HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-2-13, Page 7ff"
Thomas A. Johns.
A Common
Permanently Cured by Taking
A CAPeDRIVEE'S 871013.!'
"I was afflicted for eigin years wife:sew
Rheum. During that time, 1 tried a great
many medicines which were bights, bac
=mended, but none gave nie relief.
Was at last advised to try Ayer's Sarsa-
penile, by a friend wee told rue that I
must purcitese six bottles, and use them
according to directions. 1 yielded to les
persuasion, botteet the six bottles, and.
took the eonteas of three of these bot-
tles without noticing any direet benefit.
Before I bed Mashed the fourth bottle,
any hands were as
Free from Eruptions
as ever they were. My business, which
is Mat a a cab -driver. requires me to
be ont in cold and wet weather, often
without gloves, and the trouble has
never returned."- TEcoaLis A. Jones,
:smelted, Ont
AYOIS itfk •aliSaP i la
Admitted at the_World'n Pain
ilyetos Meanse Mel:towels*
A Treasury of
. . TH E . .
cwr.vitgatt7. g =7Pu-
How To Commencing November,
OBTAIN ises, and until the
books are all given, pur-
A COPY chasers o f 3 packages, or 9
bars of SUNLIGHT SOAP, Will receive
from their grocer, SUNLIGHT .
ALMANAC FREE • • . . . • . .
Tim book contains complete
Calendar matter, Biography,
Literature, Homo Management,
Language of Flowers,
Fashions, Games and Amuse-
ments, Recipes,.
Dreams and their signiecance,
Poultry, etc.
ro Dia:APPOINTMENT Buy y earl
Tne E
T i M ES
'7ft MAIAJE3311*
if EVEP FAIL& 1'6 OIVF Si 'g
04111 ""s eta, IX4A3
For a number of years I was greatly
troubled with a skin disease. I went to
Hot Springs, Ark., and I actually believe
I consulted over fifty doctors at different
times without getting any relief. I took
one bottle of your Kootenay Cure and
it has cured me. Previous to using it I
was unable to shave. It is no doubt a
wonderful medicine. I recommend it
most highly. Yours truly, A. TRUMAN,
tog King St. b„ Hamilton, Ont.
Princess Beatrir and her thildren
rived e Nice oz he will v
the ex -Empress ugente at Cape Ma
tin, and will take a short cruise on t
The Glasgow Herald learns tbat M
Gladstone is greatly inclined to sta
again for Parliament at the first ava
able opportunity in order to supp
the Armenian ca,use'.
Sir William liarcourt stated. itt t
Britieh Commons that nothing had
curred to alter the hona.e rulepoli
of the Opposition, and. they contmu
to aclhere thereto as they had neen
ly. •
The christening of. the second son
the Duke of York was celebrated.
Monday at Sandlingham. The font w
surround.ed wita white heather for g
luck, and tlae infant was sprinkled wi.
I water from the River Jordan.
IThe British and Foreign Arbitrati
A.ssoeiation has delegated one of
vice-presidents to visit the Unit
; States in order to obtain matter for
report to the associetion upon tile Ve
eNtle...111 boundary dispute and its on
i Mr. Michael Devitt is freely me
timed as a compromise for the norni
alien to seemed Mr. Justin McCart
as chairman of the Irish Natni
League, but it is thought that anoth
trial of strength will tairpla,ce betwe
the Dillonites and the nealyite.s.
Mr. Hantaury, the Funtecian Secrete,
of the Treasury, stated on Thursday
the British House of Commons, in r
nly to Mr. J. Henniker -Heaton, that t
tiovernmen 'VMS eonsidermg the que
tion of establishing' pare,e1 post
I -amen Great 13ritain and the Unit
The Transvaal question is again as-
suming an ugly aspect, and it is learned
from an official. source teat the British
War Office, acting under orders fro
the Government, has made every pr
partition to send an ermy corps
twenty thousand men, to South A
In the Imperial House ot Commons
on Thursday, Mr. Dillon's amendment
to the reply to the speeeli from the
throne censuring the Government for
not proposing self-government for Ire-
land was rejected by a vote of two bu
•dred and seventy-six to one bundre
and sixty.
