HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-4-9, Page 11I 416. ‘1. ITURON & _ MIDDLESEX GAZETTE 'TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. No. lisSif0RD86 coft Mt. Carmel. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 9th, 1896: Hensall ;maw JOHN wsitTlt sONS Publishers and Pre; rletere iwimn•Nimmomonoek past week. --Mrs. H. Smith, ,of Wood- Cromarty. . Me,Gill.vray. . •- ts to . . Miss V. Sinitle.--eVred Meyers of Lon- lrs.-MrGeorge . Wilson has OurrisAnNe-Pn March 31st, death - • ELLING ... so don was. in the village this week. -Mrs. gone to Oxford County where he has visited the•fanilly of Mrs. Robtn . Can- . -- stock, is Visiting her sister-in-law, BRIE BnImos.-A mad -dog scare is daily Fel *ming are the market quotations. , 21. to 22 Wm. Chapman has returned home . secoreda, store,and purposes limning a ing and removed therefrom her beloved front visiting friends in Caledonia, .general &Ore. -John Gillespie's sale eon Joseph. Deeeased was born in -.....asers. see. °b6 :ski:11512e° las. Dalyriunple and wife, of Crediton, last week was largely attended and McGillivray where he lived until some ff wbere she- intends entering a training Bees visited old friends in the village over gond prices obtained for the stuff.. F. five years ago when he xtioved to St. school for nurses. -On Wednesday, Timothy seed- ..... .... ..- 2,50 to pas ii t 12 Sunday. He reports business m Credi- . -" I - Harmitonfi wielded the hammer. Wait., Mich., and it was in that:town, the 25th nit, another old and respect., Clover seed. .......... ... ... 5.50 to sane ton as good especially in his line. -D. Mit Gillespie purposes going into the after se week's illness of typhoid fever, You -can save itlyS, Brianiss.-The puldic library is being ed resident of McGillivray, in the per- Miller, of Exeter, ted his dtiughter shoe business m Mitchell. -Mr. Haeh 1 he died His remains were brought to son of John Botvser, 17th con., passed more liberally patronized.-ahe L. 0. OST. -Money by buying " your Dress Goods a u d. IVIilline r y CLOTHING. I away at the age of 71 yeara. Mr. L of this place willgivea concert on Mrs. Patterson...Monday and Tuesday. Brown, of' Exeter, was visiting ii.t, his 1 McGillivray and ou Thursday April April 16th. Bengough of Toronto will -D. Yrgolutrt was in Lonclon:Monday on sisters Mrs. D. Park one day last week. 1 2nd were interred in Ebenezer cense- : from us. We Show Bowers health had been. failing far be the entertamer.-The scholars here bitsmese. p. Arnoldavisited Old -Miss Jessie Hamilton of Carlingforcl, 1 terv. May the nzother, two brothers If you're interested some time and Ins death was. not friends in Ado. Craig last week. -Mrs. spent the Easter holidays with her t ;And five sisters,' who remain to mourn the novelties in in Clothing,. we san wex:e not given the full complement of eainiultioerne.ar. 1.1.1i(g., 1 hisfiloosi: zatiristelltd-li,attilis omit of our , both.departments. interest you still more. unexpected. - M r s . Catherine holidays, as school opened Monday McDonald, tvho has been ill, is im- ftla 1C))11n..ri?..viitalgi I O'Dyvver. of London, died ou .Satur- last Instead of Monda,y next -It wa-s proving:, W. Kennedy has returned to faffection. t day last. She was 83 years of age. mentioned la,st weekthat Mrs. DeLion work atter a• Inlet illness. -T. Berry wears a happy smile; cause, another COMO . The funeral took place to St.. Peter's has returned Leen I3oston, and intends little girl came to stay. --J. W. Stitt- But gone unto t -hat school, had opened a branch millinery busi- ' . There he no longer needs onr poor Cem.eter McGillivray on. Monday ness in Luean. I•t should have read t - h tl. - s'ti :nth1 • I hoff, Stratford, isvisiting at hisfitther- {protection 1 and was largely attended. in-law's for a few weeks. --Hugh Mc - I, morning. It WaS fairly well attended, Z.tou, at -id • 3liss DeLiora-Divine service was held cif h°rses^ Ana Vbrist- Himself dot h rule. .UasehWOott- in St, Paul's church Good Friday : ' Lachlan has started to learn the blacks smithing with W. Belle -The ,T. P. • . _ Soviets'. lit their last ineetingdecided to t 1 ---,WM. Dinned, of• Shipka, called on i Hayfield. WEDDING BELLS. ---A happy eVell . 1 , BRIEES-Our enterprising riving take a, colletenza on the first Sunday in ; - . which never fails to create an •excite- &amts. -. -Miss Florence England, see Us. , friends here Friday. --A meeting of _. _ . ment. especially 43..mong the fair sex, I the Hay Township Fire Ins. Co,, man John Johns is in a sad predica. May to be sent to irev. -Mt. Wallace, z Rouland, B. C., to aid him in bonding 'win) hes been visiting her sister, Mre. held here Saturday last -The . was 1 meat. 