HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-1-9, Page 5The Only Great and thoroughly re. liable building -up medicine, nerve tonic, vitalizer and i flood , : Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is H 'S arGapariIla It has won its hold upon the ';"" " 1lts of the people by its 414,1JA absolute intrinsic merit. It is n"t what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story:— Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar- ations and prescriptions fail. "The face of my little girl from the time she was three months old, broke out and ',vas covered with scabs. We gave her two bottles of Mood's Sarsaparilla and it com- pletely cured her. We are glad to rocom- emend Hood's SarsapariIla," Taos. M. CARLING, Clinton, Ontario. Be sure to Pet Hood's IOUu°S feet harmoniously with Hood's Sarsaparilla. 26o. STO ltE '1'() REN r. i.7 Post Office Store at. Farquhar to rent. Good brick building, splendid location and a first class opening fora pushing business man. 1?os- Session given 1st January. For further partic- ulars apply to. JOHN KAY, Farquhar, im N OTICE. Notice is hereby given that the 21st annual meeting of the members of the Hay Township Farmers Mutual al Fire Insurance Company wial be held at the Town Hall, Zurich, en Monday, January 13th,1890, at one *look, p. m. Bust- stees : Revolving* the .Directors' and Sceretary's :mune' reports: arts: election of three directors, and other business for the good and welfare of the Company. All members aro requested to at- tend. /nom .DOvoldie, Hexer Exammnt, President. Secretary. : l'; ( t) il, i1c OREDI!0 DT ?Cie the nuttier of the Estate of Septi - mos IIogarth, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased. Take notice, in )nrsuaneo of 12, S. O., t 4 1 Chap. 110, t t rocnc men a s there. All creditors ud t 1 t of the estate of the above named Scptim us liogacth deceased, who died on or about time 10th do$'ot` )ecember.1895. aro hereby request- ed on or both re TIU' 2OTII DAY OF JAN- UARY, 1890, ro send a statement of their claim or claims against the said estate, to the exoc- vtore.1. W. and S. J...,Hogartlm, Exeter, 1'. 0. Tho executors will not held themselves liable for any claims not presented on or before the said 2Uth day January, 1809. A. D. Dated at Exeter this'_Gtli day of Dec. 1ti95. MONEY TO LO .N. 1l'rivate Funds at lowest rates un improved !farms. Apply to ELLIOT & 1:LL1o'r, .1:2111ary,1809. Solitetors, Exeter. T1R()N UOUN1Y COUNCIL The (.•ounc'il of the corporation of tho County of Huron will meet in the court ronin in the town of Goderieh on Tuesday the 21st•, day of January y at three o'clock p. nm. WM. LANE Co. Clerk. NOTICE. Not•ico is hereby given that the 20th annual meeting of the members of the Usborne .0 Rib- lert Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in Gardner s hall, Farquhar on Monday the 3M of February 1)5)8 at 1 o'clock, P, at., for the purpose of receiving tiro Directors ax Secretary Treasurers annual report, election of Directors and other business in the interest ,of the Company. JOHN E,SE RV, TIIOs. CAMERON, PRESIDENT. SECRETARY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In. the matter of the Estate of Thomas • Taylor, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chap. 110, 11. S. 0. 1887, that all persons having claims against the estate of the above named Thomas Taylor, deceased, who died on or about the lar day of November, 1895, are required to send by post prepaid or driver on or before the let ,day of February, 1899, to the undersigned Soli- citors for Jamey B. Frani, executor of tho last will and testament of the said Thomas Taylor, ,deceased, a statement in Writing, containing Slick names, addresses and descriptions, with 1 till particulars of their claims. duly verified, and of the securities, (if any) held by them. And notice is further given that after the said est day of February. 