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We have just made thet,
• purchase of a brand new'
lot of Ladies' and Misses
Spring Capes at 25% off
regular prices.Come quick
if you want a bargain.
• 0114.-2IC $,117,4
14 &FORD & CO
BuyikTeer the best qualities of goods for cash, and in many instances
.from the makers, and selling at a close margin over cost, is one of the
good reasons why'You should do your trading here.
Dress Goods.
We have a complete stock of the
-very newest with trnnmings to match.
They start at 25c, a yard and go to an
;elegant display a dress patterns.
:Millinery eieseee.---
IE you have visited our show room
we needn't say another word -if you
haven't you'd better. There is much
to interest you and our prices are
Ladies' Tan and Black Kid Gloves
for 49c.
f ...nate& Fast Black Cotton Hose,10c
Ladies' Summer Vests with half
sleeves, regular Ific line, for 5c.
Ladies' Black Parasol, large size,
with fancy bone handle, for 90c. e
Egoote. eartd.
We've bought this season from
one of the best factories in Canada a
sample stock of all the best makes in
Men's, Women's and Children's Foot-
wear. Oar prices will be the lowest. 1
H 4:1) VIES S,:ee.
House Cleaning time is coming
around again. Do you intend to do
some painting? We have many
different colored paints already mixed
for you.
Do you intend papering your
walls? We have a beautiful assort-
ment of all the new papers. Our
prices will speak for themselves.
We have a heavy stock of
See our “Special Window Shade
for 37Sc.
R. S. FORD &
DEATH OP WILLiAei GiLsatteex.-
Another of the pioneers of this town-
ship passed away on Monday last, in
the person of 'William Gilfillan. De-
-ceased Mel Always enjoyed good health
until a few months ago, when cancer
Q the stomach set in, from the effects
of which he cited. Deceased had at-
tained the age of 76 years, having
been born in Sterlingshire, Scotland,
in 1820, In. the year 1852 he married,
and in Jeese 1803 he emigrated. to Can-
ada, settling first in the township of
Usborne, on the farm on which he
died. Mr. Glilfillan was highly respect-
ed by a large circle of friends, being of
a quiet and. unassuming disposition.
▪ He was a devoted member of the Pres-
byterian church and a Liberal in poli-
tics. He leaves a family of three sons
-Jas. S., Lyman, Sohn and William, of
'Usborne, and Mary at home. His re- •
mains were interred in Roy's ceme-
tery on Wednesday.
BRIEFS. -The annual vestry meet-
ing of St. James' Church, Biddulph,
which was held on Easter Monday,
was one of the most successful in the
history of the parish. The attendance
Was good, and a deep interest mani-
fested by all. The wardens showed
much iprogress in the finances, the :pre-
vious ndebtedness being almost wiped
-out. The Cemetery Committee gave
a detailed statement, showing a large
.surplus on band. The incumbent's re-
port showed an increase in the attend-
ance, and especially at holy com-
munion. The wardens, Messrs C. 0.
Hodgins and James Carter, who had
so ably fulfilled their duty during the
the past year, were re-elected. and
tendered a hearty vote of thanks by
the vestry for their earnest efforts in
the welfare of thecongregation. Rob-
ert Hodgson was electet as delegate to
the Synod.
SCHOOL Rarour.-The following is
.a, correct report of S. S. No. 6, Stephen
for the month of Maraln-V class, -
Adeline Ratz, Jacob Ratz, Thomas
Dinny; IV class, -Levi McCann, Jacob
Raz, Arthur Glenville; Sr. 111, -Jane
Minn, Jennie Yearly Jacob Finie-
,beireer; Jr. III, -Maggie Barry, Clara,
Ratz, Sinion Ratz; u class,. -Barbara
Witzel, Clara Craft, Thos. McCann;
Pt. IL -Ida Baez, Allie Harding, W.
Schroeder; Pt. I, -Alice Mawhinney,
Laura Finkbeiner.
A. Duncan will sell by auction his stock of
general goods, on the evenings of 23rd, 24th and
25th of April. Salo at the store at 7 o'clock each
evening. T. CsatEziON, Auc.
