HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-11-28, Page 8•
When men go rustling along, shivering, But you can for
the cold by stepping into CARLING BROS. Cheerful Store;
bristmea in tile Old (memo,
Seeeesta STEsteleiftes.-Thii '1140,j,estic'
leaves New York, Deo 17th for Liver-
pool. The 'St, Louis' leaves l‘Ti-n,v York
Deo,1S1 for Seuthanoptou --passage MO
day, Why he idle during the wiater
-watts? Try the Gold Yields of South
Africe, Ana have a continuous auttuner.
For partieulars, lowest rates and tLj
formation, epply te Ceptain Geo
Vele, Exeter, Oab, 4tf
ThVVind Storm.
iiieat terrific wind storm ./i0lted
this 'nictitate on TuesdaO morning, For
several hours it blew a hurricane, and
huge 'brick seructures sbivered,
fences mid frame buildirigs itot otect-
ed were levelled or darnaget, . The
smoke stack ab the electrio power
siding at the etation derailed, while the
earl was blown out of the Metropoli
tan hotel etable. Feeces too numerorte•
to Mention were levelled.
IT FEELS LIKE WINTER when Jack Frost nips your
fingers. But you can defy Old Jack by taking CARLING
BROS.' advice and dealing with them,
IP IS 7/77IsTril1211.
But that makes no difference at CARLING BROS. Their
stove is warrn, their Stock is Seasonable, and their welcome always
Nvoztz) TO
o.t7a IZNDS
Last yeer at this seasoo, we specially
advertised to you, pur intentions for the
•coming Holiday Trade, but owing to the
guiemese of the summer just then past,
went on tem miseion to fulfil these prom-
ises with a go al deal of sinking of heart
for feer taitet Cerietinae weuld prove but
a reflex of the se miner days just gone
by. T our serorise, hovvever, thee
foreboaiegn were not re1zc1, as at no
prior emison did we mike* sbeadier ad
more artisfactory trade. The Volume of
buainess was fully more eveze and al-
though not as large as on epecial Seasons
previous, was accompanied with a greater
number of customers, we think, than
ever before. The sales were less through
smaller buying, owing to what has been
regercled all over the as couatiy an excep-
begetter quiet seceon. With the encour-
aezement gieen us last year and the bettor
character 'Jf thee we have heert to buy
and pronnse to stow our cuatomers the
old stand pecked with goods, whenever,
goods can be shown,. and will be in shape
for the Chiistmaa Fair. We expect to
hold from the 10th of December to the
'Obit of January. We will then de our
best to contribute to the p'easure and ,
Ls ereeared to do any kind of Bird atuifing
and taxidermist work at 1113Y time.
PANY, ofToronto: also for the PUOENIX
PANY of Eneland,
I. mere we snitANO On en A D
Read office, - LONDoen
Forni year's this Cornpany has done the
tamest bailees./ in Canada at the lowest rates,
consiatent with security.
Assets, Jan. 1891, - $367,190.00
13,000 Petioles in fennel
T. Ea ROBSON, President.
in O. mcDoNALD, manager.
Fur further particulars, apply to
Agent, Ezeter.
best intereme of every caller, who may Brevities.
see lit, this Season to favor us wtth a Christmas, four weeks from yester-
Today will be 9 hours lot.g, from
sunrise to Sunset.
Our American cousins will return
thanks to -day (Thursday.)
The municipal election pot has com-
menced to boil and we learn of several
'I I
INrEj P,
inter Bargains
ig Bankrupt•Sioro
**We are clearing our stock of
Ladies JAt.:KETS and CAPES
at Prices that mean Business.
We have some Very NOBBY
JACKETS, at closest Cu t
E. Troyer, of Drysdale, has invented
a calculating machine. It is a novel de,
vice, and Mr. T. seea fortune in it.
jolinDilhon, a "Philadelphian, cente'
all the way to Wiarton to hunt , deer.
Being a foreigner he had to pay a lieense
of $25.
The Times has received an invitation
to be present at the formal opening of
the Huron County House of Refuge at
Clinton on December 5th.
A horse attached to Davis' delivery
rig ran away on Friday, and threw a
couple boys, who were driving the
animal, into the ditch.