'When he purchaSed Ins post took place on Thursday evening of . . driver he never thought of the 1 H. 'WEx*Wili„ returned to hex home last week, in the Evangelical church, wee s as been one o socia ga elettgisst. ficulty of getting the posts straight. Crediton. in Kineardine on 'atm (1 Lista-Wm. • dif. a new church there. e -A snrprise party was given at Mr. When Miss Mary Wieand, was united Elgie's on Friday evening last, prior Ile thinks he can get one pos•t in a row - , Dawson and wife, of Zurich, spent J. P. -ROSs. in marriage to Mr. Butt Tiernan, one of our prospering young men, in the lake. to his leaving for the farm near the more ut the puzzier.-Disappointment and perhaps two,but getting three- or ' tsances.,_ana. c soniptmi i„.itit. 1 Siinday in the village. -The three churches t.tre busily engaged getting easant. evening was spent ing her daughter Mi•s. R. Ill Wtilker. - -- presence of a large assemblage. The •••• PI day for Eden to take charge of and love form Many visions in the int- New I up a chanty eoneert for the Armenians ' sand til joined Mr, and Mr Elgie in Geo. Either. left on Monday for e • bride was tastily and beautifully at- aginetion of a Zion COlTesporalent. s i . millinery depart.inents-At the meet, wishing. them continued happiness and York where he has:seemed %uation - • ' ' tired in cream cashmere, • trimmed. Being in love himself he imagines a t • - • ' - • • ' sit ' ' ' MisS litla Elliott, daughter of Galirki ing atilt., Hay Branch Attricultorat- prosperity.--A party was glyen at R. Zs. I. Smith and finnily nail:rued : Elliott, leis 01)ened up a millinery shop Bonthron's -Friday eveningaseA. party others to be the same by a few ttets of ' '- with silk lace and ribbOnS, -41.11d was as. where she society, Thos. Johnston resigned his sisted by MISS S. Tiernan, who also was , courtesy, a,nd. again not being in the otri Aonday to their home in Eketer, „_ •,.4, fat the Allihnl hotel, position AIS it director, and (t, Wolfe, young folks ,enjoyed a pleasant t fter a pleasant visit among friends in . s' 11 1 z 1 .• • al t ali. • • II tl I.• t •t elegantly dresed increammere, el evening at the residence of P. 13e11 on. load to Granton he mine to the con- • • town.-"Muggins" iS Still tile go, and fashions.- • •Miss Emma Dunn, of Blake, I of Creditor), was appointed in lus place,. while the groom NNW attentcashiVely Sup- elusion that the youngpeople consider.- ported by II. Wiearid. Rev. Eby in his iisual and genial manner. officiated. Troyer's.-Fml • McDonell he,s pins Frichtts -A ptirty was also given it -0 as. ed themselves chosen friends.--Sugar- making is one of the occupations at Wil.S it SUCcessful slmotinginateli held is daily beeonungniore populax.--There who has been visiting Mrs. Wilson the ! past tew weeks, returned home on . Cen.t rails. - - chased Mr. Zwicker's lease of Mrs. here Good Friday. The width was for As. they have many friends, With in Carlisle's store, and will shortly open, present. Taffy -pulls will be the order a sweet/Stake between E. Feist,. 5, L. Saturday. --The Misses Parke, em• . lintaassee Miss Shoults. ,. of Toronto, the village and surrounding country Raedding, 0, S. Feist, 0: John Geiser I; leading drees-makers, spent their , is eisitnas , her brother, Dr., Shoults,--- the best wishes will accompany Olsen - of the day. a i Aire. Gee. Sherritt, of Grand Bend, is a jewelry business. -The annual vestry Eastei• }milder; at theh• home • on the meeting of St. Paul's church was held Hay. Jas. DatierumpeL 2; John Either, 3; „, ri 1 Hamad -se -Chas. Schroeder moved to e• Seal Eilber • O. Geo. Eilbor. 9. W. tttie '"ths'Ilen 1411e• ' Aliss 11.141 • 31°°r* ' visiting Mrs. *Thos. liandford.--Miss Yearly 7; II. • • 0 nouse, w io nte Inz ait u ... 1 i i t. li ge ora, Heantain who has been in Lon - to their new home, Monday evening The fluancial stand- _ night' the church WAS foinid to be 10 8. Sonoon REPoirr.---The following L. Wolfe, 8; II. Eilber, . position of organiet in Trints, ell' I - Zurich on Tuesday last where he has satisfactory stilt°. The street le.ading Any': Each men shot at 10 • birds. --Messrs. the past year- hes resigned:-Aarel (.... don, is home again., --Miss Lott ie Hand - to the sI ition should. Ire bridged, to the Misch report of S. S. No. 0 'Wenzel and W. Clarke were in London taken an interest in the shoe business Tablie ford is home from GrantoneaMr. position of head milliner for J'. Keller - with his 'mailer Hama-. -Miss Trevet- hick, who has beeo occupying the Cover np the mass of intul.