HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-11-28, Page 5t It is now a well established fact in Slaedieal seieneo that nervousness is dtts to impure blood. Therefore the trill way to.eure nervousness is by purify. lug and enriching tho blood. T116 great blood purifier is Hood's Sarsa. parilla. Read this letter: .(""For the last two years I have been a e great sufferer with nervous prostration lind.palpitation of the heart. I was weak rdy limbs and had smothered Sens.tiOns. At last my physician advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla which I did, meld I am heppyeto say that I am now strong and well. I am still using Hood's Sarsaparilla and would not be without it. I recommend it to all who are suffering With nervous prootration and palpitation Of the heart." Mag. DAvroer, 66 Alice St., Toronto, Ontario. Get Hood's, because Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood .Purifier. Prominently In the public eye today. It Is not what we eery but what Hood's Sar- saparilla does that tells the story. Hood's Pilis net harmoniously 'went Ilood'a Sarsaparilla. 24e. .4441141:44,101 sounonomiliMMOISIMM• OH ESTER WHITE BOAR 'kJ FOR SERVICE. SI, at time of service.W SNELL, Lot 15 Concession 7. Gabor -Ile. • .nee 31. HURON' COUNTY COUNCIL, Tito 00unoil of the Coeo-ation of the County of Enron w1,1 meet In the Town Gall Clinton, on Thursday, Dee. 51.1], next at 1.0 o'elock n. L 'NNE, Dated Nor, 186h. 1595, Co Clerk, FOR S&L's', OR RENT. A eomfortnble two story frame house, core tainieg ton rooms: and good briok cellar. and h trd ene soft water aud onvonient to ohnnhes Mid School. Will be old on liberal -terms orrentect. Well ridanted for a retired fermer. Apply to W. 0 DOWARD, Exeter FREE 75 COMPLETE STOR1F-s! e Pack of goods wol th 82, -arta large 100p; Picture 8 ook, that will sure- lyput volt on the road to a handsome fortune.' Bend Om silver. to one Postage - _a. Or, KINN E V, E. T, Yarmouth , N. S. A.gents us can earn 320 per week selling our Deredy Can a di an -grown Nursery 'Stock. Permanent position and salaries. Ex -elusive territory. Write at once fer terms to E. 0. GRAPIAM, Nunseaveree, Toemere, 0.e.raeto. v*ANTED IIELP.--:MEN OR I If Women in every looality (local oe trav- elling), to introduce a new discovery, and keen our show cards tacked up on eltrees, faucets and bridges throughout town and country. Steady emuloyment. Dommission flr natal:7SW per month and expellees, and looney deposited in any benk when stay ted, Ifor particulars write TEM WORLD A. eDzoat Reahritro Co., P. :O. Box 221, London, Ont., Canada May 16-- Om NoTioE TO CREDITORS In the matter ef the estate of Themee Ryan. late f the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Farmer, /deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re - *loci Statutes of t`ntario, 1667 Chapter 110, that aOl norsone having chime against she estato of Th( mas Ryan; late of the Township of Stephen, in the co.,uty 2 flutou, Farmer, deceand, who died on or about the 7thday of November, 1893, art• require on or before the %eh day el December 1590, to meld or deliver to J J Coughlin, eolielor fog Runnel). Sullivan. admitistratrix of the deeeaeed their uamee. kit.] resaes, descriptions and full earth; tr tars of their claims. duly verified by affidavit, and the nature of the seemlier (if any) held by elem. And notice is belay further given that on and after the tlOth day of December, 1895 thesaid adatioistratrixwillproceed todist re- lent° theassets of the said estete ampler the pereene entitled thereto, heving regard only o the claims ( f wbieb she shall then have erotic° end she will nee be liable for said estate er any portion thereof teeny person or o -r ionsof relies° claims she shall not then have