The organ, seating, and electric light,
three brioches of work in connection
with the Main street church , which had
not been cotnmeneed 'last week, are
being placed in position rapidly, and
will be ready for the re -opening service
on Sunday.
Prices. Our stock of FUR and '
GOLF CAPES are away ahead;
ofanything intown.
COATS. We can save you mdri-
ey on
Xmas Fancy Goods I last' realized. $26 from silver collection.
F' A resident musical student can be
received into the comfortable home of
a vvell-known lady professor of Piano
and Singing. Other branches of
education can also be pursued, as com-
petent teachers reside in the city. Ad-
dress, "Musical," FREE Pans Onaion'
London. ,
The Junior Epwoith Leagil of
Main street Methodist church, at their
entertainment on Wednesday evening
The entertainment was pronounced first
are a Big Line with us, Strc's will be class by al present. The little tolk
Complete in a few days. acquitted themselt es surprisingly in
the various drills and exercises.
The offerings in the Lorolon cheese
board Saturday, amounted to 4,107
boxes, September,October and Novem-
ber make. The cable registered 44s.
for white and 45s. for colored, conse-
Come and see 'us for choice wii
ter apples at low prices.."„,"
J. A Stewart.
T 1
rivi onion: ,
1 l
lat Sunday in Adyent Dec. 1st 1895.
Holy Communion at the morning service.
W. F. Gundy„ barrister, of Leamirien
ton, Ppent a few days of last week visit-
ing friends in tom.
Tun Tnires told the Toronto weekly
Globe from now until Jan, 1897 for only
$1.40. Tell your neighbors about it.
• The date of the re opening of James St.
• Methodist church is December 29tb. not
06th as the type made nit say last week.
There are several weddings on the
toeite the principals being populat young
folke a town. Partieulars will be given
• The various week night meetings in
connection with Main Street Methodist
church hew° been dispensed with this
week, on ac000nt of all hands working
night and day to get in readiness for the
rc-openieg of the church on Sunday aud
Menday next,
The Ilrussels Poet Agra that the eotinty
paperti mend free copies Of their paper to
Ore Route of Being° and it is •tinite peas-
ibte that al' vidli de so, but will the; Post
ten us why thetourity of Karon should
beg its ele*seePertf: #17 w Vier would po
eery one of them and the oonnty
Jeettld eobeeribe for them el1,--C1inton
quently bids ranged from 80 to 8 5 fie.
No sales were effected. The cable for
blie same week last year was 51s, and
the price on the Londoii board went
as high as 10 3-16c.
What might have proven a very ser-
ious accident occurred the other even-
ing. Nina, daughter of T. B. Carling,
with lamp in hand, went to the pump
for a cup of water. Returning to the
room she tripped and fell over the dog
lying on the floor, breaking the lamp
and igniting the oil. The blaze caught
the carpet and not until a large hole
had been burnt through a mat and car-
pet was it extinguished. Mrs. Carling
with great presence of mitid smothered
the flames which had. already reaohed
the ceiling. Strange to say the little
girl held onto the cup and did not
even spill the Water.
house was blown down, a care
Akk loanrance decision,
• An importaut decision was giVeD lasi
week by Chief Justice Armour at (*node
Hell in the twit brought by John %rimless
& Coe jeweler% of Toronto, against the
Lancaohire and the British Aenerica In-
surance Companies, The stet was for
e3,200 insmance, and the depute was
really between the two enarence Cam -
pathos. At the time ot the team fie e last
winter the meurauce companies stamped
leesleuse on their psliciet wbich aurae the
policy holder a co-insurer with the com-
pany for seventy five per cent. of the pe' -
Loy; that is the policy holder agreed to ito
ure seventy•five per cent, of the value of
bis stook in some other company, and in
the event of not doing so became a co-
insurer whh the company for tbe differ-
ence between the 75 per c nt. anl
amount he had so insured iu other com-
panies. The deoirion of Chief Juetice
Armour decides that all such clauses is
were stamped on the policies were iuvalid
and of no effect as not conforming witb
the Outwit-) Statute whioh riquiree that
rimy yatiation in th c ndit'ore of an in-ur-
ance policy must be printed under the
head of "Variations eni Additions" in
the policy.
