The Exeter Times, 1895-12-19, Page 1TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. No. 17. ETU RON MIDDL EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURS. ) 1E Y MOR DECEMBER 19t1t, 18915, WOODHAM. Only 6 Days Before X-rnas .By glans:mg over this Het you may save the trouble of worrying about 4 'what to give" for 'a Xemits present. onlall now and we will hold anything un til Chriatanas for you. For A Lady A pair of genuine French Kid Gloves black or colored, - $1.25 (A cream or white Silk Hclkf, OR- t embroidered initial letter on I each. 35e ene f A FUR CAPE, Goat, Astrach- 1 nn, and GreenlandSeel, $10 to$25 141 A FIVE O'CLOCK TEA SETT 4.2t5erman China, beautiful, $2.00 33Fia kITIRLIETSd - StUthinC)co IT1 ee 4w and stylish, - $i to $2 „A tties oe * e blast4 Gentleman " lieene,ir of good serviceable Kid Moves, - - - - $LOO nen f A PAIR of DOG SKIN GAUNT - 's i LETS, - - - $3.00 {.A GOOD GOLD WATCR and. OR CHAIN, • (warranted.) regular rice $22, now - $18.00 (ea)§iik. Tie, 35c. a Silk and Wool Scarf 25c. to 50e ; a plain. or col ored Silk Hdkf 15c to 75c. 'OR - -The Epwoeth league are making avrangements to attend the Conven- tion at, Parkhill on the 27th inst.-- Taylor leaves after New Years for 'Toronto, where he has secured. te good situation. -Messrs. John Treameer end Wm Shepherd lei% for the, Old lea/ines.,--The Sodominee are pees oarina for a ClniStlains tree and Mt. Carmen .1.3ineinee-Mes, Ryan, of tale place left on Tuesday for St. Clare county, day evening, in which be paid on the "POWer of the Press," ou Sun- (countrY a inoi carloads of lambs. -James Ooxworth eivInieg 02:reloilisiti.-The 1R., T. of T. her sietter eaTia Many friends f aerie last Sietm..day with ' see-eral entertainment to be held atenday Michigan, to epend a few nionthe wita god D. Yid Ay' te dShipka, a ill beQpie a Rev, W. IL 13att, preached a sermon the worth of the press of our country, catherines. Thos. Murdock was at .tati:d_inte°reatiugninetReagelKeerrr ler04„ to learn* 4,..40,e nee is eiee.J7' , 1.,..eneneaaa.z tribute to the moral character and has return!!! from his trip to St. -':- g Goderich on Teesday on beisiness.-- itesday e'v eninf,- -The Sunday Sehool from an Meese wfacii lastea oeverfa going to have telepleme connectiori in queliny. Kirldon. c3ranbe Rubbers aro out again. this season in Beenes-The was a very heavy frost new etyies, right np to clate, Da With the same here on Siinclay night, -Ed. Bossen- , en. . (*wearing enalitics, because they aro made of pure rubber. 13e sure you get Granby's. berry, of Zurich, vieitecl here, on Mon- '' efetneee.--etotiere Wile:Ley, of Man. eoie only by C. FRITZ, day. -Isaac Green is moving into the shard,. has sold his farm of 55 acres to BIGEFS.---On Wednesday afternoon village. -The K. 0. T. M. met on Tues- John Cameron, of Fullertort, for $3,- 1ast, Mr. Chas. Guenther, was united day and elected their ofticers for the 000. Possession edneel March lst. in marriageeto Miss Emma Hubert. ensuing yeare-Wilkbi Coupiand, of -Reuben Shier, Ire is ieaking pre - The cereMony was witnessed by only St. Marys, is helping Mr. Hamilton. to partitions to relee his frame barn' and the immediate relati-ves of the young cut his logs. --Thos. Valles , intends Put. au tedelition of 90 feet to the ena of couple. May they enjoy a long life leaving shortly in coMpany with Wen it, a stone , wall nine feet high with of happinese,---The new church evill Fulton, of Parkhill, to visit their re- Stabeliug underneath. ...The Bible be opened next Sunday, December latives in Northern Michiga,n.--Mr, Society meeting will be held in the 22ricl. ServiCe Will commence on Fri- Sipple, of Zurich, visited here on Mon- Methodist eleurcb on Pridey evening day evening conducted by Rev. Mr. clay m company with Mr. Baker, on a of this -week. Addresses will be given Moyer, of Stratford, in English lang- fox hunt.-.1Vliss Paxman, of Parkhill, by the Ren e . letelier, Iliames Win. Baker. of the blind line, Hay uage. There will also he service Sat- is visitin at air. A. W. Robinson's, Read . Rev Nethererat 1Voodliam ; township, during the latter'e absence. Imlay evening, and on Sunday morn- ing it Will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Horn, of Cleveland, Ohio. He will al- so deliver a lecture on Monday even- ing The Christmas festival will be h.eld on Wednesda,y evening, Dec. 25th.