Exeter Times, 1896-1-30, Page 104114.44#il 59te3M7000004 0 mces k an ;ale )0(1S I ,st will nOt •ed in con - se goods 1 e rs ?ks. OfiTS, things in et special pat. NSTON. ndChil- co and I renew and and children's this work is is Of women, They are save r fading Dia- aded dresses, 3d panti ona ook like new d' ten ceuts. doing dyeing email to nse es.. See that ir you substi- yon are me- leceived, your your gar- -gait, got his lper one day ip winds, mar ss the system Hood's Sar- in the county ofereetiou the majority which your ind you, and s of themes:- , dyspepsia., s, and. sores, the only Sare world's ,Far. Istion, * liver With - eh or purging. >sesof Carters ill. please you.. rgative pills.. ck and then. iarter's Little bowels and. e pill. the 18thIt, inst. •ai inst., Herniae , .forinerly ,bs. )'11 HURON 8z MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. No. 22. EXETER, ONT., CANADA THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30th, 1896. Jr0FIN WHITE & SONS Publishers and. Proprietors RaSSORD 86 00i WOODHAM. This week we close our 3r1 year's business in Woodham, and next week we start upon our 4th year better equipped than in any previous year. THE LIIJCEMENTS WE HOW OUT BITYERS OF— Dry-Ooods,,mi. Millinery, Clothing and -+- Boots & Shoos -BSTTER 0001)S FOR LESS MONEY, -BETTER. QUALITIES AT LESS PROFIT. --BETTER V.ALUE WITH MORE SATIS- 7-FACTION,— * WE EMPHASIZE THE FACT That we are in a position to meet the competition of Town and City Hquses 111 ipalithilaypaiidneapess This week we pess into Stock our first shipment csi B !UGH. ri,., NEW SPRING GOODS, amounting to . 451S000 We know it is early to be showing Spring Goods, but they are here and well be pleased to have you come and make an inspectimi even if you don't buy. We will still continue to close out all Winter Goods at Bergain Prices. R. S. FORD & CO. Farquhar. ACcimexe.--The other day while liberal end attentive manner, sustain- Tucireremith ing the enviable reputation they rnhave • so M long enjoyed. e platform eet- Comeene-The cosine Hebbert. • il elect for the Balviss.-The new council met on ing was also well supported by Rev. year 1898 met at Dixon's hall, Brum- Monday the 20th inst. T. Carroll MIS Dr. Lyle, of Ilarailton, Revs. Grant re -appointed (sleek, James Hamilton St, Marys and Locke and Martin of treasiwer, and John Allen caretaker of Exeter, the other invited ministers hall. There were four applications for having sent their regrets at, not being the office of assessor, and Mr. F. R. able to attend. 'The pastor, Rev. Hamilton was the succ essfut candidate, Fletcher, presided over the meeting in Mr. F L. Hamilton and John Gillespie were appointed andithrs. The council then adjourned to meet again on the Exeter, interspersed the speeches with tosh, John Latta a,nd .Jacob McGee, third Monday in.February next at one excellent music. The proceeds from together with the reeve and Clerk, o'clock p. Tn. collections andteatotalled a sum in the were appointed a Board of Health, --a-tees-a------ neighborhood a $160. said armaments bell) made as per liashwOod. field on the 20th inst., all the members present, and each having made and subscribed the declarations of qualifi- cation and of office entered upon their duties. Messrs Win. Elliott and R. Hicks were re -appointed auditors, his usuel happy en taner, while the Wm. Chesney was re -appointed as - choir of James st, Methodist church, sessor at a salary of $40. D. Mein - amen inent of 1895 to iiblic 4° Health Sharon. Act. A petition was laid before the Duane -The Insley friends of Louis Board from Wm. Dynes and six others Kraft Jr. of ther.Gosleen line, were ex- BuaErs-ildr. andMrs. John Rowe Who preying the council to close up and ceedingly pained to learn last week, have been visitingfriends and relatives sell a certain unused street in the that his beloved wife, after eight or in London have ret urned home. -Thos village of liarparhey, alsO a connter ' ten days illness, had passed from this Kestle of Ballymote is at present visit- petition from E. Sibboes and sixteen life to eternity. Mrs Kraft was a ing friends in this vieinity.-Thornas others praying the council not to close daughter of J. Schaffer, Kippen, and Any who has been seriously ill for the the L'gtreets . Action deferred. Next was married only about a year past three weeks will soon be able to meeting will be held at Kyle's hotel when death ennui and overtook her at be arannd again. -N. Kestle is busily on Feb. 20th at 10 a. m. the early age Or 2a years. Mr. Kraft engaged getting brick and material in general for his new honse.