HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-12-12, Page 5"1 las it Tired but -Sleepless is a condition which gradually wears away the strength. Let the blood be N4 purified and enriched by Hood's Sar-., aaparilla and this condition will cease. "For two or three years I was sublect to poor spells. I always felt tired, could not sleep at night and the littleI could eat did not do mo any good. I read about flood's Sarsaparilla and decided to try it. Before I had finished two bottles I began to feel better and in n short time I felt all right and had gained 21 pound e in -Weight. I am stronger and healthier than have ever been in my life." JOHN W. COUGHLIN,Wallaceburg, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only Tru Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. Be sure to get Hood -'s and only Hood/e. Do not be induced to buy and other. floodsPills siesta Iteadaehd, 25ce cure 811 yer ills, bilious. -1 TORE TO BIN. I'. • Post Office Store at Farquhar to rent. Good brick building, splendid location and a -first offitss opening for a pushing business MOIL POS- SeSSiell given 1st January. For further partic- olars apply to, JOHN K.A,Y, Farquhar. im 115.4111K1T ItXrORTS. Exeter, December 1,2th 1860 kali whet.; ver burge,-....., . e 60 $ 62 SPring wheat per etrah......... 60 62 Berley per bubh....,.... 30 33 Oats perbesh • ,22 22 Peal; per bb. ue,.* ,...• 40 50 Flour per bbl • „en, 3 50 3 51 Apples por bag ,, . .. . .... 75 50 Potatees per bag- ..,.......... 20 e2 Her . ee ten. 11 00 1200 Wore. oer coed harden...ea,. 3 00 3 60 1400d Per or aoft. .,.. . .. . 2 00 2 24 Butter per lb... ..... . .. ....„.,,... 15 30 Eggs per deeen ...a is 15 Tutkeye per lb . ,.... .. 7 7 Hoge, live weisrht„ 3 00 3 25 Orme Ducks 6 6 Chicks.. .... .. .. . . Dressedhotte e . 6 5 4 25 to 450 ' London, December 1263 ism Wheatewbite, 2a11,1091be...... 3 1056o $ 705 Wheat, rod, fall. per e00 lbe....., 105 to 105 eanspring, per 1001ba ...... ... 105 to 105 °ate, per Itn lbs, . ,.......„,........ 73 to 75 Peas,Per 300 1138.............,, ... 80 to 85 Corn, eerie() the • 70 to 75 Barley per 10f lbe 65 to 75 Ryo. per 100 lbe , 80 to 90 Buckwheat. per 1001J,,,, s'66 to 70 13eans, per owe .. 60 to 76 Eggs, fresh, single doz. 10 to 20 Eggs, fresh beeket, per doe-- 17 to 17 Eggs, fresh, store iota, per doe 16 to 16 Butter,single rolle,por lb. . ... • 15 to 16 Butter perlb,1 Ib rolls,bailieta 15 to 30 Butter per lb. large mile or orooka ... 15 to 16 Butter,per lb, tuber firkins .. , ... 32 to 13 Lard per lb. 9 to 9 Chickens, par pair 35 to 60 50 to 75 Turkeys, V io io DOT lb:.eaels 75 to 260 Dress t d hogs 'tiny per ton. 425 450 1.3 00 to 14 00 -.no-- Toronte. December 126h1895. Wheat, white, per bus$ 7160 3 71 Wheat, Bering, per bus-- .. - 71 to 71. Wheat red wieter, per bus 68 to 60 Wheat goose, Per bus 50 to 56 Barley, per bus-- . . 35 to es Nos, per bus . Peas. ..... ... ............. .............. 55 to 53 Ray 17 00 to 1700 Dressed Hoge .... , . 4 55 to 4 60 Eggs per ci,Aten 18 to 20 Butter, per /b 206o 21. - HESTER WHITE BOAR FOR SERVICE. Vest thne of Etelitief. W SNELL, Lot 15 Coneessionn Usborne_ Dee 33, FOR SALE; OR RENT. A comfortable twostory frame hotline con- taining ten rooms, a.nd good brick cellar. and hard and soft water and convenient to churches and school. Will be sold on liberal terms or rented. Well acetyl ed for a retired farmer.. Apple to W. C HOWARD. Exeter. FREE1 75 Ot:)MPLETE STORIE sl • Pack of goods worth $2. and a large 10f p; Picture 5 ook, that will sure- ly put You on the road to a handsome fortune. Send Oce silver. to pay Postage- ade A. W. KINNEY. E. T, Yarmouth, v. S. EALED TENDERS. tt,idre ssed to the undersigned, and