Exeter Times, 1896-3-26, Page 5• • HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE.
woo D HATA.
1. \
\ k Our Millinery Open -
'lug last week was a
'rand success. Crowds.
4 4t ',;T.: altilecgftver.
Iri Inn. andinfiny havo
re' shown their
appreciation, of styles
and prices in a pr9,cti-
gra manner
41 I
e '
• .
If you're interested
in Clothing, we can
interest you still more.
!Boys' 2 Piece" Suits.
We have an elegant range in New-
est Styles in both Tweeds and Serges
:at $1..50 up,
Boys' 3 ilele.cie Suits.
*Youths' 3 Piece Suites t
With either long or knee pants.
_Styles the newest -prices the lowest.
Men's and Boys' Flannelette Shirts
for 190 each, Men's Unlaundered Shirts
with Linen front and bands for 37ac.
Lathes' Rid. Gloves -all sizes -in
'Tan and Black, for 40e per pair,
10 yd ends -47 inches wide, regu-
lar 12ec for 7ec yard
Turkey Red Prints in spots and
stripes for ..)e per yd,
Dress Goods.
All1Vool Serges-40in wide -all
colors, for 25e a, yard.
The newest styles at 15c, 25e and
,40e each.
R. S. F
tirand Bend.
Baiees.-The weather has a spring
like appearance this week and the
snow has all disappeared. -We had a
shower o£ rain on Satarday night ac-
companied with thunder, which, if the
sayinpaie true, early thunder a cold
spring. --Joseph Brenner sold a fine
cow on Monday to Frank Allen, jr.-
Robert Pollock has traded his driving
mare with Ed. Bossenberry, of Zurich.
Joseph Mason lost his horse "Nim-
rod" last week with some very sudden
Atteed'.e.,....ho took while driving from
Exedanesend died before reaching home.
-A 'filer iorrish happened with rather
a, xeric misfortune last we*. It ep
pears he went to hitch up one of h
horses dud while puteime on the brith
the animal: caught hint by elle zerm be-
tween the wrist and the elbow putting
his teeth cleau through and breaking
the bones into splinters. Dr. Ovens,
of Parkhill, and, Dr. Rollins, of Exeter,
were called, and have decided not to
take. the arm off yet -William Jones
and Miss Leah Tetreau were married.
At the peneonage hero last week, by
Rev. Mr. Carriere.-eSilas Gratteu,
merchant, is having auction. sales this
week disposing •of the balance of his
stock. They are being well attended.
-Thos. Teals delivered his team of
horses to Centralia on Wednesday,
Which he recently sold.
Buchanan.. The ceremony was per-
fermed by Rev. G. lat Thompsore of
Corbett, The bride was supported. by
Miss Vida Thompson, of Parkhill, and
the groom by W, AeIlifilson, of Green-
way. 'The ceremony was witnessed. by
a large number of friends and relatives
who, after the ceremony, sat down to
a sumptuous repast. The presents
were numerous and costly showing the
esteem in which they are held.
Hawes. - Fred Harburn had the
misfortune to cut his foot one day last
week while working in the bush. -On
Tuesday a young man. rained Wm.
Jacob, in the employef W. Ward,
while i
brushiug trees n the bush by
the glancing of his eze receii ed
severe cut on the foot, extenchug from
the big toe to the instep, How lie
managed to get to the house some two
hundred rods away is awonder, es the
wound bled profusely, leaving a trail
of blood to inark his track. -Thomas
Cameron has had. a letter from the
Gardiner family, late of this place,
which says they are all pleasantly
situated and all have remunerative em-
ployment in their new home in Iowa.
--Quite a number of horses have mov-
ed out of this locality lately. Wm.
Turubnll sold one recently for $125.
r3finsns'.-MrsMi1ison is visiting at
Jallepburn's.-Miss Bella Westcott,
of Exeter, is visiting at the pareonag,e.
-A. Bawsiaugh has gone to take
charge of Eph. 33eitt's saw mill at Chn-
ton.-Jeff. Essery, of Palmerston,
spent Sunday under the 'parental reef.
-The Misses Hodgins, of Clandeboye,
were visiting at J. Hodgins l the latter
part of last week. -Mrs, Butt, of Clin-
ton, visited her son, Rev. W. ET. Butt
last week. -Miss Golley, who has been
visiting here, returned to her home in
Wingbam. on Monday. -The infant
son of Nelson Baker died last week. -
Mrs. Towle, who was ill for several
weeks, died on Mouday last at the
age of 77 years and was buried 1. the
Centralia cemetery last week. Her
husband is lying paralyzed at the
home, under the eare of his daughter,
Lizzie, -The R. T. of T's held their
Fennel entertainment an Friday even-
ing in Smith s Hall, which was well
filled. A debate in whathe Messrs.
