HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-3-26, Page 9Great and thoroughly re- liable building: up' medicine, nerve tonic, vitalizer and Bo,d Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is Sarsaprilla It has won its hold upon the ▪ hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit, It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story: F Hood, Cures Even when all otherprep ar- s ations and prescriptions fail. s '"The face of my little girl from thetime idle was three months old, broke out and vas covered with seabs. We gave her two bottles of )mood's Sarsaparilla and it come pletely cured her. We are glad to recom- mend Hood's Sarsaparilla." Tiros. M. CA.RLING, Clinton, Ontario. Be sure to Pei Hood's nood's Pills set harmoniously with Sood aSarsaparilla. 25a, Hoast is the old Scotch name for a cough. The English name for the best cure for Coughs, Colds, Sore 'Throat, Asthma and Bronchitis is Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. MONEY TO LOAN. at5and 51 per cent. Private Funds. Ap BLLI]•to O'r & ELLIOT, January, M. Solicitors, Exeter, CTIT 'rHIU 0 U and return to us with Five Cents in silver, and you will got by return mail, A. GOLDEN BOX. OF GOODS that will bring you in ore stoney in ono month, than any- tmore else in Amerrca. A. W. KINNEY, E. T. Yarmouth, N. S. 6lii 6i ql o Tho undersiniiedisprepared to do all kinds of grafting en all lands of fruit trees. Plums and 1 ear:'aaipecialty, ~cions carefully select- ed. Charges moderate. a " -........t. POWELL, Exeter. NOTE Mt Tho Public aro hereby cautioned against negotiating a note given in favor of myself by 050 (leo. Holtzman for about 522 on or about March 13th, 1803, A, the wine has been lost. WILLIAM VOELIIER. Bay March 10th, 1890. ,.....�__..- _ .. Cheese Factory Machinery Pot- Salle. All tho machinery and equipment of the Blake Cheese Factory, including engine and boiler, will bo sold at a hargin. Everything in first-class order. It includes butter making u ondUta. For terns and t articular. apply to T. & M. JOHNSTON, Zurich 1.01 March, 12th 1-m. Tenders for Curer Building. • Tenderswill be received by the undersigned, in sealed envelopes (marked tender for church) up to Saturday, April 4th A. D. 1890. 7 p. in., for erecting a brick church, in the Village of Cred- iton. Plans and specifieations can be sten at the office of II. C. McBride, Architect, London, or at the office of the undersigned, after March 20th A. D.1800. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HENRY EILBIOIL, Croditon P. 0. Chairman of Committee. 3 -in. Farm to Rent The undersigned otters his farm to rent for a term of years, Tho farm contaius 100 acres, eighty of which aro cleared asci well under drained and inn goodstato of cultivation, with fairly good buildings. There is a good bearing orchard, two good wells of water with a wind- mill. Tho faun is composers of lot 22, first con- cession of Usborne, adjoining the Village of Exe- ter, and is acknowledged to bo one of the best farms in Usborne. For Nether particulars and terms apply to L. MCTAGGART,, Exeter, or by letter to Hay P. 0. Earnest Men and Women, to circu- late "The Sword of Islam or Suffering Armenia," a thrilling book, Graphic aecolant of the Eastern Question, the Turk, Armenian and Mohammedan- ism with its horrible massacres. Numerous startling illustrations taken on the spot, 448 pages, only $1.99. Send 60e for canvas- sing book. Agents n)ake ?15 to X50 weekly. BRADLEY-G'ARRITTso:x, CO., LTD., Brantford, Ont. Having purchased the butcher- • ing business of A. Loadman, (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old custom- ers and as many new ones. . . We intend beeping the very best of fresh meats and it will be our first aim to please customers.. Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage, Hams, T3acon and everything usually sold in the. Packing House can now be procured at the shop. Orders promptly delivered and ac- icounts rendered weekly, on ,which 2t discountof 5 per cent. will be given. LL' Huron County Notes. . Diphtheria is prevalent in Goderich. James Lepjer nas•. purchased the farm of Wm. Best in Hallett, It cost Mr. Weisnailler $935 to con- duct his recent campaign i n West Huron. Miss Hodgins, of Biddulph, is the guest of Mrs. John Beacom Goderich township. A sow belonging to John Smith, of the 18th con., Goderich township the other day littered 20 pigs. Violet Patterson, relict of the late F. W. Patterson, a former resident of Goderich, died at Wiarton last week. Dr. Scott of Seaforth has been ap- pointed Medical Health Officer for. the township of Tuckersmith. The collection in aid of the Armenians in the Brumfield. Presbyterian church last Sunday amounted to over $00. Mrs. Kelly, a farmer resident of Goderich died at Fairview, Mich., last week, at the age of 88 years. Messrs. McKinnon & Co. of Blyth purchased the bankrupt stock of Mrs. A. M. Rowel, Auburn, at 35e. on the ,dollar. John Rouatt, one of the oldest rest-- dents esi-dents of Bayfield, on his return hone from church Sunday, became speech- less aad has not yet recoverd . Rev. Oaten, of Bayfield was waited upon the other day by a number - of his congregation and presented with a purse of $25. We understand that W. Greig of Holmesville and brother have bought the x'ezxiaindex' of the Young farm, where they are moving this week. A pleasant and happy event took place at the residence of Ed, Watson, Blyth, on Wednesday, when his eldest daughter, Liz..ie, was unite(linniarriage to Geo, Potter, of East Wawanosh. On Sunda while Miss IdaThoxnpson daughter of Robt. Thompson, 18th con., Goderich township was crossing the yard, she slipped down and dislocated her .arm. Mrs. Duncan McGregor, of Stanley moves this week to the farm in Tack- ersinith lately purchased from Geo.. Sproat. The farm contains 200 acres, With good dwelling 1IOUse, barn and stables. The Rev. S. Fear, one of the pioneers of Methodism, , died at his home in Elora,. on Tuesday last, aged 91. He had been 50 years in Canada as a Methodist minister, and was super- annuated in 1870. %Ie. was a grand- father of Rev. E. A. Fear, formerly of Holmesville. Mr. Fritzley, an employee of the Seaforth Say mill, had its hand badly cut cme day recently. Ile was working at the skutching knives, when they got clogged up, and in attempting to relieve them, his hand got caught,and before he could relieve it, it Was very severely cut, which will necessitate Ins laying off work for some weeks. Dnnn's daily bulletin announces that a writ has been issued at the in- stances of NV. N. M(-1Jiehaul and wife, against, several parties, , claiming $10,- 000 10- 000 dati ages. The threatened snit is the result of a recent clung vari, when considerable damage was date to AIr•. McMichael's property; some- of the persons concerned have offered to make a settlement, but decline to do 1 so on the terns asked. A meeting. of the Executive (loin' mittee of the Synod of Huron was held in London last week at which a large amount of business from various parts of the Diocese was transacted. John Bamford, of (Minton, and Philip Bolt, of Goderich, were present from this county. The following matters of lo- cal interest transpired :-The report of Rural Dean Hodgins in regard to the re -organization of the parish of Heiman, Stella and Dublin, was allow- ed to stand over. Rev. Mr. Kerrin, of Mitchell, expressed himself as willing to undertake the service at Dublin, and hoped to obtain the sanction of his vestry to that end. The matter was finally left in the bands of the Bishop. The committee on the matter of proceeds of the sale of St. Stephen's church, ,Goderich township, recom- mended allowing Mrs. Brown a first claim thereupon. Dastardly Deed. 