endorsed, "Tender for=dredging, Collingwood Harbour, will be received at this office until Tuesday, the ith :day,of January next, inclusively, fertile deepen. fug of the Harbour of Collingwood to the depths ''silleiitioned in the combined specification and form of tender and within the area shown on the plan to be soon at the Harbour IVIaster's Office, Collingwood, and at the Departinent of Public Works, Ottawa. Tender s will not be considered unless made on the form 81114)110d, and signed with the actual signatures - of tenderers. An accepted bank cheque payable to the nnerder of the Minister of Public Itiorks, for the 4,0,ilve thousand dollars (83,000), must accomPanY each tender This cheque will he forfeited if the party decline the contract or fail 6 o com- plete the work contracted. for, and will be re- turned in ease of nonsoceptanec Of tender. The Department does not bind itself to Arcept thelo-wost or any tender. By -order; E. F. E. ROY, Secretary. Department of Public Werke, i Ottawa, 12th Nov.. 1805. HA RPI:: -11'8 ,BAZAR, IN 1800.i The twenty-ninth year of HARPER'S BAZ- AR, beginning in January, 1826, ffficls it main- taining its deserved reputation both as a fash- ion Journal and a weekly periodical for home reading. Every week the BAZAR presents beautiful toilettes for various occasions, SANDoz, Datum And 0iiuoxs illustrate and engrave the newest =designs and models in Paris and Berlin. New York Fashions epitomizes current styles in New York. A, nightly pattern sheet supple- ment with diagrams and directions enables women to out and make their own gowns, and is of great value to the professional modiste as well as to the amateur ctressinaker, Children's Clothing receives constant attention. Fashions for Men aro described in full detail by a IlleT1- 11130llt WWII. Our Paris Letter, by KAntanimi., DR FOREST, 15 a sprightly weekly recital of ion, gossip, tual social doings in Paris, ,givon by a, olever woman in an entertaining -way. Both the serials- for 1800 are the work of American women. Mrs. Gerald, by *MARIA Lornen Poore is a striking story ot New Eng- 3an41 life. MARY E. WILKINS, in Jerome, a Poor Mn, discusses the always interesting problems of the relations between labor and capital. Short stories will be, written by the best authors. SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS. 1,Tus1e, Tho Outdoor 'Woman, Personals. 'What Wo Aro Doing, Women antl Men, report and discuss themes of inenerliate interest. ANSWERS.TO CORRESPONDENTS, Ques- . Vous receive the personal attention of the editor, and WO answered at tho earliest practi- cable date after their receipt. The Voluines of the BAZAR begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will beein with the Number current at the tbne of receipt of . „Rolnittancos should no made by Poseoffice Motley Order- or Draft, to avoid chance of lees. . Newspapers are not to .copy this advertisement-, without the eepree,s order- of Harper en Brethren. HARPER'S PERIODIC:ALS, RALPH R,'S IY.UGAZINFIC ono nese- 31 00 HARPERK 'S W NR Id ee " -4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR " - 4 00 HARPER'S ROUND TABLE- " - 2 00 Postage free to all subscribers in the United Steins, Ciinada, -reed Mexioe. Address HA. Tenn', Et re 13 ft 0 T HERS, . . P. 0. Box 2.30, N.Y. Crrv. -7eNTOr.rip ••J bisd.catexemtrzal•talllitaSs•utrammminmeet•a READQUARIERS UIVDERTAKING oP FURNI f UR E at R. N. Rowe's, the popular Furniture Store;. A Good 'Bedroom Set for $9.00 A Good Ex.tension Table, $6.00 A Good Sideboard for $9.00 .A.I1 Rockers, Lounges, Chairs, Springs, /ie., at reduced prices for the next thirty days. A largo stock to ehoose from. As have $500 to raise, all acounts 'must be settled by cash or note by January 1861 1896. (Ask for a nice Calendar for 1806.) Mr, Stewart Acheson, who has been res.thlent of Stratford for thirty years, is dead. Ile, Was, eighty-five yeas old and had. 110011 Strifeetnee frOM heart, disease 201! 