HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-12-12, Page 8If LIE WIN1ER Wben men go rustling along, shivering. But you can forget the cold by stepping into CARLING BROS. Cheerful Store. IT FEELS LIKE WINTER when Jack Frost nips your fingers, But you can defy Old Jack by taking CARLING BROS,' advice and dealing with them. •IT IS WITTria:R1 • But that makes no difference at CARLING BROS. Their stove is warm, their Stock is Seasonable, and their welcome always Warm. CARLING ROS. ••••,.•••••••1••••••••11( WI. SWEET, • VETERINERY SURGEON. ristas Is prepared to do any kind a bird stuffing, and taxidermist work at any time, The Six Townships Annual Fancy Goods Fair will be held at The Mart, comesencing Saturday December 14th, continuing without intermission. Manufactarers from Germany, Swit- zerland, England, France, Japan, United States, mad Canada, are already entered and the Judges will be kept busy with. the ahnost limitless entries well onto the end. The Palace exhibit is very large and the stock pens un - 'usually full. An inflow of buyers is looked for frora Hay, Tuckersmith, Us borne, Stephen, Biddulph and alcGilli- vray, besides numbers from the town- ships more remote. It will be a nice place, as fairs usually are, to meet your 'friends and note the 133:11)POVOMentS in each year's exhibit. J. GRIGG, MISS McFAUL, President. Treasurer. seseee...esesseeee 111 0' CHRISTMAS STK COM- • PLETE AT THE Big Bankrapt Stolle Yes and a beautiful one it is too. f•1110%.1114 DOLLS ! Dells ! Dolls ! piles ef tbem Fancy Crockery, an endless variety. All suitable for Xmas presents. Choice Fancy Felt Goods. pretty de- • signs in Chenille Goods, Lovely Silk, Linen and Gown H'd'k'f's, Candies, Nuts, Fancy Raisins, Lemons, Oranges. Everything that goes to make up a. first class Holiday Stock. Come and see us, • we will use you well. We are doing a great Dress Goods and Mantle Trade. The new Robinett Tweed Dress Goods are having a big run. They are :beauties. If you • want a Cloak or Fu`r "jacket we can give -"roil a big barg.iin. Try us. J. *..:...,.$.7.te-.vvart::!' •TrivillMomorial 3rd Sunday in Atlyent, December 15th, 1895. 11i:rine SCIi`i(33, lia. in. and 7 p. m. • BIBLE SOCIETY', Annual Meeting, 3p. Addresses by the resident ministers. Cottage for Sale or Rent, ap-: ply- to T. DEARING. • We have passed into stock a new •supply of Curtaiu Poles and Fixtures, Blinds and Wall Papers, at J. P. Clarlse's. here 'little Municipal talk as yet. • The epirante in the field, be- • eides t' Id. Council, who will offer rection are William Ba,wden fax teeve, and Chas Snell, jr., for Councillor. However, there may be several dark horses come on the scene by nomination day. mopping. I understand it has been reported that I heve given up the chopping. I titke this opportunity to notify the far- mers and public in general, that will still continue to chop every day in the week at the Exeter Power House. A • first class miller engaged. W, G. Bts. SETT Christmas in the Okt aotintrY, SPEOXALS*TEA.MSR11,8. -The 41Sfaiestie New York, Dee. 17th for Liver. p001, The `St. Louis' leayes New York laeo.18th for Southampton -paesage six days. Why be idle during the winter month? Try the Gold. Fields of South Africa, aila hAve a continuoua Summer. Far particulars, lowest rated and All Information'apply to Captain Ggo. txmr, Exeter, Ont, 4 t INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agent or toe WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PAN,,-, of Toronto; also for tho PERENTX Pisa INSUN..ANCE COMPANY of London En land • the ALT.LaNcR INsintisee COMPANY, o En5.- land. THE LONDON 1\2.0 T tJk L FINE INSt7RANCE COMPANY. Head Office, - London For 55 years this Company has done tho larg- est business in Canada at the lowest rates, con- sistent with security. Assets, Tan. 1st, 1895, - s3:57,190.00 45,000 Policies in force. T. E. ROBSON, President - 1). C. MoDONALD, Manager. For further particulars apply to DAVID JAQUES, Agent, Exeter. mtg. