HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-3-12, Page 5That Tired Feeling Means danger, It is a serious condition and will lead to disas- tronw results if it is not over- come at once. It is a sure sign that the blood is impoverished andirnpure. The he'd remedy is HOD'S Sarsaplrill Which makes rich, red blood, and thus gives strength and elas- ticity to the muscles, vigor to the brain and health and vitality to every part o£ the body.. Hood's Sarsaparilla positively Makes the Weak Strong "I have used six bottles of Hood's Sar- • marina as a general tonic and have eujoya:d the best of health. Although I had a strain of work I have had no Nick spells for Many months amino lost time, so I am doubly repaid." THOMAS 5. HILL) 281Brussella 8t,,5t. John,New Brunswick. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True E3lood Purifier Prominently in tho public eye. Hoods Pills cure habitual conatipa, h tion. Prico 2;.e. por boa TO HEAL MANKIND. It is as a healing medicine for all out- ward. sores, ulcers, blotches, skin dis- eases, cancel', scrofulous sores, etc., that Burdock Blood Bitters has won some of its most signal victories over disease. In every case where it has been faithfully tried a clear bright skin and sound whole flesh resulted. Here is what Miss Lillie V. Doyle, of Stradees Hill, Ont., says : For three years I had a veru bad breaking out all over nmyface and went to a doctor who gave lie a bottle of medicine which I used but got 110 be- nefit. I then went to another doctor who gave lie nuelleine, but as env face kept getting worse 1 asked him to change the medicine, which he did, but it also failed to do any good and he told use he could do no more far 1ue. About three months ago I got a bot- tle of Burdock Blood. Bitters and be- gan using it; I soon found my face getting much better, so I got another bottle and:used it, and on using the third bottle found my face completely co d. Several others who have fol- lowed lily advice to try 13. 13. 13. have been cured of similar troubles. The well known strengthening pro- perties of Iron, combined with other tonics and a most perfect nervine, are found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body, and improves the blood luld complexion. Mr. Buchanan, a highly respected resident of Metcalfe, died the other day at the age of 82 years. The de- ceased had been closely identified with the township's interests for upwards of half a century. A most brutal highway robbery was committed on the outskirts of Hunts- ville, 1i Friday evening last. J. 13. Reece, one of the oldest and most re- spected returning spected residents was let It ig abo11 t same o'clock front an adjoining town when he last two ruffians, who, when hen passing, ti tic himteiificblow an the back of the head, which. rendered him unconscious. They then robbed him of a large amount of luoney, and after turning the horse and cutter, and stetting thein in the direction from which they calve, the ruffians made good their escape. Mr. Reece return- ed to consciousness and eventually reached horse, and is in a low con- dition. TAKEN nem Hood's Sarsaparilla has achieved great success in warding off sickness which, if allowed to progress, would have un- dermined the whole system and given disease a strong foothold to cause much suffering and even threaten death. Hood's Sarsaparilla has done all this and even more. It has been taken in thousands of cases which were thought to be incurable, and after a fair trial has effected wonderful cures, briuging health, strength and joy to .'r the affdieted. .Another important point About Hood's Sarsaparilla is that its cures aro permanent, because they start from the solid foundation of purified, vitalized and enriched blood. But it is not what we say but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the story. Imp Trial at Firk! Having purchased the butcher- ing business of A. Loadman, (Wood's Old Stand) Vt e will be pleased to see all our old custom- ers and as many new ones. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meats and it will be our, first aiin to please customers. Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage, Hams, Bacon and everything, usually sold. in the Packing House can now be procured at the shop. Orders promptly delivered and ac- counts rendered weekly, o)1 which a discount .o 5per cent. will be given. C. SNELL Cheese Factory Machinery For �+aafle. 'PAH the machinery and equipment of the Blake Cheese Factory, including engine and boiler, will be sold at a bargln, Everything in first-class order. It includes butter making utensils. For terms and particulars apply to T. & M. JOHNSTON, Zurich P. O. March, 12011-m, enders for Church Building. Tonderawill be received by the undersil.,•ned, in sealed envelopes (narked tender for church) ep to Saturday, April 4tlt A. 1). 1896. 7 p. m., for emotinga brick church. in the Village of Cred- iton. ians and specifications can bo seen at the ofilce of H. C. )McBride, Architect, London, or at the orrice of the 1ndevxigned, after March 20th A. D. 1890. The lowest or Any tender not necessarily accepted. HENRY ICILBEI(,tCrediton P. O. ('hairinan of Conunittee. 3-10. Farm to Rent. The undersigned offers his farm to rent for a teras of years. The farm contains 100 acres, eighty of which are cleared and well under drained and in a groodstato of cultivation, with fairly good buildings. There is a good bearing orchard two good wells of water with a wind- mill. The farm is composed of lot 22. first eon - cession of Ijsborne, adjoining tL Village a Exe- ter, and is acknowledged to be one of the best farms in Osborne. For further mrticulare and terms apply to L. MIeTAG0AIt11, Exeter, or by letter to HIay 1'. 0. Liquor License Act. Take notice that I have applied to the Leoise Commissioner for South Huron, for the privi. logo of transferring my license to %Vm. Zinger. of the Village of 1'ceswater. Any obieetions to said transfer must ire trade to the License in- tweeter n- s n • • hin ten days from date. instar t}it tet HENRY W t.LDICR, Licensee. Exeter, - March 3rd, 1100. 2(11. MONEY Ix) LOAN. at 5 and 51 per cent. Private Funds. Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Jauuary,1Six0. Solicitors. Exeter. >,,•Url, rl l'IIS UtTT gull return to us with Five Cents 1 mail, A r b • r Curr a will0 +and von t in siltc1, og 3 l t will a +" OF GOODS that GOLDEN 1.\ 1101.bring fel Nmaieyione month, than any- thing else America.A. W, KINNEY, E. T. Yarmouth. N. S. WARTED SEVERAL, MEN of food character, who can furnish boric and iiglaL rig. $75.00 to semis) a month. Appli- cants write fully. 1'Er1 Butiur.cY Clanton sole. Co., Ltd, Brant. ford. Ont, Earrn For Salle. Lot 7, Concession 3, i'tephen Township; 1W acres, soil clay loam, learn 40 by 110 with base- men(, Franco ICita'hc•n, 12 acres bush; 24 acres plowed, 5 acres fall wheat. U:Lianve meadow and posture. Overflowing Spring few sods from barn. Convenient to stenos. poet office, church and school. Has been used n.4 pasture land for seven years. First -Owe in every re- spcct, and swell -fenced. Payments easy null possession given at ma*. For further partien- L•trs apply to itIC}IAitI) 11 WKS, Central hi. Notice to Creditors. In the mustier of the Estate of Ann DeLioo, of the Village of Hensall, in the ('otulty of Huron, Insolvent. Notice is hereby given that Ann I)aLion, of the Village of Iiensel), in the County of Huron, carrying oil basins. as Millinery Proprietress at the said Village of }Tene:ill, •a. anode an as- signment under It. S. 0., 1ST. ('hap. 1:'.t. and amending nets. „f all her estate, ercdits and oileets, to John E. Mi,Dnnell, of the said Village of Honsall, for the general benefit of her credi- tors. •,A meeting of the Creditors of the said Ann DeLion will be hold at the oiiire of Lewis H. Dickson, in the Village of Exeter, on SATO• RDAV TILE 231'!) DAV OF FECI3'Y 1890, at (he hur of 2 o'(k)ek (0 the aft •rumen, to re. Wive at statement of ai3.t1e:. to appoint In+tpec- tnre aid for the ordering of the Mira of the estate generally. Creditors are requested to Ale their claims with the Assignee or ids Solici- tor, with proofs and epartionlarsthereof requir- ed carnr- ed by the said statute, 0n Or before the said day of meeting. LEWIS If. DICKSON. JOHN 1C. MIcDONELL