HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-3-19, Page 5The Only Great and thoroughly re- liable building -up medicine, nerve tonic, vitalizer and Rood Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is Sars papilla It has won its hold upon the 'hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story:— Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar- ations repayations and prescriptions fail. "The face of my little girl from the time she was three months old, broke out and was covered with scabs. Wo gave her two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and it eom- pletelycured her. We are glad to recom- xuend Hood's Sarsaparilla." Trios. M. CArir,ING, Clinton, Ontario. Be sure to Get Hood's • tact harmoniously with Hood s Pills Moe1'ssarsaparWa.25o. a MONEY TO LOAN. 5 and 51 per cent.ii yv_aate Funds. Apply to ELLIOT. Tanuary,1890. Solicitors. Exeter. CUT THIS OUT and return tons with Five Cents in silver, andou will get by return mail, A GOLDEN BOIL OFGOODS that will bring you in more Inoue)/ in one month, than any- thing else in Americo - A. W. KINNEY. E. 7'. Yarmouth, N. S. NOTE LOST. iso Public arc %hereby cautioned against a1 fiat ing a note given in fa\•or of myself by e o Geo. Holtzman for about. 822 on or about 3 reit 130t, 18111. As the some liar boon lost. WILLIAM vo1.LICi'll • Ha .:'arch 16th, 1890. r,.., Choose Factory Machinery For Saalic. .*Uthe machinery and equipment ot the Blake (Cheese Factory, including engine and boiler. will be sold at a bugle. Everything in first-class order. It Moieties butter making utensils. For terms and particulars apply to T. & M. JOHNSTON, Zurich P. 0. March, 12th 1 -in. Tenders for Church Building. Tenders will be received by the undersigned, in sealed envelopes (marked tentler for church) up to Saturday, April 4th A. D. 1800. 7 p. ni., for erecting a brick; church, lathe Village ot Cred- iton. flans and specific.,ations can bo soon at the office of II. C. McBride, Architect, London, or at the office of the undersigned, after March 20th A. D.1806. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HENRY EILBEI4, Crediton P. 0. Chairman of Committee. 3-1u. Farm to : ent. The undersigned offers his farm to rent for a term of years. The farm contains 100 acres, eighty of which are cleared and well under drained and in a good state of cultivation, with fairly good buildings. There is a good bearing orchard• two good wells of water with a wind- mill. The farm is composed of lot 22, first con- cession of Usborne adjoin V' adjoining the illy o , d o f Exe- ter,g g and is acknowledged to bo one of the best farms in Usborne. For further particuiars and terms apply to L. MCTAGGART, Exeter, or by letter to Hay P. 0. Fariii Por Sale. Lot 7, Concession 3, Stephen Township; 100 acres, soil slayy loam, l3arn.40 by GO with base- ment, Frame Kitchen, 12 ac*os bash; 24 acres plowed, 5 acres fall wheat, balance meadow and pasture. Overflowing Spring few rods, from barn. Convenient to station, post office, church and school. Has been used as pasture land for seven years. First-class in every re- spect, r a ted. Payments easy and posseand wfolssion given at once. For further particu- lars apply to . RICHARD HICKS, Centralia. WA TED. SEarnest Men and Women, to circu- ,'"?wte "Tlie Sword of Islam or Suffering Armenia," a ,thrilling book, Graphic account of the. Eastern Question, the Turk, Armenian and Mohammedan- ism with its horrible massacres. Numerous startling illustrations taken on the spot, 448 'pages, only $1.90. Send 00e for canvas- sing book. .Agents make 518 to $50 weekly.' BRAnanv-G i.n rTso , Co., Lam., Brantford, Ont. irriperi Meat' :star 1 Having purchased the butcher- ing . business of A. Loadman, (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old custom- ers and as many new ones. We intend keeping the very,' best of fresh meats and it lvili be our first aim to%please custoiners. Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage, Hams, Bacon and everything ;usually hold in the Packing House ,can now be procured at the shop. Orders promptly delivered and ac- counts rendered weekly, on which a discount of 5 per cent. will he given. C. S LL -.EXETER __ _ .« _.,..-.. .:.::-_ .., „,. • ,. _... .._.:.:.. __..,:- .rM..'... ..1..:.-. , _... vw,wrwaar,w,.,,+-w..(rJaa,.;:xbsatr:al.x• County Notes. Mitchell's tai: RTS es for amounted. $13,528.91, . - Harry Tetnpleran, of Statia•, has rented John Norris' farm for a term of seven years. J. S. Coppin, of Mitchell, has been confined tothe house through illness the past ten days. 'Samuel Dinsmore of Hanliota, Man., leas been visiting at the old home in Bansbard. Richard Honey sold his 50 acre lot in Logan, one half of lot 19, in the 3rd colt., to Chester Adams for $2,250. Charlie Jones, of Mitchell, who was very ill with congestion of the lungs, is improving nicely and will be about again shortly. Thos. Concannon, of Logan, sold the east half of lot ].8, in the 12th conces- sion, last -week, to Louis. Longeway for $1,900. O.: H. Ready of the south boundary Blanshard, left last week with his family for Thaniesford where he will reside for some time. The attempt made on Tuesday to sell the Farmers' hotel, in Mitchell, by public auction proved abortive, the highest bid being only $1,125, The upset price was $1,700. The report which originated with the Mitchell Recorder to the effect that Rev. J. Kenner would retire at the end of the conference year, and take up his residence in Mitchell, is in- correct. Sum Treaty, of St. Marys, who slip- ped on the icy sidewalk and broke his leg some time ago, has applied to the town council for $3,000damages. The eonncil have appointed a. corn- tnittee to look into his claim. At a meeting of Western Fair Dir- ectors on Saturday at London, com- mittees for the year were appointed, and among :the names on these are the following:—Horses, Thos. Evans, St., Mary's; Cattle, sheep and swine, 14I. Ballantvne, St. h aryl; R. H. Harding, Thorndele. All disorders caused by a bilious state of the system can be cawed by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, No pain, griping or discomfort attending 1 their use. Se. Tr y ' rheas. That Fullerton fanner who circu- lated the report that live stock were being starved and frozen to death in the township of Downie, should be prosecuted for libel. There is no town- ship in Canada where cattle are better housed and fed than this, and while there. is no fodder to waste there is no famine and no more suffering than in other seasons. Coughs and colas lead to consezupt- ion if neglected. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures quickly and is pleas- ant to take. It is nature's remedy for all throat and lung troubles. On Saturday evening as Mr. Robt. Tliotnpscm, produce merchant, St. Marys, was on his way to the post office and at 3. P. Rogers' grocery on Queen street, he slipped andfell, break- ing , 1 t thigh boneatthe joint n , h< hip J n on the left side. He was removed home and although suffering consider- able pain is progressing as favorably AS can be hailed for. Rev. R. P. Alackay secretary of the Presbyterian Foreign Mission Board, has received a letter from Mrs. (Rev.) Goforth (formerly of St.. Mary's,) who is with her husband in Hanan, Mrs. Goforth reports that some 2,500 native women casted on her in four weeks, and that they displayed a great deal of interest in the work. Mr. Mackay also received a letter from Mrs. (Rey.) Goforth, native of For- mosa, who accorpeined Dr. iltackay, the missionary, when he was in Toron- to last year.