fall. -Win.
Nicholsou has sold his hotel to Mr. Mc-
Cormick, of Zurich. He has not yet
decided where he will wove.-1VIrs.
Wm. Thirsk is at present very poorly
with inflammation of the lungs, but
her numerous friends wish her speedy
For Nervous Proctsati on. and
Anaemia there is nomedicine that
will so promptly and it fallibly restore
vigor and strength as Scot's Emtdsion.
Fol owing are the market quotations.
Oats . 21 to 21
175 to77
liaBurter $4.00 10 $
0 to1..00
15 to 15
45 to 60'
Timothy seed. ...... ....$2.50 to $2.75
Clover seed $5.50 to $5.70
Brtanns.-Very little wheat is being
marketed at 70 cents per bushel; oats
are down to 21 cents. -Local horse-
men are now speeding their fast
equines on the track. -It would seem
as if we were not going tohave the pro-
posed fire protection perfected this
year. It has now transpired that a
vote of the villagers will have to be
taken in this connection. The law is
plain on the matter, and before any
thing can be done the assent of the
ratepayers in the villag,e will have to
be given by vote. It is claimed that
almost any person can be induced to
sign a petition, while if they cast their
ballot, very often the result is widely
different. However, at a meeting of
the township council, on Monday next
the matter will be decided. -T, Mur -
dock's "King Stanton" already shows
signs of increening speed and this year
promises to excel all previous records.
Several villagers attended the funeral
of the late Seines Mustard, of Stanley
on Monday. Deceased died. at his
home on Friday, at the age of 03 years,
2 days, after a short illness. He was
one of the pioneers of the township
and highly respected by a large circle
of friends. -Rev. Roy has resigned as
rector of St. Paul's church, to take
effect in June. -A couple of horse
jockeys came up from, Exeter Satur-
day evening and,fignratively speaking,
"did up" a couple of our horsemen.
They were entirely warped inthe deal,
and subsequently made a futile effort
to recover their animal. -Gypsies are
again on the war path. -Mr. and Mrs.
E. Rennie attended the funeral in
Dashwood on Tuesday, of the eldest
child of Mr. an Mrs. E. P. Paulin, who
died on Sunday. -The Bengough en-
tei tainment given on Thursday even-
ing last under the auspices of the
orangemen was a success in point of
attendance, but as a matter of merit
was only ordinary. Some good cari-
catures were made, while there were
also some very had ones. The "filling
in" formed a prominent part in the
program. -The License Commissioners
for South Huron met here Tuesday
and granted a great many licenses,
shop and tavern. Deeision on some
applications were reserved. - While
preparime kindling the -other morn-
ing A. Murdock met with a, painful
accident. He held the board upright
with one hand and while operating the
axe eviththe other,theinstrumentcame I
down on the thumb of his left hand,
severing- the nail and end of that mem-
ber. He now nurses a very sore hand.
-Mrs. R. Cook and daughter, Tillie,
of South River, arrived at Henry
Cook's, Monday, where they will visit
for a time. They will also visit friends
in Dasbwood.-George Walker and the
Misses Rose Suaallacombe and Jennie
Westaway visited friends in Exeter
on Sunclay,-Fred Manns, who uncler-
Went a critical operation in the Lon-
don asylum last week is progressing,
favorably. His brother Charlievisitecl
him over Sunday. -Several citizens
visited Exeter Sunday evening to hear
the farewell sermon of Rev. E. W.
They report a masterly effort. -D.
Hunt, who is leaving that parish,
Weismiller and J. E. McDonell visited
friends in Exeter Sunday; also C. A.
McDonell and wife. -Rev. Henderson
is in Chatham this week attending the
Presbyterian Synod of London and
Hamilton. Mrs. Gavin Ross is also
present at the meeting, in the interests
of her case against the session here. -
R. B. Ross shipped a carload of horses
to Boston on Friday. -T. Berry ships
a car load this week to Buffalo. -The
Misses Sheffer and Vance visited
friends in Shipka last week. -Mrs.
