HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-1-30, Page 5q '�aN fa•t- t Mr. Jacob Wilcox of, St. Thomas, Ontario, is one of the best known men In that vicinity, He is now, ho says, en old mall, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has made him feel young again. "About a year ago I hada very severe attack of the grip, which resulted in my not having a well day for several months attelvards. I was completely run down and my system was In a Terrible Condition. 1 lost flesh and became depressed in spirits. Finally a friend who had been benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla advised me to try it and I did so. I continued tak- ing it until I used twelve bottles and today l can honestly say Hood's Sarsa- parilla has restored me to my former health." JAcoa WrLoox, St. Thomas, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1s the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. It auree when all other preparations fail. Hood's pills' the after-dinner p111 and family cathartic. ?:ie. MONEY TO LOAN. at 55 and and 51 per cent. Private Funds. ApELyLIOT .0 1i.LL101': January, 1890. Solicitors. Exeter. CUT THIS OUT and return tone with Five Cents in silver. and BOX you will get by return mail, A .GOLDEN BO1c OF GOODS that will bring you in more money in one month, than: any- thing else in America. A. W.KINNEY, E. T, Yarmouth, N. S. rlltANTED SEVERAL MEN of good character, who can furnish liorso and light rig. 875.00 to $250.00 a month. Appli- cants write fully, TUE BRADLEY UAltunTs0N. Co.. Ltd. Brant ford, Ont. OTICE. The annual meeting or the Usborne C Hib- bort bAtunl Fire Insurance Company will bo Hold in the Public hall, Farquhar on the 3rd of February 189E at 1 o'clock, p. m,, for the rpose of receiving the Directors andSecretary 'Treasurer's and Auditor's reports, election of two Director's for three years and one to fill the �It enof D. Mitchell, resigned, the dealing frith to revise the by-laws relative to atoant reshers and any other business in the interest Of the Company. JOHN ESSERY, THOS. C.1.MIERON, PRESIDIUM. SrORET Ally. Mail Contract. I EAL +'D TENDERS, addressed kJ to the Postmaster General, vvillhe received at Ottawa -until noon, on rrtday, the 28th Pebrnmy, 1896, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails, on 'cis proposed contract for four years (i tunes per week each way, between Dashwood and Exeter Railway Station from the 1st April next. The eonvoyanee to be made in a vehicle. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed contract may bosom' and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices at Dashwood, Sarepte, Hay and Exeter and at this office. H. 0. HOI3IiIRK, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, Stratford. 16 January 1596. NOTICE TO CREDI TORS. in the matter of the Estate of. Thomas Taylor, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County df Huron, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chap. 110, R. S. 0. 1887, that all persons having claims .against the estate of the above named Thomas 'Taylor, deceased, who died on or about the tat day of November, ISM, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver on or before the Ist day of February, 1896, to the undersigned Soli- citors for James B. Frain, executor of the last trill and testament of the said Thomas Taylor, deceased, a statement in writing, containing their pantos, addresses and descriptions, with full particulars of their claims duly verified, and of the securities, (if any) held by them. And notice is farther given that after the said 1st day of February. 1890, the said -executor will proceed to distribute tho assets of the said •r'—deceased among the parties entitled thereto,* 1 slaving regard only to the claims of which not- ice shall have been given as above tem -deed ; and that the said executor will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, so dis- tributed to any person of whose claire notice bas not been received by the said executor at he time of distribution. FRASER 6a FRASER, Solicitors for Executor, Dated at London Chis 3rcl day of January, 1890. AL!!, a a AUTOGRAPH 1.. li SCRAP and (1IUUe� PHOTOGRAPH) To be sold regardless of cost: Call and see for Yourselves. X x See our Methodist Hymn Book and Bible Combined. Pure and Reliable Drugs a ivayS on hand, at J.W. Browning's DOMINION LABORATORY. XAEIET s,ZR'CRTs. Exeter, January 29111,1896. Wheat por bushel 73 to 73 Oats ..23 to 23 Barley. .... .,.25 to 33 Peas ...45 to 48 Butter—...15 fo 15 Eggs 15 to 15 Turkeys ' ... 