HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-11-28, Page 4IVIolsons Bank
Peidup Coating -- e2,000.Q0e
Vest Irene, - 4000,000
Read, Ottlee. Nfentreal,
Generten Inewecteae
Money advanced to good farmers on their
own note with one or more endorser at I per
•cent. pen Annum.
Exeter Branob.
Olsen every lewful den from Oat)* to P41)
, SATI,JUDAYS, 10 adn, to 3. re los
iturrent as et interest allewed. on dowels
• N- 1)ilaLTRDON,
• Established in g877
• Tranoaets ageneralbankingbusineen
Receives the Accents of Merolututs and
ethers on favorable terms.
Offer' every accommodation tonsiatent with
tee and coeservative banking principles.
Interest allewed on deposits. .
Drafts issued po.yable at any onice o the
• Seerehants Bank.
Noes DIsoottnezn, and MONETT() LOAN
eN NOTES and AdoliTeaGesl.
NOtloe to TimesReadere.
The publis7zers would esteem it a favor i
readers would,when making their purchases
mention that they saw the merchant's adver
semen t ia Tun Trues.
According to the Sentinel, a large
quantity of ashes is being shipred from
Leoknow district. No doubt this is a
common occurrence all over Ontario.
The:ashea go to the United States,
where they ape turned to account hi
making potash and other articles of
coramerce. Farmers, who sell their
Belles pursue a mistaken policy. The
price paid for them is small compared
-with their value when applied as a
x x x
Low township, in the Province of
Qgebec, not far from the city of Ottawa
has been for some years notorious for
a spirit of outlawry among its inhabi-
tants. In sepia sections of the town-
ship the settlers have for years back re-
siSted the payment of taxes. This
yeat the county authorities undertook
to make the resisting settlers come to
time and made seizures upon their
estate and property. The objecters
banded together in large numbers to
defy the authotities and resist tne ex-
ecution of the warrants. The result
was that an armed military force was
on Monday sent out from Ottawa city I -
to scatter the mob and support the se
bailiffs arid taa collectors in the execu- er
eon of their dillies. The reaisting set- ed
tiers at once came to terms and the 1 in
takes are all being paid up and order i sa
Dieeessing the Liberal outory ages
the manaftteturere the Cellu3ite:1 Trade
Revtew eve:, “The Mee Stelle party
writers show aoainet 'bleeted" manes
fectarere seettlAn StIggeat that in order
to prevent athletes besoolitte strong
they would like to eee tho whole )opal -
tion stricken 'With satalipoes. To stop a
few getting rielt they wieh all the people
to be kept petipers. Men are aa econ-
Omically diverse as the breeds •of (male.
Tern a uunlber of enianale into a rob
pasture and some will ftetten while °th-
ere will remain lean kin, the diiier.
erenee la in 'the natuve of the beast,'
So, some men will get rich under the
same &cal and trade conditions which
add nothmeo to the possession of others.
But turo the beet feeder e into a barren
field, none will be fetteued : in like
manner, if trade conditions are bad, if
foreign, competition, is disastrous, no
fortune will be made, nor will any
workers beve a comfortable subsist-
ence, Although not 'bloated' ourselves
we feel no indignation at those who
have piled up fortunes, as the pasture
they have fattened in is an omen one.
Those, then, who are anxtoue to pros
Vent any man making a fortueo by
trade must first establish such condit-
ions as will reader poverty universal,
and prevent mea of skill and enterprize
reaping the reward of these qualities."
Tnenew harness shop is now opened for
business. All kinds of harness on band,heavy,
&nine, light and single. Any thing mede to
order. Repairing promptly attendbd to. Robes
and blankets of an kinds also ,Buffitlo Robes.
trunks,bells.whipS, oombS, brushes and every-
thin:slept in the harness line. 1)on t fail to
call. W, CoTTRILL. Berates Maker.
last meeting of the Chosen Friends, the
following resolution was passed:-
William, Coates, Esq., Usborne.
DEAR Sin, ---We. the members of
Centralia. Council, •No, 220, Canadian
Order of Chosen Friends, tender you
our heartfelt sympathy and assure you
it is with feelings of the deepest regret
we bare Ierel
- seee_elle death of Tour be.
loved. fa ther, who will uteand..........ese
only by the Members of the family,
over vvhom he presided, but by the
community in which ha resided se
many yearn and we pray that Be who is
too wise to err and too merciful to be
unkind will guide, comfort and sustain
you and the members of the family in
your sad bereavement. Signed in behalf
of the members of the council.
