HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-12-12, Page 744. '1-6. eat are sfin bettbr when made w,th L ENE for Ihej are R E from !laicise Atia are eas;ty di. gested, i ti) SitortentartCLalt CO 0 kl jou rp ci•is es °riot: ame beiter 'and. jou.ref-ht !amt. Made oily by The N. P. Fairbank Company, Welltrigton. and Ann SAM, alt0aPTRUAL. c,1,3 Rks 14 ST11 PATg 0 N, LIOUSNESS, DVS PEP'S !kr@ C K EADAG 6 Li LATE. TH E. LIVER. otiE, PLL A hEll EATI N G NSURES GOOD DIGESTION, KE.25 CrTiED • $ ODD'S mED. co. ixa . TORONTO. 0 fir ViE PM, Pramual- nagioroi 4 EF, Nis * GREAT BRITAIN. riE VERY LATE.5T FROM ALL, THE ried at London. WORLD OVER* Sir Charles Dilke le opposed to thO c ehleVtlee,r4thilaosf 10)etett rEeliceleivree(1, to Ihne BOx".Pilinroorf. division og Turkey, 4nt eersonal rriend a Empez.or Wil- - The Duke of Westminster owns Lon- litim in British Guinea. e Intereonne Remo About Our Own Country, don property worth more thee 1$60,000,- over seventy men aset women were All Parts of the globe, Condensed and Tbird-class dining ears are to be tried lanci a Majorca, sopae of the bodies killed by a boiler explosion on the Is - Great Britain, the United eteteo, (sod 000, Assorted for Rosy Reading, on the Great Northern rellwae between being blown into atoms. i London end Leeds. There ie prospect of a settleraent of texiced e fthpubtion a to titre() inoutlua imprieonment Biondin, the rove vvallter, wag X B T auffrage measures paased IL second reading irt the Victoria Legiala.turii. Count von Taafe, the Auetrian states - Man, died xesterclay morning at Ellie- hen, Bohemia, He was sixty-two yeare a age. Weelleness,Nervottenles;DeblittA, and all the train of writs from early moo or later excesses, the results of overwork, stela. peas, worry, etre Fall strengtle tievel and tone given to treier *area and en the body. Sim ' ple natural methods., moo* im diate provementseeeti Failure frapoisibise %000 rererenees. Book, explanation out proofs mailed. esealed) free. NA . CADA.. Two women were smothered in a the Beirut wad eiyeo etepoieeere fire at St. Hyaeinthe, Qoe, , trouble by arbitration. ' an artiole ia his paper. i for losmajeste or e lice The People'e Fleet & LightCele; I The marriage oS Princesa Maud of 1 no British ASnairalty 19 Said to have party is organizing an extenalve Neu in. Halifax, Wales And Prince Earl of Swde en will, obtained complete souedings froea Bri- it is understeod, take place in London tish merchant vessels which have re- in Tune next. ' 1 peatedly passed the Dardanelles. A London spoiety Paper says thee the ; it is reported that e'et thousand Span - Duchess a York is a. very datiful mite, ' lards reading in Algeria, have volun- and always consults her husband ork tcered their services to the Government matters of dress. I for aotive duty with the troops in Cuba. general efficiency, Arthur Arnold, the well-known En_Eaj From Turin eighty -niers brothers of thrown out; of his waggon at Hamilton fed an extremely active mien, bnoetajad•aanae were sent out in Cato ' the Order of twenty sistersst, Franois de Sales, and. Mr. 0. H. Eitohen of Copetown 'was dish traveller and, writer, and very seriou.sly injured. politieian and author. }Ie was eixiy-twO ber as raissionariea to South America. , . The Ohio tug Telephone, seized in years Of age. Jules Bartheleray-Saint-Hilaire, the Lake Erie by the Canadian authort- A purse as preaented to Dr. Bandar- well-known French classic scholar; was ties for poach:tag, will be sold. do in London on Tuesday la.st, ba reopes found dead in his etudy in Parte en The question of a public library will Sunday evening he was ninety years • in all probability be sainnitted to the of age , citizens rif Ottawa at the municipal el- ections. / Dr. Forester, of Berlin, has been sen - FILIE MEDICAL 013es Ed& N.Y. Mrs. Roger a Montreal, died with symetouis of poisoning atter a supper of canned salmon, The Ottawa Field 13attery lathe win- ner a the Governor -General's cup for name of ins good. m work in faun g homes for destitute children, in London and Canada. A three-year-old daughter a llrIr Mails by the steamer Fuerst Costaki Antheponlos Effendi, for- '. merly Governor of the, Wand of Crete, George P. Gibson of London fell into has been ap oleteci Turkish Arabassa- a