--1VIessrs, D. Schroedev and j. Ehlers, who have been in the North West the past sumnaer, have returned , home, looking hale and hearty. --Louis I Simons has moved into the west side of his residence, the east side being occupied by Mr. Pauline -Miss Lydia Haug, who has been, in Louden for some thne, has again veturned.-Miss Glanville was visiting friends in Lon- , don last week. -Mr. Shetler is engaged I as clerk in John. Hall's store. -Messrs. 1 Willert & Kellermann shipped a ear - load of deessed hogs on Friday last. --a IV. H. Lovett, of Exeter, was in the -village on Tuesday.-Chae. Fritz, our notable horseman, has purchased a fine driver from Jonas Hartleib.--Mr. . Philip Zimmer has moved into the 1 house of J. Zimmer, forinerly ocenp- ied by 3. 13renner, while Mr. 13renner H R ' is inereasieg nab. niaantity and weeka--11 riintored that this patiee i$ .Uashwood, Grand Bend, the near intuve. Zurich. reinaine of Adam Sipple of lnetroit were interred, in the ceinetexy here on Sunday. lie was a former resident of Zurich, and had been living in Detroit for some time, On Thureday last lie felt un- well and took poison in mistake for inedicine,-John, Rumford wee taken to Goderich jail on Tuesday, haying been committed on a charge of steal- ing bedding from the resideece of For the Boys and Girls I which is now completed. moved into the new house of . oese A gveat variety of Toys and Games, I .aueh as we have never had before. You will miss it if you den't visit our , and assis ed the ehoir of the Methodist, church here at then: Christmas Tree entertainment on Wednesday eieening last. -The Presbyterian S. S. intend having a. Christmas Tree and enter- tainment on Friday evening. Decem- ber 20bh. Everybody is invitec,l. Hensel]. Why not buy soinething useful for a oiliest. .Store before X-mas, for we are giving Inas present, such as a pan, of Fine Shoes, Slip. .big bargains in all lines. . pers, Overshoes, Rubbers, a Trunk or a Valise, ' 47- ,...3-• .--ot -a-1 z ‘ -v.-% -.---. n .--, ,-, when you can get any of the above articles at b N I:4 k i LI L.) eSC k. i k j . COSt Priee at Weseloh's. $3,800 worth of goods to select from yet. And everything goes regard, .....--.--,.. less of cost or price. Call and soc. Terms cash. All partie.s indebted to xne axe requested Centralia. to 1lI and settle their aceouuts at once as I am leaving Hensall after New Years. The new karness shop is now opened for ' A. "WESELOH. business. 4111 kinds of harness on, hand, heavy, Fol owing are the market quotations. .dsruble, hoik and singio. .A.nything made to Wheat.. ...... ..... ........ 82 to rvavugiulta,tring promptly attended to, Robes Barley............ < . .. . ..... to '43 Ind blankets of all kinds, also Buifalo Robes. I , Oats ea to en Trunks, Bells, Whips, Combs,. Brushes and Peas • 413 to op' - .everythhTiv the harness line. Don't fail Ha& Stephen. Crecliton, Dec. 16th, 1805, CouNcrs.,-All merieleers iresent. Minutes read and signed. The polling places are S. Honses,No. 1, 5. 10; Town Hall, Hall's kitchen, Ileitzman's kitchen, H. Willert's Maccabees Hall, Grand Bend, The depritiee are, W. Baker, C. -Brown, O. Prouty, R. Doyle, D. Buchanan, F. Baker, R. MeOlinchy and W. Oliver. A munner of coolers were granted, which. will appear in the financial statement. Remuneration for services re G. 33, C., Reeve, $100; H. Eilber, $100; T. Sherritt, $50; R. Hicks, $25; S. Sweit- zer, $10. Nomination meeting in Town, Hall, Crecleton, on Monday, December 30tle, commencing at noon. C. PROIYTY, Clerk. 41••••••••••••••--..-.•-•*•• Greeniea,y. BRIE1?S.-Death hen again. visited our community and carried away one of our early settlers, in the person of Mr. Francis 'films, who expired on Tuesday last. He was buried in the Rev, T. Snowden, Kirkton, atone_ The old meo's mind is silently mining- , dist choir in ietteedanee All limed 'ed try and attenele•- Ilurr_dale Briansa..