Jones NEIL, 1 Chief Councillor.
W. W. REVINGTON, t Vice Councillor.
BRIEFS -The Chosen Friends of this
village, attend church in a body on Sun-
day evening next at Centralia --C. Vin
Vaihour station agent is away visiting
friends, and Edgar Pyre is relieving
agent aepresent.-Owing to the heavy
rain the Bib'e Society meeting on Tues-
day evening of lest week was poorly at-
tended. The meeting was adjourned
to Wednesday evening of this week. -
The high vt lad on. Monday evening blew
down S. McCoy's wind milletacl levelled
fences in all directions -The Epworth
League was well attended. on Tuesday
evening when Rev. W. Butt deliver-
ed au able lecture on 'Success in Life."
Rev. W. EL Butt will preach a epecial
rmon to the C. 0. 0. F. on Sunday
ening next. -51r. Jas. Delgaty preach -
a sermon last Sunday eyening to the
. T. of T. Rev, W. U. Batt did the
tna in Clint on .
iz being restored,
x x
Plant walnuts, farmers and thus set
going a little fortune lor yourself in
year old age. or for your children. An
exprienced agriculturist, who re-
cently realized. $90 for one walnut tree,
.gives this excellent advice to his fellows
.d'You can plant 160 trees on
an acre, and neva' interfere with farm-
tng. In twenty years time the trees
will be worth $75 apiece. You can get ilie Dashwood
Stove tor
Followarg ere the ntArittet gnotallops 1
Wheat ..... .... 05 tct
Bar ,.. 60 to 33
Oats ley ..... 23 to 23
Peas . 45 to 50
tiny - 11,00 to 12,00
..,..14 to15
14 to 14
Baiter filL.Wotrrna'$[iLe.-Gtving up busi-
nese, Everything goes at cos% Over $5000.00
words of boots & Shoes, Trunks & Valises to
be sold between sow and Jan.1'10,.t.o[st
eaterdav Wie the first day of nes big sale.
And it was an immeese sueoesa. Orowds
througed our store from earn- morning tilt
late et uteht, and every day aerie, and evert"
000 gees awav (Welted with, tbe eaesseas WO
give them. This is the biggest slaugeter sae
of boots & shoea that has ever taken plaeo
10' 11011Saiii 01' tbis side of Toronto. Follow
thecrowd to the old reliable boot & shoe sto ro
and come at epee aud bring youv families
and neighbors along, and get your foot wear
at cost as the aeods must oe aced as Pam
leaving eConselt after New Year's, Terms Oash.
WL,P flEnti II
IS, All persons indebted to ms are request-
ed to salt and settle their nooeunts at ones.
Bamess-Mr, 0. A. McDonell has the
most artistically painted house hi town.
The work as executed bv John Stacey
in Ins superior style. Truly ay. Sta
is a master of the art. -e -Mr. A. We
lob, who has been emanating a Boot
Shoe business an Hewlett for the p
seven years, on Thursday last disposed
of his stock and good will to 11
A. Murdock, of Thameaville a fern
resident of the village; Mr. Weseloh t
same day purchasing the stock a
business of Mr. Osenbach, of Berl
Possession in °itch case will • be giv
February next. Mr. Weseloll has be
a live business man and a good citiz
and we are loath to part with him. W
however, wish hint every prosperity
his new field ; he meke it warm f
opponents in his lino in Berlin -in alio
he is a hustler. As for Mr. Murder,
he is no stranger having run the Con
mercial Efotel here some six years ag
He is a brother of our esteemed town
man, Mr- T. Murdock. Ile is an o
shoe man and will sustain o
bhe go
record of Mr. Weseloh, We welcom
you, Mr. Murdock, to our villages -IA
J. E. McDonell is changing his publ
weigh scales from their present positio
lit-&-...rt4.1:4,2„,'• rtce northwest, ia tit
railway yard When he has the chaqg
made they will be found much inor
convenient, as he intends erecting
high fence there for enclosing the stoc
as well as making other improvement
-Mr. J. W. Ortwein was obliged t
absent himself from bis store here fo
,several days, owing to some . of -.lob
comforters in their severest form. He
again on duty as lively as even -Mt
eicAlpine, of Glencoe, was in the villag
recently, spending a few days with hi
brother -in-laws, the Messra. IncEiven
of Hay. -Mr. Wm. White, of Rodger
vale, left this station on Wednesda
last, for Detroit. We regret to say tha
his coatinued ill health has induced hit
to consult with medical authoritie
there, and we hope they will be abl
to auticessfully treat his case -Mis
Lizzte Reith, daughter of Mr. Johi
Reith, of British Columbia, is here visit
ing among her many relatives and
friends, -W R Hodgins has returned
home from the funeral of his brother in
Michigan who died last week. He had
been ill but a short time of Bright'
disease, and his death was uttexpected.