pail of hot water and was scalded to death . marcit landed at Ply:mouth were de- liverer) in London six hours earlier dor to Gres, 33riteci, in elleeeSS1011 to then mails from the same boat landed the late Rustem Pasha. at Southampton. The Berlin Tageblett assorts that It is announced in London that instruce Germeray, Russia, and Frame have con - tions have been suit to the British Min- eluded an alliance committing there ister at Rio Janeiro to invite Brazil to to common aotion upon all q,uestiens submit the qu.estiort of the ownership a conoerning Turkey young teen named MoTaggart, liv- ing in London South, knockect his eye- ball out with a- whip that he was striking a, horse with. Miss Sa,ral Sleeth, a well-conneeted young woman a St, .7ohn, N. B., com- mitted suicide by shooting herself through the heart. lass MaRgie Symington of Napanee has been made an L.R.C.P. Bain. This is the first time this degree hies been conferred on a woman.. A company is being formed by the citizen. Leamingtoe to establish a beet sugar faotory, with a capaoity of 1,000 tons of beets per day. Doctor What isiood. forcieansig the Scalp and Hair, !seem to have tried everythira Fkri am in despair WhyMr R, the very pest thizr is PALMO-TAR SOAP ;poll' is splendid for Washiq fhe (lead it prevents dryne35 IllUS puts an end to Dandruff and Fieshe.n5 the hair nicely. _ 25 • mit LARGE TABLET The oiq of Tomato has coatra,oted for tha winter ooal supply with a Bet- falo firm at a much lower rate than that tendered by th.e local dealers. , Max Bachmann of Montreal has been arrested on a charge of burning two or three houses for the sake of the in- surance money on his furniture. The judgment, disqualifying ex -Mayor Aubry of Hull from public office for life and fining him 4994 has been confirmed by the Court of Appeal ,in Montreal, ZO•tfItttt*attt-4. lb 13 (0, Just spend his Four Quarters for a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters as all sensible people del be. tcause it cures Dyspepsia, Con- stipation, tfileusuess, 5d -c Headadle; Dad 111004 and all Diseases Of the atemach., flyer, Hicineys,Benrcis and Mod from a common Pimple to -the orstu Scrofulous Sore. Sf* Mr. Samuel Davis, founder of the great cigar -manufacturing firm of S. Davis & Sons, of Montreal, died in that city on Saturday afternoon, in his six- ty-fixst year. It is understood that the Donaldson line will put on a steamer between St. Tohn, N.B., an.d Glasgow, and will make runs during the winter as frequently as traffic demands. William Smith, a carpenter, aged. 50, fell from thn roof of a two-storey frame house at Niagara Falls, Ont., twenty feet to the ground. He fell on his head, and was instantly killed. Mr. Andrew Gregory Hill,_ Police Magistrate of the Counties of Welland and Lincoln, died at his home in Ni- agara Falls, Ont., on Saturday night, aged. sixty-one. Joseph Creasman, taller; of Leth- bridge, was sentenced to five years' im- prisonment for burning his store, and Miss Ruble Clifton, his accomplice, re- ceived a three-year sentene,e. Shortis, who is in the Beauharnois gaol under sentence of death for the Valleyfield murder, is as indifferent as ever. He eats and sleeps well, and never says a word. to the guards about his fate. A. son of Mr. Napoleon Belanger of the Public Works Department at Otta- wa was drowned while skating, while the boy's brother an.d a companion were rescued by aid arriving promptly. the Island of Trinidad to arbitration, Social London is very gaY this season. A history of the Armenian massacres published lately shows that 13,150 lives The drawing -rooms of the West end ll filled as they axe were sacrificed, and most of the sur - were rarely as wevivors, whose property was looted, are now, and the public places of amuse- in a starving condition. meat are so many gold mines to the happy managers who preside. A_ speoial despatch from Shanghai says that the French mission at Luithsiang In receiving a Wesleyan deputation, , has been destroyed by the natives of Lord Salisbury said that he did not care the vicinity during th.e absence of the to conceal his strong animus in favor 1French gunboat that is usually station - of the Episcopal and Roman Catholic ed in those waters. Churches in the matter of seoular edu- i