-E. Kestle beld a wood bee Tnesda,y;theboys were in good shape and considerable wood was cute -The recent fall of snow has made the sleighing excellent and. made things more lively -William Maw- hiney of Mika paid our burg a flying visit onStuiday last. -Dame rune:whits it that we are going to lose one of our fair sex, Bid_dulph. Couxcne-The new council met pur- sunlit to statute, O. C. Hodgins, Reeve; A, K. Hodgins, Deputy Reeve; James Abbott, James Toohey and George Westenan, Councillors. All the old Municipal officers were re- appointed at the same salaries as last year, viz :-W. D. Stanley, Clerk:John Fox, Treasurer; Jeremiah Lewis, As- sessor; G, W. Hodgins, Collector; Mes- srs. Patrick Breen and T. Coursey, Auditors, Board a Health, C. 0. Hodgins, W. D. Stanley, Wellington Hoagies, Dennis Heenan, and Chas. Foster; Sanitary Inspector, Chas. Fos- ter; Medical Health Officer, Dr. IL Ling. Accounts to the amounts of $57.00, were passed. By-laws No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, of 193, confirming the ap- pointment of Municipal officers, fixing their salaries and making. a.ppropria,t- engaged-eutteng straw, John Allison,. ions for the year were I I etey paseed. sr., met with a. very severe accident. The appropriations for all purposes hi. His left hand caught in the rollers of hi each of the divisions are as follows: the straw cutter and was smashed so -Div. No. I, $101; Div, No. 2, $37J; badly that the three last, fingershad to be amputated, and now Mr. Allison merees a very sore hand. To give an idei...-the good. Seotch grit with whet: Jr. Allison is possessed, he • paseat ,teeiRogh .the whole operation without, eleesetud of anaesthetics, a trial net m iseefie%.his age ccerild en- dure.•- BEAM -Death hasas sting, but in some cases the pang is doubly- severe. In the ease of Lily Maud, the tfteen year old daughter of Alex. McDonald, whose death took place on Teursley last, the bereavement is sad, and. the circumetanees attending- the illness add to the sorrow. Daring the pest, six months at different intervals no less then four of the family have been low with typhoid fever, at times life beine dispaired of. 13y =refill attend - Div. No. 3, $3.50; Div. No. 4, Via; Div. No. 5, inelnling the Village of Granton and. St. Marys gravel road, $323; total appropriations, $1933. The Council adjourned to meet, again on Monday February 3rd., at 1 ;Mock, p. in. W. D. ST kNI.EY, Clerk. • Greenway. BRIEFS.-ThEl Maccabee concert held on Friday evening last was a treat long to be remembered. Me. F. Porte the noted Irish Comic Reciter, was the attraction, and t o o misch praise cannot be given him. His se- lections were highly pleasing, and are sure to please both old and young, as were some of the noble stars. that clan° from the large cities. Mr. J. E. Harrison's reading was highly ap- preaciatecl. Misses Zella English, Car - mace they had Mira:Died and were on rie Wilson, J. Love and sisters, and a fair way to recovery, when the W. A. Wilson, are all worthy of men - deceased contriteted ailments incident tion and can hold their own before a to the fever, entitled been slightlyill, but city audience. Rev. S. A. OalTiCre no serious results were anticipated. elide it few interesting remarks. Mrs. Wednesday evenino. she retired in W. Holt gave an interesting address company with her slat% and as far as showing the work the Lady Mecca: is known, passed a comfortable night. bees are doing. -Mise M. Munroe, of' Thursday morning she could not be Brumfield, Le visiting at Mr.Brophees. eimakened, and upon exaanination -Mr. A. Mellin of Walla -walla, Wash - was found that the vital spark had ington, visitedfriends here on Satur- fled. She was a bright and, amiable day last. -Water Patterson and his girl, - and had may. friends, who regret brother Will, visited friends here last her demise, and join a, Liege circle of Satnrcla.y.