The Exeter Times, 1895-12-19, Page 7AYER'S
atoreoree natural
color to the heir,
and also preveute
it lentos. out. Mrs.
W, Fez:Lerida of
Digby, N. $., ears;
".A. little more
thantwo yea re tigo
my hair
to turn
and fall
out. Aft.
ter the
Use of
Ono bottle of Ayer'fi Hair VIP): my
hair was restored to •its original
eoloreaent ceased falling out. An
Decasionta applieatioe has since kept
the hair in good condition.” --Dire.
IL PFnistwiCK, Dlgbe, N. 8..
- Growth.
of Hair.
"Eight yearS ago, 1 bad the vario-
loid, and lost my heir, which previ-
Ously, was .gaite abundmit. I tried
a variety of preparations, but with -
oat beneficial reSult, till I began to
fear I should be permanently bald.
About six months ago, my husband
brought home a bottle of Ayer's
Hair Vigor, and I began at once to
use it. In a short time, new hair
began to appear, and there is now
.eVery prospect of as thick a growth
of hair as before my .illneSsa --
Mrs. A. Weeart, Polymme St., New
•Orleans, La.
diver's Pills cure Sick Headache,
A Treasury of
1 nfOrrriation
paga5 of useful Information
ifIlroonthers of tilt. loulohold
o P )
Commencing blOvember,
'arm x es, Luti umil the
A COPY j Ig=rOf Ipliovken, Put. -
bars of SUNLIGHT SOAP, will receivo
from. their grocer, r SU/41,101yr
ALMANAC FREE . • . • • . •
• The book contains complete
Calendar matter, Biography,
Literature, Home Management,
Language of Flowers,
Fashions, Games and Amuse-
ments, Recipes,
Dreams and their significance,
Poultry, etc.
TO iniEveNT Buy early
Kr. P. X. St. .lerequesc Proprietor Russell
Rouse, Ottawa, Cared ov Hemor-
rhage of the Kidneys.
Among travelling men, nierribers of Parlia-
Meet, and habitues of the Canadian Capital,
no man is better known than Mr, F. X. 1St.
Jacques, the popular proprietor of the Ruskin
Rouse, Ottawa, who suirered greatly from
,a ' distressing ' trouble, hemorrhage of the
kidneys. In the hone of effectimr a cure he
deetored regularly, but witheut sticeeoe.
/Oaring July he began the use of Ryelonan's
Kootenay Cure. In one we�1 he ware not
Oiilybeiiefltocl, i»st was entire ' cured. Ms
f;WW11 WOOS lis writing to thepropeietor,, of
the reediaine about his Own ease aro few but
Teta. strong. He soya:
OTTAWA., Aurat 71h, ISM
IS. S. Ilvterntede, Fee., Ma" --
Will g1aC113r and strongly recona-
raped Kootenay Dare teeny friends after the
good remit it hoe ;lobe me in so short a poelod,
wlshisg a)it to WelI
desetves I ain cleat OA' *ours
V, X. ST. JA.cquIts.
/11[ N[118 IN A lifiSii[[[ yEui
erai insarged Gilbert Parker, the
he ten eaV aenka of Ben Frei:wis-
e co have assete aggregatiog, $110,000,000.
They bave $104,090,000 on dePeeit, ; I
me VERY I.A.TES1' FROM ALL THE A 17-Yeartold latisband •wee die/mead
trona Wife in San laranciseo
WORLD OVER: last week. Tile husband was a messea-
---- ger boy. • • •
Interesting Items About Our Own Country 1 The body of the Yoting Canadian WO -
Great Britain, the United States, and glah Who °°•11:141itIed- eanaide at Buffalo
week ago is likely to be baried. among
All Parts of the (Kobe, Condensed and the unid.c-aified dead. ,
Assorted for Easy Reading.