Cbslt°r 8Gyet
ilae0Such,' and eutertainment in
the Preabytedan church on the evening of
Thanksgiving Dy was a 'success. Tbe'
attendance was fairly gool, the oriteria
and edibles eve.' to the kit of fare
useally provided by the Iredies of the
church, while the prognou More wae
worth the price of admission. Mrs. Mooreci
of Londen, who bas a large class of pupils
in Exeter, gave several aolos, as well as
instrumentele on the piano, which write
eqnal to anything over hear it in Exeter.
She posseases a fino (near voice, well
cultured, while as a piauiet .her teach is
artistic, decisive and inimical, Mr. Me -
Callum also amused the audience. He
gave two readings in hie humorous end
idea& fmannta MrS. Manson in her
recitation of '-Saunders •MoGlashan's
Courtship" elicited much applause. Mani
X V White, Mrs. J. P. Ross and Ma.
E. J. Spackman contributed several vocal
selections which were well received, while
Mesars Rev. Martin, 8. Popiestone, J,
Murray and W. Caldwill sang a quartette
which added greatly to the enter-
tibitnent. Little Miss Tait gave a
pathetic) recitation in eplendid style, and
enhough a tot, her recitation and Timmer -
Wag would do credit to some of our
elocutionists. To an encore she gave a
srlection ahich elicited much applause.
lair. Judd Davidson rendered a very flee
violin solo in masterly style Rev. Mr,
Martin did the duties of chairman.
Ree ot Poeta,' Intelligence.
The face of a private postcard is not
to be used for advertising purposes. A
simple business card, plain or orna
mental, such as may be of seryice in
designating the business of the sender,
is permitted, These cards are net trans-
missible as such to points outside of
the Dominion, and must have written
or printee on the face thereof the words
'Post Card "-Two more denominat-
ions of letter cards of the value of 1 and
2 cents respectively are now •supplied
to the public. These cards serve in the
l'4itIest sense the purpose of letters, 2
c nt cards being for city ciretilation,
wItile the 1 cent cards are for eirculat-
i0 where there is no letter -carriers' de-
Itivery.-No person should mail money
on other valuables in ordinary lettere.
hey should be in all cases handed in
for registration .-A number of persons
have beenfined-in no case less than
$.10 -for illegally inclosing correspond-
ence in newspaper packets or In other
articles of mail matter prepaid at less
than letter rate. A criminal prosecution
is also pending against a man who
falselyalleged that he had enclosed
money in a post letter. -Persons having
correspondence with the United King-
dom aid other European countries
should be careful to prepay their letters
by the half ounce, not by the ounce,
the unit of weight, for aO countries be-
yond Canada, with the exception of the
United States and Newfoundland, being
half an ounce.
Personals .
. H. Ingram, L. D. \ -S.'who has
n practising dentistry at Exeter, for
past number of years, has gone to
George. -31r. John Gould, of Lori-
, spent Thankagiying Day under
parental roof. --George Knight, of
tame visited his parents and other
nds in townlast week. -C B Mars
spent Thanksgiving in 'Hamilton.
ill Collins and fatality of London
e the guests of P. W Collins and
ily the for -
epart of the week,---
t Gaddia, of Exeter, was one of the
ta et the assembly in connectien
the Luean Lawn Tennie club last
k. -Mies Pearl Rollins has return -
rem a pleasant Visit witli the family
ev. A. L, Russell, Londonne-Will
and has returned to Toronto to
mon positioa in a wholesale
ware.- Mr. Arthur Ramsay, StartMondey to learn the milling butii-
with the Rolling & Williams Coe
-John Currency Lis itt Toronto,
ing friends. --Mise Urquhart spent
ksgiving in Berlin,-- Mr, James
et, town', has accepted a position as
nan in the Luean. Timee. -Mr.