BRIEVS.-John Tucker, who has
been sick with inflammation. is im-
proving. --The auction sale of John
Kay last week was largely attended
and good prices were realized.- -The
boys seeing that Robert Gardiner was
boding sap to a late h,our on Wednes-
day night last and that be was not
able totake it homekindly kept the fire
going ; but it would seem as if they
did not know what'wanted, and con-
cluded to make taffy. -The people in
this neighborhood are giving Drs.
I3rowning, of Exeter, and Dr. Wickett,
of Crediton, great praise for the ef-
ficient manner in which they operat-
ed an Sohn Cameron.-A.Duncan who
is retiring from business is having an
auction sale of his store goods ou the
evenings of Thursday, Friday and
Saturday next week, when the people
will got goods at their own prices. T.
Cameron will be the auctioneer.
Poi owing are the market quotations.
Wheat 175 1o77
' Peas
.28to 30
• 21 to 21
45 to 50
POO to $12.00
.15 to 15
10 to 10
Timothy seed .. -$2.50 to 2.75
Clover seed. .. ........ -45.50 to $5.75
BRIEFS. -D. Urquhart has rented
considerable land, which he intends
working this summer, and puttin
out in oats and. peas. Be has lease
100 acres from John Corbett, 100 acres
from D. McColl and. fifty acres from
Mrs. Taylor. Business places close
during the summer months, at 6.30
Brune's-Rev. Dr. Cook, of Granton,
preached in the Methodist church here
on Sunday evening laet.-Wm. Th.omp-
son, son of H. Thompson, a McGillivray
farmer, met with, a painful accident
on Monday evening while cutting
straw. By some means his hand was
drawn into the cutting box, and all but
one finger were completely cut off. -A
confirmation class will be organizeclein
Holy Trinity Church on Friday. -Miss
Nellie Hodgins will spend this week in
o'cloolacommencing May lst. The new BRIEPS.-John Moyer moved. last
departure will be appreciated by the Wednesday on to the Goshen line,
busnaess people, whether ornotit be by south, into J. Goshen's house. --Mrs. E.
the farming community. Stores, how- Johnston Tent Easter at Parkhill,
ever, will remain open during Wed-
nesday and Saturday evenings. A
men representing a bicycle firm of
Wingham was in town Monday after
a wheel which he said Wm. Baker, of
Blake, had got from them on credit
under false pretences, representing
that he owned a farm north. of Zurich
and was an extensive dealer in stock.
Learning Mr. Baker's financial re-
putation they sought to recover the
wheel, which they did fortunately
svithout any trouble. Mr. Baker says
they urged the wheel upon him. -
George Buneh, of Cilinton, who has
secured a situation in the flax mill,
moved his family to town Monday,
into the residence vacated by John
Fisher. Mr.Fisher has taken .11.1nElgie's
residencethe latterhaving gone on their
farm near the lake. --A young lad, son
of Editor Neeland, created quite a
sensation in the Methodist chureb.
during service on Sunday, by running
up aud down the aisles and aroundthe
pulpit, While the little folks were
amused the older ones were much
chagrined. --The roads have dried and
things now look decidedly spring-like.
George McEwen has leased the Gil-
christ farneadjoining the village, for a
number of years. It will be valuable
alone for spreading flax. --A surprise
party was given at John Miller's Mon-
day evening at which a goodly num-
ber of Wends enjoyed themselves until
the "wee sin& 'ours". All report
the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Miller
as being without limit. -J. E. MeDon-
ell, has purchased a fine driver from
T. Brintnell, and now throws dust in
the faces of all. It is a nice driver and
John is deservedly. proud of hen -A.
Murdock and wife visited friends in
Hibbert over Sanday. Alex, says
they make fine maple syrup and A 1
hot cross buns out there. -Mrs. Manus
is convalescing. -Building operations
open up under favorable conditions,
fine weather and. lots of work ahead.-
We are sorry to state that James
Wright while operating a planer in
the foundry the other day had the
misfortune to lose part of the index
finger of one of his hands.
PERSONALS, -Rowland Oats, of Lon-
don, has taken a situation with Row-
land Cudinore, and has moved to the
village. --Jas. Canning, of Kippen, was
in town Monday. -Messrs. MeEwen
aud Geiger have leased considerable
land for ilex growing. -T. Berry is in
Boston with a car load of horses. -R.
