HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-1-9, Page 17747 ,;/,'.7.,•
No. 20.
..lit3 ()N..-.• &,... MIDDi.4ESEX. GAZETTE.
EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING., JANUARY 9th, 1890. Petelseere and Preerietera
sieriN & SONS
.010111111•1•2101116(COSINOMMW 4••••••••
Lieury. , hand painted, groomsmen ; dining thes_tiwood•
I room lamp Miss E. Pyin; fancy cake
Bnaarse-Miss Isabella Turner, who '
We WiS11 Oar Many Friends has been in London. for the past month ,
is home again. -Mrs. Griffeth, of Len.;
and Patrons a ton is at resent the guest of her
plates, hand .painted, A. Pym ; letter
case, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pym; chenille
table cover, Mr. and Mrs. j. Dickinson;
china tea sett, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Bishop; silver pickle dish, Mr. and
Mrs. Anderson; silver butter cooler,
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan; sideboard
drape, E. J. Spackman, Exeter; china
cheese dish, Mr. Harris Sr. and Jr. and
Miss Harris; silver pickle dish, R.
Harris, Parkhill; china tea set, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Cane and Miss Cann, Mr.
aud Mrs. V. Millar, Bervie, Ont. ;
dressing case Miss V. Bishop; china
fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. T. Cann; glass
fruit eet, Mr. and Mrs. T. Harvey;
sating room lamp, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Coultice ; china parlor lamp, Mr. and
Mrs, J. Blatchford aud Miss Aniline;
silver cruet, Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald;
a large framed picture, Mrs. H.
Homey and sons; silver butter cooler,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Herdman; glass set,
Mr. J. lierdmaen fancy china cake
plate and glass egg cups, Mrs. J.
Ferguson; California briquets, Miss I.
Ferguson; china fruit dish and glass
Salver, Mr. and Mrs. H. Homey; doz.
fruit napies, Miss A. Harney; doz.
floral cake plates and napies, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Hoffthan; fancy towels, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Harris.
Happy and
.pi.Ew YEAR.
We are now Upon the_ very thres-
hold of a new year, and we desire to
tender you our sineere thanks for the
inceeesed patronage we have keceiVed,
-during the pest year. In a few days
we will commence our "Annual Stock
Ting," and previsus to doing so we
want to see how few winter goods we
will have to take account of.
• We are well -aware that the "Mill
won't grind with the water that is
past," and that our opportunity for
closing out the ledance of our winter
stooks now. If there is something else
On the list that yon may require to pur-
clime aeau t.ne are willing to
part with anything we have to sell,
at a vary low figure for cash.
Melee For Coats, Dinner & Tea Sets'
Boys' Overcoats, China Goods, (all
L les' Meivelee,
Trimmad Millie- Men's Felt Boots,
e ry, Women'sFeltShoes
Men's & Bop' Fancy Goods,
Caps, Watehes, Chains,
Cloakings, &c.
Remember se are right in for
-clearing out ael th t winter good' we
possibly can before "Stock Taking.
No matter what you may need, give
us a. call. Our stock is well assorted,
and we are willing to part with what-
ever we have, at lowest quotations for
.R.S FORD & 00.
pitrents,Xr. aed Mrs. B. Sheppard, ;
23th con. -Rev. • Mango Fraser, D. D.,
of ifamilton, will preach in the Mc- .
Gilliyiety 'Presbyterian Church. on
Sundity afternoon. January .12bh.- :
Revs. Thos. and George Durr, of ,
Thomas, Mich.. and Evanston, M.,
respectively, • are spending 0 short 1
vacation with relatives and friends in I
this neighborhood. - Mr. Sinclair ;
Smith, fOrmegly of Ailsa. Craig, but I
now of Toronto, and son of our esteem-
ed postmaster end inerchaut, Mr.
Alex Smith, is home on vacation. -
Mr. Geo. Mawsou, who has been
teaching school on the llth con.,
deriag the past year, was married at
Exeter on Christtuas day, to Miss
Mary Dauncey, daughter Of Mr, Wm.
Denucey, of Exeter, who formerly
resided on the nth con. McGillivray.
