HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-3-26, Page 177.7•7X
Nir rr
1896 SPRING - 189
Millinery - Opening
It is Our pleasure to announce
our Spring Opening of
Millinery, Capes, ---4';-
Dress goods, Dress
Trimmings and Silks
!Friday t.cc Saturday, March 27 aIR 28
-When we will show an elegant display of new and seasonable lines for
Ladies' Wear -the very newest ideas in latest styles of Foreign and Domestic
Millinery. Also a lovely variety of
Pal owing aro the market quotations.
Wheat 77 to 77
Barley 'i0 to 32
Oats 22 to 23
Pens 45 to 50
Bay ge to $12.00
Batter 14. to 14
Eg.s. 11 to 14
Timothy seed . . . . .. .... -..$1.•o to $2.25
Clover seed $5,25 to g5.40
BR1EFS-Miss Golly, while in tow'
last week was taken seriously ill and..
had to be teenoved to her home b
Clinton. -George Joynt, while in Exete
last week, had his overcoat, taken fron
the Metropolitan hotel. He secured
and adjoinin his other lots, and we
!believe 2ntencts budding upon the one
he last purchased. -Mr. and Mrs. D.
Urquhaatwere in Londoulastweek, at-
tending the funeral of Mr. Simpson, a
brother-indawof Mrs.Urquhart. -Fred
Myles left, Tuesday for his home in
oodsleY, where he will remain for a got a nasty fall on the ice, Wiliett IDFF &supply of new books. -Joseph Mc-
Publishers and. Proprietors
tirand Bend. Kappen.
frosty, pretty bard on the fall wheat. Saturday with a car load of cattle and
Bnanesa-The weather is clear and BRIEFS. -Mr. George Taylor left on
-The „fishermen made a good pelt on one brood mere for the old country
Alonday.-Mr. Wilson while out on I market.- t Andrew's Sabbath
the lake lifting his hooks on Monde School Library has been increased by
time -Mrs Shaffer and Mrs. Vance its mark. -Thos. Fallis has his pan put Lynn t has secured a situation as
! visited friends in Stanley township in the arch in his sugar bush and will f book keeper in the. Forest City, and
overSunday.--HaroldDeLion of Exeter, now be ready for the firstrun of sap,- I left for that city on Monday last.
isp(mt Sunday uuder the matrenal roof. William Sherx•it and Will Lovie have 1
1 , -Messrs. A. and W. Whitesides left commenced their summer work; they 1 Kirk -ton.
r ;Tuesday for Norden, Man., to seek are now getting Mr, Smith's timber ' ' ---
Monday forthe same place. We wish preaohed in the Alethochst church On. . WW1 the shooting match last Satin.-
1 their fortune. John Clarke left on ready. --Mr. Hart, ofthe Sylvan circuit, Blum's.- G. H. liazelsvood'e side
the services of Chief Gill, and went in
to the country in search of it. Jo1. izatiori ofanticipationeirs.Pecover, corr espondent received word from 'gentleman from St . Marys is trying to
- them all a safc. journey and a full real- Sunda r evenin to a full house. -Your ; day. -Mrs. Stinson is improvings-A
McDoeald of the Teske road saw them
coming and asked if they were lookine
for an overcoaH
t. e said someonehaa
put it into his cutter and that he did
not notice it until be reached home.
Joynt however recovered. his coat.-
George Joynt this week sold a valnable
horse to Thos. Berry for over one hun-
dred dollars. -The Misses Smallecombe
on Friday last entertained few young
friends. A pleasant eveuing was epee t
-Mrs. Shaffer has been seriously ha
disposed this week. -A. McDougall
has moved on 0. Brown's farm, a
short distance north of the village. -
Mr. and Mrs. M. Ellwood entertained
a few friends on Monday evening ill
110110r of G. Ellwood and H. Fry, of
North Dakota. and the Misses Ellwood
and Weatherspoon, of Clandeboye,
Who were this week visiting at Mr.