-.A. meet- F. Chapman, n E. held Tuesday evening settling old ing of the old race course magnets Was Names are in order of inerit tNT: 4-R. Gould, . Beckie Northcott, ;M. M. hemP'-- Russell; Sr III --Ce -- C - Id P-1 . . . law sou , t,.. gar , Ross; eseitemaile Sat archly.- -Miss B) 134 is '1. (-.11 at , commenced re -building their ]83 )3p '" ''''' 110710 11 l'..tttth..tt.a..t.1..t....... John and Henry Ithlber have tt aie ate! a. iv 4,.,,,, : ".' hi 'Z'''''' -Wm. Nitirn, of \\ 1111 Corners,was. Thoinpsoin: principiti or the school, is s wi: ding his Eister in 11?'(1•1 • - ,... _ Winilsor„ went toClandeboye on Mon - in the village oil Ttlesday.- -(lect. (leznent is the guest of Ncdson Hieks, a spring like nature and soon budding Northeott, II. P. Johnston, E. Carroll; O'Brien, IL M. Gould; J • III. J R shop clestniyed by lire recently. • 114int Snat 1 4 li 110 II aS IS,Ell ill is aide • Luoan. day ttvening to see his brother, Who R. S. FORD & CO mann the pest four or live seasons, has again returned. The spring trade will seores,The wettther 11 150043 assumed be ably 11 1.11(11(41. by here-Fre& Sehroe, 01)(u -talons will be connuence&-a-Busie 11. -T E. _Gould, W. E. O'Brien, • to be around again. ---.11r. and 31r.s. Butaate.„ tit. a, tatigais itnow borne is seisiously III,- -Mr. and Nina James Delgaty left fiw Hensel! last Saturday., der has moved. to the farm he recentlY nc‘ss has been dull in the Villitge the James Daylerumpel, viett4e1 friends in , from Mcnitisati. lie intends moving Inxistou: purchased from 1' nob Zintrneientum.- peat week. -Auction sales seem to be Luella :Mum; Sr. P1--11'North- ' • Hensall last. ‚434 (k pedlars are , Mr Delgtuy left on Monday for Toles -ma Quarterly Sacrament, will be dispensed the popular thing -T1)( kcal aspirant Ott, J. R. Munn, Corti. Munn; 1 Pt:-,- numercius in the villtige. weekly.-- ri bis -finniis to t1 '.1 eitv about the end to attend the Provincbil S'onvention of AcCIDENT. -- While in McGi•egor's in the Methodist church on tdaridasa- will be relieved, ' when, according to Willie Gould Roy Todd. The best . briek yeasts will •commener, 't -le 1 of p1 11 Ina -Stanley has 15 ti teachers. Ile went as a delegat-e for -- spellm's in the monthly spelling match - °Peratl(nw ', turntel home after visiting her uncle, : West Huron. --Rev. W. H. 13ut-t. and bush on Monday, chopping, John The trustees of the Evangelieal Church the Goilerich SignaL Mr. Gibson M P. ;for the setiscm shertly. --Thema chervil. ( Cornish met with a bad accident. were: -1V and V-Beckie Nerthcott; Dr. Stanley, Of Brainforil. - 'Miss . wife, spent a few days of last 'a( 1.. in bare a:peed to sell tile old Church P., for East Huron, has the ttppoint- Sr. Mt -Melvin Gould; Jr. II It -Jam es will shortly be toin down, to 1)0 MA- . , ilfrett a Hodgins, who has. been at- • Thomas, ---:Nliss Nellie Dempsey is April 15th, at 2 o'clock, P• ITI• TheY vacant. • 1 i • 1 of modern arellitecture. "re ; tending the photo r illiTv of G. A k .1‘ ' 4 V iSiting :Miss Clara Bovle. - -Mrs. R. Tisepist) 'MIS IltIt falling in the direct- 'premises publiely on WeallosaaY, ment of Registrar of Hurcih, so long placed In, a very handsome strliet io,, alesiretl, and a spring poll was be- Northeott; II: -Willie O'Brien; II Pt.-- ' N I • t•IPt W'll' C ' Q1' • II • 11 ••' ' 1 Fir • •, Cobleigh is visiting in London.. --Geo. ing used. And when placing it wedge also have made known by putting PnnsoNALS. - Sim on Hunter, of , - • •-• , ' .to tuen the tree over the pole fell on W. 11. Jon:Ames, Teacher. 1.7shorne. visiting in tho '41 1.14'. returned: home posters- in the alleyways of the new Tuckersmith, who hes suffered for last 1!'riday night. - •Mrs. etittaaen, a , Blunt has left, Anthony Nevins" and ,-, %serried. . This has not been done too was called to see him last 'week. We . I following. is tt mimed; report mother • has goen to Win, Essery's.-- td. A.(.,ase his 114 RI. inflicting. serionawoundS, He church the rules and regnlations a some time with the fever, is still -in a 11.44,44,1440.4 14 id''.0town itt visitin her was Ulleonseioas for some time, of London, Was in the village ;NU urday Hams.. --Mrs"-Mills fell dosvn stairs ao Lnnoley --- I IIInt0110,..1.11:: St11001. RE 2 'ORT. --- the church bY Wiliell P001110 are to be low condition. Dr. Rollins of Exeter The Mrs' Win. Porte, a this plat•e.