cation. This has given much offence to In the Italian Chamber of Deputies Signor Sonnino, in presenting the bud - the dissenting element, 1 get, aneou.noed that the surplus would Cardinal Logue, Primate of Ireland, be 1,270,000 lire this year, and that he has issued a pastoral letter censuring expected a surplus next year of 3,020, - the British Ambasaador to Italy for 000 lire, without a new loan. having raised the British flag over the A despatch from Shanghai says it is Embassy in Rome during the recent reported there that no railway conces- national celebrations, which at the Car- sums have been granted to foreigners dime regards as an insult to the head in China, and. that the Chinese Govern - of the Church. ment intends henceforth to keep railway tTNITED STATES. building in its own hands. Sir Philip Carrie, the British Ansbas- A. casesef leprosy has beep discovered sador to Turkey, has backed down in in New York, his demand for permission, for a gun - A sale of 10,000 tons of English steel boat to pass through the Bosphorus, rails has been made in New 'York. and the 'Turkish palace party is very Bishop Alexander W. Wayraan of the triumphant. African M. E. Church (dropped dead at . A despatch from Beyrout confirms the Baltimore. . report of the grave situation of affeirs New York police commissioners have existing in Syria and Palestine, deoided to try the experimeet of mount- which places are flooded with Turkish ing patrolmen on bicycles. soldiers, bearing the significant green Mayor Swift ',presented. a black plc,- lag of the Prophet, instead of the Turk- tuxe of Chicago's municipal debts and fah flag. difficulties at a reform meeting held in The Berlin pollee the other morning that city, raided the houses of the Socialist members of the Reiolastag and other The Rev. Peter Trimble 'Rowe, who leaders of the Socialist party; and. all was educated at Toronto University, their letters and papers were impound. - was eenseerated in New York, on Sat- ed and taken to the office of the Chief urday, Bishop of Alaska. of Police. Mr. E. C. Benedict, a close friend of DEATH OF REV. 1R SBAW. The Injuries Received IIA /ha Trolley ac eideatt Prove reial—niteresting Career —Associations With Early Vieth° dieser A despatch from Toronto says :—The accident whiels befell Rev. Dr. Shaw on November 15 last proved, fatal abou.t half -past 10 on Tuesday evening. He died. at the residence of his son -ha -law, Mr. Alex. Mills, (181 Ontario street, where he had been ever since the un- fortunate oecurrence which caused his death As will be remembered, Dr. Shaw was riding his bieyole on Tonga street about 6 o'clock on the evening cif the date giVa en. When at the corner of Riehmond street he attempted to cross in front of a southbound trolley, but as he was very deaf he did not notioe the danger he was in. The result was that the trolley struck him and carried him some distance. He received severe in- juries to the back of his head, but for sorae days there was hone of his recov- ery; fact until a week ago when he began getting worse. He was conscious most of the time, but not rational, and merely recognized his friends around him. Rev, Dr, John Shaw was born in A delegation, representing the Ot- tawa and Georgian Bay Canal, waited on the Government of Quebeo to ask aid for the scheene. Preraier Tellico promised to give it early considera- tion. A penniless tramp named Maurice Barker, who slept in a Hamilton police station on Sunday night, Monday morn- ing received a draft for fifteen hun- dred sterling from England, being his share of his father's estate. The directors of the Ottawa and Gati- neau railway want to lease every un- claimed. lake between Wakefield and Desert, 'some forty in number, and to make the Gatineau district •a sports- man's resort. A report on the inspection of foods, drugs, and fertilizers during the past fiscal year has been presented to the Controller of Inland Revenue by Com- missioner Miall, and will shortly be issued to the public. James H. Ford, alias Wood, of Win- nipeg was sentenced to 28 months in jail at Montreal for forging a C.P.R. passenger ticket. Ford deserted his wife and family at St. Phillippe and eloped with a young woman. 