The Exeter Times, 1895-12-19, Page 8Christmas will soon be here, and the chimney to our stove is so
argre tbat Santa Claus will be able this year to spread for our pat-
rons an unusually complete assortment of Holiday Goods. For
price, variety and value you can't do better than go to CARLING
BROS. Our Grocery Department was neverbetter. See our Christ-
mas Fruits, they are simply ch( ice. Did you try our 25c. Tea?
A Bankrupt Stook
This Stock will arrive here this weeic. It is a fine one, a cracker,
lookout for bargains. We sell cheap all the time.
The Subscriber has also purchased at a rate in the dollar from
j. A. Taylor, of Hensall, his stock of Groceries. This Stock is all
fresh and new, and will be sold on the premises, Mr. Taylor's Old
Stand, HensalI, together with a I3ankrupt Stock of Dry Goods, Ready
Made Clothing, Hats & Caps, and Fancy Goods. Both these stocks
having been purchased at a low rate on the dollar big bargains may
be expected.
-----==91111.-GIVE THE CHEAP STORE A CALL. -
J. W. W. Broderick.
N,Ver 5:e.YTeET,
Is prepared to do any kind of bird stuffing. ) ;
and taxidermist work at any time.. I
Agent for the WiesTnax Assrltaxcx Cox-
raxr, of Toronto; also for the PIICENTRFza
INsultaxcx COMPANY, a London, England;
the A.LLIANcs.IxsultAxez CompAITY, of Eng
rim.; IxscRAxcx Coarrax-r.
Read Office, — London
For 35 years this Company has done the larg-
est business in Canada at the lowest rates, con-
sistent with security.
_Assets. :Tan. 1st, 1895, — $357,190.00
13,000 Policies in force.
T. E. ROBSON, President.
I). C. :htcDON.ALD, Manager.
For further partieulars apply to DAVID
JAQUES. Agent, Exeter.
Christmas Fair.
We would return our sincere thanks
to -Lifj numbers who have thus far seen,
'fit to call and inspect our stock. We
think all' are satisfied, both in the
Variety shown and prices quoted.
we hope, win prove our big days, and
As such we heartily invite all who
care to come, to step in, look through
and make theinselves at home
•whilst afik for a, share of your
our Confectioners, Dry -Goods Men,
Jewellers, who also carry very -
Yes and a beautiful one it is too.
DOLLS Dolls Dolls 1 p Hee of them
Fancy Crockery, an endless variety.
All suitable for Xmas presents.
Choice Faney Felt Goods. pretty. de-
signs in Chenille Goods, Lovely' Silk,
Linen and Gown Heilerse Candies,
Nuts, Fancy Raisins, Lemons, Outages
Everything that goes to make up a first
class Holiday Stock. Come and see us,
we will use you well,.
We are doing a great Dress Goods and
Mantle Trade. The new Robinett
Tweed Dress Goods are having a big
run. They are beauties. If you
want a Cloak or Fur Jacket we can give
you a big bargain. Try us.
trade, we would not have y-ou. forget J. A. Stewart.
choice lines of Holiday Goods, and will
treat you with courtesy and honor.
Proprietor, Treasurer.
Mr, 3. Coutts, of St. Thomas, has
disposed of his property in Wingharn,
to Jas. McGuire,
Thos. Gowan, graduate of Queen's
College, Kingston, brother of P.
Gowan, of ITsborne, has been engaged.
as principal of Collingwood High
school for 1800, Mr. Gowan is fllan-
shard boy.
The Minister of Education has issued
a circular showing the number of
teaching days for the year 1805. In
cities, towns and incorporated villages
the munber 805 clays, while in rural
publie and separateschooistlie number
is 214.
Very little business was transacted
at Saturdays' session of the Londen
cheese board. Thxae thousand eight
hundred And fifty five boxes were
bouded, arida these 855, the output of
three factories -North MidclieseX, Cedar
Vale and North Street ---sold at 8gc.
