HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-2-13, Page 1ri 1W4v9;2 .; • • 'TWENTY-THIRD YEAR, No.. 24. HURON cV43 MIDDLESEX 0- -'''!_sA'_er1"TE. EXETER, ONT., OANADIV, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13th, 1896. • 11•••.....10••• ReSsFORD & c1! Huron County N otes. enjoyed 50 years of married life with lionsall 0 A Wild -Cat Wag captured in Leeburn present farm, from which her remains her husband. They settled on the Barl Folowingaro the ni—arlfot quotations. last week. I were carriecl on Monday, and laid to eyea.Seto 80 - • in connection -with the Hills Green1 23 to so to es .. WOO DHAM 1 At the auniversary servicesla,stweek rest in the Brucefield cemetery. 23 This week we close our 3rd year's business in Woodham, and. next week -we start upon our 4th Year better :equipped than in any previous year. s • THE INDUCEMENTS WE HOLD OUT —TO BUYERS OF— Bry-Goods,,,a, Clothing and -±- Boots & Shoes -BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. -BETTER QUALITIES .A.T LES s pnorrr. --BETTMI VALUE WIWI MORE s.wris- --FACTION--- 1111O•011•111MIRM10•3 WE EMPHASIZE THE FA.OT That we are in a position to meet the .competition of Town and City Houses :in Range and Cheapness 'This week we pass into Stock our first shipment of BRIGHT, NEW SPRING GOODS, amounting to ig3010,1 We know it is early to be showing Spring Goods, but they are hero and we'll be pleased to have you come and make an inspection even if you don't buy. We will still continue to close out all Winter Good.s at Bargain Prices. R. S. FORD sc Co. Brinsley. BR.1410S-We aro sorry to have to report that John Bloomfield, sr., is -quite ill again. -Anthony Sholdice has been very ill, and we trust that we shall soon see him around. as usual. - Geo. Mawsou has rented part of Sohn Wilson's house, and moved down from Crediton, one day last week. He con). d teaching again last Monday. - No schnol,was held on Friday last, as the trustees wished to reaeatthe school with new seats, which will add. much to the appearance of the school as well .as tothe comfort of the -scholars. Presbyterian chetah, over $100 were realized. . Perth County Notes, During the auction sale of furniture, The 00 acre farm, lot 25, con. 20, at Dr. Canipbell's residence Seaforth, Blanshard, was sold by public auction last Saturday, a valuable gold. • watch NVIS tolen • at the National Hotel, St. Marys, to s Oats Peas ..00 to 60 n Exeter. • Putter Hay .S10.00 to S12.00 - Zurich. Clover seed.-- ...... ... ...p.00 to 55.00 ti to 15 Piggs Timothy seed ..... .... ....$1.75 to 32.23 14 to 14 — ACcIDENT.--While gathering the Dr. George Fee, son of the late Ed.- ward Fee, of Zurich, was married oil I purchased frona Alr. Willerte-Mr. S, MeGillivra,Y. Willett supperintendent of the saw- mill made proper use of our sleighing Beteurs.-W. j, Allison has made last. Sunday: -D McDougall spent himself a. very good violin and has Saturday and Sunday visiting friends another nearly finished. Good for Williams -A. Hardy sold a horse the other day to Mr. Thos. Berry, of Hen- sall, for $110, which is a very good. ,price for these times. load of Foresters on Monday night, December 5th lest ittReno Celifornia Sohn Coulthard, of Downie, for ii $2,120. pror to leavng fora fraernavisit One of Winglieen merchants dropp- ; tl it t to Dr. -Oatherin.e Varfalartingen, Of Miss Grace Uren, daughter of Wm. Exeter, one Of Murdock's livery sleighs Reno. She is a gra ed a neat sum la butter which he pur- • . dnate of Cooper 0 , Ureu„ Stratford, recently of St. Marys, capsized, throwing .the load out. Two Medical Collee-e San Francisco. Both 0 , _chased over a year ttea) and held un- . tit this week. rives Married a fortnight since at the of the number were injured, D.. W. having his shoulder dislocated, arr. bad practised in Reno for some time. to Mr. Clark of that place, while John Eagle sustained a. severe Fee •is'Well-known in this section The orangetnen of North Huron will residence of her sister, Colborne, Ont., Foss celebrate the coming -12th JulyenBrus- ' and his many friends will join THE seise and will hold the next anneal The remains of the late Alfred Guest fracture of the wrist bone. -The Lon- ' TI1Uois M wishing the young couple a son of the late 'I:, B. Guest, ex -M. P, p, don road. was in a very bad condition, fad measm,e of happiness and prosper - meeting in Wingharn. .. Joseph Caldwell has sold his any_ were interred ie St. Maga cemetery and. the party did not expect to get iy, acre farm. on the Oth con-, south of Wednesday afternoon. He diedvery through..on tlieir return journey. . Varna, to WmDennisonTsum suddenly at Chicago, Ill., on Saturday. Hatears.