novice. J. J COUGHLIN Solicitor fur Adminlat.ratrix, Detect at St ratfordel iv2eth day of November, 26e5. • crorson: lo Travel. WANTED, -Several faithfUl gentle eu and ladies to travel for established berme. Salary $780 & Expenses • Porition permatient if suited ; alFoinerease _slate reference and enclose melt -addressed stamped envelope. THE NATIONAL, 31 6- 317-318 Omaha. pm .u13icA00. HUCHT. ZzeterZ.Tc:Irtis Store Mr. F. R. Knight has opened a Genes al 1tore in the stand lately occupied by Bi ook's Harness Bbop with a full stoch of GENERAL GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, 'HA D WA t E, STATIONERY, ETC. Produce !alien in exchange for goods. me. aze-M.Tm0-mmW The Leatniegton high school question has been eettled by the vote tette)). Total vote, atq5; ro,, hih ech0014 173, egaingt, 85--Mojerity; 88, As per sgreement, this ttettecs the ettliteti0e, end the eehool , bo • muted daullar;`: 1st, )890. • Ezeter,November2Th10105 wbeat per buettene• . ••• re, 00 $ 65 Spring wheat per bush"... o6e 65 Baxley por 30 33 Oats per Muth . .. ea 48 Peas per btlah. • . •• 45 50 Flour per bbl,...... 320 320 APples Per bane-- .. • . 76 80 Po tatres por oage.,... . . 20 ee Rey ; eat ton.. 11 00 1200 Woottner cord hard...." 3 DO 3 60 200 226 Butter per ... .. . 14 gee per dozen, .. . .. ..,..,,„.....,14 )4 TurloYa nerlh.z. .,, • ••• • • • • 5 "loge, live 340 3 50 Geese ... ,.... 5 Duoks ,......„ ..... .. . 6 6 Chicks ., • . .. •, 5 6 Dressedhoge 4 96 to 450 London, November 27th 1805. Wheat.white. ta11,100 the-- 3 110 to 112 Wheat, red., fall, per 100 lbs„, ... 110 te 112 Wheat.sPrine, Per 1001bs. .... 110 so 112 Oats,per 300 lbs. , ...... .... . 75 to 76 Peas, per 300 .. .. 80 to 85 Corn, per100 lbs.. , 70 to '75 Bs rley per 10Clbs .... . . ...... 6A to 75 Rye. Per e00 .... „nen-, 80 to 90 Buckwheat, per 1'00 , 55 to 70 Beans, eer rms., , 60 tc 1.5 Itggs, fresh, eine° doz.. 18 to 18 Eggs, fresh, basket, per doz17 to 17 Eggs, fresb, store tors, per dos 16 to 16 Butter,single rolle,per 18 to 16 Butter perlb,1 lb rons,baskete 15 to 16 Rutter per lb. large voile or orooks ... ,...... 10 to 16 Butter,per lb, tub or firkins ... . 12 to 33 Lard, per lb.. ..,Oto 9 . Ohickens, per pair 35 to 61 46 to 65 Turkevs. 6 to Se per lb: earth 300 to 150 itieareysis,:ecir hoongs 400 6 C0 13 00 to 14 00 Toronte, Rowan:the: 27th 1805. wheat, white, per bus......... $ 73 to 3 73 Wheat, mining, per bus........ 74 to 74 Wheat red winter, per bug '71 to 71 Velmat goose, per bus 60 to 60 Barley.Por bus... . 30 to 41 Oats. per bus ... • . 28 to 29 Peace.-- ........... ..... ........... 0 to • 551. Ray,. Dressedlloge 2471681150:too° 410290000 F.ggs per dozen Butter, per lb 19 to 20 The LiYe Stock Markets. e East Buffelo, N.Y., Nov. 26,-0attle— Re- ceipts moderate -203 ears; market opened with a fairly good demalid for good handy and tried um weight steers, and good to choice fat butchers ; prices generally'about steady: °es -Receipts, 200 cars ; market fairly motive ; Yorkers, $3 73 to 0380 ; roughs. 33 to 33 23 ; pigs, 03,26 to 143 7o. Sheep and lam es -Receipts. 170 ()ark: market ruled heavy; lambs, choice to prime, 3220 to 04; Caeadian iambs, fair to prime, 33 03 to $1 15 ; sheen, choice to selected wethere. 0910 to 03 35 ; ouJIo and common, 31 25 to 31 70 Mon treat , Que.November 26.-7'here were about 600 head of butchers' (rattle, 50 calves ato 2,000 sheep and lambs offered for sale at he east end abattoir to -clay, Trade was fairly brisk, with an active demand for tbe best cattle. somo of Which Sold up to near 4o per lb, with pretty geed stook at from 3c to 34e perlb. Common cattle were rather plentiful and sold at from 20 to 2 3-4c per lb Geed ealves were in 'demand. Alr. Burassa paid 330 for three fine calves others selline•at from $3 to $7 eacb: There was no demand for old sheen. Lambs sold in loM at fecnn 3o to he per Be, and pleked larabs brought, 3eo. San ,hogs are numerous and sellat about 4o perlb. 