ITbrce wild buffalo are feud to have
CANADA. -• been discovered by Indians in the eoun-
try between the juslith river and
The Governor-Geueral. has returned. Amelia; creak in alantana
to Ottawa. A well, on the Bannock reservation at
A number of burglaries are reported Boise, Idaho, has been sunk to a depth
from Hamilton, '' feat, an e water in e a
Senator Murphy of Montreal drop- temperature of 90' 2-5 degrees.
ped down on the street and died 1SLi Customs receipts of tile -United States
ten minutes, - for the five months of this fiscal year
Typhoid fever has been epideinie are $12,000,000 greater than for the cor-
amongst the prisoners of St, 'Vincent reeponding.rnouths of 1894.
Ae Paul Penitentiary. I Bishon Nicholas has been instructed
• Rev, Thos, Cullen, pastor of tbe by the Holy Synod of St. Petersburg to
Askin Street Methodist Church., Lon- build a great cathedral in Chicago, ;to
don, died on Friday night. cost five hundred thousand dollars, -
• The troopship Pavonia has arrived at Lord Salisbury's reply to United
Halifax with the Berkshire regiment States Secretary Olney's despatch on
on board to relieve the King's, at pre- the Venezuelan question has reached
sent stationed there, • Sir jullan Pauncefote at Washington.
• Three little Gangel children,the eld- I A boy of 14 and, a girl of 11 were
est four years old, were Inirned to married in Johnsoe c,ounty, Georgia,
death near Gladstone while their I the other day. The parents of the chile
mother was out milking. ,f• den interposed no objectioo to the mer -
Mr. john Lowe, the retiring Deputy riage. '
Minister of Agriculture, has been pre- I • Theodore Durant, of San Francisco,
sented with a silver tea service by ,the under sentence of death for the murder
employees of the department. • ' of Blanche Lamont, was ox Friday re -
The roof of e brick cottagefell in on fused a new trial. He will appeal to
Hunter street,' Hamilton, and Messrs. the Supreme Court,
Benj. Clarke and James Reynolds, who 1 Francis L. Higginson, of Boston, Mass.,
were tearing the building down,. were has sent his wife, who eloped with a
badly hurt. • 1 young Harvard student, one hundred
The London City Council has ratified thousand dollars, to prevent the "poor
axi agreement granting a bonus of things" from starving.
$100,000 to the Grand Trunk in con- 1 For several years a woman has driven
sideration of the rallwey building their, the etage between Mancelona and Bel -
shops there. • 1 laire, Mich. She handles the reins as
A party of American capitalists and well as any man in that region, and has
hotel men, are, it is said, anxious to never had trouble with stage -robbers.
purchase the Windsor hotel, of Mont- 1 In the construction a the new real, and and havemade an informal offer ships fireproof wood is to be employed.
to the stockholders. •I Theprocess of fireproofing consists in
Last; Thursday
the Rev. G. R. Beam- forcingsulphate and phosphate of arn-
ish) curate
of St. George's cathedral, ' mania into the wood by hydraulic pres-
Kingston, Ont., baptised Mrs. Orrnow sure.
an inmate of the Pfouse of. ladostry in Arizona pays the women teachers, in
tleat city, who is 110 years old. • her Public. schools the highest aeerage
A committee has been appointed in monthly wage,s of any State in the Union
Halifax to undertake the erection of a .-47.4.45. Massachusetts, on the other
statue of the late Joseph Howe. One hand, pays her men teachers an average
(toilet subscriptions will likely be so- , of -$118.07 monthly.
Hated, from different parts of the Do- I A herdof five wild swans flew over
; • , Cape May, bound south, a few days ago.
•• It is stated unofficially that the Min- 'Before they had gone far Captain Lewis
ister of Txade and Commerce willshort- Smith shot ancl killed one, snow white
ly go to England on business connected in color, which measured seven feet
with the cable scheme and the proposed frora tip to tip of its wings.
Imperial subsidy for a fast .Atlantic Four professors of the University of
service to Canada. • I California, after listening as judges to
• The Exeeutive of the Canadian Peeve public debate on the new weman
eifie railway has decided to transfer Mr. movement, voted solidly against the
G. M. Bosworth, freight traffic maria- new woman, deciding that the move-, with headquarters at, Toronto, to naent "is not for the best interests of
Montreal, where the centre of the de:- her race."
partment will in future be located. I The United States authorities at
Washington are greatly perturbed over
At the end of the last financial year
the reply of the Marq,uis of Salisbury
the surplus of the Wentworth County
to Secretary Olney on the Venezuelan
Council was $26,000, and is still growing..