Sheffer was seriously ill on Wednes-
day last and little hope was enbertain-
ed for her recovery. At time of
writing she is considerably ou the
mend. -Mrs. Vance, of Toronto, who
has spent the past six weeks waiting
at the sick bed or her sister, Mrs.
Maims, returned home Tuesday. -Mrs.
M. J. White visited friends in the
village Monday. -On Friday evening
last a very severe thunder storm pass -
over this place. The lightning was
vivid, the thunder heavy and the rain
came in torrents. There were several
very severe shocks, one of which burnt
a transformer on the electric light cir-
cuit, while finally it was deeraed ad-
visable to ehut off the current alto-
gether. -Several days of last week the
thermometer registered SO° in the
shade. Several horses at work in the
fields received sunstroke, -T. Palmer
and A. McPhersen held revolver
practise one day last week.. They were
shooting at an obstacle in the back
yard, when a neighbor, john Ayres,
who lives many rods away, threw up
his hands in horror. Thenaatter was in-
vestigated byethe marksmen who found
that not a single shot left the yard. -
Dr. H. X. Hyndman and Miss Wool -
lett, of Exeter, called on friends in the
village Monday evening. -Mr. Lati-
mer, of Seaforth, and son Ed. visited
Miss Latimer, teacher, on Sunday. -
S. E. McDonell, was in Seaforth last
Thursday, attending the Conservative
convention. -A. joynt, of Seafortla,
visited. his brother, George the past
week. -George Joynt last week ship-
ped seven car loads of ashes to the
Eastern States, where they areused as
a fertilizer. Farmers shciuld ,keep
their ashes at home and spread on
their own farms, instead of selling to
enrich the farms of their Yankee
neighbars.- Thos. Welsh has the
The funeral of the late Sir John
Schultz, ex -Lieutenant -Governor of
Manitoba, took place from the Legis-
lative chambers at Winnipeg to St.
John's Cemetery. It was attended by
the military and official bodies.
foundation of his new house built.
Thomas is a hustler and apparently
means business. -Miss Dick, of Lucan„
is s ending a few days in town, Miss
Dievra-We regret to announce the
death of Lena Johns, daughter of Shim
De on is taking her place in the mill- and Sarah Johns, who died on Satter-
inery store in Lucam..- Miss Jennie iday last, after a short illness of in -
Ross, of Clinton, this week visited her Ifiammation of the luugs. Deeeased
sister, Mrs. W. B. McLean. -Wm. I was highly esteemed by her associates
Smith, of Exeter, visited his sister and the patents and friends have the
Miss V. Smith, the past week.- sympathy of all in their loss,
Miss Harris of Usborne, preached an
iristractive sermon, in the Methodist
church last Sunday evening, The
young lady is a fluent talker and good BRIEVS.-On Tuesday last while Mr,
reasoner. -The annual report of the John Sadler who had just come out of
Public Librarywill be preeented on a severe spell of sickness- was attend
May 4th. -During the lenten season ing to the operating of an emery stone
the scholars of St: Pau2schurch raised it broke and a portion of it hit him on
$14.50 for the mission fund.-Hensall the bead, cutting a huge gash in the..
has a dairy. John Malcolm is the forehead. Fortunately the skull was
owner. -John Darra,h, a Lexington, not broken. Dr. Tufford stitched up
Mieb., visited, his cousins Messrs T the gaping wound and under his skil-
ful treatment the patient is • doing
segant the accomplish-
ed milliner, has again appeared in our -
midst, and on Friday last opened out
ber artistic display in Mr. Hutchi-
friends in the villageonday.-The son's store, and other than wornen's
many friends of Alexander Ingram, of eyes are casting admiring glances. -A
number from, this locality attended a
sarprise party given to Mr. James
Parish on Friday last. A beautiful
lamp was presented to lum and an
easy rocking chair to his surprise. A
pleasant programme, choice and varied
refreshments afforded interest to all.
