HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-4-9, Page 5Purified Blood Saved: an operation in the following case. hood's Sarsaparilla cures when all others fail. It makes pure blood. .(A year ago my father, William Thomp. son, was taken suddenly 211 with inffam- oration of the bladder. He suffered a great deal and was very low for some time. At last the doctor said he would not get well unless an operation was performed. At tide time we read about Hood's Barsapas rills and decided to try it. Before be need half a bottle his appetite had come back to him, whereas before be could eat but little. When he had taken three bottles of the medicine he was as well as ever." FaANOIs J. TEoxxpsoat, Peninsula Lake, Ontario, Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True 1:31ood Purifier ruminantly in the public eye today._ cure all Itperills, bilious. OOd' s dills miss, headache. 2sc..._ •.-.._.. , `r> YN -G Olt MIDDLE TT a L � "a E1 AG31F.N of character. Hundreds foremost in Canada. started with us. About ,q14.00 aweek to begin with. lII1, BRAI)L ,Y.UA1,.aIt1 T ON CO. aro., ., Toronto, Ont. MONEY ro LOAN. sits and 51- per cent. Private Funds. Apply to, F:LLIOT& ELLTOT, ,Jenuary,1S90. Solicitors, Exeter. C41TTHIS OUT and return to us t/ 1s ,a• with Five Cents In silver, and � _you will get by return mail, A GOLDEN 130X' Ole• UOOI>S that win bring you in more money in ono month, than any- thing else in America. A, W. EINNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S. .��r r 'trustworth • moo and •as 1r "I IV OMNI t(3a.clva•atea popular ."Xl' '•uso at home.10.Ui1 to $119.00 monthly, to suit- able persons. Address, Drawer 29, Brantford, Ont. CRAFTING S Tho undersigned isaared to do all kinds of grafting on all kinds of fruit- trees. 'Plums ani Pears a specialty, easefully select- Crhargcg moderate. in . I'OWELL, Exeter. NOTE LOST. The Public are hereby cautioned against negotiating a note given in favor of myself by one Gabriel IIoltznl:xa for about 2•> on or about hiareh 13th, 1893. As the same has been lost. WILLIAM VOELIiER. 3IayMarch 100 1890^_ Cheese Factory Machinery For 1 h machinery d equipment . A I the #a c p c Y all d 1 iii mtnt ofthe Blake Cheese Factory, including; engine and boiler, will bo sold at a bargin. Everythingg, in first-class order. It includes butter making utensils. For terms and paartieul ars apply to T. >C. M. JOIHM1STON, Zurich I'. 0. March, 12th 1-m. Farm to Rent, The undersigned offers his farm to rent for a term of years. The farm contains 100 acres:, eighty of which are Bleared and welt under drained and in a good state of cultivation, with fairly good buildings. There is a good betwixt....orchard, two good wells of water with a winl= n1i11. Thefarm i.; composed of lot 22. itrst eon- cession of Usborne, adjoining the S xfage of Exe- ter, and is acknowledged to he one of the best farms in Usborne. For further particulars and terms apply to L. MCTAG0Alt7, Exeter, or by letter to Hay P. 0. 13 1N. ff1 YOUR MOTU ES to get framed. We have hundreds of feet of mould- ing, from 4c. per foot up- wards. Also a nice lot of pictures cheap. A full stock of Furniture and Un dertaking always on hand. R.N.RROWE. E. Having purchased the butcher- ing business of A. Loadlnan, (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old 'custom- ers and as many new ones. ' We intend keeping the very best of fresh meats and it will be our first aiin to please customers. Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage, Hams, Bacon and everything usually sold in the Packing House can now be procured at the shop. Orders promptly delivered and ac- oounts-rendered, weekly, on which a discount of 5 per cent. will be given. 