Ellwocid's. The hospitelity of Mr. and
Mrs. Ellwood was. without limit and
:Ladies' Capes, in Cloth, Silk and Satii. all report enjoying a. pleasant evening.
welcome to the store, and will promise aday fell of interest if only as sightseers.
All Departments will be made specially attractive, and we extend a hearty
1„tg'Don't lose sight c f our SPECIAL SALE of Kid Gloves-
-all sizes—for 49c per pair. Mill Ends of Cottons and Flannelettes at
half the regular prices.
R. S. FORD & CO.
BittErs-J. Williams has leased his
father's farm, and Sohn Schrader; sr.,
will raven from Dashwood to his farm
on the llth concessican-Miss Ernma
Batz is visiting at Hamburg and Berlin.
-Mr. Lewis, of Crediton has been
seriously ill with inflammation of the
Buitase.-The wife of Thos. Jaekson,
sr., died on Monday morning of this
week. On the 12bli mst. deceased was
_stricken with paralysis, from which
she never rallied. She was 57 years of
age. She -was a native of Scotland and
came to Canada when young. -The
$10,000 of the Stavely estate, given to
Clinton by the Ontario Government,
will be applied to building a memorial
hall and poblic library. -Wm. Young
has moved to Goderich, being one of
the promoters- of the proposed furni-
ture factory there
BRIEFS. -Harry Hatthews and Wm.
Yeo leave for Mauitoba on Wednes-
day. -Master Will jeffrey, who has
been spending the winter in Buffalo,
arrived home on Saturday last. -The
late R Hotham's farm has changed
hands having been purchased by Mark
Drake for the handsome sum of $5,000.
There is a nice creek near at hand for
the use of young ducks. -A. W.
Hotham arrived home this week from
Trinity medical college, Toronto. -W.
Bell, V. S. and Miss Kenner were
married on Wednesday evening at the
BRIEFS. -Mr. and Mrs. Enaigh, of
the Commercial, have returned. from
attending the funeral of a relative in
Michigan. -On Sunday afternoon a
large number from here attended the
funeral of a daughter of Mr. Henry
•Tamin, jr., Hulletb. The remains
were taken to the Union cemetery
for interment.-Sanmel Creighton,
who had. been seriously ill for a time,
we are pleased to state has so far
, recovered as to be able to be out again.
:es!V number of our citizens are still on
the sick list. -W. Cash, tehotograpber,
having disposed of his business to Miss
Sutherland of Wingham, intends
moving to Goderich.
Out of weakness comes strength.
when the blood has been purified, en-
riched and vitalized. by Hood's Sar-
▪ saparilla.'
linntese-Win. Stacey, who has
been so successful in managing the
cheesemaking for Thos. Stacey for the
past, two years, has secured asituation
near Clinton.-Ourvery popular school
teacher is making every day count
now. He intends to show us a 'sample'
of his teachingability.at thepromotmn
examination in the near future. -
Nesbit Potter, of Buffalo, once a mem-
ber of the Fullerton township council,
bas been here -a few flays this week,
and has sold his fame on the river to
George Kramer for $5;200.
"Fina. -On Saturday last the pump
shop owned by Henry aud Jno. Eilber
was destroyed by fire. It appears they
were in the building and: did some
work in the morning; they ea,me down
town for a few minutes and in that
time the shop caught fire. The bucket
brigade turned out in full force and
did all they could but to no avail.
Everything was destroyed. One of
our citizens turned ant with a tree
BRIEFS. -Mr. Chintz, of Indiana, is
visiting George Holtzman, se. -Chas.
Fritz, of Dashwood, was in town on
Tuesday last. -Small Lamport has
secured the agency for the London
Parisian Steam Laundry. Sam says
they can do a shirt up to perfection. -
Muffins is all therage in town; the
boys don't take time to eat dinner for
fear they will be too late for a game.
-Jim says he will catch mare mice or
sparrows in one night than any two
men in the country. -The plans for
the new church have arrived and the
mechanics are busily engaged figuring
on it. They all say it is going to be
one ofthefinest churches intheseparts.
