HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-4-9, Page 6THE EXETER
here and there, besides the great
escritoire against the wall which had
evidently been placed near the window
for the sake of the light. One thing
became visible to me after another, till
I ahnost thought' should end by being
neje to read the old lettering on one of
the big volumes which projected from
the others and caught the light ; but this
was all preliminary to the great event
CHAPTER IL -Continued, ed by anything,' saw A little movement whib. ppened about AlidsuzumerDa
tty-the day of St. John, NN'hich WDS
within. It was na any one visible-
iu everybody must know what it is to ()nee so much thought of as festival,
It was more silent now,and my eyesi. t
suppose. had had grown dine with gazing, see the stir in the air, the little disturb-
but now means nothing at all in
TH E doing my best to make it out, when
"Will you uthune te-itY °indicates some one there, even
cannot tell what it is, but saints' days; wbieh I shall always think
land any more than any other of the
MOST stICCESSFUL RATEDY suddenly Aunt Mary said, Omega you can see no one. Perhaps
FOR MAN Oft BEAS1. ring the bell, my dear? I must have la is a shadow making just one flieker a great pity and loss to Scotland, what-
ever Aunt Mary may say.
Certain In Its effect9 and never rasters.
e p tea' lamp" in the still place. You anay look at an
empty loom and the furniture in Lt for
"Your lamp?" I cried, "when it is still
hours, and. then suddenly there well be It was about midsummer, r cannot
Box fikCaratan. Hatt:demon Ll'a.,I11.., F. eb. 24, 'ea daylight." But then I gave another ict4 flicker, -and you know that somee sa.y exactly to a day malen, but near
Dr. B. 3, Hi:DALI.Q0.
Vate Sirs -Please send me eee of your Horse look at ray window, and tareeived with thing has -come into it. It might only thee Urea. when the great event hap -
Boole, and oblige. I h rce used a great deal ayeur a start that the light had indeed be a, dog or a cat; it might be, if that pentad., I had grown very well ac-
• wonderful reedienae, I °melted a mare that had i changed; for now I sew nothiIWe
ng. t
Itendalrs Spam eure with geed sueeesA; it is to re possible, a, bird flying aeross; but
. . quaintea by this time with that large,
an Occult elpavItt and five bottles eared her. 1 ,as still tight
1 It is some one, somcomplething hvang,wlach dun room. Not only the escritoire,
ease a bottle on Pend all *teatime. w, so so dift t but there was anueh is eren , soetely diffe•rent, Whirh Was very plain to me now, with
yourstrua, ems. pourgras. . ei
t. I ange in the light that my room, with in a moment from the things that are 1
tee papers upon and the books at its
II KENDALL'SSPAVINOUNE. I the grey space and the large, shadowy not living. It seemed to strike quite feet.,
Dr. B. .f. VANDALL Co. CANTO.N...110., epee so. bookease, had gone out, and I saw them
' ' ht in Then Aunt Mary stirred a little, and other shadowy
against the farther wall, and. various
but 1 he great picture that hang
f rough me, and I gave a little fay.
Bear Sim. -I ewe useaseverel bett1ee ot youi i no more; for even a ocotch nig put down the huge newspaper that al- piece,: a furniture,
especially a chair which one evening
elteiteelietspavitt Cute" 'with Initell tilltNe''s. ,I t June th malt it leeks as if it, would most CON'ered her front sight, and said,
think /L the beat Ittratient I ever wed, , i
moretene Curb, one Blood Sono; in 0 ila tdlea i , , ‘ 1 , "What is it, honey?" I cried "Nothing." tesftNere ll'ilde le)Zruittliir7--da irt let heeignIgl
IWO Bette Heavies. Have rerommende3 it to ; nee ei i nu, toes darken at the Lest. I
1% ala a little gasp. meekly, for I did
repast of say Mien& wim are much pleased with, t ,,, slims whieh made ray heart beet, for it spike
eat nese it. lee -esteems,
s. It, ILVT. P. a Boxso. . "a" t, cried out, but cheeked my- not want to be disturbed just at this so distinetly of some one who must
self, and rang the bell for Aunt ntry. moment when somebody was coming I have been there, the some one who had
and made up my mind I le.uuld say But I suppose she WU'S not satisfied,for already made me start, two or three
nothing till next !tanning.
When t 'LI 1.ti'l )t U1
tumPt at rill; shttie"°rLiLhadilloant°ausee* esININela-t. loifulaeisni 11:rf°trher' 1111)So rattle NI i'S“. IN: rl t isibtale.(1‘ts.:
el'ae, asa.a.re ,LtkarallY it "Am" I" L'Intre der. It Was the soft est touch in 1 he sort of movement in t he silent space ;
II a" Ut it or woe truer
Next morning I rather 1 hillit I forgot aagrlIV: for that moment everything next nil mate I umst see something or
or Arts mere and I saw
norld, but I could have flung it off a movement witteh made me sure that
was still amaze Ilia an., place grew eTcY hear sortie thing whieh W iitlhl explain
no more. t he whole -if it were. not t hat some -
ails than usual; t he teo things natant 'Nothing," I repeated, but I was so thing always Irippeniel outside to .40P
nearly the same. At all events I vexed I Mild have eried. "1 told you
thought no more of the IN intlow,itiough ftwiwas mailbag, Aunt Mary. piont yule.