1800, the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, (raving regard only to the claims of which not- ice shall have been given as above required ; Netid that the said executor will not bo liable Ser the said assets, or any part thereof, so dis- tributed to any person of whose • claim uotico has not been received by the said executor at the time of distribution. FRASI.R & FRASER, Solicitors for Executor, Dated at London this 3rd day of January, 1896.- 1VIARIIIED. TORSYTIiIO_00OPISR-AtKippon, oniDeo.25, b» Rev. S. Acheson, Mr. Thos. Forsythe, to Miss Maggio Cooper. DAVIDSON-SPROUL- At Goderich, en Dec. 25, by Rev. Dr. Urc Wm. John Davidson, to Miss Mary Sproul, both of West W,awanosh. mon the is nstH., byy Rev. A. Mc ac yenFullerton, Thos. McCullough to Miss Flossie McFaelyon. • SEILING-STEPHAN-At the residence of the bride's parents, Logan. township on the 20th of Dce. by the Rov. A. McFadyen, Mr. Adam Soiling of Hanover, to MissMltrgarot Stephan. ,1'.LLEN--JONES.-I11 Wost Wawauosh, on the 1st inst.,byy the Rev. W. Baugh Mr. Thos. Allen, en,ioftDtuno ga0000.i 'brother of M. 3. Allen, PARSON—RYCKMAN—At the residence of the bride's father•,by the Roc. J. Walker, Mr- RAI. r-11. H. Parson, of Stanley, to Miss E. 3, Ryek- man, of Hibbert 'MO}VAT-GRO'V'ES-•- tt the residence of the bride's brother. Mr E. W. Groves, Toronto, on December -26th: b - Rev, L. G. Wood, Mr.;john A. Mowat, of,'I.Vingluunl, to Bliss Hate Groves.' HART- HINCHLEY--At the residence of the bride's grandmother Mrs. Simpson. 9g- mondv.1110 on Dec. 18th, by Rev. N. Shaw, :Mr- John hart, of Brucefield, to Miss Ade - , line M. Hlnchloy, RIGG--FIS1t.b ft In Colborne,at the resi- dence of the bride's father, on ee. 2511, by Rev. 10. A. Fele, Mr. W. Grigg to Miss. Ma- tilda Fisher. daughter Of Mitt Y. Fisher, all o ARSTtT REPORTS, .Exeter, January 01,1806. Wheat per bushel . .,.61 to 61 Oats .20 to 21 Barley Peas . -. Butter Eggs Turkeys Geese...-. Chickens per 111 Ducks 25 to 83 .• ... ..XS to 48 ..15 fo 15 18 to 15 0 to 5 ,6 to 0 Pork dressed$i 50 tc §4.Q0 Pork live weight...... $3 00 to 3.10 Hay per ton .. ...... $11.00 to 412.00 London, January8th,1896, Wheat par bushel,.. ....63 to 63 Oats.... .23 to 21 Peas ,... .48 to 51 Barley ....31 to 33 Ryekrvlleaat . 39 to 44 Corn ,.., 36 to 39 Beans 00 to 70 Butter . • • .. 1.7 to 18 Eggs 20 to 20 TDocks ....... SO to 75 urkeys per U', 7 to 8 Geese per lb . . 5 to 6 Chickens 30 to 50 Cheese ...., 8 to 8 Potatoes per bag.... 25 to 30 Hay per ton .....14.06 to 511.00 Pork per cwt..., .. ., ..4.00 to $4 .U0 Toronto, January Sth.1890. Wheat per busbcl ....71 to 71 Wheat :lied 67 to 67 Wheat Goose 53 to 53 Barley ,..33 to 34 Yeas.... 53 to 51 Oats 27 to 2e Rye-. ..... • ....43 to 45 Butter per ib .. 20 to 21 1Cggs per dor..... a .....20 to 21 Colborne. OILCHii.IST---McARTIIU'il- At the residence of the bride's mother•, by Itov. J. 5. Hender- son, Mr, Jas. Gilchrist to Bliss Annie Mo - Arthur, of 13'ensa 1. STARK:-STONICMAN.