-Mr. James Herron we regret to say
and,A. Murdock last week. -John Mc-
Bride and Miss Annie Willard, of the
Goshen line, were joined in wedlock
last week by Rev. Acheson, of Kippen.
-Rey. Acheson, of Kip en, called on
Haytownship, will be sorry to learn
that he has been seriously ill of late,
and will hope for bis recovery. -Mr.
and Mrs. Sepal. Rennie visited friends
in New Hamburg last week. -Miss
Kemp, of Brigden, is again the guest
of the Misses Shirre.-James Ross, of
Tuckersmith, has secured a situation
in London. -Simon Hunter, of Tucker- is in very poor health and fears are en -
smith, is improving rapidly from his tertained that the disease evhich so re -
recent severe illness. cently carried off his father and
bzother may clain him as its victim.
Buses. -We are pleased to bear
that W. G. Richardson, a A., has
succeeded in successfully passing his
moo in which has visited this locality for oo.
examination at KEIOX College, number of years took place Friday
obtaining a scholarship for which the
sum of $55 was warded. He has 0110
afternoon, lasting abouttwo hours, and
aD',.doingtconsiderable damage in village
to his summer field of labor in Parry and vicinity, playing havoc with tele -
Sound district. phone poles. The school house belong-
ing to No. 0 section m the township
Credrton. was struck, and the chimney and stove-
- pif1CS lmocked, to "smithereens."
BRIEPS.---Ezra 'Foist has bought a
Though almost a miracle the pupils es -
for the races to be hefine bicycle, and is fitting himself
caped.p.nhurt. An awning over Mrs.
held at Exeter on
May 21th. Ezra, has made great proSmith $ grocery store opposite the post
gress and if he continues he will be office on Main street was knocked.
and belly darned. The tele -
able to compete with any of them.-downphone instrument in 13. Stanley's resi-
Albert Zwicker, while extracting shells
from his revolver, and not knowing dent* was also rendered useless, and
frames torn from pictures hanging on
that oneof thecartridees was stillload-
the walls of the morns. On the whole
ed, had the misfortune to shoot him -
self through the third and fourth It was the severest, lightning and
coo_ thnnder sterile accompanied with hail
fingers of the - hand. --The rant and 'mud, that bas visited this
tract. fee ouildine of the new
churelliiiIVJtnefi let to Messrs. Dyer & viemitY02 late years.
Howard, of Exeter, Who have. re -let .DrATH or WILLIAX KRIM.-Au old
to pioneer has passed away in the person
the carpenter's and jointer's work
Geo. Holtzman, and the peintine to Kent, lit a encan
L. Bert:nand-Mr. Roeder has ve
Thursday afternoon in the 77thyear of
- his ago, of Brighta; dieuree.. He had
to .Dashwood, and. has also, Mr. Dear -
been a resident of Biddulph for over 50
ing.-Mr. Manson hes moved to Mc -
G ilhvray.
Ailsa Craig.
A Fanernn's Loss. -About I o'clock
FridaV afternoon a heavy thunder-
storm and lightning passed over this
vieinity,. doing sonie damage. ir).0 I him, tonother with (1. nnenerous family
tried Mise Mary Moncton, who- survives
barn mid out buildings of Mr. Areha to mourn hie lose -Mrs. John Kent, of
bald C. Stewart, one and a half miles
east ef this village, were struck by
lightning and burned to theground,
with all their contents, consisting of
about 3,000 bushels of grain, 20 tons
of Hay, and some implements. No
insurance. Mr. Gilinnar had moved
• his hay press to the barn .in the morn-
! ing, ready to work, but thanks to the
timely aid. of neighbors and people
from the village, the hay press was
saved, besides a munber of cattle and
horses that were tied in the baildings.
Mr. Gilmour had his coat burned,
with $17 in cash.
SToner-The severest thunder storm
The only way to test the New Cash System is to come and buy and see for
yourself, as everybody is welcome to take advantage of our so many bargains
.and. by so doing you will soon learn that you are saving money and that you
eg et better value here than in any other store.