--The tax eollector was here last Saturday and swooped in a nice little pile. He saye , tbere will be a very small 5 per cent list tine year. This speaks well for; the farmers who respond to the tune of about V10500,00 Bertha S,citure„ Minnie MorleY: yearly. ---Mr. G. W. Holman and jr. I NT Levine. Brock, Bessie Morley, family visited Whatheleeit iind. Elena Marshal. Brock, Chester Hodgson, Sr. ville and attended tne Xmas exam., in H's old school, where be received a, hearty reeeptimi aftea a year's absence. -The speeiid meetings in 13ethescla church not prove very successful and the pestors will devote their attention e ow to other appoint- ments on the chant. -Deputy Reeve Keddy and, sister Semen delighted an appreciative audience at a school exam. in Tuckereraith lest Friday by rendering seveval solos and &Letts. They will sing at Zion church. near Diablin next Monday night. -Miss Whalen. SOiloOL Rieomer.--The followine the standing or the pupils of S. S. "No. 12, Enborne, for the menthe of Nov, and Dec. Names in order of merit. V Henrv Oeden Daisy Brooks Willie Morley; Sr, IV Charlotte More Hattie Russell, daughtev of Rev. John Russell of Wardsville, who has been attending the Goderieb Model Scheel is visiting Mrs. Holman this week. She intends spending Xmas under the parental root -Miss Bella Lowe is at home spending the Xnees holidays with her parents. Miss Lowe is a naturalized. citizen of Uncle Sam's dominions, and intends returning to the land oi her adoption soon. Parkhill cemetery on Thursday last. aaae-..- Re 'leaves a wife and one son to mourn Ailea Craig. his demise. He was a, consistent mem- ber of the Boston Methoclist church, Bittea's - W.. Fe Priestly, of '1111 arid one of the °facial members of the' waukee, is visiting it present with e Trustee Board. The memorial service en -alto einee ee to es . washeld. on Sunday, the Church being ' to can. T N . 0 TTRILL, Harness Maker. B • 1 . a ex - ' . 14 toll very tastefully cheeped in mourning. TRE LITE Mils. Qualm -a. -At the, itgs ripe Old. age of 05 there passed ovev ee I ELECTION OF OFZUJERS.-At the last Rev. G. H. Th.ompson preached a very , the naleanetyrecently, AngelicaQuarrr . regular meeting of Court Ivy Green, instructive and impressive sermon.. relict, Optic lete jaanes (el:Larry. A _ No. 143, C. O. F., the following officers The members of Boston S. S. tendered thouglishe had. been ailing some few were elected :-Pest Chief Ranger, F. the family it letter of epnclolence, syria- months, agohe was apparentlyeejoy_ Smallacombe; C. R. Jahn Smith; V. pathizing with them in their bereave- ing good Wealth. at thelast and the end C. R., D. W. Foss; Ree -Sec., John G ment.-The animal Public School came quite*, suddenly. Mrs Quarry Troyer, Fin -Sec., John McArthur, meeting will be held on Thursday, was born bethe county of Cork, Ireland Treas., Richard. Seek; S. W. W., S. E. December 'Me -Misses Ada Clark and Millie 'Wilson, of Parkhill, spent seveval days visiting friends m this __A young son of JohnstonAlexander, vicinity. --A good. tile is mepected at while jumping off a sleigh the other the Christmas Tree entertainment on day, WaS rnn over by One following Wednesday evening, December ,25th, and badly injured. -Mr. Alex. Brown - in the Boston Methodist church. ley has sold his store and resideuce, ..III.II.41,. together with his stock -in -trade and Hay good -will to Mr. W. H. Parker, former- ly of Stratford; the latter gentleman CouNou„-Cotmeil met:on December took possession on Monday last: Mr. 101h, pursuant to statute. Brownley will leave for distant parts Mr. Beaver appeared before the in search of better health. -Lobo boys council in regard to a ditch, construct- may be pretty good at catching coons, ed by him, along the side of the road but McGillivray can hold its own with of bis farm. any of them. Andrew Dorman and This ditch has been complained Jerry Hotson caught nine in one night against by ratepayers as being danger- and have caught over forty altogether this fall. On Wednesday Dee. 11, at ous. Mr. Beaver promised to put the road the residence of the bride's father, side in a safe