--At the parsonage, Honsall, on Dee. Mb, by the Rev Jas. Wal- ker, Ivlr' Jas. Stark, to Miss Serail. Elizabeth Stoneman ,of of Hibbert township. MollOBERTS--NOBLE •Iu Parkh:l1 at the re. sideeco of Mrs,1). n7.. Cameron, on I)cc,3lst, by Rev. Mr. Mills, Mr. John McRoberts, t0 Miss Mary Noble, of McGillivray. McTAVISH-ROSS-At the residence of the bride's mother, near Bruoefielct, on Dec. 18tH, by Rev. Mr. Muir, Duncan D. McTavish, of St. Thomas, to Miss .1. Anuio Ross, youngest daughter of the late Alex. Ross, Tuekersnuth. WALLIS-JENKINS-At the residence of the bride's father, Pith con. Ciodorich township, on the 1st inst., by (Rev. J. W. Hollies, Mr. \Vallis, Godorich township, to Emma, olden. daughter of Mr. Rowland Jenkins. NQRRIS--BROLICY-At the residence of the bride's mother. Elora, an Deo 2Sth, by Rev •1(„' Stephenson, Sir. RieharilD. Norris, druggist, Elora, to9Lee Minnie M. Broley, daughter of the hate Rev. James Broley, formerly of Sea forth. SM1LLIE-MURRAY-At the residence of the bride's father. Hansall, on Tree. 25th, by Rev. J. S. Henderson, Mr. Alex. Smillie to Miss Agnes, youngest daughter of Jas. Murray, Treasurer of the township of Tuckerstnith. DIED WILLIAMS-In Seaforth, on Dee. 27th, James \VIliluurs, aged 51 yesre and 2 mouths. SALE: -At St. Mary's, January 711i, Catherine Sale, aged 40 years and 5 months. McKENZIE--In Tuckersnrith. on December 31st, Jonmi o McKenzie, aged 22 years. DOl'CLAS- 1n Stanley, nutm' Blake, on Dec. 4r 1 ] , t 19 1 (ohm M. I o r •lay son ofl r'. 1 )o . a i m l A Ian( u b ]n. :wee 22 cal.. (1OUL1) In Exeter on Die •ithinst.,Hugh Could son of lttehal d Gould, aged 18 years and 10 months. HARVEY -In Italy, on the 4th lost., Edgar Murray. infant son of (William .Hervey, ages( 10 months 1 \ L In 1, bn nr the (till inst.. TO r ont l t. f'corm- beneath ) • , tee tgc t 1r r ) Henry nwi n ha lea wife , f l lc m Y l' of Mien, eget' 29 year8 months, 10 days. IVALTERRS--_itDevon, onthe 2nd Inst., Ada \Vaulter.+, wife of Alfred Wolters, aged 37 years 7 utou(lmp and 10 days. MAKES NEIN, PIUII DS ALL TIIE TIME, and keeps then( Inc. The finest tonic on the rm'rket •2s Wi'soil's Invali:ls' Port'Wine, which is asked for by ail invalid, debilitated, nervous people, as it has peculiar properties which make it invaluable to all such. These are—its blood making property, being a file old rich wine, of body and strength, its restorative properties, for it is the testimony of thousands that after use there is a :feeling of strength and buoyancy to which the listless body and spirit have been strangers. A fine olcl wine, which one might drink without at thought of medicinal property, which is in the character of the beverage itself, and is not anything superadded.. Sold by all dealers at $7.- 50 per case of 12 quart bottles, halfcase $1.00 or 75 cts. per bottle. Address— Bordeaux Claret Co., SOHospital Street Montreal. Ex-A14.1.J. P.Mttctlonald, of Strat- ford died on Friday morning, after be- ing rmconscious for over a week. He was a native of Inverness-shire, Scot- land, and at one time a resident of Tuckez:smith township. Their gentle action and good effect on the system really make them a per- fect;little pill. They please those who use thein. Carter's Little Liver Pills may be termed P erfecho . James Proctor died on Tuesday at Stratford. Deceased was for quarter of a century a resident of Stratford. He was born in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., but when quite young his father mov- ed to Eznbro, and there died when his son James was about 4 years of age. There is some talk of appeal against the decision given in favor of Logan against Mitchell Board of Health, in the smallpox case. The ratepayers feel that the town is morally bound to pay the amount of judgment and costs for the members of the Board of Health, but it may be difficult to get a. majority of themnenibers of the coon. - to vote for it lest they should be held responsible. ' • "THE COMMON PEopLE," As Abraham Lincoln. called them, do not care to argue about • their ail- ments; What they what is a medi- cine that will cure them. The simple, honest statement, "I know that Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me," is the best argtanent in favor of this medicine, and this is wh.atrnanythous- ands voluntarily 'say. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills; assist digestion, cure headache. 25c • • More cases of sick headache, bilious- ness,rred in •I ss constipation, c tau be cue tine, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than,by any other means. John Shortreed has purchased Colin McArthur's farm on con. 9, Morris. The farm.contains 125 acres; and the purchaser•pays $7,000.. James Moore, former proprietor of the Brussels Herald, will instruct the. youth in a school in the vicinity of Barrie this year. r THAT PALn i'Aci„ P01 Nervous • Prostration and An ae nia there is no medicine that will so promptly, and infallibly • restore vigor and strength as Scott's Emi kion. BKET.f R lealawierrellielalaerilleallaWIWWWeleanellelernallimmiaireest TERB1.•RL1: VEBth1(11, A MAN PLAIALY fc;LL THAT HE WOULD NLVLR WALK AGAIN, So The Doctors Said r:ue as aved and Cured by Faint's Ce ery em— poun d. The Only Reliaolk Care f()1' KiuiIt✓y 1 'iseases. • When Mr. H. Ball, the well-known auctioneer, of Chatham, Ont., was told by his physicians that lie would never walk again, it simply amounted to telling hirer that his days on earth were short. Kidney disease was do- ing its deadly work ; ph3'sicians and medicines had failed, and !tile dist ray of hope had almost fled forever. Mr. Ball, having heard wondrous re- ports about the medicinal virtues of Paine's Celery Compound, wisely de- cided to give the great medicine a trial. He was not disappointed '•. health and strengt 1 returned, wei,rllt increased, and to day, he is a new plan. HO tells of tris Wvandevi (4, escape from death as follows :— "I was so seriously ill I was obliged to take to my bed, where I had laid for four Months. The doctors here and in Toronto said my, trouble was Addison's disease of the kidneys, alai told lie that I would never wall. again. I commenced to use Paine'. Celery Comnponnd. After having used as number of bottles I was enabled to attend to business, and fest like a new (man. before using the Com- pound I was vary much reduced Com- pound ; today I weigh over 210 pounds. I can affirm with confidence and honesty that Patine's Celery Com- pound staved my life." Frontnm } elav' lesa t ub « ich have a reached London front South Africa, 11 appears that Dr. Jameson, when ht. 11. go n,zed his fnre'e, was under the i 1)11 Ices s(i)ll that the. inhabitants of Jo)h10111t•a. rr {7 were indeadly mE't 'I at )tlhe risk, it eC i ll l 1 1 . 1 1': creputationil nm t 'um )t cal his arta1 1 all l to rescue then(. The Loudon Tuio' says the march will remain at gluriou.' tradition for the Anglo -Saran rice's (lir. John Dickenson, the Liberal nominee for South Wentworth, will not be opposed in the bye -election, 1114 assurance to that effect liovilig been given by the Conservatives when lir, Awrey was appoint registrar. Ho1lesnNEss AND SORE THROAT, DEAR Sirs. --I highly 1'ecalmmrmmencl Hagyard'o Pectoral Balsam as the hest cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness ami sole throat, ever used. WILBUR ASHBY, Haeeloek, Ont. SPEAKS FOR ITSELF MEsslts T. DIiL13URN &(.1(i„ Toronta,il GENTS.