11. deputation from the Chamber of Commerce of Montreal asked the Gov- ernment to send a delegation of busi- ness men to Prance to ascertain upon what basis trade could be encouraged and developed. Mr. Ives promised to consider the request. The estimates of the hundred or more agents of the Bankers' Association, stationed throughoat Manitoba, regard - mg this year's crop, which are absolut- ely reliable, are as follows :—Wheat, total acreage, 1,140,276; total yield, 83,843,392 bushels. Barley—Acreage, 153,839; total yield, 5,993,54.7 bushels. Oats—Acreage, 482,658; total yield, 25,855,989 bushels. Azarie Gauthier, the murderer of Cel- ina Consigny, confined in jail at Mont- real, has been haadouffed for the last two days,. except at meals, and then two guards have to watch him. He is a terror to all the earaates it the in- fimary. He made a deliberate attempt to kill a guard, and would likely have succeeded had it not been for the watch- fulness of the other patients. Capt. A. E. Cuthbert,of the Caraidirin mounted ealice, who is at present in San Francisco, in an interview on the Alaskan boundary, said that Canada is not °Stabile/dug posts on the frontier in eannection with the dispute, but sim- ply to maintain order. The imaginary forts are simply' barracks for the ac- commodation of the small detachments of mounted pollee sent to the frontier. A convict in the St. Vinceet de Paul penitentiary has notified the warden that he knows the man who killed Ma- dame Dem.ers, at St. Henri, last Tune, for whir% crime Napoleon Demers, the we - man's husband, will shortly be tried, The wife of Mr, Frederick Griffith, moulder, of London, Ont., gave birth to triplets on Thursday, two boys and a girl. All are healthy and well formed. 1elie couple have been married fifteen Presidentd, Clevelansays that he be- lieves Mr. Cleveland does mot want the nomination for a third term. Tames F. Eagan, the Irish political prisoner, was welcomed on arriving in New York by a large crowd. of hisfel- low-countrymen. t improvements in the State reported by TERRIBLE ACsIDENT. Aartal Death or Dir. *lames sitimpeen a Toronto Junction—Molted to Death in. a Kopper. A despatoh from Toronto Zunction ViryV03,000,000 worth of real estate and the Queen City mills on Monday even- thassessor for the year. inia, negroes own 411,000,000 of says: .A terrible accident happened in he 1 • ing, whereby Mr, Tames Campbell, bro- , ther of Mr. Anil. Campbell, MP. e. "Baltimore White," a burglar, who is• lost wanted in many towns along the Inter -I his life. It appears that Mr. James colonial railway for burglary, has been Campbell and Mr. Joseph Harper were captured. in Boston, and will be ceedings. /aeld doing some work in the third storey of awaiting extradition pro t the building, when a scoop shovel acct.- H. H. Holfnes was sentenced to death dentally fell into a large hopper, Pbiladelphia for the murder of Benj. through which the shorts are conveyed being refused. Pietzel, the application for a new trial The date of the execu- from the upper part of the rail to the tion will be fixed by the Governor, and lower part. Mr. Campbell said he it is probable that the ewe will ba ap- I would go into the hopper and get the pealed. shovel. "Don't go in there or you'll Prof. Marcus Baker, in a scientific get killed;" shouted Harper. The form - lecture in Washington. on Saturday er said he did not think there was any evening referring to the Alaskan bound- danger, and climbed into the hopper, 817 dispute, awl the only arbitration without saying anything' further. Just admis.sible was the arbitration of battle if the British claim should be insisted as he placed bis hand on the shovel, , three and. a half tons of shorts sudden - on. 1 ly descended from the grate above, The Rev. Dr. johnson, Baptist clergy- with great force, burying the unfortun- man, Of Jefferson City, Mo., wins has re- ate man out of sight. inc lower part turned from a three monthstour ofof the hopper was broken open and the •Turkey and the Holy Land, says that body recovered. Drs: Perfect 8,nd.Clen- United States Minister. Terrell should be denan were hastily suramoned, but al - hanged.. He declares that he has joined tiaough they did everything in their the Mohammedan Church, and is aiding in the persecution and kpower to restore life, their