7 to 7 Geese 6 to 5 Chickens por Ib . ... 5 to 5 D6 Pork dressed.... .., $300 to t$4.00 Pork live weight $300 to 3.10 Hay per ton... ,, $11.00 to $12.00 London, January 29th, 1896. Wheat per bushel,.. .... .... 72 to Oats.... ...... ....23 to Peas .... ,... 15 to Barley ....31 to BuckwheatRye... , . 39 tt1 o Corn .... 36 to Beans 60 to Butter..,, 18 to Eggs 18 to Ducks 50 to Turkeys per ib... . 7 to Geese per lb 5 to -Chickens...-.. 30 to Cheese 8 to Potatoes per bag .. ..25 to 30 Hay- por ton ....$12.00 to $11.00 Pork per cwt.... .. .. $5.00 to $5.50 75 25 331 3 28 39 19 18 78 6 58 Toronto. January 20th 4896. Wheat por bushel ....73 to 75 Wheat Iced 71 to 73 Wheat Goose 53 to 51 Barley ,,..40 to 41 Peas... .... ....... 53 to 54 Oats ...........27 to 29 Rye ..,47 to 47 Batter per ib .........20 to 21 Eggs per tloz.... ., ,...220 to 21 Latest IlLive Stook Markets. EAST BUFFALO. East Buffalo. N. Y., January 27,—Cattle closed steady and firm, with all sold. Hogs' close(' strong and firmer; late sales of Yorkers, good. at 94.67i; heavy,$1.60;; pigs, $1.80. Sheep and. lambs closed fir, with the bulk of the ,apply sold; a few choice handy wethers brought $3.75 at SI; two loads and a half of Can- ada lambs saint $1.80•at $1.90. MONTREAL. Montreal, Quo,, January 27. --There were about 650 bead of butchers, cattle' 25 Calves and 400 sheep and Lambs offered for sale at the cast end abattoir to -day. Trade was rather dragg- ing. with no improvements on the low prices of Tltursda . A few head of the best cattle were sold at about Sic per ib, and roallychoicebooves would have brought more. Pretty good ani- mals sold at from 21c to 3„'r; common dry.cows and rough steers from 2c at 21c and leaner beasts from lc at 2e per 1b. A large number of cattle will not besoldto.day. There was a good demand for good veal calves, and the farmer who owned the two best on the market was asking $28 for them, bathe would probably take 24 or oven less. Common young calves sold at from $3 to $7 each. Old sheep sold at front 2'e at ale por ib; mixed lots of lambs and sheep sold at from 31c at 4c per ib, and choice ones would bring more. Fat hogs are in good supply, and several lots were sold today at $1.10 per cwt. Mr, Jas. McDonald, who has been working for R. Baker, in Colborne, ftp to a couple of mouths ago when he moved to I-1olmesville,is very sick, lltty- ing taken to his bed last Thursday. g Mr. GeorgeH .Pert, city editor of the Chatham Banner, was married on Wednesday to Miss Clara E. Hamil- ton, at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. W. 0. Senior, Toronto. NON LADIES, BEWARE OF THEA9 /► r They lack all !rood and Essential Qualities. Ladies, beware of the lnany crude imitations of Diamond Dyes that are sold in some places. These imitation dyes, lack all the essential qualities that are required to produce good and permanent colors. If you would dye with ease, pleasure and satisfaction, use only the old re- liable Diamond Dyes, noted. for strength, brightness and never fading qualities. Diamond Dyes will cost you just the salve price as the common dyes;Every package is fully warranted to do the work promised. OVSOS We Still Lead in Our Line. — — Loads of Furniture have left our Warerooms the past two weeks. We still have plenty left for a good choice. Call and see us before buying. There are a few left who have not paid their accounts. Please settle at once "anal save costs. R. N. ROWE. 9 S Kidney' Pills AN'S Fldney Pills D$AN'S Kidney Pills ...Remember.. DOAN'S kidney Pills ARE THE' BEST TJ.MES. ATRUE R- 31oLa rtoa s'--Flurol l and. Bruce. FACTOR. Thousands Bless the Memory of Prof. Ed- ward E. Phelps, M. D., L.L.D. He Cave Humanity Paine's Celery Compound. Medical Men Say it is the Only Perfect Cure for Bright's Disease and Diabetes. Ili', Phelps' wonderful prescription. Paine's Celery Compound is a boon to suffering humanity. This remark- able medicine has cured and saved more victims of Kidney trouble than have all other combined agencies iu Ufa world. It has re cued thouian.ls who were thought to be hopeless:y lost —made them well after medical shell had pronounced them ineurab('. The case of Mr. C. F. Kevili, of Dunsford, Ont., is one of the strong- est proofs ever put on record. that Paine's Celery Compound cures kidney disease, anal all the terrible evils that follow this dangerous malady. 