-The Messrs Eilber desire to return
thanks to their many kind friends Who
assisted at the fire on Saturday. Their
efforts are appreciated. -Josiah Moatz
ancl bride leave for 'Elkton, Mich.,
next week, their future home. All
jcin in wishing them prosperity. -The
Royal Tempters will hold a grand
concert on April lst. A splendid pro-
gram has been prepared.. - George
Zwicker intends opening a jewelry
business in Henson We wish George
success in his undertalciug, and think
there is a good opening in Hensalt.--
The sleighing has gone and spring
Weather is not far distant.
For nervous Prostration and Anae-
mia, there is no medicine that will so
Promptly and infallibly restore vigor
and strength as Scott's Emulsion.
The New Cash Store
Is where the people go now, as they say they buy CHEAPER than
• before.
Over $3000 worth of new and choice goods, just arrived, and
- selling at astonishing low prices. Also
Big Selection in Each Line:
. MARABOUT LAWNS, I can't The finest and most }
SCOTCH PLAIDS, complete range of Sure
, CROWN CRINKLES, ) be plain,check&Fancy i
.CASHMERE DE-LAINES, Dress Goods. Ele- j Inter
FRENCH CASHMERE, beam gant Black Capes, 1 est
. POINTED PIQUE. Fancy Silks. 1 You 2
ALL GOOD s SOLD AT HARD 1r:we spRices.
Yours Very Truly,
Stares at Creditor' and Zurich.
e -There is still -considerable speculat-
ion as to the identity of TER TINES'
correspondent. He is alive, antij al-
ways on the alert for a passing item. -
Messrs, J. Coulter and. Chas. Black-
well, who have beeu visiting!. friends
in Mornington, returned home this
week. They report a pleasant visit
but lots of snow and poor roads. Tack
says there is enough snow east for
sleighing until July next. -John Pope,
who has been conducting a tailoring
business here for the past number of
years, last week disposed of his bugs
ness to R. Coed, late of Coed &
Rennie. Mr. Coad will add a, large
stock of gents' furnishings to the
tweed stock and enlarge the store.
Mr. Pope will remain as cutter for Mr.
Coed. We 'wish Mr. Coed. success in
his undertaking, Conrad Ruin, of
Crediton, was in- the village Monday.
-E. Bennett was in Exeter last week
repairing some maehinery 117 Dyer's
factory. -Mrs. Manes is seriously in-
disposed. --Mrs. Whitesides is improv-
ing considerably after her recent at-
tack of sickness. George McEwen
moved his office lest week from the
property recently sold to Mr. Rennie,
to the salt block. --The item in the
Observerlast week concerningie the find-
ing (dlarge sum i
of money n the Oct-
agon shaped, house °lithe Murray estate
near Exeter, was founded on rtunor
and without the .sligtest foundation.-
Hensall is to have another jewelery
store. The venturer is George Zwicker,
of Crediton, a practical man. He will
open his stock ne part of Mrs. Carlisle's
store. -It is now aforegone conclusion
that Herman is to have flre protection
a petition, containing 113 names, was
on Monday night presented to the
village trustees, and accepted. It will
now go before the Hay township coun-
cil for approval, through which body
the money necessary for the equip-
ment, must be raised. It is pro -posed
to purchase a steam engine of the lat-
est make,sink tanks for a water supply,
and in all have the best system of fire
protection in the county. The pro-
motersof the scheme deserve credit
for their energy and public spirited -
nese. -A number of young people at-
tended the carnival in Exeter Monday
evening. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Palmer
visited Exeter last week. -The wed-
ding of Chas. Walker and Miss Bertha
Ingram is announced for Wednesday
next We take pleasnre in extending
congratulations in advance. -W. Col -
will a, few friends the
other evening to a taffy pull. All
went well, and a pleasant evening was
spent; but an occurrence which some-
what marred the proceedings was some
boys stealing the taffy wnile out side
cooling. The guests were . chagrined
and would have pulled the ears of the
thieves could they have captured them.