- The letter described the cordial welcome they received from the natives of Formosa on their return. Agricultural Fa rs. The following dates have been fixed for fall fairs:— St. Marys, Oct. 6 and 7, Tavistock, Sept. 2I " 22. %Vaodstoek, ,; 24 " 25. Mitchell, • " 29 " 30. Bast Nissouri, at Thain esford, Sept. 30. Etnbro, Oct. 1. Stratford, " I. and 2nd. Blanshard, tt. liirkton, Oct. 8 and 9. Western, at Lonclon, Sept. 10 to 19. Toronto Indtistxial,Aug.31 toSept.12. West Nissouri, at Thorndale, Oct. 8. How Wise Women ECoN111i7.e in Hard Tunes. A TEN ()ENT INVEST- MENT SAVES DOLLARS. When business !nen, farmers and mechanics complain of bard times, the w•ol nof the t realize the fact ne t ecotnr as quickly as the men. When times are really hard, the women are the first to study true economy. This work begins right in the home circle. Instead of buying a new dress for herself and new clothing for the child- ren, the thrifty and econonlizin woman uses the Diamond Dyes to re- color old and faded dresses and suits, which are made to look as good as new. The Diamond Dyes are true aids to economy; they are specially prepared for home use, and are guaranteed the strongest and fastest of all known dyes. When a gement is colored with the Diamond Dyes, the color is there to stay, and will. not wade, wear or fade put. See that your dealer sells you the Diamond Dyes; ranee all imitations and exude dyes, and so avoid haying your materials and garinentsruined. arria a Licenses ISSUED AT— HICK'S JEWELRY' STORE. No Witnesses Required. A. complete Stock of Jewelry, Silver ware, etc. Repairing receives careful and per- sonal attention. R HICKS, Central Telephone Office. Exeter. March 251h, 189G. Wheat per bushel .73 to 75 Oats .' .21 to 22 Barle .. .... .. .,2 kir: 45 to - 45 to 50 Butter..a.... ...14 to 11 Turr(e ...... 12 to 12 Goeso ys 7 to 7 G to 8 Chickens per li, .. _,., ,.. 5 to 5 DucksG to 6 34.50 to $4.75 53.30 to $3.50 10.00 to 51L00 3.00 to 1.25 2: 3.00 to 5.00 50 to 2,75 fork dressed Porklivo weight. Hay por ton. . Clover seed ......... Alsikc clover Timothy t,eetl .................. London, March 25th 1806. Wheat por bushel,.. .,., ....76 to 78 Oa••s , . 23 to 24' Peas 45 to 54 35 Buckwheat-••-•• y .,.20 to 228 Cin , - 40 to a5 Beans 00 to 70 Butter .... ,20 to 25 Eggs 11 to 15 Ducks 45 to 05 Turkeys per 1t. . • 7 to 8 Geese per lb 5 to 0 Chickens 30 to 50 Cheese Potatoes per bag .., ..25 to 30 Hay por ton ..... .. ,.$13.00 to $11.00 Pork per cwt. .. .. $4,10 to 55.00 Wheat per bushel Wheat1tett Wheat Goose Barley Peas .... Oats Rye..,, Butter per 16 Eggs por dos.:,, Toronto, March 25th, 1896, ......78 to 79 60 to 02 5G to 5 41 o 59 .... 28 to 29 ....43 to 45 ,.,17 to 20 . .... 9 to 10 ... ...• Lastest Lave Stook Market. IIASTBU FFALO. East Buffalo, N. Y ., March 24. -Cattle closed about steady, with all sold. Bogs closed steady for Yorkers, at $4.35 to $4.40:a fowlightat 84,45; dull for heavy grades at $1.26, with several decks of tho latter loft over. Sheep and lambs closed strong for sheep aud about steady for lambs, with about all sold. MONTREAL. Montreal. quo„ March 24. -There worn about 200 head of bonito's' cattle 150 calves, 3 sheep and 30 spring Iambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to -day. The butchers wore out in considerable numbers, but were not disposed to buy more than they could well help, as the prices wore over one-quarter of a cent Per Ib above what has heep paid shore lately. Choice beeves sold at from 4o to 41e per lb; pretty good stock sold atfrom 3 1 ctc3e porMilk- man's pound. , Ii k- . 31 man's strippers were much more numerous than usual, and soles at from&c to nearly Sic per ib. Common stock sold at from 1411 to 3le per Ib. Itis probable that there ;will be an abundant supply of cattle on Thursday, when much low- er prices well be in order. Calves sold fairly well, considering the poor quality of the oifor- ing-a, and prices ranged from ,52 to $7 cash. There were no sales of sheep reported. Lambe sold at from 53.f0 to $5.50. rat hogs aro from 4c to 14 o per 91)11101. BORN. McDOUrALL•-In Ribbert, on the 20011 root„ the wife of Hugh McDougall, of a son. JOHNSTON---In Itogorviilo, on March 15th, the wife of Jas. Johnston, of a daughter. ATIC1NSON-In I3lddalph, on the 17th