I still sat in my 4/Wu, upposhe to it,but spotitiart. nriaiti,if hat you mine to It ok v x O.
oveupied with some ether faney. Aunt I did not mean of course to sey these
:11-a1, 's visitors came ae motel in the last words; t hay Went fOlVeLi Dill La' ine.
afternuon; but t heir talk e as uf other ; I Tie' so inte•li
,e, ; Melt. away like aandirittraci,clii; Ifoorseit, INtvas arilot
thhiga a.ud for a. day or tau mining dream, Ina as real as -as real ae-any-
at all happened to (Ting liaele 1115" i self or anything. I ever sew,
thoughts tutu this taunted. It might be She gave my shoulder a lit t h, pat with
, her haud. "lion y " Alt.! S Lid, "%vete VDU
nearly a Wttek before the subject came I locating. at somet fling that ? 1st
Immo, and once more it was Ghi LadY i that ?" "Is it what?" I wanted, to say
Candle,. who set me thinking; not that I shaking off her heiel, hut amiethitig in
me stopped. arte; for I seal nothing at all,
she said anything upou that partieular
theme. But she was tee LLst of my i ra,rtittde ,.-she wolf atliekliv teleh to her
i I suppose elle must hovi, rung
attut`s afterneou guests tu go an ay.and , the bell herself, for immediately I felt
'elan she rose to leate eat', term up her !the soft flood of the. light bohiud me,
OFFICE, - MAIN - STI1EF,T, TAB -ma. . hands, with thoee lively gest jet/ iLa /MIS i anal the evening. outside dimmed doge.
Pleasell every Thurelay.
It. '7. 0T,' !.'r. rill: ill 'WOK ra. Mtn.
For Sale by en DrWtgl.stS, or ad‘lre .
DiCKSON, Barrister, Seri-
• eitoy of Seeremo Cerwt, Notary
Jouveve elem. S2'443L itettotior, et
eferiev to Loan.
°Meet a ateetni's Bloat. Rester,
p ti. coLLINs,
Barrister, , Soli3itor, ClIvqvanor, Fitt
Itaelerent, • iiNT.
OFFICE : Over O'Neire Bank.
_ELLioT & ELL toT,
Barristers, Solicitors, &taxies Milo,
Conveyancers &c,
tar aloue,y to Loan : Lowast Autos el
Synopsis of Procee dings In the
Local House.
The following bills were read a
third time
To amend the Act to incorporate the
Pembroke, Southern Railway Com -
Pana -Mr. Barr.
To amend the Aot to incorporate the
Grand Valley Railway Company -Mr.
Respecting, the railway debenture
debt of the township of Elma-alr.
Respecting the town of Peterborough
-Mr. Stratton.
To amend the Acts relating to the
Land, Security Company -Mr. Stratton.
To enable the trustees of the con-
gregation of Knox chetah, Acton, to
sell certain lands in the village of Act-
on -Mr. Kerns.
timallett:_following bills were read a third
Reseenting the City of Ottawa -Mr.
Ittemeeting the Hamilton Gas Light.
Company -Mr. Middleton.
Retain to ' Crown t huller -s-alr,
allit.tsing and !consolidating the Acts
to erne:maim, the enting anti stew-
ing of trees -Mr. Dryden.
calitzonpa(:HtianIgullitlotner.es of Refuge- Alr.
To secure payment of wages for Ia-
n, at 1114' very moment of its aceom- pb°uUltrileP\%r•Dirl)kir.-eddlilta 'IS.ItHiorenwei;i-t(rxuoutitt!ruallt.a
Plishment. I had ne warning t hie 1 ime AilttsrhitcschttZeguetrlaaeLquieting of tit les-aThe
ot movement or shadow. 1 had been
looking into the room very att entirely Weepee'vting fraud. by debt collect ors -
a Rate while before, aiol bed numb, out The At i orney-ls'eneraL
everything almost clearer than ever; ttespaung bills or sale auct chattel
and then had bent ms attenthat again mortgages In unorganized distratts --
on my book, and l'0311 4) chapter or Iwo The Attorney -General.
at a ill°81. eXkil int' Period of the sturY ; ' 'fo incorporate the Lincoln Radial
and cousequently hati quite left ett. I
Rule's, tuna the High Street, :Ind the , cote
EleCt riC Railway Comentiay - arr. His -
South American forest,
College Library, awl was really hi a i
abunsi t hrot.. , 13;:vi,t,titrt•orrietcetgisasteraletrioional ,extr,for_in.rthlr ,citel :
tied by the flowery creeptas. and ' . - ',
treadiug softly lest 1 sheulil put my foot teateatitta oseetws Noe, een, sae, and
. .
on a seorpion or a dangetroute snakt.
At this moment uninettliun, suddenly 8(!iii..3,4,,nt.the eity of liamiltoxi-»r. Mid-
salaniltlitl. umpe: itti.teittetolounitittniottlit..,oni?;titisnallit•1,y_l ns.li-Z;;:,NpiiTtLintr. Si3ti.gga.rk.ndrew"s eitarell•
...s.nelofu, gill ithom'stutkrnow what I snit', hat iteepatting the i touting debt of the
whiled SD many old Seolea /Aimee have. .