B. Ross leaves Thursday with 36 fine
animals for the Boston market. -Mr.
aud Mrs. Elgie moved to their farm on
Tuesday, - Mrs. Ellwood. visited her
grand -parents in Exeter Monday.-
Miss Libbie Eacrett, of Exeter, visited
Miss Murdock and other friends in
town, last week. -J. E. McDonell
visited London Friday last. - Mrs.
James Sutherland visited.Miss Alcocks
and other friends in Exeter, over Sun-
day. -Miss Bertha Hodgins visited
friends in London last. week. --Mr.
Harris, of Dungannon, was in the
village Friday. He dressed several
stones for the Kippen mills. -Nelson
Blatchford learning the carpenter-
ing business with Win. Welsh. -W. ,
MaCloy intends moving into Mr.
Logan's house. -D. Weisnailler went
to Berlin on Tuesday and on Wednes-
day evening. spoke at a public gather-
ing there. Air. W. is becoming gen-
erally popular as an orator. -Miss
Latimer visited her home in Seaforth
over Sunday. -Mrs. Sheffer visited her
brother :fames Hannan, at Shiplre
over Sunday. Fred Manns is visiting
in London. -Miss Katie Palmer has
returned. home from visiting friends in
Seaforth.-Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hawk-
sha.w, of Exeter,visited T.Murdock's
Sunday. -Miss Mary Hagan has re-
turned home from Toronto. Dolly
Hagan has gone home and Miss Mag-
gie is taking her place. -W. Carlisle
went to St. Catherines Tuesday, where
he has secured a situation as carpenter.
-Mr. Hoch preached for Rev. Wilson,
in the Methodist church on Sunday
morning . Mr. Coleinan who was an-
nounced to have preached, conducted
service in Kippen for Mr. Walker, al-
lowing the latter to preach here Sun-
day- evening. -The many friends of C.
A. Brown, one of the pioneer resid.ents
of the London road, will regret to learn
that, having recently sold his farm, he
has decided to inove away to Windsor,
where his sisters are now residing. Mr.
Brown will he vary much missed in
this neighborhood, being among the
early settlers. We join with his friends
in wishing him success whither he
BRIEPS.-Dr. T. Wickett's child
died on Tuesday evening last; also
the youngest daughter of Charles
Wolf. The bereaved families have
the heartfelt sympathy of the com-
munity. -The entertainment and con-
cert givenlby both churches on Sun-
day and Monday nights last was a
success in every respect. -O. Trick
had the misfortune to lose a Inc cow.
-The Royal Tempiars of Temperance
are rapidly progressing., and at every
night of meeting new members are
being initated.-Miss McConnell, of
Blyth, is engaged as milliner in Brown
& Preeter's cash store. -Rev. S. A.
Schmidt left on Monday last to attend
the annual Conference of the Evange-
lical association, to be held- at New
4 19 4•—•,*
BRIEFS. -J. Manning and Miss
Lizzie Shier are attending the Perth
Sunday School Convention this week
itt Stratf9rd.-J. CaTufts is visiting
friends ie.- Tnftsville, Toronto and
Peterboro.-The boys all returned to
college on Monday-. Their presence
will be missed by the fair ones. -Mrs.
Ferg.ueson, of Blyth, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Sommerville, returned home this
week. -Mr. Fairwell proposes buying
lend. here on which to raise straw-
berries and early vegetables for city
market. We wish. him success.
For you and. every progressive person. Business life is full of changes in
Methods, Styles, Fa,shion,Socialities, Ideas and everything,and he who would
keep abreast of the latest developments and learn how not to fallmusb regular-
ly visit Brown & Preeter's, where under the new system, which if persistently
followed up must eventually load to success and it will not be long till a dis-
criminating public notes it the correct thing to trade at the Popular Wide -
Awake Store.
ao lbs. No. 1 Rice for $1.00
30 lbs. No. I Tapioca for 1.00
151b cans Corn for 1.00
lbs Young Hyson Tea,
(a cracker) for 1.00
'10 boxesTelephoneMatches 1.00
6 bars "Good. Luck" Soap 25
.1 box Smoked Herring 10
New Prints, 5c, The, 9c a,nd
Apron Gingham 5c, The and 10c
Best Shirting for 12ec
Best Cottonades for 22e
Grey Cottons, 1 yd wide,(a, cracker) 5c
French Cashmeres, beautiful designs
in light and dark colors, 12ic
Cashmere Delaines, 10c
Ladies' Vests, 5 for 25c
Children's and Misses, 5 for 25c
she returne on Tuesday evening. -
Christian Beechler has sold his 100 -
acre farm to F. Krauskoff, for the sum
of $5,500. -Fred Leibald and Miss Kate
"Wooly, both a Zurich, jolued hands
in holy matrimony last, Wednesday.