A British blue book on Arxrieni
ehows teat Russia from the very fir
refused to co-operate with the powe
in behalf of the Armenians, fearin
ex.- many which bas thrown. fifty thou -
tat sand men out of ,enaployment.
..ee- Miss Clara Barton eat]. her eolleeag:tes
le of the American Red Cross Soiy
interesting Items About Our Own Country,
Great Britain, the United States, and
All Parts of the Globe, Condensed and
Assorted for Easy Reading.
Durine the past year Brantford's
total las by fire was only 43,438.
'The Beard of Direetors of Grimsby
Park ha,ve decided to keep the park
epee on Buudays.
William Adair of Strathroy has been
sentenced to three years in penitentiary
Lor ensaulting Mrs. Baker.
The irou run at the Hamilton smelt-
ing works has been tested and found
to be perfectly satisfactory,
Miss Lottle AleClung, in tee employ
of Mr. .1. Moodie, Hamilton, suddenly
expired while preparing. dinner -
Messrs. T. S. Vipand ere p0., rrult
neerelt ents Montreal, have assigned with
liabilitjes o about $250,000.
Mr. John W. Loud, a Detroit, has
been named. for the position of Gen-
eral Freight Agent of the G. T. R.
Mr, Arthur Piers, of ItIontre,al, has
been appointed Superintendent of the
Canadian Pacitio lines of ateeraship.
lee la the Niagara River bas ea block-
ed. the Cow of water that people can.
almost walk frotn the American side
to Goat Island dryehod.
There is c,onsiderable feeling in Mont-
real over the action of the French-
speakin.g members of the counoll rn
dominating all the important commit-
Tee license,s to be issued this year to
fishing vessels of the United States will
eornadit a new clause, so as to prevent a
repetition of traud in, securing bait an.d
The cure of Notre Dame cle GrauhY,
Que,bee, has been committed to prison
hy a Magistrate for contempt of court
in refusing to disclose secrets heard na
tlae confessional.
Atr. P. N. McGuigan, formerly of
the Wabash Railway., has been ap-
pointed General Superintendent of tee
Grand Trunk Railway in suceaselon to
Mr, Jamet Stephenson
Mr. Wainwright, Assistant General
Manager of the Grand Trunk, announc-
es tint his offices to be abolished short-
ly, but he expecte to remain with the
road, in some other capacity.
A French-Canadian named Auriele
Gagnon. who was returning from the
lumber camps, eommitted suicide on Sat-
urday in. a lsotel in Orillia, by sbooting
hina-self throug,h the bead with a revol-
A deputation from the Pxoviabeial
Land Surveyors waited upon the Com-
missioner of Crown Leads the other
day and. pointed out the necessity of
an ordnance survey of the pro-
The Brotherhood of Railroad Train-
men has appealed to the Minister of
Justice to remit the $20 fine imposed
upon its °Mears by Pollee Magistrate
jelfe at Hamilton for a violation of
the in.stwance act.
If the Prince of Wales cannot preside
at the meeting of the British Associa-
tion in Canada next year, the presidency
will be offered to the Duke of York, and,
failing him, to either Mr. Balfour or
Afr. Chamberlain.
Etienne Chatelaine died near Curran
at the age of 109 years. He leaves a
widow over 90 years ad. They had
been married. over 70 yeans, and there
are 275 descendants of the marriage.
The Canadian Pacific Railway Cone-
pany bas nearly campleted arrange-
ments with the Toronto, Hamilton and
Buffalo railway. the Canada Southern.
the Alichigan Central, and the New
York Central for an interchange of
During January the deposits in the
Dominion Government Savings Banks
aggregated $286,254, and the withdraw-
als $218,354. The balance at the end of
the month to the credit of the depositors
was S17,263,835.
Mr. Montague wito has been to New
'York to consult a specialist has re-
turned to Ottawa. It is absolutely im-
perative to regain his health that he
should take an absolute rest from the
duties of his office.
A colored convict from WoceLstock at-
tacked Guard Kerrigan at the King-
ston Penitentiary and a general revolt
was feared. Tweety-five convicts are
undergoing punishment for takingpart
in the disturbance.