Welsh hat returned from the Soo,
e he hat spent the surnmer,-Geo,
ks bean tumortakenfroin his per -
ilia Week, and is doing well.-
ty-reeve Catling and wife, spent
Thanksgiving holidays with
X, Ramsay and Wife, of Igt,
st,-Miss Sarah Atm Smith, of
liter] is the guest; of her unele
am ith,
of It
Many of our readers will remember hard
Ruby Davis, son of the late Erlward ea
Davis, (known as Ted) a former resident tens
of Exetet, and who at one time drove town
stage between lExeter and St. Marys, eieit
eu en had been eiriplo3red tor night Than
foreman in a matth factory in etroin Swe
One night last week. by Soma means forer
the installers became ignited and Eteu,, Wes.
ben with two asaoeiates were killed, wher
The factory had been working night Brea
aod dity and about thirty were at work Son t
when the are broke otib. At 3.80 Depu
the morrung the alarm tvas given and,' the
the fire spread rapidly. Be was 24 Rey,
years old; his remains were inferred at Fore
Kirkton,• Ram
Int r lug. to Ineepeudevt Order or
L t tnete be a grand rally 4 i wera
ee c urt 123.Exoter. The largest min
et leeididatee tun to he ietrodoced
he onto• numbers On Saturday ote
vete& r 7th coming This la 000eld
y Poore as kilo largest night on, that
tekeir metre foe years, Let ell the breib
be in etteodauce,
Our ev, ea Willieme lois Leen invited to
rstuain soother near pagtor 01 the
bora m, thcialat chnecb, Mitehell
her This week heirefe to our store one of the
and 'argue% variety of Rablier goette diet hali
eine 00iini to town, Cell at J. 1'. CLaTkItles.
ered mias /ki, Keen, of Bs Menem has been
ha* engaged te teed, the twitter doper teneut of
ren Mrivertoo tillage school for 1896. The
(try ib $t00,
We keep the celebrated Crompton Coo
sets in Yittlei, Comainia AA end uureiug
eertet, beildee the line 344 anti I. J. P,
e etre 00opee widow of the late teeter,
ii, wilt mope the reetory et •'Clacton for
,Isorne time until oho has had time to make
oilier ar tweet/mete.
Dr, .1, 1V, Coltai iittle boy, hi Mitchell,
had the misfortune to fell on tho elippery
sidewalk ea Weenesday afternoon and
fracture out. of his arum.
The residence of neectet Sheebottone,
ef Thortelale, wait breeen into the other
day and $30 oaeh talon. Mr Shoebuttom
was in st.twai ye ht the tiM i.
• John Latnbert, of Elute, shot an eagse
a few days ago while out on a gunning
eepedition . el he ba te was a beattlY,
bieaeuring 7e feel free: rip to tip.
The Stratfourt council at their lad meet-
ing passed a by law inoreaaing the num-
ber of hotel licenses in the city from 16 to
17. This is sorely 4 3:etc osrassive more.
• be:marriage of .Tho Dewart, the pop-
ular ohemernalter of Cedelyele, to Mi89
Mary Brown'of St litaWa was colehrwed
Monday at tbe Roman Coahuila Church
at Se, lentrye.
Rev. J. R. Liudsay Robertson, of St.
atarys, has declined the mill tendered him
some weeks ago by the Presbyterian
congregation of North •Eeethope and
H. W. Thompson, tf Mitchell has sold
his drag buatnese to W. Beriev, Mr.
Tlionipaon e ill go to Wcodatock to man-
age tbe oatmeal mull recently bonght by
hie father.
Ciniatmas eeason is airmen, here and you
s., I' want to rerneraber your Maude in a
tangible way. We are offering some hand •
some Chrittmas goods at pricea that will
catch you, at J. P., CLA.,1KE S.
' Mr. A. P. Wilatin, barrister, after a resi-
dence of four and a half years, left Mitchell
on Wednesday moraing for Toronto, where
he will remain indefinitely. A falling off
of practice IS the cause of leaving.
Mr. W. Colwell of Paris formerly of the
Mitchell'Advertiser hav sold out the Review
thanhe has bee3 publishing there for two
or tbeee years. The purchaser is Mr. C.
Lawton, of the Toronto World.
Mini Rabeon, of Siddallsviile, the vic-
tim of the terabit, summit. by J Lying,
who r afterwards committed ruicide, has
aleatat completely recovered from her in.
ineies, and will not be much disfigured.