Solicitor for Assignee. Assignee. Notice to Creditors. of Thomas Nairn, Deceased. Pursuant', to Ser. 36 of ('hap. 110, of the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, 1887. notice is hereby given that all Creditors and others having claimsagainst the estate of Thomas Nairn, late of the Township of Riddnlph, in the County of Middlesex. Gentleman; who died on or about the 13th day of February, A. D. 1890, are, on or before the First day of April, A. DOR), to send bypoat, pro -paid, to Elliot & Elliot, of the Vil- lage of Exeter, in the County of Huron. Solici- tors for the Administratrix of the said deceased their numes and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, the fall particulars cf their plaints, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the saidAdministra- trix will proceed to distribute the assets of tho said deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to such claims of which notice shall hate been given as above required, and the saidAdministratrixwill not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof. to any per- son or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been resolved by her at the tiinu of such distribution. I4LLIOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors for Elson Morley, Administratrix. Dated at Exeter this 20th day of Fob. A.D. 18146. `'RENT CANAL,. PET3RBORO AND LARK:FIELD DIVISION. SECTION NO. 2. Notice to Contractors. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed "Tender for Trent Canal," will be rocoi red at this office until noon on Saturday, 21st March, 1896, for the construct- ion of about four miles of Canal on tho Peter - bore' and Lakefieid Division. Plans and specifications of tho work can bo seen at the oitice of the Chief Engineer of the Department of Railways and Canals,at Ottawa, or at the Suporintondhlg Engineer's Oflioo, Poterboro' whore forms of tender can be ob- tained on and after Thursday, 13111 February, 1896. In the case of firma there 1411031 10 attached the actual signatures of the full name, the nature of the occupation and place of residence of each member of tho same, and further, art accepted bank cheque for the suns of $7,690 must accompany the tender ; this accepted cheque mast be endorsed over to the accepted of Railways and Canals, and will be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into contraot for workat the rates and on the terata stated in the otter submitted. Tho ac- cepted cheque thus sunt in Will be retuned to the respective parties whose tenders arc not accepted. Tho lowest or ally tender not necessarily ac- cepted. By Order, J. S. BALDICIISON, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 6th February, 1896. • THL"i 9. t Itzlei;It s. Exetor.11larch 1114, 1890. Wheat per bathe) 77 to 76 Oats........ ..... 23 to 24 Barley....... Peas......... Butter..... Eggs Turkeys ... Geese Chickens per a Ducks Pork dressed . Pork live weight ..... ...45 to 50 ..... ...14 to 14 13 to 13 7 to 7 6 to 5 $4.5O to 1$4.75 .30 t x.50 • $3 Hay per ton.... ... ,,.,$10.00 to $12.00 Clover seed ............eO to 1.25 Alsiko clover .... .... ,`3.00 to $4.75 'L nothy seed $1.95 to $225 London, March llth 1896. 'heat per bushel,. .... ....81 to Sl ate.... ....21 to 25 'eas ...• 45 to 51 arley ..31 to 33 Buckwheat ..26 to 28 Rye ...39 to 44 Corn . 36 to 39 Beans 60 to 70 Butter .... .... 20 to 26 Eggs 14 to 10 Ducks 15 to 65 Turkeys per i1.... 7 to 8 Geese per 8 5 to 6 Chickens 30 to 50 Cheese 8 to 8 Potatoes per bag.. 25 to 30 Hay por ton ....$12.0to $14.00 Pork per cwt.... .. .. $t,00 to $1.75 (Toronto. March 11114, 18913. Wheat per bushel ....84 to 84 Wheat lied 82 to 83 Wheat Goose GO to Oe Barley .38 to 4•'• Peas ...........56 to 6� Oats 20 to 24 Rye.... . ... 47 to 40 Butter per is •,,.,.I6 to 18 Egg per doz.