A Talk t
Just received a very choice range of Plain and Fancy Tweeds and Pantings
fro m 25c per yard up.
1Doret to See Them.
Also a large stock of Readyemede Suits to select from. Elegant
Men's and BoysFine Straw Hats moving out fast, but lots left
our special 25c hats.
Our Umbrella and Parasol Stock is complete.
Now, if you want bargains you need not go far, Brown & Pree ter are
in it.
yet. See
Remember9 Produce taken 36 Cash.
BaowN •sc Pizianinsa,
--ete refn Conaereelle 7141'11471f
year. Before settling there he was
for Some yoari in the employ of the
late Wm. Geary, in the heyday of his
prosperity, when he built the -plank
road from London to Brantford. Short-
ly afteewards. he settled on lot No. 23
in the 3tel. con. of Biddulph. He mar-
dialing,. 9 CHANGE TS THE
from Winter. Heavy goods in Boots 1Z Shoes,
to Spring mil summer -wear is now the or-
der of the day. If you need any our stook is
now complete. Many lines to select from and
at prices that will satisfy you. In Men's, Boys. CURED or CHRONIC oarenun.
and Youths' Fine Goods everything is up to Remarkable Oure,-S. W. jouninson, C
date. Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' in Dongo, ford, SpDtit. between $220ancl $310 in eonsulting
las, Oxfords, Bala and buttons, Wo have doctors; tried Dixon's and all other treatments.
everything in stock that you require. Space but got no benefit,. One el ChaSe'S Catarrh
will not permit us to quote prices. Call and Cure did me more good than all other remedies,
see for yourself, if •
°roma, r ty.
BRIEPS-Sohn Gillespie has left his
farm and moved to Mitchell, having
bought the Keeler stock of boots and
shoes: -A. McLachlan has moved to his
farm and the cottage is again empty.
Dame rumor says that it will be oc-
cupied again in the near future. -Mr.
and Mrs. A. Watson, ofMotherwell were
visiting friends in this section last
week. -Malcolm Laan.ond, jr., has been
very ill for some time. -Geo. Wilson,
who went into business at Braemar,
has returned and is now rimning an
egg waggon for F. D. Hutchinson,
Staffie-Mr. Hyslop has secured Mr.
Ewart Kenner to drive his team and.
buy eggs this season. -Rev. P. Scott
left on Monday to attend the meeting
of the Synod. -The Oromarty Sunday
School opens next Sunday for the
summer mouths. -Seeding has become
general in this section, the weather
having been favorable for some time.
Oland° noye.
BRIEFS -George Hodgins while gett
ing out of a wagon the other evening
received a very severe sprain of the
ankle. Dr. Jones was summoned and
made his patient as easy as possible. -
James Wilson, formerly of Granton,
also school teacher of McGillivray, now
of Egely, N. IW. T., was united in
marriage on the Saturday before Easter
to Miss Ellis, of that place. We ex-
tend our congratulations. -Wm.
Thompson, it young man residing near
the junction, met with a very painful
and severe aceident the other day.
While engaged cutting feed he allow-
ed his ri Mimed to he drawn into the
cogs of the. cutting box and. lost three
of his fingers. -The funeral of the late
Sylvester Windsor took place on Sun-
day of last week from. his father's re-
sidence to Mar's 'Hill cemetery. He
being it much respectecl citizen and a
meraber of the Independent Order of
.1. UJ the funeral was very largely
attended. Rev. Mr. Butt, of Cen-
tralia preached the funeral sermon.
Deceased was in his forty -forth year.
He leaves a widow.
McGillivray; Mrs, John Hawkshaw, of
Exeter; Emma, died. in infancy;
Bidtbdph; Geer ge, Toronto;
Frank, Intidulph; Mrs. R. Essery, of
Edmonton; Theophilus, S turgis, Mich.,
and. Ida, the youngest, dead. A few
years ago he came -to reside in Lucan,
leaving his property to his two sons,
William and. Prank. He was a con-
sisten t member of the Methodist church
and it life-long, staunch Conservative.