Fora choice Rejoins Ourrante, Peale,
Essences, Spices, Baking powder. The
Housekeeper's Delight, without a peer at
the price. We have never heard the firet
complaint against it. Sold only by J. I'.
CI rke ,
1 net' erstand it lies been report()
that 1 have given up the ohoppiog. r
take this opportunity It, notify the far -
Mere and public in general that 1 will
still coutinue to chop every day he the
week at the Exeter Power House. A
first class miller engaged. W, G. Beee•
7:kelvins Serviees. .1;
The tenon 'eba,uksgiving service heel in
the Thesle terien elm oi Thureley morn-
ing was a grani seryine. Tho attendance
wee Atoll, but these who were there had
ree oh to be thankful for the help, and
avengtb, and edification of the service
alone, et nothing else. Rev. George Jack -
on of James street church, gave a lery
exeetleat addreos 00 3110 tempers' rnerciea
so abuudantly bmtowed upon us iu this
land. Who amerce of song shoeln also
heve bon given by a union choir, but the
regular church choir retelered good service
A colleotion of come a7 Wae taken for tivi
poor end Peedy of the town
whetthe Poor Coat Cho OorratrY.
The following etatiattoe furnighed by a
special committee of the Seim° County
Conned are of interest: -We find the
coat of land and buildings in York to be
about $25,000, to accommodate 100 inmates
cost of ruaintenauee $1 10 per week. Mid -
Cases, 50 -acres or land and buildings, e ett
$25,000, accommodate 125 inmates, coot of
maintanauce e1.84 per week. Elgin, 50
acres teed and buildings $11,000, accommo-
dates 100 inmatetecoet of msintenance $1,.
81. Water oo, land 150 &errs, total msk
of land and buildame $26,000, tmouromo.
dates 125 internee, coat meintenance $1,36
per week. Noifolk, land and buildingie
coat $9,000, mumnimodates 100 inmate'',
omit of untintene,nce $1.18 per week.
The wind etorm Tuesday morning,
resulted it the" burning out of several
abimneys in town.
Try Grieve ior a $14 Black Suit • we
have a snap for you in Black Goods for
the next 30 days.
At Grieye's 30 day sale you can get a
fine Scotch Tweed for $12, at ?s, less
than cost, We have a big lot to pick
from, at Manufacturers Prices.
George Grafton has leased the Exeter
Tiarth hotel, and is busily renovat:ing,
it. ''He intends conducting it as aetem-
perance house.
A man who goes to see a girl twice a
week, and takes her to an occasional
entertainment, is legally engaged to
her, according to a recent court decis-
W. G, Bissett's grain warehouse, at
the station, is being raised and adjusted,
it having sagged •considerably to the
west, owing te its capacity being over-
taxed of late.
Owing to not being able to secure the
presence of Mr. McGillivray on the
date first selected; the Independent
Foresters of Farquhar havechanged the
date of their entertainment • to Thurs-
day, December 5th.
Persons should Rot clip articles. or
items from the magazines and papers in
the free library. Under the Libraries'
Ace, anyone destroying journals, magaz-
ines, daily papers or "booke, belonging
to a public library is liable to a fine of '
$10 and costs.
• An interesting incident occurred on
one of the Grand Trunk trains last week.
A Polish or Hungarian immigrant gave
birth to four infants while the train was
nearing Detroit They were all doing
well when the train reached Detroit,
and went through to Chicago. s
Postmasters have been notified of a
new counterfeit U. S, treasury note is-
sued under act, July 14, 1890, series of
1891, check letter B and plate two.
They have also been notified that here-
after 1 cent, and 2 cent, as well as 3
cent, letter post cards will be issued.
Two -cent stamped envelopes will also,
hereafter, be issued.
Seaforth team are the holders of the
Hough cup, being the Champions. Fri-
day Chatham. and Seaforth Collegiate
Institutes lined up to play for the
Hough cup. Seaforth won by 7 to 1
This gives the Houeh cup to Seaforth
for thisseason, they winning five games
this season, Berlin, Chatham, Goderich
and Clinton going down before their
Western railroads hai:e agreed that
on and after Dec. 1 they will impose a
charge for carrying bicycles in baggage
cars. The wheels will be placed in the
same category as excess baggage, and a
charge of 12 pee cent of the first-clase
passenger rate will be imposed for their
transportation. The minimum weight
charged on will be 50 pounda, and the
smallest fee collected will be 25 cents.