Harris, Staulake and I ronty, of
Sodom, and Messrs, Butt, Cobleigh
and Elston, of Centralia, took. part,
was followed by a musical program,
Miss llodgens, of Clandeboye, Mr.
Holtzman, of Crediton, Mr. Staniake,
of Sodom, Miss Hicks, of Clentraela,
and the Centralia Harmonica Band
editing the bill to the aeligetofigl.pres-
ant.--Reve W. }I. Batt conducted the
Baneas.-John Mallard, and wife,
of Grand Bend, visited friends in the
village and vicinity last week. -Thos.
Mash has rentesl his farm to J. Paxton,
and has rented a house from J. Foster,
which he intends moving into at once.
-Wm. Wickett has rented Jas. Wil-
son's house on the old homestead, and
moved in last Mondry. -Will the par-
ties that took part in the Grace Church
Sabbath School entertainment- please
-look over their books as there are three
books inissing. They were borrowed
by,,theorgainst, and she wishes to have
them returned. By leaving them at
the Greenway post office they will be
forwarded to the owner. -Complaint
has been laid before our local magis-
trate against several young men and
boys who kept several families awake
Sabbath evening by whistling and
• dancing on the post office. platform.
Boys if you want to be respected, re-
spect the Sabbath and your neighbors
after they have retired tosleep.-J.
tar, jr., has purchased the Grieve
• far 1, Jas. Gilbert who has been liv-
ing on it, has rented Thos. Layton's
farm, near Corbett, and. raoved on it
• last Monday. -.A. very pleasant affair
took place at the residence of Richard
• England on. Wednesday evening. of
last week, it being the marriage of
Miss Martha England to Mr. Wm.
Sebbath hool Review service on
SundaY, i4 ach wan one of unusual
interest art profit, most of the teach-
ers taking parb in the same.
(Frorn another sweetie.)
The annual meeting, of the Clentralia,
Cheese Factory was held oa March
21st. Auditors' report read and. adopt -
d The followin officers were elect-
ed for 181,16: John Parsons, re-elected
President; R. Handforcl, re-elected
Salesman; Directors, Richard Hicks,
Wm. Kelly, Sidney Snell, Thos. Mit-
chell, eVm. Herbert, Geo. Rook, Thos.
Wilson, Wm. Baker, jr, G. Morlock,
Wm. Neil, Jas. Mitchell and Win.
Bagshaw. The Secretary was not ap-
pointed, but it was left with a com-
mittee composed of John Parsons, R.
Handford. and Wm. Kelly to appointa
Secretary for 1890. A discussion fol-
lowed onethe situation of the cheese
industry wh e S mith proposed mak-
ing butter in. the near future providing
the patrons preferred such a change,
but the majority present decided in
favor of cheese unless brighter pros-
pects for the butter market warranted
such a change, and it was unanimously
decided in favor of cheese for the„aom-
beg season.-MrdMiehelsdagent for the
San Life, was in the village the past
week. -Jim has painted his shop but
dict not do it, because he is
BETES—JohnRouatt and John King
two of our old and well known res id ones
are very ill at present. We wish them
a speedy recovexy.-Mr. and Mrs. A.
McLeod, of Ripley, who have beenvisit-
ing here, returned to their home this
week. -John Widdon is the owner of
a heifer with peculiar tusks. It has
the habit of chewing dry goods, and
has on, several occasions visited clothes
lines. and eaten white shirts, sheets,
white gloves, etc. -A short time ago a
deputation waited on Rev. Mr. Oaten,
and. presented him with a compli-
mentary address, expressing the ap-
preciation of his congregation. • The
address was accompanied by about l25.
ro1 owing are the market quotationg.
„ ..... 77 t*"
- .. . 3* to 3g
lilggs ' 11141a1144,
innothy seed . $1.75 to V.25
Clover, seed. ..... 45,25 tog,,5.40
Buie:vs.-James Sutherland visited
Stratford last week, to attend. the
funeral of the late Mrs. Dent. He
likes Stratford very much, and says it
is a stirring little city. -The romdt are
nolv in a, muddy condition, the snow
having left us. The Loudon road is
still in bad. condition, the banks of
snow having become soft and danger-
ous to drive over. --Judging from -the
vaporings of the local paper, in whiele
each successive week the editor offers
apology for that which appeared intim
preceding issue, one. would emegiue
that the recent church trouble had. not
yet been. settled. Ifyour correspond-
ent, uuderstands it rightly, the matter
was eanicably settled between all par-
ties concerned, and just what right
cleisnterestecl persons have to rater -
:fare we are at a, loss to know, and it
looks very much, like a libel on private
affairs. 'We would. humbly advise the
busy -bodies to desist, lest they go too
far for persoual comfort.- Mrs. Ur-
qnhart has returned home, after at-
tending the funeral of her brother-in-
law, the labs Mr. Sunpsons accompana
ed by her sister, Mrs. Simpsoe.-John
Torrance, of Zurich, spent Tuesday in
the village, -D. Weismiller spent the
past week in Bruce countyon business.