301110 tittle, gents representiug us can earn 320 per week selling our Etardy Cepacriau-growir Nursery Stook. Permanent position and salaries. Exclusive territory. Write at once fen terms to E, 0 - GRAHAM, Nu asenenee, TORONTO., ONTARIO, NI7ANTED ILLLP.-MEN OR Y Women in every locality (local or trav- elling), to introduce a now discovery, and keep our show cards tacked up on :arose, fences and bridees throughout town and oountry, Steady emn103 meat. Oommissieu or salary $65 per month and expenses, and etlonee deposited in any bank when started. For particulars write TEE 'WORLD 1kEjotr. HLROTRIO 0�,,P. en Box 221. London, Ont., Canada MeV 16- Gm , • %Wet • t hree-year eentence. s, who is in the Beaubarnois Virg/ der sentence of death for the the 13( el cl murder, is as indifferent as improe He eats and sleeps well, and. the as4 ys a word to the guards about warete "Bali colonie • t of Mr. Napoleon Belanger of )lic Works Department at Otte - drowned while skating, while s brother and a companion were by aid arriving promptly. legation, representing the Ot- ncl Georgian Bay Canal, waited Government of Quebec to ask the scheme. Premier Tallinn to give it early considera- nniless tramp named Maurice who slept in a Hamilton police on Sunday night, Monday morn- oeived a draft for fifteen hem - sterling from England, being re of his father's estate. directors of the. Ottawa and Gati- ailway want to lease every un - 1 lake between Wakefield and • 'some forty in number, and to the Gatineau district sports - resort. captue awaitil H. at Plei Pietze7 being tion. w- it is p pealed, Prof lectun evenie ary di a,d.miet if th ' on.' The,; man, { turne, -Turke tYnitq leang South EL uron Fat Stock Show TheSouth Huron Agricultural Society will hold a show for the exhibition of Fat Stock and Poultry in the VIL1 AGE of HENSALL, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17th. when the following very liberal premiums will be offer- ed for competition : CATTLE, PURE BREEDS. .t. 2n8. Steer, 2 years old and under 3.... 310 35 Steee, 1 year old and uuder2 6 4 Steer calf underl year 4 2 Cow oi• heifer-. ............ 6 4 GIUDES AND THEIR CROSSES. 1st. 2nd. ard. Steer. 2 and under 3 35 33 $2 Steer, 1 and under 2 4 2 1 Steer calf under 1 year 3 2 I COW, 8 years or over 5 3 2 Heifer, 2 ycars and under5 1 2 SHE 11,P. LONG WOOLED AND THEIR CROSSEF. , Ist. 2nd. 3r4l, Ewe, 2 years and over SS $2 31 Ewe,1 year and under 2.. 3 2 1 Ewe, under I eour.,,, 3 2 1 W ether, 1 year and over-3 3 1 Wether, under 1 year 3 2 1 Same lenses will be given for Downs and their cresess. PIGS. lst. 2nd. Ord. Barrow, over 9 months and wider .18 m mats- - $4 32 31 Barrow, under 9 months.. 4 2 1 Sow, over 9 menthe and under 18 ... 4 s Sow, wider 9 months,. • 4, 2 1 A Emcees t ekes badge svilI bo awarded to the beet beeting ttjiins1,abaci) end pig of any ago or breed, Ago of all animals will be computed from date of show. DRESSED POULTRY. lat 2n5. 3rd. Best pair of turkey clock - orate. batched in 1895-' . 32 :Best, roar of turkey pullers1 bemired in 1895., Best and beavicert turkey of any Beet eine of goose hatched in 1895., e.. 2 1 50 Best pairo'i ducks haesnea in 1893., , . • . 75 50 Beat pair cookeraie hatch- ed in 1895'. 1 75 50 130st pair titillate batched in .. .1 75 60 Best diaelay of dressed a 2 r Dressed tneans drawn end needed, Ample rocummodation Will be peovided for all ontossts and ioultry. Pot' further rules and eke:killers see peatere. M. Y,STCYJNAtIr '11. MCMORDIP. stottotarY President. 