A deputation of Mennonites from
Emerson applied to the Manitoba Gov- e
ernxnent for relief from taxation for
Public Sch000ls, as they had a school
of their own. The Government repli-
ed that the Manitoba school act made t
such a concession impossible.
Premier Greenway, of Manitoba, will „
shortly make a formal demand upon a
the Dominion Government for the N53,-
000 which the Manitoba Government a
claims is due to the province, and which
amount has been held. back for years
as a subject of dispute between. the Do-
minion and the province.
Lord Rosebery is said to be one of the N
most contented men in England. •E
A lodging house in Soho, London, 0
was destroyed by tire and eight per- 1
so - It'll d.
Mr. Herbert Spencer will issue the
third and concluding volume of hiswork
Sociologyou May.
The London Standard announces that c
Sir John Millais will .suceeed the late N
Lord Leighton as president of the Roy- D
al Academy. • a
The Queen has issued a massage a
thanking the nation for its expression p
of sympathy at the time of Prince
Henry's death..
have errived at Conetardinorde.
r, Presideut Faure, of Prance, has given
Perreissien to the citizens of a town in
il- the New klebrides to cell the place by
ort name
The insurrection against Japanese rule
he in the Island of Formasa is spreading.
oce . Ten thoasensi rebels are reported to be
cy in the field.
The British Consul at .A,rchangel
telegraphs confirming the report that
Dr. Nausea is safe, and returning from.
the North Pole.
on, Considerable c..omment has beth caus-
es ed by the appointment of Li-Hung-
ood Chang ta represent Chiaaa at the core
th onation of the Czar.
General Weyler has revoked the order
on allowing correspondents of Havana
its newspapers to accompany the columns
ed of troops while in the field.
a A. report comes from the Soeiety Is-
11- lands by way of San Francisco that a
French ironclad in endeavoring to
cheek a. native uprising fired on the
11,- British flag.
11,1: The young King of Spain is said to
"eal have grown hysterical over the Cuban situation, and weeps and weak over the
er prospect tbat he will becem.e the Span-
ish George III.
re Prince Boris, the eldest son of Prince
Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, was baptised in
ofiit yesterday morning with great
e -
he certhaany, acoording to the rites of the
be -
itliodox Russum. Church.
A despatch frora Antananarivo. Mada-
gascar, says that a great conspiracy was
discovered there. Four thousand Heves
attacked the Frencle but were repulsed
with the loss of three thousand killed.
The rebels in Corcn have killed a small
m party of Japanese who were engaged in
e- protecting the telegrape. The Rus -
of emus have lambed one hundred men and
a gun et Chemailpo, and trouble is ina-
Despatthes from Seoul, Corea, saY a
revolt took place tere during which
the Prirae Minister and seven other of-
ficials were murdered. The King and
the Crown Prince were compelled to
n- take refuge in. the Russian Legation.
d Tbe French Olaamber of Deputies on
Wednesday by a vote of three hundred
3, and twenty-six to forty-three, adopted
stit vote of confidence in the Government.
rs This averts tee oriels which was threat -
g ened by the adverse vote in the Senate
on Tuesday.
y stia wou.tct assist
establishnaent of an independent Ar-
menia, which she would never toler-
It is expected that the Chicago Fair
mtheadaa lsa raownilt.,liaeball distributed in less
Miss Kate Walsh. ot Cape Vincent bus
received through the death of a rela
tive at Washington a, legacy of g6,00o.
Senator Quay, Pennsylvania, will .be
a candidate fax the Republican nomin
anon for President of the United
The United States Senate has con-
firmed the nomination of Edwin F.
Ulal of Michigan to be Ambassador to
The United States Senate free coinage
substitute for tb.e, bond bill. was over-
whelmingly defeated in the House yes-
terday by a vote of two hundred and
fifteen to ninety.
The new non-sectarian Bible prepared
it Chicago committee for the use of
Public' schools Ina been completed, and
will be submitted to the Baud of Edo. -
cation to pass judgment upon it.
The Victoria Club, of Chicago, has ap-
pointed a committee to support a move
merit looking to the holding of a Chi
cago day at the Montreal Exposition
which will be opened next May.
The Rev. a' H. Hunicatt, a Ba.ptis
minister of Moorellton, Ark., was s
much annoyed by the crying of his
housekeeper's year old baby while h
was preparing a sermon, that he choke
it to death.