8: SNELL The Latest News. Geo. Muldoon ptwchased Thos. Grieve's farm of 150 acres in McKillop for $6,600. Norway Pine Syrup cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Sore Throat and all Lung Troubles. David'Smith of St. Marys is confin- ed to bis home with an attack of hemorrhage of ;the lungs. Wm. Cole, Downie has purchased, from S. H. Mitchell, his farm property not far from the Junction station, St. Marys. On Friday night D. G Craig'a shoe store St. Marys, was entered by the rear window and fourteen pairof shoes stolen. Thewill of Andrew Monteith, county treasurer of Perth, has been filed for probate. He left an estate valued at 16,500. The dwelling house of Jaxnes Camp- bell of McKillop with its contents was entirely consumed by fire one day re- cently. Gilbert White and fancily left St. Marys last week for Detroit, where Mr, White will pursue his business as painter, etc. City Clerk Lang, who has kept a re- cord, _states that during the winter just dosed they have had in Stratford 107 days' sleighing. To get relief from indigestion, bili ousness, constipation • Or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or purging the bowels, take a few dosesof Carter,s Little Liver Pills, they will please you. IIoast is the old Scotch name for a cough. The English name for the best cure for Coughs; Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma and Bronchitis is Dr. Norway. Wood's l�orway Pine Syrup, Tho death is announced of John Common, which sad event took place on Mondayof last week. Mr. Com- mon was oe of the oldest settlers in the northern part of McKillop and a narson of strict integrity. He was a ative of the north of Scotland, a Presbyterian in religion, and poll - ties aReformer. Do not despair of curing ,your sick headache when you can obtatixl Carter's Little Liver Pills. They will effect a prompt and permanent c ure, Their action is 11l and natural. s I an old man who lives Thos. Worth, x 1 h T , alone in the west ward of Mitchell, bad occasion to take some medicine. In looking through the House he found a powder which he took, with almost fatal results. Several hours of con- stant care and attention were required before the effects of the poison passed away. There seems to be no (doubt that the poison was Striehniue. No one knows better than those who have used Carter's Little Liver Pills whatrelief they have given when taken for dyspepsia, dizziness, pain in the side, constipation, and disordered stomach. As bld t8$ snakes one look •p re. maturely old, Po •i full head of hair gives to mature life the appearance of youth. To secure this and prevent the former, Ayer's Hair Vigor is confi- dently recommended. Both ladies and gentlemen prefer it to any ether dress- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Shier and daught- er Flossie, of St.,Mart's intend spending a week with relatives in Blanshard, previous to departing for their future home in Toledo, Ohio where several members oft efamily. already reside, Mr. and Mrs. Shier . have spent over thirtyyears in St. Marys, forthe most of which period Mr. Shier has been en- gaged in the flour and feed. business. Senn c Tmus Is when nearly everyone feels the need of some blood purifying, strength invigorating and health producing medicine. The real merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is the reason of its wide- spread popularity. Its unequalled suc- cess is the best recommendation. The whole system is susceptible to the most good from amedicine like Hood's Sarsaparilla taken at this time, and we would lay special stress upon the tixne and remedy, .d for historyhas it re- corded that delays are angerous. The remarkable success achieved by Hood's Sarsaparilla and the many words of praise it has received, snake it worthy of your confidence.' We ask you to give this medicine a fair trial. Coon. Pearn of St. Marys; is the possessor of a pup () months old which shows unusual sagacity even in a dog. During the break vp in the river a piece of ice on which it was standing broke off and started down stream. Had the pup attempted to reach shore it would have been drowned but instead it sat erect and floated down a quarter of a axile until the ice struck a jam when it walked ashore neither wet nor injured. NINETY PER CENT. Of all the people need to take a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla at this season to prevent that rundown and debilitated condition which invites disease. The money invested in half a dozen bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla will come back with large returns in the health and vigor of body and strength of nerves. Hood's Pills are easy to buy,- easy to tele, easy to operate. Cure all liver ills. 25e. Rev. J. 0: Robinson who has served as pastor of the Listowel and