81.100TING MATCH. -The following
is a correct report of the sparrow
match held on New Year's day
W. Mawhinney, 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 5
I. Shra,aler, 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 4
.T. Mawhinney, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2
0. Aftwainney, 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 4
W. Yearly, 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3
J.L'son, 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1, 1 1 8
D. Mawainney, 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4
S. Saraeder, 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 4
I :8:MEM-William Holt, •jr., who has
1 been home visiting, has returned to
Michigan to resume work. --Miss
• Florence Glanville, who has been
I workaig in London, for the paet two
I years, is home visiting her parents.-
1Mrs. 11 tndford, of Manitoba., is the
guest of her mother, Mrs, Thomas
Keys, sr. -The Inunicipal election is
; pretty quiet in this section, as most
1 people are taking no intere.st in it.-
Meggie aud Mewl:annoy wei-e
, the guests of their father at Lamm, on
Sunday last. -John M trtyn, who has
been in Dakota for the last ten years,
passed throne Khiva last Sunday, oa
his weer hoine, looking hale and
• -
• Bitier&-The Sabbath School anni-
V-ersary on Tuesday evening of last
Weak W1,4 well attended, notwitle-
sten tingtie b stete of the ro
and. bile program did credit to the
children who furnished it. -A fife end
dram ban 1 nee beea organized in c in-
flection with the orange lodge. --Tae
•ativseenen have purchesed the store
• a a _ • •
orme ely (lammed by Mr. Wei len;
„and h ;ye it turned into 0 suit, bleb. U.
-The Chetstinvi and New Ye ir
hwe eiriostIy returned to their
'homes and things are settli•ng down to
thelanormal •condition itgitin.-At the.
annual 'school meeting. doshne Lima
teble 'WA elected. trustee in place of
hlefJoy, ware term, of ()Mee had
expirel-Lest summer's entrince and
lenvin classes. met at the residence of
Jae. Daleaty on Friday evenha; and
presented their teacher with a, larae,
handsome Bible Dictionary, as 0, slight
token of their esteene-Rev. W. 11.
Butt was on tlie. Grand Bend Circuit,
son Sunday, preaehing missionary ser -
moils. The pulpit here was occupied
by Messrs. Luker and Parsons. -Thos.
Neil has secured his "better hell," and
they have settled down in our village.
We cordially welcome the new -made
bride, and extend congratulations to
the happy minple.-Mrs. Horn, who
has been serionsly ill with inflammat-
- ion of the bowels, is :slowly recover-
ing. -A. P. McIntosh and finally, of
-Detroit, spent New Yeaes with the
'former's sister, Mrs. Horn. Mac's old
friends were all pleased to meeti him.
Woagia $5.00 A BOTTLE
S1RS,—For five years I have been
=troubled with neuralgia and tried
-everything 1 could see or hear of. At
last I was advised to try a. bottle of
Yellow Oil and refused becense 1
thought it, was likes -ill the rest -a fail-
ure. A hall bottle was given we,
- however, and I found it helped me,
and bought a bottle which cured me,
:If it cost five dollar's a bottle 1 would
.not be. without it.
. Taos. Quireet, •
Grawenhurst Ont.
Divisions 1 2 3 4
Delbridge, '7.5 37 61 03
3. Shier, 33 8 3) 23
mejority for Delbridge 8J
Total euen.her of votes polled 403
S. E. W.uto Coineeitheeil.
'W. Delbridge,
J. F. Stinsaa,
majority for Delbridge '35
OILINSID BeJSSJus.-ta reSpanse to
the invitetiole sent oat, ths residence
of Mrs. Widow 11 wets, Usberae, w
the scene of one of Laos:: boy eeente
in welch MiSS ..11 =let wes xniricl to
Me. C. T, Pym, of Usbanee. Tie home
was appropriately decorated, auil
everything was prepared to mike the
guests coniforteble, At six: o'cloek
the Rev. Mr. Swan followed by the
contracting parties and their aseist-
ants appeared before. the • :melons
guests. Th.° bride looked charming- in
a dress of coral pink cashmere trim-
med with cream lace and pink ribbon
and decorated with orange blossoms.
The bride was assisted by her niece,
tee groarn by. his brother. The brides-
maid was ' sunillarly attired. After
the ceremony the happy couple re-
ceived the congratulations and good
wishes of the guests. The guests were
then ushered into the dining hall,
where the tables were laden with
choice provisions, in the ceutre of
which stood the wedding cake like a
huge pyramid, with dazzling orna-
ments falling down its sides. The
bride and groom were given seats of
honor and the wedding dinner was
then served to the favored visitors.