In the German Reichstag Herr Be -
bel, Socialist, condemned the congratu-
latory telegram sent by the Emperor to
President Kruger of the South African
Republic, which, he said, had. justly
aroused the, indignation of England.
A rumour that the British troops
would evacuate Egypt gave rise to cis -
quietude amounting almost to a panic
in Cairo on Wednesday, until Lord
Cromer, the British Miniseer, geve posi-
tive assuranee that there was no such
inteution on the peat of the Govern-
Reneived activity bes been noticed.
eniong the Young Turk party., and the .
Constantinople police are taking strin-
ent measures to prevent disorder.
,iiany of the Young Turks are dissatis-
fied with the rapprochement recently .
arrived at between Turkey and Rus -
It is announced from. a goad source
that, following the advice of the 'United
States, Venezuela has practically decid-
ed to send, a representative to London
with power to open direct; aegotiations
with the, Government of Great Britain
for a settlement of the boundary dis-
Trouble Again impemling-Mr. Chamber -I
Deanateltem 01111140 General i
The correspondent of the London
d Times at Pretoria telegraphs :—"Mr.
e Rhodes' return, the publication of Mr.
Chamberlain's despatch, and the reply
of President Kruger, have led people to
- believe that trouble is again impending.
The Government is u.ndoubtedly much
inceneed. at what is considered the
discourtesy of Great Britain in publish-
ing the Chamberlain despatch before its
delivery here. Its contents meet with
' the approval. of no party. The Uitland-
ers regard the suggested. remedy as im-
practicable, unsuitable, and tending to
emphasize existing differences insteadof
healing them. at dbhannesberg. There is .
the best authority for stating that
President Kruger's reply to Mr. Chamb- ,
erlain. is reelly intended for home con- i
se mption, and does not imply a desire
to rupture, negotiations. President
Kruger is still anxious to visit England.
; The liollanders and Germans are doing s
their best to prevent him. But the
Government laelieves that it permanent t
agreement is only possible by personal
negotiations between President Kruger ;
and Mr. Chamberlain." s
— . • e
"Bidny" Carroll, a demented hunch
back, died in the Oakland Mich. Coun
ty poorhouse last week at the apparent
ly authenticated age of 110 years. She
was loner believed to be the oldest per -
sea in the State.
The Government of Venezuela has
notified United States Secretary Olney
that it will at an early date furnish the
Venezuelan Coramission with all the in-
formation in its possession touching the
location of the boundary line.
The Mikado of Japan has sent very
valuabk presents to Mrs. Gresham,
vidow of the late United States Secre-
tary of State, in recognition of Mr. Gres-
hara's courtesy and impartiality during
the war between China and japan.
Ambassador Eustis has been instructed.
by the United States Government to ac-
cept the offer of the French Govern-
ment to release ex -United States Consul
nailer on condition that the affair be
hereby terminated, and that no claims
be xnade on behalf of the prisoner.
Mr. Smith, in the United States Senate
he other day, said that he was opposed
o any fuethen action at present in con-
eetten with Venezuela,. The Monroe
octnne had been proclaimed with no
uncertain sound, a commission had. been
ppointed, and that, he thought, wages
ar as Congress should go at present.
New York District Attorney Fellows
n Monday, endorsed the papers which,
vhen. signed by Justice Smyth, of the
rira Branch of the Supreme Court,
vile dismiss the indictment upon which
rastus Wiman was held and convicted
f having forged the signature of E.
V. Ballinger to a cheque for five thou-
sando ars.
Lincoln's birthday was celebrated
throughout the United States -for the
First time as a legal holiday. In mariy
ities banquets were held, notably in
ew York, where Kr. Chau.ncey M.
epew delivered the prinapal address,
nd in Chicago, where Major McKinley
t the diaper of the Marquette Club
• . •
United States Senator Pettigrew has
repared a bill authorizing President
levelen.d to have all the seals on the
n'ribyloff islands killed unless the Euro-
pean Governments agree to the terms of
the Unit:el States for the preservation
of seals. If the Dnited States cannot
have all the golden eggs for herself, she
is determined to kill the goose that lays
Natural ice rinks .have become quite C
the lad in London, and there are daily
gatherings of the smart set at these
popular resorts.