- result. -- Luther ')3S'( 11/4 runt. Jess were 114 0(1(41 Young People's Rev. Henderson has returned from a bad kitik from it colt a. few days ttgo, 1 Ushorrie. •jr.. V cla.ss, John Steneirt; ; I e eatss, Edosir pupils cif hl. a. teo, 1., i se. a t 1 a a 1 i t a r szeter 11 1.1111!) arressenaalegs -Aria ; , a( o earn • tat s w is a ) e o e y' , itround agiiiss Mi:e.; Gertrude Denaps !awl", The of Detroit, is 'visiting her „ t.,'„f 111,e' t Manry Mende of Mrs. Diemen(' will in-• :: tl' bus,ine•I'' 't 13 ',Tit' ' II, . Is It 1-4 on Monday.. A shaking up was the soon as better rules than those used hope soon to eeport his recovery.- BRIHFS---M" 'Thl""an" " e t . standing of the . e iv al 1 Shire. left, for Itlanitoba on Wednesday. Alliance intendato have an entertaiu- Toronto. -Mrs. Henderson, who has just below tao knee. Before he right- : tat er I Down, Ernest i. sees „e Ex'ets, is reiiiiii,„ ia,e sistia„,s, i lialighter, Mrs. C. W. Vail, • Mrs. P. --Robert- Moore and SAM Doane are went in tile near future, been visitin,g her parents has also re- ly recovered from this, he took . an at- i 'White. It nth. Cowie. s a" TV elasth I Mr.-. O. Et Daltry and :1,11;s lila Denny- I'll"' iS ''"I the siek Ilst a - 3`lr't• Wm - turned. -David Buchanwn, student of I tack of inflamtnatiOn, whielt Iiias left 1.-4.11:nine Bbitchford, .1231210S fiteWart. ! st.v. _ visiting home from their „respeetive litiggath ie home visiting her p•irente. The wife. of Dr. 'Slut W presented colleges in Torouto.-Douglas Muir, Steplien. Knox College, Toronto, and who is him yery tvetik.a-Mr. Thomas Cann is John Welsh; Jr. III chases John Boll, ; him With a line 1)4)11.1)1 11 bales boy on , e, . , Sunday. Speci1.11aeter services were held. last son of .Jno. Muir, '4'. 4S titken seriously _ kunt extensive p14 p33 ft. ! • engaged in church mission work near ma 1 1 • • ., • • • g • • s • • - , • • 'N't ednesday hist.- Ales: MeFalls is , - -)r Adele, Ohe kin- ( -Ise. Jr II (dais J04 ' Mount Forest, WAS home last week,- putting a fotindation 1 . • (Asa, t „t s BLit 'Il 31 Heat, . . say he is recovering. --John Kirk hes l•Itdl, Creditor', on the Oth iest. -All un er us s I Oise; Sr, ilI on Friday hist, We are glint to Cor sant,- Council met at, the Town haelt at, the Queen'e lIottg, efisT a : visiting his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. barn, mut a larg,e windmill on the top ! pt. racists it,.zie case, pent - couple weeks holhlays.,-Trie new Sharon, Marye. -Remember the Monday -night Church in Crediton to use the Town Moir, set:meal a position at leatrning the bak- memberS present . --Minutes of hist 1414 111 'Buc•hanan. -- Da,n McKenzie, of it. He also intend shingling it- Willie Welsh; Jr. Pt. II elass, P II in Hensel], having many 'warm fritinds Miss Nellie Harris, di.; lighter f M i °- ---r. F John Marchinont, 'Victoria Fereuson. -- ing ia Constable's bakery in St. meeting mid and signeda-Gennan boot ;Ind shoe traveller, is well known Mr.Cann never (1)( ‚.things half wily.- Hawkins Jessie Ferguson .EiTie White. • ' . is - os a Gruel Trunk time -table which mune ; . loto 1. eet last Standey chauges the ei,sseet eseoet rue at s, NIS .4, Snoilzein. Seinen, Ruse( niT.-The following is a school., --Levi Miller received a severe Hall until their new one is fit for use. John Harris, of 13ethesda 'Methodist ate tee AN atat's, ta. 1,.."'"'' (2f itlw t*ve""1:4 1",t,s8e"ger tral" , for the nionth of March. '5 011 are kick on the head from one of .F. Stin- .-Communieation from T. Kestle that here. Some time ago he moVed to 1•_ rem o.it p. m. to 5.1e p. ilia -four in order 4)1 merita-lth class,--Bertie Butte. Montana, where he was given a church last Sunday evening preached ac, ,, t ,, , 1 Ni ri..- - I lie t tanivi met. emi the minute -1 elrlier -Mrs. 131111115 30 amid - son's evw'S while doing the chores.-- he was about to place the S. I3oundary more lucrative sittuition. Last week an elegant sermon in the 13etlittny .4 . ., st, • • • • L ' ' Amy, Sophia (lark Rosa Roeszlers its inst. All the Illt,iilbers *Were jail- tage. wao has been on the siek list, is og ei.ag.....1•inie • win'e. Eau" toasts. The Kirktonite is well pleased as he fence, lot 21, con. 11, on the ProPaIr the commercial travellers of London Methodist church. from the text, • by thinks the Zion boys are giving him line and desired. all interested parties t The minutes of the previous now eonvalescing-Ir . -We ;e inearucted trr . ea._ tlartt Silas Ad Me:tameAli . ce Pedlar, met and tensed a very flattering ad- "Welk ill WISCIOIll for. them that are 8e1)-•, 1 he Grand Truna authorities here A ).. first placeasSainuel Doupe is home- to govern themselves accordinglY.