After dinner the gueets repaired to the
cosy parlors, where all enjoyed games,
music and singing. The bride received
the . followinguseful presents Gold
jewelry, groom; gold. chain, bride's
mother; eight day clock, groom's
'father and mother; lemonade set,
• Brown &Preeter are after the
Nimble Six euce and not rusty shillings and Long Profits.
To Our Customers and Friends:
For some time past we have been• considering very carefully, the advise -
'lenity of declaring against the CREDIT SYSTEM of doing business and have
,.decided. to close our books •
• • 111.
• Oniesaenea-This week it becomes
our sad duty to record the death of
little Lilly Kellerman, only daughter
of George and BarbaraKellerman,who
was relieved Sunday evening atter
suffering very severely for about a
week from diphtheria. She was a fair
little girl of four summers, and will be
a great loss in the family. Its remains
1 were interred in the Goshen Line
I cemetery on Tnescla,y afternoon for
burial. The stricken parents have the
heartfelt syinpathy of their many
friends and neighbora in their tinie of
• sore affliction.
BnehTs.-Mr, and Mrs. Long and
, child, of Loudon, were visiting at Mr.
1Jamieson's.--zMiss Davis,of Exeter,
was the guest of Miss Higgins on New
Year's day: -Mr. Duncan McDonald
left for Chicago on Friday. -Mr. Peter
McGregor is Midi* horses for the old
country. He has some - as line speci-
mens of horse flesh as ever left Canada,
in his stable just now, and wants a few
more to maketip his load. -Mr. David
Remit of Tackersinith, has moved
into the premises formerly occupied
.by S. • J. Pollock -We have much
pleasure in welcoMing Mr. Rouat as
Winchelsea a resident of our village. -Mr. Pollock
leaves in a few days to take up his
Canes or Tuaenes.-Win. Delbridge abode in. Uncle Sam's -domain. We
takes this meals of. thanking his
many friends for the cordial support
given him on Monday last in re-eleet-
ing him to the Council Board of Us -
borne township for another year.
'knave. -A gun club was organized
on Friday evening last with a large
membership of thirty to, commence
with. Following are the officers:
Pres. W. II. Marshall, Sec. E. N.
Shier, Treas. Jacob Taylor. -On Fri-
day last while Silas Shier was running
a, cutting box in his here his arm be-
came entangled in the machinery
.which caused the breakiag of his arm.
The fracture was attended to by Die
Ferguson, and he is now doing as well
.and for the future conduct our business on a Strictly Cash Basis. Produce
taken as cash. We are fully persuaded that on a Cash Basis and no other can
a Merchant do justice to his customers, as a well known fact that every credit
business has its losses, extra expense in book-keeping and loss of interest on
long standing accounts This extra expense and loss must come out of the
We are satisfied that there is a universal feeling in favor of doing business
,on the Cash System; that most people are running accounts more from the
force of habit than from the force of cirmunstances; and will welcome the
chatge, provided we show a substantial reduction in the price of our goods
By buying for cash and selling for cash, we can and will sell at lower
prices than over before, and lower than any credit house dare sell at We be-
lievelhat this change will be mutually beneficial. Every person is looking for
the cheapest, market in which to buy. Many thousands of dollars are sent out
-of ties county for Dry Goods to large centres, where they do business for
cash only, We claim to be able to place goods before the people of Crediton
and country, at lower prices than city stores can, where expenses are so great.
We are going to give it a fair trial, and feel asshred that every one of our
. customers will stand by us.
We Ask Your Patronage
We have bought for spring the largest and best selected stock we ever
handled; and. we have bought it right We will mita our entire stock at Cash
Prices, and. sell at one price only. • We thank yon for your liberal •patronage
you have bestowed on us rn the past, and we trust by your good will and the
-special inducements we Will offer, keeping good reliable goods, and selling,
'them at Close Cut Prices to merit and obtain a continuance of your valued
Brown & Preeter,
CREDITON. this unfailing cure for mica arid Skin • diseases.
are sorry to lose Mr. Pollock, and he
will be greatly missed, as he was
always willing, to give a helping hand
in every good work. We join with
his many friends in wishing him God-
Blum"! e
BRIEFS.--G-e0. Taylor, of Dakota, a,
former resident of this community,
is here renewing old acquaintances.