The British blue book just published
shows that Russia has throughout been
steadily opposed to coercive mea.sures on
behalf of Armenia.
A cable from London says that the
Grand Trunk traffic statement shows a 1.1
debit balance oxi the whole system for` "
the half year of £33,100. P
.Govenunent publications containing
the official correspondence in the a„
Transvaal disturbance have been 13.. -
suecl in. London and Berlin.
As an instance of the anti-Germa,n
sentiment in England it is stated that
the orders for German Lager beer have
fallen off seventy-five per cent.
The house in London which John
Dickens, the father of the novelist,
rented in order that his wife might
start a young ladies' selaotal has been
pulled down.
The Ottawa Trades and Labour Crani-
al has decided to send a deputstion to
the Dominion Government to ask that
eight hours be a day work on all Gov-
ermnent worts. •1
There is no chauge of a satisfactory
attire to report m the bustne,ss situa-
on throughout the United States, as
resented le the reports from the two
eineipal mercantile agencies of New
York. Trade is reported as "not up to
ticipations," and a.s a rule anticipa-
tons weie not large. In a few cities
Ease and West there is a slight im-
provement, but this is more than offset
by the same tale of dullness told of
other districts. Only in a few minor
staples are prices quotably higher. Bad
weather and had roads are held account-
able for much of the prevalent depres-
sion. Tlae total bank elearing.s are
smaller, and rates for money continue
high. Lower prices are recorded for
articles of general consumption, such as
corn, hwe.st, and. live etoek generally.;
cotton, steel, anirth are also weaker.
_ AL. •
There is it clothing strike in Ger•-
Children Cry for Fiteiter's Castorlai
Women Burned to litealoalleans of Beolsite
Vat OW-Franteic etansagies of the Pen-
ned -Ka Women-Juntoing Prom the
Windowe-liurt by Palling 'Wow'
A despatch from Troy, N. Y., says:—
There is mourning in tee homes of Troy
coital- girls. An uatimely and fearful.
death, overtook many of them late on
Monday afternoon, Working giris
whose day's labor was utmost over were
cut down almast without warning by
fire. Three girls jumped to their death
from a burning builcling. Distracted
mothers waited for the retursi of, their
daughters at night, and they waited in
vain. Young girls who bad left their
homes in the morning full of life and
health and spirit never lived to tell
the tale of agony, torture and death
Their charred bodies are now resting
under the tons and tons a red bot
embers, stones and brick. Identity even
when, found will probably be impos-
sible. The scene was one teat Trojans
will never forget. It is a blecle page
in the city's history, unparalleled be
its century of existence -
The fire which ends so disastrously
started, in the fifth storey in the part
oceepied by Stetheiro.er & Co. About
5.31 °Week on Monday afternoon a
little boy attempted to liget the gas ha
what is known as the cutting depute
raent. 'rips is weere the goods of which
the shirt waists are made are cut. lie
climbed upon the cutting table and
lighted the gas. Then he threw the
match, which was still bu.rning, to the
floor, and it ignited a pile of scrap cam -
brie. In an instant there was a craekl-
• ing of fierce and uncontrollable flames
end the room, was filled with smoke.
Alias Lillie Kreiger, a. girl, realized the
imminence of the peril, and at the risk
et lier own lite rushed thrte., the dif-
ferent departments of the building and
warned the eniployees t danger.
Nothing but the bravery a a volun-
tee.r fireman sexed her from death.
When the employees in the fifth storey
realized. that the fire ws beyond, con-
trol and was likely to prove ds-
trou.s a scene of great pame immediate-
ly ensued. The girls rushed about the
room. Some of them found tlaeir way
dorm the stairway. Othera sue-
curabed to the dense smoke and
sank to the floor, and some jumped
from the dizzy height of the Rivers
street windows to the pavement below.
About half of the girls who were em-
ployed. on the top floor did think of the
fire escape, and found their way to tbe
ground in safety.
For twenty nainu.tes after the fire
started the scene was the most excit-
ing ever witnessed in Troy. During
tilts time there was a continuous panic,
and in the rush for a place of safety
many were injured. The crush on the
stearway was something frightful.