�. ......18 to 20 Latest L1've Stook Markets. MONTREAL. Mfontreal, March 11th. -Thorn was just a trifle better feeling in the tone of the local o r(o tt this morning. At the eastern abattoir the priers were a shade firmer and moderate de. stand was shown for good cattle. Tho best hooves realized from 31c to 310 per 11), etre weight; medium to fair, 310 to 310. and coiunon rough animals from 20 to 21e. Tho supply of sheep and lambs on hand was small, and sold readil • at quotations. Calves ranged in Klee from $1.50 to $7 a piece. Had there been any choice reals on the market they would have commanded more. Receipts to -day were 450 head of rattle, 150 calves and 30 sheep and Jambe. Following M the general range of quo- tatlons: -Cattle; Butchers choice, per lb, 31c to ;lie live weight; medium to fair, 210 to 31e; culls 2e, to 21e. Calves: Good to choice, $7 to $114; common to fair. $2 to G. Sheep: Common to good, per ewt, Sti3 to St; springlambs, $3.50 to Sri. EAST BUFFALO. East Buffalo,N. Y., March lith. • Cattle closed steady, with a1I fold. Hogs closed steady; all'sold but several deck. late arrival+. Sheep and lamb.. Mored Orta, with about all sold. ediatlsh Grain Trade - London, England, March 11th. --The Mark Lane Express s,•tys:»-English and foreign wheats were 6(1 lower today. Flour dcelined 6d, and corn 35. Oats were steady. Barley was 3d dearer, and beaux and peas were tura. BORN. HUNT --In Exeter, on the 7111 hist., the wife of Rev. E. W. Hunt, of a daughter. MOODY -In Osborne, an the 6th inst.., the wife of Wm. Moody, of a daughter. \VI1CI314I((3 •-At Dashwood, on the 10(1 inat., the wifeof Mr. W r of a eon. I uiho g; o HUDGINS 'In McGillivray, on the 1st (est.. the wife of MT. John Hoagies, of a daughter. MARRIED. YELLOW --I"OLFOI(D-At the Methodist par- sonae, London, on March 7(11, by Rev. Dr. 1)ani'el,Thomas Yellow, of Exeter, and Emma Nulfon', of Chicago. WHEATLEY AIRMSTR(ONU At the manse, Hensel], on Februar • 26tH, by Rev J. S. Henderson, Mr. Wm. (3. W1'heatiey, of ('lin. ton, to Miss Mary Armstrong, of `ruckt:r- srai1ll• HONG -GRIEVE--At the residents of the bride's farther, Melifllop, on February 2601, by Itev. Mr. McDonald, of Seaforth, Mr. Robert )3, Hogg to MIs. Elizabeth, oldest daughter of Mr. William Grieve. JOHNsTON--MI'CLINCHICV-In Parkhill, at, the residence of Mr, J. 11. Shoat, on March 3rd., by Rev. (4. H. Thompson. Mr. Edward Johnston, of Grandly. Ihtk., to Mis.. 1Cilen Me- C'linchey, of Goshen line, Stanley, DIED. 1)01)1) ;- In Blyth, on March 1st, Mr. James Dodds, aged 63 years. DIXON, In Turkor.. iiith, on February 24th, 'Richard Dixon, aged 43 years. c o a TIODGL•-1n Logan, on the 3rd inst., ICttie May Hodge, aged 27 years and 7 days. CAMPBELL --In Parkhill, on the 2911, ult. Maud M. Campbell. aged 17 years. IlleEACHAN.--In Parkhill, on the 1.8th .ioepi0ra char aged 14years. MIAI(TIN---In Godorich, on rho 6th inst., Henry Martin, aged 63 years and 2 months. 2 r•. 1 .. 11, Mil.. 1' - n Stephen, o) he. «3t t 1 11T I ( SHI I John Sherri( t, aged 5 yars and 11 months. DR(MMOND---In McGillivray, on the 10th inst Matthew Drummond, aged 58 years. 1C AMES-In (l urdeboy o. on the 2nd inst.. Mrs. James Eames, sister of Thomas Grundy, of Parkhill. ICLLERINGTON. -In t?sborne, on tho 5th inst., Helen Lemon. wife of Thomas IC1lorington. aged 51 years, 3 months. SHAW ---In Seaforth, on March 5th, Elizabeth Little, wife of D. M. Shaw, aged 56 years, 10 months and 7 days. PRICE-Iu Goderich, on the 501 inst., Mable Venom, eldest daughter of James Price, aged 13 years, 2 months and 5 days. McKINNON-In Parkhill, ou Wednesday, March 4th, Mrs Charles McKinnon, relict of the late (.'has. McKinnon of Ailsa Craig, aged 86 years. While no physician or pharmacist can conscientiously warrant a cure, the J. C. Ayer's Co. guarantee the purity, strength, and medicinal virtues of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the only blood -purifier adtnitted at the great World's Fair • in Chicago, 1893. William McIntyre, United States customs officer at St. <atford depot, has received notice from the IL S. Govern- ment that the office has beenabolishecl. The office will not be reopened. Sale Register. TUESDAY, MARCx 17s -Farm, farm stock, implements, etc. The property of George .Koch, lot 8, .con. 9, Hay. Sale at, one o'clock. E. BossEN- T319IIRY, Ane. • DIAMOND ®YE DOLLS i The Latest Novelty for the e. We will scud to any address by 11)101, a set of Dolls, with Six extra Dresses,_ on receipt of four cents in