31 9050 2 e 50 2 THM EX1iTEB lo!tr..",Tw40,0wool,"1,'"N°404.,,t04-uoRk- GIVEN UP TO DIE. 1.4ondou, Unroll, and .F3race. Sgme voit TWO Maz•vrrIS Tor • PATIENT TA.Else 001)1A ;KIDNEY ' PILLS. . • RICHMOND (qprOici) Bee. th-.A.Corres- pendent at Ottawa, of a Torontopaner investigating Socalled Cures by.,Dodd's Kidney Pills folind himselfhere among ardent friends of this great kidney treatment. Seeing Mr. 'McCarthy at work M his shop after .being closedl!or twomonths in. 'eXpectation of death from Bright's disease, that gentleinan referred him to the' man- -who adVised him to use the Pills. ,This Was Mr,' Wm, • McCord a farmer who has been helpless. tri.d bed -ridden for twenty seven months 'With What was said to be "IncurableDiabetes." On coiling the. correspondent fotimillIr McCord pi° ugh ing in thelleld. A few boxes ofDoekt's Kidney Pills hadworked the 'eine'. It was a Matter of no surprise as they always cure. , An unusual event occurred. at Lan- don, Ont., at the .home Of Frederick .Griffin, on Wednesday, When the gen- tleman was presented with three babe by his amiable wife. TO be free from sick headache, br- iousness, constipation, etc., use Car- ter's Little Liver Pills. .Strictly vegetable. They gently stirnulate the liver ancl free the stomach from bile. The Stratford city council are tak- ing steps to raise the Hotel standard in that town. They couiplain of a lack of accommodation for both man and beast, and want the stabling ac- commodation of every licensed hotel raised to forty horses. Ayer's Pills, being composed of the essential virtues of the best vegetable aperients, without any of the woody or fibrous material whatever, is the reason why they are so much more effective and valuable than any other cathartics. The best family physic. The death is announced at Wing - ham of John Cargill, one of its earli- est settlers, aged M. lie had been ill for upwards of a year, suffering from some kidney disorder. Heleaves a widow and a family of nine chil- dren to mourn his loss -four SODS and five daughters -most of whom are grown up and away from home. Not one in twenty are free from some little ailment caused by inaction of the liyer Use Carter's Little Liver Pills. The result will be . pleasant surprise. They give positive relief It is often a mystery how a cold has been "caught." The filet is, however, that when the blood is poor and the system depressed, one becomes pecul- iarly liable to disease. When the ap- petite or the system fails, Ayer's Sar- saparilla should be taken without delay. LUNGS CLOSED UP. GENTS, -In the early part of the winter I caught a, bad cold followed by a severe cough. 1 coold not sleep as my lungs seemed closed up. 1 could walk only a few yards without stopp- ing to get breath. I sent for your Emulsion' and before I had finished the third bottle the cough was gone. -.I could breathe freely and felt like a new man, 1 advise all sufferers from coughs, colds or asthma, to give your Emulsion a trial. JOHN S. RILL, Tenny Cape, Mints Co., N. S. Thigyard's Pectoral Balsam cures coughs, colds, asthma, broncnitis, sore throat and all disease of the throat, gs and chest. UNABLE To WoRK. GENTS. -I was troubled with Liver Complaint so .much that I was unable to work because of the pain and sick- ness it caused. The pain under my shoulders and in my sides was very severe. Tam glad to say tltat one' bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters completely cured me and I ain now in perfect health. E. DACeENAIS, erne -eon Ste. Rose' de Laval, Que. The death of Rev. Thos Cullen, late pastor of the Askin Street Methodist Church, London, died on Saturday. "I am cured