Last week m high as Dec was bid and
no sales,
Frame Cottage for Sale or Rent, ap-
ply to T. DEARINCi.
There are now 50 inmates in linron's,
House of Industry.
To all town taxes which hew) not
been peid, Eve per cent will be added
and collected.
Institutes will be held. at
Brucefield, January 7; lexeter, Ian. 8;
Brussels, ,Ten.
Wheels again took the place of run-
ners Tuesday, the rise in the kem-'
perature having destroyed the sleigh-
ng,us Sheppard has been arrested
at Stratford on a charge of stealing a
gold watch from Prank Lewis, bell
boy at the Albion Rotel,
An exchange contains an actireltiSe-
merit that everything in Joe 13rown's
store is for sale at a price that will
scare any lady. The price must be
low, indeed.
Hay eleveu dollare per tou i
ISchoole dose on Friday for the beetee
days, and the boy e axe we;ningabroad
• eVe understend D. Dyer i$ negotette
jug teethe purehaee of the leensall
ne(711$xl)easPlZta's next Wedneeelleeeaeld Tau
TuvrEs wishes all its eeadere tield pat-
rons ft very merry one,
Si. Marys 1.1re agitatieg for a free
public library and will vote on a by-
law to that ena on January Oth.
There is cousiclerable sickness in
town, the prevailiee complaints being
the grip and whoopmee cough.
A, party of youtie,- folks ot town spent
4 pleasant evening tit Mr. Monteith's,
The mee Road, on Tuesday eveuing.
I. W. Broderick has purchased the
grocery stock of J. A. Taylor, Henson,
and will open a bankrupt store there.
ust a few nice black worsted sit-
ing .$ left for e$14, regelar price $18,
eeve's is the place for the neet
a* s.
We want a few coeds of good wood
if you want some good clothing cheap.
Remember the place: Grieve's for the
next 20 days, ^
Walter Evans, a former citizen f'
Exeter, and who married a Miss &s
Loudon, hos opened a bakery in Ansa
The railways announce the usual
single fare and fare -and -a -third rate
for the holidays. The fare-aud-a-theeel
tickets are good, from Dee. 24th until
Jan. 7th. -
The usual hancl-shaking incident to
this the approaching election season
has eommenced, and the ordinary citi-
zen discovers that he has more friends
'than he was aware of.
The young bachelors of Mitchell are
holding their annual ball this week.
These gents axe so few hi Exeter that
such oceasious are rare. The fair sex,
however, might well get up a rousing
A quiet wedding took place Wed-
nesda.y evening at the residence of
Mrs. Burns, St. Marys, when her
daughter, Miss Mary E. Burns, was
united in marriage to Mr. McCaus-
land Irvine, of 131anshard.
Thomas Fitton, jeweller, has gener-
ously presented a new clock to the of-
ficials of Main street church, for the
guidance of the minister and. comfort
oe the congregation; while J. W.
Broderick d.onated a handsome bible
foe the pulpit.
The annual meeting of the Branch
Upper Canada Bible Society was held
in the Trivitt Memorial church on
Sunday afternoon last. There was a
lair attendance. Addresses were
delivered by Rev. Martin, Locke and
Hunt. The collection amounted to
The Brantford police arrested a
lunatic on the street Thursday while
he was eating a raw turkey which he
had stolen from a• hotel. These tactics
are similax to those practised. by
Regan, the lunatic who created such
disturleance ili these parts the past
The Sons of England Society concert
last evening was fairly successful, not-
withstanding the inclemency of the
weather. it was give m by the Sims
Richards' Family, The programme
was varied in its nature., and one of
the best edven in Exeter for smile time.
The solicitors of subscriptions to de-
fray the cost of enlarging and improv-
ing James street Methodist church are
being well received and meeting with
much success, having already booked
subscriptions to the amount of $2,000.