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1895 LOCAL HAPPERIPIOS. Brevities. Remember Grieve's 30 -day sale of Ordered Clothing. The Exeter grain market still leads. The highest prices are paid and perfect satisfaction - THE', TIMES -and Toronto Globe from now until January 1897 for one dol- lar and forty cents. Mrs. Hostettler, formerly of Blake, died in New Hamburg last week. She was in her 61st year. The suit of Halliday vs. township of Stanley, although decided in favor oft, the township cost the latter $300. One cent letter cards, double the size of postal', for local correspond- ence, can be obtained at the post offiee now. Nare have full lines of Boots &Shoes, Rubbers and. Overshoes. Never befOre have we carried such a variety as near. J. P. Clarke. Mrs. Elizabeth Harness sold her household effects by auction Tuescl4y, and intends to return to the home lof her mother in Lambton county. The pews in the Main street Meth - dist church church were rented last evening. There was a large attendance an4 nearly all the pews were taken. Persons can procure lard, sausages or head -cheese by calling at the horn0 of Mrs. Harness, Main street. Alwaya,, fresh and reliable, and at the lowest price The Municipal nominations in Clin- ton will beld in the forenoon. Foriner- ly they took place in the evening, when the citizens could more conven- iently attend. NECKwEA.R FOR CHRISTMAS. -We have them in all the latest styles. Bows, Derbys and Graduate Four -in - Hand just arrived special for Christ- mas. We are showing some spectead aesigns in fine goods, we start -dram at 2 for 25c. Buy your Christmas Ties at the Beg Bankrupt Store. • ,Among others the following- com- panies have been gazetted :-The Hen- derson Bicycle Company, of Goderich, capital $100,000, has been incorporated by Messrs. D. S. Henderson, of Brant- ford, James Clarke, S. A. McIntoeh, and George Acheson, of Goderich, Jas. Wilson and James A. McKay, of Tor- onto. -The Parkhill Independent Pub- lishing Company, with $2,000 capital, has been incorporated by Dr. Ovens, Messrs. Sohn Clemess, M. Jackson, J. G. -Munro, Robert B. MacIntyre, of Parkhill. The London Cheese Board meeting on Saturday was even more slimly at- tended than it was a week ago, and business was very dull. Fifteen factories boarded 3,890 boxes, and though there was the usual number of buyers in attendance not a pound of cheese • changed hands. Bids ranged about the same as a week ago.. -8c to i8c -while the cable was the same -44s for white...and 45s for colored. The market will be continued for several 'weeks yet. Hugh Brown, of Exeter North, has raturnecl home from Manitoba. Mr, Erown was engaged with Mr. Colgu- , houn, formerly of Exeter, ruiming threshing machine engine. He says Mr. Colquhoun has a large farm, with good, comfortable bnildings, and a large stock of horses, cattle and pigs, and had a good crop this season. Himself and his partner just purchas- ed the threshing outfit after Mr. Brown got there, and they had a very good season's work. Mr. Brown says that, despite the low prices, this season's good crop will give the Manitoba farreets a big lift, and all who were not hopelees y involved, will be put pretty well oti their feet. • treuble, Rumor has it that the young K. D, C. pets cure ditrohio, constip. a woman Marries a, well-kno-wn resident Mien, ef Strathroy as the cause of her ruin. TIN. ocomAisrulilseaaaTnuessalaarties who The tax •collectOrhas issued a circular , Cotairk -00TINOILNOTisesaThe Heuee desire any speeial individualtO be a to delinquents. Belem:el ..: , • ',of• Refage is 11044 . by electricity at a Diteetar •of • the /owl ,agrieulturale Good bateltanaith shop for . sale at a aeet of less than ozie eent per lighteadi . Society, ee wilts wouldlike to have • 41,'. bargain. Apply to HaBlehop .