4 Rev. Father McRae on Thursday made for mral renutroiation of ttio Romen Cath - elle failb, and was received ieto the com- munion of the Church of Englaud at F. ederick N. 13. Mr Rae forme, ly was a priest of the diooese of Antigonisb. Hundreds of Dollars Worth of Silverware Given Away. To Totroauce or. Grae's Germino armories ' Jo Canada. ^ Send 50 (wets for a box of the oelebral- , ed Granu'ee, 16 n puzee _vetts,4. brains over the two following problems in com- petition for the magnificent rewerds mentioned below ; Question No. 1 -If cibortle of wine is worth one dollar and five cents, and the wine iswortb one dollar more than the bottle, what is the boltle worth ? QuestionNo. 2-A bought a pair of shoes from 13 for live dollars, tendering a twenty dollar bill in payment. 13 not having any ehauge coca to C and has the'twenty dollar bill changed, comes back ard gives A hie change and the shoes. C shortly comes to B and ears : '"1 hat twenty doller bill 'changed for you is a counterfeit, I want my money back." B give0 back twenty dollars in good money, How much- is 55 nut by the whcle transaction e Tha Following is What We Give Away. To ilia senders of the first correet answere to the above questions received and opened in due course of eostewe will give a superb, silver quadruple plated tea set, consisting of twenty pieces. Value 3150. To the sendersof the middle correct answer to the above two questions reeeived and opened in ihe due course of post, we will give asuperb, silver quadruple plated tea set, consitiug of twentypieces. Value $150. To tbe senders of the last correct answers re - received Co theabove two gnesiions and °Paned in the due course of post we will give a sup- erb silver plated quadruple elated tea set, con- sisting of tweetypieces, Value $3.70. To the sender ot every hundreth correct .answer o the two questions received and open- ed in the due course of post, we will give at the option of the suuceSsf ut corimetitor, a four piece quetiruple silver plated tea set, with Iray; a quedruple silver plated epergne. Value 04'4 To (bo order of every fifty-first correct wirer to the above two questions received and opened in due courae of seat, vim give a handsome quadruple plated silver fruit and spoon. Vain° $7. , To the sender of every twenty seventh correct., answer to the above two questions re- ceived and opened in due course of post we will goys a quadruple silver pleted, Gold lined cake basket', value 04. Te the sender of every elowollth °erre:4 answer to the above two questiona, received and opened in the due couree of post, we win give two box ee of Dr. ray's Gamine Gran- ules value $1. To the ondor of the first correct answer to the above two queetions received ard °Paned in due course of Dalt each morning, who is not otherwise entitled to a gift, will be give, one dozen gold Alumna:pi teaepoonset decided novel ty, value $5. WHAT ARE GERMINE, GRANULES. They will rid you of the tire -destroyer In- digestion and Dyspepsia. Cure you of Liver one Kteeey comphtltit, Staur)n, Sick 'Read - ache, lei iousness, Constipation. Neuralgia and itheumatic Paine, Bach taste in the mouth. Faust° Wbult nose, au. Remove that haggard leek nricl bribe beck the trek) complexion and build up the Wasted rerun Dr. Gray' will do it. Dr. Gray's Gerrnit e Gre orrice ere not only the best Spring ani a1 tan year round medi- cine, but theY are also the sheabest to buy. Dr. Gray's Germine Granules is perfeet medicine. You eo lin require to take any other medicine with it, nor do you hove to take three or four pills 3615 dose. One pill is e does. Teke a treatment of Dr •GrayeS. elleemine Granules mid sou will not only heve no °Glen but sale tnany dellare. Pelee 60 cents a box, PLEASE, NOTICE. utters.sootaining 9. correct renewer will no be reeoenized without Octants f.,'r abox of a or - rain() P1110. Timeday November 12eth, ill the first dao' ef oompetition, Monday December 23rd., ye the htet day ofommetition. Letters zot received on that day will be roomed, Fumesstul eotoretit,rs will he netified itarnediarely. No charge. 