-0. M. Wilson and wile, .accniaintances in extending the eon- spent Sunday with friends in Tbed- soling hand. to the parents. ford. -Mrs. D. Ulens returned home - The an. last week, after spending a month CEaTReET - ANNIVERSARY. niversary of the Thames Road Presby- with friends in Toronto. -Valentine Retz, the Liberal candidate for the terian church was held on Sunday and .see_ North Riding of Middlesex, was ma,k- Mondaerlast, and was the most cessful for many years. It was queen's -Weather and the roads were excellent, thns enabling; almost anyone to attend. On Sunday Dr. Lyle, of Hamilton, preached two excellent sermons to large congregations. His dis- courses were practical, logical and given with characteristic earnestness. Monday evenisig the annual tea was given, and as usual was a hug* succese. Vith good roads and better weather BRINFS.-An enjoyable time was ' the attendance far exceeded the most spent at Rhiva on Tuesday nie,ht last, sanguine expectations, and fully oeu when a large number githered to en - people were present. The ladies joy themselves, and the sound of .catered to the guests in their usual music and dancing could be heard until the wee small hours, when all re- paired to their homes, feeling satisfied with the night's pleasure, and all feel that when they want • it good. it night's enjoyment that Khiva is the place to go. --Mrs. Daniel McLeod had a close call from poison a few days ago, when she took Paris 5sreen; . She is able to be around again. -William. Mawhin- ney visited at Mr. Follicles, Grand Bend, on Friday taste -Mies Janet Morrison visited. at Mrs. Short's in . McGillivray on Sunday last. -Miss Annie Reys. has returned hothe from Sharon, where she hasbeeti a Miss Fannie.Maevhinney, who lasbeen `-T." ikliti bl h d The by-law to raise $172,000 for water -works, for Petrone, was voted upon Friday and carried by 223 ma- jority. The water will be brought from the . St. Clair River, about 15 Miles away. Fullarton. has. the heartfelt sympathy of Ins many friends in his sad bereavement. BRIEFS,--Nessrs Kamocher and Litt, of Tavistoch, are visiting friends in the village and surraunding country. -Revival meetings are still continued in . the Englisb language. -A very good and needful att has been passed U one village, this week, that, all b Hensel! Perth caunty Notes. Fol owing are the market quotations. Wheab toTO Barley 30 to 33 Oats 22 to 22 Peas 45 to 50 Hay $U.00 to 412.0(I Butter 14 to 15 E '13 to 14 A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD pm- niture and Live Stock at Rensall, Nen- day, February 8th. at one o'clock, p. m. Saturday night, February 8th, 1895, is the date we quit, busiuess Henson. Up to that date we will sell you Footwear, Trunks and Valises at a big discount. Don't miss this op- portunity of getting your supplies. and if you do, the fault Ls yeti's. Terms Cash. All per- sons indebted to me are requested to settle their &accounts on or before February 8th. If not paid then will be put into Court for collect- ion. A. WESELOIL BRIEFS. -On Friday of last week while some little boys were playing . around. Wm. Welsh's new house, they got upon the scaffold and one of Mt.. Welsh's boys fell it distance of about 15 feet breaking his arm and other- wise bruising his body. Theboy is do- ing as well as can be expected. -Rev. 3. M. Wilson got several teams on Tuesday night and took the scholars of the Junior League for it sleigh ride. --Mr. McKlinton, of Auburn, was the guest of Rev. Mr. Swan, on. Wednes- day. -J. Writer, of Zurich, was in town on Monday. -Mrs Herman Well,of Zurich, was the guest of Mrs. A. Weseloh, on Tuesday. -Miss Lovina ness places be closed by eight Cook is spending this week at Zurich Bazers.---The other evening Omit. visiting at her grandmother's. -Ed. o'clock;;to make this knosvn, they leave and neighborhood assembled at the agreed 'to close. during this week at night from at business trip to London. Robertson retiwned home on Tuesday thirty-tive of the citizens of the village. nine o'clock, next week at half past residence of Mr, and Mrs. 'S. Sample, uine and after- that at eight,. -The He Wee visited his parents in Lemlesth our pliblic school teacher, and after ex- pubille will kindly note this. This will tow nship.-Mesers. Geo. Mehlwen, , . plainints the reason of coming, to his DO doubt bequitea, change to the shop house for an hour or so,. Mr, and Mrs. men, as thew custom was tocloseabout Sample Were given an introduction to ten. However, they will not find it very all present, after which the gethering hard to get out of that custom. were entertained by shert speeches, readings and singing, and finally cake - Grand Bend. and it good cup of tea we: e rartaken of. — After singing the national anthem the Bansaos.