—Please send us four doze Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion. We find it a genuine article. It knocks all ethers out in the first r•ounrl. Sev- eral ladies here are loud in its praise. saying it has saved the lives of their children. GROGAN & Co., 1 ouchibougnac, N. 33. The Rev. Father Lacombe, the North West missianery, received as •a New Year's girt from Premier Bowel( a grant of land, 150 utiles foist of Ed- monton, to he laid apart as a Metis re- servation. Mr. William C. Hobbs, an old and re- spected resident of London, Ont., for nearly thirty-five years, died yester- day aged eighty-nine. • The hest anodyne and expectorant all the cure of colds, coughs, and , throat, lung, and bronchial troubles, is undoubtedly, Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral, the only specific for colds and co,l'ghs admitted on exhibition at the Chicago World's Fair. Valentine Shortis, the Valleyfield murderer, is naw an inmate of the St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary. The boby of Charles Ross. the high- wayman who was shot in Chicago by Justice Blume, arrived in Toronto yesterday. SHE OUGIHT TO KNOW Having used Burdock Blood Bitters for 15 years I cannot keep from recom- mending it to others. I have sold hundreds of bottles, frotn my store, and as I keep other medicines I ought to know which sells best. It is a wonderful medicine. Yours very sincerely, Mlts. DONALD KENNEDY, Caledonia, Ont. T. G. Marquis, to whose position as English master at Stratford Collegiate Institute Mr. Hunehas justsucceedecl, goes to Kingston to fill a similar posi- tion. Do YOu Clot- - Than ? If You Do Not You Are Dec.'ived. When you ask for Diamond Dyes, and your dealer offers you a substitute you are being deceived, and trouble and loss of money and goods will be the result. Diamond Dyes are the simplest, r home strongest and fastest colors for dyeing. Every package of each color is warranted to do the best work when the directions are followed. The manu- facturers of Diamond Dyes prepare special dyes for wool, silk, cotton and. mixed goods, that give the most bril- liant.and lastingcolors. '"Ask for the Dianond; refusall others. London, ,Buse((: aid Bruce. °hitt) NORTH* Passenger Loudcm, deport 8.05 A, At 4.70 P.M t'eluretie 9.07 5.47 Hewer 922 6.10 Eippen 9.44 ll 9.37 0.15 020 Taking.ins . lire'-efield 9.52 6.28 e Ireton ,..... 10.12 6.55 Luad8s4'7o 10.29 7.14 **°,,,,me................°' Blyth ..,, ,, 10.38 7.23 Bei kr rave - ,. 10.52 7.37 WiughRm arrive1110 8.(82 X Cul S.'WS, tirrjNri 4„1`11` passenger W ingham, depart 6.35 a. 1a, Mb i',, A Reierev.' 6.50 3.47 By. 1h 7.08 4.01 Lordeshoro 7.10 4.03 ('home 7.30 4.2ti 13rneofiold 7 4 4. 9 6 iiiPen. , Benson. .. • 8 06 4,56 a enter ..... 8.25 5,12 Centralia R4 4.23 Stock Ft 4R uvtult FIFTY YEARS As '40 .Nn Wsu.-'ramsm ftsinsmy. Mm, WirtPlOw', °nothing syrup has boon need fiftl year,. by tnil:loop of mothers, for their obiidr'o while reerhit.g with perrset success..1 soothes the °hili, rotten*. the gums.allays the pato, elver 'he polio and is the best remedy for tt.i.rrhaea. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by 'Irmterttiat1 i44 .'PLATY Part or the aorld• 25 weep a bottle iia value is incalculabie, Be sure and ark for 11 rs. Winalow'r Soothing Svrup and'akeuo other kind. Pecp.e's Building and Loan Association 1st IN DON ONTARIO Hondo OP DIRT:MORS IN Exa'rssa. ONrAR10 lir. 3. A. Rollins, President, I)r. C. Lu x. - Viae -President. L 1). Dickson, - Solicitor. David. Mill, - Valuator. Fred, W, Collins, - Secy -Tress. DIRECTORS. -Too Grigg. 51. A, Fnlliek, Jas. Miller, soutbcott, Dr, 'm h• s. A, Amos„ Saint. Seeders. Make money ba (laving money. Sixty cents per umor'h wilt miser. 