-T. J. Berry intends leaving shortly
for the Old Country with another
consignment of horses. -Sugar reek-
ing season is upon us and a number of
farmers have already made consider-
able syrup. -William Carlisle visited
friends in St Catheeines last Week. -
Miss Robson, of London, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. H. Arnold. - Norman
Cook, the hustling bicycle agent, has
on hand a fine assortment of wheels.
-Already the local cyclist has assert-
ed himself and can hourly be seen on
the side walk, greatly to the discom-
fiture of pedestrians. -Seines Petty
last week purchased the 5.0 acre.
farm of 0, A. Brown, London Road,
paying therefor a geed figure. -
Miss Sophia fugram has edeurned, home
from London. --Miss Latimer and her
mother'the latter of whom is visiting
friends in towns spenta few days of
last week visiting S. • H. - Grieve of
Exeter. -The Misses Higgins, a. Lou-
den, who have been visiting Mrs. W.
O. Davis' tettumed honte last week, -
p. McFarlane has purchased /another
Ane building lot On McArthur's. survey,
Do You Know
Going, going upwards and onwards
is the motto of all. Having bought
out the Boot & Shoe business of A.
Weseloh, we purpose to stay, and by
square dealing and en w prices to hold
his many customers, nay to add to
them. The motto of the Village is
There are bargains in our store greater than
you over received before. We bought the stock
at a discount and can afford to sell at first cost
and make a profit. But we are doing better
than even that, we are selling goods at what
they cost, nv. Come and see.
' of Sarnia, has °riled a millinery bust- Mrs. Douald Patterson, of Dollarville, ' arrange to purchase a house and lot
nes err nsesne e •Th' • Miele, who has been very sick, and is from George Hazelwood ja-Wm.
still very low, end also of the death of Brown is going into the fancy poultry
William McArthure who diedinDuluth business. -Miss M. A. Doupe Is very
on the ltitleof typtflbid. fever. De was ill with inflammation. ---Miss E. Millerof
well known here, having been brought I Exeter was the guest of Mr. Leigh
Up oe a fasen near the village of Brew- last Saturday.
• furnishes Hensali with the fourth
branch of business. They 'say that
opposition is the life of trade, and if
this adage be true, Herisall should be
the liveliest place to the square inch of
any village iu Ontario. Every line is
fully supplied, with xagtuy of them a
drug. -Mrs. DeLion intends opening a
branch millinery liminess in Laical),
and. has engaged Miss Dick to conduct
it. -Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, Who have been
on an extended visit to Maine re-
turned home Monday evening. Tbey
enjoyed the trip immensely and feel
much benefited in health.-Sanfl Fox,
of St. Helens, who has been visiting
A. McPherson, returned home this
week. -W. Dickson, of Brucefield,
whose hotel was destroyed by fire re -
1 stets A *Lea ss and three small child-
ren are left to mourn their loss. -A,
W. Robinson is now getting better ;
and able to be up again. --.Mrs. Francis 1 Bliemeee-John Kay, who recently
Tetreau was -very sick oo Monday,- i sold his farm to W. Stewart, will hold
Jobe Mollard, Who has been away for a Sale of his stock and implements.on
over a .year has returned, and intends April 4th, Mr. Kay will spend the
going back Michigan, and also taking 1 swim:ter looktng around for another
:his wife with him. He has a good 1 farm -John Cameron, on Tuesday un-
lon'leTh a. lumbering ('0. m
o. neare dement a painful operation, in the
. i renntisel of a cancer from his lip. The
operation . was performed by Drs.