'Winnipeg, April 1. --The. little vil- lage of Holland, 85 Hailes southwest of this city, was thrown into a state of excitement yesterday over the first murder case in its history.. The victim was Hannah Halton, unmarried, aged 23 years, who was deliberately murder- ed a mile. and a half from the village, on her way home at 10 o'clock Monday night. Her throat was cut, a deep gash extending :from ear to ear. TJiere were marks of heavy blows on the head and face, evidently inflicted by a club or other blunt instrument. There is evidence that sone unknown brute endeavored to criminally assault her. George and Thomas McLaughlin were sentenced to three years and one year respectively in penitentiary at Barrie for counterfeiting. The trial of August Ikurschinski, on the charge of murdering Albert Jean -1 neret in a berry patch near Bresalu, were closed at Berlin Tuesday, result- ing a V rdict of not guilty. They illAnll setheChiltiren! 2.1 .4-atodi®s-a-t a 1C3 o ll 8 ss Ckscrage of ®s<esses. We have secured a new and very taking novelty known as the "Dia- mond. Dye Doll." These dolts are clothed inl)right and handsome dresses. and will prove a great attraction for the little ones. A set of Six Dolls with Sia Extra Dresses will be mailed to any address on receipt of four cents in stamps. Tbousands are going to all parts of the Dominion, caving universal satisfact- ion to all who receive them. Users of Diamond Dyes will please bear in mind that it will be to their advantage to examine each package of clyn that they bay, as 'worthless lin- I ittetions are now being sold. See that the name "Diamond" 1s on each pack- ' age. ` 'Wells & Richardson go., 200 Mountain Street, Montreal. Acts at pabu hol...... Barley...-. Peas Butter.. • liggs Turkeys . Geese Chickens per 1a .. Ducks Pork dressed..., . - 50 to gl.75 Pork live weigt3.30 to $3.50 Hay per ton.. 10.00 to 811.00 Clover seed ., 3.1'0 to 14.25 Alsikc clover. 3.00 to 5.00 'Timothy send .. .... '2,50 to 2.75 1-77i1 London, April 1st, 1.896.`.e Wheat per bushel,.... ....75 to 78 ...23 to 24 45 to u'4 .•32 to 35 26 to 28 3.9 to 44 40 to 45 GO to 70 • 20 to. 20 Ducks 45 to Go Turkeys per ih.... 7 to r8 Geese perib ... 5 to 6 Chickens 30 to u0 Cheese Potatoes per bag .. ..25 to 3030 Hay per ton ....$13.00 to 511.00 Pork per cwt.: .. .. '$4.t0 to ,55.00 Exeter. April 1st. 1896. ...73 to 75 .21 to 2i - 30 to 3: ...45 to 51 14 to 14 . 12 to 12 7 to 7 6 to. 5 5 to 5 6 to 6 Poas .... Harley ILuokwheat Corn Beans . Butter Toronto, April 1st, 1890. Wheat par bushel Wheat t It i � .. .... nb Wheat Goose, . . Barley .. , .3,5 km. .... .• ee Oats 27 It c.... Butter per lb 17 IOgge per dor .......13 to to to toa to to 80 78 62 38 28 49 20 14 BORN . McDCXELLT-In ITcnsall, on the 23rd ult., tho wife of Fred McI)onell,: of a daughter. FILAYNII-In Exeter, on tho 24th ult., the wife of Peter Fraync of a daughter. JONES -In McGillivray, N. Ii., on the 21st ult.. the wife of Mi'. Morley Jones, of a daughter MARRIED. McDOW ELL •LITTLE -At the residence of the bride's parents, Hulett, on March 25th, by Rev. II. J. Nair, Ii. McDowell to Mi.'s B. Little, daughter of Francis Little. I'OTTEIR--WATSON-In Blyth,at thcresidenee of the bride's father, on Mares: 201.11, by sieve Mr. Iligley, Liirie, eldest dau ntcr o? Ed. Watson, to George Potter, of \\ awtwosh. OR,:itOND--McDOU0.\LL-At the resillent'e of the bride's another, 1'ullartnn, on the 13th ult., by ltev. A. 1IeI'ada en, john 1:. C. Or- mond Esq.. of .the North west Territory to Mize; Christina McDougall of Fullerton. POTTER-WATSON-At the residence of the bride father, lllythr, on March .4th, by R+'v. T. E. Higley, Mr. George Potter, of Fast Wa- wa po t a- wano b, to ?t1 rs Lizzie. szia'. eldest dingliter of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Wilson. DIED. IIAIIXLTON--Tn Cromarty on the 31 ult„ \Warr. F`. Ilaniilton aged IS years 7 months. (:OL'PLANI)--In King, Co. York, on the 23tH iu it., \i'm, Coup:and, faille's of Heb. T. 1'. C!oupiand, of Ehmville, aged 70 years. 