condition to the satis- Duncan Campbell, Lobo, Mary O., his faction of the council. daughter, was imited in matrimony to An account of Dr. Buchanan for at- Dougald C. Gray by Rev. N. Lindsey, tending to Schmellman family was of leean, The presents were numerous laid on the table. and costly, showing how highly both .A. minther of accounts were mama to be paid, which a -ill appeae in, the Trelisurer's statement. CounciLadjourned. to meet again at the call of the Reeve. ' Nominations will be held on Decem- ber 30th, at 12 o'clock noon, in the Town Hall, Zurich. All Births, Deaths and 'Marriages not registered by December 25th, are liabin to a fine of $20 for negligence. FRED. HESS, SR., Clerk. and ernigentaclto this countrywith her husbana iteval31, settling in what is known -as alte town of Oshawa. In 1851 they iamoved to the township of McGillivra,y. Of a' fatiaily of nine, Troyer; J. In . W., Henry Cook; S. B., James McArthur. J. R. Sohn Pope: Court Physician:Dr. W. A. Thomp- son. linines.-All our business men are four, sons and one daughter are left to well stocked with Christmarsoods of inourn, namely- Dr. W. B. Quarry, all the latest• novelties.-Reury Cook ,Sandwich; Henry 13., Inspector of hes got some new electric light lamps, Fisheries, Parkhill; Benjamin, Oen- which are giving a much better light. tralia: John G., Merchant, Mt. Carmel, E. Roecicling spent Stmday afternoon and Mrs. :McNulty, lefeinphis, Tam. The funeral from the residence of .Mr. 13. Quarry, Centralia, was one of the largest in that section and showed the universal esteem in which she was held. T. Cou hlin, ex.M. P., j. O'Brien, T. Cotter, men, 1)I. Neville and ,T. with friends in Exeter. -F. Kibler, of Zurieh, was in town on Tuesday. - Thos. Johnston, of Zurich, was in town on Tuesday. -D. Weismiller left on Monday morning for the West Riding of Hmon, where he is busy organizing. for the coming bye election on Jan - 11, Tennant acted as pall -bearers uarg 14th, Doan, tanner, MIMES -Snow gone. -R. F. Hicks spent Sunday in Lan n. -Mr. Law- son shipped a car loed of sheep on Tuesday. -A. Bows] augh sold his steam engine to the publisher of the Exeter Advocate. -A meeting of the Fairfield Cemetery Board. was held Thursday evening to appohat a successor to the late S. Hogarth, who was one of the trustees. VViri. Hicks was appointed trustee; Wm. Walker See-treas: J. Boyle, care -taker and grave digger. - An open ineeting, of the R. T. of T. is to be held on Friday evening. -Rev. H. W. Locke preached a yery appro. earl ate s orm o n Sunday morreingin aid of the Superannation Fund. of tbe Metho- of finton, was in town on Tuesday buying up hides. -Messrs. Geo, Me - Ewen, W. Stoneman, E. Rennie, and several other members of the Hensall Methodist; choir were at Kirkton on Tuesday niaht singing at a concert. They experienced a rather wet night. -Miss Katie Palmer, who leas been sick for several weeks, is slowly re- covermg.-Chas. Troyer, wife and daughter, of Hillegreen, were the guests hf Ed. Shaeffr, on Tuesday.- , Mrs. Ed. Shaffer was visitfitg at Ship- ka a few day of last week. -Mr. A. 0, Fathom and family, station agent of ,01inton, were the guests of G. 11, Ar- nold. on Sunday.--ReynardlicAatbur, of Ailsa Craig, was the guest of hie relatives in this vitinity.--Wm. Rob- son, comniission in.erehant, ofLondon, has sold leis residenee here to MIS Geo. Black. -On Dec. 18 our public school intends holding an open . enter- tainment, consisting of dialogues, re- citations, soiags, music, etc. Parents and friends are all invited toattend.