!Browning, of Exeter and Wickett
0{, of
Crediton. The patient is dolug
centiv, returned last week from the --John Tucker was in Lucknow last
Old 'Country, si,hither he had gone Benneseneen N M crime a this ; week having his Artificial leg repaired,
with a ear load. of horses. He intends neighborhood was married ae Avon -
rebuilding the luitel on a latgerscale bank, in the township of POW1110, on /Oise. Craig%
and more modern plan. His loss is the 12th inst.,. to Miss Isabella Muir of ;
considerable, having an insurande of that place. The marriage was a quiet ; BRIEF. -James Stewart end bride
only $2,000 on the building and some one, only relatives of the contracting , arrived from their honeymoon trip
of the contents. -Winter has about parties being present. The presents Itiesday evening, at the residenee of
concludedeits chapter and spring will to the bride were choice and valuable. George Morton, where a reception was
be usheredinina few days. -Sleighing The happy cou.ple left fee Buffalo !tendered the harpy couple in the
where Mr. Currie has a _position with nig his mother at Hanover, who is
the Mimicipal Electric Lighting Om- very ill at present -No trains from
ikliss A. Boyle has returned from a the east Friday on account of the
visit to friends Lanark county.- ' road. being blocked with snow. Trains
Messrs. W. Barr and Sohn Scott are from the west are.ihTp on time.
visiting friends here. -Alex. McLache
lan has moved into his cottage. ---W.
Bell has taken to himself a partner in Zurich.
th.e person of Miss Kenner, of Staffa, ; BRIEFS. -While Louis Wever end
end now occupies the house vacated his btother Adolph were in the bip,-
y A. cleudelan.-W. Hamilton, son swamp on Tuesday last, cutting
of F. L. Hamilton, of this place, died ; wood, by some means, in passing the.
on Saturday. He had been a patient • axe to Adolph, it fell on hie face,
sufferer for some months. The funeral cuttine a big gash in les cheek. It
on Monday was very largely attended.. took Lout one and a half houri; before
e -Go. Hamilton was up from Chatham they got home and had the wound
attending the funeral of his brother- dressed. in that time he lost a lot of
a-Jno. Gillespie is slowly recovering blood.--JacolieWurin and Miss 'Mary
from. an attack of pleurisy. -The col- Kersch, both of this place. joined
lection 'behalf of the Armenians bonds in holy. matrimony one day
aniounted tO over $25.-A. Boyle brie lame week We wieh s • )1 • 1
in the village hae gone, but on the after the marriage, and theY will !presence of a num ier of invited guests.
Loudon Road the runners are still leave shortly for Conneaut, Ohio, -Rev. Chas. Barithorpe is away visit-
used.--Rev.Wilson returned last week
from Stratford, where he was attend-
ing the wedding of his sister, Miss.
Ada, to Isaac J. Bennett, ef Virden,
Mans -Mies Davis, sister of W. 0..
Davis, has accepted a • situation as
millieer in Dutton. -The grain market
has been very dull the past week. -
Simon Hunter, of Teekersinith, has
taken a tern for the better and his re-
covery n0Whopeful.-Miss. Hodgins,
who has been running Mr. Ms' photo
gallery, left for her ham iS in Lucan
Tuesday. -A large number left for
Dakota, on the 5 &clock train on Tues-
day- night. -H. -Cameron, the agent for
the fire engine, left for his. home in
Voronto.--.31rs. Latimer returned to
her home in. Seaforth on Monday. -
Thompson '701.tirtleek shipped four eat.
loads of ashes this week. ---G. C. Petty
made a business trip to Sarnia this
week. -Mies Gaidey returned On Tues-
day, improved in healtha-Mrs. (Ree,)
Henderson left on Tueedey for home
to visit friende•Jotettafts oliettkisee oi
London, was the guesrit DeLion
this week. -Miss Ida Dick left for Lon-
don on Tuesday. -Mrs. DeLion left
for Lucan on Tuesday, -R. B. Ross,
of Rodgerville, • shipped another fine
load of horses from Hensall Tuesday
for Boston. R. B. is becolning quite a
noted shipper.
been confined to his bed for the past and happy life together. They have
few days. moved into one 311,.. Thomas john-
, ston's houses.