-• dress and also presented.Mr. Mcl•Cenzie Without, redecening the time." --Col. meet"Ig were reaa ana aPProvoti. Two tenders for supplying. the that the Sf'lling of tiekets to Lticen ,Iolin Hartman. Charlie.; Wind: IL Jr anis, Sr. thicla-Wilber Rowe. , 0 with it welhfilltal purse. The address 1-5. She is a. young lady of more than Township Wit 11 lundirT Were opene& (Tossing. is now disecintin met. A pin. - again visiting. relatives. -john Oreery, Resolved that the' Assessment Roll 1) of Pt111)11is 11 1t111 in the neighbor- ticeepted and that the Asseosor oe sr is illuinineted.-11, Patt , • 1 - e ' in onlinary ability, and we vir )1l1Il be lieddy --Hunkin --That Rola. II(.1.1's atm going 311) 1' must buy a tieket tO Itqwe A I ' .1 '1 ,I 'i {,._ . rr ond,-, Fred anis-, .:d.lbert Wein Chaster hootL.-Tlw Victoria canoe was launch- , paid.-Itesolved that IL Hicks tind S. di`tit, purchksing -tut.tchinetrrts..°11(‘-1 his 1)14 1.51(1 to hear from Miss Harris . tender for ilot.k- Elm at $10.90 and the next pessenger station, and must in.; o Mcs•lock Clete], Hirtni.sn-'1.". II 4 t..... I,. :Ali .----,.,- l't lox .:. lira. .1 ea - Cedar at $12.59 per M. be 04) pit it ale() pay the fare to Hutt- 'Slave.- -The Miller and Robinson. -Our enterpris- bridges, and also to see to Mrs. New- 1' '011 Wein. Franklin Statton; lq. ?, ing dressmaker Miss Smyth has again combe's 0a.se and. aet accordingly.- noses -Mr. and Mrs. O. A. McDonell Grand Bend. being the lowest.- Czirried. immial yes 1 ry IM,i4ing in 0On nor Lion Herbie 141') 1444 Annie Hartman, Jac.e man were in London Monday on bush Delbridg,e-Hunkin--That the fol- xvith Holy Trinity Chnrch was held in started dressmaking in our villlage.- Council to meet as a regular nicotine. e have moved into their new resilience, 11;ut man. Number 4:11 roll :45: aVerage BRIEF'S -The weItlier is fine t,his lowing pathrnasters be appointed for the (thumb. on Monday' night, The attendance 24 W. J. lantiones. Thither, liminess, to let getivei contracts and as - a Court of Revision, but that the Clerk family, of Centralia, visited at Jas. have returned hoirie for a 'visit, after drtifttsi (•oniirming the same. viz :-- tremely encouraging. The wardens., hr. . 13 ...IEFs..- -Win. Tetouan, of Dash- Etlaiva realities of life. --Jas. Lit 133 and Bnusios..-Mrs. Thomas K.eys, who May if he deem necessary call a special an absence of four years in the hun- S. W. Wards -NV. Ess(Ty, J. Kers W. liotro(T and d. Abbatt, were ro- -; ,,,, • wood. is engagea to work for 'MOS. e,cetti , aIllt . t ,•:".:t. 1.., Vir.03.. 411, . ... linv, jr., this summer -Ed. Kestle '44- 111'( Were clIOSOn auditors. Messrs R. Fox and W. Eliwceal were the des has IlispOsed of his fine hrot)d mare, to legatos appointed to attend the meet- Moses Anise f01' a handsome inane -Mr Miller, of bashwood, has hired taith ing 14 the stniod in Jun, -riw meet- Silas Brokenshire, for the eorning ing adjourned until Mon!lay .21 mit - -I- - -.- • summer. -Thos. Aniy. jr„ can new April 20. R. S. Itocigins wall oiler his .boast of having a famous duels which beautiful residenee foe sale en the • lays two eggs evert- nighte-Wm.' •9th inst.. its lie intends renioving to Mewhinney,'Of Khiva, visited at Thos. 'NI • -, I M • • '1 Al , . o M (s • ‘ expected in this locality. -0. Fritz, of natio Dashwood, opened it shoe store in Oats this village during the past week.- fttts Miss Josie Regan has gone to Detroit Barter WOODHAM. Boys' 2 Piece Suits.' We have an elegant range in New- est Styles in both• Tweeds and Serges at $L50 up. Boys' 3 Piece Suits. 'Youths' a Piece: Suits With either long or knee pants. Styles the newest -prices the lowest. S'PECIALS FOR THIS WEEK SI-sitet5. . 'dlen's and Boys' Flannelette Shirts for 19c each, Men's Unlaundered Shirts with Linen front and bands for 371e. -Gloves,. Ladies' Kisl Glovee-all sizes -in 'Tan and Black, for 49e per pair, tt m s, 10 yd, ends -47 inches wide, rega- les: 12tc for 7e a yard. Prints Turkey Red Prints in spots and stripes for oe per yd. Dress "Goocl.