Exeter Times, 1896-3-26, Page 8THE EXETER TiMES
Molsons Bank
(011.4,0.110.RD 3Y PAULTAMENT.1855)
Padilla Capita ge,ota000
Rest rune — exam()
Read. (Moe. Montreal.
MOUOT advenced to good ruiners on their
wri tette with 0110 Or more endorser at I per
eat. pet LOUGWO.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day, from S.M. to POO
SATURDAYS, lo Ban, to 1 P.M.
curt:entre:A ef interest allowed on dopoits
Manager -
Exeter, nee arta, '95
•11111111110111110/.11, Ird115.
( II(
ilq xocit Lif intt,
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\The geueral elections a 1 re announced The Latest .News.
o take place about the first week in
Robert Osborne, a married laborer,
was prObably fatally ured. at Toron-
Jim°. The new Paaliaanent will probably to Thursday, hy -being struck M the
+ + + meet in Mgt back of the head by ihe crank of a
Sixteen Philadelphia -built locomo- crane, which had got beyond the eon-.
,A. bill passed in the Legislature ayes have been shipped to Russia. trol of the operators.
provides t h a t aetions o f n e g- The Dixon hotel at Brumfield re- The contract was signed by the
ligence against towns :Ind cities must cently burnt, was built forty years Essex comity warden Friday with
be brought against Hie corporation,
ago. Patrick Navin. for the repairing of the
and not against individaal members, °Mrs. Booth-Tackerehas arrived in jail and the 'county buildings at Sand-
+ + + IVONV York to take charge of the Sal- wich. The repairs will cost the county
The bill which provides that in case vation Army. $15,499, besides $4,500 for the new
of a tie vote in monicipal elections the The Quebec Government, through residence of the jailer.
returning officers must vote for the Mayor Wilson Smith of Montreal, has Harry P. Hyams, wanted at Mon-
mmn who hs held office longest, or if negotiated a loan of $300,000; treal on a charge of forgery, was
that is impossible, for the candidate David Eakin, a prominent resident of tailed in the court Thursday. As he
assessed highest„", was beaten in the Unionville, was drowned M a mill- failed to appear, his recognizing:es
Legislature on Monday. pond at that place Saturday.. were declared forfeited. Ilyams is
+ x x At, Broadway Tabernacle Sunday
the congregation raised the sum of
In bisspeeeb on the cattlequestion in
• the House of CommousSaturday night,
e Stir Charles Tupper said he regretted
the attitude taken by the opposition.
- their purpose was to seeetre the
passage of: the Exelosion Bill now
before the Imperial Parliament they
ould not have done anything better
calculated to effect that purpose. It
Was toe bad that they should endang-
er a, great industry of the country
Simply in order to score the Domin-
ion Government. Mr. Mulock had
Misrepresented, matters, for the bill
before the Imperial House was not
directed specially against Canada,
but Was in general terms and direct-
ed against the world. When be (Sir
Charles) appeared before the imperial
authorities in 1892 to protest against
the schedule, he advanced what he
Considered incontrovertible evidence
Of the non-existence of pleuro -pneu-
monia in Canada, Three vetermaty
experts of the Board of Agriculture
bad then reported tbe finding of
traces of pleurcepnenuionia iuiong
Canadian cattle. The same experts
had in MO made an exitetly similar
report, lint Ma Chaplin, President of
the Board of Agriculture, had. not
taken any action open it. During the
two years that had elapsed since the
first report was inade 214,800 Cana-
dian cattle were imported, and there
was not a suspicion of pleura-pum-
a:mini:I, in England. That means 211,-
800 reasons why the embargo should
not be imposed. On the authorization
of Premier Abbott he said to the Im-
perial authorities that if before im-
posing the schedule they would con-
duct further veterinary ex:xi-Mr:Akins,
the Dominion -would, while the ex-
periments were going on stop all fur-
ther shipments of cattle to the old
country. They thought this offer a
reasonable one, and were willing to
accept it, but on the question being
referred to the law officers they were
told they could not do so; that the
report of their veterinary advisers
was before them, and they must net
on it. Thus the embargo was hnpos-
ed. with great reluctance ex the part
of the Imperial authorities.