II:fluorite:lid every rt4rht, ond I saw not lung Tann, (me of tyhtolme tolettl'e4 li teat r 1.11 II' ill! V i I Itt,t..g.., i; ,. ,,,.)ti:i n gAL't Ih'I 6 -al Ion tioinv . 11 41
!tally,. They all looked round uPon Me' Way Compiny-ttla. Gt•rineu.
"aly fait hi ' satti she, " i here Is t het bairn It was, next day, I think. in the after- to ask what was the neuter, And When
thee salt like deem. its tia, ereature ; neon tivit I spoke. It was broutalit on To coneetatate the fleeting debt. of
1.14:tve raw usual 44 r1SW e e 01 "IC(' thing," the town Ot Alliston-fdr. Currie.
1'0'1' 141, 41 ,./ja,,11" nsat'airr-s: "Lis III° 1 iy.t. pai...t hing she ‚1041 MIDDY her fine sattiug dowaga
n in sh1(1,114. (1 but To en4ble Thomas; Henry LWis to
bOluto 1.-iit,
ld .. limn.* it' teerit ante uy east i work. n"I get a mist before my „yea., very much exeited, Mr. rituality got up preetice dentis-try•M
-r. (.x 110
. fur the rest of lier &Ate,: You should } sett „tit"; "you Will littVe to learn 1113, ant eanut forwaird, and looked ou ,
apparently to see whit NtlitS the cause. To furtht•r improve the Agriculture
W. BROWNING- AL D., M. 0 wind tlaat there's thinge eaten, tuican- ; old lao. stit..hee, honey -for I soon will
I not see to draw the threads." lie eau, nothing, for lle \NOV. Intel; an dArts Act. -Mr. Dryden.
9 4, P. s, ttraona.to Victoria, Univers te , lay for nomeo. of our blunt."
Mee and residence. ooueniou Lebo a i I WAS 4.00 mutah start1ed at first to , "Oh, I hope you will kt•ep your sight.,, again, and' could bear Lam telling Aunt Consolidating and revising the At
tery. Esc tot , 1 reetigeize that k Was of. me see was } 1 eried, without thinking vital. I Wati Mary not to be ahtraned, for missy had nespee tin, the registrat ion. of buth',
marriages anti deaths -Mr. Harcourt..
I speakans. She was like a figure iu
, a, ' saying. I svas then young and very fallen in a doze with the heat, and
j)R.11.37NDMAN. coroner for tae pieture, l h h
w_t_ _er pale filtitt the ienor ot tmattexaof-fact. I bad not found out bad startled herself waking up, at To autherize tbit Commiesioners of
et- Conuty of 121 .i Oillee, oppeeite ! '1 1424 and the big patternof the Spaa- ; that one may mean something, yet not ii bit they all laughed; another time I the Queen Victoria, Niagara Falls park
,, half or a hundredth part of !',.viaat one intact have killed him for his impel- to grant eertaiu lands to the Clifton
g lim. stove. Exeter. ish lace hanging half over it, ana tier 1
eSouusAcnsion Bridge Company-Alr. liar -
11) ItS, ROLLIN$ez 4,11I0e... hand held up, W it b. the big diamone I seems to mean; and even then pro 11)13 121 114.1' but. my mind was too much takin
blazing at, me from the inside of her !hoping to la mut iltdjet mi. if it is tag_To make further provision respecting
up now to pay tiny attention. My
aeparat e °Mee,. Residence same as former. Uplifted palm. It was held up in sur- how against one's self. head Is throbbing und my heart street railwaye-Air. Bronson.
ly, Andrew st. Oilleze: Speeltitten'e buildint prise, but it looked as if it were raised •
, "My sight I" she said, looking up at beating. I WAS ill such higa excite -
main st : Dr ROl.ins* Hanle as formerly. nett t iti male until the ,,, me w t h I k 1 , • ' v Mena however, that to restrain myeelf To fuether improve the Agriculture
door; Iht Ames" tame banding. Ye),Itil II0Jr. diVatill; and 1,11. diantiAlld threw ' , . and Arts Act.-Alr. Dryden.
• • , out darts of light and glared ant' ' "I here is no miestion of .lo'sing my sigrit! completely, to he perfectly silent, was
' ' ''' " " L A' AMI)'• 11" " 1 twinkled at me. if it heti ham in its I _ett the contrary, my eyes are very more easy to me I waitethen than at any other
Exeter, Oat , time ofy life
m. d. old , Mr. Dryden, in answer to Mr. Mis-
t t place it would um. have anattered; } etreeet I may not see to draw fine
AUOVIONEERS. i but tin re, in the open of the handl 1 I threads,but I see at a distance as well gentleman had Wren his seat ag•ain, and eampbell, said none of the officials
' started up, half in terror, half in wrath. / as ever I did -as well as you do." then I looked bark. Yee, there he was! elliplOyed in the Department. ot Agri -
El 13OSSENBERRY, General Li-
- - And then the old lady tiughed, and her I
heed dropped. ei've ashaeneil, you eo I earn.,
"I did not mean any harm, Aunt
I said, "I theught you said-- when I Raked aeross, that this was
1111111 not been dm eived. I knew then, culture had been farmers before.bellig
what i had been looking for all the so employed, nor were any of them
you are m doubt about the time -that I had known he was there, graduates of the Ontario Agricoatural
Colle.ge. Such qualifications avere not
m allep:Altit, egita=aatatiteelee.e&iteraes
notes lite, and broke the spell, she soidnoti-
I ding her old heael at nue while the large ! ever „elm
l But how can your eight, be as good as
ea:aerate. Homan P O. Ont. every , requered.