& Sore night, for a term of five yes. Mews, directOr freen their own •Ioeality elionkt ' The exanniattsous- foe Drell:W:0,On willaalaatz, reeye • of ' -Stephen ; and Cooks, atteral the :mama meeting whieh willa basetethe lath, 1,7ta, and 18tba of Decs . r.eeve of Howiek, bade their old °cella on "Wediteeday the .eightli day amtbeis, • • . • • • colleagues goodbye, stating Unit they of jartuaiet, at oPe-o'cloelt p, nia . ' • It is said that the writfor en electiou would not again seek. eleotiou for the . Isaac Snail, of Talbotville, -• brother in Vest Heron will bteissued tor the Municipal Board, Mr, Ratz's intention of Mlle john 'Spaelteuto,.. a Exeter, Oth of. jaanzaWY" • is to contest 'North 'Middlesex in the died very suddenlyon adonday. - He ' drove'a team of horses to the black- smith's. to,' he shod a About 4.p. en, ae, was sating= a chair when he mad- ' .,dealsafelinver, expiring in a few . min- sates.- He was elaty-two years a age. . He leaves a, .wife, but ao children. 80111e Of last yearts Overcoats left. • 4, few only will be sold for half their market price at J. P. Clarke's. If you want a flue beaver, or nielton overcoat see what Grieve'e can give you for $ 13, made to order. A. number gnaw town staree have put oil 0 holiday appeaeance. The sev- eral windows are attractive. Our Neekwear and ,Collars for Gen- tlemeu mel highly spoken of, Come and, make a choice at J. P. Clarke's. Just teamed a fine selection of Flan - eel Shirts and. Underwear, Cashmere Hoe, in Black and Colors, at ,I, P, Mr. Case, is hauling the material for the erection of a new brick residence on the old Murray farm, 1St =Mg= of Hay townshiP. For Choice lilleme Figs, Raisins, Apricots, Currants, Lemon and Citron Peels -all new and very select, quali- ties, at J. P. Clarke's. The collector has issued. a tax notice which. it will be svell for those who have not already paid their dues, to read carefully and act accordingly. Thomas Yellow had a quantity of oats stolen from the granary- the other night. Suspicion points to 'certain parties, and the case is quietly being looked. into. The new books have been received for the Public library, and have been put upon the shelves. The Exeter lib- rary consists of over 6000 volumes and is one of the. best in Huron. The advent of sleighing produced. a rush of cordwood to the town. A far- mer on Saturday stood on the street all day trying to sell a load. Finally he got $2 a cord for good. hard wood. SaBox.s.a roe, CHRISTMAS. - Santo, Aans in full force at the Big Bankrupt 'tore. Presents of all descriptions to 'uit all tastes and all pockets. The lost perfect array of all Christmas agoods ever shown in Exeter. e.a.see The Exeter Glee Olub will give a concert in Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, on 'December, 17th. The people of Kirk - ion should not miss this entertainment as it will certainly be the best ever given hi the village. See bills and programs. Jahn Hoagies, of McGillivray was before Squire Snell on Saturday for refusing to return a bridle svhich he took by mistake from Leathorreshotel last =inner. He returned the bridle which belongecl to a Amster in Blan- shard, as well as paid the costs. . RARE VALVE, a lbs. choice naixecl candy for 25c. s 2 lbs. new /nixed nuts (walnuts, almonds, filberts, peanuts, and Brazil nuts) for 250. ; pouedfancy box creams and chocolates for 1e. ; fancy table raisins 10c, per pound at the Big Bankrupt Store, Exeter. .." We tmcierstand that a muuber of young menof town are organizing a minstrel troupe. They have the uniforms and n.ecessaey equipment for the sante. It will be under the management of our renowned mimic, assisted by Monsieur. .i te Christmas Presents are a source of peat pleaSUre, both:to the liver and a receiver. We are showing a mag- nificent selection of goods suitable for thee purpose that are within. the means of till. •.In fact all suitable and service - arefale', goods for the Obristpas Trade , to be had at the Big Bankrupt Store, Exeter. 