„ All Wool Serges-10in rotors, for tl'ic a yard. Lace Collors. The newest styles at 15e, 25c and 40e each. rd on fish -creek Monday by Captans tSanders attend to White and Mitchell mill. -Henry Cook and. his son Nor- again. on 2eth May at 10 a. for general and settled. down to the sterner week. --Ashton and james Mollard the eurrent year and that a By-law be prospeets forthe ensiling year are Er: - has been sick for the past two weeks, meeting at an earlier date. --The fel- passed peacefully away on Thursday lowing orders were granted: 13alance morning at a ripe old age of 77 years, on Secret:try &nix(' of Health, salary, Her remains were followed to their $3,75 froin 1895; Dr. IsIcLaughlan, as last resting place by a large cortege Per instruction of Council, $15.25; of friends, who gathered to pay their Phippen & Simpson, funeral require- lastrespects to deceasecte',Some of our ments for the burial of Mrs. Honey - local sports have good success shoot- sucket., $12.50; J. Hawker, lumber, ing wild geese. -7- Thos. Mawhinney $8.1a'; Flynn Bros., $2, for Work 8 B in spent Sunday afternoon at Sohn Keys. 1891; J. Finkbiner, care of H. Swartz, -John Wilhelm has purchased a fine $13; error in tax, $1.35; C. Brown, rep team of horses, which are second to hall, $1.25; P. Baker and. others, work none. -Mrs. Sheppard, of Ohio, is at Centre road west, $103; C. Prouty, home attending the funeral of her etuadrI"' $48•25; G. 11fitwhinney and mother, the late Mrs. Keys. -Miss others, removiug snow; Assessor, $80. -Carrie Finkbiner, of Zurich, spent C. Pnoterv, Olea. Sunday with her parents. -George • Mawhinney spent Monday lest in Granton - London on business. -.R. Keys spent -,-- -Sunday with Will Yearley. -Thos. Bals.ws-D. G. White is seriously, ill y's. a• Lawson, of Crediton, is a present en- with inflaunnation of the lungs. --Sas. :gaged sinking. a large cistern for D. Park, sr., who has been in poor health • 3lawhinney.-Miss Annie Keys, who for some time past is improving slight - has been working in Centralia, the ly but is still confined to the house, last six weeks, is at home suffering A =tuber of fanners who have been :severe illness. -Robert Keys sold. his fortunate enough to tap their trees are fine draft horse on Monday last for having great success this spring as the which he received a handsome figure. sap l'UUS freely. Maple syrup ought to It pays to raise good horses Robert. be both plentiful and cheats. Seawall Monday. -Miss Latimer, bering camp in. Michigan. They are. slake, G. Haswell. I'. ( oates, T. ...Fish- inSpark s last weelt.-W. 3. McICity was spent the Easter vacation at home in looking well. -Wm. Sherritt moved er, W. Johns, P. Hunter, NI, . II. Seaforth. - Cams. Dick end Harold- from here on Monday to a farm he has Wood. B. Roweliffe. W. ChowenON. rented on the 18th con. Mr. Sherritt Skinner. H. Johns, Jno. Johns, .1 no. and family will be misSed from our Davis ; :s... 1414'. NI ard--.1. Welsa, . neighborhood. We Wish them success Haavkins, J. Maleolm, J. Haevey, W. in their new home. -The latest - IlalV J. Oke, R. Down, .J. Blatehford, O. arrival is at the home of Mr. andMin. Stewart, W. Monteith, C. II. Homey, Thos. Fallis, a little baby girl; mother W, Slavin, D. McInnis, C. Cann, A. and babe are doing nicely.-Mr.Hamils ton, of St Marys, was here this week visiting his daughter, Mrs.Win.Oliver. DeLion, visited London Tuesdays ha quest of employment. -Miss Mabel Reynolds has secured a situation with Mr. McBean, tailor, of Brucefield.- Miss Mary Hagan, Hensall's popalar dress and innate maker, is in Toronto this week looking up the latest- spring styles. Miss Hagan has th e best interests 01 1101' lady friends always in minds -e - Harold Walker, of the London Bum- He spent one night hshing onthe river and had great success.-Robt. Hallett - ton has purchased a new planer from a firm in Toronto, and wilt have it __ in running order soon, and. will be very convenient for builders here. -The framers are busy now building, Arr. Guys new barn. -Wm. Fulton. of ness College,tvas hotne tortheholiclays. -Miss Bella Ellis, a greduate of the Toronto conservatory of music intends starting a music clasS in the village. -W. J. McKay was in Luck - now Friday o n business. - J a s. Aiken spent Sanday withh is finality Clinton. Mrs-. Whitesides and her in • Parkhill, is here before re - daughter visited. friends in Seaforth tueuing home to Michigan. --John Mollard, wife and child, left here on over Sunday. -Mr. Johns, of Guelph, visited at Henry Cook's during the 'Wednesday for their home in Michi- gan. • holidays. --Mrs. A. Bowie, of Exeter, - -visited her mother, Mrs. Sinclair, this Winchelsee, week. - Miss Minnie Sheffer visited friends at Hills Green over Sundays -47 The Elimville correspondent last Messrs. J. C. Cla,usen- and .Tames week had sortie big wood sawing done heavy penalties en narties guilty of Beverley were at Seaforth on Monday. at Harris' by Messrs. Johns' Bros. such, and unless it is stopped an ex- -Rev. N. J. Wilson is in Toronto this. They cut 24 cords of weed. m one day. ample will be made of some one. The . week writing for a 33. As -Oliver Cole- -On Monday last at Wesley Hey- law must be enforced to ensure safety to the travelling public. , • G. W. Honker; Clerk. Neil, J. McQueen, W. Somerville ; _ . . E. Ward -P. 