-Sani'l Rennie will commence the
erection of his new block at once. It
will be among the finest in the village.
James Clarke, while working around
a team of horses in the blacksmith
shop the other day one of the animals
tramped on his foot inflicting a pain-
ful womule-One of T. Palmer's horses
got loose in the stable the other night
and kicked its mate, causing serious
and painful wounds, -Miss Myrtle
Vance is visiting with her audit, Mrs.
Troyer, of Hills Geom.-Rev. Mr. and.
Mrs. Weir visited at A. McPherson's
on. Monaley.-Miss Bella Taylor, who
has been visiting among friends in
Brussels for the past menth, returned
home this week. Her visit was a,
most enjoyable one. -Mrs, James
Sutherland, is ill with la grippe, -Miss
Sproat, of Seaforth, is visiting at ]fr.
Pauple's.-Miss Minnie Shaffer vieited
her aunt, Mrs. Dick in Hay township,
last week. -Mr.. (Rev.) Cook, of Gran-
ton, has been visiting friends at Beebe
esda,, and is now the guest of Mrs. E.
Rannie.-Alf. Carlisle, clerk in Me -
Daimlers drug store, is ill at preemie.
-Miss Nellie Parsons, •ofBayfield, who
has been the guest of the Misses
Sinallacombe, returnea home on Fri-
day lase -G. G Johnston, one of
Exeter's popular. merchants, was in
the village Monday. -The Ki pen
scribe of the Expositor thinks we have
arrived at fever hent regarding the
political situation in South Huron.
VW, would remind our good. friend that
more dissatisfaction exists than he,
in his little confine, is no doubt
aware of, and instead of our being at
Is where the people go now, as they say they buy CHEAPER that?
• before.
Over $3000 worth of new and choice goods just arrived, and
selling at astonishing low prices.. Also
Big Aielection hi Each 11...iirlue:
MARABOUT LAWNS, emet The finest and most t Sure
SCOTCH PLAIDS, complete . range off
CROWN CRINKLES, he Plain,Check&Fancy i ',"
CASHMER.E DE-LAINES, Dress Goods. Ele- f Mier
FRENCH CASHMERE, h t gent Black Capes, 1 est
POINTED PIQUE. ' Fancy Silks. i YOU
fever heat, think will be warm for
some one else *when the time comes. -
G. C. Petty shipped a carload of pork
Wilson is an ant student, and will
render a good accerunt of himself. -
Rev. Henderson left on Tuesday for
Torontie to attend the opening „ ex-
ercises of Knox College. His papit
next Sunday Will be oceupied by a
student from that college. -Miss Bella
Ellis bo.s returned from the Toronto
Conservatory of musie, in which in-
stitution she has taken. a year's course..
She has pssed. all examinations most
crditably. Her many friends wel- Urban Essery, Sohn Sims, Herbere
Clarke, Mary Lampert, Charles Lem-
ome her home agaire-Mas- Burns ,ort III -Lula Essery, Patrick
(nee Miss Hodgins) leaves this week to ilannagan, Cora, Lampert ;-r.
join her husband who has been on an Garfield Lawson, Mary Lawson, Louisa
extended foreign. trip. -Mrs. DeLion lehamagan, Joseph • Sims, Wilfred
bas opened a. branch busi- Lwon, Lovina Sines ;-Jr.
ness in Lucan. Miss DeLion is there Sims, Garnet Hill, Isaac Sims, Siloma,
Hirtzel ;-Pt. II -Noble Baker Vern
-- 1 S
Stephen. Cromarty-
lwing are the names of papils in order off his stock and/ -retire from farming.
of reeri-Sr. IV -Gere Lawson, -We referred briefly best week to the
Lizzie Lawson ; - Jr. IV - Wesley death of W. P. Hamilton. , He attend-
itirtzei, Katie Flennaga,n, Emma, t ed, the Mitchell high school and took
Brown, Annie Sencer, Ruby Essery, his secondelasscertificatebeforebe was
Ella Lamport; --r. III-Clensa Salter, seventeen, and passed away on the eve
of a aseful and promising life a, victim
deceased accepted a schoolinthe Parry OST.
of consumption. Over a, year ago the
Sound district, and while there he cora
erected during the wheterthewhooping
cough. from some of his pupils. He
stuck to his work till Easter, when he
came home and was unable to return
again. The cough stuck to him and
port of S. S, No. 2, Stephen. The fol- (of poor health has determined to sell I
Publishers and PropiliotOra
Sono= REPORT.-Thcamination re- BUMPS -John Gillespie on account ELL1NG
at present getting- it in rimeing order.