To this will shortly be added the question, and thre,atim all kinds of dire
amount to be received from the city things if Great Britain does not at once
for the gaol,
Tee recognize the Monroe doctrine.
of Harralto-n .$35,000.
disposition of the surplus is an anxiety I There seems no longer to be any
to the •Council • d,oubt in the •minds of those familiar
About 2,000 pounds of nitro-glycerine With the local conditions that the come
exploded on Saturday at the factory of ing winter will be one ot strife between
the Ottawa Powder Company. John the miners and operators in the Pitts -
Reynolds, the assistant foreman, receive burg, Pa., district. Hopes of a peaceful
edinjuries froxxr which he died yester- adjustment have .been generally aband-
day. A sliver of wood had penetrated oned.
his lung, which caused internal hena- I At Indianapolis a fire which resulted
orrhage. . in the death of two men and the in-
• Mr. James D. Stewart, editor- jury of three others did damage
in -chief of the Queen's University amounting to nearly $400,000 in the
nal, died of heart failure in Kingston wholesale district on :South Meridian
on Thursday night. The deceased, who street laying a quarter of a „van in
was about twenty-eight years of age, ruins and burning oat seven large con -
was taking his last year in divinity, corns.
and had graduated in 1893 as gold me- William Becker, a young moulder,
dalist in philosophy. . saved the life of a stranger near Ba-
le Complimentary dinner was en falo on Thursday night by pushing
Saturday night tendered in Montreal him off the railway track in tune to
to Mr. Joseph H. Stiles, the projector prevent- him being run over. In doing
and director-general of the proposed so; Becker fell and lost his leg, and the
British Empire Exposition; to be held stranger "went on his *ay without
in Montreal next summer. Mr. Stiles even saying "Thank you." to his pre-
announced that the Exposition was al- •server.
ready an assured success, and the pros- There is scarcely any change and lit -
pectus would be issued in a few days. tle of special interest in the trade sit-
• GREAT BRITAIN. nation throughout the United States,
The new British cruiser Diana was as reported. by the two leading com-
launched at Glasgow. menial agencies from New York. In
• It. is reported that Great Britain in- most lines stocks are spoken of as be -
tends establishinging unusually large, and prices diffi-
protectorate over milt tomaintam or lower, and no change
Lower Siam. •
of consequence will occur now until
Advices from Newcastle state that the after the Christmas vacation. Still,
ship-bitilding strike gives indicatioxis of factories are kept going wholly or in
an early termination. •part better than was expected would
George Aagstus • Sala, the English be the case a few Weeks back. The
journalist •and novel writer, is dead. He opening of Congresi haa had no percep-
was sixty-seven years of age. • ; tible effect on business, Makers of
• The centenary of the birth of Thomas woollen goods are not very active, and
Carlyle wa.s celebrated at CheLsea and dress goods are in lighter demand. Iron
at his birthplace near Doinfries. • and its products are lower. Copper and
tin are. also weaker.Anthracite1
Mr. Asquith, late English Horae'Secre- --e °ea- is
smentsof boots
tary, has broken with all precedentsquoted lower. The hip
by and shoes have considerably increased,
appearing as counsel in a law case. and orders are plentiful, but prices low.
A boat belonging to H. M. S. Leather and hides have both declined
Boancer was capsized off 'Sheerness, somewhat daring the week.
and four of its occupants were drown-
Mr. Tankerville Chamberlayne, Lade- 1 A double -track railway is to be built
pendent Conservative member for South- from Pekin to Tien Tsin, in China.
a,mptcai, has been unseated for corrupt • There is strong opposition in Paris
practices by agents. to the proposed expesition in 1900.
Several wrecks are retibirted from the ' Herr Bowe, the inventor of the but -
British • coasts owing to a severe let -proof coat, is dying at Wiesbaden.
storm. The Baltic Sea was ,.also the I The Sultan has granted permission for
scene of many disasters. Tthe'guard.ships to pass the Dardanelles.