t Mack silk flewers of the lave waved ' window ? I can see into t he room as and had been. waiting for him,
! tune there was that flicker of nlove-; ONTARIO TEACHERS.
and threatened. And she took my arm '
go down-stiars, laughing and 1 t eltar as—" My voice wavered, for
ENItY EILBER Licensed Ann- to 'ithialla I had just looked up and aeross the ment in the room -him and. no one else. !
tioneer for tile Couuties of Heron me be steady, and no' tremble and shake street, and I could have sworn that And there at last, just as I had ex- Mr. Rose, in reply to Mr. Haycook,
Veld. "You should be as .
, there '21 ,.s no window at all, but only i pe ed he was. I don't know that in siud that from two to three teach -
red Ptliathesex ... Soles cox:ducted at mid. like a broken
wits rates. oatoe, et Post-019de drat- seeitly as a rock. at your ago. I Was ' a, false ; reality I ever had expected Idna 01 4.113 ers annually were appointed in On -
tee Ont. itnage of one painted on the
11111111116, .f....1.0M1 11MaiiMilliniplinnal.ma. like a young tree," she said, leaning so wen , one; but this WaS What I felt waxen, . f . •
tario on certificates received for sue --
VETERINARY. he:ivily that ray willowy, girlish frame 1 "Ah!" she seid. witha little tone of '1114 (11'2 loolcuet Lath tire curious dim - ' 1 h . Wh t
ratan, I Sii.W hill), there. taught a considerable number at years
quivered -"1. was a support to virtue, !
} keenness and surprise; and she half ; on a departmental certificate, these
- like Pamela, in my time." , rose up. throwing down her work (To Be Continued.) I certificates tvere issued on the recent -
'Aunt Mary', Lady Carnbee is 21. hastily, as if she meant to come to me;
rennent & rennent witch!" I cried, when I came back. : then, perhaps, seeing the bewildered 1 nandation of the Public: School ha -
"Is that what you think, honey ? 1 look on my face, she paused. and besi- SIMPLY LIED I spector, who certified to the character
'21011 111 maybe she once, was," s.aid. Aunt , teted-"Ay, honey I" slit, said., have I and attainments of the teaeher. The
Mary, whom nothing surprised.
And it was that night once more after Whet did she /Juan? Of course I
1 you got, so far ben as that ?" Nblwit Ille mimed That He Never eattle ' - '-
Errors in Bookkeeping.
i adhered to in all cases.
rc oulations of the Government. had been
dinner...1nd after the post came in, and , knew oil the old Scotch phrases as well Here is an old conundrum; A boy said, 1 SQUATTERS' CLAIMS.
the Tunes, that I suddenly saw the i as I knew myself; but it isa comfort Mr. Hardy, in answer to alr. Mar -
Lit gary Aymara- again. I had seen it ; to take refuge. In a little ignorance, and thee girl's mother is my mother, and ter, said Basil Paton, of Killarney,wae
every day -and waked nothings but ; I know I pretended not to understand yet she is not my sister, how was that? a temporary agent of the Crown Lands
to -night, still ita a little tumult of mind } whenever I wa.s put out. "I don't The answer to the conundrum is that Department, and was appointed in
over Lady Carnbee and her wicked } know what you mean by 'far ben,"' I the boy lied. And here is a story that connection with the sale of the town
diamond which wished me harm, and } cried out, very impkiently. I don't know
her lace which waved threats and • what might have followed, but SODIS reminds one of t hat conundrum: It tain claims. He had been appointed in
voirning,s at me, I looked across the : one just then came to call, and she could was recently published in an English March, 1895. There were a number of
street, and there. I saw quite plainly t only give me a look before she went newspaper, and could only have ap- squatters on the town plot at lantern -
the room opposite., far more clearly than • forward, putting out her hand to her peered there or in an old-fashioned ey, who from time to 10110.applied to
before. I SaW diMly that k muss be a : vieitor. It MILS a very soft look, but goody, goody tbild's book. As in the take up land, and the department con -
large room, and that the big piece of anxious, and as if she did not know conundrum quoted, the bookkeeper who sidered it desirable to appoint some in -
furniture against the wall was a writ- what to do; and she shook her bead a got the job in this case, lied, and his telligent person to communicate svith
ing-desk. That hi a .umment, whi,n first very little, and" thought, though there employer, it, may be added, knew sired- them on the subject of these appiieae
ruy eyes rested upon k, was quite clear;Wile a smile on her face, there was ous little about the art and mystery tions or claims. Mr. Paton was re -
21 large, old-fashioned escritoire, stand- something wet about her eyes. 'retired. of bookkeeping: ceiving no salary.
ing out into the room; and. I knew by into my recess, and nothing was sold. A leading firna advertised for an as- T., H., AND B. RAILWAY.