-The Want:Mit sleighing we crowd departed to their homes in good have had. has disappeared and itienow time. -On Monday evening, Mr. Ruse better wheeling. -Mr. Hamilton is of Exeter, organized a sineting class,as think' " f ta t• his 11 . - he has me o s r nag nu about twenty seven gave in thew names The Choeen Friends of Russeldele in- tend building a new halides that village. Wm. Morsehead and farad , of $t. Marys, have moved to Yale, Michigan. Rev. F. E. Roy, of Hensall,exchanged pipits with Rev, W. J. Taylor, of $t. Marys, on Sunday last. The annual meeting of thel3lanshard Fire Insurance Co, will be held in the township hall, on Jan. 30th. Frank Cornish, of Rirkton has pine chased the painting and paper banging business of Gilbert 'White, $t. Marys. Ellice council has put in a claim against Rime for over $4,000 for share of law expenses by Ellice in defending suits. Miss Mabel Baker, of Mitehell, will leave for Manitoba on Monday next to resume her occupation as it teacher out there. W. J. Gourley, of Dublin, formerly of Kirkton, has purchashed the dwell- ing and blacksmith shop from John Eckert, for the sum of $300. Mr. Gordon Henderson, ticket agent for the G. T. R. for some years past at Goderich, has been promoted. to a similar positiou at Stratfold. A friendly curling match, four rinks a side, was played at. $t. Marys, Fri- day between Stratford andSt. 'Marys. and the loeal club won by 23 shots. George Miller, of Clromarty, has dis- posed of the north half of his property containing it dwelling house and car- penter's shop, to Simon 31iller, wagon maker, for about $350. At. the election of officers for this term. of the Union Literary Society of "WM 1-1.A.VMMT111 GIVEN UP SELLING OUR STOCK AT FIRE PRICES. True we haven't as large a stock as we had, but we are selling just as much, perhaps more, than we solO last month. FELT BOOTS. -.0 A great big stock of Felt Boots which must be sold, prices from $1.50 up to $3 per pair. We have just, received it shipment of Fancy .0rockery and Glassware fier the Holiday Trade. It's not wise to miss givieg our stock it glance, as it will pay you. MARKET DEPOT. J. P. Ross. imoamo•ra•••i•aa.' pital in Guelph,. where he underwent • an operation about three weeks ago. Mr. -Hay was in his sixtv-fifth emare and was largely indenteged with the building up and prosperity of this town, m which he WaS it large prop- erty owner. He was head of the firm. mer - of Hay, Bros., grain chants. Iie was a severe suffer for John Shepplierd and s I. Geiget a • 'Victoria University, Toronto, li. A. risked. the operation which cost . him , years and it, VMS to give rt•lief that he here en Tuesday morning to attend. Graham, of St. Marys, waselected2nd his life. the County Council at Goderieh, also vice-preeldent, Walter Reddy, of Usborne.-J. W. On New Year's day it quiet marriage -. Sneak thieves are numerous in the Ortwein is moving the balance of his took place at the manse, Metherwell, Miss neighborhood. of Hohnesville. stock from Zurich to Hensall this the eontracting plu•ties beino. . Lizzie Russel of thet place itial Mr. Stephens of. Blanshard. 'John Wilson, the esteemed township clerk, of Fullerton is again able to be around, after being laul up for two got in quite a stock d logs and a lot of 11,41 members o fa, class.. This te good el tie? stock being ties. He can get them move and in the right direction as drawn cheaper now than iu the busier vocal training is to it great extent eta° present day neglected. *Mr. Ruse le highly eminent ended aud no doubt will do a goo I work. 00UNCEL.-Council met on Monday, 2,th minima to seetute. The horse last week. Fred Graven members, viz : G. Leveesage, reeve ; fine also sold a fine young horse. -There j. Jae -keen, deputy reeve P. Arbag- were a, few couples attended the For- ester's concert in Crediton last Week.--, There were not many from here at- tended the Maccabee concert; at Green- way on account of the roads being in such bad condition. -The home of Silas Disjardine hes been made happy by -the appearaace of a, brieht and beaatif n1 babes, eite is rumored about there is to be. wither welling. We cannot vouch for 4he tauth of the statement but notice'a shy young man around. -John Young is ou the sick list this week -Miss Blatchford, of Dakota is visiting friends here now, and resembles her mother very much, who was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bird. -John Belied and family drove up on Saturday and visited his Mende here.