13et sueoesaful competitors to one" freight or exprose, The naume of 'seize '4YinpS6ts Will be pitblished from time to time: Any one of etending le et liberty to took 'Leta the wnekingS of our bueiness At etty time. THE GEIMINE CHI MICAL COM- PANY, 77 vicronm $T,,T01?0,1110 Mouttott this paper, TEk Tai DEM) RA1SE'D UP. A elteuto, RaeleeNr Temootty To .Ortela'oF limelres 4612 -- Outten»Y 1)C',14P'S NID- N,EY Ltstowel (Special) Nov, 25--A ileepetell reaching here r&ti g to the reenvery io Neepawe, Alan. of Msg. T. ti. McKee, formerly rivioe hero NSS,S 3 ettrpritio to bee friends and acetneintene,e. 11 waS met by doubt, however, until copal med by 8 reply from Neepawa. Her woe wan we 1 keen n here as this ledy was treetFd hy. severe' of the local clootore for Bright'e ciaseeote and her friends thought, as did her ph,yeicians. that her case was bopelese, end it WWI as a last resort that elle left here to try climate change. Thee M) 0. MeEee was eured by Doclo Kidney.Pilla in a fete week, sPeaht volume& in them favor. --- You Don Have to Swear Says the St. Donis journal of Agticul- tura iu an editorial about No To Rao, the famous tobacco habit eve 'We know of many MUMS cored ny No.To•Ba.o, one a prominent St. Louie architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years; two boxes cured him so that even the smell of to- bacco makes him sloe." No -to 13ao Fold and guaranteed, no cure no pay. Book free. Sterlieg R,einedy Co., 374 St, Paln Si., Montreal, FAR-SEE1NQ always discern PEOPLE Merit, Quality and Worth in the won- derful D1AM.OND DYES Made expressly for home use. Diamond Dyes are precious helps in city and town homes, To the farmer's wife and daughters they are invaluable agents of economy. Diamond Dyes come in forty-eigh t colors for wool, cotton, mixedgoods, silk and feathers. They are easy to use, and give colors that neither sun or soapsuds will fade. Beware of imitations; ask for the "Piamond,” and see that you get them; all dealers sell them. Direction Book and samples of colored cloth free; address NATELLs S.; RICHARDSON CO., Montreal, P.Q. 41111 Mesere, elineuley & Lamb, liverymeo of Seafoilb, halm recovered their gray horse taken away by Baker, ant( of which we made mention last week. Mr. Lamb got the ho •se at Uourtwiight, a small village on the 91, Clair river, below Sarnia, Baker left Goderich on the Monday morning, went to Varna, whe7e 'he waters d the horse aed then p. oceedrel to Eseter, near which place he traded the Luggy wizh a farmer for an old oast north about two dollars receiving two dollars to boot. 113 thsto drove through to Arkona, but did not remain there He throe drove to a farmer's barn, settee distance ou the road,' where it is supoosed he rested for a part of the night rind lie e he cut the mane off the horse and cut the blindethe from the bridle. This wee evidently dens to dis- arm suspiciou He next brought up at Courtly, ight about eleven o'clock on deter day, leaving the 1108 44 in the stanle end has rot since been heard ref. The horee Ls none the woree for its aelventuree cod the buegy no 1, t o doubt, bo reclaimed from the man oho has Live ,c,:ogs Wanted --AT TEE__ Ontorraokiagllotiso We are cutting up fresh bogs eyery day, SPARE