We wish them much joy and a long
life together. --Gabriel Holtzman has
sold his driver, "Black Hank," to T.
Berry for a handsome suna.-F.
Seigner, from near Walkerton, has
been home attending the funeral of
his mother, who was buried last
11,446 11
DEATH -We regret exceedingly to
record the death Of Mrs. amens, relict
of the late Nathaniel Oosens,of the 3rd
con., which occurred at the resi-
dence of her daughter, Mrs. Day, in
Buffalo, on Tuesday at, the age of 68
years. Deceased has been poorly for
some time, and her death therefore
was not unexpected.
WEDDING. -The home of Mrs.
Johns, 2nd con., was the scene of a
pleasant event on Wednesday, when
her daughter, Miss Annie, and Mr.
Albert W. Seeley, of Clinton, became
man and wife. The event was wit-
neseed by a few Mende of the family.
Rev. Mr. Fair, of Londesborce perform-
ing the ceremony.
BRIHPS.-Sohn Sherritt has been laid
up for some time. We are pleased to
say he is improving. -J. B. Hodgins,
of Clandeboye has returned to his farm
on the 21st accompanied. by his family
who intends to yierform the work now.
Publishers and Proprietors
liuron County Notes.
Brussels butchers are liceneed. i
Winglican has four butchers. SELLING
Ament Bros. employ 20 men he their
saw mill and factory at Brussels.
Rev. S. Acheson, of Kippen, takes
ten mile walks to visit friends.
-Messrs, Jas. Hickney and Cronon The Grigg family, of which Sam
sold, a span of mares, the former to a Grigg, of London, is a member, has
Mansell buyer and the latter to a fallen heir to a valuable estate.
Centralia, buyer realizing respectively James McCrea, who resided near
the sums of $100 and $110 or in the Belgra,ve some years ago, died near
neighborhood orthese amounts. Bruce Mines recently. aged '77 years.
/04 -4. Christian 33ecialer, of Zurich, has sold
Claiselhurs* his 100 acre farm to F. Kranskoff, for
the sum of $5,500.
BRIEFs.-Mr. B. Torry, who has It was the intention of Mr. Robinson,
spent the winter in Algoma, returned latelyoe Martrn botel, to start.
second liquor store in Goderich, but
home a few days ago, Ile has been.
re-engaged with Joseph Fisher, for the his application for a license was too
summer. -I. N. Reid, aformer teacher late.
in school section No. 10, is renewing You hardly realize that it is medi-
acquaintances at the home of Henry eine, when taking Carter's Little Liver
Perbuse-Mre. Javob Latta has been Pills; they are very small; no bad
yery sick foe a few weeks. Drseffeets ail troubles from torpid
Amos and Rollins; of Exeterremoved liver are relieved by their use.
several turners from her neck and The Pipe 100 Luxe farm, 5th line,
shoulders. -Mr. G. Dobson left for Morris, recently purchased by Alex.
Dakota on Thursday,-- John Pybus, Grant,eraennof
lof Tuc7keearsrms by j
heasibneeesri Sharp who has been engaged to work on f
Daniel McKay's farm, isbusilyengaged and iWssnsija...tatzenreyss, oafntlaiemsfa•airnteulnilettee. fair
inoving into the house.
one, who has been in the House of Re-
Xt. Carmel. fuge for some time, was sent to her
friends in Michigan on Monday.
13am se -Malcolm McG Innis hasEy ctohuenit.eyt u:crluesrk,nowthei n population
llautaki)dns (())
given up and intends to go to thc
'Wisconsin toreside.-HughMacachan, Huron county is shown to be 61,633 for
1805, an increase of 3n over the pre -
of the 4th con., Stephen, proposes re-
moving to Marquette. Mich. in. a short vioT
Urand Bend.