It is reported that the Bari of • Derby, I The of Saxe-COburg and Gotha
formerly Governor-General of Canada, is plays the fiddle with fervour and skill.
Reports of damage and loss of • life
from the storm come from many ports
in Europe.
The tobacco acreage in Germany this
year wee 52,293 acres, an increase of
8,966 acres over 1894.
Lord Overtoun states that there are
still in Africa 200,000,000 who have never
heard the 'Gospel.
Brazil had '7,540 miles of railroad in
operation at the Mid of 1894, and 4,344
tlles in course of construetion.
Mount Vesuvius is in a state of erup-
tion, Three distinct streams of lava are
flowing down the mountain side.
Lienry Menier, the chocolate manu-
facturer of Pans, has bought the Is-
land of Anticosti for one million francs.
'The Austrian budget shows a surplus
of twenty million florins, the most fav-
ourable balance ever reeorded iri
A *Istria. .
Said Paehe, has taken refuge in the
British Embassy • at Constantinople,
fearing that his life would be in dan-
ger in the palace.
France has solved the problem of ap-,
plying the rule for compelsory military
eervide to priests by assignitg them to
ambulance work.
Lieuts. Churchill and Barnee of the
British pigmy baVe been decorated with
the Red Cross eor gellantry with the
Spaalish forces in Cuba.
In Perlin, the fire companies must be'
drawn up in military fashion to &tilde
their eommander before they can start
to the scene of 0, fire.
Altatindee Siemens, of London, ie now
e,rtgaged in sorveying the vottte for the
to succeed the Marquis of .Dufferin as
British Ambassador at Paris. ,
The old church at St. Mary -le -Strand,
near °hexing Cross, in Lonclon, one of i
the landmarks of the city, will soon be
completely renovated and restored.
Mr. Joseph Chamberlain,' Secretaryof
State for the •Colonies, was twice a guest
of the Queen last week at Windsor cas-
tle. He has become quite a court fa- ,
vorite. ' •'
Mr. William Leckie, the historian, has
been elected member of Parliament for
Dublin Eniversity, to fill the vacancy
caused by the elevation of the Right
Hon. David R. Plunkett to the peerage.
Xhig Leopold of Belgium had it con- 1
ference with Lord Salisbury conc,erning
the execnition of the British trader
Stokes, who was hanged in the Congo
country by order of Captain Lothaire, •
a Belgian officer. I
Tohn Dely has, been elected High
Sheriff of Limerick by the corporation. 1
As his penal eentence for connection
with the dynamite conspiraey of 1884
eaused his election to Parliament to be
'Voideciait is not likely that his election I
as sheriff will be saniatiOned.
• Mr. joseph Chamberlain,' Seeretarr Of
State for the Colonies, bias nut a do-
spetch to the Governors of the col-
Omes, With a view of ineestigating that..
()uglily the extent te which, m each poi -
any, foreign goods haee displaced bora-
tar British goods, and the moue of the
A torpedo magaalne Aear Butler, Pa.,
exploded, killing two men
At New York Miss Amy Van Tine
new atiale to be laid from . a, te
atiaaes in the Amazen.
The situation iu Corea is eaueing mnb
anxiety, and. it is reported that an
Americae miesionary is implicated ht a
Piet to seize the persou of the icing a
•DaSeatchee fee= Canton eey tbat a
tierioue attempt was undee coraidere,
ation recently to seize tile eity of Can-
ton ad proclaim an indePendeue Gov-
Captain Dreyfus, a Ereneh officer,
wag was sentenced to penal servitude
for selling military fiecrets to other
Powers, is reported, to have made his
leeutenaat Fele°, of the Spanist ar-
my in Cuba bas been sentenced to im-
prisonment 'for liie surreAd,ering Fort
PalaY0 to the insurgeete withoat
A decided, seneatiou was created the
'other day in the French Chamber of
Deputies by a stranger i.0 the gallery
firing two shots from a revolver. The
roan was arrested.