Thirteen years have wrought little
change in him, and all his old friends
are glad to see lihn again, He is ac-
companied by his wife and family. -
The concessions have been very badly
blocked for some days. On Smalay
last Rev. 1 E. Westman broke his
cutter about a mile north of
as could be expected.-% ilham Gil- but as beconaes a Methodist preacher,
Mien, 11 eon., Usborne, is in very he started. out on foot and reached
poor health. Prospect,au appointment seven miles
Suomi:co MATou. - A sparrow from BIinwiUe, returning in time to
shooting m itch was held on the fair preach hero at night. -Geo. Delbridge
grounds on .Frulay afternoon last, be-
ewaen the naerried and. the single men.
Geo. Jamison capt. for single men and
E. N. Shier capt. for married men.
fee sperrows were sprung out or a
trap at a distance of twenty yards,
four birds alloeved to each man. The
following is the score.
Geo. Samisen, 0101 E. N. Shier, 0010
Wm. Miller, 0333W. Hazlewood,0903
J. Kirk, 0331 Win. Brown, 0100
D. Hezlewood,0330 W. Marshall, 0101
A. Deupe. 0310 W. Haz1ewood,0033
D. ,Kirk, 0103 J. O. Tufts, 1103
Hae1e1vood,01.11 J. Hanna, 1030
Loeginuat, 0333 j. Taylor, 1101
J. B ter, 1100 W. IL Vickers,1103
W. Jamison, 1103 Dr. Carr, 0100
W. Melville, 1103 0. Duffield, 0031
Total 11 Total 14
As the match resulted in a tie each
man paid for his own supper at the
Baners.-Mr. John Clark, of Ann
Arbor, Mich., is visiting his cousins
and other relatives in this vicinity. -
The Gospel temperance meeting will
be held next Friday evening Rev. S.
A. Carrier° is to give an address. -
It will pay every farmer to attend the
Farmers' Institute meeting in the
Town Hall, Parkhill, Tan. Oth.
The membership fee is 25c per year
and entitles each to over $6 worth of
valuable reading matter. -At the
north school No. 10, Mr. Wilson was
re-electedtrustee, John Brown auditor,
W. H. Hayter janitor of the school.
At the Oath. school No. 14, Mr. Joseph
Foster was re-elected trustee. -A very
.enjoyable thne was spent at the Grace
Church Sabbath School entertain-
ment, in Huron Hall, on New Year's
eve. The attendance was not very
large ou account of the stormy weath-
er. In the absence of Rev. Dr. Beau-
mont, C. Corbett, of Sarnia, was ask-
ed to take charge of the program, con-
sisting of readings, recitations, dia-
logues and drills. Mr. Corbett gave
an excellent address. W. J. Wilson
was called upon and spoke a few
encouraging words to Sabbath Scheel
workers. Much praise is due Miss
Lama Baker and Miss J. Corbett, who
had charge of getting up the enter-
tainment. -Mr. S. Kenip and Miss
Emily Kemp, of Widdete spent New
Years With their brother-in-law. Thos.
Bullock. -Alex. Fraser, of Clinton,.
visited Mende here on Feiday
Misses Allie and Oerrie Wilson arrived
home from Thedford last Thursday. -
A. C. Wilson returned to college on
Saturdaymorning. -
Thumps -The trustees of Whalen
school have engaged Mr. Letts, of St.
Marys at a yearly salary of $275.--
JohnMorley, whose house was destroy-
ed by fire last fall, has moved into his
new and handsome residence. -The
many friends of Henry Towl, of Zion,
will regret to learn of the death of his
estimable young wife. She had been
ill for some time, and had gone to her
benne, near Granten to spend New
Year's, when she was taken worse
a,nd died. She was the daughter of
Thomas Duffield.
"My fittle daughter, three and a half years
old, suffered three years with Eczema. Her
little body was coverecl with the itching rash,
and doctors did no good. Pour boxes of Chase's
Ointment lim,o entirely cured and saved our
child. Hoe skin is clear and not a sign of rash
L s to be seen. Andrew Aiton, Hartland. N. 13.
Mr. Alton is ono of the thousands benefited by
returned from 3.fitnitoba last week,
and ruiner says he will not return
alone. --The Municipal elections are
over and the council will be composed
as follows :-Reeve, John Delbridge;
who won a victorysever the old veter-
an, Mr. Shier, having a mtjority of 80
votes. Some three hundred votes
were unrecorded. Councillors, John
Hunter, awl.; Walter Keddy.