inst., the wife of Robt. Atkinson, of a daughter. PAGE --In Parkhill on the 171.11 inst., the wife of Mr. W. Page, formerly of Exeter, of 0. daughter. XvIARRIED. WALIC1611-AIKENHEAD--On Mondayoven- ing, March 16th. at the bride's home, Ba '^Hold Road, by Rev. Jas. A, Anderson - 13,A, laugh, son of John Walker, to Catherine, daughter of Jas. Aikouhcad, both of Godorieh. WELSIi-WALLTS-At the residence off the bride's father, Lake shore road, Gorlorich tp., on the 18th inst. by the Rev. F. W. Oaten, Mr. A.Welsh, of Sault SteMarie, to Miss A. Wallis, eldest daughter of Mr. Jas. Wallis. RADFORD-LEACH At the residence of the Rev. Eugene Iia Auburn, assist on by mithh Tion. Kilty,I%{m. Radford to Sarah Leath. REEVE-IRWIN-At the residence of tho brides father, Senforth on the, 19011 inst., by the Res Rural bean FSodggins, Mr. A. T. Reeve, to Miss Dorothy, daughter of Mr. .Tas. Irwin, all of Seaforth. ROBINSO\-LEEMING-At the Methodist parsonage, Walton, on March 13th,by Rev,1V. 31. Pommy, Richard Robinson, Esq., to Miss Mary Ann Alice Learning, all of Mc4Cillop. WALLACE-ALLAN-At Kildonan, Manitoba on March 4th, by Itev, E. Matheson, Joseph R. Wallace, bricklayer, of Winnipeg, son of the late Samuel Wallace, of Tuckersmith, to Miss Maggie Allan, daughter of Wm. Allan, of Egmondville. • beNNETT-WILSON-At the residence ofitiie brides parents. by Rev. N.S., Burwash, Isaac J. Bennett, of Virden, Man., to Ada Wilson, of the Gore of Downie. FERRIS -WOOD -At the residence of the bride's father, March 17011, by Rev. A. H. Drumm, Walter J. Ferris, of Burnside, Man., to Isabel. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mra. John Wood, Downie. I'ORTEOUS-RAE-At the residence of the bride's father, William Rao. Downie, March 11, by}.,Cosgrove, o . T.o, 1 A.C e B. A. St. g' Marys, Edith Bac to Robert Porteous. Fullerton. DIED. TOWL-In Centralia, on the 20th inst., Sarah Towle, aged 76 years, 10 months. McLEOD--In West Williams, on the 13111 inst' Archin Mcleod, age 17 years. JACKSON -In Clinton, on 111/arch 23rd, Elisa- beth. wife of Thos. Jackson, Sr. aged 57years JUNOR-In Clinton, on the 18th inst., Susy, daughter of Mrs. John Junor, aged 20 years and 18 days. SNELL.-In Hallett on the 14th inst., Mary wife of Ephxaiin Snell, iged16S years and 18 days. NICHOLS-In West Williams, on the lath inst„ Ernest C'. and Bertram G., twin children of C. and J. G, Nichols, aged. 11 months and 17 days. HANLEY-In St. Marys, on March 12th, Min- nie Ethel second daughter of Frederick and Labelle Hanley, Mitchell Road Blanshard, aged. 17 years, 4 months and 17 days. M. C. Donnelly wholesale liquor dealer, Al- liston, Ont. was troubled for years with Itch- ing files. Flo was persuaded by Jas. Mcaar- sley, Alliston, livery man, to use Chase's 0 int- moot, whioh.he did, was oured, has had no re - turn of them and highly recommends this Oint - moot as a sovereign euro for Piles. Good*:Ame! Blessed in Tens of Thousands of Haply Hees. Paine's Celery e@ilipound a Blessing to Civilized Humanity. • A good name untarnished by vice, evil or crinis is blessed and honored Whenever mentioned, It is like the refreshing shower that falls to cheer parched and thirsty ground. The great and good name creates better and purer thoughts and aspirations, and tends to make man- kind better. The name "Paine's Celery Com- pound," keeps and comforts the heart of thousands of sick and diseased people, who now use it, and from its virtues are finding a new life. Tens of thousands of cured men and woolen honor its fame, and bless the matrimony of its discoverer. It elua>ld be borne in mild, that the great medicine is being imitated. Worthless and clangorous preparations bearing the name s'eelery compound," are seeking for recognition and for your money. Those who are anxious about a perfect cure, and future health and strength, cannot afford to experi- ment with untried and unknown niedi- rine'S. Fable's Celery Compound bas the indarsation of the best