The municipal committee of the
Legislature have passeda bill by which
councils shall expire absolutely at the
end of the year for which they are ele-
cted ; that is, they shall not transact
any business, even the passing of ac- removal of the embargo. It seems
counts, after their year is up. to be a case of partisanship run mad,
with the farmer as Mr. Mulock s vie-
+ x thn.
Dr. Parkin's opinion that even with. $2,200 as their annual free-will offer -
out preferential tariffs Canada •could
e. •
do from 10 to 15 per cent, ruore trade Another landslide has taken place at
with Britain than she is now doing, is Dundas, and a Grand Trunk express.
one from which fent will be disposed tritin narrowly escaped being wreck -
to dissent. Australia and New Zea- ed, on Saturday.
land captured the British markets for Renben • Potter and. Delphina
their butter, frozen mutton, etc., with Charette Thursday 'pleaded guilty. at
a rush. These colonies, though of it Belleville to higeeny, and were peaveri
very strict English type, seem to have thirty days to leave the country, •
a dash of the 1 antee kind of enter., •
prise in them. They are. up to date M Mr. W. C. Macdonald, of Montreal,
has given half it million dollars to Me -
their methods, and alive to all the re- Gill University for the chemistry,
quireatents of the market. Mining and Agricultural departments
x + handing.
Mr. McMillan, M. for South Rev. H. Drumm of Avonbank
Huron, wants to take the duty off and Carlingford llas accepted a call
corn. Since that date- has been hut from the Presbyterian congyegation of
posed we have greatly extended our Port Elgin to take charge of their
corn area, and have brought into use spiritual interests.
other Classes of feed grown in the The late Mr. Robert Anderson of
Country. 'While Mr. Mulock is labor- Montreal left $115,000, divided
ing to keep our live cattle on the between various departments of the
schedule, and the other Liberals are Presbyterian Church. His estate
opposing the dead meat trade, Mr. amounted, to $2,000,000.
McMillan 'attacks the producers Sir Maekenzie Bowen and Sanford
:feed. Thus joined together heart in Fleming zire expeet•ed to leave forEng-
band the Liberal politicans are attack- land about the end of April to attend
the producers right and left. If the the confeeence cm the Pacific cable,
farmer is neither to grow corn nor to which takes pliwe early in May.
sell cattle and beef, to what is he to The wheat marketwasfirm andlhigh-
turn his hand? er in Chicago on Saturday. The offer-
ings were sinall and on shorts cover-
ing. the price of wheat advanced. May
The special ponimittee of the Legis- wheat closed The higher at Ole.
lature on the abolit•ion of Government The Methodist superannuation fund
House decided Monday morning to re- is again in luck. Dr. Griffin, the see -
port to the Legislature that another retiry recently received a private letter
year would. be required to deal with informing him that a gentleman who
the question. The sub-cominittee of died in the Ottawa district had be -
investigation report that the property queathed $3 000 to the fund.
worth $200.000, was utterly unsaleable Some progress has been made at
owing to the depressed condition of Winnipeg towards it settlement of the
Toronto real estate. Theo found that sehool difficulty, and the impression
there was some groand 'for believing prevails that the Manitoba, commis -
there was -waste on light and fuel and smilers have deniended the withdraw -
house furnishings. While not approv- al of the remedial bill as a condition
ing the abolition, they suggested the of further negotiating.
Lieutenant -Governor be given it lump Tin youngwoman who died. at Ham -
sum to pay his own supplies. 1`.70 one ilton a month ago underciremnstances
objected to the report, and Messrs. which led to suspicions of poisoning
Matter, Hayeock and Sir Oliver agreed hasbeen indentified as Miss Reichert
to postpone action for it year. of Sharpsville, Pa. The man who ac-
. + + compamed her as her husband was a
married druge,det of Sharon, Pa.,
Mr. Blalock has evidently a spite EarT»041 Lafferty.
against the feigners of Canada. The The Merchan'ts' Bank will withdraw
Government yesterday moved a reste. front Dresden. The manager said
Mien declaring that there is no that most of the business men of Dees-
pleuroginemnonia in Canada, and pro- den did their banking in Chatham,
testing against the scheduling of our
live cattle in perpetuity. Mr. Miflock notwithstanding they had a chartered
bank in their Midst, and one of the
at once rose to kepeat, his oldinfer-
ence that -pleuro-pneamenia Ls here, strongest in Canada.