'Phe term of the following ineeelsere' of the Public School Board will ex- -1pire at tbe encl of the year, and all are elidible for re-election: H. E. Huston, Wee.j. Carling tual P. Fra,yne. The elOction this year will be by ballot, at Ifrite same time as municipal elect- eaons, ancl no doubt there will be a 'good grist of candidates. A meeting of the fax men from the different sections of Western Ontario was held iu Stratford one day this week to consider the organization of a society of fax manufacturers for the protection of their interests. There was not a very large response to the invitatasgs sent out, but arrange - menta were made to form an associas a,taen. ss 'CHRISTMAS DRESSES. -What would be nicer than one of our special dress lengths for a present. We have them at $1.20, the dress ; $1.35 for fine all wool serge; $1.80 for heavy wool -serge; $2.40 for very heavy tweed dress worth 3.25, and our special silk finish Black. Henrietta dress at 83.48, woulci be good value at 85.00.. The Big Bank- ruptStore is the place to buy , your Christmas presents. Col. R. G. Ingersoll's ears should tin- gle about this time as 3,000 Christian Endeavorers have banded together to • way for his conversion. The united efforts of so many earnest Christians will accomplish much, but the Colonel is a dill:knit subject. He possesses in- domitable will -power, and his foolish pride will prevent his yielding to the sweet influences of Christianity. Cunisreies Heruncencaliaes.-We have made a large pmehase of 150 dozen Handkerchiefs, all Christmas goods; Ladies' Embroidered and Hem- stitched Japanese silk in white, and colors at 10c., 15c., 25e. and 30c. Heavy japa,nese silk H'cl'k'f, large size ini- tial special 30c. Fancybordered size, 2 for 5c. Fine plain hemstitched 5c. Fancy scolloped. 5e. regular 10c. The Big Bankrupt Store Exeter is the place to buy your Christmas presents. - ..aafew weeks ago there was it party through here ingiuringsfor old horses, and he bought,one' or two in Logan at $1,50 a piece. Last week a glue factory man in Toronto was before the Police Magistrate charged with cruelty to animals, a car load of old beeses being found at the cattle market shipped to him in a state of' starvation, :fourteen of them lying dead in the car and the rest nearly famishea.-Mitchell Re- corder. . ContractorGrahairt, of London, and the Chathate.Council cannotagree as to the area, of the patent sidewalks put down by the former last summer, and the Connell have asked an Engineer to advise them it the matter, In the area of the works put 'down weee a number of window gratings, and Mr, Graham claims he should be paid for this area 011 the same basis as if solid concrete had been put on there, and the Chathairalaathers take the opposite view. Several hundred dollars is eckved it the dispute. ARE THERE; ANY IN Ems:mt.-In Stratford last week, the tax collector causedseveral young -men a the age of • 21 and =dee 60 to appear before the • Police Magistrate for neglecting or I refusing to pay their poll tax. They were heed. The law provides that men between those ages who do not pay taxes otherwise shall pay a yearly poll tax on ea. • H. :Silber, Deputy -Reeve of S phen and. the competent chairman of the Howe of Refuge Buildieg Committee, was unanimously voted $25 by the Comity Coutacil as a slight recognition for his work, This recognition was fully justified; electors would have en- dorsed an appropriation of $100, be- cause we knowle earned ana along with committees saved the county many times that sum. The editer of the Minton New Era must be a