111r. Kerviil has written for the benefit of other sufferers; he says:-•• I wish to testify in favor of the curative powers of Paine's Celery Com- pound for two re•lsons; first, in jest ice to the proprietors; secondly, for the benefit of suiferine htunanity. "For the past fifteen years I have b:en troubled with disillsec'. kidneys I ata engaged in the manufac- ture of cheese, auction obliged to wori, more or less in a stooping p s- ture. At tunes I found it almost iml possible to work owing to severe pains across lay kidneys. Often ant r work- ingina stooping b l031t- )Ifor r time, very I would find u fir. itdifficult, t( straighten at up once,and could only do so after repeated efforts. "Of late years, while laboring under these severe attacks, I became very nervous and continually had tired. worn out feelings. My rest at night seemed to do me nogood, and Ialways felt tired out m the morning. I had been taking various medicines and was getting worse all the thne At last 1• decidedto give Paine's Celery Compound a triad. I procured a bottle, and took it according to dir- ections and found itseffectswonderful. Before I had used the first bottle 1 he gam to improve ; after I had used the second bottle I began to feel els well as ever I did in my life. It had banished all aches and pains, my nervousness was all gone, and the tired and horn out feelings were banished. I can go to bed now and sleep well, and rise in the morning refreshed. I have recommended Paine's Celery Compound to my friends, who were suffering from the same troubles as I biui, and all have been greatly ben- efitted. Knowing what it has done, I can cheerfully recommend it to any person suffering from Kidney disease.” (1OIRMISstoNElt IN B. R. GENTLmIEN,—Flaring used Hag - yard's Pectoral Balsam in our family for years I have no hesitation in say- ing that it beats everything else we ever tried for coughs and colds in children as well as grown up people. It relieves that tight binding sensation in the chest. We would not be with- out it for anything, as we have a large family. VTILLIAMI ANDREW, Commissioner in B. R. ' Balllioral, Man. SICK HEAD ACBE. -Dyspepsia Biliousnosc SoreStom- ach Sto - ach and Constipation arise from wrong action of the stomach, hoer and bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters cure all diseas- es of these organs. A MERC'IL1NT TESTIFIES. GENTLEMEN, ---T write to tell you bow good Ihave found Hagyard's Yel- low oil for sore throat. In one family alone the Yellow Oil cured several bad cases, and any customers now recog- nize its great value. They seem to • prefer it to all others. C. D. Cormier, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Canaan Station, N. 13. The Ontario Street Methodist S. S• Clinton has a membership of 300. Mrs. P. McDougall, of Porter's Hill, got a nasty fall the other day, hurting one of her arms severely,. but no bones were broken. John Pickard, of the cut line, near Porter's Hill, while in Goderich the other evening, had a beautiful robe, worth about $12, stolen out of his cut- ter while in one of the livery barns. THE BREATH ole TUE PINES, Coughs, colds, asthma, bron- chitis, sore throat and lung troubles are cured by Norway pine Syrup. Price 25 and50 cents, It breathes out the healing virtues of the Pine forests. CONSTIPATION CURED. Gi furs, -I was in very poor health for over four years; the doctor seiid it was constipation. Not wanting to • spend two much cash, I got three of Burdock Blood Bitters and took it regularly. 1 ,can certify that- I am now in the very best of health and feel yer), grateful to B. B. B. • Araoti.D TEROUK, • Montreal Que. Passenger London depart 8.05 A, It. 4,80 P.m Centralis 9.07 5,47 Exeter......, ... . ... — Ilensall. 9,37 6,15 Kippers 9.44 620 Bruoeaeld.... 9.52 6.28 Clinton „ 10.12 0.55 Londesboro 10.29 7.14 Blyth 10,38 ' 7.23 Belgrave 10.52 7.37 Wingham arrive... 17.10 8.00 ()onto Souza* Wingham, depart— .« Belgrave............ Bytlh Loadeaboro Clinton.... Bruoefield,.... .,..... ..,. Kippen. Ileneall Exeter Centralia - Passenger 6.A•x. 347 tt 7.0350 4.08 7.497.30 9.28 4.53 8.2.5 8 06 5,12 84 5.23 FOR OVEit FIFTY YEARS AN OLD AND Wenn-Tama RrnniaY Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been need fifty rears by millions of mothere for their ohildroi while teething with perfect nieceas. 118051he, the child, softens the gums.allaye the pain, care, the oolio. and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cern, a bottle, Its value is incalcuiable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup andtakeno other kind. --THE— People's Building and Loan Association LONDON - - ONTARIO BOARD OF DIRAOTORs IN EXAM. ONTARIO Dr. J. A. Rollins, Prodder: t. Dr. C. Lutz, - Vice -President. L D. Dickson, - Solicitor. David Mill, - Valuator, Fred, W. Collins, - Seoy-Treas. DIRECTORS. JnoGrigg, E. A, Folliok,'Jas. Miller, Wm Sonthoott, Dr. Thee. A. Amos. Semi. Sander,. Make money by waving money. Sixty centa per month will oesnre 5100 in 71 Sears. For forme of application and all necessary infor- mation apply to the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. W. Collins. Post Office, Exeter, Ont. DR. SHOULT'S, CENTRALIA. Office opposite Methodist Parsonage. 1-I KINSMAN, DENTIST, • Lf).8.SPECIALIST inGOLD FILL - RA OT'MG and Pl.ATE 1 xirn e nthof cAR- LrO'SMocried local Aoresorsfor p D• ALTON ANDERSON D.D. S • L. D- 8, Honor Grade:i e. of the To- rooto University and Royal college of Oeutal Suraecas of Ontario. Specialties, painless extraction and preservation of the natural teeth Office over the Law Office of Elliot & Elliot. opposite Central hotel, Exeter. Ont. R AGNEW L. D. S,DENTIST, • OLIN1oN. Will he at Grab', hotel Zurich on the e000nd Thursday of snob month and at Hodggin's hotel Banco' every Monday %MINIMAX BUFFAL O RDBES, :GOA TS AND MITTS• (Received the highest awards at the NN orld's Fair.) We would ask all purchasers of Robes to inspect this great and won- derful robe before buying ; pronounced by all who have used them te be warn- er and absolute wind, water and moth proof, will nut wear boar in spots like a skin robe, have had sic years of rough usage and have stoud the test. They are made in three parts without any seams, the fur cloth, the Astrachan lining and rubber interlining. They dry quicker and never get hard and are as strong as leather. Every robe guar- anteed as represented. We also have a large stock of Harness, Whips,Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Rugs, Bells, Boots & Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers, Felt and Rubber Bouts, SuX and Rubbers. Our stock is fresh and unsurpassed in finish and quality. Sole agent for Newlands Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes. John Treble. ay! What are you wearing those fig -leaf clothing for ? Why not come to J. H. GRIEVE, The Modem Teo,. And leave your order for an UP-TO-DATE Over- coat or Suit We can please you both in pocket and Workmanship. —OUR STOCK OF— J' 'f BEDS —AND— WORSTEDS has been carefully selected and is among the best in the county. Ladies' Jackets a n d Cloaks Out and Fitted, A TRIAL SOLICITED. J. H. Grieve. Wefluy } .WE SELF., Alspke, 11 Which is very Cheap this, year I Oil Cole. it will pay you to feed its and Bed`l a Finest Condition Powder on Herbaguem Carib. Only costs a cent a. day to ---feedt �s LANTERNS FOR 25c. STOVES, (way down) for *10. LAMPS VERY CHEAP. Clover. Timothy, Hides, Etc. and will Pay HIGHEST CASH Parties Building will do well to call PRICE. } and get prices from H. Bishop & Son. And all our Winter Stock of Goods, Are You GOING TO GET A A PIANO, An ORGAN' Or a Sewing Machine We nave the best assortment and the cheapest. Come in and See Them Or else write for particulars PERRINs & MARTIN Live lr ogs Wanted ----AT THE--- ExeterPackiagaouse We are cutting up fresh hogs eyery day. SPARE RIBS, TENDERLOIN, HEAD CHEESE, FRESH PORK SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, CUTTINGS, PIGS FEET, SHANKS, fresh daily, AT EXETER PACKINGHOUSE, Wo are rendering PURE LARD every day. Parties wanting crocks or pails tilled should,do so now. Park is low in price. Thanking you for past favors, 1 remain, C Es .ell, Prop, ,4 Suit or (Jlothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable plaue, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall &, Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take Much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. A.