efforts were killing of Chris- unavailing. The mouth, nose, and all Hans, instead of proteeting them. t the air passages of the dead man were The Rev. Dr. Parkhurst, on Thanks- 'completely filled with shorts. The giving day, preaohed a sermon on law- I doctors continued their efforts at re- lessness in New York, He said that the susoitation for fully three-quarters of Rome boy train -wreckers should be tried an hour. Mr. Arch. Campbell,. M.P., and. convicted within a week, and hang- brother of the dead man, was In the ed within a month. He also referred mill at the time of the accident, and scathingly to the evil wrought by me- was completely prostrated. by the riw- sational newspaper reports of mime. I fat event. en oonsecitionee of the ac- cident the mill has been closed down Reports of business in the 'United , for the time being. The deceased was State,s this week are not entirely satis- 45 years of age, and leaves a widow and two children to mown his loss. op CAvz SPAM% GA,, May 21, UK "My baby was a living skeieton. The doctors said he VMS dying of Maras. =us, Indigestion, etc. The vailous foods I tried seemed to keep him alive, but did not strengthen or fatten him. At thirteen. months old he weighed elc,actly what he did at birth—seven pounds. I began ueing "Sevres Exta,siciq,l' sotue! times putting- a fevv drops in his bottle, then again feeding it with 4 spoon th again by the absorption method of rubbing it into his body. The effeet w -U4144 - vetoes. Ba,by began to stouten and fetten, and became a beautiful dimpled bbt* a. Wander to all. SCOTT'S EhroLKON supplied the one thing needful. "MRS. rtisENON INtawds.o. Three Rivers, Que., on April 29, Imp, and was thus in his 66th year at his death. His parents had only movedout frora Enniskillen, Ireland, a short time when he was born. After living a few years in Three Rivers the family mov- ed to Goderioh, Ont., where they lived about twenty years. At Goderich the Shaw family lived on a farm, and. the subject of this sketch divided his time between working as a farmer and go- ing to the Public School. About the year 1850 he commenced to attend Victoria College at Cobourg, and shortly after entered the ministry of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. In 1857 he married Miss Isablia Boulton of Strathroy, while he was stationed at Cayuga. The early years of his ministry were full of pioneer experiences in the back- woods circuits. He used to prepare his sermons while riding about from one appointment to another on horseback. Ataong his early circuits were Smith- ville, Beamsville, and Grimsby. In 1857 he had the honer of felling the first tree in the Grimsby camp ground. In 1864 he went to Whitby, and then in turn to Aurora, 'Weston, Brampton, Toronto (Berkeley street), Port Hope, Whitby, Peterboro' and Orillias He had only been in the latter place six motthsevben in the faU of 1884 he was appointed As- sistant MissionarySecretary of the i Methodist Church n Canada, associat- ed with Rev. Er. Sutherland. In 1876 he was President of the Toronto Con- ference. Ile moved to Toronto in May, 1885, and lived here until his death. As Assista.nt Missionary Secretary Dr. Shaw's duties called him to preacla all over the Province, and he did a geed deal of travelling, having three appomt- rnents to fulfil at the time of the acei- dent. He was 'always an enthusiastic temperance as well as missionary work- er. The work necessary to bring about the union of the Methodist Church in 1882 was participated in to a great extent by Dr. Shaw. He was associated with Dr. Rice, Dr. Williains, Rev. Eger- ton Ryerson, Dr. Wood., Dr. Green, and other prominent clergymen oE the Wes- leyan Methodist Church of twenty years ago. Rev. Dr. Shaw's many friends unite in saying he was of a very mild het determined disposition. He took no interest in politics, evidently having po regard for such matters. factory; general dulness is experienced, prices are shrinking, stocks are usually large and the demand weak, while dis- tribution is delayed by unfavorable weather. The movement of crops is only fair, and wheat and cotton are being The exceesive use of tobacco can be held back in the hope of higher prices. clearly demonstratedx by the eamine- Hides have again declined, as