BEIEbr,-Jas, Isaac, of Sauble line
Biddulph, met with a serious accident . Baines -Miss Laura Mullen lige lee
turned home from a two months
Monday last. He was standing 011 a
to her aunt, Mrs John Humberstone,
visit -
gangway leading into his bank barn,
when he accidentally fell off one side of Ripley. -Mrs gt Ned is recovering
and broke his collar bone. He is re- from an attack of lit ;Flue and neural -
covering. -The track of a black bear
. gia.--Mrs. John Harris is very 1s Mrs.
11 with
was seen on Monday last by a McGilli-
inflammation, at her daughter " T ' •
The Sitnation m ecoath Enron. vray termer passing southward''"••
of John Kidd, farmeriy Usborne.
To the Editor of The Exet,r rms. cons. and 2 ofMcGillh.nay. This was
February 21th: Maris n Monteith, wife
through the line a bushes between
m er con rmec nc ng of a
sr., Thames road, and spent nicest of
large pig killed .and partly eateu.--7111
her life in Usborne. Seven years ago
the sand, brick and stones are on the
they removed to Mauitoba. She leaves
ground for the building of the new
a large family of 11 children to mourn
public school at Grantonm the coining •
the lass of a loving mother, the young
summer. --Misses Edith Hawkshaw
eat being a boy seven years
and Irene O'Neil, of this place, acted
age. Her many friends and relative
a,s deleeates for the Yonne Peo le's
f th fi 1 b th 11 She was a daughter of George 'Monteith,
• Sin -Permit -me through the columns
1 as your excellent paper to:refer to the
proposition of bringing, out Reeve Me -
Ewen in opposition to J. McMillan,
the present member for the House of
Commons in South Huron. I may
state here that I have marked my bat -
lot for Mr. Me3lillan ou every occasion
be has offered himself for the position
he now occupies, and I do not intend
to find fault with that gentleman. At
the same time I, with many others,
think that there is a lumt to the per-
iod that any man should serve in the
capacity as the representative of a con-
stituency, and I am. satisfied that
voice the sentiments of a large num-
ber, that the limit has been reached by
Mr. McMillan. It May be said, and
justly too, that Mr. McMillan is. the
regular nominee of the Convention. I.
have attended. every Convention called
in the South Riding of Huron in the
Liberal interest, but I cannot call to
mind the date of the Convention that
(save Mr. McMillan the nomination. It
must have been some length of time
in the past. If this be a, fact would it
not be to the credit of Mr. McMillan
to ask for another Convention to rati-
fy such nomination, and thus follow
the good example of Mallulock of the
North Riding of York, who had re-
ceived the nomination of his constit-
uents some length of time in the past,
but as great changes had taken place;
and new and important issues • were
brought before the electorate, he stat-
ed that he would not consider the
nomination he had received so long in
the past, binding. This course it does
appear to me would be the best for Mr.
McMillan to follow, 1,am certain
that it would meet the approval of all
parties interested, and also would have
a beneficial effect :on Mr. McMillan's
candidature, if he be the candidate
and would have a tendency to alla,y
any feeling that might arise in oppo.
sition to Mr. McIVIillan in the approach,
ing election. With regard to Reeve
McEwen coming ollt candidate,
he to my knowledge, is net gmxious,
but it must be admitted thatif he pays
attentioe to the ardent solicitations of
both patties who are calling. upon him
to contest the riding, he will be a can-
didate, and we are satisfied that Reeve
MCENvenwould be the most formidable
opponent Mr. McIVEllan ever met in
South Huron. Reeve McEsven stands
high for his enterprise, his business
ability, his integrity and god judg-
ment, and would. make a first clase
Hay, March 24th, 1896.
on the Thames road and elsewhere,
Fred Bilyea, of London township, has
Auxiliary of Holy Trinity Church.-
heard with regret of her death. She
recovered from a severe rheumatic at- 'esees 51 years of age.
tack, and he and his bride visited her
home last Sunday. -A very enjoyable Grant=
time was spent at the residence of
Stanley Goum on Friday evening. A
-N.1-'Be elititicitioei,.sitiziliir sata
large crOwd was present. -We are of
out his bosiness to Jas. McComb, who
glad to learn that Miss ,Teimie Judge
wee e
has entirely recovered from a severe formrly a merchant of Lump .