25 cents cures ('atarrballleadache Al A Incipient Catarrh. flay fever. Caton ao halDenfnes.. Cold in the head. in 10tnin. Foul breath caused by Catarrh. 25 coats soeures Chases Catarrh Cure with perfect eri ectblowers enclosed. in cashbox. Sold by all .o_ GOOD ADVI('b1 ABOUT D'k'»PEP,SXA. The best advice about dyspepsia is - cure it with Burdoek Blood Bitters, and as surely as you follow the advice and take the lite divine the cure will follow in every rase. Mr. W1n. Day, of Fort William, Ont., says in speakilig of B. 13. 13.:- Two years ago my wife was i11 with dyspepsia. No remedy that she could find g Lye. any r'elie'f; finally she tried Burdock I3looci Bitters, and aftex' tak- ing six bottles wile entirely cured. That is Dov znorf> than two years ago and she has had no return of the xnalady. I also have had occasion to use 13. 13. 13. and I cannot speak too highly in its favor. I always recommend it to inyfxlends and in every ease with good results. Hoping this may he of use to you, 1 am, Yours yery truly, WILLIAM DAT. Sale Register. SATURDAY APRIL Ult.-Farm stock, and implements etc., the property of John Kay, lot 18, North Thames road, 'r Usborne. Sale at ono o'clock. No re- serve, as the proprietor has sold his j - farm. Thos. Cameron, auct. larr ge Licenses' -ISSUED AT- S JEWELRY SWORE No Witriasteta Rearativeal. A complete Stock of jewelry, Silver- ware, etc. Repairing receives careful and per- sonal attention. R. HICKS, Central Telephone Office. EXETER T1 vTEs. CLEAR DRAMS With A Souk Body., Ari, Bestowed wen All who Ike Fame'ff y COM- pound O a- pou d Sweet gentle Spring is with us, presaging leaves, buds and flowers, and, of course, happier times. Thous- ands will welcome the balmy air and zephyr breezes, while a multitude, hovering between life and death, are unable to enjoy or even appreciate. the blessings of a kind Providence. • A host of teen and your g people arelaid low o wi diseases � ng t o (b. (aces contract- ed dub-ing the winter season. Impurities of the blood, cause it to flow sluggishly, and the results are, eolith) oat headaches, heavy. and clouded brains, neuralgia, rheumatism, and a host of other symptoms that en- danger life. For all these troubles, Paine's Celery Compound is the great and unfailing cure; it acts like a charm on the ner- vOns System, producing, pure blood, a cool lLn easy head, clear brains steel a sound body, Paiue's Celery Compound is as su- perior to the ordinary nervines, bit- ters, sarsaparillas as strength is Better thiui weakness. The use of ane bottle will soon convince the ailing that Paine's Celery Compound has virtue unknown to any other medicine. 11Irs. Brantford, of West Wawanosh' is melte ill. Wm. Harty, )f Seaforth, c rhttsiltincrca fo:vlthatley eggs four ounces in weight. Miss J. gielyar, of Clinten left for Toronto last week., where site expects to take a situation as teacher. FredIlartwell, of Clinton has the contract of building the new Albion hotel at Goderich. W. Eagleson of Ashfield has sold bis tarsi to Mr. Ferguson, and intends removing to Michigan shortly. Joseph Watkins, of Summerhill, has purchashed the farnt just south of his o\vat, from Janes Ball for 132,500. B. R. Higgins has purchased 50 aeres of laud from Peter McGregor. near 731 ucefield. Ernest McTaggart, son of Peter Me - Taggart, of Usborne, while playing at school on Friday 1L y last, unfortunately had his leg broken. The late Air's. Acheson, of Goderich, bequeathed :11000 to the:. Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church. Harland tiros., store Clinton, caught fire the other day, and but fax the active assistance of the fire brigade, would have resulted seriously. W. H. Brownlee, of East Wawa - nosh, has been engaged to look after tlxe farm of H. Pluntsteel, Tucker - smith. On Sunday while Mrs. Adana Cante- lon, of Clinton, was on her way to church, she slipped and Broke her wrist. John Paul and wife, of Seaforth, were supposed to havebeen drugged on 0 recent Sunday night and robbed of considerable money. :Lass 'Washington, of Clinton, was thrown out of a, buggy the other clay, and had her shonhlc r dislocated, but it readjusted itself again: The remains of Mrs. McDougall, re- lict of the late 3..R. McDougall, who died in Detroit last week were brought to Goder?ch for interment. THAT DRAGGING IN THE LOINS. Is trsv ,LLY CAITSED BY A DERAi`a.E- MI;NT OIF THE KIDNEYS -SOUTH AiirEa:ICAN OURE WILL POSITIVELY R11LIEVI1 IT IN SIS HOBBS. Ono may be deceived by the feeling of weight or dragging of the loins that causes unpleasantness and inconven- ience to many men and women. At- tributing the tx'ouble to something else, they forget that id i> may be evidence of inflammatory affections of the kid- neys, that eventually mxiy develop in- to serious trouble. That very success- ful specific, South .American Kidney Cure gets at the root of kidney trouble and will quickly remove the cause, and having clone this, complete recovery is soon r'eac'hed. It is worth repeating that South A n)erican Kidney Cure lea remedy fox' the perfect cure of this one trouble. It does not pretend to be a cure-all, but it is a cure certain inevery case of kidney trouble. And it does it quickly. SPRING WEATHER CHANGES A E THE ASE Old. People the Severest sufferers-Provent danger by the use of Scott's Sarsaparilla --the greatest of Spring Medicines. LaGrippe, sore throat, bronchitis, pneu- monia, inflammatory rheumatism and heart disease in the spring get in their deadly work "When the system is not cleaned out and prepared beforehand for coming climatic changes disease in some form or other - sudden and fatal or lingering and certain -is almost sure to follow. One dollar will buy a bottle of Scott's Sarsaparilla ; one bottle is a sure guarantee against the diseases of spring every reliable dealer keeps this king of blood purifiers ,•' ask for it ; don't take anything else. If you cats_ not get it in your own neighborhood write to the manufacturers, Fdmanson Bates & Co.; 45 Lombard Street T r IF YOU DOUBT the efficacy of Scott's Sarsaparilla write :.uy of the following helots purchasing J. D.Todd, druggist, Queen St..W.Toronto; Miss M. J.Gould, Lloyd town, Or, t.; J. Morrow, merchant, Fullerton, Ont.; Wm. T. Thomp- son, Zepher, Ont.; Geo. Denham, dr iggist, Petrolea, Ont.; W. S. Bond, merchant, Lloydtown, Ont.; Joseph Duncan, farmer. Petrolea, Ont.; Miss Hattie Delaney, 174 Crawford St, Toronto ; M. N. Defoe, mer- chant, Zephyr, or Wm. Cornish, Fullerton. Over 5000 other names on application. Old people, and young and middle aged as well, should fortify themselves for spring by enriching the blood and purifying the system. There is only one palatable and effective medicine for'this purpose and,: that is c ZREIREZIMISP af¢r, iarilla TRY Scott's skin Soap. taAateat,' Lek W oodh13m. MXLLINITRY Ornnrm.:ea Although the roads were in very bred shape a large crowd of visitors attended. the Millinery Opening of R. S. Ford az Co. - on Friday and Saturday last. On Fri- day afternoon the stare was more than crowded, and in the evening it was ainost as bad. It ;would be ad- visable for thein to enlarge their prem- ises for the next Millinery Opening. Although the opening was ten clays earlier than last; spring, it was just as successfully for Miss MeConnell and her assistant,as they are busy getting out all orders fox' :faster. The ladies all say the opening was away ahead of Iast year in style and assortment as well as the prices being znuelx lower, An elegant range of ail. The brass al- so showed the newest things in Dress Goods, Dress Linings, Laves, Ribbons, etc. The fact of their doing a, much larger business this year than last season, (which was considered a good one) is a sure sign that prices must be right. Prince Bismarck celebrates his 81st birthday to -day. Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria is vis- iting in Constantinople. An educational hill has been c zx intro- duced in tlw Imperial Parliament pro- viding for the support of voluntary schools. Hannah Hatton, aged about 23 years was murdered half a mile .from Ho' - land, Mae„ ')n her way home about 10 o'clock at night. - • John Mayville, n.farxner, of Ander- don,who was struck by an express train at the Walkerville junction a week ago, died at Hotel Divu hos- pital,'Winflsox', Monday fl1&lt. At the inquest held last- Tues- day on the body of Frank Finley EL verdcet of manslaughter was returned. against John Finlay, his brotherthe Jury, however, recommending leniency in view of all the circumstances, The Executive of the Ham iitouConn- ell of Women has fore, nrdecl to the Provincial Board of Il althaixtelrtOrial suggesting the appointment of dental inspectors to visit the schools (taid public institutions and examine eilil- dren's teeth. A CONSCIENTIOUS TORONTO LADY. TIIE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS PUB- LISHED I.I. II. I) lix Rz, (,E' '( > r. 2 I consider it. my duty to inform the public of the extreme benefit I have re- ceived from the use of your South American Rheumatic Cure. I have been a great sufferer fox' several years from I'hetlntatism; and used this remedy with the best results. I trust others will follow my example, and believe if they do so they will feel as grateful as I do for the benefit derived thereby. Mrs. BATI3S, 71 Gloucesterst.,Toronto. Sold by C. LUTZ. For the successful Treatment of all Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Fa 140 Bright's Disease, Diabetes and Paralysis, and all forms o>l Blood Poisoning. ills0 151' These Pills are put up in large wooden boxes at 50 cents. Sold by alt Druggists and Dealers -never by count or in bulk, and never under any other name than DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Tlxc Doctd's Medicine Co., Toronto. Gentlemen -A new medicine called Dodd's Kidney Pills has been recommend- ed to me by my physician, and, by his advice, I send one dollar,the price of two boxes. Please send them without delay. Yours truly, ANDREW FILK.UsTS. Cant=on, McPherson Co., Kansas. 1 Rl� Yen PICTURES to get framed. We have hundreds of feet of mould- ing, from 4c. per foot up- wards. Also a nice lot of pictures cheap. A full stock of Furniture andUndertaking always on hand. R. N. . t For a good Spring Medicine for your Horses and Cattle, try Condition Po ders. FRESH FLOWER and GAR- DEN SEEDS for sale. See our Methodist Hymn Book and Bible Combined. Prayer Books, all styles, at J. W. Browning's 3 Blood '.'ill Tell 'When an animal is all run down, has a rough coat and a tight Miele any one knows his blood is out of order. To keep an ani- mal economically he must be in good heart, Dick's Blood Purifier Is a necessity where the best results from feeding would be obtained. It tones up the system, rids the sto bots, worms and other parasites that suck the life blood away. Not hingllke Dick's for Ankh Cows, For sale by druggists, at general stores or sant oareceipt of50cents. Dice a Co„ P. 0. Box 482, MONTREAL ceecoom000m000ax=ocoomoccocco ach of yrs, tcis.*Popo! Ni F r Prices D i i Mines e Prices 9 s' from 5 Fully guaranteed for 8896 Also a frill line of Baby i;al-riages in a few days. PERKINS &, MARTIN London, Huron and Bruce. tiOnsO EoRTn- Passenger London, depart........ 8.05 A, x. 4,90 roe Oeetralie.. ,.,....,, 9.07 5.47 Hen all 8,37 22 6.00 Kippon................ 9.44 xrueeiield ..... • 9.52 Clinton . 10.12 Londesboro 10.29 Myth 10.88 Belgrave 10.52 W ingham arrive1110 G 20. 6.55 7.14 7.23 7.37 8.00 GOING Soui-a'- Passenger Wingham, depart... ... 