$5,000 will be required to liquidate the
Our worthy eitizen, Thos. Sweet, we
notice by the report of the Fat Stock
Show in Hensall, was eminently suc-
cessful in the stock ring, having ob-
tainedfirst prize and sweepstakes for
his two year-old heifer. Daniel Davis
purchased the animal for the Christ-
mas trade, at 5o per lb. live weight.
According to law the annual meet-
ing of the ratepayers of a rural school
section is held on the last Wednesday
in December. This year, however.
the last Wednesday of this month is
Christmas day ancl the meetings will
be held the following clay. Those in-
terested should make a note of the
Squire Leathorn, while returning
from the Fat Stock Show at Hensall,
on Tuesday eveeing, ran into a rig
driven by Joseph Stacey, and brokehis
(Leathorn's) buggy slightly* He was
driving "LadyJane" at her usual rapicl
gait, and but for superior horseman-
ship, the accident Might have reeteted
more seriously.
On account of the re -opening ser-
vices of James Street Methodist church
occurring on Monday December 30th,
the Municipal nominations will take
place at 12 o'clock, noon, instead of at
7.80p. in., the usual home The public
meeting in connection with the nomi-
nation will take place on the Tuesday
evening following.
The first -prize chorus of the recent
musical competition in London, •went
to Kirkton on Tuesday and gave a con-
cert. The weather was disagreeable
and the night extremel et but tl
Nonov,.—Please take. notice that all
notes and aeeeunts dee the Estate of
the late Isaac Carling, must be eceteed
cal or before the lst (ley of Janeary,
1893. L E. Ceetteee.
Peneeeleociice—Two full moons will
come in December. A.dventiste 'say
since the conneg of Christ, 1,890 years
ago, and from the coincidence argue
}1,1s ee cella coini n g during the a ppro ach-
holiclays. We might in the words
a Holy writ, say ; "00f the day and
hour no men knowetli." All such
prophecies ttre nousensical, and axe
only uttered to frighten the credulous,
Exemrioe- cari, Oaarcrents.--At tbe
last meeting of Plymouth lodge S. 0.
E. the follorthg officers were elect-
ed;—Weleres. W. Dearing; vice Pres.,
R, N. Rowe; Past Pres., C. 13. Mars -
land; Clhap., Thos. Eiartooll; Secy,
apt. Geor,ge Kemp; Treas, Jos. Sen-
or; First committeeman, W, Vale, 2nd
Dinney, 3rd Thos Heitman, 4th
m. Sweet, 5th R, Crocker, 6th
ackman; outer guard, George
avis; inner guard Thos Sweet; care-
aker, R. Crocker; physician, T. A.
Amos; Trustees, ohn Spackman,
George Davis, Tilos-Hartnett; auditors,
fe, Sweet, W. Sweet, R. N. Rowe.
control of one's self. The mind can-
place of all others 'Where good manners
sho.uld t.i,ppear in church. Good
manners m a phrase synonymous with
not be set firmly on devotion when the
restless movements of a little child can
move, or it wanders so far as to allow
of such acts as trimming. the nails. It
is not complimentary to a preacher,
who has taken the greater part of the
week to work out inc instructions, to
read even a prayer book or hyena
book, or to fidget and wisperwhile he is
preaching. Nothing of the kind
would betbseught of an a friend's house
while he was speaking, or the friend-
ship would be wieunded or broken off
'den b.ere, but who has lately been
y , no
ing daunted, they went and gave their
excellent entertainment to a small
audience; who received them heartily
and strongly invited them to return.
The committee in charge of the affair
treatec1 the entertainers most hospit-
ably, and though they received a thor-
ough drenching eh route, thep report
havingspent a Pleasant evening.
The nsurance case in which 5. P.