- Mr. Brenner had a bee last week heeding manure, and got, it all cleaned away. season. -Mrs. W. B. Paths returned home on Sunday tater spending a few days with herparents.-johnKeimedy sold his driver on Monday to Mr. Kellerman, of Dashwood, and got a fair price. -Andrew Disjardine sold a ast, jaws L. 'tassel and Oliver Harris, took their seats. The old efficers were all re -appointed : John Wilson, clerk, Joseph MeIntyre assessor, John But- ler, collector, Wm. .Sterritt and Jas. Ward auditors. Salary in eatch case seine ite beet year. The following; will compose the board of health G Lev- ersage, J. 'Wilson Luther F. W. Tur ner, Detigald MeDeugald and . Jacob Nee; Dr. Arinstreng medical health officer. Oredaton' "WEDDING BELLS, -The residenee of C. Zwicker, was the scene ofa brillutuit event on 'Waned -1y, being the mar- riage of his youngest daughter Emma, 3. to our esteemed townsman, Henry Sweitzer, proprietor of the Crediton Roller Mills. The ceremony was per- formed by R3V. J. 0. Yelland, in •the presence of the more intimate friends of the contracting parties. The bride was supported by 'Miss Emma Ratz, while Chas. Zwicker acted. as grooms- man. The bride and. bridesmaid were charmingly dressed, while the groom looked as handsome as ever. After the ceremony the young couple took the train for Niagara and Buffalo, where they will spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Sweitzer have many friends ln this section who wish them long iife, prosperity and happiness. BRIEFS. -The material is nearly all on the ground for the proposed new churele-The reeves are attending the County Council. -Wm. Lewis, sr., at- tended the Royal Tempters district meeting in Kippen, on Tuesday. -Miss Amelia MellM, of London, has been ing friendly calls on the citizens in visiting under the parental roof. -A this vicinity last week.-DavidNewell, wild steer created. considerable ex - Canada Co. Agent, spent several days eitement in the street Monday. Chas. in this vicinity last week looking after . Either was delivering the animal to the timber owned by the Company - Sohn Sherritt is attending the Connty Council at Goderich this week. Shwa • HOFFMAN BROS. DASHWOOD, furniture Dealers Au us coterik,*. It the betas/ ON CO.. Lir1.a ( . -AND MANUFACTURERS OF- .SAS11,1)0ORS,- BLINDS, MOULDINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD MATER- IAL FOR BUILDIN on esc s,sa e o ear tan again . -A large sleigh load went to the butchers here, when he took a stubborn freak. The beast subse- quently died, no doubt from exhaust - 1011, Mr. Either losing the price. -Wes. Trevethick, of Glencoe, is home visit- ing for a few weeks.-WeaBa,ker, who has been `visiting his brothers and other friends in town, has returned home to Crystal City, Man. -J. P. Westman, of Elimville, preached a missionary sermon in the Methodist church on Sunday evening, -A load of young people gave a surprise party at the residence of John Roessler the other evening. They speak highly of the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Roes- sler. -John Precter iutends moving to Zurich where the firm of Brown & Preeter intend' opening a general store in the premises recently purchased. of J. W. Ortwein.-E. Shaffer, of Hen - Stephen. week, -Our Town Police Trustees held their fleet meeting last, Monday even- ing in Geo. Mehlwen's office. There was no important business done, only to find out how much money we can reclaim from the Township and where to get a dumping place for sewerage;. and 11. Bell was to find out where they might get a second-hand fire en- gine while other minor matters were discussed. Tbe Meeiting then adjourn- ed to meet, again on February Ma - Henry Manged, of Zurich, was in town on Tnesdaye-S. Hardy, of Zaideb, was in stown last Saturday. ---The Misses Vanhorn, of Chiselhuret, have started a dressmaking shop here.- Coxworth is getting in his sini- ply of ice this week.-Mcssrs. J. C. Stoneman and Sohn Pope were at Exeter on Tuesday on business. -Rev. J. S. Henderson, Mesers. L. Herald, Alex. McPherson, James MeArtlualli jaws SutheRand,Gtho Sutherland mid otheees„ attended the adjourned Pres- bytelesedeitektbieg held at Clinteresee Today. -Bev. Mr. Shaw, of Reetiatid:- ville. occupied the pulpit of Catrmel Presbyterian Church last Sabbath, and Rev, ,T. S. Henderson took up Rev. Mr. Shaw's work at Egmonclville.