- Miss Bella Levi and. Mr. KennethRose, both of East Williams, were united in the bonds of matrimony by Rev. J, Elliot, of Nairn, on Wednesday last. 111 Eva. Tapp, Ida Squire; r.) II Nettie Brooks, Newton Millson, J'as Ogden, Ethel Millson; Sr. IT Tiin McGee, Rector Millson, Chris McCarthy, Toothey, Jr. IT Harvey Squire, Norah McGee; Pt, II Roy Hodgson, Lottie Squire Florence Brooks; Pt. I Mary A. McGee, Gertie Stitherby, Frank Scraire, Oscar Morley, Willie McGee, Average 31.. T. A. Deareae, Teacher dist Charch-Eden S. S. anniversary „SI lee• held. next Sunday and Monday eeiteaaerrangements ha-ve been made for et very. sneeessfut ono., ---Mr, • Jas. Del, • gaty preached in Mani St Illotliodist .church Exeter, on Sunday morping put in dry geode along with it. brother John, on Sunda y and Mon- -day. --Miss Jennie Murray, of Wing - ham, is home on a visite-4. A. Taviot has sold his grocery business to J. W. !Broderick,. of Exeter, who intends to I ' 1 it M semen...pm. Now is the time to make your eelections for Christmas Proselyte. Don't wait, until the last day When all the choicest articles are picked tip ; be Sure and select, something useful as well as ormementat Don't you think there is „so/nothing it the following Bob that you had better got. NOW would you like a nice Fur Cape, Fur Caperur Muff, Fur Storm Collar, Fur Boa or perhaps You Prefer looking for a nice Jac.kot, Shawl, Hat, Bonnett. Dress Pattern, pair of Blankets or some Table Linen or Table Napkins, If any of the above arta 4es are too high for your purse, why here are sumo that coat a very muoh. smaller stun, which will make a nice and appropriate present: Kid. (Roves, Cashmere Gloves, Kid Mitts, Silk Ties, SilleHaudkerchiefs, Embroidered Hand- kerchiefs, Corsets, Rose, Braces, Collars and Ladies' and, Gentlemen's, Misses' .and Boy's Underwear, all of which aro to be found in Abundance at our store and are all A 1 value. —...massemeik ASSNamen, clre (4) 0,1e 00$1 aft4ore4 Brown & Preeter cold, asthma, bronchitis, sore t peat, onitisy and all throat troubles., Price two ago from an overdose M. chloio- OREDI ON. zki, torin. Ba,yfield. Bine:vs.-Ala A Ferguson returned honic from Cleveland hist weeke-The people of Sb' Andrew's church intend holding their Christmas entertain- ment in the town hall on Monday evening the 23rd, A grana program to the farm a few weeks agoe--The is being prepared, consisting of names ef Messrs. Johnston imel Drum- mond are mentioned in eonneetion with the reeveship of McGillivray for 1893. -Mr. Bell, teachet. of modern languages in Talleal3 high school, has resigned. A ntunber of apphcante for the.vacant position have. been re- ceived. -It is repotted that Lucan is about to have imother ph.otographer, Mr. P. Quiggley is the oletrelieble, but Frank will have opposition. --Mr, R. McLeau left on 'Venidnesclay mornieg Lot' his home in Michigan. Ile has been visiting here for some weeks. - Mr. R. S. Rodgins rebuined to Mon- treal on Thursday. after a short stay vvith his faMily here. B. S, is now engaged in life insurance. -The fem- oral of Mr. F. Net left hielatereeidence here on Sunday at 2 p, in, for the family cemetery in 13iddulph. Deceas- ed was 07 years of age, and Was (MO of the early settlers. -It is entre:wed the firm of letessre. 'Young & Maxfield hew.. already ceased to exist. They took charge of Stanley & MOWS Ilnill ab011t a week ago, eta(' now they aro 110 more. Dr. 0. J. Pax, druggist?, and et one Balsitin as the best core for coughs, tine a proininent peaetitioner m Teng- h land died at Gravonhurst a day or I . CI' • Usborn.e. Coneene.---Tne Council met on the lath inst., pursuant to adjournment. All the members were peesent. The men.utes of previous meeting were read and approved.. • The trustees or S. S. No. 10; made application for the usual grant. Kedcly-Gardiner--That a grant of $18 be given S. S. No. 10, being the difference betvveen the former grant of $ite and then amount received. by said S. S. per special rate. -Carried. By -Law No. 9, was then read, Gardner -Hunter -That By -Law No O. 195, providing for the nomination ancl atomelpal eleetiOn aS now read, be passed.--Oarried. A number of orcltee were lest-ice:nand on motion, of W. Delbridge, seconded by W. Keddy, the council adjourned to meet aeotin on Monday, 30th inst., after the nomination is closed, G. W. HOLMA.N. Clerk. • se Clinton. BEIEFS.---Miss Bella Bay fell on Tuesday and broke berarm.