-The markete have been . . . he . Kipp en.. BRIEFS—Thomas A.IcLymont sus- ta,ineci a severe fall in the hall the .other evening, by stepping on a bench which capsized. It will necessitate his taking a rest for a few days. -Mr. Canning, xnerchant, has been having the interior of his store finely iinprov- ed. by having it papered and painted, which adds greatlyto its appearance. - John .McNevin spent Sunday last in London, visiting his brother William, Who has been there for some weeks under medical. treatment. Mr. Mc- Nevin's many friends will be pleased to hear of his speedy recovery. -Mr. and Mrs. John Balfour arrived. here on .Saturday last on their weddingtrip, and are at the parental roof, receiving the warm congratulations of friends.- . Arthtu. Colwell, who has been with D. C.; McLean for SOIlle ten years, and who intends in the near future embarking ••out for himself, has purchased the fifty • acre farm from his brother John. Cresliton' , The North Perth Orangemen will brisk the past few days, wheat being paid was a little over $2,000. celebrate the coming 12th a July_ in received at 84c, and oats from 23 to 25c. Bstaaas„ Listowel. Sunday falling on the 12th, --A. Murdock has taken possession of ".;:,e recent heavy storm Alex MeNevin who suffered the loss ; the Battle of the Boyne will be cele- the bootand shoe businessrecently pur- I has made things quiet in .the village of twe of his fingers in Mc Lean & Son's saw mill, Wingbam, is gettine this week. -H. Eilber has disposed of ° brated on the followhig Monday. chased of A. Wesetob, and we welcome al • vell as roielit be ex. xeted his office to Sane]. Lamport. We un - him to town. Mr. Weseloh leaves elerstand that Mr. Lamport will open ice cream parlors in connection with his barber shop. Mr. Edina, has pur- chased a lot juet west of the office, from A. Hodgins, and will erect a More commodious office of the latest style with suitable compartments. -There are several weddings on the tants. Particulars will be given next week. - The recent patron meetiug was a great Slleee9S. Mr. Brock is in the field stronger than ever and is making a good canvass: -- John G, Young is nursing a sore hand. -- While duo. Rollins was pulping tiunips one day last week he had the misfortune to get part of his thumb torn off. -The Farm- ers' Institute meeting held in the town hall on Thursday last was a. success in every respect. -Miss Lovina .Brown left on Saturday for Brooklyn, N. Y., on a visit to Dr. Staebler, formerly of this place. .--The building committee of the FIvangeliteil church h a d an architect from London one day last week. They are taking the plan oft a church in Londons-Josuth liloatz was married to Miss Lucy Heywood of Elimville, on Wednesday last. Re- member the neektie social to be held iteClarke's Had cee Feb. 19thaby the L. 0. T. M. Mr. Lyons, of London, the great club swinger has been engaged for the evening. cta Mrs. Adams, Gdaerieh, while lean- The following are the salaries to be paid the Blanshard township officials ing over a rain barrel one dav last Week, had thmisfortune to slip, for 1.800:-Cierk, $100; collector, $75; e and by the fall broke one of her ribs. 1 assessor, $05; treasurer, $70; anditors. Iim W. J. Ford, of the Ontario $8 each; selecting jurors -clerk, $0, street Methodist church, Clinton, reeve and assessor $4 each; caretaker, haS 'r,24 been invited to remain pastor for a '. . , Mrs. . second year. He has accepted the in - Sanderson, wife of ne The death at. Collin wood ot Sanderson, the Hensel]. lodge of the O. O. F. visit - William McGill, a former resident of vitation. and sister of Messrs. Lamont of Lis- ed Exeter 'Monday night. at the invitat- East Wawanosh, but lately of Morris towel, occurred the early part of this ion of their Exeter brethren and petal - township passed peacefully away week. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson were cipated in an oyster supper. They re - Thursday of last week after a, linger, on residents of Listowel Up to about a port a verypleasant time, save the year ago. drive which was rendered, disagreeable ing illness. The home of Mr. W. 0. Plows, of 11Thile Robert Kelly, son of Richard on account of the stormy weataer. It Tuckersmith, was the scene Of a Kelly, St. Marys, was driving Vatic wits with great didiculty thal, the tWO paSt. J. I). Moore's planing mill, he was loads reached home, so badly were the rather rare, though pleasing, event on Tuesday evening, when Rev. II. . kicked in the face liy one of the anis roads drifted. --R. B. Ross shipped a .1 Fair baptized seven small children, mai& inflicting a, nasty cut through- car load of very fine horses to Boston the cheek andtongue. He was render- - yesterday. ---A number offineyesidences Solomon 3. Shannon, treasurer for McKillop for a number of years, has ''d maccmscim's"rm a time. • Will be erected here this sun:inter.- The officers of the Blanshard Libor- Alex. Moir, who is well known to the sent in his resignation, on account, of failing healthHe considers the time al Association. for the ensuing yem. people of this vicioity, left last week . and trouble worth more thanthe are: President, I. W. Robinson; vice- for Denver, Colorado, where hebitends remuneration. pres., P, MeVannell; 2nd vice, R. G. remaining for sone.‘ time with his Ratcliffe; sec.-treas., P. S. Armstrong. brother, Robert Moir. He purposes to B. Eden, of Harpurhey„ received a Conveners of wards -No. 1. W. Cowan; continue studies which he had pre - last, which has rendered him -complete - severe paralytic stroke on Saturday No. 2, Thomas Epplett; No. 3, John viously conunenced in Toronto, and at I Fotheringham; No. 4, Thos. Rundle; the same time to enjoy the benefits to Eden is an aged man, littlhope ly helpless and speechless. As Mr. , No. 5, Duncan McVannell; No. 0, w. be derived from the gen:al climate of e is entdrtained for his recovery. R. Carr, V. S. that health giving country. Althongh Oxi Thursday evening of last week, a next Monday for Berlin, where he • has purchasedalnesiness. His many frieiads (and, they are legion) regret, his de- parture,. but all join in wishing him success m his new tindertaking.-E. Shaffer and wife visited friends in Exeter on Taesday.----A eonthrreut of THE PROPER TIME When the most benefit is to be derived from a good medicine, is early in the year. This is the season when the tired body, weakened organs and nerv- ous system* yearn for building -up medi- - eine like Hood's Sarsaparilla. Many wait for open spring weather and., in fact, delay giving attention to their physical condition so long that a long seige of sickness is inevitable. To rid. the system of the impurities aceumulat- . ed clueing the winter season, purify the blood and to invigorate the whole sys- estern, there ia'nothing equal .to Hood's .. Sarsaparilla,. Don't put it off, buttake Hood.% Sarsa arilla, now. It will do - greatly missed fromouenedet, we tenet number of the members and adherents that fortune may continue. to smile Huron Patron A of Cole's church, Goderich ssociatn io. upon him in his 110W sphere of lebor.-- During the snow storm the past few assembled at the parsonage intownship, Bayfield, days business WAS very quiet- in our bringing with them, as a gift to their village. -0. Meyers was at Seaforth on pastor, a large load. of oats. Monday and reports the roads in a Inspector Tom, in his report, to the very bad condition. -Richard Coed at, tended the funeralof a friend at Olin - tee on Tuesda.yeeeThe Misses Aliee and. Lizzie IN'eseloh, am visiting at their Fire Insarance Company was held in ....Ie. the public hall, Farquhar, on the 3rd. uncle's, John W -at -7, eeeloh's, Zurich, week. -Fa m allficom be visitea inst. There was. a goodad ttenanee of "' members, andthepreaciedings through - Exeter ou Mondey.-John McDonald - The annual ineetine of HuronCounty 0 Association, Patrons of industry, was held in the town hall, Clinton, on Tues- dyy, Fabruary 4th, when almost every County Council, states that Mr. Geo. subordinate association in the county Baird, .teacher in No. 1, Stanley, has wa:s represented,there being upwar Is been "35 years continnonsly in the one -of o0 present. Ttie report of the Sec. - position, and is to -day one of. the fore- Treas. showed the standhos of the 01' - Will teachers. in the Province." . 