The report of the joint commission
and to move 0 condemnation of the
Government for having- declined an- regarding the boundary of Alaska has
Von which would have been tante- beln: presented to Parliament. It
shows that the British and the United
mount to an admission that the dis-
States representatives have agreed
ease prevails. Mr. Mulocke by his un-
open the date which Will be salinntted
wise speeches, has helped to confirm. to the commission to be yet appointed
the unfounded impression in England
that our cattle are dng
aerous. He to determine the boundary,
now to strengthen that nn- Wm. McLaren, of Samna, has been
ow proceeds
fortunate view, and to prevent action committed for trial by the Mayor of
Sarnia on the charge
sach as Canada can take to secure the of assaulting Rev.
J. O. Madill and. companion on the
ferry boat two weeks ago. He was
bound over to the June assizes 011 a
charge of assault with intent of bodily
harm. Bail was fixed at $1,000, whieh
was furnished,
W. :Macdonald., the millionaire to-
bacco manufacturer, has intimated his
intention of donating a further sum of
$150,000 towards the endowment fund
of the engineering and physics build-
ings in connection with McGill -Univer-
sity. He has just, given half a million
dollars to the university.
Saturday night as the 7.15 train was
within a mile of Brampton, it struck
and instantly killed a farmer named
Win. Patterson, who lived at Mount
Charles. The train stopped and
brought the body to Brampton. The
coroner was notified, but he decided an
inquest was unnecessary. Patterson
was about 50 years of age and un-.
married. •
The Mt. Forest Representative says:
- "Hay appears to be getting more
plentiful as spring draws nearer. It is
certainly getting cheaper and was
being freely offered, unbailed by farm-
ers this week at $11 a, ton. We under-
stand some farmers who are holding
for fancy prices are now willing to un-
load. their stock for less than they
could have sold for a month ago."
A boy named Wooley, aged 15
years, wile has been employed by A.
McPherson, lath concession, North
Yarmouth, for the past six years,
tried to end his life by taking a dose of
Paris green on Tuesday night. When
it was 'found that he had taken the
poisonous powder, Dr. Dunconabe was
called, and applied the restoratives
used in such emergencies.
The other day, as Dr. Wigle, of
Wiarton, was driving across the ice
on the bay, from Colpoy's to Wiartop,
the ice beneath:the horse and rig 'such
dently gave way. The doctor got t on
firm ice, but the horse and cutter went
down. No one being in sight, the doc-
tor Seeing no way to get them out
started for shore to get help. Shortly
after he had gone some men saw the
.horse in the water and went quickly
to its help and succeeded in getting it
out, but seeing no driver Came to the
conclusion he must have gone to the
bottom. They started uptobring: the
horse home, and came across the doc-
tor coining down with help.
Judge Synder, a Hamilton, gave
judgment recently in the Young
will case, in which Miss Atkin?, who
was to have been mingled to Thomas
Young Mg the day the latter Was
killed by a G. T. It. train, applied
for it probate. Of a will which was
found -some roonths after Young's
death in an old clock, and which
left to herall his property, -- consist-
ing of real estate in .Hamilton valeed
itt $3,000,. and .ap estate in Ireland
valued at $1,000 it year. The•
nesss to the will could not be found,'
and the grandchildren of the deceeSed,
neenedtAti'Dougaila Who Heed in Wee
ego, queWoneathe.genuineness of the
dwelt:wet The judge, 'however, 'de-
cided in Miss Atitinshfaeor pronounc-
•thewill geneine.h • • • • • "
After passing it law practieally ex-
empting vacant lands of loan com-
panies from taxation, the Ontario
Legislature is now considering a hill
to give the companies a vote for every
$400 for whichth.e company is assessed
On real estate. The enfranchisement
et sculless corporations is the most
dangerous departure from the prin-
ciples of popular government that has
ever been attemptU.
X 4- X
The Berlin News complains that
the Ontario Legislate show an an-
xiety to legislature against the towns.
It says "the laws are now that the
people of towns have hardly any
rights left, that are worth having.
Towns are even legislated out of the
rights to have the cordwood they buy
on the market measured.. Any one
who may have watched the proceed-
ihgs of the present session must know
that no scheme has been omitted that
an in any way lesson the power oit
towns and cities to maintain their
fast rights. The whole legislation is
cla,se legislation."