- Querterly Service was held in the Methodist church last Sebbath. morn- ing, when Rev. James Walker, of Kip - pen Circuit, preached to a. large audi- ence and Tithe a number partook or the Sacrament of the Lord's Suppers - Rev. F. Swan preached the funeral the South Perth Liberal pratruZilldana salary was radm sermon of the late James Sinclair on meeting in St. cod about $15; the . Jos. J. Washington and MISS Clara. Jenkins, of West Wa.wanosh joined. hands in matrimonial bliss the other day. Patrick Pollard, of Weet, Wawanosh who has been suffering from cancer of weeks with a severe attack of inflainma.- the stomaele for some time died thei tion. other day. The Mitehell Agrieultural Society S'ergt. H. J. Pringle, of 01haton, is has appointed John Broderick, pre- tutting: another course in military sident; Thos . -Green, vice-preeident; J. seruction at the Military Sehool, Lon - N. Christie, .seeretary. The fall fair dole svill be held on 21th, and 30th of Sept. S•tin. dolmston, Goderich townehip assessor, is at present very ill. He received. a severe fall over it week age. which at present threatens seriouR resitit s. W. R. Counter, jeweler, of Seaforth has ;assigned to R. Wilson. Wallah% Sutton. general storekeeper, of Stephen township, has assignee to A. A. Mc- Tavish. While working. in a eletie factory at Win 0:flu one day last week, Torre Carrick had the. misforenne to receive se_Lrert blow in his right eye from a At 5 o clock Friday morning. a live wire eet fire to the C. I'. R. station at North Paakdale, consuming the upper portion. The operator thine, Mr. C. Bradley, had hie, hand severely burn- ed. George Neigh, of Ellice has purchas- ed lot 4, conceesion 1. Logan township. front Andrew Spell:tell, the price odd being U539. Mr. Neigh now owns tipwards a 333 iter08 of high eleee land. J. W. Ooy and 11. M. Helliwell. both a St. Ca harines, are offering them- saltriefre leeesesseilive eandidites to P141 of wood. oppiaiie NV 31 P.. for the The action of Carter's Little Liver. Pills plevent, natal and natural. They - gent Is. :stimulate theliver, and regulate t.a? b3wAs, bat. de net parge. They' are sure to please. Try them. At the annual meeting. of Ho -wick District L. 0. L. last iveA, it was de- cided by a unanimous vote of all pre- sent to celebrate the coming 12th Of July in the village of Gerrie. In Wingbaan this year, the clerk's Sunday evening last, to a levee and- decided as call it riding conveatioa in tcyltir eltel'enrs`tade".ialsao*Ifitile aid tag ience.-The Quarterly Official Board, Mitchell on. the 23th of February next, new chief of the tire department was • of the Methodist church met en Mon- to urike ready for the coming general awarded a salary of $75 per year. day afternoon. -Chits. Bessenberey elections, GOSHEN LINE NOTES. -Miss Annie . • • • Donell was in London on Tueslay.e- Bremner of reownie, was putti his ne horse in the shale at Avonton, before attending eleur.?h, he reeeived kiek from a horse whieh broke one of his legs between the knee and the ankle. The following officers for 1310 were appointed. by the Blanshard council: - J. H. Jameeon, clerk; Robt. Beatty, treasurer; El Kennedy, assessoe; (lade, collector; W. F. Sanderson and John Burns, auditors; Thos. Pierson, were no special manifestations of 111 - Jos. caretakerya-nofe third son of Councillor ne ss imtil about a fortnight since, . her Francis, of Fullerton, died on Thurs- ,Slyth.. day morning, after suffering for it 3.4.0 -ere -n Dnaes.-On Sunday evenine YdeTera7sectil(a)111 1.t!'''17e1PfoCtireitalloPntlk)f9oiThor the E' malady in Da,kotet a few years ago, guid PlacteS tWO weeks ago, she sustained 4. quite it sad gloom was cast over our village when the report Wil.S current, C81110 home. He was 23 years of ae-e, :which Droved only too true, that Mrs. end a, promising young man before -ne Stew& t of East Wra sh ab mt e took sick. After an illness of seven mouths Halide° Louise, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wilson of St. Marys, exchanged the Nuttily for a heavenly home. Though but a mere child, being eleven years and four months old, that deead disease con- sumption had seized. upon her, and in spite of medical care and every lathe- aon loving hands could afford she gradually faded away, death taking place On Wednesday, Jan. 22. A vacant pine in the family circlesof .Mr. and Mrs. Geo Spearin, lalanshard, has been made by the deittle- day, 21st inst., of their ''''ciiingest daughter, Susan Amanda. The