Attwood Baptist Congregation for the past two years, preached his farewell sermon Sunday afternoon. It isMr. Robinson's purpose to retire from the Baptist ministry and follow market gardening, a business whiclx he followed with success in St. Catharinesdistrict before entering the ministry, and will be suc- ceeded on this parish, by Rev. W. H. Bunt, who will graduate freest McMaster University next month. He Wants Others To now. DEAR EDITOR : • Please state in your valued journal, that if any sufferer from Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Lack of Energy and Ambition, • Lost Manhood, Night Losses, etc., will write me in confidence, Twill inform him by sealed letter, free of charge, how to obtain a perfect cure. - I ask for no money; shaving nothing to sell. I know how to sympathize with these sufferer& and aux only too glad to be fable to assist them. I promise every one absolute secrecy arid as I do not, of course, wish to expose myself either, I do not give my name. If you desire to get well, send stamp and address simply. P. 0, Box 388, London, Ont. TH EX.E 'EB :_ IrvIEb. rrlA ENlT 14Ek•: ETS Exeter. April 8111, 1893 Wheat per bushel.»... ... ..71 to 75 Oats .21 to 22 Barley....... ,..... .... ..30 to 32 Peas......,45 to 5U Butter..... ,.... ...15 to 16 Turkeys ... 11 to 12 Chickens per ib ...... 6 to 5 Ducks,- 6 to 6 Pork dressed .. 0 to $4.75 fork live p3 eight $83 . 4.530 to $3.50 Hay per ton.... . ,......810.00 to $11,00 Clover seed ..... .. .... 50 to 5. 7,5 Alsikc clover .... 1.00 to 5.00 Timothy seod .. . 2.50 to 2.75 London, April 801,1896. 24 84 35 28 44 25 G5 8 1100 Wheat per bushel .... ....75 to .... 23 tc Peas 45 to Barley ....3'2 to Buckwheat 26 to Rye....,. ,., 39 to ROatsern .-•. 426°50 0 to Beans 60 tea Butter .... 20 to Eggs 14 to Ducks 45 to Turkeys per Ib.... 7 to Chickens 30 to Cheese Potatoes per bag 8 to ,,. 25 to 3U Hay per ton ...$13.00 to 314.60 Pork per cwt.... .. .. $4.0O to $5.041 Toronto, AApril 8th, 1300. Ti heat ter bushel w to 75 15he;at-toil 75 to 75 Wheat Goose 60 to 62 Barley 3248 ttc o .54I5 Peas .. oats : 22 to 25 Ityo..... ....58 to 6U Butter per lh 18 to 2(1 Eggs per deo.:.. ...... . ....lx to 11 Latest Live Stocit Markets. MONTREAL. Montreal, .April 8th. -There were 150 cattle received here to -day, and disposed of at prices ranging from 2e to 30. Forty calves fetched from $1 to $0 each. Time were 110 lambs nor sheep. • EAST BIWA East Buffalo, N. Y., Aprils lti 601. Its 100 ears,against --Cattle -l:e• eei pagainst 123 cars last eek; Q market fairly active; good fat smooth steers, $4.25 to $4.35, fair lots half fat heifers $31 to $3.40; good fat smooth well fatted COWS. 33.35 to $3,65; COnnuou old COWS, y $2 to $2.40; :;tock steers. good to choice, 8'2 ba to $3'25 a oxen. onlnun# to smooth and prune, $2.25 to $3.90. $heap and Iambs-•Itcee#ply, 95 cars; market fairly ;olive; lambs cl#Oitte to prime, $1.90 to $5, culls and 101 l (11on. X3.50 to 31.21 Atop, choice to select eitexport to AV•e 7thers. $1 to .1.25; male and common. 82.50 to 23.75. Hogs- lteceipt:r, 115 esus; market very ,lull; Yorkers, fair to ehaiee. „i e• SI t0 $3.05; roughs,. commoncommont0 goodgood.11i to 33.40; pigs. eam#mon to fair, 33.96 to 4. Cattle alined sold but 311 s stead a •; good weight Yorkers, 3.115 to 11loads late arra al 4 Sheep and lambs closed steady for handy lambs and sheep. hut very dull for heavy trades. whit serecalload,:of heavy lamb; and several load, of heavy export shippers unsold. "BORN. LAi4SON-In ('reditou. on the 511311380„the wife of Eli Lawson, of a daughter. PIIISOATI )1t- In Exeter on the (1111 Inst.. the wife of Mr. Samuel Priseator of a daughter. MARRIED. JONES..-TETIIE tU--At the manse, Grand Bend, on the 25th ult., by the her. 14. A. Corriere. Mr. Wnl. Jones. of Vsbnrne, to Miss Leah Tetreau, of the township of Stephen. NAl.1IrrmF) ITAN-O nHia3 Ithe 30111. at Holy 1rh ity Chureh, Burford, by thoIev. John Mimes, deorea Naisbitt,ollin Mary, widow' of the hate George Foreman, of Erridge Farm, Granton, Ont. DIED, St. 