The Lucan Times says :--"A: dast-
ardly act was committed on Sunday
night last by some miscreant who
deliberately threw a stone- through
berg. Lee's millinery store window,
synaShing three panes of glass • and
breaking the window frame. They
also broke three or four panes of
glass in Mr, Dennis Halloran s black-
smith shop and smashedthe frame to
pieces. The council should offer a reward
for bhe arrest of such people.
Juat to hand Om best American Snow
White Batting. In pound bunches; very
-choice, at J. P. Clarke's.
On Wednesday aftertmen a few sports;
men had a frieedly pigeon ehoot-ten
live birds each The %more was eta fob
Imes G. Bisvett, 6; W. T. Acherion,
5; V, W. Collins. 8; W: Green., 5; Robert
Sandete, 7; A. Snell, 6; W. Clarliok, 6; N.
D. Harden, 8, The following shot a five
birds: -.T. afeDontild, 4; G. Ca jelinston, 3.
The tad letelligence waft received hero
yesterday afternobn of the death of
A. M. Peterson, (nee Miss Carrie Temple-
ton) of trainion. Manitoba. Deer/tied was
ik• fOrtnet esteemed resident of teeter, and
her many friendis here will regret exceed
Ingle to learn of her sudden dem* Bek:
SideS a husband, she leayes a family
of three small ehildreb, • for the
youngeat of whom the gene her life, yoo;
terday Mr, re'erson tuts the artpathy
el Many Meade la kteter it hose ea t•
since be formsd While on avant here a few
•yeart ago.
Mr. James A. Wateon, of Mitchell left
on Tuesday for Mamtowaning to look after
some lumbering operations that be has
gone into there Mr. Watson has been a
very valuable and much respected citizen
of Mitchell for twelve or fourteen years.
Mrs. Efunaberston, of Mitchell, had the
sad rniefortune to fall on the 'Ave of the
a short time ago and fracture one of her
arms and badly injure one of her aboulders
On. Wednesday she fell a second time on
the at in and aggravated the injury.
Owing to the opening in connection
with Main Street Methodist Church there
will be no eneetina he'd iu the .Rea,a1
Tern plows Hell, Bat the •fellowieg
Monday eight, Dec. 9th, will be election of
officere, when all members should be pres-
ent to select officers for the terming terne.
Come one and then all come.
Mrs. John 9 Coppin, of Mitchell, has
lot the sight of her left eye through par-
alysis. On retiring Setarday night the
eye was in perfect health, and thortly
after four o'clock in tbe morning the
Power of eight had totally left it. Mrs
Cmpin is nct suffering any pain in the eye
but she fears the other one may go the
eft me way.
At Wedneaday's meeting, of the Strat-
ford Presbytery the request of Rev. Mr.
Campbell, ofGrantoe, for leave of absence
to permit him vleitiug California for the
benefit of his health, was granted. The
cell of the Mitchell congregation to Rev.
W. A. Bradley, of Alvinstoa was sustain
ed by the Presbytery. The salary to be
paid is $.1,000 with a manse rent free and
free taxes.
A Cabineneliaister said Friday that Par-
liament will meet on January 2od, when
the ferrnal opening will take place, hut
the address will not be debated until the
following Thursday so aa to give members
from a distance an opportunity to spend
the Christmas holidays at home.
They make one feel as though life was
worth living. Take one of Carter'a Little
Liver Pals after eating; it will relieve
dyspepsia, aid digestion, aive tone and
yig,or to the system.
Sale Register.
• -----
Auction. sale of farm stock imple-
ments, etc., on Friday, November 29th
on lot 8, Southeast Boundary of Us.
borne Sale at 1 o'clock, p. tn. Joint
Stock Co., Proprietors, Harry Brown,
A uctioneer.