since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla," is what many -thousands are savim,. It gives renewed vitality and vigor. The dun Grange, of Stanley, which form y held meetings on the 2nd con - Cession, had its last meeting* On Tues- day. Of late the attendance has been getting gradually smaller, and the In- terest has been steadily declining, un- til it was thought desirable to allow the society to become defunet. EXPERIENCE HAS PROVED IT. tritemph in medicine was attain- ed when experience proved that, Scott's Emulsion would not only stop the progress of Pulmonary Constipation, but by its continued use health and vigor could he fully restored. Miss Lizzie Cowan, Wroxeter, has earned a reputation for fine needle work, of which any young lady might be proud. She recently made two and one-eighth yards of 11011 i ton lace wh telt has been purchased by Qneen Victoria. On Wednesday the barn and con- tents on the Street farm, nearBrussels, were burned. Wm. McFadden and Roderick May were the tenants,and while feeding their' stock in the even- ing, Mr. McFadden fell through the loft with a lantern and set . it on tire. They had their implements, grain, feed, pigs and fowl burned. George Sproat, a former resident of Egniondville, died in the hospital at Chicago on the 16th of NoVember last. A SIGNIFICANT DR,FARTITRU, With the departure of another year when a review is made ofthe condition of affairs, 16 08 only right that some thought he given' to the physieal body Whichenables everyone, to battle wit h Iffe's prOblein and figtire for themseivc s the profit or 'less on the trial balance sheet.' Though the bank account may be large and eachone's material pin be great, it would not be surpris- ing if it 'suddenly dawns 'upon many that 'good health .has boort: greatly poverislied by the low condition of the blood, ft is in this state thatthe lactic • acid in the Vital fluid attacks the fib- rous tissues, particularly the joints, making known thelecal Manifestations of-rheirmatisni. Thousands of people have found M'fIoodls-$arSaparilla the great b pod purifier,. -a positive and 1)01nm:rent Mire f�3 rhouniatistn. Oeutralie.....,...... 9,07 6,4.7 Pftue'reor Stock tioiNi5 01011-- London, departnee 6,054,11. pa P• 323 6.00 Kippene • nee...en 9.44 6 20 Taking. Brueeeeld 9.52 6.213 10,12 0.55 LondesboV0....,. ..... .... 10.29 7.; 4 eneenee.............., Beetle ...... ... ..... -.,..”, 10.88 7.23 Beigrave..„ ... ............ 10.62 7.37 Whecham arriree. ,.. 11.10 8.00 Genre Sol/etre Passenger Wingbam, depart., ... 6.85 A. M‘ 3.26 I". 11 Beigra,ve. . •• .... .. . •• . ..,.... 6,60 347 Byilh e .... ..,-, . .. ... 7.03 4.01 Lor deebero.,.... 7.10 4.05 4.28 AXES, very low. ntriuuctoateid.,-- :343 4.46 Kippere - ,......-,..., 7.57 4.53 IIeneall......... .. . .. . .. , 8 90 4.58 Exeter ”........ . . . . . . 8.25 5,12 Centralia...0...e.- 8 t 3,23 A SPECIAL X CUT SAWS, -AND-- -----0;mw' 20001021 -WILL BE GIVEN FOR- 2.INTEMIKS °Buoy "wallikSr1107.77EISAftwat No. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Ars MA) ANp WfILL-Tattle Ramany.--- Mrs Winalower Soothing Syrup hew been used fifty years by mil lione of wethere for their children. while teething with perfect sum:tees. lt soothe', the ohild, eof term the gures,allaya the pain, cores the on°, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold be druggists in every part of tbe world. 25 come a bottle Ifs value is incalculable, Be sure and ask for elm. Winslow's; Soothing Sem/ end taken° other kind. --THE-- A Number 9 Cook Stove, with the Lat- e s t Improvements, for $Io.00. 