--Miss Mc- Gregor, of this town, a recent gradu- ate of the Toronto 1•Tormtd School has received the appointment of teacher in one of the junior deparbinents of Clin- ton public school. -It is with. regret we learn of the death of Francis How- ard, the infant sou of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kiley, of Sumnaerhill. The little fellow was a few months since strickenewith scarlet fever. -Mr. J. F. Spooner has leased the 'Waverly House from Mr. S. Pike and takes possession on. the 1st of J'anuttra. For seine time Mr. Pike has been in fail- ing health and will live retired. - Messrs. Plumsteel & Cribbings have purchased the store owned by Mr. Hyman of London. and they now have men at work converting it into a dry goods store. -There died at Cooks- town, on the 13th inst., Elizabeth Caenpbell, relict of the. late Rev. A. Clampbell, aged 70 years. Ma parties ate are esteemed in the neighbor- bell WaS a pioneer Methodist rninistev Olin - 1100d. Forty-five coeples took part ; and in the fifties was stationed m °Im- am wedding repast:. • 4. been decided that visitors day-tbat is ton and Goderieb township. --It has LUCan. for the general public -at the House of Refuge will be on Thursday after- - ful Serv4W. performed by Preeident. `Virceninann Jaime's --ales, Harmain Wife of John Abray, ex -reeve of London township, and. mother of 'airs. Robt. Edwards of this piece, diedon Dec. 5 at the family reeidence, lot 22, eon, 7. The deceased 'svas ono of the pioneers of the Pro- vince, corning to the country in 1832 from Yorkshire Eng, She lived in Toronto until 1817, when, with her husband, elle moved to Dorchester townehip, where they remained until 1867, when they inoverl to their pre- eent, home. Mrs. Abray was a most devoted •wife and a loving mother, and endeared to all who knew her. -- be re iring -nee- Granton- BRIEPS-Lust week Mr. John Fulton, received a 'kick from a horse on the sideof the knee joint, and although Very painful, he did not pay any more than ordinary attention to it This week it has taken rather a Serietie turn, inflammation set in. -Mr. W. R Shoe - bottom has purchased Mr. Albert I3eatson's propeety, on Queen street, and will continoe to be as formerly, the headqua,rters for the Graaton and. Lomlen mail stage line. -Mr. James Thompson, of Moosejaw N. W. T., formerly a resident of this locaaity, arrived here on Tuesday., after an ab- sence of it number of years. Wb un- derstand that Ur. Thompson is suffer- ing from a malady which may ne- 1)olipt Care. Why should you? we sacrifice goods you lose nothing, and if you. are sharp enough to buy the goods when going you are a big gainer. MiliM11110•101111011111.1011.1111.. OVER 100 Men's & Boys' Overcoats which we you at almust your own price. See our Men's Heavy Kuala' Overcoat for $4.00. Bee our Men's Frieze Overcoat for $fi, an,1 Boys' Overcoat with ' Capt., for $2.25. I See our line of Men's Sealette I Oaps at 75c. Do not wait until the winter is half over before you buy. Bay now. Highest price for Butter &Eggs, 111Afir J. 3E1, Ross, cessitate a surgical operation, Exeter Municipal Council. noon of every week. Relatives of in- Biunne-Mr. Jas, Thompson visited this burg this week, He left, here mates only will be allowed to visit on about twenty years ago, and spent Sunday. Clause 15 of the by -la -a Iwo - Titbits Sunday visiting by the public.- meny yetus in the N. W. T. He looks hail and hearty. --1t is rumored The annual meeting of Clinton Consete that Reeve Armitage will have op- vative Association wits held on Friday position for the position of head maga evening. There was a very large and enthnsiastic aetendanee from every istrate for 189a The name of lea.. I S. Gilfillan is mentioned. It i$ ' ' ward in town. Officcea were elected as thought probable that a number also follows, PresidentToddretiring: Presi- will dent, Dr. Freeborn: vice-president, Dr. be M the field. for the positiontif public sehool trustees. --Mr. W. Atkinson, an Bruce; secretary, D. S. Cook; treasur- old resident of Lucan, is seriously ill er, S. j. Audeews. Mr. Weismiller the - Conservideve candidate, WaS present at his home in Biddulph, Heremoved ancl addressed the meeting. He very favorably impressed everyone and was heartily cheered as he concluded. Resolutions were imanimously passed' endorsing Mr. . Weismiller's candida- ture and the general &Rey of the Gov- ernment, also one expressinghearty