BRIEPS.-Ashton Maned left on
Monday for Michigan. --The weather
has a spring-like appearance this week
and the grass is looking green. -The
sugar making has been very short this
itsitson.--11,he Hamilton has returned
home ;thee business trip in Howick.
--Jos. Brenner is building a new fence
leading from his hotel to the poet office
store. --Mr. Bossenberry is limy re-
modeling, his summer hotel and. well
have it 'completed. soon, which will
make a great improvement to it, -'Thos
Faille has parehased 0 young team of
thr yeat olds, whieh he is fitting up
for the spring work. --A. W. Robin-
son's sale of farm :dock and imple-
ments on Tneaday last :was well at-
tended. --\V. B. Faille has been on the
sick list, but is now recovering.
OPEN .A.5 DAY, '
It is given to every physician, the
formula of Scott's Emulsion being no
secret; but no successful imitation has
ever been offered to tb.e public. Only
years of experience and. study ca,n pro-
duce the best:
We are sorry to report the serious
illness of Mrs. W. T. Amos, wife of the
esteemed and popular teacher of Lieury.
Special Line Men's Serge Suits, $3,75 also .Boy's Tweed Suits from $1.00 up. '-'7„
Men's Tweed, Worsted. and Serge Suits made to order at a great reduction. ei.aitarage !Eiapiu 1,11.T Flig
from Winter. Heavy goods in Boots 82: Shoes,
,Crand illinery & Dress ods Opening. tigio'ilf.Z.sigroT.T,NaLyiso'fv.tt11.okoIA1,-
C 0
now complete. Many lines to select from and
at roes that will satisfy you. In Men's, Boys,
We respectfully invite you to our Opening on TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY,
Mc an Youths' Fine Goods everything is up to
.:A.PRIL 14th and.15th, and following da,ys under the management of Miss date. Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' in Bongo-
‘Connel. , las, Oxfords, Bals and buttons. We have
BROWN & PREETEIR everything in stock that you require. Space
7 will not pernait us to quote prices. Call and
Stores at Creditors and Zurich. If
• A, litilIDOoK & CO
Arrived at Centralia, a fresh car of lime;_ also
quantitY of ensilage corn for seed, an .A 1
satnple. C. W. Swan.
Bnises.-Spring is here at last. -
Mrs. Grigg, of Detroit, and Mrs. Sab-
ine, of London, are visiting 'Mee Bows -
laugh. -The promotion examinations
have made seine changes in the classes
t the public schoole-Robt. 'Walker
is about to move to Exeter.e-A large
number of the Foresters from here at-
tended the funeral Of Sylvester Wind-
sor, which took niece on Sunday lest
to Brinsley.-Rev. Butt drove
thirty. miles on Sunday, and preached
three times,and conducted a funeral. -
„Rev. John Kenner, of Staffa, who is
highly recommended by the pastor, is
announced to preach sermons here on
Sunday next in the interests of the
Educational Society of the Methodist
BRIEPS.-A most happy event was
solemnized at the residence of Mrs.
Kinsman last Wednesday, being the
marriage of her clanglater, Elsie, to
Mr. lIarold Hannay, a popular and
well-to-do young gentleman of St.
Thomas. -Clinton will have a new
wollen mill during the present month.
Mr. Dutton, of London, has rented
the north store in the brick block
from Mr. Downs and will place the
machinery in position as soon as
possible. -With twelve or fifteen
bicycle eg-ents in town handling
twenty-five or thirty different makes
there will doubtless be quite a boom
ui wheels. -It is estimaled there will
be one huudred bicycles in use in Clin-
ton this season, with the likelihood
of a club not being formed. -Harland.
Bros. have decided. to .put in a plate
glass front in their brick block hrad-
ware store.
see Us.
J. P. ROSs.
Netterfield was not shown to be clear-
ly connected with the crime.
The shanty in Carling's bush de-
stroyed last week was not burned on
account of too much card playing, but • "
for mare obnoxious reasons.