the shape of it that it hacl a great. many ' But it 4F115 very tantalizing that it sistant bookkeeper, and as each can- Mr. Gibson (Hamilton), ha the ab -
pigeon -holes and. little drawers in the should fluctuate so; for sometimes I didate for the position appeared. he sence of Mr. Middleton, moved that the
back, and a large table for writing. sa.W that room quite plain and clear- was conclue,ted to the private office of
There was one just like it in my father's quite as clear as I could sat, papa's the senior proprietor, who at once asked bill respecting: the Toronto, Hamilton,
and Buffalo Railway Company be re -
library at home. It was such a sur- library, for example, When I shut my him these questions:
prise to see it all so clearly at I clomo mW
sed eyes. I zopared it natttrally to "hat do you do when by mistake 011
back to the standing Committee
on Private Bills for further consider -
my eyes, for the moment, almost giddy, fathera study, because of the shape of you make wrong entries in your leclg- atton.
wondering- how papa's desk could have
the writing -Wale, whieh, as I tell you, 51'?"•
come here -and then when I reminded was the same as his. A.t times I saw The first applivent replied that he The motion wee carried.
yself that thwas
is nonsandense, that the pepers on the table quite plain, just usuelly made a corresponding entry MI ASSESSMENT OF VACANT LANDS
there were many such writing. -tables as I had seen his papers many a day. i he opposite side of the account `ByMr. German moved the second read -
besides papa's, and looked a•gain-lo I And the little pile of books .on the floor Error" or "To Error," as the case might ing of a bill to ainend the Assessment
it had. all become quite vague and
• at the foot --not ranged regularly in be, which would balahe nce terroneous Act, which propose',m
s to assess all o-
n in- ,
cover/ tlit'at mare the wer-t, of distinct as it was at first; and order, I saw a but putdown one above, the entry. "We shall not need your ser -
larvae Debility, lost Vigor and nothiug but the blank window, of other, with all their angles going 'vices," said the proprietor, and the ant. ground. or grounds used for farm,
railing Manhood; natures the . . 3., a a spec o the o young man was dismissed. . retie grounds, at the actual selling value
garden, race, or training track, or ath-
wesknaa of body or nand caused which the old ladies could never be
by over.work, or tha errors or ex.. certain whether it was filled up to gilding shining here and there. And The next applicant said he disposed where possible, otherwise as farm land,
cosecs of youth. This Remedy ale avoid the window -tax, or whether it had then again at other times I saw noth- of wrong entrie.s by eapert erasures, with a percentage added thereto not DT-
miutety cures the most obstinate cases when rill other ins, absolutely nothing, and was no and was dismissed as being too skillful ceeding 5() per cont. He disclaimed any
...mammas have failed even to rs(leve. :mlit biding. ever been a window at all ing,
than the old ladies who had for a raere bookkeeper. Applicant aft- intention of reducing the exchequer in
it st si per pookase, or six for Bo, Pr sent by Mail or. 'This occupied my mind very muoh,
-.mato rem hy nadreasing TITO JAMES MITHCINL and yet I did not say anything to Aunt peered over ray headdrawing their er applicant appea,red. • Each had some cities or towns, but thought that the
ot,.. eonoto. Or*. IT:-.-, 're. : ..- .r.o.oe. Sold in- Mary. For one thing 1. rarely saw any- eyelids together, and arguing that the ingenious method of adjusting wrong interests of persons holding- such land
window had been shut up because of entries, and. each was quietl disnaiss- as above named should rather be con-
tiold at Brownine's Drug Store Exeter, thing at all in the early part of the. the cad long -abolished window -tax or ed with the assurance that is servic-
e:Ise that it. had never been a windovt• sidered
day; but then that is natural; you can
never see into a place from outside, atannoyed me very much at
THEEX ETRE TIMES. whether it is an einpty room or a look- those dull moments to feel that I too
ing-glass, or people's eyes, or anything puckered up my eyelids and saw no bet-
e a-able:nee overyTentalay moaner, 1,.., else that is mysterious, ua the day. It ter than they.
Ti MES STEAM PRINTING NOUSE ban, I suppose, somethieg to de with the
light. But the evening in Tune in Aunt Mary'S old ladies came and
went day after day while June went
tiairt-etreet,uearly opposite Fittoa's Jorelery Scotland -then is the time. to see. For
etextExoter,On t.,b y Jolla Whim 41S Sons,Pro. on. I was to go back in July, and I felt
it is daylight, yet it is not day, and there
prat tore. that I should lie very unwilling indeed
nexus OP ADVItItTiallibit is a quality in it which I cannot de- to leave until I had: quite caeared up -a
scribe, it is so cle,ar, as if every object
fastinsertimpeslias 10 ciente as I was indeed in the way of doing -
ha ola subseintoo tie se r Won ,per 1 in e..,...3 ciente. was a reflection a itself. the mystery of that window which
To eastern a us ortien, lel vortiitena (Moe she aid I used to see more and raore of the changed so strangely and appeared
a sentiu no tl seer than Weeinesday morning room as the days went on. The large quite a. different thing, not only to
-- escritoire stood out more and more into different people,' but to the same eyes
. aureola PIIINT1.21C4 DEP ARTIII PINT Is Duo the spaee; with • sometimes white glim- at different times. Of course I said to
pfthe largestand heateguippedin the °allay mering things, which looked like papers, myself it must simply be an effect of
0 i eroatal work eatrussett to et:weal: J • .1 lying on it; and once or twice I was the light. And yeti did not quite like
her Deep tatteauton: . ,. .