appreciation of the many years laith- liancy Choruses, Readings, Reeitations and Dialogues. Good Orchestra in attendance. Tieleets 15c ancl 10c. Come all. -Rev. Oaten is holding revival services in the Meth° dist cherch here at present. -Win. Davidson and wife, of Dakota, are visiting at his parents here at nreseut. -Wellington Johnston, who has been engaged at teaching school in Dakota the past year, retarned home accom- panied 'by Mr. Herbert Johnston, of &amble Line. -The young people oath° lelothodist church are busy getting up an entertainment. which will be 'add. after Christmas. The date is not yet fixed, but promises to be something grand. ---Thos. Burgess is busy fixing his honse on th c square, which willmake the corner look much ' Peck spent a few days with Mr. Wm. Dawson and wife near 'Zurich, last week. -Sleighing has all disappeared again which made Inisincee much livelier in toevn. Ix THE FAMILY, elothets, Vathere and Children all speak in praise of Ilagyara's Fedora' C COM erty. The Council met pureatint to etatute et the Town. Han, Exeter, on the 1001 Bniars-The Young Peoples' Soc. inst. All the members were present. iety was largely attended. on Sunday Minutes of previous meeting read end ' evening. Interesting papers on the confirmed. subject, 'What is True Friendship,' Carling-Treble-Ordere tee followe ; were read. by Mr. D. Parke and Miss H. Spackneete $3.59, rep furnace; the L. Whyte, also a very interesting ad- Municipal World; $3.51, blank. forme ; chase by the pastor. -4. collection was L. II. Dickson, $74.25, Solicitors Fees; ; taken up for ales. _Miller, amounting Jahn Grigg, $2.55, stationery; S. Bas - to over $0. On Monday evening the kervillez $1.5e, labor; S. Sanders, $3, annual meeting of the Society was for issuing. dog tags and $10 held, when the following officers were Thos Bissett, $17 eervicee .as night electea :---President, J. areliraitloViee watch to date inclusive; the clerk. :.$75, Pres., Miss A. McLechlan; Ree -See., balance of salary and 25c eapvese Miss A. Currie.. The treasurer report- charges on blank forms; Jets Weekos, ed that over $10 had been token in $25, salary as Chief Fire. Dept; Georgo collections for the half year. -Miss Kemp, $40, ringing -bell; J. N. Howard, Lizzie Hamilton has returned home $11.0.1, for electric lightning to tst of after a pleasant visit with friends i De.cember, and $14 refund. of nee es, - Downie. -Miss Mary Currie has gone I Carried. to Mitchell to learn photog,rapheng liarding-Teoble-That the teceek. nrocrire copied of the Reeve :Ind Tre,ls- • tioderich. nrer's statement for distribution. - - , ('arried. 131tIEFS-Mrs. Goo. Graham, nee I The counell eajoeuniea until 0„1,11 Gunn, of Port Alber)', died beet week, I the Heee-e, the interment takina place in Matt- m, FiAc.RFAT, (Neck. land cemetery on Monday afternoon. anneene There was a large attendance at the To Correspondelts. having joined the ead procession when cemeteien many friends of tho family Chrlstinqs this year failing itvoia nearing the town . ---A telepaA111 receiv- Wednesday, TIM '113LIN Will he ed on Saturday by Mr. Geo. Poi Ler, fished one d e yeller, and ineteed. of stated that his brothea De. Porter. 01 being issued from the office on Thurs.- chiecia„0-o, had been accidentally killed. clay morning go, out Asitantheeegtbnconneoefeteerivri\tviiitiliet, tthee fcairtcattiiittyi- . fore. ask oar conbributors to send thole morningnext week Wewould, there - bit -teats so ae to re Ina this offea on Monday night or Tuesday moraine; at he latest. We would. also like to ha VP ite many respond poesibie. La 0,11S11. CHRISTMAS AND WEDDING PRESENTS. ---wmatn GET - MUIR ANNING'S, pearinerxemotoormosisest They have the largest Ana elltliOeSt ftssOrtoent even before shown in Kirk - ton, bought at snap priees. Fine China Cheese Dishes, 50e and up; Wat- er Sete, very pretty, only $1,25; Choice Gerreten Chime Table Sot, only $1.50; Very Fine Fruit Dishes, $1; Poiaidge Sets; Cruets, were. $1.25, now 75e; Fine China Cup, Sane& and Plate, only 50e, A bargain in all lines. We give you a eordiaA invitation to oil and inspect oev stoek. are