0 Will Porterfield, eon of East Waw- der to be in a good sound condition throughout the county, notwithstand- ing the feW associations who have for a time ceased working. The finances were in such a state that for the first anosles township clerk, who has been employed in the grocery business in .Brandon, 'Man., called on his many friends on the 12tb con. last week; he time in the history of Patronism in intends returning to Brandon soon. L Huron County the delegates from the Many farmers, near Wingham, subordinate associations were paid feeding black strap molasses to their their expenses for attendance at county cattle and find it profitable; ix -sides meeting; at the sante time leaving- a having fattening properties it, causes balance in the treasury. the animals to clean up theircribs and. One of the chief discussions of the eat more than they would otherwise. Mr. Frank Hutchinson, formerly of day was th" Haycock motion, by Wingham, was running a rip -saw in which the doom of Patronism are pro- Doherty's factory,. Clinton, on Fri- Posed, to he opened to other professions day last, when a piece of flyingboard besides that, of the farming and work - struck him in the abdomen causing an in g classes. Thnmotion was handled internal rupture from which he is not without gloves, which shows the mo- ment the Patron organization ceases likely te recover. • A citizen's . committee formedcat to be a Farmers' association, that Goderich six months ago for the pur- pose of inducing manufacturers to lo- cate in the town and. to boom the municipality generally, has done well. The result already is the establishment of four manufacturing concerns, with a, capital stock of $100,000. The following are a few of the stat- istics of Stanley township for 1805. The total assesments was $1,660,540 on this there was levied for County rate $3,- 487.01; for township $2,980.00, for gen- eral school rate $1,139.75 and for Special School rates $2,818.55; other purposes $121.25. Total amount levied $10,556.25. • Concerning. an item in our issue. bf last week, Mr. Sutherland, Heneall, writes as follows ;-"The reason was not given for the cutting off of the said names, I desire you to please state moment many of its warmest support- ers will withdraw form the order. sick the past week, is slowly .p. . p, rec""" which were unpaid 3Ist Dec..1.81/1, and Many other questions cramming the mg -Ret Jas. Walker is liolding res r.loa:::.1:s ivheli occurrEal during 1895, vival services at taippen.-1 he Hfensall f2 had an 2.8s.k. The assets of the cmnpany, Lodge, No. 223, I. 0. O. F., consisting of cash on. hand, unpaid oyster supper at Bro. D. W. Fos ' last assessment,. and residue o f notes Friday evenins, on iie •ount of Bro. A. • n • ,. . amounted in all to $82,080.49, with Weseloh leaving town shortly. -0. Burford is in town on business. -Mrs. John Hobkirk is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alfred Taylor, at, Exeter. -Miss Harris, of Bethesda, preached several all .e. moneys deposited re this nights in the Methodist church here . '"e slut have been refunded to the ,com- last week. -Richard Coed, who has viz : $1400. This certainly been confined to his bed for several PanY' . ought to be satisfactory to the mem- weeks, is able to be about, tetainaeRe- here of the •company as it shows that vivid services are being held in the the .company never was in a more Methodist chauch 'every night. The prosperous condition than at the attendance is very good. --D'. 'Weisma- present, time. D. Mitchell, who has . been a faithful -member ever since the organization of the company, and who for a number of years was president, having resigned, Mr. T. Ryan, Reeve of Ilibbert. aud Warden of the County of Perth, was elected for one year to fill the vacancy .i. j. Jackson and R. H. . Banahf Fullerton, were re-elected for a term of three yeers. The Board 11.9 -- constituted for 1893 is a --President, J. Essery ; Vice -President, J. Jackson; .. Dash:stood . Farquhar tf..r, HIBLIERT MUTUAL FIT INS'MANOPI COMPANY. The annual meeting of the. Irshorne & Hibbert out are most harmonious and pleas - was in Exeteron Mondhy 'oh` „„e se,„ T -14,„„ „,„„„n -There will be an "At,' Homo" next • •-" 1 sub ni." • Tuesday evening. in'enritielerebehltere thesaneeting by Showinp,s the ltrerse, amount of business done. during the year and the small expense of manage- ment as compared with other com- panies of .similar size ; congratulate ed the members of the company on this sttlie of affairs and hoped this healthy condition would continue. The Seeretary-Treasurer's