attack of Ia grippe. -Mr. and Mrs. They are stocktaking this week
B Rumor line it that, we are short
owle lett the village Saturday for
have a change in another of our busi-
Regina, N. W. T. -There will be a box
ness firms.---aicherd Jermyn has com
social in behalf of St. Mary's Chnrch, -
piked the pm.chase, of Joseph Eedy's
Briesley, on April 0. It will be held -in
some -of the private houses near the f
RTRIS. Me. Lansford will retain pos
e session for a trine. -Mr. Powell, of
hurch.-The storm has rendeeed all
otill old
the roads in this locality impassable. Oregon, . . resident of London
1.becenter side road, leading to Granton
township, is visiting friends in this
is Completely filled, for the first time yiemity.-s-Our first Toronto mail since
t L'hursday's etorm areived on Sunda)
his season. -James Tease, a Bidcluiph .. ,
*men residing on coin 4, met with a, by Way of Harrisburg and London,
something unprecedented inthe history
painful eccident a few day§ ago.. He
w of our town. -An old and respected
as holding open the barn door to nei-
n). noneer of Blanshard in the pox -son of
it e team eed. toad, when he unfortun- Iv
i ra Frances McKeith died at her home
tely slipped froni the approach and
f at Metropolisee on Sunday 1110rning.-.
ell beckwards to the gromid, a dis-
t A' pastoral 'letter from Rev. John
ance of about seven feet, fracturing .
Campbellwas•readto his pareihioeers on
his cellar bone arid otherwise injuring
h Sunday by the presiding minister, in
ireself. When nicked up he was un-
eonseious. Dr. Ilossack dressed his which he stated his intention of leaving
w for borne about May 1, and that his
wounds, .rnici. he will soon. be around
a health wati
-- s . sll improvings-Roy
gain.-Sevcrel. horse buyers weee in
the Wallace; of the G. T. R. staff here; is
ie village Saturday, and the number
o aWay at present visiting his .father,
f aininale purchitsedwas in the neigh- . .
borhoodeoe it dozen. -H. Dobbs, of who is very sick. . Russel Foster is fill-
Biddulph, is serieuely ill with lame- ingthe vacancy. .. ,
m atioies-Our townsman, Me. Shniason,
. .
has pmahased a resideece in Lendon. Rintra
Weare Veins Seery t� lose him. •
Beiness.-Peter Martene, of Sharon,
. . is engaged With William Hooper. for
.. .
At Cost
See Us.
J. P. ROSs.
Bauses.-Our grist mill, which has
been closed on account of soniennicbina
ery being broken, is again running in
full blast. -On Tuesday last Henry
Kraft. had a wood bee, at which con-
siderable wood was mt.-Miss Dora
Eifert had a severe attack of diphtheria
the forepart of the week, but being
ander medical care in time, she is now
recovering, also the eases which were
reported last week are recoveringaJohn
Schroeder has again moved, back to
the old homestead, on the Goshen
Line. --Geo. Kellerman has commenced
to build .another new house next to the •
one he built last suramen -John Brens
ner moved to Zurich on Friday lastea•
David Pfaff who has spent the. winter
in Michigan, has returned, and intends
staying in the village the coming suits -
mer. -Harry Schroeder, of .Zuriale,
was in the village On Tuesday. -On
Saturday evening Miss Elsie Wyld was
united in marriage to Mr, Ilem7
of the 14th eon., in the presende of a
number of friends and relatives, We •
wish them a happy joerney through -
are naturally very dull here, all busi-
ness appearing to be at a stand -Still;
but the darkest hour is alwasrs just be-
fore daylight and therefore we expect
a boom as soon as the fishing season'
tonamencea-MaSter Willie litaida,ke,
who recently fractnred Ins leg is able
to be Out again -Ben McKenzie called
; at the mill on. Monday.--eLouis 'Preeter
on employee of Mr. Willert, 'through.
lack of physieal strength had to. give
UP his position in the mill,- which was
immediately filled by David Pfaff.