James Cowan, of MeKillop, has
purchased the Lapslie farm, adseining
time. -Peter Mittleholtelhas removed • aleawot , 0 1 P g. - Seaforth, paying for it the sumo
to West McGillivra,y, he havin g TAM. in Goderich, of consumption, on Satin.- 1$7,700. The farea contains one hundred
chased the property formerly owned
day last, aged 41 years and six months. acres, has on it good buildings, is in a
by MrSinith-One of the most re[Deceased was formerly a builder in
, first class state of cultivation and is
. .-
spected young men of this place died i Clinton, and for a time was one of the one of the very choisest farms in the
on Saturda,y- last in the person of
! preprietors of the Grand Union Hotel. county.
Dennis Quinlan. The funeral took : Wm. Elliott and finnily of Ooderich
place an meneey ma was leeway at- 1 township were grieved toreeeive word Perth County Notes.
tended. The deceased while in the from Fermanagh, Ireland, of the Seath —
prime of life fell avictim to that dreadl of his old friend, dames Dundee. The S. Burton has rented the earn% of
disease consumption. I
: deceased was Master of the Orange John c i
I Lodge to which Mr. Elliott belouged o.i c.ough, on the liase line, near
Clinton , and Mr . Cociough win move -
t in Ireland. beck to his property in Morris near
•Ailsa Cra,ig. Wm. Michie, of Morris. hae four lei see
three-year-old stock steers, 'fed Amelia bey' make one feel as though life
Bramas-H. A. Shoff. the former ; sively on eut oat sheavee, during the was orthli
principal of the Ailsa Craig public I wvingTake o
. ne of ( 'after's
_ ebn„ past winter, that now tip the scides•at Little - Liver Pills after eatiage it will
school, but now of the Toronto pu
''''' L310 pds each. Mr. Michie thinks
8011001ool staffs returned home Monday, ounrelieve dyspepsia, aid digestion give
the above a very economical and pro -
after visiting his former friends in tone and Vigor to the system.
fitable way of feeding.
town. -The reinain.s of the late Donald Frank E. lieckett, local manager of
McKenzie, town line west, who died
on Thursday, were buried Saturday at
Nairn Cemetery, in the presenee of a
large number of friends and relatives. five litters as followse-Ist„ 13, raised
-Neil R. Gray, of the London College 13; 2nd, 13, raised 13; ard. 14, raised 13;
retarned home after spending his
-- • - 4th, 13, raised 10: 5th, 11, raleed13; . or
vaeation in the town and vicinity.- a total of 67 on* of which 02 were
Another old and respected resid.ent raised,
passed away on Thursday in the per- .
The syinpathy is extended to Mrs.
son of Wm. Stephens:al, township of Thos. Green of Goderich township in
McGillivray. The funeral took place the -death of her son Herbert, whose
on Friday to ,Carlisle Cemetery. age was but 0 a'ettas, 0 months and 7
days. The little fellow had abont re-
covered from scarlatino,. when com-
plications followed, resulting iu death
last Wednesday. This Makes the tiiiial
death in the family itt four years.
'While Reeve Strachan. of Grey, was
working in the bush with his sons,
scoring timber, he had. the misiortune
for years, loft last w .. aok for .orth to have his right hand. quite seriously
Jas. McCallum,
who lives on the the Bell Telephone Company, Streit -
boundary of McKillop and Grey, has a
Suffolk sow that in a, year and . ten ford, has left the city, and his present
whereabouts are unknown.
It es etat-
months has rewarded her owner .with ed he was short in hia accounts.
That tired, languid feeling and dull
heada•che is very disaerreaable. Take
two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before
retiring, and you will .find relief. They
never faSI to do good.
The will of thelate Coanty treasurer
of Perth, Andrew Monteith, has line
filed fox. probate. Me left an estate of
$10,600, nri,de via of personal property,
$5,210s and reel .'state, $11,491 Of the -
Personal prOPerV $2,510was life insfart. a
awe, .A1 the. real estate is bequeathed
to Ws. .Monteith„foy nee dnehig her
natural lite. Ste al:4d gets all the ,
household furniture and furnishings,
0.8 well as the life insurance la lieu of
No small objection w Well yowl); folks
had to the .old-time springanedicines
was that nauseousnesa. In our day,
this objection is removed and Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, the most powerful and
popular of blood -purifiers, is as pleasant
to the palate as a cordial,:
A. daughter of David Hyslop, Saab
Easthope, Perth County, left her home
on Tuesday, and her parents .are anxi- .
ous to learn her whereabouts. The
girl, who is 21 years of age, is daft, and
is unable to speak so as to make her-
self nnderstood by ateciugaaks, and it is
feared she may perish unless found or
taken care of by someir
one. aeceh
has been made for her in all directions.