Ross sued the insurance companies
who carried the risk on his building
and stock damaged. by fire last March,
for the amount of claim, ;will be set-
tled out of court by the dbropanies pay
ing the full amount, with. interest
And coses sineeMay lat. They sought
ia:compromise with 111r. Ross,we under-
stand, but as their defence was in the
main arSon, he refused to compromise
in any manner; hence the settlement
of the action by the Wellington
Mutual and Gore District.
According to the act of last session,
namely, the Agrictiltural and Arts
Ad, 58 'Victoria, chap, 11, section 10,
the annual meetings of township
agricultural soeieties are to be held an
the second Wednesday of January, at
1 o'clock, arid at least tWO . weeks' pre -
lions notiee of all such meetings shall
be given by advertisement in the
municipality Or municipalities to *Well
the society belongs, and geed by print-
ed plaeards or billa posted,itt plaees of
common resort. It will he Nyell for
secretaries of agricultural societies to
Oa:dorm with the act..
PERSONALS.--james Westcott and
Mrs. Htunplitey . Dayman, of
Whitewood, N. W. T., son and daugh,
tee of the late Henry Westcott, are
here winding eel the estate.—Mrs. R.
E. Pickard and Mrs. T. B. Carling are
in Brantford attending the wedding
of their sister, Miss Edith Verity, to
W. E. _Gundy of -Ridgetown.—Mrs.
John Taylor is visiting friends in St.
Thomas. --Mr. john 'Ching and two
daughters, of Sha,deland. Man., are
visiting friends and relatives in town.
—Mrs. leee who has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. John 13Iatchford, re-
turned to her home in Lucan on Mon-
day.—Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Ovens, of
Ansa Craig, visited friends in town on
Sunday.—Mr. Richard Harris, of
Parkhill, visited friends in Exeter
North, on Smeday last.—Wilbur Hand-
feed, left yesterdav for Renfrevewhere
he intends learning the art of photo-
graphing with his brother Gus.—Mrs.
E. Harwood, of Toronto, is the guest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
DoWn.—Mrs. Manning is visitingher
daughter. Mrs. (Dr.) Amos, who s ill.
—Mr. Delgaty, ef Centralia, preached
for Rev. Mr. Locke on Sunday morn,-
ing, while the lattexedonducted a spec-
ial service at Centralia;—Rev. H. W.
Locke on Stinday avenin g preaehed
the funeral sermon of the late Septi -
mus liogarthe -Miss Thompson of
Adare, spent Sunday at Edward Jones'
—Messrs. George Jackeon and Melville
Martin have returned home from the
Toronto University to spent vacation.
—J. A. Christie, of Brandon, Manitoba;
spent the forepart of this week visitipg
at his brother's, Charles Christie, of
Stephen township.—John Snell has
been slightly indipposecl the past week.
—James Rogers, ot Stratford, former-
ly of Centralia, is visiting friends in
and around Exeter.—Robert Sanders
has returned from 1Vingham, inwhich
vicinity he spent the. past few weeks
hunting. --Mrs. Ross and Mies White
visited friends in Xippen on Sunday
last.--Messre. T. Johnstou and Fred'k
Kibler, of Zurich, were in town Tues-
day.—Mr. anceMrs. W., Flood, of Pais-
ley, were the guests,of Rev. and Mrs.
Hunt the past week. --Mr. Pease, of
Toronto, was a guest at E. A. Follicles
this week.—R. T. Gilpin and wife, and
daughter, Miss Sarahevisited their old
friends, Rev. and „Mrs, Jackson and
family ou Sunday..—Miss Thomas, of
Lucan, is visiting friends in town.
See J. W. Broderick's aclv't,
Are you getting your new resolut-
ions ready ? It's most time for them.
Mr.3. T. Scott, of Seaforth, has
been appointed a coroner for the
county of Huron.
'There were 78 applications for the
position of primary . teacher in the
hSilsa, Craigschool.'
The missionary collections taken tip
in the James Street Methodist Church
on Sunday amounted to over $250.