de- ceased, who was 15 years and6 months old, was apparently the healthieet of the family and 'her amiable disposition end cheerful, lively nature made her a gen- eriti not only in the home but among all het friends and ae- quaintances. Her illness • began with a cold, followed by paralysis which et first in both feet and thence -extending_ gradually upward,. and in five days terminated inher death. The Mitchell Recorder asks: -What dee-s Mr. Donald intend to do ?' Whet do the Patrons of South Perth hitend to do ? The general impression Mend St. Marys is that Mr Deaahl does aloe intend to go into the . neet •.election contest, and is .therefore quietly.. mind- ing his own affairs et home.. We *etched for him to interview him personally,. but failed to comp • across him. We .cotdd riot find anybody -that knew Anything of him. Not even the Downie orrileeshardPatrons wholes we reetecould. say .whether he still intencl-: ed to go. „into the contest or ...mit. The imiversal ihipeession, seethed to be that he was out, of the • race. Wm. GS Ettyr, 'foe 40 years One of the. • most prominent and, .public. spirited of the citizens of Listowel, at. six o'clock Monday at • the General Hoe- eounty of laneoln atte, the coining election. Following are the officers appointed for the town of Mitchelle-Jas. N. Christie; clerk; Mr. Thorne. reasureri' Mr. Deoderick, assessor; J. S. •COppin, collector; Mr. ClulOw, policeman; and Jos. Hudgins, night watchman at the former salary. The Central exeentive committee of Donald McKenzie a well known re - Willis, of Liman, spent a few day -s was at Clinton on Monday. -J. E. Mce sic ent of olerich died On 3Ionday On Sunday morning while Alex. 0 • visiting . al farm. -Sleigh riding parties are all the D. Weismiller returned. from Ottawa go now. -Wm. Martyn is coming. out last Fridey.-Geo. doyet vieited hie in great style with his fine young team. brother up north over Sunday and Mawhinney spent. Saturday urned ou Monday. -Alex. MePher- rc t last visiting at Mr Polloek's or Grand Bend. -Geo. Mawhinney sports a new cutter. -Wm. Yearley has got a fine driver, which 110 thinks is second to none, but John Keys don't think so. - David Mawhinney has taken in a fine lot of sheep, which he intends to feed during the winter. -Messrs. Peter and Henry Marten°, of Sharon, spent Sun- day with their best girls. -Thos. Mawhinney has purchased a colt with it record of 2.15, -Miss Annie Keys is on the line again.-OhristianDinney is on the sick list at present. -Quite number of people from thistle° attend- ed the concert at Crediton, Thursday it J1 K i t ds t evening as .- o eys n en o have a wood -bee in the near future. - John Martyn is visiting . friends in Bowmanville.-Geo. Mawhinney dis- posed of his fat cattle last week. -Miss Jennie Morrison is taking lessons in German languaes,e.-Frank Glanvilie spent one evening last week at Mr. John Keys. ACTS LEICN A CHARM. Wingb.am, Out. Stin 14, 1805. have used Hood's Pills for constipation with Which I have been troubled for years, and for which I have tried a great many medicines.- Hood's Pills have acted like it charm, being yet effective. Mrs. W. H. Constable. sall, visited at J. Dalyrimple's on Sun- Hood's Pills cure liver day last. PARALYSIS CURABLE. STRICKEN ONES TO BE SEEN EVERY- WHERE-THrs F'OR51 Livreto DEATH CURE!) By DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. The most startling examples of human helplessness is the paralytic. The victim excites your commiser- ation, but resents your pity. He of the palsied hand stiffly pressing the benumbed side is to be seen every - CASH SALE We carry huge and well assorted stook • • .4919,11 kinds of Household Furniture. See Our $8.50 Bedroom Suites, Picture Framing is one of our special lines and we carry a large stook of Mouldings to choose from. .See our 15c. and 20c. Photo Frames. We defiecompetition in Roller Window Shades. W.:Ante aaarge stock which must be sold to .*teake :Atom for our new Spring Stock. AfirSt.clasSBliade, Roller and pull for Uraclerteileing. Weititrays carry the latest designs in Cas- kets, Cot:this and Trinunings at the lowest prices. Furaiture repaired on shortest notice. Estimates given for the ir potion of all kinds of house building. Call and examine our Stock, (whiah you will find coMplete) 9,nd sec Prices. .3 0 rpm AN I3Rtle. Shmket. on Monday night last to the Methodist church, where revival ser- vices are being held, by Rev. Mr. ThOmpson.