Alfred Hunkin, acid.; Wtn. Dalbridge,
who defeated 1r. Stinson in the
Ward by thirty-five votes,
$4,475. The farm is one of the hest ill
the township, ship, and Mr. Riekbeil has a
Foiklivisaiyitig are the market illietatiOWL
6302 to 3362 John Runitord, who was committed
Oats for trial on the charge of stealing a
Peas 2,2 to t4
t se quantity of bedding from the house
1% vete to athea of Wm. Becker, in the township of k
......... .. ......t4 to 1.5
Ergs 14 to 14
Hay, on December 17th, was up be-
fore Judge Doyle on Monday last, and i
Ouring to some unavoidable circumstances
we will still continue our great slaughter sale elected to be tried by His Honor with
ot Boots 1ft Shops, Trunks& Valises, until Feb- a j ury.
ruary 8th. Rain or shine they aro still coming
after our goods, tilpeople know ao,' thing
when they sep itt . you. have not 8eeu our
goods and prices you aro simply not in it, OA ,Tuckersmith.
We are selling evevything a cost, for cash. .z1.11
persons indebted to Inc aro required to call
ther trouble, as I am leaving Hensall. MAREIEIL•,--One of thoa
se plesing
sae settle their accounts at once and save fur
end happy, events that have beep so
- .
A. WESELOR. • numerous of late, took place at the
• BaIrhs.-.Mr. ond.Mrs. D. W. Foss, iresiderice ohe"Mrs. Jams Roweliffe,
and daughter Flossie, were . in -Gode- ( township of Usberne, on New Year's
rich on New Year', vieiting relatives day, when Miss Eliza g. Rotycliffe was
and friends. -Miss R alealghis - and, united in the holy bonds of matrimony
Mies J. Thompson were visiting
in to Mr. j. G. Cinch, f
Brussels and Listowel lasMr
t week. -s MiseEtta. Rowcliffe, sister of the bride,
othis ' totenship.
E. Snyder, Of Denver, Col., nee Miss acted. as beidernaid and Me. George
Elsie Purdy, formerly of this village,
is visiting relatives and friends hera- groom. A large muuber of invited
speet, Christmas. at his home here.ee couple a pleasant journey along life's
Mr. Charles Manns of Walkerton,
Mr. Frederick Beek has returned to
his duties in St Paul, after spendiug a.
month here under the parental roof.
Mr. James Stark, of Manitoba, and '
formerly well arid favorably -known in pathway. They left the following day
guests were Present to wish the happy
to visit friends in Perth county and
will return this week and take up their
residence here.
Layton _of this ....eil,azsipp_orted the
this section, was recently happily .
united in marriage to Miss Sarah E. • Ails_a_aaig.
Stoneman, of near Chiselhurst -Mrs. ,
Dagg, Of Manitoba, is visiting her Renee's -Election day passe11 off
mother, Mrs. J. Bengoligh, sr., and quietly iu this village. Not many
other relatives and friends. -At the votes were polled. 0. Walker was
annual school meeting, held on 'Times- elected reeve.-Umon prayer meetiug
day of last week, to elect a, school will be held hi different churches, on
trustee in the place of the retiring one Monday night in the Methodist, Tries -
of the three, the mules of I C. Stone- (ley in the Baptist. Thursday in the
man and Louis Harold were proposed, Presbyterian, and Friday night in the
and, after a vote by ballot, Mr, Stone- English church. -Miss Maggie Stew -
man :was duly elected as trustee for art, and Miss Mary Overholt have re -
'the present yeaa-We welcome Mr. turned home after speuding New
Samuel Smillie as one of our worthy
citizens, he having moved into his fine
new eresidence on McArthtir's sur-
vey, London road, on Christmas day.
-Mr. Eldon Rennie, of Napierville,
Illinois, accompauied by hie bride,. is
visiting under the parental roof, in
the township of Hay, and his brother,
E. Rennie, merchant, of Hensall.---
Thos. Berry returned from his trip to
the Old Conntry on thiwsday last -
3. A. Taylor returned from a trip to
Stratford and Toronto last Thursday.
John Coleman has returned from a
week's visit in Toronto, and reports
having had a. good time.-A.E. White,
representing the London Advertiser,
was in town on Saturday taking sub-
scriptions for that paper. -D. Weis -
miller was in London on Monday. -
Alex. Stewart spent Tuesday in Olin -
tone --4. B. McDonald was at Clinton
on. Monday night.-.Tohn McArthur.
purchased a fire proof safe on Monday. •
-John Miller -has bought the old
frame fouudry building from Robert
Bell, jr., a,nd intends running a. black-
smith shop. -17. Kibler, of Zurich, was
in town Tnesday on business. -Joseph
Colborne, who has been visiting friends
here, left Tuesday night for his home
in Chicago. -Wm. Schwalm, of Zur-
ich, was in town on Tuesday.