Daring tbe 900 years that the Pekin
Gazette has been in existence, 1,800 of
its editors have had their heads taken
off for having exceeded in.struetions, ac-
cording to Le Figaro.
Some Items or Interest to the Busy
• Business Nang
The Canadian Bank of Comunerce
has closed its branch at Ailsa Craig.
The assignment is announced of Smith
& Pelton, wholesale fish dealers, Cleve-
land, Ohio.
During the past weeks the stocks of
fall and spring wheat, barley and oats
show considerable increase.
The receipts of hogs are liberal at all
points throughout Ontario, which 9,e, -
counts fax tae low prices. •
The earnings of the Canadian Pacific
for the last week of November were
$582,000 an inereaae of $46,000.
The Canada Permanent Loan & Sav-
ings Co. has declared a dividend of 4per
cent. for the current six months, winoh
makes 9 per cent. for the, year.
The hay market continues remark-
ably strong. Sales are being made on
track at Toronto at $14.25 to $14.50
2fa5rtNo 00.813.5. Straw is also higher' at 08.-
The stocks of wheat at Port Arthur
and Fort William are 1,e79,922 bushels,
as compared with 2,025,558 bushels last
week and 337,616 bushels at the corres-
ponding date of last year.
Fifteen thousand barrels of apples
were shipped over the G.T.R. last week
to Portland and Boston. The apples are
for the British market. There were
also shipped during the same period ten
car loads of turkeys from 'Western On-
tario for the British market.
In Yarmouth &slinky, Nova Scotia,
about 4,000 acres of blueberry bushes
were recently sold for a total ,price
$1.000. The annual yield is now about
432,000. • The fact is alluded to in the
latest Prdvincial crop report, with the
comment that few gold mines have giv-
en an equal return on investment.
• The market for leather in the United
States is very dull, manufacturers buy-
ing only to meet the imperative neces-
sities. They look for a imarked decline,
soinewhat in proportion td the heavy de-
cline in hides, whioh the tanners, have
not granted. The market for union
crop Ls weak, and prices are nominal.
Quotations for buff leather are of lit-
tle value and. while the supply of splits
is small, the market is weaker.
Baltia and Crimean ports are to be
conneeted by a projected canal, which
the Russian government are. consider-
ing, the estimated cost of which is $50,-
000,000. There are no great physical dif-
ficulties to' overcome. This canal, which
is to be 1,000 miles long, 250 feet wide
and 30 feet deep, will start at Riga, fol-
lowing the river Dwina, and, further
on the rivers Beresina, and. Dneiper, en-
tering the Black sea at Cherson.
The shipments of cheese from Mon-
treal during the season of navigation
closing November 25, were 1,720,087
boxes against 1,718,466 boxes for the
corresponding period in 1894, showing
an increase of only 1621 boxes. Care-
ful estimates prepared. by shippers who
have agents all over the Dominion com-
pute the.amount of cheese now held. in
Canada between 350,000 and 400,000 box
es, which is believed to be more than
the stocks held in Canada a year ago.
There is little of speciah interest in
the trade situation at Montreal. Among
wholesale houses business is as a rule
quiet, and in a great many warehouses
stocktaking is the order of the day.
In groceries some fair orders of car lots
of staples for shanty purposes are re-
ported, but the general distribution in
this line is not active; there will prob-
ably be more doing a week hence,when
retailers will be sorting up for holiday
trade. With regard to values there is
nothing noteworthy in the way of
changes. The recent advent of snow
with fine wintryweather. is calculated
to help 'bushiei
ss n the country. In the
northern and easterly sections of the
province sleighing is reported good, so
that country produce, hunber, etc., is
likely to move more briskly, and thus
create a freer circulation of =nee.
He will take no Rliks.
Shrewdness of a vvellknovvn City
• Merchant.