-Miss S. Grigg, of Walton, has been
liner with Mrs. DeLion, Esser Arthur FlannaJo
gau, seph consemhis life
developed and hlife
engaged as rail
-On account of a superfluity of water Edwards, Nora Sims ;-Pt. 1 --Ethel was cut short while be was yet in Ids
an Suuday the elect= power house Lampert. Number on xedi 37 Aver- 19th year.
age attendance $2.
was flooded and the engine could, not Miss M. CIA,vEs, Techer.
be started. Heace the village was in
darkness, so to speak. The Methodists Scuroo- lineeern-The following is
had to hold service in the ddsdinont a. correctrepoe e. et S. S. No 3, Stephen,
been here visiting friends for four
in consequeece. Geo. Soya visited, for the Month of March, The names
weeks, left last Tuesday for Marlette,
seeeente. on seeneed3d,„,,,,T. 3. Bury are in order of inerit. IT chess, Fred
anders; Sr. IV Oases Henry Beaver, Mielaigan.-Jacob Zimmerman, Wm-
BRIEFS -Amos Schweitzer, who has
shipped a ear load. of horses to Boston eo. Bagshaw, Herman Beaver, Sid Bender and. Miss Rickie Zimmerman.
Sanders, Geo. Seeders; Sr. IV class,
Chem Stanlake, .Eddie Beaver, Sam
Jory, Bertha Gilbert, Ida jory and
Luther Penhale equal, Julia Triebner,
Lily Idestle; Jr. III Richard Glainville,
Mary Sanders, Clinton Ssveet, Lenoran
Sanders; Sr. II Lorena Ford, Fred
last week. -Rev. Mr. Wilson will hold
a song eery= peat leueday-in 13eth-
scla in the inornipg And in the Metho-
dist church, here, in the evening. -
Rohe. Patterson is pnttiug raachinery
in his new planing mill, of the latest
make. He hes taken a large number
of contracts and looks forwaxel to a
San -
big seasen's trade. late. Patterson met Bearin, Harley Sanders, Chas. San-
ders Heury Kestle, Marshall Box,
with a big misfortune in the burning Stella Penhale, Sr, Pb. II Roy Parsons,
of his mill and is deservingoesomecon- Herbie Ford, Asa, Penhale, Homer,
sideration at thehands of the public, --3. Bagehaw Alonzo Ford, Frank Trieb-
W. Bengough, of Toronto, is expected to ner, Minnie Weimer; Jr. Pt. 11 eltiesi
give an entertainment in aid of the
Orange order, shortly. -It is to be re- Vera Sanders, Nelson Sanders. Clara
Beaver, Jennie Sanders; Pt. I class,
greeted that the trustees failed at this dt. • d e La „ Violet
all left for Ca,valier, North Dakota,
where they intend to staythiusinnmer.
-William. Meleerhas secured a position
with Owen Geiger, to tenatollis horses.
-Mrs, (Dr.) Buchanan has been to
Toronto to see her son George. -Mrs.
Pogon, froua Point Edward, has been
here visiting her brother and sister. -
Last Monday in the public school yard
one of Philip Sippers boys got his leg
broken while ecuilling with another
boy. It will take wine tium before
be can get around.
s++ toss
See Us.
J. P. ROSs.
•11M4141.114144041.041111rirt443,, IMM44
Balers -The storm recently was de-
cidedly the wort of the season. Thbre
were a member of mishaps wortb.y of
note., Richard Neil, Sauble line, Bid-
dulph, fell from. a, load of straw and
got a bad shaking up.-MrsHerbert Of
Luca% is visiting this week in Clinton.