a rule tion of a properly spread slide of blood. manufacturers are doing little, and no In such eases red corpuscles will be change for the better is probable until found to be crenated; that is the cor- the New Year. Of course the holiday in the Statess has had a depressing efteot, pusice, instead of possessing the abse- lute regularity of margin noticed in which mild and stormy weather has in- tensified. The fact that buyers never health, willpresent a series of scallop.s somewhat irregular in their distre, care to increase stooks near the close of bution A few such orenated cote the year also helps to explain the gen- eral slackness- puscles, in the proportion of 1 to 350 oc- 1 cur in normal health, but in tobacco Mace° Blood Poisoning. GENERAL. blood the ratio is often as high as one , I to ten and sometimes attains a rauch Recent storms arid floods in Russia larger proportion. Opium and. other drowned 500 persons. 1 narcotics produce the some result. The discovery of an effectual cure Nervous excitement and. oertain dis- for leprosy is reported from Bogota. eases will fregeeetly produce crenation, Forty-six Armenian villages have awl the blood m dense urine will often been destroyed by the Hamidieh cava be found it this state. Where the alrypatient is otherwise healthy a number Two English missionaries wereof Crenated el rtkbniscles in his blood v re- safely be aseed to the excessivem ultie cently murdered in Madagasear dur- ing a riot. The recent ilinete of the -Pope 'wile due to the lack of vitality, which condi- tion is increasing. It is reported from Havana that, the Cuban insurgents are using dynamite in blowing up railway trains. Sir Herbert Murray, the new Gover- nor of Newfoundland, has arrived, and received an enthusiastic welcome. The name of Emperor William has . been suggested. as an arbitretor aS the nig' Thie is an easy way to deoorate your 73ritish-Venezaelatt boundary dispute. home. The seep is the best ie the market, The death is Announced at Honitori mil it wili wily coot le. teastage to send in Of Genera 1 atilberne, who eirsi saw ewe, 1 the wrappers, if you leave the ands open. Vitt iii the Canadian tebellioe of 1838, I Write your address carefully, The "on-mari-one-vote" and women's I Illiciren Cry for Pitcher's Cestor4 of tobacco, opium. or some narcotic, and it is then necessary to stop their use. Row to get a "Sunlight" Picture. . Send 25 "Stmlieht" Soap wrapper (wrapper hearing the words "Why Does W omen Look Old Sooner Than et Mau") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott Ste Toronto, endyou will receive by post. pretty picture, free from advertisiog, said well worth from. fs especially useful for sickly, delicate children when tbeir other fo0.4 fails to nourish thern. It supplies iri a concentrated, easily digestible form, just the nourishment they need to build them up and give them health and strength. It is Cod-liver Oil made palatable and easy ta assimilate, combined with the 1-lypophosphites, 'both of which are naost reraa.rkable nutrients. .Don't be persuaded to accefit a.. .substitute Scott**. Bovine„ Belleville. All Druggists. 50c. and $1. BULL FIGHT ACCIDENTS. A Regular Epidemic or Theta Tata Iran Many recent bull fights in Spain have terminated very unleckily. In Barcelona, Guerrita„ the most famous toreador, was badly hurt. He enter- ed the arena on horseback, but the bull, which he wanted to incite to fury by pricking him with a sharp -pointed dag- ger, gored his horse, and at the same time tore the right leg of Guerrita up to the hip. He was hardly able to reach the entrance from loss of blood, and had to be carried away. In spite of his dangerous condition ha insist- ed upon being sent home to Cordova. Another accident occurred at a bull fight in Cuenca; there the grand stand fell in and a number a people were hurt. During the excitement of the crash the picadores in the arena turn- ed. to see what was the matter, for- getting all about the mad bull in the ring, who bore down upon them, and before they had time to escape one was gored to death by the infuriated beast. i At a bull fight n Bejar two toreros, Cacheta and Termendo, were badly used up. At Rem the bull fighter, Orega, came into collision with the bull's horns; now he occupies