great lady's man. Speaking of it new patented corset he says: "On examining the article we find it cer- tainly one of the most complete and desirable articles of :ladies' wear yet introduced. It entirely does away with those objectionable posts and clasps which project from the surface of the old style of busk, and. presents a beautiful smooth surface,which is greatly admired." He must be a dude, and an authority on these things. a'aa HINTS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. - 4. pair of geeuine French Kid Gloves,; Pewny's make, every pair guaranteed, $1.00, A. pretty pair of slippers, a nice dress, we have every style and price.) A. good set of Furs, we sell you 4 lovely- set at $4.25. ' Something nice for the house, a pair of cheuille or lac curtains; a beautiful table cover chenille, wool, felt enibroide;eY or linen, we show some exclusiveidesigpe. A pair of good blankets, we have thein from 90c. to $5 per pair. Buy your Christmas presents at the Big liank- rupt Store, 'Exeter. Oxfaxermas Is COMING -How we all love the Christmas season, with its reminiscences of past joys and sorrows, with all its hallowed associations and. loving recollections. We grow young- er as we recall the happy Christmas. days of childhood. It is a time of re7.• umon for children and parents, fax' brothers and sisters. The heart pews fonder as we think of the few possi- bilities of a futuremeetiug. Make this lessee' day therefore one of fond re; membrance by the bestowal of loving - gifts on your dear ones. It is not nec- essary- that the gift be expensive. Oiae made by• your own laancls will be most appreciated. Let the coming festive season be one of enjoyment and good will. Ilpiatea SHIPMENT FOR CHRISTMAS . - We have justreceived a heavy ship- ment of fme China goods, decorated• seemapercelain Tea, Dinner and Toilet ' sets, Hall, Parlor and. Library lamas • special for the Christmas trade; Chiatt Cups and Saucers, Bread and Milk Sets, Soup Sets, gold decorated specaal at20c., Smokers Sets, China Cuspadoaa, Fine China fruit dishes decorated large size 45c. worth 75c., at doe. worth 85ca at 85c, worth. 1.50. These gooda were bought way below reg. value. Fancy English Jet gold decoratedtea pots30e. Fancy PrnIar Imams, • brass mounted 65c. A beauty special at 1.25, regular 2.00. Hall and Hanging lamps Which we. bought at 831-3 es' discount, very; fine and cheap. The Big Bankrup,t, Store is the place to buy your Christ- mas presents. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. -At the last regular meeting of Advance Council, No. 207, R. T. of T., the following naf- ficers were elected for the ensuing six months: Select Councillor, Bro. J. P. "Clarke •, vice -do., Sister Emma Pen - bale; ra,st Councillor, Bro. George Penhale ; Chap., Bro. R. R. Nelson; Fin. -Secy, Sister M. E. Gil; Rec-Secy Bro. David Jaques; Treas. Bro. P. Frayne ; Guard, Bro. W. Delve; Sena tinel, Bio. Thos. Daw ; Herald, Bro. George Jewell; Asst. Herald, 13ro. Ross Holland; Organist, Sister Ane 'Gregory. • At the last regular meeting of L. 0. L., No. 921-, the following officers were elected for the ensuing tenni W. M., David Dew ; D. M., Sas. Brint- nell ; Chap., John White; Rea -Secy., Wm. Snell; Fin-Secy.,John Leathben; Treas., H. La,mbrook ; D. Ceremonibs, T. Newton ; Lecturer, Aaron Sutton; Committee, Fred Knight, J. Gillespie, S. Priscator, T. G. Williams, J. Mallet. • tot-. Mrs. (Dr.) Amos is confined to her bed through illness. "John Eynon has sold his trotting horse 'Denver to J. Snell, of Exeter, for the sum of $200." - Ailsa Craig Banner. The town has been flooded with cir- culars from an advertising firna in Chi- cago, soliciting agents, and requesting it remittance of $5 with application. The inducements are tempting, but we would advise, all to give it a aside bort h. is getting ready for hisen- . tree