Don't be too inquisitive around the
house, You might stumble on some-
thing you shordchetP',ia" ow of or an un-
til nexb Wednesday.
The road to poverty is easy to find,
but hard to travel.. The road to riches
is hard to flnet, but easy to travel if
you know how to advertise yourself
on the way.
The Model students at Goderich fin-
ished. their course on Friday, but , be-
fore separating presented their teach-
er, Mr. S. P. Halls, 13. A., with a gold
headed cane and an address.
The Bishop of Huronhas issued his
Christmas Pastoral to remind the
members of his flock of the Holy Festi-
val and of the Offertory which is usu-
ally given to the rector of the parish.
Our butchers have made prepara-
tions for a big show of holiday meats
and poultry, ancl to keep up with the
times the grocers have bought very -
large stocks of the most seasonable
During the past, weele the main side -
events have been converted into a skat-
ing ground by ,the, boys, and locornoe
tion has beeit rendered difficult and
dangerous. The Constable should see
that the peactise is stopped.
The many friends in Exeter of Mrs.
North, (nee Miss Palmer) of Dryden,
Mich., will regrob to learn (ether death
which °coerce Tuesday, Deceniber 17.
Deceased was sister of Mrs. 'William
Howard, who left yesterday to attend
the funeral.
The man Who does not believe that
people teed advertisements is advis-
ed to print at the bottom of his adver-
tisement, hi, the smallest possible type,
the Statement, that he will present a
yellow dog or it tosewoOd piano to any
reader of the paper who sends for it
Sunday before X-mas, Dec. 22101, 1895.
Divine Service 11 a, in. and 7. p.
Sunday School at 8 p, an. Special Cols
lection for Jens Entertainment,
Divine Service at 11 41,. u,•
WO are threatened with a grOall
Tbe moon gets full twice this month
Don't imitate it.
A. Q. Bobier is sinking an artesian
well at his creamery.
David 13, Geiger, or Hay township
has made an assignmeut.
A fine line of wedding stationery
at this office. Call and see samples.
There are several weddings on the
tapis for Christmas and. New Years,
Mrs, (Dr.) Amos is still confined to
her bed, with a severe attack of in
James st church is fast nearing com-
pletion and presents a fine interior
Large shipments of turkeys Nvere
made from this station last week to
Rev, Locke will preach in Londes-
borce next Sunday, on the occasion of
the Methodist church anniversary.
R. 5. Wiliiauis, bauker, Gocierich,
has lost a child from dipbtlaeria, and
now his wife is net expected to recov
Particulars of the Farmers'; Institute
meeting in Exeter, on the 8th pros.
will be found in me.• aclvertising col-
By a singular coincidence the late
Afr. Hogarth's birthday was on the
same date as his widow's, and they
were the same age.
The funeral of the late Septimus
Hogarth on Friday last was one ofethe
largest that has taken place in the
tdwnship for some time.
At the Guelph Fat Stock show last
week Thos. Russell, of Usborne, car-
ried off second prize for shorthorn
steer. ler. Russell acted as judge of
grade cattle.
Stratford's Congregational minister;
Rev. Mr. Fuller, who goes to Eng-
land, was on Saturday, the recipient
of a purse of gold, presented him by
his church and congregation.
Have you given Winaxes Cough Bal-
sam a trial for coughs, colds, or in-
fluenza? If not do so, as it is an excel-
lenthousehold remedy in such cases.
Sold at C. LuTz'S Drug Store.
The pews in Main Street Methodist
Church were rented on Wednesday
last, and were all taken in a short
time. Sittings, however, can be secured
tin application to pew steward..
The be -ateliers are the only citizens
today who can look upon the thaw
with serenity. They know perfectly
well, smear or no snow, that they will
have plenty of slaying for Christmas.