reportswere submitted and approved of. From these the following are taken : -Net risks on hand 31st. Der. 2,218 polleice, covering risks to the ameunt of Thamesville, moved into the house of $3,518,51100 secured by premium vacated by Mr. Weseloh and notes a:tweeting to $105,102.75, _heats family and E. Roedding intend toleaare an increase of 71 policies and SUM. - for Berlin, their new place of business, 00 at risk over -previons year. The this week. -Mr. Walker, who has 'been cotn' • • losses f 18% um cinema, under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Society.. -Miss Hemel, of Shipka, is visiting at her uncle's, Mr. Ed. Shaffer. -J. C. Claus- en left for a trip to Detroit on Moiel day.-Edwara Holden is visiting friends in Brantforde-D. Urquhart was at London on Tuesday on busi- ness. --Mr. our•photographer, has moved into Wm. Hodgins' house above the barber shop, and .Alfred Winans, vital interests of the order were dis- cussed very warmly and ably by those present. - The following officers were duly elected for the current year :-C.Pres., John Govenlock, Seaforth; V. Pres., B. S. Phillips, Hensall; Sec.-Treas., W. S. Lawrence, Clinton; Auditors, R. Common, Sea,forth, and J. W. Yeo, Hohnesville; Sent., W. Grieve, Sea - forth; Rep. to te. As., R. Common, Seaforth. The nett meeting of the County As- sociation. takes place in (Minton. The following motion was then passed :- Moved by B. S. Phillips, of Hensel], seconded by P. Holt, of Grand Bend, and resolved that the thanks of this that the reason the Session gave was County Association be tendered to the Clinton Council for tile free use of the for "nose -attendance commnnion, hall and that a copy of this resolution and that the said Mrs. Sutherland and Geo. Sutherland allege that they have be forwarded to said council by the goed and sufficient reasons for not Secretary. After the passing of the partaking of the sacrame n tor commun- useal votes of thanks to retiring &Il- ion, from the present. Session and cert the meeting adjourned. which forms part of their ap eal." you good. ead the testimonials pub- We are again called upon o record lished in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla, the death Of another of Bayfield's eged Retail hardwaae Men and stove and • all frmoreliable, gra,etful people. They residents We refer to -Salle Hannah, tinware makers throughout the Prov - tell the story. beloved wife of' John Cowan, sr., who ince met in Pislinerston on Tuesday died. on Tuesday, 4th inst., aged 81 and formed an association that will years. Deceased was born tn the cover the Province of Ontario. parish of Kirkuabeek, Kirkcudbright- A house and part of a tritin of cers shire, Scotland, and itt the early days were washed. into the rieor at Cleve - of this country, with her husband, settled on a farm in Tuckersmith, then all bush land, near what is now known as Egumndville, where she for many years dwelt, and where she made many friends. On Tuesday, january 28th, one of ta,yfield'e best known and most high- ly respected residents, in the person of Mr. James Stonehonse, departed this life, after an illness of but a 'few weeks. Deceased was born in Sunder- land England in 4818 and was the HOFFMAN BROS DASHWOOD, Furniture Dealers & Jaram.—.AIndertakers 1VIANUFACTURERS OF - SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULD/NGS, AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD MATER- IAL FOR BUILDING. W eavry a large and wo11 assorted stock of all kinds of -Household Furniture. • Sec Oui 33.50 Bedroom Suites. eldest of a family of foar sons. He came .to this country in 1834, atid was married at Goclerich, some 38 years ago, to Elizabeth Maekid, who sur- vives bun. For 58 years he pursued Picture 'raining 'one of our special linos and we carry Marge stock of Mouldings to the occupation of farming, in Goclerich chore° trete. See our and 20e. Photo township, awl seven years ago he re - Pretties. We defy corimetition in Roller Window Shades. Vv e have a largo stock which must be'sold to malt() 'roma for our new Spring Stock-. A 111,1 class Shade, Roller and pull for 40e. Wc alwals 8 itl Cas- keti, Coffins' and 4, lie lowest prices. Ftirnituro,repaired,en shortest iiotic. • , _ Flatitmates • illy .11 for . the erection of .11,11 ,-,.'