into the sign of Capricornesa That occurs on the 21st, which will. be the shortest day of the year. Although the sun will then commence to travel our way, the days are likely to grow colder as they lengthen. The council of every municipality is required bylaw to meet on the 15th Dec. and wind up the business of the year so that the financial statement ina,y be printed and distributed before nonnnaticm. The date occurring on Sunday this year, the meeting will be held osx Monday'. A sensation has been caused at Strathroy over the finding of a newly - born infant in an outhouse, dead, The mother of the child is said to be it young woman employed as it domestic at the residence of Mr. W.F. Fawcett, at whose place the lefant was found. The. unfortunate mother fainted in the titchen of the house, and upon being restored she told the dory of her forthcoming election for the House of Commons, while Mr. Cook will retire into private life. There are. others whom it is said will not seek re-eleet- ion, amongst theta being T. M. gay, of Usborne ; Reeve Stewart, of West Wawanosh ,• Reeve Young, of Blyth; McPherson, of Turnberry and deputy - reeve Graham, of Ilosvick, W. IL Kerr, reeve of Brussels was not certain whether he would. come back or . not. Those Who profess to know say that it all depends upon who gets the Regis- trarship of Harem Should. it fall to the lot of Mn G-ibson,member for East Huron, then. Mr. Kerr will try conclusions for the nomination, for which, it is said, he is already wire uplling.--The Council sat two days, no,d besides accepting the House of Refuge, as recently completed, did no business of ianportance. For this little jaunt it cost the County Over $000. Yet we. heve advocates of large County Councils. The Morris bridge difaculty came up again in open couucil, in it motiou made by W. 11. Kerr for a conuaromise with Morris of the stuu claimed from the county. This difficulty arose over it claim by Morris of some S800 for bridges the township had built, which, accord- ing to the law at that time, the county should have paid for. The county dis- puted the claim and for some years the case has been in the courts, Morris having won the suit on it couple of appeals. The County Solicitor had given notice of appeal to the Division- al Court now sitting. This had been -sanctioned in comeaittee, hence the motion of Mr. Kerr to effect a settle - Ment. A vote was taken, 23 voting to lia,ve the case fought, 22 for a settlement. Those who voted to have the Courts settle the case did so on taii4 argument that other toweships having similar claims, while debarred 'hy the limitation of time and the re- peal of lews, were morally entitled to the same consideration in proportion with Morris.. Settlement by the courts would in any eveet vitiate the claims of the other townships.- Clinton proved a very convenient place of meetieg, andthe town treated. the members in princely style: Pansmees. - William White, of Rodgerville, who went to Detroit to have an operation performed, has re- turned home, much benefitted in health. -William I3awden and wife visited friends in Clinton, the latter part of last week, Mr. Bawden attending the formalities. in connection with the opening of the . House of Refuge. • Nelson laestle, of Exeter, is visiting his sister, Mrs. R. Joanston, London, and will also visit friends in Ingersoll and Woodstock before re- turning home. George Southcott, of Toronto, visited friends in toarn this week, and on Sunday aided the choirs of Main st and James st Methodist churches by singing in his superior style .several sacred. solos. . Mr. South- cott putsan spare time in evangelistic worle'.and is quite successful. along those 'aines.