About 200 irten and girls attempted to
make their escape by this exit at the
same time. Many were trampled un-
der foot, the ones who were en front
were knocked off their feet and, thrown
to the landings, and sorae are said to
have been lett unconscious on the
stairway. The majority of the ern-
ployees finally reached the street, but
they were so overcome by excitement
that it was impossible to learn, from
them howmany of them had been left
in the building. Quite it number found
their way out by means of the fire es-
capes. The scene was a raost exciting
one. The girls fairly threw themselves
down the ladders to reach the ground
quickly, and the firemen had their
hands full in carrying the girls down
the ladders from the termbaus of the
eseape. Probably the most heart-
rending • scenes were those witnessed
on the streets. The mothers and oth-
er relatives of the gbis who were at
work itt the factory soon learned of
the disastrous ftre and, hurried to the
scene. They gathered round the burn-
ing building distracted with grief and
fear making anxious inquiries for their
loved ones. Some of them attempted
to rush up into the burning building
and the officers e,nd bystanders found
t difficult to restrain. them. A num-
ber of women were soon on their knees
on the ice -covered pavements crying
piteously to heaven for assistance. The
pread of the flames was remarkable.
There was a strong wind blowing at the
Line, and in leas time than it takes to
tell it the building was afire front' top
to bottom. Twenty streams of water
eemed to have no effect and there was
very indication early in the evening
hat entire block would be consumed.
The fire extended into the big struc-
ure north and gutted it. The Western
Tinian building was burned out, and it
was n.ot until about four hours after
he fire started that it was under con -
rob The loss -will probably reach
400,000. The three women who were
illed by jumping from the windows
vere almost unrecognizable when pick-
ed up, so fearfully were their heads
rushed. Many of the • injured were
hose caught under falling walls.
Cold Treatment for Pneumonia. 1 t
The local application of cold is now t
comraon he pneumonia. Mortallyrang-
ing from 30 per cent to nothibg is re-
corded for various methods of treat- I t
meat, while the natural recovery with-• $
out treatm,ent has been found to be k
about 90 per cent. Dr. Mays, of Phila.- N
delphia, reports 195 cases treated by
cold, with 3.58 par cent of deaths. It
cannot be believed that any treatment ;
invariably cures, and he regards this'
as by far the zn,ast satisfactory. The I
actiontha cold consssts itt reducing
the fever, strengthening the pulse, ton- A
!mg up the heart, diminishing the pain
Usa chest and all t' Usa diffi-
ouity in breathing.
The Flavor of Apples.
A grocer has had lots of trouble with
his apples. He bought a large stook
early in the, fall and put them in the
cellar. Recently be has been selling a
large num.ber of apples, but barrel after
barrel, and bushel after bushel, have
been returned to him. They all had a
nasty taste, and what it was appeared
it mystery. The grocer finally ascer-
tained that there had been an escape
of illuminating gas in the cellar, near
'where the apples were stared, and the
odor hed permeated the fruit.
Men and Women Nearly Alike.
In Annarn, an empire occupying the
eastern portion of tha Indo-Chinese pen-
insula, with a population of 6,000,000,
men and women wear their hair in the
same way and dress almost alike. Like
the man, the woman wears a turban,
a long tunic, wide, loot"' trousers and
a bright sash, the end falling below the
knees. The physiognomy is almost the
same, as the men are beardless and have
their hair done up like the women. Tee
only clew to distinguish them is found
in the earrings and finger rings, which
are worn by women only.
Quill toothpicks, as a rule, are import-
ed front France. The largest taetory
In the world is near Paris, where twen-
ty i-nillians are annually pronueed.
Rheumatism of 20 years' standing
radically cured by Scott's
Mrs. Sarah Browsing, an estimable
resident of the Ambitious City, was for
twepty years a sufferer from acute rheu-
matism, and her restoration to health is
so remarkable that we present the case
for the benefit of our readers, many of
whom are doubtless sufferers from this
painful complaint which arises from blood
poison. Mrs. Browning says "1 used
enly one bottle of Scott's Sarsaparilla and
received such benefit that I continued
taking only at intervals for two months.
That is seven months ago, and the pain
has not returned. 1 had spent a fortune
in various " treatments " and, was told by
one medical xnan that a cure was im-
possible as I had suffered so long."