(which you klask.o n djii . tired end became a resident of Bay- field. Still another break has been made in the tanks of Huron's pioneers. Mrs. Duncan McDonald, wife of Mr. Duncan McDonald, of the London road, near Brucefield, passed peace- fully away on Friday of last week, at the ripe age of 85 years and 11 months. Mrs. McDonald's maiden, na,me was Mapy McCowan, daughter of the late McCowan. She was born in hubleh, Invernese, Scotland, two claims unsettled at the close of the yeer. The heavy lawsuit which the company bas been involved in for the last two veers has been settled and Gran:ton. Bitiaae.-La grippe is again very pre- valent in this district. -Mr. Ed. Bay- nes left yesterday for Detroit, where he intends locating for a time. --Ef- forts are being put forth through the instrument ality of the Rev. Mr. Little to resuscitate the Granton branch of the Western Bible Society. ---Mr, W. B. Stewart has neve ted the locel agency for the Cossit anufaeturing Co., and expects to do a. good trade during the coming season. II • Carand Bend. JOILeT WRITE & SONS Publishers and Preprietere easp 1.7s7M GI V EN UP SELLING OUR STOCK AT FIRE PRICES. True we haven't as large it stock as we had, but we are selling just as much, perhaps more, than we som last month, FELT BOOTS. -.400.10.•"" A. great big stock of Felt Boots which must be sold, prices from $1.50 up to $3 per pair. We have just reeeived a shipment of Fancy Croekery and. Glassware for the Holiday Trade. It's not wise to miss giving our stock a glance, as it wilt pay you. Bamas.--The wind blew a terrible gale here on 31onday night, and Tues- MARKET day morning; the recent fall of snow DEPOT. was all carried away and it will still be wheeling,--Roht. Hamilton is down J.. P. Rossi as•acastva•r=r...rmaz.esormo.,-Mmawvouronr•Moles00•11•4 to Port Huron on buemess.--Mr. Been- There was no enap in the ChleagO ner has got in his supply of ice, but it market yesterday, and prices were is not so thick as usual. -Wm. Patter- son, jr, has about, completed the ar- rangements for the purchase of Frank lower. Cables were lowee and :!)fay - wheat closed 3 -le easier 0,05 5-8c. Mr. Richard Rowland, a, farmer live Allen's farm, ad -mining the village.- mg near Hanover, comnutted suicide Mr. Miller, broth.eeein-law of A. W. by hanging. He had lost his reason,. Robinson, visited here on Monday.- through worry over the scarcity of The annual meeting of the le O. T. AL, feed for his cattle. and K. 0. T. M., was held here on A etilbred convict front Woodstock. Monday evening. when the same ofti- attacked Guard Kerrigan at tho Ring- cers were appointed for another year. ston Penitentiary and- a general re- -Quite a number around here art• volt was feared. Twenty-five convicts laid up with a .a,vere eold, some think. are undergoing punishmeift, for taking • it is the grip. part in the disturbance. Mr. M Week's bill to reduce the legal rate of interest from 0 to 4 per •ecnt °entrain. passed through eommittee in the 13inaussa -.Mrs. qualm., of Exeter. House of °minim's Monday, and it 11 likely to lavoine law, 'Thus, in the ct•4 Jas. Delgaty, visited Ilk father mar to a rate of interest to he charged; event of no stipulation being made aa • wife, of Stanley, were visiting the e -- 4Imr cent, as now, uvula. Hayfield, last weeks -R. Meilveen and inst"t1 be ell -treed H. C. Bard & Son have secured the latter's brother, Rev. 'W. H. But, last coatract for the machinery for Messrs and Miss Moffatt have lwen at Pe tront week. ---Wm. Moffatt, Mrs. Cottrell Willert & Co's. flax mill which is- to be built in Dashwoodthiscomingsunnokr. This be one of the largess, an best eeui ied ie -Ontario. attending the funeral ot their sister... John Handford, u ho haat been visiting here for the past month, has returmal to Manitoba. --Thos. Sand° Mr. i'e • • Morso, or Blenlieur.. mil 111,fore rt,. not look for his wife, as she has left has ipme eaSt on a visit, revival for ptifts unknown. Be heeituted an turning to Men holm -The inquiry which revealed:the fact that a meetings aro chised with gooa restate, married people's elopenient had been Rev. G. Schram and Jae. 'Meaty ren - pas_ enacted. Mrs. Morse has gone to: dered valuable aesistanee to the wae Kalamazoo with Dick Leitch. tor. -The Quarterly meeting larwly attmded. and at the Boerti , The death of William,. sou of john, meeting Aida -wing. the pitstor, Rev. Tedfin,d, of (Triton, ;tete' o'l years; W. H. Batt, was ievitea to- remain a Litisotthialiiien(clie(,,leaislizsitacaliefic,117soonullerel'un,,., fougth years-, - . , .. . been clerking in a -dry good store Ise ' • 'Chicago arid was forced to retta Ian Can. home over a year ago. He had eon- - tree -tea a severe mid., which under- BRIEPS.