6,35`A. x. 3.25r. s Iielgrave 6.50 3.47 Bytlh .......... 7.03 Loudeshore 7,10 Clinton.,.. 7.30 Brum:field.......... ........ 7.49 TC' en ..... .......... Uoneall 8 96 Exeter. .. . ........ ...... 8,2.5 Centralia 8 4 4.01 4.08 4.58 4.46 4.63 4.55 5,12 0.23 101% OVBxt FIFTY YEARS AN OLD AND WsI.n-TRIED linmenv. Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty WW1 by millions of mothers for theirebildren while teething with perfect sueoeas. It soother the child, softens the gume,allaya the pain, cures the eolith and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. la pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part oftbe world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incaleultibie, Be sure ask and a for Mrs. \Pi clew's n Soothing Syrup andtakeno other kind. y z:YOU WANT THEM. CAN CET TWA Y.':-... .00,',' 'IDIOM . MERCHANTS OR DIRECT' i . a FROM US. CATALOGUE FREE. 3 zi;,ta-8 Fuchsias, assorted„ 50c. a'•' 6,,,' I-6 Roses, ever -blooming, 50e. S" r(G-80 , ., ..; w iV OCannaGeraniumsBulbsgood,as'd,for50c50c. e i 40,A -S Monthretias, pretty,. 80c. a `, 1L-50 Gladi's Bulbs, mxd.,50c. ' ; ise. U -Sweet Peas, Co11.aovar.50c. r, z: hfi-Window Coll., r each Ca i l Ivy and Show Geranium '-y sn. Coleus, Manetta-Vine =„ p Mexican Primrose Fuchsia I3 � w Heliotrope � o � Trad' & P escantia 50c IS IT 1).3.atacrs.SEED .019.0 v'r o Nr:' -1 -fit Or DR. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA. Office opposite Methodist Parsonage. KINSMAN, DENTIST, .L a LD,R.eI'EGIAI,I[3T isGOLl'iFII.L•• ING. EXTRA CTTNG and PLATE WORK. Gas and 1ccalanaeatLatiea forpain- 1 ars extracting. 2nd door north of CAR- LING'S Store ALTON AN DERSON D.D. S JL! • L,D• S. Donor Graduate of the To- ronto Tlniversityand Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Ftpeoialties, painless extraotton and preservation of the 1 atural teeth. Office over the Lees -Office of Eliiotclr billet, opposite Central Betel, Exeter, Ont. IfQ AGNEW L. D. S,DENTIST, _LC* CLINTON. Will be at Greb's bo:el Eerie)* on the seemed Thursday of eaph month and at Elodkin's hotel Henwall every Monday Ageiits representing us can earn t20 per week sellinour Elardy Canad(an-grave nursery stoit. Permanet position and salaries. Exclusive territory. Write at once fer tnna t.0 E. c1, GRHAM, NuussaTata, TORONTO, O1>TAI1IO --T13E- People's Building and Loan Association LONDON - ONTARIO BOARD OS DSREOTORs TH Dr. J. A. Rollins, Dr. C. Lutz, - L H. Dickson, - David Mill, Fred. W; Wa Collins, - I'aRTER. ONTARIO President, Vico-President. Solicitor. Valuator. Soo-Treas. DIr.ECTORS. Jno Grigg, E. A, Folliek,'Jae. Miller, Wm Southoott, Dr. Thos. A. Amos, Sams. Sanders- � d Make money by saving money Sixty cents 11"m rii" r permonrh will ensure $100 in 7 years. forms of application and all necessary int r- - o oration apply to the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. W. Cortins. Poet Office, Exeter, oat, Then Come T TT f B t Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Loading Furniture Dealers The Leading Undertakers. Gidley & Son, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. A Suit o1 Clothes or a Single Garment' Should Combine now' a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasurein showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. GET FOUR PUTTS o' At "W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in. town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. Central DRUG STORE. Those who have used VTin an' 5 Gough Balsam.. Pronounce it unequalled as a rdlnedy for Commis, Comm AND BRRONCEITIO TBOUB1 ES, Winan's Condition & Cough Powder for horses, best in the mar- ket. 'always on hand Also a Cetobenefaoto and Lini- ment, the medicine so sue. cessfu;ly used by Mr. Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating it11C1 curing various diseases, For Sale at C} LUTZ'S, •