not known here as yet -A Deleon, newspaper received in town on Fri- day reports the death of Fred. Pahner, a one time well-known resident of Goderich. The deceased. gentlemen ie d latal en1 -, his illness occur- •h er e ring while partaking of a meal, ana death following. Within an hour 01 the attack. Fat Stook Stoek Show., . The first Fat Stock Show under the auspices of the South Huron Agrieed- tura" Society, was held in Henson on Tuesday. The attendance was large but the show of stock andponitry very • 8111511 and exhibited by two or three persons. The show, however, .consider nig that it was the•first attempt, ,ting- ers well for futive occasions. Pollow,.. mg is the prize list 3 Cattle, mire breeds, steer two years oia, H. & W. Smith, laxeteete; .00W Or heifer, Elcoat Bros. • Grades and their erOSseS, steertWO years old, Thos. Russell, Alex, • Mc- • Beatb nos, Reesell ; 5013.' three years , old, Timothy Pepper, Sohn • H. Petty, 3rd ; :heifer .ievo yeare old, Thep: Sweet. Sweepstakes for liest enimal on the ground, Thos. Sweet, Exeter. SnEEP, long wooled and Onlir -cress, es. ewe two .yeters old. R. McAllister' Id t end 30d, Geo. 'Peahen*, 2ed ; year- ling ewe, Duncan McEwen, 1st, 2a aria 3d ; owe under mw year, G. Peeliele„ D. MeEwen 241 and al ; wether under me. yeav, D. MrEwen 1st and SeL, Geo. • Penhale 2d. PIGS banrow under 111115 inoethe, Alex. Buchanan ist and .2d, Wm. Mc- Allister 3rd ; sow ender nine months, A. _Bnehanan. w, MeAllist.er, 2ne1 and 3rd. Sweepstakes foe best eow on the grounds, Alex. Buchanan. 1 M esteem Poo TeraY, pair turkey cockerels, Thos. Fain Clinton; 181 and. 2nd. ; pair turkey pullets, T. Fear ist and 2d. ; heaviest turkey Or any age, T. Feat. ; pith geese of 1805, T. Foal! la -and 2n(1, Thos. Russell ; clucks of 1.895 T. Fear ; pair of cockerele of '05, T. Fear ; pair pullets of '95, T. Fem., Junnlee caftan Robb. McLean,. God- erieh ; sheep and pies, Jos. Smith, Clieton porateye A. Coutes, Clinton, R11131:MATIBlit RUNS RIOT. Mien, there is laetAeacidhl -Lb e blood, Liniments and 'lotions will be of no permanent benefit. A cure can be ac- complishedonlybyneutranzingthis acid mid for this peepose Hood's Savsapar- illa is the best, medicine beciroselIoodee Sarsaparilla, is the only true blood pur- ifier prominently in the public eye. ----- Hood's Pills ace easinv, yet promptly. and effeetually, on the liver 511(1bowels. 25e. AN EVIL FOLLOWER. Consumptimi follows neglected colds. Norway Pine Syrup eaves coughs, asthma, sore throat, bron- thitis and. lung trouble. Price 25 end 50e A reduetion of fire. 13.3511003100rates in Totooto is eontenipletea. thick Justice D. L. Snodrase, uf the Supreme Court of Tennessee, sli(;nee itnd painfully injured Lawyer John R. Beasley in the law office of Congress- man Brownin Chattanooga yesterday. An item in e newspepor VrtS tbe cause of the shooting. John Meanie, aged 23 yearn, a Man ill the, employ of the. Canada .nt- 'antic Railway, was found (lead in the yard near the round house at Ottawa, on afonday evening. He Ieeves aevife and two children. Jrat how he was killed it is difficult to say, as no One 8110 the aeciaent. The St Marys • Journal says some , hungry bounds stole a crock of oysters • from the door of Constable's grocery in that town am other eveuing, and :nide that while honest people were attending church on Sumlay Morning. the thief was rolling with the belly ache, doing penance foe his crime. The induction of Rev. Mee Bradley to Knox ehurele, Mitchell, took place Tuesday afternoon and evening, Rev.Mr. Leitah. Moderator of Strati -CM Presbytery, presided. The serinon • was preached by Rev. Mr. Cooper of Listowel, who Was the last in- ucteci in th a t, Presbytery. Wm Greatrix, of Se, 3 I aryS bits con- stancted a handsome chair from polished. 11 orpa .0vok ft441%?( a The 11 ardware Empoilum., We are now doing bwiness in the tune brick bluela liave greatly added to our strict: and ate offering inclecemeet* in the following lines:- Covv Chains, Guns alio, Rifles, Axes, Saws, Latilp8 and Stoves, The Public are cordialy in -- I vitcd to call and inspect our stock and pric05, PAULIN& RANNIIL