+ x +
The Wingham outrage, the result of
which one Field's came to his death,
is being defended by correspondents
from that town, along the line that
Field's was it bad man and deserved a
whipping. The blacker Fields' crime
is painted, the more is it proof that he
was amenable to the courts, and even
though those whose duty it was to set
the law in motion failed in that duty,
there is not, it shadow of excabe or
palliation for his brutal anclmurderous
treatment, and the law 'should be
meted out to the fullestextent to those.
who eugdged in the disgraceful affair.
British law, not mob law, is what this
country wants,.
X • X'
While we have been impatiently
waiting for warmer weather, in other
• parts of the continent the climatic
....conditions have been remarkable. In
far north Alaska, for example, they
have experienced the coldest weather
, known there in 20 years. During
January and February the tempera -
lure was never above zero a,t Juneau
or Sitka, and snow fell almost contin-
uously. To balance, this, an unusual
spell of warm.weather during the
early part of this month hatched out
millions of grasshoppers, prematurely,
in Oregon. Then came along an un-
usual cold snap, 'which killed practical-
ly ever one of the insects. Consequently
the farmers thereabouts are doing the
remarkable thing of rejoicing over un-
seasonable weather. In Southern
California, a former resident writes
us, they are already experiencing very
warm weather, and at; Orange, in
that State, the other cley, a farmer
and his two sons were killed by light-
ed:no., while sitting at the table, eating
en. supper.
+ x +
Britain's proposed cattle exclusive bill
is really indirectprotection. The debate
on the measure has abounded inconfes-
sions of conventional attachment to
free trade, associated with an unex-
pressed determination to secure the
benefits of protection to the down-
trodden English cattle raiser. The bill
excites no formidableopposition in the
House of Commons outsidethe Radical
and Liberal ranks. It will be enthusi-
astically received in the House of Lords
and once it is law nothing short of a
great national agitation will ever take
it off the statute book. The House of
Lords still represents the landed in-
terests of ijEngland. It is many long
deers since England had it Government
which showed the faintest inclination
to do anything for the landed interest,
and the peers willtake care that any-
thing that Salisbury does in aid of dis-
tressed agriculture will not be undone
in a hurry.
+ + +
It is a singular coincidence that all
the Liberal politicians and Liberal
journals a the Dominion are silent
when the subject of the American
tariff on foreign importations comes
up for discussion. Our very moderate
impostscin foreign manufactures is de-
nounced as it "robberyonthe country,"
and yet our Liberal friends have no
words of denunciation for the Ameri-
can system of Protection! Just now,
as we have already shown, the battle
of the tariffs is the great hone of con-
tention between the rival factions
across the lines; the Democrats favour-
ing the present system of imports (and
which is at least 25 per cent. higher
than ours), while the Republicans in-
sist upon an almost prohibitory scale
of duties, inclusive of taxes on foreign
grown wools. The Reform party in
the Doniinion, in their eagerness for it
remedial measure of taxation, fail to
show how, if adopted, the money is to
be found to satisfy the interest of the
national debt. Sweep away some
$19,000,000 arising from customs, , and
how shall the deficit be made up? The
only possible resort would be direct
taxation in real estate. Are they pre-
pared for such a turn -over? Are the
farmers, who we are told already bear
the vast bulk of taxation to be
threatened with the additional harden
of an extended land tax?
-UP the system is at this season. The
cold weather hes ras,de unusual drains
upon the vital forces. The blood has
become impoverished and inapure, and
all the functione of the body sttfler in
consequence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is
the great builder, because it is the One
True Blood Purifier and nerve tonic.
Hood's Pills become the favorite
eathartic with all tvlio use them. All
druggists 25c
now in the United States, hut nobody
knows where. Spra
R. A. Thompson, while drilling for
We Have The
They arc full weight, (16 lbs. to
the gallon)) Imperial measure. /
water to run Ins mill at Lynden, Ont.,
streek natarai gas with a force which,
witile burning, throws a blaze five feet
in the air, out of n four -inch pipe, the
gas hayiug to force its way through
SOO feet of water.
Nelson Jenkins the wellknown ship-
builder, of Walkerville, fehl from
scaffolding on Saturday and received
injuries which may result seriously.