The TIMEs Carrier would kindly re-
mind his many.friends in town that the
X zeas season as at hand, andhis trous-
ers pocket has been made long to re-
ceive the bountiful Christmas cheer
usually bestowed upon his satanic
James -street church, which has been
enlarged and improvecl will be opened
on Suncla,y, December 29th. Rev. Dr.
*Pascoe, of Essex, and Rev. Je W.
Holmes of Clinton'vvill preach, the
former in the morning and afternoon
and the latter in the evening. On
Monday a bombination dinner and
supper will be served and a platform
meeting; held. On Sunday, Jenuary5th.
Rev. R. Hobbs, of Brantford, will
preach, while on Sunday, Tanuary
12th, Rev. Geo. Webber, of Toronto,
willeconduct the services. See bills
for fullea. particulars.
Nominations iu Cardwell, December
17th ; elections, December 24th.
December 1flth.
AGreat National Work..
The • Penally Herald *and Weekly
Star of Montreal is quoted by the best
journals all over the world, and is re-
garded as a high class authority on
everything pertaining to dairying for
profit, faxrcung for profit, gardening
tor profit, or etockeraesing for profit.
The Family Timid and Weekly Star
is certainly a magnificent newspaper,
great value for the subscription, and
it is meeting- witb. tremendous success.
The Family Herald. and Weekly Star
is really one of the wonderful pro-
ductions of'the age. It is only a dol-
lar a year, and contains one hundred
and twenty eight cohere -is a week,
equal to one hundred good. ' sized vol-
umes a year.
For two years I was dosed, pilled, and plas-
tered for weak back, scolding urine and con-
stipation, without benefit. One box of Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills relieved, tbree bores cured.
Smith, Toronto. One pill a dose. price 25
11 :•0
Moves onward and_ in order to keep
pace., goods of various kinds nautilus-
tle forward It is steady dropping
`that evears tho rock, so we keep plod-
ding step by step. We have just, ad-
ded to our stock a choice line of Imi-
tation Fur Taint/flings, consisting). df 7
styles, bought at one-third less than
Wholesale pride, and our customers
will receive the benefit, You cannot
afford to pass by our place of busitiess
without examining our eleies Over-
coats at $5, and prices up .to, $11.50.
Melee Suits, Boys' and iceouths' Suite
iii good' qualities andprices that are
correct, illett'S Persian :.Lamb Caps,
13eaver Caps, an1 a host of others will
oVered at prices in keeping with
the stringency of the xnoney market.
Overcoats made to order and. warran-
ted to et the purchaser or no sale.
Butter. 10; Eggs, lic; Turkeys, 7hc;
Geese, 5c; Chicken, She,
pur Clearing Sale has been a
grand success and will be contin-
ued during the balance of the
year. New goods are arriving
daily, and everything goes at Sale
We are headquarters for X-mas
Goods of all descriptions, and
have just opened up a large con-
signment of hand -decorated China
—beautiful goods and very suit-
able for Christmas Presents—bot.
from Agents of Manufacturers in
Germany, and are great value.
See them.
New Raisins, 'New Currants,
New Nuts, New Candy, New
Peels of all kinds, all fresh in for
the Christmas Trade, and at prices
to.suit the times. We are selling
Sugars cheap. 22 lbs. Redpath's
best'granulated for $1.00 ; 28 lbs
Redpath's pure'yellow for $1.00.
We haveint nearly as many
yards of Dress' Goods as we had
ten days ago, but we have stilt a
number of lines at great bargains.
Our. black Cashmeres at 5oc., 6oc
and 75c are marvels of cheapness.
Now is the time to get a bargain
in a dress. We sell genuine fibre
chamois at 25c per yard.
We have them in great variety
both silk and linen. Japanese
silk handkerchiefs, imported dir–
ect, at at 15c, eoc, eec, 30c'50c,
75c. and g 1, are lovely goods and
the designs cannot be seen any-
where else in town. We have
linen handkerchiefs fiorn three for
5c. upwards,
We have turned 'a lot of Furs
into cash during the last two
weeks, and the whole 'balance of
our stock must be cleared before
the end of the year. We have
about half a dozen Men's Fur
(.;oats left, and -each one will be
sold at less than present wholesale
prices. .