I In winter when Canadians spend a
large pottiOn of their time indoors and
'cannot have the same variety of fresh
'food a in summer and fall, ndigestiono
'and dyspepsia afflict a maperity. "If
anybody will tell me that dyspepsia in its
acivanced stages is perfectly curable,"
said a Toronto merchant, " I will take
his word. Personally I run HO visits, As
soon as I feel a sense of weight in the
etomach, after a rime!, I know that tny
blood is sluggish in circulation. In my
business I cannot take much exercise,
and I fight the Erg sign of stomach
troubles with Scott' s Earkitparilla, Ithas
'never failed me, and has saved me many
a doctor's bill,"
1 Scott's Sarsaparilla PfkaseSsits medicinal
,propertlek supetiot to ail "otter §o -called
,sjirsaparillas made. As a remedy for in.
digestledit? theitniatietti, plOpips„ itteftis
an ail 1ilO04 dieeaset, physielatrie state
tat itter wes tweet" kaon Sold at
St per bo e, of all dealers,
Sold by 0, LUTZ, Existee, Ont
Christmas Dinner,
• Christmas dinner to the %Toro eee»
ple, ie whet the investigation of the
stockinge is to the little peeple—the
event of Christmas Day. Even the
smell people are more or less interested
in that fieactioxi, and manage to taek
tinder their waistcoats (considering the
amount of candy previously consumed)
surprisingly large portions of roast tur-
key and eranberry
Mr. Charles Bortliofer, the °bet of
lielmonico's, suggests the alowing
menu, for a family Christmas' dinner ;
Chicken gumbo,
• Patties of mushroom.
Broiled shad.
• Cuicom.ber,s,
Saddle of mutton, English ptyle.
• Potato croquettes.
• Tuxkey with ehestnats and truffles.
Stuffed. green peppers.
Roast meet potatoes.
Ruddy duck. Escarole salad.
Brie cheese.
Ellen pudding, hard sauce. '
Ice cream,
Frulte. Calees.
Nuts and raisins.
Coffee. •
The greatest opportunities for serving
an effective dinner are in the desert.
Besides, it is over tbe tees and between
the cracking of nuts and. the nibbling
of raisins that the wittiesL things are
said. Therefore it behooves the hostess
entertaining on Christmas Day to pay
especial attention to the dessert.
Christmas Eeeipes. •
Dermados that will help to make your
Christina.% dinner a -work of art may be
prepared from the following recipes:
Plum Pudding. --Place in a vessel one
pound. of beef kidney suet, very dry,
free of fibre axed chopped very fine ;
one pound. of seeded, Malaga raisins;
one pound of currants, eleaned and
washed, in plenty of water ; one pound
of bread crumbs, sifted through a
sieve; a quarter of a pound, of candied.
lemon peel, chopped very fine; one
pound of powdered sugar; four table-
spoonfuls of flour; a quarter of an
ounce of nutmeg and allspice; a pint
of brandy and six eggs. Mix the
whole together. Dip a strong cloth
in cold water and wring it out to ex-
tract all the moisture. Spread. it
open on a table and. butter it liberal-
ly with butter softened to the consis-
tency of cream. Dredge over with
sifted. flour and shake the eloth to re-
move any excess of the flour that has
failed to adhere to the butter. Lay in
the centre of this cloth the prepared
mixture. Form it in the shape of a
ball and raise up the edges of the cloth,
bringing the four ends together all
aroona, so as to inclose the prepara-
tion well, then tighten and tie firmly.
Have on the fire, a high saucepan
three-quarters full of water. When
this boils plunge in the plum ,pudding
and: let it cook for three hours. Then
remove it and have it stand for five
minotes before cutting the string.
Undo the cloth carefully and. invert
the pudding on a hat dish,. Besprinkle
it with sugar. Pour over some
brandy or rum arid set it on. the fire.
Serve immediately with hard sauce.
Turkey Stuffed. with Chestnuts and
Truffles.—Draw, singe, pare, truss and
reraove the breast -bone the same as for
roasting. Chop up separately ten ounces
of kernel of veal and sixteen ounces of
pig's leaf lard, and then mix together.
ason with salt and spice, adding a
little shallot and the liver, both well
chopped. To this add also the peelings,
of a dozen medium-sized truffles. Put
this into a mortar with a gill of stock,
pound. well and place in a sautoir to cook
for fifteen ininutes. Let it cook, and.
stir in forty cooked. chestnuts and the
dozen peeled. truffles. Stuff the turkey
with this preparation, roast, dress and
pour over a. little good gravy.