Scott's Sarsaparilla cures by making
and keeping the bloodpure. It increases
flesh by digesting flesh -forming foods.
It is the mott successful medicine in the
world to -day, for dyspepsia, nervous
troubles, rheumatism, sciatica, syphilitic
afflictions, pimples and all diseases
eriginating in a foel condition of the
blood. Dose from one half to one tea-
Sold by C. LUTZ, Exeter, Ont.
for Infants and Chlidrens
"cesterialeasettell eneeptedte ceildrearneet ,
t recommend item superior to anypreseeeption
known to me." IL A. Auceura Be
111 So, Oxford $te Brooklyn, N. Y.
one sse of *Castorie* la so universal aed
ita merits NO well knowu that it Benue it wort
of sup?rerogation to endorse it New are tlie
7ntelligent tarnil iesvzho do,not ksep castoria
'thin reach"
Ceaws Mixers, 55.1).,
New 'York City.
Late Pastor BlOominedele Reformed elaurch.
Cestoritt owes Celia Conettletkots
SourStoneach, Diaerbeett, Wuctation,
g _
uts sArorros, give sleep, and promotes us
Witaout Injurious niedicatioth
#* For several years I have recommended
Your ' Oestorba ' end sOell always coetinee te
(J4 eo este eas =variably proclutten. beneficial
&wise,. Pump, M. 15.,
" The Winthrop," laltia Street wad 7th Ave.,
.rne Onteretut Cogemor, 77 Siemer Seams; Pair Tot=
Yea, By the Hundreds, Those Who Haver
Been Cured. of Dire Dise4se By
South American Nervine,
fi RilrM3ig 1ii333Pfe 3 aliti untversai 1 It3 goaca.11ai
IThere Other 'Medicines Have Failed and lbeters Have
Pronounced the Oases Beyond Cure, This
Great Discovery Eras Proven a
Genuine Elixir of Life.
IThe game Verdict Come 3 From Old and Young, MAIO and Penni%
and Poor. arid From All Corners of the Dominion.
rr It 15 the case that he who naakes bottles of Nerviee, and can truthfully
two blades of grass grow where Only say that 1 am a new manna
of the race, what is the position to be I A shrewd observer of 1111U111111. IIP Lure.
one had grown beforis e a. benefactor "has sac
: " The hand that rocks the
tera.dle moves the world." now ft
u' that man who by his know- nk
a -
;portant it is, then, that health and.
ledge of the laws of life and health
istrengte should be mad, Gm lot of
gives energy and strength where iesea
the mothers of title country. The WO*
early death had before prevailed? Is nee 01 the eeneetee nun ee-ee come to
WeaRne" ana anticiPatiQb 01 animen of Canada are ready bef scores to
not he also a public.: .benefactor? Lot ,
thane who have been down and are hem through the use of South Araeri-
now up through the use of South Amei
'can Nervine. Mrs. R. Armstrong', ot
erican Nervine give their opinious on .Orillia, wife 01 the colporteur, of the
this subject. John Boyer, beeiker, of Bible Society of that town, suftered,
-- for six years from nervous prostration.
Elbaaraine- Out, bed made bbasell a Medica1 assistance did not bele- "Th
hopeless invalid througb years ot over-
work. At least he felt his case was all," she says, "1 have taken siw bottles
hopeless, for the best physicians had 01 Nervine' and caw. truthfully say this
failed to do him good. He tried NPT- is the one medicine that has effected
vine, and these are his words : 't glad- a cure in my ea.se." Mrs. John Dirt-
], say It : Nervine cured me and I woodY has been for 40 years a resident
am to -day as strong and welI as ever." of Plesherton, and has reached the ale
panluel -My-a, of Meaford, was canad 01 ago
rathgroe three -score osrer tacitnteend. ,22hserve!
neuralgia of the stomach and bowels stSe'etnarsn
by three bottles of this medieine. Jas. ere shock through the death of 3
daughter. Nervine was recommenaed.