physicians and a legion of wonderful cures to its credit. The nervous, prostrated, weak, dyspeptic, rheumatic and neu- ralgic, find in it new life, health and Strength. Salo Register. SA,rtrRDAY APRIL 401 --Farr stock, and implements etc., the property of John Kay, lot 18, North'Tllanles road, Usborne. Sale itt one o'clock. No re- - serve, as the proprietor has sold his farm. Thos. Cameron, auct. . George Guenther, village assessor of Ilespler, and a prominent business man, is dead. Emanuel Bowes, pump maker, and John Dow, retiredfarmex,of Stratford, both old residents, are dead. The debt on KnoxChurch,Startford, amounting to $1000, was wiped out by the anniversary collection Sunday. Lincoln E. Weaver, ;tn upholsterer at Simpson's establishment 10 Berlin, had his foot mangled in a machine Monday. If you had taken two of Carter's Little Liver fills before retiring you would not have hadthat coated tongue or bin taste in the mouth this morn- ing. Keep a vial with you for oc- casional use. The Hast Flamboro and Waterdown Association for the Recovery of Stolen Horses, which disbanded two weeks - ago after a division of the $700 in the treasury among thenlembers, has been recognized. John Iirnst, porprietor of the Queens, Hotel, New Hamburg, has fallen heir to two dozen "Grandfather" clocks, some of them over 200) years old, which he will sell by auction on April 10. "Success is a reward of merit" not of assumption. Popular apprediatioll is what tells in the long run. For fifty years, people have been using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and to -day it is the blood purifier most in favor with the public. ,Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures. The base of Ayer's- Hair Vigor is a refined and delicate fluid, which does not soil or become rancid by exposure to the air, and which is as perfect a substitute for the oil supplied by nature in youth and health, as modern chem- istry can produce. Ren. Mr. Puller has resigned his charge at Stratford, and sails at once for the old country, where he has ac- cepted a call to a church at, his old home in England. You WANT THEM. CAN CET THEM y9.a, (FROM MERCHANTS OR DIRECT FROM US. CATALOGUE FREE. B-8 Fuchsias, assorted, . 50e. I -6 Roses, ever -blooming, SOo. G-8 Geraniums, good, 50e. V-6 Canna Bulbs, as'd, for 60c. A-8 Montbretias, pretty,. SOc. L-30 Glades Bulbs, mxd.,5Oe. [T -Sweet Peas, Colt.3ovan b0c. E1 -Window Coli., x each Ivy and Show Geranium Coleus, Manetta-Vine Mexican Primrose, Fuchsia Heliotrope e &Trade P scantia6dc 1He$TEE LE'.BRIGGS SEED C9E P' TORONTO ONT. 1 tssr0 RESCUED FROM INSANITY. GENTLEMEN' --To say all I ought to in favor of B. B. 13. would be im- possible. It has been a great health restorer to nee and Ido swear by it. I OM a different man to what I was ten years ago when it was ex- pected I would be in the asylum, but now I sail in perfect robust health ap, L it was the B. 33. B. that did it, I suf- fered for five or six years from con- stipation, sometimes so severely that I went out of tny-Inind. I tried various doctors, both in the country and In the eitee, and took medicines too numerous to mention, but everything failed t have the de- sired effect. When 1 used Burdock Blood Bitters it succeeded beyond all expectations, requiring only two bottles to cure ine. To make it still more certain that B. B. B. is the real cure for constipation, 1 may say that some two years afterwau'ds I felt the symptoms rett'rning and from that time to this present day (over eighty years) I have neer had any returns of the disease. I never knew any medicine to work so well. It does not resin to be a mere reliever but, 0 sure and certain cure as I can testify to, tor Hundreds of dollars' worth of medicine and advice failed to do me any good, but three dollars' worth of B. 13 .13. made a permanent cure that has given nie years of health and comfort. Yours truly C. L. ReresEa, Toronto. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke • Your Lafe• Away. Is the truthful, startling title of a book about No -To -Bac, the harmless guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves ; elimin- ates the nicotine poision, makes weak men gainstrength, vigor and man- hood. You run no physical or fanan- tial risk, as No -To -Bac is sold under uarantce to cure or Money refunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling' Remedy ('o, , 3117 St Paul St., Montreal a Wood's T ' aad's NoiwtY Pine SyroP p positively cures Coughs, ('olds. Asthma, Hoarseness, Bronchitis and diseases of the pulmonary organs. Miss Mabel McKnight, teacher at Hepworth public school, and daughter of COL McKnight, Stratford, accident- ally tripped lately and dislocated the joint of one of herkuees. No cold or cough is too severe to yield to the curative power of Dr. ZVood's Norway Pine. Syrup. 11 has cured thousands of cases. Christ church, Listowel, are consid- ering plans to erect a new church to replace the one burned down. Three thousand dollars has been subscribed to the building fund. Listowel has just made a, saleof $4:1,- 000 of town debentures. ii r t P4 c 1!I - IIIII11MTI 01WIUhIIIW'iLp111ll(1111111141111U • THESE BRISK LITTLE PILLS ARE EXACTLY WHAT IS ALWAYS NEEDED IN ALL CASES OF CONSTIPATION, SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUS ATTACKS AND DYSPEPSIA. SOLO EVERYWHERE AT 250. A sox. DODO'S MEDICINE COMPANY, PROPRIETORS, TORONTO, ONT. R!NG IN YOUR PICTURES to get framed . We have hundreds of feet of mould- ing, from q.c. per foot up- wards. Also a nice lot of pictures cheap. A full stock of Furniture andUndertaking always on hand. R. N. RO EG YOU SUFFER FROM Springlomplaints, use SCOTT'S SARSAPARILLA. It is the best spring medicine to be had anywhere. ' Scott's is pleasant to take, mild and gentle in its action, and an absolute cure for Sciatica, Gout, Constipation, Scrofula, La Grippe, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Female Troubles, Nervousness, Chronic Headache, Cittarrh of the Head, Throat and Stomach ; Syphilis, Skin Diseases arising from impure blood or a disorganized system, and Catarrhal Stomach roubles. Mr. Joseph Morrow, Merchant, of Fullerton, Ont., writes:" "William Cornish says that Scott's Sarsaparilla is the best family medicine he ever tried. His son William who works for a farmer was laid up and unable to work. His. system was generally run down. One bottle of Scott's' Sarsaparilla cured him immediately " For further facts write either Mr. Morrow or Mr., Cornish, pereonelly. Than it° 111 .dl/ dealers, ,$7..00 per large bottle. One teaspoonful a doss USE SCOTT'S SKIN SOAP FOR THE COMPLEXION 1 tory For a good Spring Medicine for your Horses and Cattle, try IPIEFURY9S aendltoon Powders. FRESH FLOWER and GAR- DEN SEEDS for sale. See our Methodist Hymn Book and Bible Combined. Prayer Books, all styles, at .T. W. Browning's • :Sr ry $: r : ri,}i4: r}'?}: •: • " rel .-. • . • •4. :+ •:; ?,; : ' • •p• • ,5? QaPeels This will not be the case with an animal 'whose blood is out of order. When a horse is. all run down he needs a tonic the same as a 1 man. Often he cannot have complete rest. • Give him l Dick's Bcad Purifier and note how quickly he will pick up. His whole system will be invigorated. His digestion' will be strengthened so that all the nourishment will be drawn from the food an less of it will be required. Dick's Blood Purifier drives out Bots, Worms and all parasites. For sale by druggists, at generslstores assent post paid on receipt of 50 cu. Dick & Co., P. O. Nor 482, Montreal. SSOL'S rias n•_•saseasvv-O . . , . . Ira:¢ • 'Se ss's London, Huron •'dolls Nowa- London, depart Centralia Exeter ....... .... Hen sail Kippers .. Brucetield ............. Clinton Londesboro Blyth Belgrave Wingham arrive..• Gozno SOUra•- Wingham, depart,..... Byti h ve. Lon desboro Clinton .. Bruoeleld Kippen. .................. Henaall !Exeter • ... Centralia and Bruce. 