stamps. These Dolls illustrate the use - and value of Diamond Dyes in coloring anything . from a cheese cloth to a heavy coat in any shade or color. The Diamond Dyes are the only absolutely fast dyes in rile world, and the easiest to Use. • Forty-five Dyed samples of Cloth and Book of Directions for home dye ing scut free. Address. Wells & Richardson. Ce., 200 Mountain St., Montreal. • EXETER Q ishon Dealer it A Special Feature ad- opted in their Busi- ness. You si- You Trustingiy Ask For Paine's Celery C'.rrmpound. They Often Rive You a Com. mon Substitute. As the sun rises in .the east to brigh tee and enliven the day, so thenaighty fame of Patine's C'eler'y Compound spreads from day to day. giving comfort and gladness to all weary, sick and diseased people. All popular and fast selling articles are imitated from, time to time, Liquid preparations, usig the name "Celery Compound," are on the market, and are often dishonestly foisted on the un- suspecting customer, who ask for nature's great healer, Paine's Celery Compound. There are, unfortunately, too many dealers who work this miserable de- ception, ic'tuated by a greedy desire for largo profits. These imitations and worthless medicines pay such Meuse profits, that Paine's Celery C'omponnd is held in the background, simply because it pays a small profit. It is positively cruel to thus deceive the trustful and confiding customer. The sick and suffering who ask for Paine's s (e1 cry Compound, knowing it to be the best, and their o ty hope of cure, should never be treated in each a heartless manner. If every intending purchaser of Paine'sCeleryC.omponnd but examines the bottle and outer cartoon, he or she will certainly avoid deception. The genuine Paine's Celery Compound, "the kind that cures." has the "stalk of celery," and the name "Paine's": all others are frauds and. deceptions. W.AST I Iv G YOUR LIFE. FAILURE of PeressCAI aero MENTAL Foxe. --To Ann TOLENGTH or'LIFE USE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Nirith a pathetic sigh how often it has been said: "Well then, I suppose 1 must let go Iny hold on life." To fathers and mothers of unreared this is tragic. But whence corneal Ours and tilnely help 7 If death is preventible, hots The timely answer i$ : 13), scientific and successful kidney treatment -by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. . Hundreds write to thank us and tell of their cure, but none to say that Dodd's Kidney Pills have ever failed. A snowplough and engine left the track on the Lakeview branch of the G. T. R. and both were wrecked. • Thos. Matthews, of Galt, is in Berlin gaol to serve seven months' imprison- ment, in lieu of a fine of $50 for non- support of his wife and of assaulting her. Will be found an excellent remedy for sick headache. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove this fact. Try thein. Thorndale and vicinity recently lost an esteemed resident its the per- son of Mr. Morrell, Ile was one of the earliest settlers and had. just entered his 75th year. • Robert B. Bell was sentenced to two years and two months' inlpriaonnment in the penitentiary at Ottawa Teusday for his connection with the awful cruelties practised on the Short 01111- dren, Mrs. Bell elected trial by piny. There was a fair trade in wheat nx Chicago yesterday, and wheat closed firmer at Ofilat for May. The market was narrrow, however, and traders seemed disposed to wait for the Gov- ernment report. The visible suplpy de- creased 1,493,000. bushels. (general Booth of the Salvation Almy has returned to London from India. The budget speech of Proriucial Treasurer McMillan showedthat Mani- toba's finances were never in aL more prosperous condition than at present. The surplus is $800,000. IIarsh Coughs, Heavy Colds, Hoarse- ness, Asthma aIld Bronchitis are eared by Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. The best lung remedy in the world. David Dodd, n well known and re- spected resident of Mount Pleasant, died Monday nighty after an illness of brief duration. Deceased, who was 70 years of age, was seized with a par= alytie stroke on Sunday. It Is not to be wondered at that Ayer's Pills are in such universal de- mand. For the ('tire of constipation, biliousness, or any other complaint needing it laxative, these: pills are un- surpassed. They are sugar-coated, easy to take, and every close is effective. The barns of Charles Plock, east half lot 15, concession 10, Moore, were destroyed by fire the other morning, catching. from a threshing engine used for eating feed. A large amount of feed was also burned. Will positively cure sick headache and prevent its return: Carter's -Little Liver Pills. This is not talk, but truth. 