Baines. ---Mr. Heitzman is gone on a
visit to her parents at Teeswater.-
John McIseac, who has been spending
the sinumer in Mich., has returned
hoine.-Mrs. McIntyre is still very low
and but slight hopes are entertained
of her recovery. -Mrs John Handford,
of Manitou, Manitoba, is at present
visiting friends and relatives in this
neighborhood. -William Yearly and
wife, of Crediton, were visiting at
Robert Keys. -Miss Kate McLaughlin,
who has been stopping with her sister,
the past year, has returned to her
home at Sylvan, and we understand
that she is going to spend the winter
in Dakota. Kate will be missed here
as she hadbecome a favorite with the
young people. -Don't forget the enter-
tainment that is going to be held in
the near future by the Shipka Sunday
school. -Archy McCormick has moved
to his new home an the 14th con.-
Dougald McIsaac had his .herd of
cattle all dehorned last eme.-At the
annual school meeting Norman `Buda
man; was again elected trustee. -The
thissionery Services were conducted in
the Methodist church here last Sun-
day evening,' when the Rev. W. H.
Batt, of Centralia, preached. a very
instructive sermon. He took for his
text "I am doing a great work, so that
I cannot come down", Nehemiah, 6th
and 3rd.
Edward Ellice, of West Williams,
was sentenced by Judge Edward El-
liott Monday for assault upon Semuel
Peck, committednearly a year ago.
The trial was put off at the June ses-
sions, but came up inDecembeg. Since
then Ellicelias been. izei it ietwaiting
sentence, having hedffieffivItt-ed. Peck
was permanently injured in the
assault, and the Judge stated. that he
would lighten the sentence upon Ellice
if some redress was made to Peck. The
prisoner s lerother andhimself succeed-
ed in raising $250, but Peck refused
to take less than$400. Then the broth-
er spent the limey in paying other
debts, when. Peck ca,me down in his
price, butte° late. The trouble began
in the alleged ill treatment of Ellice's
sister by Peck. Miss Ellice was mar-
ried to Peck's brother, but the latter
was frequently away frein honie and
Peck is alleged to have so frightened
the woman that She went to her
father's. .Ellice met Peck in a hotel
at Parkhill on the day of the assault
and without a word began to pummel
and kick WM.. For a time it Wasthought
Peck would die. The Judge lectured
Ellice severely. He could send hill) to
prison for three years, but in view of'
this being his first offence he made
the sentence 11 months in the
Central Prison, Ellice toolthispunish-
True we haven't as large a etoek as
we had, but we are selling just as
much, pexhaps more, than me sold
ast naonth. •
A great big stock of Felt Boots
which must be sold, prices from 51.50
up to $3 per pair.
We have just received. a shipment
of Fancy Crockery and Glassware for
the Holiday Trade
It's net wise to miss giving our
stock a glance, as it will pay you.
MARKET j. P. Rossy
• Cromarty.
13nreys--Miss Maggie Hamilton has
gone to London tin a visit to her grand
parents. -Messrs W. Hamilton and
Bruff Walker are both vorypoarlyjust
now. -At the annual, meeting of the
rate payers of this section, Mr. John
Stacey was elected in place of Mr.
Duncan McLaren retiring trustee.
-At the Election for municipal honors,
Mr. C. Campbell the old deputy de-
feated Mr. John McLaren by a swan
majority of 16 vote&. The counell for
the present year. will be Thos. Ryan
year's with friends in Port Hope. -.0n reeve, P. Campbell deputy; Councillors
Friday nigh last, a pleasant evening R. Iloggarth, M. Miller, W. Feeney.
was spent, at the residence of Me
Hector Gunn, byI
. a select coin- Hibbert
pany of young folks m honor of their;
son and danghter, who are leaving I Bithses-Dievid Mitchell has had it
fox. Toronto to continne their stiulies..