Al. the Stratford Assizes the case of
Jane Murray vs. Thomas Murray, was
an action for alimony. The parties
formerly resided on a farm near St.
1 Marys, but ha v e drifted into S tratford.
They have not been living together
for about seven years. The plaintiff
has sinee taken actions for alimony.
At the request of the plaintiff's counsel
to set fire to the garret. Mr. Cameron the case was adjourned till neXt, court.
tached from the spiles and were float- had great difficulty in subduing the The defense. was that the women bad
ing about in the flood. They had to flames. , committed adultery.
drive around. with a buggy ha 3 feet of e Paaeih Lee, probably the inost eccen-
water to gaiher tile
e sap. trio of Incthe House of RR
Refuge inmates, . ___....-
Wm. and Miss Annie Beatty, of
Varna, have gone to Ethel, where they
have purchased a stock of goods. They
will be very reach missed, as they took
an active part both in church and social
Atm Krans of Coughs, Tickling,
Hacking, Distressing, Obstinate or
merely slight coughs yield to the
soothing, healing effects of Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup. Price 25c., all
Mrs. Keys, relict of the late Thos.
Keys, of the 15th con., of Stephen,
died.= Thursday, 2nd. inst., after a
short illness, aged 77 years. The inter-
ment took place at Salem =Saturday.
John Breen of Lieury has re:nted the
100 acre farm adjoining his own pro-
perty, and owned by- his brother, Mar-
tin Breen, of Parkhill, for a short
Miss Ida Cachnan, of Sylvan who
for the last two months has been the
faithful nurse of her brother and sister
in the Michigan camp, has herself
fallen. ill with the fever and has been
removed to the hospital. Much sym-
pathy is expressed for Mr. Cadman's
Middiesem County Notes
Moser& H. Nutt, Wes. Sadler, W.
Clark and T. Eberly of Sylvan are
home from the lumber woods.
Duncan Campbell of McGillivray and
family who have resided in thesearts
Dakota where they will permanently
A COUGH OR A. COLD can be quick-
ly cured by Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup. It is a combination of all that
is best in Lung healing medicines.
QUICK RELIEF' atul sure cure follow
She use of Norway Pine Syrup in all
diseases of the Throat and. Lungs,
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, etc. Price
25c., all druggists.
While going to the natation at D.
Weir's a week ago Wednesday, Mr.
Sercombe hada narrow escape from
drowning. The flats being under
water they drove off the road and the
buggy upset, throwing Mr. Sercombe
in. the water. Mr. ThompSon who was
near by had much difficulty in getting
him out of the water and restoring
him to life. It was a close call.
Messrs. Campbell and Brown, of
Sylvan the Morning of the flood. found
their sugar bush flooded and about 50
pails nearly full of sap had become do -
injured by being caught between the
descending._ axe and the log. The palm
of the hand above the third and fourth
fingers received the blow and quite a
gash was cut.
What might have been a serious ac-
cident occurred in the sawmill at Wal-
ton. The rope which propells the log
carriage broke and the end. downstairs
dropped around a pully,where it was
quickly wound up and sent the car-
riage Out of the mill in a twinkling.
R. Campbell, who was on it at the
time, was taken with it, but miraeul-
ously escaped injury, with the excep-
tion of a slight shaking up after his
ten -foot drop.
P. Cameron's fine stone residence, on
the 4th concession., Stanley, hada nar-
row escape from destruction by Inc.