5 .1advertisement. ne .ill ado. e. Sec O pill • pill. Small dose. Small price. At Watkins, St. Lawrence County, Friday, Antoni Rocheau 'iwas killed I.r while oiling a shaft. Ile was caught s•clothes from in the . ha£t and his torn from v I a4 'eFrench-Canad- ian. • body. He was ,L I•'i nch (a la 1 ian. Thomas A. Edison, the great elec- trician, has been at Sarnia for several days investigating the Pierce & Norris process of making brick out of sand, plants for which are in operation at Sarnia, London, Dunnville, Port Huron and elsewhere in Ontario. Mr. Edison proposes establishing a plant at his home In .New Jersey. 0. J. Treacy, a former Stratford resi- dent and one of the publishers of the defunct Stratford Advertiser, died in Brooklyn the other day. He was on the staff of the New York Sun, and aged 52 years. He was born in Brant- ford, and spent his boyhood days in Downie, where he was a pupil of the Hon. Thomas Ballantyne, when that gentleman taught school in that town- ship. C a� 3i . PILL ALWAYS CURE AFTER TEN YEARS SUFFERING Two Sox Cure li'IILvERTO:T, 28Tu1 .1•VLY, 1893. Gentlemen, -Por the last ten years Iliad been troubled with kidney disease, being so bad at iutervals that I could not lie in bed at night nor stoop to the ground. I had tried all the remedies I could find without effect, but heard of Dodd's Kid- ney Pllls and procured a box. I ant most happy to say it for my own sake as well as for others that I am per. redly cured after using four boles. JOHN RILEY. Marriage Licenses -----ISSU:ED AT -- INNS JEWELRY SWORE. No Witreessels 1Reclstirecd. A complete Stock of Jewelry, Silver- ware, etc. Repairing receives careful and per- sonal attention. R. HICKS, Central Telephone Office. IN 0 - IN -- YOUR PICTURES to get framed. We have hundreds of feet of mould- ing, from ¢c. per foot up- wards. Also a nice lot of pictures cheap. A full stock of Furniture andUndertaking always on hand. jI R. N, :OWE, OF Children die in the spring. Blotches bloom in the spring. Boils break out in the spring. Women weaken in the spring. Men lose energy in the spring. Pimples protrude in the spring. Old people suffer in the spring. Malaria is deadly in the spring. La Grippe spreads in the spring. Doctors' bills grow in the spring. • Undertakers thrive in the spring. All diseases germinate in the spring. Scott's Sarsaparilla sells in the spring. "Scott's Sarsaparilla is the most popular and successful spring medicine we sell. Everybody uses it. "-3. D. Todd, dr'g 'ist, Qrlv:en St. W., Toronto. Write Mr. Todd, or any other r1ru:;- g 1st for particulars. all dealers, ,'1.00 per large bottle. Canetcixspniol'1E?ri-w.s_ USE SCOTT'S SKIN SOAP FOR THE GOMPL.EXtC'N ! a. •••••••••••••••+c#'AoN#N#,N*,40#..4.Nrn###N+#N Fine Drivers cannot be tsaade outofhorses that are out of condition. Merely to feed plenty of oats is not enough. A,horse gets run down the same as a man and needs a general toning up. Dick's Blood Purifier purifies the 1 the form of a powder. Itlr blood, strength- * tn u ' tifipreparation m co a tit• S is a scientific , g ens the digestion, turas a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one and puts the Op animal "in condition." He then has " good life" and feels like holding up his O head and lifting his feet. M i 1 -Cid COWS are greatly benefitted by it. The whole system is toned up. The digestive organs being strengthened, more nutriment is drawn from the # food and the flow of milk increased. • Dick's Blood Purifier will pay for itself ten times over., • For sale by druggists, at general stores or sent post paid on receipt of 59 cis. Dick Ss Co., P. O. Box 482, Montreal. #of#0414:4414NNN#!