--The Lucan (inn and Hunt mined the young man's constitution, Clubs are making extensive preparat- and he finally succumbea to that bus for an iumsnal day of sport on the dread disease, consumptimi. race track Tuesday, February 18th, at le is. °rimed the •eity of 10 a. 111. There will be a sparrow lavdn'ev. Australia, has imposed a -fine ann . (hat. of one pound upon any person convic- . ted of spitting upon the floor of public buildings Or upon the sidewalk. Areal - cal men aesert that promiscuous spit- ting is responsible for the spread of consumption aud various throat die - eases, beeldes being an unneceseary ler returned from a, trip to Ottawa, last Saturday.- He was down on a•deputa- tion.-Miss Maggie Latimer is 'home. on the sick lists and Miss Amy Brett, of.Seaforth, is tenehina in her placee- A load of friends from Dashwoed, vis- ited at A. Weseloh's on Sunday last. - J. O. Stoneman was on the sick list last Sunday. Directors,. W. H. Passinore, Farquhar, Suareasu Peurra.--One day recent- D. McLachlan, Cromarty ; T. Ryan ly it party of friends, to the number of Dublin and R. H. Bain Pullartan. Thos. Cameron, Secretary -Treasurer. about 20, from the melee:aid g district, visited the residence a Mr. Jacob Weber, the occasion being the old Any tendency, prenuttere [mid- land by water from a bursted water gentleman's 60th birthday, and gave ness may be promote, cneeke y- • u• main. Two persons were drowned. them a surprise party. A very pleas- use of .Ayer's Hair vigor. Don't delay. till the scalp is bare and the hair -roots destreyed. If you would realize the best results, begin at once With this invaluable preparations. J. M. Oliff is 'dead. Deceased was senior Member of the Lucknow Furni- ture Company of Cliff & Foster, and. was widely known and highly esteem- ed as a, citizen and business man. ant time was spent, during which the estimable couple were enade tho re- cipients eeereralvaluable presente..,. , Somme -At the last regular meet- ing of Friertdship Hive, No. 7, L. 0.. T. Legal proceedings have been taken M. the following afacers Iveve duly for the unseating of Mr. Levett as a installed for the current year, viz member of the Parkhill council on the Lady E. Holt, Commander; Lady 13h -k, grounds of want of property qualifica- Past Coin; Lady Willert. Fin. Keeper, tion and irregularities at the poll by Lady Turnbull, Rec. 1Ceeper; Lady the retmeeing officez Action has also 13oSsenberry, Lieutenant Commander; been taken against the returning 'of- Lady Stacey,' Chaplain; Lady Grigg, ficere Mr. E. F.' Manes. A notice wa,s Mistress at arms; Lady lieitzman, served on Mr. Lovett on Tueeday. Sere.; Lady Ball, Sentinel, Lady' Glitt- euse Mr. Levett is unseated the ques- tion of the legality of the business done by t,he council may have to. be considered. Don't Tobacco fipit or Smoke Your Lafe Away. factured next fall at the prices we shooting match, ten birds each, with a small entranee fee. Throe prizes will be given, amounting in all to ten dollars. At 2. p. in. n raid live lwar, 15 months old, will be turned loose and the hounds put upon his trace. For this trial of skill and endurance three prizes of $0. $2 and :S1 for the and filthy habit. These ai:e the dogs making the best fight.. binned- grounds upon which the great city of lately after the bear is disp,osed of S:sdney has taken its decisive stand. there will Ix- a :fhga,fewar netweysi A woman named Nolan, daughter of Biddulph and McGillivray, for a prn.n., Jelin Nolan, of Batoche, has been of ten dollars. The day's sport. .wal brought to Winnipeg from Duct Lake wind up with a grand fox hunt. f be affair is being extensively advertised and a large crowd. is expected.-aMiss Kate Maher, 23 years of age. youngest daughter of James Mither.of Biddulph, died at. her home Saturday night after an illness of six weeks. -The Misses Bertha and Aimee Armitage left. here last week to permanently reside at Ontario, ettlifornia.