RIBS, TENDERLOIN, HEAD CHEESE, FRESH PORK SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, CUTTINGS, PIGS FEET, SHANKS, fresh daily, AT EXETER PACKINGHOUSE, We are reodering PURE LARD every day. Patie wanting crocks or pails filled should_clo 50 110W. POI k is low in price. Thanking you for past favors, I remain, C. EFS.n.ell, Prop, Are You GOING TO GET A A PI N Aii RGA Or a Sewing jdachihe We nave the best assortment and the cheapest. dome in and See Thern. Or else write for particulars PH:agitate & T I NI 4 Huron and BrUee• l'avoealiox ' OkNO 2OAT1P— London, depart......,. 13,054, et. 4,50p. 0,07 6.47 •Ir 9 22 6.00 fe37 6.18 Nippon... a , 9.44 020 eeetiold 9,52, 6.28 Clintou 10,42 0.55 LeedeSbeTe.,,, ..... 10.20 7.24 Blytb ........................10,38 7.23 . . . . . . 10.02 7,87 Weasharn - 11-10 8,00 aoree-eletteln- Wirigham, depart_ u, r PaSSellger 0.05.4. et, 3-20 re et 6.50 847 BYah -nee.. 7.03 4.01 Lordesbero, , • .. 7.10 4.08 Olite tone- ...... 7.30 4.25 7.49 4.46 7,57 4.53 Ki tepee. • ... Exeter .... . . •.• 8.25 0,12 ... . 8 4 8,23 FOR °Vein FIFTY YEAES AN Oen AND WRLL-TRIRD 13.10111tir 1 I Mrs Winslowle Soothing Syrup has beer' utted fifty years by nailliens of mothers for their ohildrea while teething with perfect success, It troother, the obild,eof tens tile eunicallays the pair:, cures the oolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrheas.. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by i druggists n every pert of the vrorld. 25 °erne a bottle. Its value es incalculable, Be sure end ask for Mrs. Wipslow's Soothing Serer andtakeno other kind - People's Building and Loan Association LONDON ONTARIO noeup Datecoeoes Is EXETER, Owner° Dr. 3. A. Bolling, Presideet. Dr. 0. Lutz. - Vloo-President. L 11. Diemen, - Solicitor. David Mill, - Valuator, Fred, w, °owns, - Secy-Treas. DIRECTORS, Jno Grigg. E, A, Polliek, 'Jae. glut/. , Wm Southcott. Dr. Thos. A. Amos,. Sena. Sanders. ItInlre money by eaving money. Sixty (lents per mom h will eneure ete0 in 7e- years • For forme of applicatinn end al/ necessary infor- mation apply to the Secretary, Mr..Fred. W. Collin& Post Ulnae, Exeter, Ont, DR. SliOULTS, CENTRALIA. Offee opposite Methodist Parsopage. El. IL-DINe,Sspl1RIA0 INadasDrEii,NeoTLIDSITILL. ING, EXTRA 0 TING and P1, A TE WORK. Gas amd Meal Anaeethetios for pain - I ere 6:greeting. 2nd door north tee CAR- LING'S Store n ALTON AN DERSON D.D. S • LD' S. Boner Graduate of the To- ronto University and Royal college of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Specialtiee, Painiees extraction and preservation of the natural teeth Offioe over tho LawOffice of Elliot Jr Elliot, opposite Central Rotel, Exeter, Ont. Ve• AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, _Lc. °UNION. Will be at Greb's hotel Zurich on tbe seeond Thursday of each month and at Rodgin's hotel Hensel' every Monday BUFFALO ROBES, COATS AND MiT76: (Received the highest awards at the World's Fair.) We would ask all purchasers of Robes to inspect this great arid won.- derful robe before buying ; pronounced by all who have used them to be warm- er and absolute wind, water and ruOth proof, will not wear -bear in spots like a skip robe, have had sie years of rough usage and have stood the teat. They are made in three parts without any seams, the far cloth, the Astrachan lining and rubber interlining. They dry quicker and never get hard and are as strong as leather. Every robe guar- anteed as represented. We also have a large stock of 'Harness, Whips,Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Rugs, Bells, Boole & Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers, Veit and Rubber Boots, Sox and Rubbers. Our stock is fresh and unsurpassed in finish and quahty. Sole agent for Newlands Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes, Johp. Treble. SaY What are you wearing those fig -leaf clothing for?.Why not come to J H GRIEVE, The Modem Talk,. And leave your order for an UP-TO-DATE Over- coat or Suit,, We can please you both in pocket and Workmanship, ••••••rs '—OUR STOCK OF— TWEEDS —AND_ WORSTEDS has been carefully selected and is among the best in the county. Ladies' Jackets a n Cloaks Out ona fitted, , A TRIAL soLiciTED. J. a Grieve,. 