He had always been a man of good
health, splendid habits and a hard
worker, being a farmer. He leaves a
wife and four children. -T. Murdock
has purchased a very handsome team
of black horses for hie livery . -Mex.
Murdock, of Thain.esville, was in the
village last week and his many old
friends were pleased to see him. --
Mies Bella Ellis, of Toronto, was home
on Thanksgiving Day and returned on
onciaye-Alex McPherson and daugh-
r Eva, spent Thanksgiving Day at
ill Robertson's, Dentield. -Rev Rice
St. Thomas, occupied the pulpit of
se Methodist church last Sunday
culling and preached a very impres
ve sermon on lessons of the ark
Noah and its .peculiarities. -Rev.
ocke, of Exeter, occupied the pulpit
the Methodist church in the evening.
nd every one who heard him WAS well
pleased with his sermon.--a.D Weis -
miller left on a trip to Clifford and Mills
may on Tuesday morning on business -
Business was good with our merchants
last Saturday, but it is somewhat quiet
since the snow disappeared last Mon
day night. No doubt the cod vreether
that has set in since the thaw will im-
prove the roads, and a lot of grain will
be marketed the !atter part of the week,
and with it business will revive. -The
brick work of Mr. Bell's foundry
is completed, and if we should get a
fine clay the roof will be put on in .a
hurry. -The Hensell quartette club, of
the Methoclise;Choir sang at the concert,
at Staffs, on Thanksgiving, night. --D.
Ilrquhert was at London on Weclnes -
day on business. -Rev. Little, of Lon-
don, held the annual Missiotary and
British cis Foreign BOA Society meeting -
in Carmel Presbyterian church on
Tueaday evening. The attendance was
not as large. as it eliould lieve been. -
Miss C. Aikens, of Clinton, was visiting
at Mrs. C. Meyers. the pest few days.-
John 11/cArthun, banker, returned on
Saturday front a trip to Tornoto, Lon:
don end Ailsa Oreig.-Rev. Acheson,
of Kippen, was in town on Tuesday
night -Sam Pellet:1r, of Brucefield, wee
in town on Monday.-Jarnee Canning,
of Kippen was in town Tuesday on
business. --Mr, and Mrs. Welsh spent
Sunday with Mr. Welsh's brother reser
MOO resville,
Buntee,---Mr. Pranele Turner, an old
time resident of Mooresville, hut for the
last senenteea years a sojourner in
Uncle San's domains, is visiting
friends here this week. His Many
friettds here will be glad to see him,-
lfodgius, of Arva. is visieing
friends around Clantlehoye this week. -
The snow, the beautiful anew, melted
before the ram rt of Monday night last,
like snow before the sumer SIM.
Banws.-The Presb,yterians pre-
psring an elaborate programme for
their Sunday sohoolChristmas entertain -
went, which will take place as usuel oa
Christmas eve, Dee. 21, Rev. Mr.
Grant, of Knox Church, will be with us
and will giye one of his amusing
asiri instructive addresses, -The rest -
donee of Wm. Meek, on King street,
had a narrow escape from destruction
by -fire on Saturcity morning, one of the
00a centre Partitions being burned out be-
fore the tire could be extinguished,--
Mr. Wtn Delaine hareturned from his
est wedding tour. Mr. Delaine is a young
man who hae, during hie two years'
Ir . residence with us, -won for himself a
ler most enviable characer by his ex-
ile emplary conduot, and he and his young
nd bride were giyen a most joyous wel-
in. 001110^
en Lamm.
BILTEFS.-The assembly given by the
ig Tennis Club in the town hall on Wed-
nesday night was largely attended.
rI Every town and village within a wide
k, radius was represented. - Mr.