His remains were conveyed to their
lasaresting ptace in the family bury-
ing ground, in St. John's Cemetery,
Area, on the 1Sth inst.
I' 0'
ENTERTAINNIENT.-The entertainment
on Friday evening given by the Zurich
Dra,matic Club was a success, not alto-
gether from point of attendancebut as
matter of merit. The weather was
very inclement and a continuous down
pour of rain from 7 o'clock till nearly
10 prevented it great inany being pre-
sent. The dame "Enlisted for the
War or ,the Home Guard" was well
presented and surprised the audience
for the =inner in which the several
perts were played. Not a hitch. occur-
red, everything being carried out with
the precision of an old-time company.
The al tir throuebout was pleasing to
all, aid should the company again
place it on the boards• here th.ey will
receive a bumper house.
BRIEFS. -Rev. Brand attended con-
ference in New Hamburg last week. -
Chris Hillier has purennesed a a fine
driver from Mr. Jeffrey, Lake road. -
E. Bossenlierry was in Woodstock
last week on business, -Mr. Bossen-
berry is fitting up his horses "Rodney"
and. "Erie Girl" for the spring races. -
Henry Then is building a residence
near the Evangelical church. -Conrad.
Theil is also building himself a resi-
dence ou the Goshen line. -Fred
Seiguer has moved into C. Hartleib's
house, Mr. Hartleib taking possession
of the house vacated by Mr. Seigner,
and which he recently purchased of
the Wagner estate. -A. E. Faust has
purchased. a neve wheel from 0. Fritz.
-The fax 0o., under the management
of Messrs Hess and Rickbeil are get-
ting ready for seeding. They intend
putting in about 500 acres. -There
have 'been several mad dogs around
Zurich. One belonging to John Foster
of the briek yard went mad about two
weeks ago, and has created consider-
able excitement. One of Mr. Foster's
children was bitten by the dog, but as
it was taken in time nothing serious is
anticipated. The dog also bit one of
his steers. -A. S. Rollins and daugh-
ters and. William McNevin and wife
visited friends in Zurich Friday even-
ing last. Mr. Rollins acted as chair-
man for the Dramatic club, and per-
formed tie duties admirably„ -The
Haylownship Council will meet here Winchestertrollycier. The unfortunate
Monday nexte-William Smith and, child was the daughter of the late
wife, and Dan Steinbach; of the 14th. Charles Chapman, who died two or
con. of Hay, have. gone to 'Detroit, three years ago it Vancouver,. 13. 0,
where they intend to stay this sumneer. re. Chapman .afterwards married Mr.
•-• • e • ..
e.'nftnif0001n se CO Cent box at that. -Xacol? ,RabY has moven to pagetan, Somers.'
Publishers and Proprietors
Michigan, where he will make his
home in future. -Samuel Karcher has
gone to Elkton, Michigan to stay this ELL! G
surainer.-Ohris. Bechler, who lately
sold his faim, bas moved into the vil-
lage, into Jacob Lentz' house. -We
understand that Dau McCormick. has
rented. the Blake hotel. -Our under-
taker last Tuesday conducted the fun-
eralof Patrick Johnston, nearDrysdale.
-...... 46, -
Prospect Hill.
DnaTst tneMns. Wnsoin-The death
of Mrs. William Wilson of this place,
occurred on Thursday afternoon after
a lingering illness, of consumption,
Deceased's maiden name was White,
and she was higbly respected by a
large circle of friends. She had been
ill for some Wile, the result of it severe
cold. It will be. remeznbered that Mr.
Wilson's house was burned a few
months ago, when deceased was car-
ried out on it bed, which, no doubt
hastened death. She leaves a hus-
band and family of two children, the
younger of whom is very ill, The hus-
band has the sympathy of the com-
munity is his loss, which. was attested
by the large attendance at the futieral
on Saturday last.
--- -
Grand Bend.
see Us.