- J. S PILL.. CHESTER WHITE BOAR FOlt SERVICE. $I, at time of service. W SNELL, Lot 15 Conoe,eion 7. Usborne. neo 30. FOR SALE OR RENT. A comfortable two story frame house, con- taining ten rooms. and good brick cellar• and hard and soft water and convenient to churches and school. Will be sold on liberal terms orrented. Well adapted for a retired farmer. Apply to W. O HOWARD, Exeter. Agents representing us can earn $20 net week selling our Hardy Cauadinn-grown Nursery Stock. Permanent position and salaries. Exclusive territory. Write at once for terms to E. 0• (}ADAM, NURSERYMAN, Ta eoarro, ONTARIO. NV -ANTED TiELP.—MEN OR Women in every locality (local or trav- elling), to introduce a new discovery, and keep our show cards tacked un on trees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employment, Commission orsalary $65 per month and expenses, and money deposited in any bank when started. For particulars write Tan WORLD ltcseleaL 1$Lgorsio Co., P.:O. Box 221, London, Ont., Canada Mar 16— 8m A ZflTX * UV* \4\/ t te Is not a dangerous thing when it directs your attention to the fact that the FOREST CITY BUSINESS &ISHORTHAND COLLEGE LONDON, (INT is giving the most practical and business like course in Canada. Everything strictly high grade. Write for Catalogue and College • Journal. School re -opens January 2nd, 1896. J. W. WESTERVELT, Priucipal, ( r♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦1N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦a♦•N♦♦N1 • i Fine Drivers cannot be made out of horses that are out of condition. Merely to feed ,plentyofoats isnot enough, Ahorse gets rue down the same as a •man and needs a general toning up. Dick's Blood Purifier is a scientific preparation in the form of a powder. It purifies the blood, strength- ens the digestion, turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one and puts the 71 "good 1, animal "in condi n. He ncondition." then has cod hCe and feels like holding g P head and lifting his feet. � to u his. M1LCH COWS are1 O greatly bene dted by it. The whole system is toned • up. The digestive organs being strengthened, more nutriment is drawn from the • food and the flow of milk increased. Dick's Blood Purifier will pay for itself ten times over. • For sale by druggisu, at general stores or sent post paid on receipt of 50 eta. Dick & Co., P. O. Box 48a, Montreal. •••$•••41O♦♦••♦N11♦♦N♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦ *MN*. **N.*** 2 ••• •♦ • 1 KNIGHT` 'nELtO tu SIT 1 E$eter North Store Mr. F. R. Knight has opened a General Store in the stand lately occupied by Brook's Harness Shop with a full stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONERY, TO Produce aken in exchange for goods. F. R. 33-1NTIC3l-HT ,Have you an old Buggy Top (has needs re•coyerinit and you wish to have made es good as new ? Side Curtains played out Your Cushion played out ? or other Trimmings shabby and renewed ; so, call on J. 0 CLsial• 4+ F ,6:.D ,. HE. NS.A.I.M, Or leave your orders at Jones' Carriage Works, Exeter. All orders will receive prompt attention J1Murray&Co., and done in a workmanahipiike manner. Charges moderate. Manufacturers of Plows, Gang Plows,and Straw Cutters for hand or horse power. Root Cutters from $8 to $9. Steam Piping and general repairs. Castings of every description in Iron and Brass to order. Fire Brickland Fire Clay kept 's r% 73rr 7S's ^w1.3 in.i Stock. t=r' J aurt:'nit.A. 7 cis co. Central DRTJG STORE. , Those who have used Winan's Cough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for CovGas, COLDS AND BRONCHITIC TROUBLES, Winan's Condition & Cough Powder for horses, best in the mar- ket. always on hand. Also a Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so suc- cessfully used by Mr, Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, For Sale at Gidle & ; on ODDFELLOW'S Bum. GET TOfl PdNTS D 0—VTizr At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order - for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. N O'er _..,. RAUL! L! 3 7E Then Come To U's for Best Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture Dealers The Leading Undertakers 0, LUTZ'S,