-The bicycle craze has at last struck Li -wan. Seven new wheels are about to be pmahased. and it, is quite likely before the season is ended it club will be formed. -A fierce storm is raging here at present. The roads runuieg north and south are completely blocked and traffic...is ahnost entirely suspended. --Mr. Downing re- turned to Port Dover Junction on Monday after a short stay with a friend tierce -Mrs. Glebe, Clarkstown, Mich., is in town, the guest of Mrs. G. Porte --.A sleightide party has been arranged for by the .."-annig People's Society of Holy Trinity Church, to occur on Friday evening. They intend holding a social at. the residence of Mr. J. Abbott, Biddulph. The pro- ceeds ef the evening ere for the organ fund. -Mrs. Arthitage, wife of Mr. -11, Atmitage, recee of the village, is very ill. -A great eavnival was held at the rink Monday nieht.. A large crowd as- sembled here fri-lm St. Marys, Exeter, Hensall, and other points.. A number who Stayed over are now snowbound. ""." The eougregation . the. Geaman. Water is 8() scarce in the boon :town church Crediton, intend' to . build 4 Of Johannesburg, South Africa, that $7,000 church and are having plans draven. LARGE NUMBERS Are.taking advantage of our staber, Paiket. The ladies are to be_ Cheap Cash Sale of congratulated on the succesS they have attained. They recently made the purchase of a first class organ from the proceeds derived from the oyster supper. Quemer oa vas Wear Nov:Jae-Mr. Andrew Masser, wife a,nd fetidly of Dashwood, visieed his parents hist; week. --H. Willert inspected the enill last Friday and reported everything in excellent running condition. --Miss S. A. Rush of Gritud Bend speot Fri- day visiting Miss Musser. -Peter Mus- ser who has been working near Park- — urReys wanted WINTER COODS. These moods cannot be manu- ask for them. In buying from Is the truthful, startline title of a, book about No the harmless 'us now you save and thus guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves ,-* elimin- the room of these aoods for our ates the nicotine poision, makes weak a men gain strength, vigor and man- Spring Stock which is now arriv, make money. We want to have hood. You run no physical or finan- cial risk, as No -To -Bac is sold under hill for thePast few months returned me• home to spends the whiter, -Mr. Case guarantee to cure or money refunded. of Lonclon toe,Ahell a bee on MondaY , , • Atilt nue^ to this country with her Book free. Ad. SterlingR 1 0 emec y o., MUIR MANNING, BROS. ' latenairents, 5 years ago. She had 371 St P il t M t eal 2aas4 saa drawing his limber which he recently 3i7a3CTOST. in some boarding-houses soda water is used to wash in, Bathing is out of the question, hot and dusty though the atmosphere is. Under such con- ditions it is not to be wondered at that the population is restless. „Bills will probably be submitted to the Legislature, the objects of which are: To amend the Agriculture and Arts Act; to extend the application of the Mechanics' Lien Act; to Increase the usefulness of connty courts; to re- vise and consolidate the school lawsof the Province, and to reduce the num- ber of members of county councils. The proposed decennial revision and consolidation of the statutes will ale° be announced. GET DaEBEsT. The publie are toointellige.nt to pur- chase a , worthless article a Second. time, on the contrary they want the best! Physwans are virtually un- animous in saying Scott's Emulsion is the best form of CO Liver Oil. • m it. demented condition, She imagin- ed a devil was in her haud, and first tried immerging it in boiling water. This was not effective enough, so she plunged it into the red hot coale 11 the stove, where she held it down with the other hand until it was Immed to a crisp. The other hand may hive imputated. 111.. HOOD'S IS WONDERFUL. No less than wonderfal are the cures accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla, even after other preparations and phy- sicians' prescriptions have failed. .Tho reason. however, is simple. When the blood is enriched and purified, disease • disappears anil good health returns, - and Hood's. Saesaparillitis the One true blood verifier. Hood's Pills are Menne% and efficient - and do not purge, pain see gripe. 50e. 01)(et $i* Ire tint $104)0 AT The Dashwood Hardware Ernpori We are now doing business in the new brick block, have greatly added to our stook end are offering indacetneats in the followingdines:- • Cow Chains Guns and Rifles Axes, Saws, Lamps and Stoves,, The Public are cordialy in- vited to call and inspect 'out stock and prices, PATJLIN&