'tern, W. Smith, of Ingers,..03, are visitittg s' a., Amy e on Sunday last. -Joseph Amy fInnds whs; spent the pa' st -week visiting, lus Hern, G. Heywood, 3as. Routly, C. town. ---Richard Cooper i., un able fair one in Godevich, has returned 010018„Ino. Roittly, 13. Allen, S. Ford, to be insitind after a winter s severe }mine looking 11111011. better for his visit. ---,Messrs. Wm. and Bert. Kestle spent the past week visiting their: isister,Mrs. Johnston and other friends, in London. Whiz knows, William may be on the look -outs --Harry Spencer, who has spent the past winter with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kestha intends returning W. Moore T. Harrah, I). O'Mara ; N. sickness. E. Ward -H. Frauds, T. Cowaisl, R. Monteith, W. Otunpbell, T. Bell, A. Zurich Bolton, (4. Stewart, Ashton, T. - Mike, J. Gardiner, C. Irvine,- J. 131110F s -Miss Laura Williams is Duncan, sr., j. Giltillan, G. Rather- spending her Easter Holidays hi Exeter ford, J. Hackney.-Carrried. the guest of Miss Eva Rollins.- Milton Hunter - Ilunkin - The Council Buchanan is spending his hair -liters- =- adjourned to meet the 2nd day or MaY der the pavental 14)01 _Ji Zeller to his home in Milverton 1.0 tlie near future. -----Wellington Amy has gone to at, 1.10 p. in : paid his parents and friends a Complaints have. been made to the - visit this week. --Nelson Confine sports filing- work for Fred;Fisher, on the 2ad con. - a Usborne. This is the seventh year - Council that certain parties are in the a 110W driver while Chas. Grob is the habit of taking gravel imd eau(' from owner •of (714.3'. team. Charlie idways for Well in rsborne. We think it . -roust be some attraction that draws the totnisidee thus malting =seemly 1001te, out fi'. No. 1. -Easter passed. off him there. e -Quite 8011101101 of horses and dangerous holes. The By-laws of velsy quietlys-Great preparations me have moved out of this locality lately:, the township - provide. for enforcing being made by the Zurich Dranitttic Alva sk.my visittet figends in Hay •on -- Club for theit• eonvert whieh takes Sunday. . . place on Friday the. 17611. Let no one ., tateta..e, a a . miss it as it will be the concert of the ' -n Keep Your Eye Skinned . seaSon. The committee axe sparing no • For you and every progressive person. Business life is full of changes in Methods, Styles, Fashion,Socialities, Ideas and everything, and he who would keep abreast of the latest developments 'and learn how not to fall must regular- ly visit Brown & Reeeter's, where under the new system, Which if persistently followed. up must eventually lead to success and it will 006 1)8 long till a dis- criminating public notes it the correct thing to tt•acle at the Popular Wide - Awake Store. WILL THIS BE YOUR STORE ? WILL YOU LEAD OR FOLLOW? THIS IS OUR WAY OF DOING BUSINESS: 33 lbs. No. 1 Rice for $1.00 30 lbs. No. I Tapioca for 1.00 15 lb cans Corn for 1.00 6 lbs Young Hyson Tea, • (a cracker) for • 1.00 10 boxesTelephoneMatches LOO 6 bars "Good. Luck" Soap 25 1 box Smoked H•erring • 10 • Ladies Vests, o for 25c •Children's and Misses, 5 for 25c Special Line Men's Serge Suits, $3.75 also Boy's Tweed Suits from $1.00 up. Men's Tweed, Worsted and Serge Suits made to order at a great reduction. Now Prints, 5c, 71c, Oe and 111c Apron Gingham 5e, 71c and 10e • Best Shirting for 121c Best Oottonades for 22e. Grey Cottons, 1 yd wide, (a cracker) 5c, French Cashmeres, beautiful designs in light and dark colors, 121c Cashmere Dehtines, 10c Crand Millinery & Dress Coods Opening. We respectfully invite you to our Opening on TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY,' a APRIL 11th and 15th, and following days under the Management of :Miss Me- date. Ladies , Misses and Clu drens Bongo- • 4:Tonnel. las, Oxfords, Bald and, buttons. We have man, of Hills Green, a student for the wood's a gang of men cut 20 cords of ministry will preach in the Methodist cord. woocl in 8 hours and 15 minutes. The men were as follows: -George Coward, at the engine, Eli Heywood, at the saw, George Heywood, E. Cook, Wesley Heywood, Jas. Smith, and P. Brown handled. the wood.. Who is the next to record remarkable work? church next Sunday tuorning.-T. W. Pahner was in Seaforth Monday.- Miss Ballard, milliner, for Mrs. Pc - cover, was in Zurich Monday visitin friends. A. McPherson, wife an daughter, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robertson, Denfield. -W. R. Hodgins and daughter, Mrs. Burns, were in • London Saturday. - Noah Sheffer and wife returned to Toronto Friday. They were summoned here on account of the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Manns, who is now re- covering.