ROBBED. ---.A. H. Brownlee*, formerly
a jeweller, of Mee Craig was held
up on the beach at Santa Molina, and
at the point 02 8. pistol forced to sign
tea American Express Company
checks of 550 each. Brownley made
the acquaintance of the man by
whom he was riabbed while travelling,
and the two were walking on the
beach when the strangor drew a pis-
etroke that Inc for some time slightly
affected hint on the right slash "We
are pleased to learn thei, he is geti tog
better. -The trustees of school section
No. 2have purchased aport ion of Go enge
Vipond's farm for the erdargemenu, of
the school ground. He will likely dis-
pose of the remaining part of his farm,
as he has made up his mind to be a
eheppard.--Hugh Norris has 1e1 the
job of building it barn on the Wal..,ort
tol aud demanded Brownloy s money. farm. John A Norris ie preparing to
Brownley had none but the express
seillgenc‘ks' which he was eafflPelled tC1 Alva,-SeVanderbilt announced to her
Anfriends Friday thet. she engaged to
be married. to Oliver Belmont. •Mrs.
Miss Jennie Brown is suffering from Willie K. -as Mrs. Vanderbilt le
it severe attack of nifieenuntion.-Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Ratcliffe, of Whitby,
are the guest of .R. Ratcliffe. -P.
Highet has secured it situation as tee -
cher of the Shelburne public school for
1831 -No Fewer then four of oar for-
mer residen.ts were umted on New mother s meal career. Oliver Belmoat
Year's night in the bonds of mate:- I is the son of the late•Auguet Belmont,
mony.-The Christaris tree held at. He is himself it dies-Om:eel mine nis
Kirkton was a, decided success. Miss first wife having married again.
howaver, the which ;night well apply to sayee's
Kstaiir,k tiit?liedveY trgenet\In'esiiriltliPelt!, ainndll,b-krat
sketches Were plainly ap reciatett-
Sarsaparilla-the most • efficient- ans2.
scientific blood -purifier ever offenei to
suffering luunanity. • Nothing lett.
superior 1/10rit keeps it so fclog' _as the
Secretary Carliele has issued a e.
for tenders for the purchase of $100,0
000 4 per cent. United State e gol
bonds repayable in c in.
On Friday night last at Mitchell W
R. Davis, of the Advocate, arose fro
his bed to ascertain what sea
and threw the remains of. a lighem
match into a flower pot on the wipe-
dow. A few miuutes after his mitre
to bed Mrs Davis detected. the •otior of
smoke and Mr Davis went down stairs
to investigate. He fonnd that the
match he had used had ie,ouited emit:5
of the surroundings and •_ the, window'
blinds, curtains, and it portion ill the
carpet were destroyed,
Evesuereone Ix Knee's Co. -
__es, •
Everhody in King's Coe' N. B.,
regular meeting of Court, Ivy Gkeen,
No. 143, C. 0. F., on Tuesday night,
the following officers were installed :-
Past Chief, Ranger, F. Smallacombe;
C. R., John Smith; V. C. R, D. W.
Foss; Rec.-Sec., John G. Troyer; Fin.- .W. Atkinson is spending le holidays
Sec., John McArthur; Treas., R. Beek; under the parental roof. -John and
Sen. W. W., James Troyer; J. W.W., James Brown have returned from
visitingfriends in Thedford.-The Ross,
James McArthur; Sen. B.. John Pope;
Jun. B.. Henry Cook; Chaplain, wge from Strathroy, spent his Vamtion
Colevill. Court Ivy Green, No. 143, with Jrio Atkinson. -Miss Wrip,ht, of
BOWITDMVIlle, is the guest of Geoffrey
Pearn. -Miss Annie and Mary Switzer
are spending a short time with friends
in Fordwich.-The home of Gifford
Copeland and jno. Epplett were made
happy last week by the arrival of fine
baby girls. -We are glad to report
that Richard Wright is improving.
known in society -is the divorced wife
of William Kissam Vanderbilt fine:
is the mot ler of the Datchese Merl:
borough (Miss °misled° Vanderbilt),
whose marriage last autanni wee- the
crown and mast precione jewel hi her
Camulian Order of Foresters, is a first
class running Order, and any person
wishing to get insurance cannot go
inniss to join this society, as they
have deposited with the Government
$100,000 and have a reserve fund of
nearly half a million dollars.
At the reguliw meeting; of the I. 0.
0. F., on Friday night, the following
officers were installed by the Past
District Deputy Grand Master, Bro.