4419 in 711 years. For forms of atpliea'ion and all necessary infor- mation ao4.I•) (( the cerretary, Mr. Fred. W. 4'elliop. '•ast office, Exeter, Oet, We nave the best assortment --AND AXES, very Io*. A Number 9 Cork Stove, with the Lat- e s t Improvements, for $Io.00. SPECIAL —WILL BE GIVEN FOR - 2 WEEKS ONLY —CN s r 0 V _ s Rata - And as we have a very large assortment, this will -l- be a Bargain worth having. x 10 Per Cent. O> Call and See our No. g, $Iw,00 Cook Stove. If You need one, now is the time to buy. They must go so be sure and be in it. H. .BISHOP & SON Are You GOING TO GET A A PIANO, An ORGAN 0:. a Sewing Jtlaehine 1)R. SHOUL'i'S, CFNTRALIA. Deice opposite Methodist Parsonage. KINSMAN, DENTIST, - a 1.I f t l.h PHA, ;s t;, is"IinTIN(4 and r ATk t40k[i. (oar nod 1 •ns1 Anaesthetics forpnin I t'„•-x'rec'itg. 2nd door north or ' AR. L11, G'h - tore ALTONANDERSON O.D. • L. D• S. honer (lradnate of the To - (onto t', Iv.1041yeed hoyaa 4 °lie•ge of I'e..r,,. Pur„et rut of 0ntamiu. S4 pia tiled, t,aiul,•rt exl,autmua and areservati(r, of the attar.. tee(h "tb,eover Ih' Derr (If C( or E1liotk IitlioA uoaosito Central hotel, Exeter, Out. AGN EW' L. U. S.DENTIST, &'.. eLIN1e1N. Will he at Grob'hotel Zurich a Cit o tmeseoo d' r.m • ea eh l n i'hU rat of e, uh mouth sod at H fn' tot a g a a ho Henson every M onaiav :AZAHlitEli £UFTAL O ROBES, COATS AND MiTTS• (Received the highest awards at the V' orld's Fair.) Wo would ask all purchasers of !lobes to inspect Ibis great and won- datful iole before buying ;prnrmonnced by sit who have used them to be warm er and altaulute wind, wales kind rnotli proof, µill not wear bear in shots like A akin robe, have bad six yews of rough r r usage end have stood the test. They are made in three parts without auk seams, time fur cloth, the Astrachan Honig and rubber interlining- They day quicker and never get hard and are as srroud as leather. Every robe guar- anteed as le;.rest•nted. We also have a large stock of Harness, Whips,Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Rugs, Bells, Boots & Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers. Felt and Rubber Boots, Sox and Rubbers. Our stock is fresh and unsurpassed in finish and quality. Sole agent for Newlands Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes. John Treble. Say ! What are you wearing those fig -leaf clothing for ? Why not come to J. H. GRIEVE, The Modern Talk,. And leave your order for an UP-TO-DATE Over- coat or Suit, We can please you both in pocket and Workmanship. T —OUR STOCK OF— b $ -AND- WORSTEDS and the cheapest. Come in and. See Them Or else write for particulars PERK.INts & Ite.t; 1lN Live A ogs Wanted --AT THE--- EKeEerPaokiAgEousz We are eutling up fresh hogs every day. SPARE R113•,;, TENDERLOIN, READ CHEESE, FRESH PORK SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, CUTTINGS, PIGS FEET, SHANKS, fresh daily, AT EXETER PACKING HOUSE, We are ret•dermng PURE LARD every day. Patties wanting crocks or pails tilled shuulo,doso now. Polk is low in price. Thanking you for past favors, • 1 remain, C. Snell, - Prop ,4 Suit of vtothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. 3. SNELL never disappoints his patrons 1n any of these. A large assortment of rail & Winter Goods In 'Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. ss tr e Y . 4.. J. 61 2..Z.. CHESTER WHITE BOAR FOR SERVICE. ST, at time of service. W SNELL, Lot 15 Concession 7. Usborne. Deo 99. FOR SALE OR RENT. A oomfcrtable two stirs frame house, eon- tainins ten rooms. and good brink cellar. and hard and (,oft water and convenient to churches and Folrnol. 14114 be eold on liberal terms or rented. Well ar'n.,ited for a retired farmer, Apple to W. U HOWARD, Exeter FREE75 COM PLETESTORIsal • Pack of geode wet th 42. and alarge 10(p• Picture !,o'k,thatwilleure- ly put you on the road to &handsome fortune. Sena 5o. silver. to pay postage. A. W,.1{1NNEY. E. 