J. P. ROSs.
Teta ILineon.-We are pleased to
Baanne.-The weather has been learn that the Government have <1 -
beautiful of late with it few days hot cided to place in the estimates $12,500
enough for July, The fall wheat ancl. for iraprovements to Hayfield harbor.
grass is looking. quite green. -Mr. The 'present popular Reeve,Mr. Burns,
Hamilton is running his mill at full has been for some time presistent in
blast, and is cutting pine fax Mr.Brene his efforts to move the authorities to
nen-The masons are busy -plastering put the harbor in better shape. The
Mr. Bossenberry's house and will soon amount will be sufficient to put the
have it eompleted.-Solan Speakman, harbor in the state demanded. by the
of Exeter, is here now, and is proper- people there, and. will mean the ex-
ing for this season's business. -James penditure of considerable moneyin the
Millard left on Tuesday for the lum- Nonage,
ber camps in Michigan. -Large droves ,
of cattle are now being driven down ;
: Cinselhurst.
to the ranches. -John Ross, black- :
smith, who had a shop here some two I _
years ago, has returned, and has rent- I IdRIEFS.-Simo-n Hunter, of the Stli
ed Mr. Grattert's shop. --The ice in the ' coo , Trickersznith, 18 beginning to
lake has all disappeared.-joseph Tat_ I e o'v r from his late inmate He -WAS
r il le with typhoid fever since New
rea.u, of Michigan, has purchased the i .1.e rhp
The whole family had it. -If
west half of lot 2, on the Saulne Con-
cession, contiining 501 acres, from I G Oa gse McEwen, of Hensel', will op -
Milian as M. P., the Sth
Fred. Fallis, He intend's building on posejohnMc
it after seeding. line will go for him solid. Go ' Mao.
1 1 ac.
and win. -Last ruesday ill 5.5. No. 9
Tommy Ferguson had his left eye
knoeked out by a stone thrown by
- 'Roomy Kyle. Ferguson is under the
Batans.-Mrs. Waltz is visiting care of Dr. McKay Seafortb, and at
friends in Z!IrTeh at present. -Rev. present has a slight attack of brain
Eby has retednell frein Confere.nee fever.---See.diug is general around here
and intends to stay here for the corn- now. - We have beautiful warm.
ing year. -The old. church property weather at present.
Oa 64 4
WhiC"11. was sold on Weduesday of last
week wee bought by H. Guenther I. jsborne.
for a reasonable figure. -Hoffman _
Bros. have their new machinery in g000gotgo poolgomt pAssn"wAv.
good running order: and are now pre- -
-fiergaret, relict of - the late David
pared to do all kind of work in their Wiseman of Usborne, died at the resi-
line.nt•Our fax miller shipped 0. -car &logo of inn nen ite : cnneare. gable • a a
load of tow this week. -Confirmation Wiseman, lastThursday, aged.7nyears. .
Service will be held 'in the Lutheran .
The .deceased lady wee a native of An-
ehurch on Sunday next.-Lilla Ruby trim, Ireland, and had resided in Us -
is sick with diphtheria at time of writ- borne about forty rears. Mr. Wise- ,
ing.-The Young People's Alliance en- man, her husband, leas been .deceased .
tertaininent will be held to -night, .
seine eighteen years. A family of five
sons and two daughters remain, one
son being on the farm homestead.
The deceased was of the Presbyterian
(Thursday.) -Our butcher, Mr. Pfaff,
will soon be wearing a plug hat as the
addition in the family is a boy. ---There
was married on Tuesday evemng in kale, a kind mother, devoted to home,
Lippert to Mr. Daniel Schro-e-asesr.KTahti: . Country and Maker. The fuueral took
the Methodist church, 'AV
ceremony was performed by Re place Saturday morning via G. T. R.