James McDertuid :-Past Grand. Geo,
.Sutherland; N. :Grand, Jh' Cie Stliikth-
man; V. „Greed,. Nan 'Miller; • Rgeeh
Sec.; lArni. Lorti§-
Herald; Trees., Geo. Brown; Chaplain,
C. Meyers; Conductor, Jas. McArther;
Warden, Wm. Elder; R. S. N. 'Thh
McDermid; L. S. N. G., John Stacey;
R. S. V. G., D. W. Foss; I. S. G., Fred
Reynolds; 0. S. G., Geo. Dick; R.S.B.,
Thos. Palmer; L. S. B. John McArth-
ur. The 1. 0. 0. F. Lodge, No. 223,
is in a flourishing condition, aud is
one of the best fraternal societies in
existence. Th.e brethren and their
team intend going to Seaforth lodge
on January 15th, to exemplify the
work of the second degree, and all
expect to have a good time.
BRIE:VS.-Mr. Simon Geiger, of Pig-
eon, Mich., is home at present. -Mr.
Wm. Sararris, of Cavalier, North
Dakota, is visiting under the parental
roof for a couple of weeks. -Miss
Emma Geiger, of Cavalier, N. D., is
here visiting her • sister and • other
friends. -Misses Polly • and Fanny
Geiger, of Detroit, are spending the
holidays at home. -At the annual
meeting of the Lutheran coneregat-
ion it was decided to put in a &mace
and have their church painted. This
is it step in the right direction, --At
the a,nnual meeting of the Evangelical
church, held. on New Year's day, Mr.
Ab. Geiger was re-elected trustee for
the church, and Mr. W. F. Schwalm
trustee for the parsonage, Adam
Faust was appointed earetaker of the
church. -Dae. McCormick has seem • -
In order • to (Yet rid of our Win-
ed a position in Detroit His family
intends moving there shortly.-eThere ter Stock of Woollen Goods,Caps,
was service in the several .churches Felt Boots and X—mas Goods.
here on the evening beforeNew Year's„-•.
We will sell tnetn at greatly re -
and at 12 o'clock the bells on the
churches rang out the good-bye for duced figures for cash. We must
the old, and rang in a happy new year. clear these goods out, do not
for 1896. -Andre* Ehnes is here visit -
want to carry them over, so will
,Bhaws.-eThe,election for ceeincil-
lors. passed off getetly in the township,
end reenited hi Messrs Sweitzer and
Sanders being elected. The vote
stood Sweitzer 423, Sanders, 398, Mor -
leek, 323.
MAgaretosaire-Brief mention was
made last week of the marriage of knows Mr. Geo. S. Dyrden, of Mit-
James Russell, of Exeter, and Miss ellen & Dryden, Sussex, N B. he says:
Minnie, eldest daughter of Thomas
Sweet, of the London road, near
Exeter. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Locke, in the presence of over
it hundred guests. The bride was
charmingly attired, and to say the
least looked handsome. She was as-
sisted by her sister, Miss Ida while
Wesley Isaac performed the duties of
roomein.an. The wedding and .wed -
mg dinner over, the spacious resi-
dence was thrown open to the guests,
and until the wee sma,' hours games
and. tripping the light fautastic toe
were heartily indulged in. The pres-
ents to the bride were very numerous
and costly and of a, useful and orna-
mental nature. Mr. and Mrs. Russell
next da,y took up their residence on
Andrew street,. ,Exeter. The young
couple are. deservedly popular and have
the good. wishes of a la,rge envie of
Winter Goods
•ing his brother and attending to bush
You hardly realize that it is medicine ness.--,Tohnston Bros. have received a give yon bargains while they
Pills:they are Very smallmo had effects will sell at close prices.—At the side of ast•
Lure all trou es rom torpid liver , . .
when. taking Carter's Little Liver carload of ground oil cake which the • y
11 - f r d the estate of D B Geiger, the 100 acre MUIR sr MANNING,
, •
free stomach from bile. ar Yr. was sold to ,T. foe
0 ST
"Norway Pine Syrop is the best. cell
remedy I have ever used. My wife
had a very had cough that was most
distressing for ten days.. I tried the
Norway Pine Syrup and onie tett"
cnred her. 1 never found its equal;
•OV VilitMl
The Dalhwood
, Hardware
• Emporium.
We are now doing busitaeSs futile
new brick block. have greatly added to
Our stock mid are offering indueonteat
in the following lines:-
Cow Chains, GLIIIS and
'ties, Axes, Saws,
Lamps and 8tove*'
The Public are cordialy it
vited to call and inspect o,
stock and prices, •