-T. J. Atkinson, farmer, ofLucan, a.nd
his sister, left on Tuesday last, for
Killarney, alanitoba.-Mr. and. Mrs.
mucture to have the statute labor Jellies „anaemia of Lucan, attended.a
Penhale and Hattie 'Willis eqal BEIEFS-W. Reid shipped. on Mon -
friend's wedding, at St. Marys on Wed-
cormamte . . e stoats Are .m a c e.
plorable condition, and require to be Sadie WilliS, Willie Triebner. I3est day from Clandebeye over 20 head of
graded . and watr-ways made cm Spellers for the month are V and IV young cattle ' for the Northwest. -
either side. This is not only neceseary classes Henry Beaver; III class, Mary Andrew Isaac, a Biddulph farmer, re -
from a tidy point of view but as a, Sander's II class, Chas. Sanders, Pt. il siding about six miles north of this
matter of healthfulness. Other things class, Sanders,
Ford. Number of names villae, had his house burned to the
require loyal public attention and it is
to be hoped. that the Hay Council will
commute the statute labor. This com-
mutation would amount to over $400
yearly, with which stun paid in cash
and the work supervised by a good. Bros. have purchased two tine cow -
maxi, vast and much needed improve. Miss Jennie Martyn is on the sick list;
also her brother Will. -Miss Eremite
Krause is laid. up with it, severe cold;
we hope to see her out again in a few
days. -Louis Kraft has disposed. of a
fine horse to the Exeter buyers. -
Miss Jennie Morrison our public school (opened Tuesday in Greaten the store Thos Mills. of BIuevale, died on
teacher, who has been boarding with ' formerly owned by John Beattie. We Thursday bate at the age of 68 years
John Keys intends to hoard with wish him every suecess hi his new and 1 month He was born in the
Valentine Ratz the remainder of the venture -R. S. Hoagies has just re- tFooninasludupmboefr ofIlyetinmrieseghflirds sQaueibzie...
dent of Stanley townshi
No one knows better an tlaose who
have used Carter's Little Liver Pills
what relief they have given when taken
for dyspepsia, dizainess, pain in the
sale, coatipation, and disordered, . .
atomache ,• - -
In the township of Hallett, the far-
mers are petitioning the council to pass
a byelaw probibiting cattle running at
large on the highways. It is elaimed
they do considerable damage to pro-
perty and destroy drains.
A happy event took place at the resi-
dence of the bride's father, Francis
Little, Hallett on Wednesday,'25th ult.,
when his daughter, Miss Rebecca,
was united in marriage to R. alcDowell
of M.cldillop. Rev. W. E. P. Wilson
acted as groomsman, and Miss Kate
Little, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid.
As the township of Colborne last
year shows in its expenses $91.15 ex-
pended for sheep killed by dogs, the
township fathers of this year have pro-
vided tags for dogs, eacth with a, num-
ber made of brass, which the assessor
has left on his rounds assessing bine
canines, so if the dogs are seen killing
the sheep the tag with its uumber
hanging on its collar can be traced
to its real owner. If seen without it
the animal can be shot without any
enquiry we understand.
Barrs -Sugar making is now the ... ,
Hunter and Wm. Robinson are going Bender and e. Koch: t 0 remove TEE Boer Lan:same-Ms Cone, eveas
order of the day. Messrs. Richa.rd structed to plotify S. vaz, Hy.
extensively into the business and ex- A SURPRISE -A PEW BOES' o,
pect to reap quite a fortune. -Messrs. fences f rom r oad allmeance o n DODD'S Idarixe. le ,Pereas.
eon 8. -In regard of a petition of
their lightnina circular saw, sawed al rustees o . S. o. 6 asking to have crowd last night, assembled in honor _
The father of the .
Johns on 'Tuesday afternoon, with fa ' e 5 N leappineauvill, March $0 Opeci,27)-
cords of wood. for E. Pr. i 10 lots baleen from S. g. N 3,g • d e_ of Bert Miller, the popular clerk at that
boy LeFlarame is 'one
considered good work. -The villaae.
-a1P-S• This is cl a t S 5 No. 6 the 0111' an s'
e. o . . o. . e ere was in-
" well-known hostelry. John A. Mc -
of the leading merchants here and
as ubinered. on Sunday owing eto truetd to notify the parties interest- Kenzie presided over the gathering
and. clierine thevning presented .Mr. willingtotalk of hissons cure, he says--
pesday last, and owing to the heavy
snow drifts, were unable t' return
home since-JosephWetherspoon, Mc-
Gillivray, received. a severe blow from
fallinglinab while cutting wood in the
on roll 48, average atteniance 41 ground on Monday night while he an
er a neigh. bush wee day last week. -X. Moorefield
W. 13. BLOW/AN, Teacher. his wife were at, the house
GOSIXEN Lille Nares. -Miss Mary bor. A. defectedstovepipe is supposed the newand enterprising reerchaet of
Dinney spent the past week visiting to have been the cause. The loss is
phone connection to Mooresville in the
Mooresville; purposes having a tele -
friends in Exam -The Mawhinuey heavy, as the total amount, of insur-
near future.