As the family were retiring for the
night, they imagined something was
smouldering in some part, °fate house,
and upon investigation found that the
furnace pipe had become so heated as
A cat belonging. to John Mott of died froth pneumonia on Monday, aged
Parkhill went mad in the houseon 57 years. The deceased was a native
Monday. It ran around fox. some time of Ireland, au Episcopalian in religion
attempting. to bite Mrs. IVIott, and the and resided. in this country about 50
youngest daughter. Through the pie- , years. She was adnutted to the Home
ly cure diseases .caused liy impure blood..
settee of mind. of Mrs. Mott. it was clis- from Brussels on Noy. lltla 1805. The Its record of .cures is traequalledt and
ablecl and secured before any harm
ithese cureshawe often been aecomplish-
interment will take place either at the
Was done. As the cab was vicious and
ed after all other preparations had
Home or in Brussels.
frothed there is reason to think that A couple of quiet weddings were
solemnized. in Clinton on NVednesclay ; .failed ---
last. The fiest occurred at the home
A vast mass of direct, unimpeachenle
testimonyprovesbeyond any possibility
of doubt that, Hood's Sarsaparilla
actually does perfectly and permanent -
hydrophobia was the trouble.
IHood's Pills cure all liver
of Mrs. Kinsman, when her eldest asn's &L. Pius C Cat DYSI'MPSLi.
amarried. by Rev. 'less ' jaundice, indigestion, sick head -
Per the past eight years have been a sudatialiter, Elsiws
fferer ache,
from constipation and dyspopsia-I tried dozens
of different medicines, but nothing gave me re:
lief until I used Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills
which cured Inc.
J'Ames Hearin,
Woodville. Ont.
Wellesley, Thursday, April, 10th.
South Huron, Friday, April 17th.
Listowel; Friday, April, 24th.
Its turning things upside down too.
We are striking for a reductiou in our
stock for new trade and for rooney.
To make such a strike effecti-ve we
have to sell good goods at low figures.
We are doing it, we will give you the
Chamber on Monday afternoon, chars. --
best 12ic Print for 1140. . s, of all kinds of Sash, Doors & Frames,
ed with murder in. accordance with the
BOOTS & SHOES were never so and all wood material for banding plata
London Coroner's Jury verdict in the
cheap as they are with. us now. poses P. rties handl le dl '
lig ru y give as
4 lb. japan Tea for 00c, others ask ,
Fields case. E. N. Lewis Es. repre- - ' ad • •
'' a call, ran we will give v-oo close
some& the Crown while Mr. anstone . •
$1.20 for the same, Do you want the f Nve h
J. V. Holmes, to H. Hannay, of St.
Thomas. In the evening- Rev. W. J.
Ford was called upon toneaketwe lives
happy, by uniting in marriage Levi
Strong and Miss Mary-GracePlewes, of
Tackersmith, John Wise and Miss 0.
Plewes were groomsman and bridee-
Keep yew' Eye Skinned
If you want bargains in Farniture,
as We can give you the best value for
maid respectively. money that is to be had.
Early on Saturday morning week
Our stock is lar
ge, new and well as -
while Mr. Hoy, of the Oth. con. '
Grey, sorted. for the Spring- Trade with prices
was attending to his stock in the barn a , to suit everybody. We give yen a.
colt kicked over the lantern Tiud. thej nice high bedstead for $1.45 and bele
place was soon in a blaze, but by dint
of great effort by himself and family
the Inc was confined to part of the barn
and he lost a conple of loads of feed.
The agricultural naplemdrits stored in
the barn were saved, at the expense of
all the rugs and quilts they could lay
their hands on; unfortunately, a Inc
mare in the barn at the time, has shice
died from the effects of the heat and
James Netterfield and. Albert Martin,
two Wingham young men, were
brought before Police Magistrate Seiger
of Goderich, in the Clinton Council
it dozen chairs for $1.05, which are
great sellers.
1,Ve can satisfy you in Curtain Poles
and Window Shades as we have ,scmae
of the latest designs.
We also have some fine coverings
for your old loanges and casy chaiws
that need. recovering.
Is one of oar special lines and we al-
ways carry a large and welt assorted
stock, and. our prices are.right.
Last week we received a job lot of
new machinery for the manufacture ,
o ing am, defended the prisoners. , Prices'
goods? Then come, the prices are sure Several witnesses were examined when ' 1.110IPPMAN OROS.
to suit you. 1 .
She Crown asked for an adjournment, i Furniture Dealers,
MUIR & MANNING, statina that new evidence had been i thidertakers and Contractors,
mcig .Nom,q- secured. So far as the evidence went ' Dashwood,