's John IIEI)11}t �t# t. Marys on the lye u1. t» . o m Ited ly aged, 077 years. FASO: In Exeter on the 613 int., Clara Fannon, aged 13 years and 8 mouths. BOWSER-In McGillivray, on the 25th ult. Mr. John Bowser, aged 71 years. BROWN -In Exeter, on the 3rd inst., William James, infant son of T. W. Brom u, aged 11 months and 3 days. HA.IITLEY-Atthe residence of her son -In-law, T. H. Robinson, St. Marys, on the 31t.t ult.. Jane Hartley, aged 73 years, 11 months and 6 days. ILAVEILL I•; --At St. Pool's Park, Mimi.. U. S. on Sunday, March 29th Kate, wife of Rev. J. W, Reveille, Ph, I)., and eldest slaughter of the late Rohl. Eaton, formerly of St. :Marys Dolls with Extra A Diamond Cys Novelty. We are sending thousands of Dia- mond Dye Dolls with extra. dresses to all parts of the Dominion. A set of six dolls with six extra dresses will be mailed to any address on receipt of four cents in stamps. Every user, of the celebrated Dia- mond Dyes should secure at least one set of those dolls before the supply is extinguished. - When ordering the dolls, ask for our forty-five samples of dyed cloth and book of directions for home dyeing, which are sent free. Address Well & Richardson Co., 200 Mountain St., Montreal. Marriage Licenses -ISSUED AT RIDE'S JEWELRY STORE No ;rCritrsesses3 Required. A complete Stock of Jeweh'y, Silver- ware, etc. Repairing receives careful and per- sonal attention. R. HICKS, Central Telephone Office. For a good .Spring Medicine for your Horses and Cattle, try IE ''9S Condition Powders. FRESH FLOWER and GAR- DEi SEEDS for sale. See our Methodist Hymn .I3ook and Bible Combined. Prayer Books, all styles, at J. W, rowning's the ANY PERILS ori le ..prhigVeat:er arvest Tim fis t e rim Re or. Palae's Gcicrll Go nowt 06 Gnat ficaltl lakcr, Maks F60016 WCII at Ns Tragi. It Gives' Clear, Fresh Blood, New Strength and. Vitality and an Increaso in flesh and Muscle. Doctors prescribe it Every Day, and Their Efforts are Crowned with Success. See that your Dealer gives you Paine's Celery Compound --Do not allow him to offer you a Worthless Sulas:dtute, The season of dangers and perils is enc r. o` withi .. Are we fully prepared d nowifiyl I for it: It is not our wish topase asalarinists --to create fear and trembling- in the • r- ofthe timid andfearful. A xax11,,S t l ti 11 3 t this season honest, strong and reason- able statements are imperative, so that the thousands of half-dead people in our midst may be made to realize that they are standing on dangerous ground, and that the iron band of the grim reaper--.berth--xnay soon end their existence on earth. The spring days with rapid changes from warmth to frost, front clear, dry weather to a n - 1 1 i:71 S, is chilly xlly ra3i 1F and 1(. d in d, 7 xlt ) x a n I l the time when the weak, the shatter- ed and broken-down, the sleepless, the nervous. the rheumatic, the neuralgic sufferer roost• --the time when all blood diseases are rampant, and most efect- wally do their deadly work. Thank Heaven for the provision made to stay the eruelhand of disease; .1'ainc's ('clary Compound, diseovered Prof.1 ' by earth's ablest physician, Ed- ward E. Phelps, M. 1:)„ l., L I:)., is the protector and, life-giverfor all .who suffer at this rritieal time. This xnar- vellons medicine when used at this ., . trea x u cls( d S season .. (I1 1,7, the weak strong, gives energy and spirit to the despondent ,ondent and morose' 1 repairs every y tdepartnxent of the nervous system, gives blood as fresh and pure as • an infant's, 'a ,:, incl clears; and purifies the i skin now so sallow and tbirk. In the past Paine's Celery Compound has s;to the ( and proved a blessing x Tit, wearied a e >rd Pd1 II I sleepless hairiness man. It ixivigorat<,>s ' his whole system and calms his dis- t quieted nerves. 1:otxug women and i girls in stores, and those attending school who have been 11111(10 pale and i who deterini Compound. who feel used-up,a 'e soon ist ess andx 1 1 inade 'bright, happy, vivcious and j good Iooking after using a bottle or A There are many dealers and mar - two of nature's life renewer,. The 1 chants who, for tilO sake of gain axed worried and overworked wife and extra Pztit will (#1(i �n, or recon.v, mother, burdt°nod withwithtide n ver-eu(1 ' mend you to take whet they term ing cares of home life, can be made I s:»methinta jr;..t ,as tpo . Their object is strong, healthy and joyous by the use j money -profit pure and simple. They of Paine's Celery ('ouxpaund, care not for your great anxiety about Delays are often fatal. If you derive your condition of health ; it matters the advantages guaranteed through ' little to them what. be:Ionic:s of you the virtues of Paie's(ele v(oo ond after they have taken your money. use it now while. dangers threaten ;Their Uiivet are purely selfish,- ; re - your life and health. It is an infallible !Pet then? always. Insist upon being cure--; one that 17a5 blessed humanity ; supplied with Paine's Celery C'oru- above all other agencies.