Sherwood, of Windsor, at 70 years of She perseveringly took 12 bottles of
age, suffered from an attack of paraly-
medicine, with the result that she is to-
sis. His life, at that age, was deepair- day again strong and hearty. Mtn -
ed of. But four bottles of Nerrine dreds of women suffer from impoverish -
gave him back his natural strength. A ed blood and weakened nerves. "Al
victim of indigestion, W. F. Bolger, of vitality," says Mrs. J. Pall's, of
Renfrew, says: "Nervine cured me Brampton, "seemed to have forsaken
of my suffering, which seemed incur- eay system. I was unable to get re -
able, and had baffled all fornfer me- lief from any source unUl 1 commerce
thods and efforts." Peter Esson, of taking South American. Nervine. The
P.sesley, lost flesh and rarely nad a results are vost satisfactory—greater
good night's sleep, because ot stomach fax- than I could have hoped for." It
trouble. He says; "Nervine stopped came within the. way of Mrs. 11. Ftap-
the agonizing pains in my stomach the leton, of Winghara, to treat under the
Orst day I used it. I have now taken best physicians, both in Ciartatla and
two bottles and I feel entirely relieved England, for heart disease and nerv-
and can sleep like a top." A. repre- ous debility, but she failed to get any
sentative farmer, of Western. Ontario, relief. "I was advised," she says, "to
is Mr. C. J. Curtis, residing near Wind- take South American Nervine, and:
sor. His health was seemingly com- must say X do believe that if I hadi
pletely destroyed through la grippe. not done so I would not he alive to -
No medicine did him •ay good. "To day."
three bottles of Nervine," he se3,-s, '1 Newspaper space ts too valuable to.
attribute my reetoration to health and permit.: of further additionto these
strength." Neither man or woman earnest words of testimony teem thosca
can enjoy life when troubled with liver who know just what they are talkIngi
comniaint. This was the sentiment about. In the common language of
and feeling of W. J. Rill, the well- the day, they have been there, and are:
known bailiff of Bracebridge. "1 was speaking from the heart. The dozen.
so bad," says he, "that one of may or more witnesses that here speak haves
medical attendants said that I was their counterparts by the hundreds;
dying, but, thank God. I am not dead not only in the province of Ontario,
yet. From the first few doses I took but in every other section of the n mDomin-
01 ee I commenced te feel bet- ion. Soule. .....merican Nervine is based
ter, and am to -day restored cotnpletely on a re...entitle raenciple that makes
to my usual health." A resident of a. cure a certainty, no matter how c , -"-
the maritime Provinces, in the person perete the case may be. It strie v
c: S. Jones, or Sus.sex, N.B., says: "For at the nerve centers from which flea
twelve years I was a martyr to mai- the life bl-od of the whole system. -
-aeon, constipation and headache. is not a medicine elf patalretort. be
nee treatment of several physicians is complete and comprehanSive m ite
aid not help ine. I haoe taken a, few application.
C: LUTZ 'Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent for Exeter• .
THos, WICIenr, Crediton. Drag Store, Agent.
Wears Pho8Dilodille,—The Great .E'lzglisit Remedy.
Is the reSult of over 55 years treating thousands of cases with an Imown
drugs, until at last we have discovered the true r,emedy and treatment -a
combination that will effect a prompt and permanent cure ill all stages of
Sexual Debility, Abuse or Excesses, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Mental
Excessive Use of Oldutn, Tobacco, Or Alcoholic Sii?nulants, all of
wiech soon lead to Insanity, Consumption and an early grace, Wood's
Before Taking. Phosphodine has been used successfully by hundreds of cases that seemed
alnaost hopeless-casesthathad been treated by the most talented physi- -------
cians-cases that were on the verge of despairandinsanity--cases That WOVE)
tottering over the grave -but with the continued and persevering 1180 of
Wood's Phosphodine, these cases that had been given up to die, were
restored to manly vigor and horith--Reader you need not despair -no mat-
ter who has given you up 03 incurable -the remedy le now within your
reach, by its use you can be restored to a llfe of useftemesS and happiness.
Price, ono pack -age, 31; six pack -ages, es; by mail free ot postage.
One roil! tlease, six upon toed to cure. Pamphlet free to any address.
• The Wood ComPahy, Vr'flirici,t;oio Ont. Canada.
- 9
Wood's Phosphodine is sold by respoesible wholesale and retail droggestO in th, Domitilon,