###414.0004.4•4...V6#4D0.04641,#44. t London, Huron and Bruce. i olNO Moans- Passenger London, depart........ 8.05 e, x• 4.80 e. oentralie 9.07 5,47 Exeter.-- ...... 922 Henaali 9,37 Kippen.......... 9.44 Brucefield ....•9.62 Clinton 10.12 Londesboro10.29 Blyth............. ..... 10.38 Belgravo 10.62 Wingham arrive11.10 GOING SMITH* Wingham, depart...... 6.35's.. x. 3.25 r. si Belgrave ...... 6.50 3.47 Byt h.. Londeeboro Clinton. 7.30 4.28 Brimfield.- .............. 7,49 4.46 KipDen, Bewail 8 06 4,58 Exeter ...........-. ,, Ceutralia� 6.00 620 628 7.14 7.87 8.00 R. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA. OMee opposite Methodist Parsonage. HKINSMAN, DENTIST, . LD,S, SPECIALIST in SOLD PILL- ING, EXTRA OTTEG and PLATE WORK. Gas and Iooal Anaeatheties forpairi- 1 ars extraoting- 2nd door north of C,tii- PassenKos 1 LINCPS Store 7.10 4.08 T1 ALTON ANDERSON D.D. S • L,D'8. Honer Graduate Of the To- Tonto University and Royal College of Dental 7.57 4.53 Sureeoas of Ontario. Specialties, painless extraction and preservation of the natural 8.25 512 teeth. of ee over the Law0ffieo of Elliot* 8 4 5,28 Elliot, oDDoslte Central Botel, Exeter, Ont. FOR OVEi( FIFTY TRANS 4.11 OLD AND WIDA-TRIED REMEDY.— Mfrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used Mt, years by millions of mothers for their obildres while teething with perfect suooess.1 t soothea the child, soften. the gum s,allays the pairs. cures the eolio, and a the best remedy for Diarrhoea, is pleasant to the taste. Sold by, druggists t every Dart of the world. 25 cent* a bottle,Ita ue is incalculable, Be re and ask vad .a or Mfrs. Winslow'. Soothing Syrup andtakeno other kind. Are You GOING TO GET A - A PIANO An ORGAN Or a Sewing Jklachine We nave the best assortment and the cheapest. Come in and See Them Or else write for particulars PERKINS & 13 AGNEW L. D. B.DENTIST, ;. OLINTON. Will be at Greb's hotel Udell. on the second Thursday of each month and at Hodgin's hotel Heneail every Monday gents representing us can earn £20 Der week selling our Hardy Canadian-neonn I<atrvery Stock. Permanent position and salaries. 11Yolusire e w territory. oto at once ft: terms to E. 0, GRAHAM, Ereszarsr,N, ToaesTo, ONTaato• THE— people's Building and Loan Association LONDON - - ONTARIO IIoano OP DIRECTORS IN EXETER, Osy4RI9 Dr. 3. A: Rollin., President. Dr. 0, Lutz. - Vice -President. L H. Dickson, - Solicitor. David Mill, valuator. Fred. W; Collins, - Sea-Treas. DIRECTORS.. Imo Grigg. R. A, Falliok,'Jas. Miller, Wm' Sonthoott, Dr. Thos. A. Amos, Same, Sanders. Make money by saving money. Silty cents per month will ensure $100 in 7} years. For forms of anplioatien and all necessary infor- mation amply to the Secretary, Mr. *Fred. W. Collins. Post OMoe,Exeter, Ont. Him III'pr 10=eter North Store Mr. F. R. Knight has opened a MARTIN General Store m the stand lately occupied by Brook's Harness Shop with a full stock of I.Torr EASILY GUIT' Z il Then Come To Us for Best Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture Dealers The Leading Undertakers. Gidley & Son, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. ,9 Suit of Vlothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable . plane, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweet's, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you, There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. pL.�. yq� iTi 24 1"'11,/.1. GENERAL GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONERY, ETO, Produce aken in exchange for goods. W. Rt. 3-1`,TXQ-3EitT GET SOUR ran ID 0W-1\1 At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3: 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. ��'�� �S V`N . JOHNS, The Tailor. Central DRTJG STORE, These who have used VV -man's Lough Balsam, Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BBONOEITIO TROIJBI.B8, Winan's Condition & Cough Powder for horses, best in the mar- ket. always on hand. .Iso a Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so suc. oessfully need by Mr, Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, For Sale at C, LUTZ'S,