He struck lon the back of his head and
the doctors . fear concussion of the
tas....teateite m
A few weeks ago it young man - •
named Wen. Crain, of Siineoe, was Perth County Notes.
found dead in his father's barn, Crain
had gone home Minsk:tate and was Tavistock b now lighted by 250
thought to WIN'S been frozen to death, electric lamps.
The relatives of deceased have dis- Stratford is .advertising for an elec-
'covered suspicious circumstances tele gee aie,em system,
-L.-wraps. }
SP,BOE,0 • •
Our Seed are thoroughly re-
cleaned by the best Seed Mill
in the country.
which warrant investigation.
A Colchester, Ont., -deepatch says;
—The prospects for the lopening ef
navigation at this end of Lake Erie
are dull at present. Saturday the lake
was covered with floatingice, which
was at the mercy of the wind. Should
the weather set in mild with it warm
ram it would not take long to waste,
but while it. continues cold, and the
wind. continues easterly and southerly
the passage must reMain blocked.
Looks Grave.
London L --Owing ththe grav-
ity of the .situation in South Afrim
the Government is taking steps to
dispatch 5,000 troops to the Cape of
Good. Hope as soon as possible, in
order to be ready for emergeneles.
The directors of the British Chartered
South Medea Company, have formate
requested • the Govertmunit to order the
immediate dispatch of 5110 regular
troops from Cape Town to Bulawayo.
Hon. Thomas Ballantyne will leave
for Liverpool on the Camomile on
Adam iippel, a farmer living near
Tavistoek, was hadINT injured by it log
rolling on hien one day last week.
A. W. Hotham, of Stafla, intende
going to the N. W. T., for the summer
months to take charge of it school.
John Lehman, of Logan, has pur-
chased the farm of James Robb for
the stun of $1,500.
Do not despair of cueing your
sick headaehe when you eati so easily
obtain Carter's Little !Aver Pills. '1')ey
will c.ffect, it pronipt and permanent
eure. Their action is mild a lal nal mai
The Rev. Mr. Hopkins, pastorof the
Congregational chum) Lastowel, is in
Montreal, where ite is thinking of me
cepting 0. call.
To get relit?ffrom intligestitea,
11CSS, C'(U1Stp8t ion or t liver wit b-
out disturbing the stoat:telt or purging
the bowels, take n few doses a Carteeg,
Little Liver Pale, they will please you.
Andrew Clyne who has been in the
Latest and Best hi
We have just received a fresh
clean stock, and by buying a large stock
We have secured the Agency for Parker's Latest Patent.
.-,—...02:..These Celebrated Pumps are the best,..
We have a large stock of clean fresh Field
and Garden Seeds. Don't fail to try the
New Clover Seed!
Everybody is trying it. Cut 4 times a year.
Spring Goods are now all on hand.
11-1. ii3ISIFIOR ON
• 01111,110V Of ,Murphe. ( Mit-
-ellI, for the past seven oz. eight
ormer Wingasemite. months, left, on Satueday for Zurich.
Peru, Ind., March 28.--A. 3. 'don- where be has secured a t'ill11141r posi-
over,. said to be a notorious bank 1.1("1.
Old Mr. 'Worth, of Mitediell, had a
dritft forger and ex -convict, has been
arrested in this city by Pinkerton's
national detective agency at the in-
stigation of the Anierican Baakees'
Association. He had ordered a large
number of blank drafts from a De-
troit, firm to be shipped to NV. II.
Bank & Co., Perri. The engravers
learnt there Was EG sixth don, and
notified the Bankers' Association,
which had Oontrover arrested when lie
called at the express eflice for the
blank drafts. Conover is CO ycav; old.
and formerly kept a hotel in Wing -
ham, Ont. Five years ago he was
sentenced to the Iowa penitentiary for
nine years on 0 charge of forgery, but
Gov, jobnsonpardoned him last fall.