sure I saw a pile of books on the floor that explanation either, but would have
close to the writing -table, as if they been better pleased to make out to my-
DeaSiOns Regarding News- bad gilding upon them in broken specks, self that it was some superiority m rae
like Old books. ft was always about the which made it so clear to me, if it were
time when the lads in the street began only the great superiority of young
to call to each Other that they were 'go- eyes over old -though that was not
ing horae, and sometimes a shriller veleta quite enough to satisfy me., peeing it really married; but we re not, are we ? Public Chanties and. Patrick Lome
would cores from one of the doors, bid- was a superiority which I shared with Doting Mother -Of course not. Be- Connor xegarcling the manufacture of
ding somebody to "cry upon the 'addles" every lass and lad in elle street. 'rather sides, young Smith couldn't support a binder twine at the Central prison,
to come back to their suppers. That was wanted," believe, to think that there wife if he had one. It was a question to lee coesidered
always the time I saw best, though it was some particular insight in me h, it wa,sn t that Smith. It was the whether the Government should con -
was close upon the moment when the which gave clearness to my sight- other Smith from Gold City, the one tintte ,the manufacture of this article.
veil seemed to fall and the clear radi- which was a most impertinent assump- who owns a bonanza mine, you know. There were reasons why it should not
time became less living, and all the time but really did not Mean half the Eh? Tbat, Smith !My dear, a marriage be continued. On the other hand, it
soirads died out of the street:, and Aunt harm it ,seems to •rnean when it is pet like that before -vvitnesses is binding. was an industry so easily learned that
Mary' said in her sat voice, "IloneY 1 down here in bleak and white. I had
• ......,..,..,„____ it was particularly applice,ble to the
will you ring for the lamp?" She said several times again, however, seen the conditions under which it Was manu-
honey as people say' darling; and I room quite.,elebe and made oat that it Shirred. Eggs.-L-alreak eight eggs in- } factured. The binder tivine Monopoly
think it is a prettier word. was a large room with a great picture to' a 'well buttered dish; put in pepper. , that ;formerly existed. in this country
Then finally, while I sat one evening in a dim gelded fratne hanging on the and. salt, bits of butter, and three table- I had been broken, and there was not
To eirea of seeing a .grave foretells with my book in my' . hand, looking farther Wall, end Many other . plece,s of spoonfuls, of cream. Bake twaty anin- } now that necessity for coax -tinning its
e lona- spa of; alnees. 'straight across the street, not distracts solid furniture making a blackness utes. manufacture directly under the con-
Ctedveterof the thatierie SnoNiii'LEVAr 1
uertcz: (lee (leer Beetb e•Town.
i HUMAN EC 0 .
Established L 11 L86.
This cowpony has been over Twentv-eiglx
Fears in succeseful °pp'. Mon in Western
(interim and continues te ineure a gai ust loss or
damage by Fire, Buillings Merceaedize
Nenufacteries and _ell other .ticeeriptioes of
insurable property. Intending insurers have
the option of clearing on the Pretniutn Note or
Caeb System.
During the past ten years this company bag
tented 57,efei Policies. covering property to the
meant of $40,572.038; and paid in losses alone
Assets $I76,100.00, consisting of Cash
ft. Bank dovernlpent Depositand the unasees-
ted Premium _Notes on hand and in force
J.W-WeiDXN,M.D_, President: 0 AL Ta Then
Ferrater.y: J. 33. HUGHSS, Insesotor
NELL, Agent for Exeter end vieinite
plot at Killarney to investigate cer-
tieeypersein vrho eakes paperregalaelyfre
tempest -edicts, Whether directed itthle name et
leether's, or whoa-icet he has subscribed, or nob
itresponsible for paymeet.
2 If a person orders his palate diecontinued
1 cultist pay all iirretirs Oli the publiehee may
ontinue to send it until the payment is Made,
d Vann coneot the whole amount, vrhether
pafer is taken from the office or not,
u suits for sitbscrIntions, the stab may be
stittited in tile place v... here elie payee >9 414.11)
lehed, telthouielt the stioecribes may reside
hundreds of miles atvey,
I The et:mete hey° desideci that refusirtg to
knovirspap9rs oreeeittlieeele trent the p Pet.
lite, ter re,nefilig 15'.r14).4 the u (at el
topriMit rae,e evi teele eel tat Sdri 3,1 H. feat* L
es were not wanted , The bill was read a second time and
At last an unassuming young man referred to the Municipal Committee in
appeared. 'The merchant asked the order that the clerical error may be
usual question: rectified,
How do 3.,ou .proceed when you make I B r SI PHYSICIANS.
wrong entries in your ledger?" , Mr. German moved the *aeon() read -
The applicant looked. bewildered for ing of a, bill to amend the Mectital Aot,
a moment, then answered that he nev- ' which proposes to abolish the inter-
er made wrong entries. • mediate examination, as compulsory,
"You are the man we want," said the before British registered physicians
merchant; "you may consider your- and surgeons may practice in Ontario,
self engaged." 'and requiring them to pass only the
- --t ..
final examination of the council.
. . „
The bill was read a second time and.