- t1t pound, the od di(i1 that is made s) The best physicians ofthe1and speak ) many wcui(rf l cures in Canada, 1 of Paine's Celery ('oxnpoundd r (ry day, and whieb thenewspapers have report , and never hesitate to lecounncxld it as ; ed so fully. the best of all spring Medicines. I Just a closing word to every reader es to use l'ame's Celery The people of Hidtetown have final- ly abandoned their gas well. The sand pump Was lost in the hole, and then the tackle was lost, and Driller Mosher gave it ulp, The whole was down nearly 2,00() feet. From first to last about 4;3,000 was sunk in the enterprise. Commander is oth-iu c k cr race it y appointed atake th.xN c the Salva- tion a t to .:Army in the United States, bas • arrived at New York on the steamer Majestic. GOOD ADVICE ABOUT DYSPEPSIA. The best advice about dyspepsia is - cure it with Burdock Blood I3itters, and as surely as you follow the advice and take the medicine the cure will follow in every case. Mr. Wm. Day, of Fort William, Ont,, sass in speaking of P. 13. 13.:- 1 r • # years o my wife was ill with a� c atx.:x v (lysp(psia. No remedy that she could find govt' any relief; finally she tried I3urdoc'.k Blood Bitters, and after tak- ing slx bottles was entirely cured. That is now more than two years ago p and site 17ais hail no return < f the malady. I also have had occasion to use 13. 13, B. and I cannot speak too highly in its favor. I always recommend it to my friends and in every ease with good results. Hoping this may be of use to you, 1 an, 'Yours yer truly, WILLIAM DAY. s Two bottles, supposed to contain prussic acid, have been found near the spot where Kate Tough -Hammond of -Gravenhurst was found dying a few weeks ago. ^� ()%1VI k Do you of a ase wherein DOS NM PM fail' d to cure any kidney ailment . so, we Want t0 H know it. Over million boxes asold without a singleL complaint THE DODDS MEDICiNE Clud. TORONTO IN the spring suffer more severely that at any other season. Scott's Sarsa- parilla would soon make them healthy, strong, active and vigorous. A weak, debilitated, played out, run down, suffering and complaining woman can build herself up so that her friends will hardly know her. Her sprightly carriage, cheery laugh and snappy conversation will make her welcomed, admired and appreciated wherever she goes. Pk ... r`�4fUr by Scott's Sarsaparilla, the blotches and pimples cleared from her complexion, that tired feeling gone, no longer nervous, irritable and cross grained, she becomes a real new woman. "I was so run down that I could not attend to my work," writes Miss M.J. Gould, Lloydtown, Ont. Mr. W.S. Bond, our storekeeper, recommended Scott's Sarsaparilla. I tried it. One bottle cured me and I am again strong and vigorous, wholly made so _BY - r'' cott's arsaparill 411 dealers, yf1.00 per Zarge bottle. One teaspoonful rz close. USE SCOTT'S SKIN SOAP FOR THE COMPLEXION 1 it111111I111111111111t1111111i1iI11N11111111161111BH1i11A1i111it11lilillll6118GIlllil!lllili:liiSlllllllll!Illlllllltlillll]ii: Snit you exactly, Sir! = I picked him up from • a man who knew nothing E about a horse. The neigh- --poo;...,:- eigh- I ,.' ...,\. �' ,1.$tdl # • hors said he was " hard a � i s# to keep." I knew where - the trouble was. His ° hair stood on end like • l ri jl }a iG t the feathers on a Poland ;t- hen. His hide was so E tight that the slap of your hand on him sounded like the beat of a drum. Ile E was so thin you could see _ him only when he was -= "broadside on." Yes Sir ! Brought him home under a blanket -was ashamed to beset= with him -gave Tum Dick's Blood Purifier and now after six weeks just see hint. Yes Sir just six weeks -You can't beat Dick's, it simply puts an animal right. . E Its worth dollars where it costs cents. You can get it from druggists or at general ° i stores but if they don't have it don't let them palm off something else on you -because E. you can send, 5o cents. to Dick & Co., P. Co. Box 482, Montreal and they will semi ,= . you a trial package -post paid. si11111111t111111111111l11111111111111M111111i1111111111d111111111111111111Millill11111MM1[llllg111111111111111011111Ie London, Huron and Bruce. ORM NOnrII- Passenger London, depart........ 