Inexpensive Christmas Gifts.
It is a good. plan to take time by the
forelock in preparing Christmas gifts,
thus avoiding the distracting annoyance
that is sure to be the portion of those
who -procrastinate.
People in moderate circumstances will
find. it to their interest to gradually
gather together the various articles Me
teuaed fax Christmas gifts.
A good deal of taste and a little in-
genuity will enable an ambitious girl
to design new articles from old patterns
—thus giving to each gift the touch of
originality which is sure to enhance its
value tenfold.
Sachet for Nightdress,—The usual
length fax one of these is from twelve
to fourteen inches made in soft silk,
lined. with nun's veiling, or some equally
fine and pliable woolen fabric. These
axe gathered. at each end under a tuft
or rosette of silk and left open the en-
tire length for the nightdress to be slip-
ped in. The case is generally enciroled
by a ribbon band or tied with a bow.
Necktie Saohet.—A piece a satin or
silk nine inches long and twelve inches
wide. Line with quilted silk, or, if
desired, with plain. China silk. If the
latter is used place a layer of cotton
batting between the lining and outer
covering... Pinish the edge with thin
silk cora, sew a, small bow of ribbon on
each corner, and tie with a bow.
A Pretty Wall Pocket. —Take a come
mon palm -leaf fan, cover it with creton-
ne or other material, sew a straight
piece of the same, half the diameter of
the fan in width, to the circumference
of the fan, hein the other edge of the
strip and put; in an elastic ciorda this
makes the pocket. Wind the handle
with cretonne and put on it a ribbon to
hang it up by,
Shoe Case.—Take a, piece of brown
denim three-quarters of a yard long and
text inehes wide. Fold a little over half
the leogth of a shoe. Divide the pockets
by stitehing through the centre and.
bind. the edges with scarlet, skirt braid.
The ca,se ean be made more attractive
by embroidering the centre of each
Laundry Page -Take a piece of bed
ticking the de,sired size, feather -stitch
the white stripes with gay eolore& silk
and lino with cretonne or any eotton
Stooking Bag.—Out two pieces of
cardboard In the forte of a triangle,
cover both aides of eatth board. with gay -
colored cretonne or chintz. Take a
etraight piece of the materiel ten inehts
wide and. three-quarters of a yard long,
hem one of the narrow edges and gath-
er along the aides, sew around the piece
a eardboara to forin the pocket. Take
a piece of the materiel a yavd• end a
quarter long and hall a yara wide, hem
Children Cry for Pitchers Uattora;
or thfflt arid Children,
oCtuiterlaiseotailledaptedtocield' renthea
t rmoixtraend ite auperior to Any prescriptioa
known Inane," Et. A, Axmazafg,
11180. Oxford St., Brook/Yu, N. T.
°The use of 'Caotoria 'Is so universal and
its merits so wettlmoxra teat it mews a work
endorse i
supererogatioata t. Few aretee
latelligent Tamales who do no thee p Daatoria
Craws sun
New York Cite,
Late Pastor Bloomingdale/Warmed Church.
,Caeteriai Oewitleattn'e,
Sour Store Dharlicea, ikucterion, -
Kills Worms, gives aleee, end promotee 41
Without bauriouemedicatioa,
"Per several years 1 have reeeramendee
your Castor/a,' awl shall always eontinue
do eo eo it lies invariably preduc, boat:Lott
gown; V. rearm; X. D.,
ono wintarvih',19011Streeliagd eth.Avq,,
thee York Cliti;
Tan Carmen Conearm, latnnuor Sacrum Kew Team
ti(irds of
eight and
Canada's Woll.known Railroad Contraotort
gr. J. W. Dinwoodie, 111
Treated by Several Doctors and Tried Nearly Every Proprietjtrr
Medicine—Got Very Little Benefit—Was Influenced to
/'se South American Nervine—Found Immediate Relief—
The Nervousness Has Entirely Left My System "—
"1 Will Never Be Without It in My Home."