1 A SERIOUS AFFAIR. referred to the following committee:-
Clara -Oh, mother, we had such fun Messrs. Hardy, Ross, Willoughby,Hay-
cock, St, Jahn!, Meacham, McKay, (Ox -
163 party! Young Smith proposed that ford), McKay (Victoria), and German.
he and I should go through a mock BIN,DER TWINE INDUSTRY.
marriage ceremony -just in fun, you Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) moved that
know; and it was too funny for any- the House ratify an agreeraent, dated
thing. Afterward some of the older the 26th day of September, A.D. 1895,
people who heard of it said we were between the inspector of Prisons and
trol of the department. Nothing had
been lost upon the venture so far, but
a time might come when Ibis would
not be the case. Under We new agree-
ment the management of the industry
avoid be in the hands of au individual
instead of the Government, but, the
same favourable advantages would be
offered to the farmers as heretofore.
The agreement also provided thee1 if
at any time the contractor failed 'to
carry out his contract. the agree-
ment could be cancelled, Ana the in--
duetry conducted as heretofore.
Mr. Hardy introduced his bill deal-
ing with Couuty Courts. The bill
taktss the following eases out of the
jurisdiction of County Courts
which the title to land !of a greater
value than 8200 iv brought. in question ;
in watch the validity of 4)113c devise, be-
quest or limitation exeeeding. tele° un-
der any will or settlement is disput-
ed, nor where the assets of the estate
or fund oue of whieh the amount in
question is payable exceeds al,000; for
libel and slander; for criminal conver-
sation or seduction; against a justice of
tlitA peace for anything done by him in
the exeoution of las office if he objeets
thereto prior to the issue of the writ
be, notice, ia writing served upon the
plaintiff, or in Dr Wilt 111,3 app.earance
to the writ of eummons. The jurisdie-
tton of t:he courts is exteridett in a
great mealy other tames, be- (emend of
11)0 litigants.
Mr Bronson inoved that tide House
would view with approval and as
worthy of encouragement any move-
ment towards the, organization of
volunteer sovieties, in the. larger eities
of the province, having for their °b-
ees; the giving of such assistance, to
he unemplo ;ed. as would cant labia e
[naval -Lis anal:lug :hem self-suppertieg,
by settling t hem on the unoecumea
lands of the provinee, 01 other lands
within the /thwince._ He owed no
apology, he thought, for the introduc-
tton of this motion. The allurements
of the cities, attracted vast numbers,
all of Neiman could not find profitable
employment. Oue of two things had
then to take place. Tin, unemployed
had c•ither to leave the large centres
or in remain and be eup loved by the
ty large, had been
clahned that workinomen would fore
sake thix Utie of liquor altogether they
would he mile in tell Yeiirel to earry
on !nosiness as eapitatiets, instead of In
their ert•sent vapacity. Our means of
giving' employment to many hi this
near future would be, he saitit in the
410151 ruet ion of 1121' eleet rile rail w: tys
that would. in rOW ears railiate
from every large centre. The lion,
gentleman referred to the system of
voluntary and foreed lahour ettlonitee
Opera led. by the Dutch, by whieli ve.-
grants Were compelled to reel& where
they would bo least drag on the coat-
' munitts and could do the most for
• 111r. Hardy nutved the ihnse nto
emninittee on hts bill to reduee the
number of County Couneils. He ex-
plained that it was his intention to
' make some amenclnaents in the bill.
I ih, would first divide Counelle Into
1 four classes, nialing• the Act 'apply to
all counties. 'I'M, first clam !will tie
counties under a5,000, and which would
! be divided into four or five distriets.
, In counties over 25,000 and under 40,-
000, the number of distriets would be
five or six. In over forty and untler
:sixty thottsand, sie or seven dietriets;
. and over sixty thousand, eight or nine
distriets. The. number of ili,Arit•ts to
1.) at the discretion of the manilas-
; miners. He aleo .proposed. te (amuse
the form of nomination, making it
public, but retaining the. liet with
20 eleetors' names to be handed to a
! notaineting officer in every municipali-
ty. The warden would name these
. ziominating officers. It was the inten-
tion Also to have united counties
; treated as separate counties.
! Sir Oliver Mowat mewed the second
reading of the bill to secure payment
! of wages for labor performed in the
, eonstructiou of public works. The
I measure, he said, was almost an exact
I copy 01 1181011101 bill introduced in the
Dominion Parliament, and which, he
believed, had been reported for third
reading, if not already passed. It se-
cured the payment of employes upon
. filing notice. of their claims within a
' epecified time, and otherwise comely-
! mg with the, provisions of the bill. The
bili was read a second time.
Mr„ Whitney moved for an order of
the House for a, return of copies of
all . correspondence relating to the ap-
pointment of Mr. William Murdock as
farmer, or assistant farmer, at the
Lc,ndon asylum. He said that he was
informed that the Government had
discharged two nien to ina•ke way for
him, and seduce. him from his posi-
tion as Patron standard-bearer in the
late electoral camptiign.
Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) said, in con-
eenting to bring down the papers, that
it would be found that there, was
nothing wrong ott the part of the
Government. Mr, afterdeck was a
very sensible man. He did not like
to play a losing game.
.Mr. Whitney -He played a winning
one. (Laughter.)
Mr. Gibson (Hainiltura moved the
second, reading of his bill respecting
Ilene ot mechanics, wage-earners, and
others. The Act provide§ that the
men who lets a centred for buildings
mast keep back 20 per cent. of the
progress certifiactes to give security
to the workmen end insure the pay-
ment of their • wages by the contract-
ors and sub -contractors. The bill was
read a second time.