4. Bermuda, A Bright Idea. A Gr.and Je e it is (as numbers' people I. Because lt has been proved to ' As it has a steel QVC11 en111011 Will tell you) the finest baker, be the no baker in the market, 'iermbles it to bah:0 quickly and they 'have used, Easy on fuel owing to so many superior, mod- ; burn, less fuel in doing so than and an even heat, i ern and useful improvements, any othor stove. Or she would be pleased', to SEE The Large Assortment of Cooking and Reating Stoves on amongst which are the famous "ART AIIIIER$T" Coal Heater, Also a large no.m.ber 'of second hand Stoves. FURNACESAND EAVETROUGHING A SPECI.,.., HEADQUARTERS FOR SUPERIOR COAL. 1.41•14414.444,914114414011.441, Exeter on the 2611e lust,, the wife of Albert Enke, or say. IIALLS.-111 Winehelsea, on the 12 inst.. the wife. of Philip T. Rafts of &8'42. LAWTON-In Blanebard, lon Nov. 0316, ibe wife of .eohn Lawton, of a CittUghtOr, MO RRLF:-ln Colbarne on the 15t6 -Net, John Morris, aged 85 yeare ,2 month 3 and 22 days. PHILLIPS -In Goderiele on the 1216 inst., Witliam Pbillips,egee 65 years and 6 months. MARRIED. MoBRIDh',-WILLERT-At the manse, Rip - len, on 19th inst„ by the Rev. Serra 'Ache- son, Mr. Robert tleBride, of Stanley, to Miss EAillIICRS mnWlaWilieArf.'Atof TIT W/N. - A t th e ree idenee of the briee'a parents, 3rd lit e, Morrie, on the 33th inst , by Rev. A .1.e. GriiItu, Mr. '1 hos. Warwick to Miss Sarah 'Jane, dauguter of Mr. Richard Armstrong. IIITNTER-CASP.MORE.-At the residence of the bride's parents, in Morris, on November 3301), by Rev, T, .1e. Rieley, of Blete, see Seen Bente:. of Morrie, to Miss :Ware, daughter uf Mr, Wm, C,asemoro, 3162 EVE—DAVID—On Wednesday, Nov. 1316, at the reeidence of the bride's father, Sup- erior 0113t, by Rev-. Edward Warren, 011s1 3 opephiee. e-te." ,eeeend dengle'•''"'T'''': 1. John Reeve, formerly of Clinton, to Kr. Win Charles David, M. D.. all of Superior. •• D SPRAT -1.1N- In BlenieBp tard. on fhe 8th inst. Catharine S pt aril:, aged 98 years. WOOD -In Mitchel I, on the Oth inst., elamee Wood, late of Logan. aged 75 year 8, D INS5lo RE -In Blans hard, on the 39th inst Thos. Dinsmore, aged 73 and 3 months. BliRKE.. At Durand, Mjeb,,or Oct. 270, snyreErrna_. r tenionths and 11 days7 118.1°r11°. no 11" ThOo. Burke, formerly of Blaeshrird, eged 55 14tb. Gertie, daughteof Albert Shier. aged EwART-In Stratford, an the 1.916 inst•Agne3 yEevsaartt,abnedlo,vnaedonwtihfso.of G. G. Ewart, aged 60 WHITELY -In Goclerirle on the tell inst., .fleirlbeedr2tle.;.etabliard son of lir. Joseph Whitely, MoGRAT1I-In Plaitsville, on the 11 tie mre. eiceerathAafted S0years, mother of :ars. 0. 11. Aitzel, of Brueefield. ALLAN -In Ea mo nth ille, on Nov, 18t6, at the residence of her grandfather, Mr. W. ellen, Jessie Jena Allan. aged 13 y ears, 4 months and 15 daye. vehip, Victor ser1 ye es child na n owe- fatelly realded on Wedneaday by felling into a pot of bailing weter which had been eas electely 1-6t on the floor Suit 01 aiothes or a Single Germent Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship groderate Cost, jrurniture Of All Kinds --AT— CALL AND INSPECT. :,43ISIBEOP ON. uultall AS A Ball el ell irk it IE A PUPIL OF.TfIE .. - '......'*.