It was also founil that he had ordered
a similar book from Hulloed & Co., of
Darrow eseepti from poisoning on
Wednesday' night. About etx o clock of the dogs. We trust Chief Manes
will rapidly- develop into an expert
marksman and kill every unmuzzled
and improperly muzzled dog seen in
the town, No greater lenieney should
In. extended to unntazzled dogs in the ,
yet. few households are prapared tor its surrounding townships. 1 he life tit
easels. An admirable le.nu.dy for this haman heing is of mum li greateir sedne
than the live:: andliberty of athousand •
ummizzled canine eurs. 10 this Con-
nection We might point out that eats
are very frequently bitten by mad
dogs, and they are then even more
dangerous than the dog& It is the
duty of every private citizen to aid
Chief 'dhows in prompt•lv despatching
stack, the lop tipped over, striseng every dog not properly nnezzled.-Park-
him in the breast, killing him ine: int- • hill Independent.
The widow of the bite Wm. Dent. a G. M. Elliot, the Hamilton street
lady well and favorably known in Mi G.
who inaugurated the cash sys-
chell, died at her hothe in Stretford tem in his lime tells the The Stai. he
the other day. The lady had only has just closed. his first yeite With that
been ill alittle over a week-, having system, and it has been most satis-
been attacked by in grippe,. whitb.
hwtory. Ile has in that time paid out
veloped into pmennoine. She leave:: a,
h moire& of dollars in hard -cash to the
son and three daughters, alai was a fiomers for their produce, and the new
sistwain-law of A. Dent, of Mitchell.
departure has therefore been one of
Tim Stratford papers eeport a run -
mutual benefit—Goderich Star.
away in that eity last Sundey morn-
ing, when a horse broke its t'o• strap There is MOW than sentiment in the
and in its flight went into the window eaying of Su' Wolter Raleigh to his
of MeLeae's furnishing store (eons of ex(cutioner, "What matters it about
A. P. McLean of Mitchell). The horse the head if the heart is right r' The
trouble is that in thie high pressure age
was so badly cut and stunned that it
lay in the wnalow on top tif a large telellfitelaii;tstiisinaste(!dietiniskeeteutilgt(h(1,.
quantity of valuable goods, the blood.
flowing profusely. One mit on its one person out of every four or five has
back went into the spine and a sliver, a weak or diseased heart. Think for a
of glass almost to the kidneys. To re-
move this it was necessary to mit
aivay a, piece of. the. flesh. The horse
is a valuable one and. great care is
being taken to save its life. The large
plate glass was insured.
Middlesex County Notes Why stiffer from Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Asthma Bronchitis when
Messrs. Degex aud Dinning, of Met- perfect cure is so easy with Dr.
calfe, have purchased the noted stoek. Wood's Norway Pine syrup. Price
horse, Prince Torn, from Messrs. Rob- 25e, all druggists.
son, of Ilderton, and Taylor of Park-
The body of Mrs, Robinson, of Wood-
stock, late wife of Alex. Robinson
traveller for D, Richards was removed
to Parkhill Monday for bm..141. -Death
resulted from an operation performed
two week ago.
On Wednesday even ing iss Melinda
Brown, youngest daughter of John
Brown, Sylvan was united matrimoni-
ally to Matthew Thompson, operator
at Lucian ou the G. T. R. We extend
our wishes for a long and happy future.
Janies Clark of Sylvan, has sustained
O snore loss in the death of his nephew •
sell of A. MeLood, who hae resided
with him for a number tif years. • The
young man who was in his eighteenth
year was a great sufferer liaeme been
eonlined tothe houte since lastOidober.
Since our last issue we'have learned
that the dogs belonging to Messrs, E.
& A. Mathene of the townline, and
Chas, Wahleek'of town, have gone
mad. In nn attempt to tie up his dog,
Alfred Mathers was bitten by the
animal, but as the bite did not pene- .
V.ate the skin, it is to b hoped no ,
evil result. \\Ill follew. The three dogs
referred to have gone away, but no
persou knows in what direction. GM.
Gilbert's cat ami a sheep and a heifer
belonging to Mr. Mathere have gone
mad as a result, of being bitten by one
in the evening. he took a, etryelinme
powder hi mistake for 50100 pOWdO1'g4
he had been in the habit of taking.
The 1,11)1(111 y with i ms :up the
vetoes calls for instaat i and meet ; and
It may save you. tine and money to
be informed that, when yoti need a
blood-burifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is
the kind most in favor with the media:II
profession. It is the standard and, as
such, the only blood -purifier admitted
at the Chicago World's Fair.