ance carried is $50. --John Fax, banker
of this place, has taken a trip to Sagi-
naw. He expects to be away for some
days. -Rev. R. H. Shaw was made the
reelpieut 02 100 busbele. of oats a few
days ago by a number of his farm par-
ishioners. --j. R. McComb, of Lucien,
merits could be made to the highways
in the village. -Miss Katie Palmer is
spending a few days at Miss Latimer's
home in Seeforthe-j, E'igie has pur-
chasd a, teem neer the lake. He in-
tends Moving as scion as possible. We
wish him success in his new field. -
0. Shaffer, ()Marlette, Michels visitin
his brothea,l. neatter ; as are also time( rem. On r • • •
Slia•iter art4,1,-CWii, of Toronto. -Kenneth yearaThe people here:thou:tare Makmg '
alecartlear, of AMA Craig, - is visiting preparation for spring as it is coming Lion and. Dick of Hensall opened mit a,
millinery establishment in town ou
his brother John Islaartimr, banker._ With its birds and' warm Weather; the
'Messrs. E and B tes et of Crediton -appear:nice of the weather now is Wednesday. The noted sign painter,
clay, a,nd bas been hard at work ecor
The home of Ed. Watson of Blyth
was the scene of an interesting event,
on Wednesday, the 25th ult., when
Miss Lizzie, eldest daughter was united
in marriage to Geo. Potter, 'Weevanosh.
"Scottie,' struck tile village on Setae -
were iu the ville efliie week, -Dr. Making people look tor an early spring.
Thomson. WaS in hendon this eteele ---A ss ea ev 0 re a Ming 'thee windows of the bUsiness
on business. -Rev De Conkeof Greta Ing hoes() for her brother Louis has
• . homes since. -Master Tommy Stanley
is again able to be around after a few
weeks severe sickness. -Mr. IL Suttee.
Schrader on the line, again but we of Clandeboye, divinity student, is
hoine On his Baster vacation. -W. H.
would be much better plea,sed to see
Gordon, lumber merchant, of .Strat-
him retire as to see him on the farm
amin.-Edward Deitrich lostaval amble ford, and Mr. R. Stenley, of Liston -ea
are here on bueiness this week,
ton, arrived here on Monday to, 'pr. left foe Dashwoo whale she bus eectu -
fom the ceremony uniting in wedloak ed situation With Mr. Musser. -We
Chas. Walker and Miss 13. Ingram. are glad to see the sniffing face of Sohn
The wedding took place Tuesday at
8 o'clock p. in the presence of a
number of invited guests. They drove
to Seaforth where they were tendered
• Lie at the home of the room
a iecep •
The young couple will niake Hepsall
their home. We wish them every
to Sarnia this week, in which place stieeess.
Mr. Petty conducts a retail business FIRE Pitoaeurneer.--The police tue,
for his wares. -Miss Martha Snatilla- tees,Messrs. F. Arnold, R. Bell and L.
combo has returned from London.-- Harold. waited upon Teay Council on
The Misses Meggie and Jennie Bach- Monday with a, largely signed petition,
an?,n have retueped. from a plea,sant Preyene, that augnse body to grant the
visit among fiieuds 'Wing -hem and, privilege to the village of purchasing
other points Norble.-Mr. johaston, of eteam fire engine ansinking tanks for
Wing -ham, has been engaged as coat- Water supply. The petition was grant -
maker for Mr. Coad. -W, Keniaedy 'is ed.It ieproposedbythe cotmcilto issue
veryill a present. We hope scion to debentures to the amount of $3,500 to
see him about again. -Mrs. Manns run for 10 years. This will cover cost
who, has been. ill for some time is in a of system and give Hensall superior
critical condition and, littie hope is en- fire protection at smallindividual cost.
tertained • fot her recovery, -Mrs. The petition was largely signed, all
McDonald is also very low. -1). Ur- being unanimous for the Scheme.
quhart started his saw mill this week
Yours Very truly,
• b --OWN IF11;1BETEIRr
sitoregs,,,..4 Creditor' and Zurih.
and will betas a, big eason's work.Elimviile
Cook Bros.; the enterprising bicycle
agents, have erected in front of their
show rooms a bicycle, suspended,
which is operated by electricity. The
wheel is brilliantly. illuminated by
colored electric lamps, and presents an
'attractive appearance at night. The
young men deserve creclib for their
eneigy and enterprise. -The Public
Library Board met last week and did
considerable business. Among other
things they ordered. that THE Timms,
being among the best local papers, be
subscribed for. It was also agreed that
new members be received at $1.00 for
13 mouths. The membership now
comprises 100 of the very best citizens,
and the Treasurer reported $200. pf il
surplus. Altogether the Public Lib-
rary here is mese progressive and is an
impertant institution he the village. -
George 1VIcEwen has erected an office
on the piece of hind just east of Share
fer's reataurant. Ib is email but cone -
horse last week. -Wedding bells will
soon be heard on the lino again. --Mrs.