More care neceseary Louis. --Your
Dashwood vorrespondent seems to ..be
grossly insulted because we associate
the name of our tingeing burg along
with that of his. I might say that the
"Queen-of-the.Weet" doesn't mean the
Queen city of theWest, whosevasb pro-
portions our village may in time reach
as the industries which he quoted irshis.
vague, unique description of the place,
are as yet in their infancy, and wizen
fully utilized, our village is likely to
become a second Chicago, and, as We
are not at present on a parallel with
. •
Chicago, we thought, it prudent to
condesend to something very
ficant and therefore .claimed kinship •
s with his native.villag,e.
the stimmer.-Mrs. Thos. Keys, sr., is
on the sick list. -Sky Holt has been
engaged to work
for Robert Mawhiu-
es- -El ney.-Wm. Yearlie ha ad wood bee on
Striking Har si unfavorable there was a
Thursday last; althoug,h the
was very unfweather
large quantity of wood cut-C/Iiief
Gill was in the neighborhood looking
after the•baterest of Lewis Schroeder.
John Wilhelm has moved on the old
homestead -Miss Sane Keys is laidup
with a soreha-nd.-GeorgeMawhinney,
sr., of Lucau, spent Sunday at the old
homestead. -Peter 3litt1eholtz intends
moving to his brick and bus yard at
West McGillivray in it few days. -
Its turning things upside clown too.
We are striking Ar a reduction in our
stock for new trade and for money.
To make such a strike effective we
have to sell good goods at low figures.
We are doing it, we will give you the
best 124e Print for lite.
BOOTS & SHOES were never so
eap as they are with os now. was Opened en Monday lest,
which was closed for two weeks on
4 lb. Japan Tea for 90c, others ask
1.20 for the same. Do you waist the account of diphtheria. -Henry- Neeb
egg p Then name, the prices are sure has hard Mines moving his clover
suit you. machine arOund as the roads are very
MUIR ck; 1VIANNING. bad at present.--Williaan Witzel got
his coffee mill home it fetv clit:i's ago
=xxacmc)i.r withoutMlle 1011 (.
Their•gentle action mid good effeet
on the system really make them a per- sg
fect little pill. They please those who ro
use them. Carter's Little Liver Pills
may well be termed "Perfection."
Buinps.--A few days ago Mts. Geo.
Lmgard presented her husband with
a fine baby girl. George is ail smiles
now. -Our horse jockey has again
niade another deal. This time he holds
a spanking pacer. ---The chosen friends
of Zion Epworth League, paid the
Granton League a visit on Monday
evening last. They report havine had
it good time. In fact, theymust °have
had an excellent tins, when they
would go so far as to measure their
length in the snow. In the general
confusion, birds Were broken, hat pins
hoot, and some were almost imbedded
in the snow. However things were
soon - righted and they proceeded
merrily homeward on their. journey.
We hope they will have better sue -
cess text time -On Friday evening,
March 27th, the Epworth League' wiil
have a literary meeting. A good pro-
gram is being prepared. All are cord-
ially invited.
Keep Your Eye Skinned
If you want baegains Fnrnitere,
as we can give you the best vain° for
your money that is to be had.
Our stock is large, new and well as-
sorted for the Spring Trade with pricee
to Suit everybody. . • We ghre you
nice high bedstead for $1.45 and half
a dozen chairs or ..$1.05, which etre
great sellers,
We can satisfy you in Curtain Poles
gtoci Window Shades as we have some
of the latest designs.
Idre also bseve some Inc coverings
for your old lotmges and easy chairs
that need recovering.
Is one of our special lines and we al-
ways carry a large and well assorted
stock, and our prices are right.
Last week We received a job lot of
new machinery for the Inatnifttetere
of all kinds of Sash,. Doors & Ti'eamee,
and all wood materiel for building pur-
poses. Parties building.kinclly give es
a call, and we will give you close
Furniture Dealers,
Undertakers and Otentrie