A pleasant event took place on
Wednesday evening, 25th March, at
the residence of John Marshall, Gode-
rich township, when Wm. Johnston
and Miss Charlotte Marshall were urn
ited in matrimonial alliance.
Thos. Cooper aod wife Olintou, have
resided in this county for about GO
years; in all that Vine Providence has
so highly blessed them that they have
never had a funeral in the family.
Theirson, Win. Cooper, has been mar-
ried for about 30 years, and he also bas
had the same experience. - • • -
The Dominion' bank at Seaforth has
purchased the Good block, on the cor-
ner of Main and Gowanlock streets,
and will have it fitted up at once for
their own use. This will make a most
convenient bank, and it will be fitted
up in the latest improved style. •
The Allen steamer, Numidian, which
arrived at Halifax from Liverpool, on
Monday, experienced strong westerly
gales. Two thorbughbredstallionsdied
at sea. They were owned by Messrs.
Horton & Lanes, of Clinton. The loss
of these animals will be pretty heavy,
as the insurence companies will not
take much of a risk on them.
The annual meetingof the South
Harm Liberal Association,(Dominibn)
will be held at Brueefield on Saturday,
April 4th, at 1 p. • ma sharp, for the
election of officers and traneaction of
other business.
PRATEM 01! Dn. Aoserads OAT-
Everyone who uses Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder has a good word to
sa,y for it. In these columns a short
-time slum) was quoted the favorable
.erpinion of three membees of thefacelty
of .McMaster Hall, the great Baptist
imiyersitY. Of the same denomination
is to be added to -day the hearty en-
dorsement of this remedy by the Rev.
G. Anderson, the indefatigable awl sue-.
eessful pastor a the Went,w•orth Bap-
tist Chureb, Hamilton., He.: has ased
this medic:Me, arid -do.es not .hesitate
to proclaim its good properties. Just
at this partienler time of the year this
remedy is &drg ea gland Work he eta
Moving thSt .7 'dreaded trouble to:
many -45:1,y Fever. - •
One short pott of the breath through
theblower sapplieleeith each bottle' of
De. Agnew's Catittediej Powder, dif-
fuses the; powder eeee' the surface of
the nasal passages. . ..Painless : and de-
lightful tolista it -relieve in ten initetitee
and, permanently cures Catarehtl.'av
?ever, ' 0014, Headache, Sore Throat
Tonsiliele and Deaf:lase. 69 cents. Sold
by C. Trns. •
distebe is Ayer's Cherry Peetoral. It
has saved hundreds of lil es and should
be in every home when. there are
young children.
A sad tied:lent occurred neer Kin-
tore the other day, reetilting in the
death of Christopher James. While
.11•1r. dames was elimbing up the strew -
Our Beloved Queen.
NOT MIA Recent Photo,
cabinet Ste, Ginn Amye
Our beloved Queeu Victoria; God
bless her and preseree her to herlord
and loving people.
Few homes can boast of having it
really good and. recent cabinet photo of
Her Majesty, who will :mon attain her
77th year.
The Wells & Richardson' Coe mann-
facturere of Diamond Dyes, have made
special arrangemei its with the 'pub] ish-
ers of `0 urtionni,' Canedids hest, purest;
most largely circulated and mostenter-
peisingfam:ly paper, now he its fourth
year ot ective told progressive work,
whereby they are (melde(1 to make the
following 'special and generoos offer,
good for one in/mil) only:at
An elegant full cabinet photo. (from
0 recent copy taken by royal command)
of Her Majesty Qneeu Victoria; a, four-
page pamphlet giving dates of births,
marriages and deaths, and other items
of ieteresting hnd useful information
relating to the Royal family, that but
fear people have access to; six Dieenoild
Dye 'dolls with six extee dresees, and
a cited of forty-five sainplee of dyed
cloth. showi tgeolors of Diamond Dyea-
Will he sent free to every man, wOrnen
and child who will send in 25 coats ia
money or stamps fay one years sub-
scription to hOur Henan". it paper that
thousands -declare to he Worth it dollar.
The cabinet photos of the Que-eo are
worth 40 to50 cents each; and can be
obteined ool y aspremium. With ."Our
• If yotz desireito have Mire and -Whole-
some. reading 'matter for one yeae, and
the premiums as promised above, send
rine Mune end. address at (-amen' The
:Whole •eosb. remember, is °icily- 25 mats.'