10 Per Oent. Off Call and See 014 And as we have a very large assortment, this will + be a Bargain worth having. If You need one now is the time to buy. andbe in it, People's Building and Loan Association LONDON - ONTARIO Bono es Dlawrolts I EXIvratt. (Medan° Dr J. Ar Rollins, President. Dr. C. Lutz -Vice-President. L 11. Dioksou, Solicitor. David Mill, -Valuator. Fred, W, Conine, - St:ay-Treas. DIRECTORS. Jno Grigg, E. A, Penick. Jas. MiIlor,Win Southoott, Dr. Thos, A. Amon: Sarni. Sanders. Make money bV saving manor. Sixty eent8 Der month will ensurs $100 in 7/ yeare• For forms of a nplieccrien and all necessary in for- mariee imply tc tli., Secretary, "jr, ,Fred. W. Collins. Post Office, Exeter, Ont, DR. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA. Office opposite Methodist Parsonage. Are You GOING TO GET A A PIANO, An ORGAN Or a Sewing Machine We nave the best assortment and the cheapest. 9 Stove. to,00 Cook They must go so be Sure BISHOP & SON CLE'llin AS A 1-4 KINSMAN, DENTIST, I- • LD SPE() I ALIST in ooLrFrLL- fl'G, FX1BAOTTNo and P I. A TE lets extracting. 2nd door north of o'AR- WLIONIGIR,s. sGtoarsand Jena] Anaesthetics for pain - e n ALTON ANDERSON D.D.S • L.D• S. Honor Gradnate of the To- ronto Univasityand Royal College of Dental Stirgecna of Ontario. Specialties, Paioldes extraction and preservation of the 1 antral teeth Office over die Law nffice or Ellie & Elliot, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. 111p11 AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, • °LIMON. Will be at Grab's hotel Zurich on the scoopd Thursday of each month and at IletlgiD'S betel Bengali every Monday SASEAlTiirWA BUFFALO ROBES, COATS AND MITTS. (Received the highest awards at the World's Fair.) Come in and See Them Or else write for particulars PERRIN & MARTIN Live liogs Wanted We would ask all purchasers of Robes to inspect this great itod won detful rote before buyn,g ; pronounced by all who have used them to be warm er and abaolutu wind, water and moth proof, will not weer bear in spots like a skin robe, have had six years of rough usage and have stood the test. They are made in three parts' without any seams, the fur cloth, the Astrachan lining and rubber interlining. They dry quicker and never get hard and are as strong as leather. Eyery robe guar- anteed as lei:rear nted. We also have a large stock of HarnesseWhips,Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Rugs, Bells, Boots St Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers, Felt and Rubber Boots, Sox and,, Rubbers. Our stock is fresh and unsurpassed in trash and quality. Sole agent for Newlands Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes. John Treble. ay I What are you wearing those fig -leaf clothing for? Why not come to J. H. GRIEVE, The Madan Tallot, And leave your order for an UP-TO-DATE Over- coat or Suit, We can please you both in pocket and Workmanship. 11611.119.11111,11.0. -OUR STOCK OF- TWEE23 • IMAM has been carefully selected and is among the best in the county. Lades' Jackets a.n d Cloaks Out and Fitted* A TRIAL SOLICITED. --AT THE-- 0 REST CITI aBliESS &SU ifli1.14)C31, LEV: 10N001 3 ' • IF A. PUPIL OF THE Dose not radily grasp a subject, we repeat and repeat until he does it. We drill, some schools don't. Wept our renutation in this way and it.tend to sustain it by giving a thorough grind in all subjects taught'.6 We teach Book-keeping and Business Papers by a new method. Enquire about it. Catalogue free. , Mr. E. A. Coon has accepted a position with E. D. Smith, Winona, Ont., as assistant bookkeeper. J. W. WESTER -PELT, Principal. *00 0•0414/0404 0041.04 **NAN*** .0•410 Pine Drivers I sa. • ,../..7 cannot be made out ofhorses that are . en .16 out of condition. Merely to feed • plenty of oats is not enough. A horse et gets run down the