Geo. Mawhimeey jr. held a quilting bee
Thursday last, a very enjoyable time
being spent in the evening in games
and music.
COUROIL.-0ouncil met on March
30eh. All present. -A petition of the
ratepayers of Hensell asking to em-
power the Police Trustees of 'that vil-
lage to purchase a fire engine and
appliances was laid before the Council.
MUM-S.—Citizens were surprised. to
learn of the death orWilliani Shannon
on Monday inovning. Several years
since eho gcntlenuen. had a. severe at-
tack of la. grippe, from which he never
fully recovered. Ia feet the disease so
shattered his whole system. that it was
only a question of time. He was able
to be up and arond. until 6. p.
Sunday„ the Natal spark taking its
flight eight hours later. -Last week
Col. Lindsay transferral. the arms of
-Moved by R. Turnbull seconded by No. 7 Comany, eeoderich township,
W. B. Battler -That power begranted to Lieut. Dr. Shaw, of Clinton. -On
to the Police Trustees of the village of Sunday evening next at the Baptist
Hensall to ;purchase a fire enpane and
appliances, same not to exceed the siun churth Rev. Eugene Harris, B. A..
will preach an illustrated sermon to
of $3,500 and that a By-law in accord- the blacksmiths of this town.
a,nce with vic 58, chapter 42, Sc. The following paragraph from the.
663e. be passed. -The Clerk was in- Woodstock Sentinel -Review of the
20th ult., refers to a son of J. 0. Miller,
of the hotel Clarendon. The parlors
of the Hotel Oxford contained a jolly
high water. The creek notwithsand- "My little boy- Arthur, after scarlet
ing the day, got very full. -Our popular fever about a year ago never recovered
hotel -keeper has purchased an org.an and his ailment ran into a kidney
for his daughter and now sweet strains trouble. His body was swollen to twice
of music fill the air. -Rev. Coupland its natural size. The sufferings of the
returned last week from King, York little fellow were very severe and. we
Co. twheiher he had been called to the had ale given up hope of him. But
bedside of his father. He received a threemonths ago we commenced giving
telegram on Saturday that his father
had died. Owing to indispositionfrom
a severe cold' he was unable to attend
the funeral. -"Our boys" are leaving
for their respective situations: Jas.
fortable and. convemeut its appoint- Heyvvood. goes to Geo. Coward s; Han-
rnents.-A. Allan, of Stratford, Insur- sou Smale to Arch. Bishops; R. Wood
ance agent, ' was in town Monday to M. Tb.ompson's.-The concert under
writing up insurance. -Mr. and Mrs.
0. A. McDonell Move into their hand-
some uew residence this week. It is
axnong the finest in the village. -A.
Wilkin on Monday desired to cross a
small creek which passes through the
villae, and thinking he was as alert
as he used to be made an effort to scale
it. But lo I he came downwitha crash
in the centre of the creek and received
a ducking heaaill not soon forget.-'
Mrs. Ellwood. has returned from Exe-
ter where she visitedbersaandmother,
ed that the matter will be taken up at
next meeting- of Councia-The Reeve
was authorized to purchase a safe for
the use of the Township Treasurer. -
Last years pathmasters with a few ex-
ceptions were re -appointed. -Fence
viewers are : - Wm. Russell, Wm.
Caldwell, 0. Eacrett, A. McLaren, S.
Thompson, J. Haberer, S. Dechersen,
S. Treffry, M. Kaercheir, Just Mellick,
Win. Snider and C. a/Ellen-Pound
keepers :-J. Patterson, J. Ooxworth,
SeNorthcott, R. McAllister, S. Decher,
jr:, C. Greb, Wm. Nicholson, D. Spen-
cer, T. Turnbull, 0. Holbin, E. Kerch-
er and Walter Fee. -After a. few ac-
counts vvere ordered to be paid the
Council adjourned until April 27th at
10 o'clock a. xis.
• FEED HESS, Sn., Clerk.
A course of Hod's Sarsaparilla this
spring may bethe means of keeping you
well and hearty all summer.
Miller with a handsome baby carriage
accom.ps,aied by .a verbal address ex-
pressive of the high esteei:n in which
"Bert" is held by the donors of the
gifts. .A. purse of money was also pre-
Mon.. •
him Dodd's isadney 'Pills, and to -day
Beeer-john Johns has purchased he is romaing a,nd playing With other
a post -driver, and is now repared to boys." This as an instance of prompt
cure is very reinarkable.
the auspices of the Chosen Friends
reently, was a decided success. The
program was fully sustained and a very
large attendance greeted. the artists.