- Mime Holt, and wife took in the K. 0. T. M. concert at Boston, and report having had an enjoyable evening. -A number of our sports were out rabbit hunting and report good success. -V. Ratz the Re- where we go. forin candidate, is busy canvassing The most convincing proof that this pitiable condition is the outcome of kidney disease is the fact that Dodd's ls cure t ment. ville and Miss Annie Keys spent Sun- Did you ever know of a cure ? Just North Middlesex and telling people Clothe is the man, but he forgets to tell them that Mr. Brock is in the field to stayas the Patron candidate. -Grover Keys, who has been on the sick list, is ire rovings-Frank Glan- Noe generally recognized as a kidney disease, it succambs to kidney treat - day evening in Eseten-Robert Key's think for a moment! team ran away on Saturday evening, If you do it must have been the work but fertselstea- there `Vfl ;Int melt of 'Dodd'sKidney Pills. for no other lytagt. dontmetheine over Yet enrol OF— Winter Goods. We have a few morelyairs of Exeter Mill Blankets to be sold at less than mill prices, to clear thein out, only 45c per lb. Also some Heavy Sheeting, 'only 3oc per yard. A few lilies of Men's Underwear, all at a. big reduction. We are selling \Woollen Goo:Is at the price of single yarn. C11 in and see us if you want good bar- gains. MniR & MANNING, e<reck•role.. son and daughter Alla, have returned home from a weeles visit at Goderich. -Mrs. D.. Steinbach, of Zurich, was a guest at A. Weseloh's on Sunday, and also Mr. Geo. Thad and wife, of Sexsunth, were visiting at A. Wese- loh's on Sunday, and Walter Keddy and wife, of Bethesda. - last, having been in poor health for mine- maths. Hz W.13 a man of the strictest integrity for whom death had noterrors. The death of Mrs. Malurchie, widow of the late Reeve McMurchie, of Clinton • occurred on Wednesday afternoon. Since her husband's death last Ma.y. ni teealltiir sreverarenanthe a d asIthoeirb tore intimate friends noticed of late a very marked .chattere; as ehe bore bar wrvIre.4.7 itt silence,but it toldonherconsitutioil. While attending to some household . h. stralie of paralris, from which she d • 11 1 Tiled ev e? sine he and it quarter miles from this village, had been fo und dead. There was no - :body in the house at the time. Her only daughter was ont for ashort thue visiting it near neighbor. Her two sons, who tre at home, were in the village at the timc. Two more sons. are away in the States. Her husband preceded her many years ago. Granton. Duockett returned to her home in Cleveland Tuesdayaccom- ponied byleIrs.Foremanwith whomshe has been visiting for some months. - Mr. and Mrs. 'William Gunning, high- ly esteemed pioneers of the South boundary, Blaushard, celebrated their golden wedding Monday evening by giving a grand banquets -Mr. john Langford, Of this place, was again the victim of a most painful accident. While operating the edging saw in Mr. A. Lengsford's saw mill:last Satur- day he in some unaccountable manner placed his right hand on the saw, cutt- ing it to the bones crosswise on the palm, and completely severing the bone of the thumb above the second joint. This is the third serious acci- dent that has befallen Mr. Langford in seven or eight menthe, and while ex- tending to him our sympathies, I am sure it would not be misplaced if some friends would take the initiative in giving them a practical turn. NOT THAT KIND. • Septa's Emulsion does not debilitate the system as other cough medicines do; but on the contrary, it improves digestion and strengthens the stom- ach. US effects are immediate and pronounced. Mrs. J. E. Sharman, of Goderich died on Saturday morning last after flee weeks illness of child birth. never reeoveree. Sae leaves a een R414, daughter uunrirried and one Attended daughter -Mrs. R. Agnew. Don't worry. Don t run in debt. Don't trifle with your .health. Don't try experiments with medicines. Don't waste time on %vorthless coin - pounds. Don't be persuaded to thke a substitute for Ayees Sarsaparilla. It is the best of blood -purifiers. Cools Sieve tor $10.(00 AT The Dashwood Hardware Emporium. We are now doing business in the new !nick block. have greatly added to oar stock and are offering illducement* in the following lines: - Cow Chains, Guns and Rifles,Axes, Saws, Lamps and Stoves, The Public are cordialy in— vited to call and inspect OH stock and prices, PAULIN& RANNI ,