same as a man 4er and needs a general toning up. • 4 - • Dick's . ,,,,,, . '''' Blood Purifier 41 is a scientific preparation in the form of a powder. It purifies the blood, strength- ; ens the digestion, tums a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one and puts the $ animal "in condition," He then has "good life" and feels like holding up his • head and lifting his feet. * • M 1 LC H COWS are greatly benefitted by it. The whole system is toned • up. The digestive organs being strengthened, more nutriment is drawn from the • food and the flow of milk increased, e fe Dick's Blood Purifier will pay for itself ten times over. I For sale by druggists, at general stores or sent post paid on receipt of 50 oto. ti• 0 Dick dc Co., P. 0. Box 482, Montreal. ; ... taelefele41414.0•04-elo4)44e...(e.e0041440..• ..ik•••••• +.044..0114 hoicrholuem We are cutting up fresh hogs eyery day, SPARE RIBS, TENDERLOIN, READ CHEESE, FRESH PORK SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, CUTTINGS, PIGS FEET, SHANKS, fresh daily, AT EXETER PACKING HOUSE, We are reildering PURE LARD every 'day. . Pat ties wanting crocks or pads tilled should,do so now. Pc.rk is low in price. Thanking you for past favors, I remain, C. Snell, - Prop. A Suit 01 Viothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. Ji Murray & Co., KNIGHT. Ezceter Nortb, Store Mr. F. R. Knight has opened a Gene?al Store in the stand lately occupied by Brook's Harness Shop with a full stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONERY, ETC. Poroduce taken in exchange for goods. -s', 33-STIG-3ECT You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall 84 Wintsr Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other hues that are specially at- tractive. £.3 SFLL. wiz/alum L ABOUT °RT. You need a Clumb to keep in hounds that shaggy head. We can suit you as we have LONG AND SHORT COMBS, FINE AND COARSE COMBS, SIDE AND DRESSING COMBS, POCKET Axe CIRCULAR COMBS. Call and see them. ****Save a trip to the Den- tist', s by using our Fragrant SODONZ )1AtNE a delightfully refresh- ing dentifrice. * * Prescriptions carefully filled at x J. W. Browning's DOMINION LABORA.TOItlt% • Manufacturers of Plows, Gang Plows,and Straw Cutters for hand or horse power. Root Cutters from $8 to $9. Steam Piping and general repairs. Castings of every description in Iron and Brass to order. Fire Brick and Fire Clay kept in Stock. 3, Isar:Zia:LA:5r CO. Have you en old Buggy Tcp that needs re.cc,yee inp sod you wrah to baye made as good as new 7 Side CurIame played out ? Your Cushion played ont ? or other Trimmings ehabby and rcqui be, renewed ; eo, call on 3. 0 ..01..A.T17.0211.% mrnws..a.x.m, Or leave your orders at Jones' Carriage Works, Exeter. All orders will receive prompt attention and done In a SSP kmanslaiplika manner, Cnarges moderate. ET YOUR rdTS appw At W. ffohns', Th'e Tailor. Made to ordek for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town 46 get a at. Central W. j„ IThe linr• DRUG STORE • i\Torli Those who have used !LT SED ` Winan's Cough Balsam, Pronounce it unequalled AS Then. Come To 'Us for Best Itedroom a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BBONCEATIO THOUBI ES, lop Winan's Condition & Congh Powder tor horses, best in the mar- ket, always on band. Also a Cetobenefaoto and Lini- ment, the medicine so sue. eessfully used by Mr, Chas, Munroe, Parlatill, itt this and other towns, in treating and outing various diseases, For Sale at C. 1,4tITZ'S Suites For ours- are selected with ula a view to suitthe moat searching taste, and all ean got what they want at any price. The Leading Vurniture Dealers The Leading Undertakeit Gicile3r & 0 �19XFLLOW8 BLOCK.