All were well pleased.. -Mrs. Joseph
Moatz (nee Miss Heywood) with her
husband, have returned from their
wedding 'hap and leave this week for
Elkton, Mich their adopted Ileum. Mr
Moetz having purclaased a farm there.
-Miss Etta Branacombe is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Ira Andrew a Exeter,
who has been very ill of la gripe.
Mrs. A. Allan. -Mrs. Fred M eDonell Aliso. Craig.
• presented her husbandwith a bouncing.
baby boy one day last week. Mother Baines -The sale of Smith's
and child are progressing favorably. -
Mr. WilSon, assistant minister on this thoroughbred. stock in McGillivray
circuit la,ves for Toronto next week took place Wednesday, and was well
to write. for a B. A. Ris many friends -attended and good prices were realizd.
John Scafe, town line west, on Mon -
here wish him everv aireeee, day last was presentee by bis wife with
a young farmer -a son. -We 'regret to
hear that Robert Smith of .East
Hams, is very ill at preept.
• GET Tilt BEST.
charize :E110(80 laTtAttl
from Winter, Roavy goods in B,00ts & Shoes.
to Spring and summer --wear is now the ar-
dor of the day. If you need any our stock la
now complete. Many lines to select, from and
at prices that will satisfy you. In Men's, I3oys,
and Youths' Fine Goods everything is up to
dae. Ladles', Misses'and Cliiidrens' in Bongo
las, Oxfords, Bals and buttons. We have
everything in stock that you require. Space
will not permit us to quote prices, eau and
see for yourself.
The publie are too intelligent to
second $1.20 for the same. Do you want the
tpitiirnecbaonsetahevecooritiltirlryetrhtiecyle want
the goods Then come, the prices are sure
best 1 Physicians are virtually un- suit N have run away. TA, ran the toneue
in nig 441.
itsrturning things upside down too.
We are striking for a reduction in our
stock for new trade' and for money.
To make such a strike effective we
have to sell good goods at low figures.
We are doing, it, we will give you the
best laic Print for Bac.
BOOTS & SHOES were never so
cheap as they are with us now.
4 lb Japan Tea for 90c, others ask
begin work. Any person eying any
work of this kind to do, will do well
by giving him a call.--Sanmel Brock,
who has for a short time been living
near Marvin° moved to Centralia last
week, He intendsgoing into the butch-
ering business in that town. --Our car-
penter is now busily engaged in mak-
in,g a waggon for hineself.-Miss Mary'
Johns has novetaken up leer abode in
Exeter. -Miss Lizzie Gorvett and Miss
Keep Yew Eye Skinned
If you want bargains in. Furnitua,
as we can give you the best value for
your money that is to be had.
Our stock is large, new and well as-
sorted for the Spring Trade NV ith prices
to suit everybody. We give yon a
Copeland et Woodhem paad Zion a fly- nice high bedstead for $L45 and halt
ing visit on Sunday last. -On Friday a dozen chairs for $L65, which are
evening the literary meeting in con- great sellers,
nection with the league was a decided We can satisfy yoa in Curtain Poles
subcess. A large crowd was present and. 'Window Shades as we have some
and alfexpressed themselves as hav- of the latest designs.
ing enjoyed the evening's entertain-
nient.-In the spring a young man's
fancy lightly- turns to the thoughts of
lve But in this neighborhood it au -
We also bave some line coverings
for your old lounges and eaSy chaire
thatnerd recoiering.
plies te the boys, There seems con- e sae.,
siderable rivalry between two of the ea"''d'h"
young southerners. But to make Is one of our special lines and we
things more complicated, a stri line ways carry a large and well assorteil
from the north has also steppe in. stock, and otir prices are right.
If the Kirktoeite 'should. come over Last vveele we received a job lot of
some Sunday evening, the youths new machinery for the manufactritie
would have to take a back seat. ---Leat of all kind $ of Sash, Does & Framets,
week Samuel Peart delivered to Mr• mid all wood material Air building par -
Baines, of Granton a considerable
quantity of pressed hay. On the way a call, awl we will give you 09Se
down, Ephraim Herres team beca,me deices,
poses, Parties building kindly give ue
frightened by the train, and had it not /4 FmAN
beet). for the load ahead of him would
to • animous in saying Scott's Emulsion is rve MAN JNG into the load and thus prevented them •, d t kers and CiendtrAeto
• 11 D 1
the best forne of Odd Liver Oil ••cdeacrod,e. from turning out. ,
• ..., 1 . •
. . . . • • . . . . . . , .
tol +.41.1.4 S