a cot in the hospital, where his life is despair- ed of. Reverts, also a famous bull fighter, received an apparently light wound at a bull fight in Albacete on September 10; his condition since then has been gredueliy getting worse, mia if, as the physicians fear, gangrene sets in, it will be the last of the cele- brated toreador. HIS Retort C011atO0W4. Dr. Chalinere, the eminent divine, was fond of telling the following story : Lady Betty Cunningham, having had some differences of opinion with the parish minister, instead of putting her usual contribution in the colleating- plate, merely gave a stately bow. Thes haVing occurred seveal Sundays in suo- ceseion, the elder i11 charge of the plate at last loet patience, and blurted out: "We end dae tvi' less o' yer Marinera, an' ma& yer siller, ma Reidy, Dining on one oecasion at the house of a eobleman 10 happened to repeat the anecdote, whereupon the host, ata tot over -well pleased tone, said: Are you. aware, Or, Chalmers, tbet Lady 13e117 is a relative of mine'? I Was not aware, my lord, replied the doetor ; but, with your permission, shall maim the fact the neat time I tell the story. Hit! 02;1 Fs LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD K MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN THE induc- RES ligqi.--traga,P3oiruirA,InZetatirtget.iMealiger°.3% =happiness of tuoustuads ioromisingypoung men. Some fa...Gaud wither at an eerly sgo oat the Wesson of manhood, while others are forced to drag oat a wean', rraitletio and6 melancholy existence. Others reach niatrimony but f ma no solace or aetrafprt there, The Ftvictims are ±‚000d in all stations of lifei—Thef-arm, the office, the workshop, the trades the ades and the professions. 3 RESTORED TO 1111 AN HOOD BY DRS. K. & K. S Wna. A. WALSER. War. £ WLKtLi. MES. CITAS. FERRY, CHAS. IMERT..* BEFOATI TAEBNMENT &WAR TREITIEEKT Divorced but united again nes-NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT wan -ma comm. -we 'Wm. a. Walker of lath Street saast—"I have suffered tmtold agonies for ray "gay life." I was indiscreet when young and ignorant. as "One of the lama" I contracted Byphilis and other Private diseasest I bad ulcers in the mouth tuid throat, bone pains,. hair loose, pimples on face, finger nails came off, ertnesions, became thin and despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Mercers, Th helped nue but cored not euro me. Finalliafriend.inclueednietotry DraEannedy& organ. EiTheir New Mother], Treatment cured me m a few weeks. Their treatment 19 -wonderfal. sYori feel yourself gaining every day. I have never aeard of their failing to cure IA a single ease*P ! Capt. Chas. Ferry says:—"L owe my life to Drs. K. & K. al -CORES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED DED Ca plAt 141 learned abed habit. At 2,1 I had all the symptoms eaof Seminal Weakness and Spermatorrhoea, Emissions (pare draining and weakening sny vitality. I married at se 24 tmder advice of my faraily dootor, but it was a need experieno. In eighteen months we were divorced. I ...then consulted Drs. E. &K., who restored me to manhood "'hytheir New Method Treatment. Ifelta new life thrill through my nerves. We were united again and. area aae. This was ,six years ago. Drs. X. & R. are scientific) specialists and I heartily 'recommend there." see Ver We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nevous Deoildy, Seminal Or Weakness Gleet, Stricture, Sy.Philis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200.000 CURED. NO RISK aR ER Are ypu a, victim? Rave you. lest hope? Are you contemplating inor EA 9 nape Has your Blood bean diseased? Have you any weakness? Oe New Method. Treattnem will cure eon. What it has done for others it will do for yon etcCONSULTATION FREE. No mattered:10 has treated youawrite forran lamest opinion Free of Clheen.trICEhaar.ges reasonable. BOOKS FREE—"The Golden. Monitor" (illustrated), oak) Diseaeos of Bien. Inclose postage. a cents. Sealed. VAT. No medicine sent C. O. D. No names on boxes or Sirreeis. •opes. REverythKENNEDY ing eonffdentand cost aueatIon list ancost of Treat* NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRII IO No. 148 SHELBY ST SE 85 KERGAN, DETROIT MCH. 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