Mr. Eti.rcotarl„ moved the second
reading of :his bill to amend the Suet
oe.ssion Duties Act. The inteat of the
bill is to meet the methods adopted
by wealthy persons to avoid this tax.
Most of the. amendments are - incor-
porated in the English. law, or in the
laws of the different :States of the
Union. - The bill • was read. a. second
There are under the ocean, spreading
to almost every civilized filar L of the
world, no fewer then 1,167 submarine
telegraph cables, having a total length
of 142,790 nautical miles, and repre-
senting a capital of nearly $200,000e
0,00. To keep these cables in repair re-
quires the exclusive service of 37 spec -
ally constructed and equipped telegraph
steamers. Nearly all these cables have
.been manufactured at factorial on the
banks of the Thames.
Stranger (alter ten years' absence)
What become of Bad, Luok &Co.? When
I left they were in financial straits-
-selling out at cost.
Citizen -They are al the old steed -
stilt selling out.
Children Cr' for Pitchers Castoriz
Positively Cure
fa a surprisingly sheet: dote. It.ie 5 sole
aenutdifibeecoeirritgaiinuteilstralzedeotetne.d true, beethin,g
W. C. NicCostatot& Soli,
Souchette, Que„
report bee letter tbPro
ot -foOtotol cured Mtn
ocbrelieco I dlrches todarrega
4414)44, a,t4soour.aw.o.hlotombo.
MR. J. H. Renee Chemist,
ee8 Yonge St., Toronto, writs;
"ae a general cough and lung syrup Pray.
lreetund is a meat Invaluable preparation. It
has given tbe Waives eatiefaction to all who
have tried tt. many having spoken to me (tithe
bat:Heti; derived Dem Its use In their
It is suitable for ohl or young, being pleasant to
the taste. Basalt) with 10)Ints been wonderful,
And 14119 always recommend It as a safe and
reliable cough medicine.'
Large Dottie, 25 ette,
Sole Proprietors
Melt Henthiehe and rel eve all the troublOS 1nel.
dent to a bilioue state of the system, suolt as
DIZZineSS, Nallrea, DrOratilleSS, IllStreur, 4211.421'eating. Pain in the Side, &-e.while their rao$1
romaritable success hes born shown in curing
Headache, yet CARTEIt'S LITTLIC Levisa Pitul
are equally. valuable In Constipation. curing
and preventing this Annoying complaint. while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
etimulate the liver aud regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost prloolesie so thong
who suffer from this distressing complaints
but fortunately their tsoedneis dries Dot end
here, and those who mice try them will And
these little pills valualee la $o many ways that
they will nor be ratline to do without them.
But after all olck heed
is the hew o
f so twine ;h74. -a t -at here is whore
W1' malt0 ovir great beast. Our pills cure it
while other1 do tot
teuvren'a Lteett e raven Plus are very small
and very easy to talto. Ono er two pills mako
‘t, They aro strictly vegetable and do
Let 1:11ee 01 purge, but by their gentle action
:!.• all who 1100 them. In vials 214. 23 centsit
tive for $1,1 Sold everywhere, (41 sent by mail.
v, Olt= ISE:1C101i CO., NW Tork.
"n 74,:a
E Y01,1
We guetantee Deeid's Kidney Pills *cut airy
el flli`s 1.)i414
,Sp, rilabetPii, Lem age,
eeeer,v, RheumatIeni. Beret Disease, Female
l'reubles. Impure Illaed--rr manes.tettillttedi
told by all dealers in reettiicine„ or by midi oto
.eceipt of price, eoe. per `..oe, bexce,Ixest
nee. L. A. SPA ITI-I e7f. Torceee!ee
Is a 1817' remarkable remedy, both for 111.
TEIENAL and EXTERNAL use, and won-
derful in its quick action to relieve distress.
PAIN-KILLER14104 04100 fbr 8(406
Throat, 400ughS,
Eh MS, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Ermine!**
cowmen, and nil Bowel Complaints.
04.1y known tor leen. .
Sickness,. Melt Tleadarlte, rain in the
Iltack Or itie, lalteantatlaux and.Plettralgla.
PAIN-KILLERtmcyussTmNAtty the
MADE. It brings grniart AND PERAIANENT
In all cases of Bruises, tate, Sprains, Severe
Darns, etc.
PAIN -KILLER is tho well tried and
trusted rrleatl of the
Mechanic, Earnter, Planter, SO110r, and in
(bet all elssaes wanthq 211441101110 .111038 31 51,10,
and 114154 00 tan Internally Or externally with
certainty of relief.
Beware 01 imitations, Take none but *118 4(01401)10
"Psalm Davis.. Sold everywhere ; 161. big battle.
"MOT280011" Tea is packed tmder the supervision
of the Tea growers, and is advertised and sold by them
as a sanIpleof the best qualities of Indian and Ceylon
Teas. For that reason they sea that none but the
very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages.
That is why 'Monsoon,' the perfect Tea, can be
sold at the same price as ulterior tea.
It is put up in sealed caddies of tS lb., x lb. and
s lbs and sold tri three flavours at gee., sou. and 6oc.
If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write
to STEEL, HAYTER & CO., xx a.nd tg Front St.
East, Toronto.
He who ea.n pay bomage to the truly
despicable is truer oor'emptiblee-Lae