-Messrs Albert Hooper, Oil Cita, Pennsylvania, and. Thomas Ifoopma Rat Portage, who have been here the past two weeks, looking after the estate of their father, the late John Hooper, Huron street, left for their respective homes on Monday of last week. -Mr. French has invest- ed in a handsome upright piano which was placed in the House of Refite.--Miss Sutherland, of Hensall, spent Sunday the guest of Miss Alcock. -H. W, Nellis, of London, has been in town the past week relieving man- ager Hurdon, of the Molsons Bank, who, with other members of the family, has been ill. -Mrs. C. Ross of Napinee, is visiting her mother, Mrs. •George Eacrett. The Collector is receiving taxes very slowly. William and Edward Dignan are crioirsikyerting the drill shed. into it skating aaThomas Russell has taken several of Theetwo daughters of John Sanders, kh a‘ lii c'oice Shorthorns to the Guelyh - rat tock show. of StePhenhave completed a quilt with 3380 pie es in it. *SS of Stephen township. She is laid fii The feneral of the late Septimus Iloggee h will take place on Friday, at 2 o'c ock for the Exeter cemetery. .A r ty nail pierced the slipper and pen , ratecl the foot of Mrs. Wm. Dear - up in consequence. A. lantern, falling on the floor in W. Davidson's stable, Sunday night, ex- ploded. The hay caught, and it was with difficulty the fire was extinguish- ed. Remember the Situs' RicharcleCen - cert. Plan open daily at F. Knight's ...Store. Tickets, 25c, Reserved Seats 'only 35 cents. Remember the. date neat Wednesday. a ............a. * . ram OF TIME Moves onward and in order to keep pace, goods of various kinds inusthus- tle forward. It is steady dropping that wears the rock, so we keep plod. ding step by step. We have just ad- ded to our stock a choice line of Imi- tation Fur Trimmings, consisting of '7 styles, bought at one-third less than wholesale price, and our customers will receive the benefit. You cannot, afford to pass by our place of business without examiningour Men's Over- coats at $5, and prices up to $1.L50. Men's Suits, Boys' and *Youths' Suits in good qnalities and prices that 6re correet, Men's Persian Lamb Caps, Beaver Caps, and it host of othees will be offered at prices in keeping with the stringency of the money market. Overeoats made to order and warran- ted to fit the purchaser or iso sale. Butter. 16; Eggs, 17c; Turkeye, 7e; Geese, 5c; Chicken, 5ic, ji Pi CLARKE 1022111WIRIMIMISIM1111011151MINNIIIIIS BUSINESS BOOMING BIG SALES? veryone :Pleased, Our Clearing Sale has been a grand success and will be contin- ued during the balance of the year. New goods are arriving daily, and everything goes at Sale Prices. CROCKERY, ETC. We are headquarters for X-mas Goods of all descriptions, and have just opened up a large con- signment of hand -decorated China -beautiful goods and very suit- able for Christmas Presents -bot. from Agents of Manufacturers in Germany, and are great value. See them. GROCERIES. New Raisins, New Currants, New Nuts, New Candy, New Peels of all kinds, all fresh in for the Christmas Trade, and at prices to suit the times. We are selling Sugars cheap. 22 lbs. Redpath's best granulated for $1.00 ; 28 lbs Redpath's pure yellow for $1.00. DRESS GOODS. We have'nt nearly at. ) many yards of Dress Goods as we had ten days ago, but we have still a number of lines at great bargains. Our black Cashmeres at 5oc., 60c and 750 are marvels of cliapness. Now is the time to get a bargain in a dress. We sell genuine fibre chamois at 25c per yard. HANDKERCHIEFS. We have them in great variety both silk and linen. Japanese silk handkerchiefs, imported dir- ect, at at 15c, 20C, 25C, 3QC,. 