*.j..' ft./ ft.. ../.,...1..., 114......... ,......... .,e .a.,.....,.. .10.......... O. :13.47; ...0.0* FOREST CITY BUSINESS & SHORTHAND COLLEGE 1,0100?1,(141r. Does not reedily grasp &subject, we repeat and repeat until be does ket it. We drill, game schools don't. We got our reputation in this way and intend to sustain it by giving a thorough geind in all subjects taught. Wo teach Bookkeepiug anti FloaineeS Paper by a new method. Enquire about it Catalogue frep. .11r. E. A. Coon has aacepted e position with E. D, inotne. 01' aegis tent bookkeeper. J.W. WE'T.ERVELT, 4••••••••••••••••••••••••••,1140 o Fine Drivers e ... cannot breinactebunerelleFses that are le" out of condition. lelereTy ene feed, • plenty of oatsis not enough. A horse- : il gets run down the sanee as a man to. n. and needs a general toning up. • 0 1 1.•e„, ne• ......- . • ',:lifill ' Dick's . • it. . 4. Blood Purifier : - 4. i is a scientific preparation in the form of a powder. It purifies the blood, strength- : ens the digestion turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one and puts the . t animal "in condition," He then has "good life" and feels like holding up his • 4 head and lifting his feet. eV - 410 M 1 LGH COWS are greatly benefitted by it. The whole system is toned : . up. The digestive org,aus being strengthened, more nutriment is drawn from the • e food and the flow of milk increased. * s Dick's Blood Purifier will pay for itself ten times over. • For sale by druggists, at general stores or sent post paid on receipt of 50 as, „et • Dick & Co., P. 0. Box 482, Montreal. ee + 0•5•00•410414000-04504/000.441.0.0.0•••••• 04.01114 t !1/ 4,0 1 11 11 I E IIELLOA___ SAY 1,, Trimmings afabby and r, qui e to be Have you an old Bugay Top that needs gond as new ? Side Curtsp s played eak ? Your Crtshion played out ? or other re neveting end yen wish to he ye made as UNDERT4KING -AND-. renewed ; 16 50, 0,5,31 00 S. 0 CiLiAT.Tarig, 1*%7 Or leave your maws at Jones' Carriage Wm he, Exeter. Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place and A J SNELL nertr diSappoinfs his 731' ao vy '1147'8 pa trOt1S 10 any of these. A EXETER. large assortment of Fall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. 46..J smarzili. DOMINION LABORAtelit You need a Comb to keep in hounds that shaggy head, We can suit you as we have LONG Asp SHORT COMBS, FINE An.) COARSE COMBS, SIDE AN» DRESSING COMBS, POCKET Asp CIRCULAR COMBS. Call end fiee them. a trip to the Den- tist's by using our Fragrant SODONTZ(' ) LIEN a delightfully refresh- ing dentifrice. *- Prescriptions carefully filled 'at x J. W. Browning's Dommos LABon.A,rogy. All orders will receive prompt attention, and done in a wo kmanshiplike manner,. Coarges moderatee J.ISiurrt.y& co., tfu Ton liars Manufacturers of Plows, Gang Plows,iind Straw Cutters for band or horse power. Root Cutters from $8 to $9. Steam Piping and general repairs. Castings of every description in Iron and Brass to order. Fire Brick and Fire Clay kept in Stock. INCICTTAR 00. Ceutra.1 DRITG STORE. Those who have used Winan.'s Cough Balsam, =OW -1\T At W. trohn.s', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to, get a fit. W. JOHNS, Tlie Tailor 1\1- 077 EASILY 31/11BIL Then Come To 'Us for Best Pronounce at unequalled as Bedroom a remedy for Conens, COLDS I S 4. uit AND BRONCEITIC TROUBJ ES, es Winan's Condition 84 CouPh Powder for horses, best in the Mar. het, always on hand, Also a Cletobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so ono. oessfully tised by Mr, Chas. Munroe, ParUill, in this and other towns, itt treating and eurthg variens diseases, .d1 G & Sn For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can gt,t what they want at any price. The Leading Purniture Demers, The Leading Under taker For Sale at 1 --t ri C, LUTZ'S', oritprEtto8V,8 utoox., 4