Everybody is cordially
invited to call and see out beauti-
ful display of Christmas Goods.
& SON.
What's more suitable for a
Christmas Present than Dr-
ot 'our
f1 1 CACPA13ES,
t or
At reduced prices :--'-- .
Persian Lamb Cap, $2.75
and $4.50,
4310 Beaver Caps $.; $8 do.
for $6. -
$3 . 50 Metria Caps (best qual
ity) for $2.75.
$1 Sealette Caps for 75c.
Fur Coats from $12.50 to
$28.00. .
1 FRUITSA„____
New Raisins, Currants, Figs,
Nuts, Candies, Fancy Bis-
cuits, Etc.
Best values in
Fancy Slippers, and all.fancy
makes in Overshoes and Rub
G. G. G. JOHNS1,,
In the matter of the Estate of. David. 0"
B. Geiger, of the Township eefeeriee-,,
Farmer, Inselvent.
The abovc named Xnsolvent has this der
niadc all assignment to me of all his estate for
the benefit of his creditors.A meeting of
the creditors will be held at my office in the
Village of Dashwood for the appointment of
inspectors and giving directions for the dispos-
al of the estate on F riclay December 201h, .at
one o'clock, p. in. Creditors are duly. notified
to file their clahns with me duly verified on or e
before said meeting, After that date I shall
proceed to distribute the said estate having re-
gard only to such claims of which I shall then
have notice, and shall not be responsible for the
assets of tho said estate or any part thereof to
anypersonor persons whose claim or claims
shall not have been filed. •
JOS. SNELL, Assignee.
Dashwood, December lOth, 1895,
W. R. Counter, of Seaforth, is 'ser-
iously ill.
Mrs. 'Watson. left Mitchell last week
to join her husband, Mr. James A.
Watson, in Manitowaning, where
they will become permanently located.
Mr. John Carter, an industrious
young man who worked for Mx.. Dan-
iel McCarthy of Logan, during the
past two years, sailed on Satmelay
by an Allan steamer, for his home,
London, England.
Mr. McLaren, Ste/Word, recently
shipped from St. Marys to the Old
Country 450 boxes of cheese purchased
from Mr. Brown, of the Avonbanle
cheese factory at 9 cents ; ennounte
about $3,100. „ae '
The retirement ofeefre Toni Coventry
from Municipal politics in Logan will
lead to a big scramble for the Reeve's
chair. Mr. W. T. Smith, a member of
the present council, and Mr. John Ben -
newels, Reeve of Moltillop, it is said,
will cross swords for the positiou.
An interesting event took place on
Wednesday of last week at the resi-
dence of James Stinson, Esq., in the
township of Minto, county of Well-
ington, hi which Mr. Henry ,Tewell, of
Zion Hibbert township, was xnaxried
to Ass Mary jane, eldest daughter o.,..f4
jarnes Stinson, Esq. ,
After an illness of nine weeks,
Frances, relict of the late Neclher
Robinson, Mitchell Road, Fullaeton,
died ofold age on Tuesday last. De-
ceased, who had just turned her eight-
ieth year, was a native of Yorkshire,
England, and, just after her marriage
came to Canada in 1840, settling in
York county, whom she remained fen
fourteen years. In 1854 she moired
with her husband to Fullarton art&
rexnained here until her death.
Ti Snlokers
To meet the wishes of their cies
tomees The Geo. E. Teickett Ss Son
0o., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have
placed upon the market
A. Combination. Plug of
This supplies a long felt want, giv-
ing the consumer On6 20 cent plug,
or a 10 cent or a5 cent piece of the
famous "T 8 B" brand of pure 'Vir
gine), Tole:tee°.
The tin tag T & B on every pan