Addrceb Wells .& Richardson Co,
Montreal, P. Q. • . •
live sometimes when girdled,
nearly around. Nature ever
labors to repair damage, and
after a time, the wounded sur-
faces are nicely healed. Sorr
persons live and fully meow.,
even after consumption has
made cavities in the lungs..
In this struggle we can gre
ly aid nature by giving Scott, ,
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil
with Hypophosphites. The
oil supplies needed fat, and.
the hypophosphites tone up
the nerves. The decline in
weight ceases. Apositive gain
lx;gins, and once again there is
promise of life and health, it
ts never too late to try.
Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by thr
V.14'4 t g t 40* tt..00.1$ Years. (Ash 00i. dere-
.)ji Max: ji is" polal.ele. always
r's;•ve!-.1';;:fi'Zt;(=geleV'srezt Nzi"4:47443 C*d—
Put np in 40 Owt and $14)0 sites, The small sire
0:0.0 care.rour cough or belp vour bay.
newne, Belleville ant.
+5+ ats or
The undersigned has concluded
sell his stock of Boots and Shoes, Har-
ness, Rugs, Robes, Bells, Whips,
Trunks, Valises, and all other articles -
too numerous to mention.
For 30 Days,
For Cash. We give you the profits :—
Team Harness $22.00 and up
Single Harness $8,0o and upwards.
Childrens Boots 25c. "
Cow Hid " $3.00, Hand made.
moment the itnportzmt work that the ICiSkin " $3.5o, "
heart lis to perform, and 11 is not;
difficult to realize what a derangement'
Sleighs $1.00.
means. Dr. Agnew's cure for the
organ Goat Robes $5..o0.
even to a slight extent, of this
heart is a cure for heart troubles, and Come along and We will give •:ee,
nothing •else. It is a mistake to sup- more for your money than you call 'de:
pose that remedies that are out as anywhere else. We mean bub
panaceas fax all the ills that flesh is heir when we quote prices. This stock
to can effectively cure heart diseuse. clean and first class, reliable goads we
Within SO minutes after taking the offer you. Remember we are the sole
first dose of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the agent for the Galt Saskatchewan
Heart relief is secured, and eventually Buffalo Robes. See trade mark on all
•complete restoration is effected. Sold these goods. Beware of inimitationse
bY 0. LUTZ. Repairing promptly executed.
Mr. Justice Robertson WES asked on
Friday by the father of Oliver Miller,
of Stratford, to have his sou officially
declared dead, so that money now in
court, due to him may be paid to his
heirs. The son was born in Stratford,
and in 1854, when eighteen years old,
went to Denver, where he worked in
the 1.111INNS for three years. He started
to return to Stratford, but joined an
exploring party bound for Elizabeth-
town, New Mexico. On their way
south they met several bands of In-
dians, and all the whites were mas-
sleeted except Miner, Who reached
Elizabethtown and worked as a miner.
Miller wrote several letters home, and
at last his parents received one in July
1839, stating thathe had had it log
broken in three phices by the caving
in of a mine. Since then nothing has
been heaed from him, and it is steppes -
ed that he ie dead. He reserved de-
.i.be Wants Others To Know.
:T)Arti ElDiTOE,
Please state itt yeur 'valued journal,
that if any safterer from . 'Nervous '
Debility, Seminal Weaknees, Lack of
Energy and Ambition, Lost Manhood,
Night Losses, etc., will write inc in -
confidence, Twill inform bhn by seeled
letter, free of charge, how to obtain a,
perfect cnre. 1 ask for no monev,
having nothing to sell.. 1 know how
to syx»pathiee with these,euffererseved
am only too • f;lad to he able to assist
John Trebie.
Closing Gut
Salo offiloy-
dos at cost.
Owing to an enlargement of
the Merchant Tailoring branch of
my business, and requiring all
available space for increased
stock, I have decided to go out
of the Bicycle business.
Several wheels on hand,
which will be sold at cost for
them1 promise every one abeolue
secrecy and As 1 do not, of course, IN LArnEs' AND GENT'S,
WiSh to expose myself either, I do ant
give my name. If you desire to get and -Vt a snap
well, send stamp and address simply : J 11 GRIEVE'
P.' 0. Box 388, London, Ont. 3 3