50C, 75c. and g' I, are lovely goods and the designs cannot be seen any- where else in town. We have linen handkerchiefs ft orn three for 5c. upwards, FURS. We have turned a lot of Furs into cash during the last two weeks, and the whole balance of our stock must be cleared before the end of the year. We have about half a dozen Men's Fur (.:oats left‘.and each one will be sold at less than preserit wholesale prices. DO • YOU WANT A BARGAIN? ICW' Everybody is cordially .invited to call and see our beauti- ful display of Christmas Goods. R. PICKARD & SON» DIRECT IMPORTERS. {,'111111 GILT EDGE AMAIN'S What's more suitable for a Christmas Present than ori„, of our CARS, J CAPES, 1F orCOLLUAFIZSS At reduced prices :- Persian Lamb Cap, $2,75 and $.4,50. $10 Beaver Caps $S; $8 do. for $6, $3 .50 Metria Caps (best qual ity) for $2.75. $1 Sealette Caps for 75c. Fur Coats from $12.5o to $28.00. CHRISTMAS F1ITITS-0"-- 1and GROCERIES New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Candies, Fancy Bis- cuits, Etc, Best values in BOOTS & SHOES, Fancy Slippers, and all fancy makes in Overshoes and Rub bers, G. G. JOHNSTON. SMIT.7.1106%.7.7MM .177r:""--na4M329612111/1 N OTICE TO OREDITORS. - - In the matter of the Estate or David B. Geiger, of the Township of it Ary. Farmer, insolvent It -:., The above named Insolvent has this day - made an assignment to me of all his estate for the benefit of his creditors. A meeting of the creditors will be held. at my office in the Village of Dashwood for the appointment of inspectors and giving directions for the dispos- al of the estate on Friday December 20th, at one o'clock, p. Creditors aro duly notified to file their claims with me duly verified on or before said meeting, After that date 1 shall proc.ecd to distribute the said estate having re- gard only to such claims which e shall then. L3 notice, and shall not, be responsible for the a.ssets of the said estate or any part thereof to any person or persons whose claim or claims shall not have been filed. JOS. SNELL, Assignee. Dashwood, December 10t1. 1805. BORN. IIANNAH-In Usborne, on the 7t1i inst., the - wife of Wm. Hannah of a son. M TtOBIIII NSONLIELA-RITEItillarton. on the 27th nit., at the residence of thebride's father, Albert Robinson, to Mia g Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Conrad Thiel. DOWDING-HURLBUT-In Mitchell,_ on the 27th ult., by Rev. De, Williams, Mr. Edward E. Dowding, ,of Mitchell, to Miss Cora May Hurlbut, of Fullerton. RODG.ERSON,LOWRIE.-At the residence of the bride's mother, on Nov, 271h, by,Rev. j. A. Hamilton, Mr. Thomas noegerson of Hullett, to Miss Jessie LOWTiO, 0,180 of Sul- Xi:We-LAWLOR- At the residence of the bride's father, 'Manchester, on Nov. 27th, by Rev. R. Henderson, Mr. Albert; Ring, of East Wawanosh, to lliss Annie Lawlor, of Manchester. LITT-DARLING,-At the manse, Seaforth,, on December the 3rd. by Rcv. A. Donald,' D- A. Mr. Edwin John Litt, of the Township of Ellice, Perth county, to Miss Jessie Darling, of McKillop, Huron comity. BELL-ROLPH-In Logan, on the 3rd inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the 11,0V. Dr. Williams, John Pitman Boll, of Sea- , ' forth, to Margaret Jane, 1.,-oinigest daughter of the late Joseph Rolph, Esq., of the town- ship of Logan. pM and 5 months. ELLIOTT-In Hullett,or, ithe 1st inst., Mary Ann Stewart, wife of James Elliott, aged 7 •"f S1TEcaWrsXRT-In Usborne on the 6th inst., the wife of the late Andrew Stewart, aged • HYG1 ars. Stephen, on the 10th lush, Septimus llogaith, aged 70 years and months. GOILEON-In Clinton, on the 51,11,inst., Jas. el- dest son of Mr. George Gordon, aged 25 years 4. Plan of hall, Sims Richards' Con- cert, at F. J. Knight's Grocery-. Prices 35c and 25c. ' Sims Richards' Family, Wednesday evening, December 18th. Prices, 35c and 25 cents. To Smokers To elect the wisbes of their cus touters The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Oorabluatiou Plug Of & SMOKING TOLMOOD This supplies it long felt want, giV- ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent or a 5 cent piece of the famous "1' & B" brand of pure Vir ginia Tobacco, ha tin tag 8c J1 is on evely piece SeSesasse. vi 7