'P, Yarmouth, N. S. has been carefully selected and gilt g s is among the best in the county. Ladies' Jackets a n d Fitted, Cloaks Out anded A TRIAL SOLICITED. representing us pan earn 420 per week selling our Hardy eananian-grown Nursery Stock. Permanent position and sal„ ries. Exclusive territory. Write at once fir teems to E. 0 - GRAHAM, Nuesnnid s. aNTAglo. '\ANTCD lThLP.--MEN OR ' Women in every locality (local or trav- ailing), to introdnoo a new discovery, and keel) our show cards taoked np on „areas, fences and bridge(' throughout town and oonntry. Steady emotes meat, Comnriesion or salary $65 per month and expenses. and money deposited in any bank when started, For partioulara write Trig WORLD It EDIOst. Ftsoenrc Co., P. ;O. Box 221, London. Ont., Ja H. Grieve Oannda Mao 16— 8m Is not a dangerous thing when it directs your attention to the fact that the FOREST Ci FY BUSii%ESb a, Satin t HON GihL Lt•fi 1, Nth 5 PNT is giving the most practical and business like course in Canada. Everything strictly high grade, Write for Catalogue and College Journal. School re—opens January 2nd, 1896. j, w, W' RST i•. R'4 ELT, Principal. t^lllllilu (til IIIiItIIL'1IIISunniUllilfillum((iliim lliIUIIII uunutitlllIillllllltlllllllllllililllimat Keep Milch Cows In Good Iiealth IT PAYS. --It is useless to expect a lean, run-down cow to have a good Sow of milk, though she will eat more tbanan animal 1 in flesh. Tbe difficult is the nutriment is net all extracted from the food because her digestion is out of order. Dick's Blood Purifier will strengthen the digestion and make the food produce milk. It will cost but fife cents to it on the poorest cowyou have and you will b oa, back 1.1 Y rat P get your money with interest in a few weeks. For rete by Druggists, at general stores or sent post p••id on receipt of 150 eta. Dick it Go., P. O. Box 483, Montreal, Cili111111111111111111Iti1tl,1111111ti11ti1111ii11A111::111111IItt11111111t111fl,U11111111111111t11t11;11111i111i111illillthi I KIT 11111t :AY Ezreter :&Fort . Store Mr. F. R. Knight bas opened a Genets] Store In the stand lately occupied by Brook's ;:'farness Shop with a full stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, BOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, Bove 3 cu an old Bugr:y Ts p that neFde 1 re c, yetil,e tt, vrt• n ,1, tc•l•rv' mad, sit I p0011 as I est 7 ;ride ( crease I.layee tut ? Tout (m.ali,.n play e0 4 ut ? cr other '1rrn'tnintre t'hnbt.) ago rt qui be ) reeewed ; STATIONERY, ETC1 aas x, Or Lente your o der' at Junes' 1 Cortiate Works, Exeter. Produce aken in exchange for goods. )'o, call on ,a. 0 OL,i&' ' )jj All orders will receive p'r'mpt attention C 1 Crla Faee in nae t)«.)k.,mr n(Iiilmirke manner, J iV-1:a 1a'r iCo Manufacturers of Plows, Gang! Plows,iand Straw Cutters for hand r rips or horse power. Root Cutters from $S to $g. Steam Piping ( ,J: c v • and general repairs. Castings of every description in Iron and' At W. Johns', The Brass to order. Tailor. Made to order Fire Brick and Fire Clay kept for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits in Stock. $11, 20, 21, etc. The a3'. 11/d I ASi'' & co. best place in town to get a' tit. W. JOHNS, Central DIITJG STORE. Those who have used Winan's Cough Balsam.( Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COL'GBs, COLDS f AND BROICCEITIo'1 BOUBM ES, }t P wlnan s Condition & Cough Powder del for horses,; best in the mar- ket, always on hand, Also a Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so sue. cessfully used by Mr. Chas. Munroe, Parkhill; in this. and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, For Sale at The Tailor. Norte EASILY SUITED,' 1Gidley & S: C, LUTZ'S, o DFELLOW'S BLOCK. Then Ccme To Us for Best Pedrocm Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture Dealers The Leading Undertakers. r 1