- Chas Sheffer returned to Marlette, Mich. yesterday.- R. Speen and Miss Carrie Ingram, of London, visited friends in the villa,ge Thtirsday last. -Mr. and Mrs. Robertsan, of Lambeth visited their daughter, Mrs. 3. 0. Stoneman a few clavs the P.1 Change 40 LrL&12 = 080 from Winter. Heavy goods in Boots Shoos, to S pring and summer -wear is now the or- der or the day, If you noecl any our stock is 110W complete. • Many linos to select from and at prices that will satisfy you. In Men's, Boys, and Youths' Pine Goods eve thing is up to • everything in stock that you requir. Space BROWN PREETER winnot permit litt to quoe te prices. Call and see for3oureem Stoves at Creditors d : A. MURDOCK & CO. • The following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 6, Ushorne;r'for the month of March. The names are in order of merit. Sen- ior department. V class, Winfred Coupland, Herman Kyle; Sr. IV class, Sarah Clements, Franklin Delbridge, John Coupland; Sr. IV class, George Wilcox, Olive Hawkins; Intermed- iate class, Ethel Godbolt, Mabel Coup - land, Leslie Robinson; Sr. class, Annie Brimacomb, Linda Miners, Linda Hunter; Jr. III class, John Clow- ard, Robert Wilcox, Charlie Miners. No on roll, 48; average attendance, 88. junior Department. Sr. II (Jess, Mary Herdinan, Torie Miners, Gertie Miller; Sr. Il class, Enos Herdman, Wilbert Heldman. Jessie Couplands Pt. II class, Ada Brirnacomb, :Charlie Godbolt, May Delbridge; Sr. Pt. I class,' Harold Webb, George Coward, Eddie Coward. No. on roll, 31; average at- tendance 24. •• T. 'A. GREGORY, E. E. Hama; Teachers EXPEIttENtEHAS PR0V2.1D IT. A triumph in medicine was attained when experience proved that Scott's Emulsion would not only stop the pro- gress of Pulmonary Consumption, but by its continued use health and vigor could be fully restored. WB ARE Its turningethings upside down too. We are strikmg tor a reduction in our stock for new trade and for money. To make such a strike effective we have to sell good goods at low figures. We are doing it,' we will give you the best 121c Print for 111c. BOOTS & SHOES were never so cheap as they are with us now. 1 lb. Japan Tea for 90e, others ask $1.20 for the sante. Do you want the. goods? Then come, the prices are sure th suit you. • • MUIR & MANNING, ICXMECWOZT, pains te make it a success. Cone one come all and have 13 good hearty laugh. --House cleaning is the order of the day and fiir all the cold windy weather some have almost finished their spring cleaning. --Will Hess has. sold his con- fectionery store, to his- cousin John If tern want bargains in Furniture, as we can give you the best Value Pox, uyormoney that is to be had. Our stock is large, new and well as- sorted for the Spring Trade with prices Hess Who will conduct the business m to suit everybody. NVe give you 11. the old. stand. Will 'we understand is nice high bedstead for $1:45 and. half - handling bicyles this summer. -Ed. a dozen chairs for $1.05, which •are great sellers. Kalbfleich has returned home from Soeth River Muskoka, to stay this summers -Will Hoffman is on the sick list. -The boys have the show ground for the smnmer, newton]: out foe racing, foot -ball and base -bail matches. The society have made a ,good move. ---Now don't forget that concert. Come and bring your best girl. -CL F. Wagner will leave for Dakota again. -Wm. Smith, of the 1451i con.'and Miss Mary Hayrock,of the Saubleline,have joined hands in holy matrimony. --They had their wedding -trip to Elkton, Mich., and now intend to move to Detroit. - The directors of the Hay Branch Agricultural Society het(1 their second meeting last Wednesday, to re -vise the prize list for this year.--HettryDnmart and his son-in-law changed dwellings last Monday. Henry Schroeder and his brothers .will continue the shoe business, and H. Diunart the tannery. --Miss Nettie Well Id 11 last Mon - We can satisfy 3700 in Curtain Poles and Window Shades as we have some of the latest designs. We also have some fine coverings for your old lounges and easy chairs that need recovering. UNDERTAKING Is one of our special lines and NVLI al- ways carry a large and well assorted stock, and our p311ce8 are right. Last week we received ti, job lot of new machinery for the nianufitctnre of all kinds of Shleb, Doors & Frames, and all wood. material for building pins - poses. Parties bniklingdtindly give us parcicaells.,and we will give you close 11-ICOPIPIVCAN BROS. Furniture Dealers, undertakers and Contrattshetwotoso, D (4