Eby, witnessed only by a few of -thre. to Mitchell and from there to Kai:ton, .
intimate friends. May they live it long where the late Mr, Wisemen ,was
and happy life. -On Monday morning
Gladdys Luella, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. P. Paulin, was calked away by
the cold hand of death, and has keenly
touched the hearts of the loving par_ EXHAVSTED 15 WA.STE-OVER-WORK
ents. Deceased was only sick -for a ME. -...'5'S ., SiaohleTER LIFE -D, ,0DIN.S-
few days days and in that time the pronlpt-
est and most careful measures that
medical skill could produce were ap-
plied, but in vain. Altb.ough being
only 10 months old she will be greatly
missed in the family. The stricken
parents have the heartfelt sympathy
of the community in their sad bere-
Overwork is what you do after com-
mon sense asks you to quit.
Overwork of any kind does more
than tire, it exhausts you.
Just a little more after you ought to
quit is the "too much" that uses you
The blood goes out to all parts faster
BRIEFS -The Oddfellows will attend
than usual when you overtvork. -
li the kidneys are not in . perfect
thane, „Igen poieeu injectal
divine service next Sanday.-A Mr. through thent to all parts of the bOdy
Hartley was fined $1.75 on Monday
for riding a bicycle on the sidewalk. -
N. Robson, stationer, has assigned. -
A bicycle club has been organized. -
Clinton. will celebrate the 21th of May-
-A football club has been organized
with Dr. Shaw, pres.; D. Noble. sec. -
than usual, and then work, to say no-
thing of overwork, is harmful.
As S0011 AS your kidneys commence
doing good work there is less and less
poison in the blood every minute.
This explains why Dochrs Kidney
Pills cure so promptly ad permanent -
There was a very pretty, though quiet
wedding at the residence of Mr. and ly*
Spring is full of terrors tel.:all whose
Mrs. Thos.- Waddell, No. 50 Adelaide
street, WinnipegelFriday morning, the constitution is not able to resist the
contracting -parties being miss Esra sudden changes of temperature and
Sperling, the only daughter of W. other insallibrities of the season. To
Sperling, of the Doherty organ works, put the system in condition to over-
Cliaton, 111111 .1. S. Marshall, of Wiuni- Conie these evils, lecithin.- is so effective
Cantelon is ill in Mount
Forest. -Two young men from Bruce -
field made things lively about midnight
last Friday. They drove up and down
Albert street at break -neck speed and
were not particnier as to whether the
vehicle was on the road or sidewalk.
ConstableWel sh endeavored to cap tire,
the pair,but they succeeded in evading
him. Their tames are known and
both will likely be prosecuted for fur-
ious driving and abusing the horse. -
Mrs. Robert Blair, of Morris, who a
few days since underwent a surgical
operation at the residence of John
Johnston, Rettenbary street west, is
doing nicely. Mr. 131air is also here. -
N. Robson hies resigned his office" as
treasurer of the municipality, and
town clerk Coates has been appointed
his successor. Wm. jacksore made ap-
plication for the office, but on a political
vote was defeated. There is much iu
dignation over the affair as it is claimea.
that Coats has no special claim oa all
the public offices.
Edith Chapman, the 5 -year-old step-
daughter of Frank Somers, of the
customs house, Toronto, was run down
and killed Saturday afternoon by a
as Ayers Sarsaparilla. Take it now.
p your Eye Skinned
1.2 you want bargains in Furniture,
as we OM give you the best value for
your money that is to be had.
Our stock is large, new and well a•s-
sorted for the Spring Trade with prices
to suit everybody. We give you 0,
nice high bedstead for $1.45 and half
a dozen chairs for $1.05, which are
great sellers.
We can satisfy you in Durant Poles
and Window Shades as we heve some
of the latest designs.
We also bave some fine coverings
for your old lounges and easy claairs
that need recovering.
Is one of our special lines and eve a
ways carry a large and. well ....essorted
stock, and our prices are right.
Last week we received a job lot of
new machinery for the ntanufacture
of all kinds of Sash, Doors & Frames,
and all wood material for building pine
poses. Parties buildingkindly givens
a call, and we will give you close
Furniture Dealers,
Undertakers and Contra