No less than wonderful are the cares
accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla, even
after other nreacriptions have failed. The
reason, however, is simple. When the
blood is enriched and purified, disease it
disappears and good health returns, anti
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the one true blood
Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient and
do not purge, pain or gripe. 25o.
To Smokers
To meet the wishes of their cus
torners The Geo, E. Tuckett & Son
CO., Ltd., Bamiltort, Ont., have
plated upon the Market
A Combination. Ping of
& 13"
• This supplies a long felt want, giv-
lug the consumer one 20 cent plug,
Or a n cent or a 5 cent piece of the
fatuous "T & B" brand: of pureVii
ginia Tobaeco.
The tin tag 1 8c is on every piece'
For List of
• & SON.
New Mantles
• Mantles
The newest and
most popular
goods. Sure fit-
ter, serviceable'
and at popular
Stock now complete
in all the novelties.
See our 42 inch all
wool Serge at 25c
worth 40c.
See our all wool 54
inch Tweeds at 5Cc.
The best values ever
New Hats
New Clothing
Men and Boys.
C . C. 3QEC-NZ-0., TOM -
This cornuatunty was favored with a
spew at tin last weak affoideel us a
few day's fait ly good tleighing.
The Week of James Mine, of Weodham,
insolvent, amounting to $1273, will be
sold in London tm the 28th Mae
We have receirrd a copy of the Can
alien Alumnae for 1896. This issue is the'
fette-ninth of the reties. the Ent Can-
adian Almanac bearing the data of 1848.
Ford Bron have rurcba-ed the butaer
sbop and residence they now °coupe', from
Clue Snell, jr., and the latter iS negoti-
ating for a site ou whioh tu build another
building to be tiled as a re alt store in con,
nection with the rork factory.
Win. Began a young colored man from
Lucan, hos been arrested on a °twee of
committing en indecent aseault on Emma
Meecoe, of Biddulph , in September hist.
Be was arraigned Friday morning, and
had his trial set for Nov 28th. Bail wse
accepted. Butler was taken to jail by his
fattier, who is a, county conatable.
Theefinal heat in the mulling match
between Hanan and Ba bear at Gelveston.
Texan was witneseed Thursday by a
smsD but enthuse:see crowd, who cheered
lustily ea Ifenlan brought himself in a
winner. He won three of the five beats
in the race for the championship of Eng-
land and a $1,000 purse.
The amount of money eutDrors from catarrh
will spend ia attempting to cure that foul and •
disagreeable diseaseis almost ineredible. J.
waienninee, of Oilier& Ont. says: "I spent
between $2 O inC ESOO consulting doctors; .1
tried all 'treatments' without benefit One
bon of Ohm's Catarrh (lure did me coore g
than an the remedies A Wen box cured :nee,
Don't waste money. Ceitse's Cure, with im-
proved blower, 25e. It our-.
" The Writings of business men abona <
their different classes of merchandise '4
are closely followed and read and con-
clusions reached. Only by yast exper-
ience in dealings,hence it is useless to
record any other than faets and if the
reader will carefully consider, nothing
but satisfactiOn will follow. When tbe
fall trade opened up various report%
had their rounds, that business was
staggered and purchasers woukl be
scarce, and money scarcer, However,
we have not so found it. Customers
new and old have visited us, and if the
money could not be provided then tbe
good names and promise of men wen -
known to us, purchased and went
away pleased, besides many cash cus-
tomers. Our Overeoats aro a dailv
praise to the buyer. Suits for the full
grown man to the child of 4 years. Tts
this line we have nener placed before
the purchaser a greater variety and
better values. To those requiring, We
say, come in and look through, get
price,s, examine qualities, and if yon
can honestly say they are not -values
you can only leave them where they
are. Notwithstanding the great de-
mand for Flannelettes of evIrich
have 48 patterns,,yot our sales so far
exceed last year iti Grey (all wool)
Flannels by fifty per eent. A cordial
invitation is extended intending •buy-
ers, A lot Of Men's Stiff Felt Rats at
10e and 25c, fortnerly we:rah $1.00 and .
$2.50 each. Ali kinds of roultrY tak-
en, Eggs, 17e. Butter, first class, Ific