. Men of affairs !ninny weigh their
words. They are not of that class of
people who carry their hearts upon their
sleeve. One of the best known men of
eifairs in Canada is Mr. j. W. Dinwoodie,
the large railroad contractor, evidence of
whose work is to be found in all parts of
the Dominion, from the Atlantic to the
Pacific, to chain one section of oar -vast
Dominion with another and bring its
people into easy touch with each other
through the medium of the iron korse, as
Mr. Dinvrocaie has in a short lifetime
done, is a work of which any matt may be
proud. Hard and brainy labor, however, is
necessary to success of this eharaeter, and
the strongest constitutions are in danger
of breaking down ander the strain. It has
beenao with Mr. Dinwoodie. The great
thought that he has had to give to his
workt and the care and responsibility that
it has carried with it finally told On his
constitution, and he beetme a victim of
nervous troubles, his liver and kidneys
becoming seriously disordered.
• Naturally he consulted a medical man.
Comparatively no relief was obtained.
He aliened his doctor, and aid not stop
with one, two or three physicians, but he
got no better. Variaas proprietary reedie
eines were recommended, and, as ha says
hawed. " Tried them all, but got Tery
• little benefit. Last fall I was camping
mat, and I was feeling very ill. I
pened to pick no a paper witk tee seta
vertisement for South AraerioanNervincia
I determined to give it a trial, and pre'
mired a bottle from the lead druggist,
After having taken but a few doses
found very great relie£ The severe setae
that I had been suffering in the smell of
my back left me and the nervousness that,
had rendered me, in a large measure, one
fit for work, bas as a result' of the con -I
timed nee of Nerviae, become baniehedi
from my system. I am now abie to en-
joy refreshing sleep the night throne&
I keep Sonth American Nervine always'
in the house, and I do not hesitate to say
that it is the very beat meditine I have
ever taken, and most confidently re-
commend it to anyone troubled with
nervousness of whatever form and the
attendant diseases of the liver and atom.
ach that follow this weakness."
The important fact can not be too -
often emphasized that South American
Norville cures at the nerve 'centers, from
;which emanate all diseases. This being
an undoubted scientific truth, fully an&
perfectly demonstrated by science, it is
• neyer an experiment to use Nervine, bee
in this remedy ifi 01*N:a .,found a "lain;
11 LUTZ LUTZ 'Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent for Exeter,
Tiros. WICKETT, Crediton Drug Store, Agent.
the top and gather around the edges and
sew securely around both pieces of card-
board. Cut small pieces ot flannel in
fancy shapes aaid sew into the card-
board, quill braid or ribbon and sew
around the edge. Sew small brass
rings al ng the sides of the bag, ruti two
yards 01 braid through and hang the
bag on a nail ready fax use.
A delightful Christmas gift for an all
lady or fax an invalid, whose quiet life
predisposes to eold feet, is a soft clowo
hassook or a carpet foot muff, A lap
robe, a foot rug midi eroeb.eted worsted
tapes prove very acceptable to elderly
Some very beautiful artieles • in
chamois skin are to be seen, and make
very charming little gifts,
Sigtett Pere, elilef of department ia
the Italian Matistry of the Interior, was
stabbed in the back twice by a clerk
who had recently been discharged. The
woulids are very dangerous.
Expensive Stneitin• r
There ate several wealthy men itt
London who are reputed to spend over
$8,500 per year on cigars. This is
considered very lenge over there, but;
several American millionaires are said
to exceed this, One of there is report -
as spending $10,000 annually on ci-
gars, An English toblenaan who mar -
rim an American woman, who brought
a bag of money with her, has as-
tounded Landon with his extraVagance
in oigars. He peas about $500 month-
ly for them, and always tra,ae.s with
one dealer, WI10 posts a sign to that
effect in order to attract mistomere.
Several promineta Englishmen manna
whom le said to be Labonehere, boy
cigarettes imported frora Turkey, at
west of ten cents oath. One of them
smeires and elves. away 100 e day,
winch • iaprobably the record for ex'
pelisive eigtirette sinoltbig.
A mart without mirth iS tte
• without springs.—Beeclier.