1 DR. SHOUL'1'S, Passenger 1l 9 75 A, x:' 50 rex CENTRALIA., 90 2 000 5 OffiioeoppositeMethodist Parsonage. 9,44 6 20 9.52 10.126 35 12 10,38 0.29 7.28 11,10 8.00 WORK. Gas and looal Anaesthetics foryaiii 1 els extracting. 2nd door north of CAB - passenger LING'SStore • 6,35:A. e. 3.25r, u _ yT KINSMA.N, DENTIST, • LD,9. SPECIALIST in GOLD FILL- ING. EXTRACTING and PLATE • 710 4.01 08 '7.80 4.28 7,49 8 06 8.25 84 4.46 4.53 4.58 50 .23 FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Alt OLn AND WM—TIMM REMEDY.-- !errs 'Window's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty Years by millions of mothers for their ohildrop while teething with perfoot success. It soothes the child, softens the gume,allays the pain, cures the colic, and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea, Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by,. druggists inevery part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its vain is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup andtakeno other kind. Are You GOING TO GET A - A PIANO An QRGA N' Or a Sewing Machine We nave the best assortment and the cheapest. Come in and See Them Or else write for particulars PERKINS & MARTIN 1V CY-T RAUL"! STI if JUr DALTON AN DERSON D.D. S • L.D-s Honor Graduate a - 1 of the. Tc ronto University and Royal College of Dental surgeons of Ontario. Specialties, palmtops extraction and preservation of the natural teeth. Office over the LawOffice .Of Elliot as Elliot. 0000eite Central Hotel, Exeter, Out. AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, • CLINTON. Will be at Grab's hotel Zurich.. on the second Tkuraday of each month and at Iiodgg,n'a hotel Hensen every Monday gents representing us can earn 820 per week sealing our Hardy Canadian -grown Nursery 6'tuck. Permanent position and salaries, Exclusive territory. Write at once for terms to 18, 0.. GRAHAM, NonsenvMAN, T8EOx10, Oxtr x4to- --THE--- People's Building and Loan Association. LONDON - - ONTARIO BOARD OP DIRECTORS IN EZRTER. ONTAR2o Dr. C. A. l - Rollins, ' President. Dr.. La , Vice -President. L H. Dickson, - Solicitor. David Mill, - Valuator. Fred. W; Collins, - Secy-Troas. DIRECTORS. Jno Grigg, B. A, Penick, 'Jae. Miller, Wm Southcott, Dr. Thos. A. Amos, Sand. Sanders. !'take money by saving money. Sixty oente per monrhwill ensure $100 in 71 years. For torms of application and all necessary infor- mation apply to the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred, gyp. Collins. Post Office, Exeter, Ont, KNIGHT'. E=eter North Store Mr. F. R. Knight has o etred a General Store In the stand lately occupied by Brook's Harness Shop with a full stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, C I & SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONERY, ETC, ;Produce aken in exchange for goods. Then. Come To Us for Best i t Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture -Dealers The Leading Undertakers. Gidley & Son, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. ,4 Suit of Clothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patronsin any of these. A' large assortment of Fall& Winter Ge oo s In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much -pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. 4.. Z. S7r Millie F. R. $'NIGHT 'GET 70111 PANTS TD® VV 1\1 - At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order. for $3. 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a tit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. Central DRUG STORE. Those who have used Winan's Gough Balsam. Pronounce ' it unequalled as a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND }3RONCEITIO TROUBLES, Winan's Condition 8s Cough Powder for horses, best iii the mar- ket. always ort hand, Also a Cetobenefaeto and Lini- ment, the medicine so sue. eessfully`used by Mr, Chas. Munroe, Paris hill, in this and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, For Sale at C LUTZ'S,