8.05 A. Ii. 4 30 p. is Oentralie............ 9.07 5,x{7 Exeter...-. ............ ». 9.22 6.00 Hensel] 0,37 6.15 Rippers .. 9.44 0 20 Brucelteld..... ,...,,,., 9.52 6,28 Clinton 10.12 6.55 Londesbora 10.29 7.14 Mr tit t 10 38 7,..2 3 Betgrav e 10.62 7.37 Winghem arrive...-11.10 8.00 GOING sonar- Passenger Wingbam. depart . ,.. 6.35 A. to. 3.25r. xt B elg ravo...... 6.50 3.47 Bytih ......... .. 7.09 4.01 Londosboro...,. 7,10 Clinton...... 7.30 Brimfield ....7,49 Kippen.........» .....,7.57 Honsatl...•• 8 06 ltxeter.....,....» 8.2.5 Centralia 8 4 4.28 4.46 4.5858 6,12 6.23 FOR OVB1t FIFTY YEARS Asa OLD AND WELL -TRIED Baniswn Mrs Winslow'; Soothing Syrup has been used fifty Years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes b m e child,softens the sures, •e the sin the the collo, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. la pleasant to the taste. Bold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 ciente a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup andtakeno other kind. EASILY JY it it r Then Come To Us for Best Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture -Dealers The Leading Undertakers. Gidley & Son, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. ,4 Sint of clothes or a Single Garment Ii. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA. Office opposite Methodist Parsonage. 1-1 FILL - KINSMAN, DENTIST, • LD.B.SPIBCIALIST in430LDFILL- IIIG, EXTRA CTIE CI and PLATE WORE.andlocal a Qua oe Anaesthetics for Paln- 1essextracties 2nd door north ot AR- I11G'S Store DALTON ANDERSON D.D. S • LD- B, Ironer Graduate of the To. ronto tinlversityaud Royal College of Dental Sorgeone of Ontario. Specialties, painless extraction and preservation of tbo natural tenth. OfSoe over the LawOffioe of Bliiot dt Elliot, onnosite Central Rotel, Exeter. Ont. Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. 'You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of fall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing thein to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. Y tractive. 11£:. J. li3l:'Y ALL. AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, .1. CLINTON. Will be at (hob's hotel Zurich on the second Thursday of each month and at Hodgin a hotel Benson every Monday YOU WANT THEM. CAN CET THEM SCT !FROM MERCHANTS OR 01REOT FROM US. 0 ATAlOOUE FREE. B-8 Fuchsias, assorted, . 50e. I-6 Roses, ever -blooming, 50e. G-8 Geraniums, good,. 50o. V'-6 Canna Bulbs, asc, for 50c. A-8 Montbretias, pretty,. 50c. L-30 Gladi's Bulbs, mrd., 50c. U -Sweet Peas, Coll.govar.50c. E -Window Coll., s each Ivy and Show Geranium Coleus, Manetta-Vine Mexican Primrose, Fuchsia Heliotrope e & Tradescantia 500 c I 18tSTEELE.BRIGGS SEED C2LT9 TORCNTC 7NT, -THE- People's Building and Loan Association LONDON - - ONTARIO SOAR» OF DIRECTORS IR BEELER. OsuARxo Dr. 3. A. Rollins, Preeidietnt. Dr. 0. Lutz, - ViQe-Preeident. L ii. Dickson, - Valuator. David Mill, Fred. W; Collins, - Seoy-Treaa. DIRECTORS. Jno Grigg, B. A, rollick, 'Jas. Miller, Wm• Sonthoott, Dr. Thos. A. Amos, BRIO. Sanders. Make money 13y saving mono's. Sixty cents per month will ensure $100 in 7i years. For forms of of anplicati,m and all necessary infor- mation apply to the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. W. Collins. Post Office, Exeter, Ont. Central DRTIG STORE. Those who have used Win an.'s Cough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for C0IJGBs, COLDS AND BRON CEITIO TR 011B1 ES, Winan's Condition & Cough Powder for horses, best 111,' the mar- ket, always on hand. Also. a Cetobenefaeto and .Lind, melt, the medicine so suc.' oessfully used by Mr, Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, itt this and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, For Sale at C, LUTL'S,,