John Dearness, P. S. I- visited
0. Lucan on Thursday, and reports every
department of the public school to be
Id in a healthy condition, so. far' as effie
Manny is concerned. He says our
e school cennot be exeelled in Middlesex.
e. -A Thanksgiving service was held in
ie Holy Trinity Church on Tuesday night.
e -The "At Home" held in the town
o hall on Thursday night was pronounc
6 'ea §ubeiiss.1--1:6hert St. John, .g the
e Queen's, is wearing a broad smile those
a days. A stranger came to see him on
k, Saturday laet and Bob is happy; he is a
n boy. He weighs 13 pounds, -Patrick
Curtin accompanied by Setnee Leugh-
g lin, left Saturday for England. Mr.
n Curtin last Saturday shipped 140 head
is of 'cattle to the English market. --The
wedding of Miss Alfretta Hodgins to
o Wesley Stanley took place Wednesday
e last. -The many friends of the family
, will be sorry to head that Michael Arrni-
. tage's, 4th con., Biddulph, son is very
y ill with typhoid fever.
BRIEFS -Don't forget the concert in
s , the new hell on Dec. 5th. • Rev. A.
1 McGillivray, P. H. C. R. of the Incte-
pendent Foresters will give an address
The Davidson Dreheetra and John Mc-
Callum of Exeter, and G. L. Money,
Comedian, of Mitchell, besides other
first class talent will take part. It
8 promises to be a grand affair. Don't
wise it. -The wedding orTVLssMaryAnn
Cottle,andRobert McDonaldmentioned
in last week's Teems, was a brilliant af-
fair. There were over 100 guests pres-
ent. The bride was sapported by her
sister Miss Bells. Cottle, while Peter
Gowan acted as groomeman. The pre-
sents were numerous and of a useful
cheracter. A I irge circle of friends
join in wishingthe happy couple a pleas-
ant and prosperous journey through
life. They will take up residence on
the McDonald homestead -Miss Min-
nie Hintz has gone on a trip to Algo-
ma to visit friends. -Wedding bells
will ring in the village shortly, when
two estimable young people will be
made happy.
one year's growth by placing the wal-
nuts in a singe layer on smooth ground
and covering with thin layer of dirt;
then, when they have had aboub two
freezes, they will crack open; then the
first warm spell pls.nt them in squares
in an old field. 160 to an acre. The
walnut enriches the soil and soon you Emporium,
will have a fine field fit for cultivating
and growing crops, and your walnuts
will always be increasing in value at
the rate of tea cents per tree each year
to a certian period, when it is augmen-
ted in almost geometrical proportion.
Finest bthriness in the world. A big
Reid of walnuts planted now will be of
inore value to your boy whenyou die
than a big bank account."
For Nervous Prostration and Anaemia
teem is no medicine that will so promptly
And infallibly restore vigor and strength as
Hood's Emulsion.
Stratford has a Jack-the-flugge,d Why
don't the boys don girls clothing anl lay
far him?
We are now doing business in the
new brick block, have greatly added to
our sbock and are offering inducement,
in the following lines; -
Cow Chains/ Guns and
Rifles, Axes, 8aws,
Lamps and (Stoves,
The Public are cordialy in-
vited to call and: inspect our
stock and price,
laughter Sale!
Prices Cut and Slashed.
Having decided upon a new method of conductitre nut business, and to test it we
intend to make our new stook of FALL AND WINTER GOODS move rapidly, if low
prices will dein and feom now until January 1st, 1896 -we r,fler FOR CASH all new
enesenable geode. Here is a sample ;
nseenemens' avreaszemm.ms. Istemnen's o-vmco.e.ms.
$3 00 Mantle for
400 do
5 00 do
650 dri
7 00 do
$o 50 Blk Worsted Ceat for $4 50
$2 00 7 00 Tweed for 5 50
3 00 11 00 PeAvn Beaver for -7 50
3 50 6 00 Ulster for 4 50
475 7 00 4. St 550
55t) 9 no ie 7(10
650 11 50 ,e
15 00 do 8 50
10 7a 6 06 Youth+,4 Ulster for 4 76
Aloe 4 line of Children'e ()sate, 81 t e. 5 50 Yon•hts Ulster for 400
decoct prices, •Boy's Overcoats for e2 and upwards,
On January let our books will be oloeeol and wo will sell for oath or ezchango frr
Vroctrice only -no more orient. This will enable us to give yeti more for your money,
because we will avoid the expenes of keeping hooka the lime it teases to collect at-
Counte. atui the octtasional loas Meidental to the credit system
We Will actept ell kinds of Product at Cath prices.
Wo want 10,000)he. of Poultry for whieli the highest ptioes will be paid.
Taltown- egg r %Ira
whai comos oi baorzood. .
factory a couple of weeks, The family
I le it the sympathy of the entire neigh -
(Too late for last week.)
BRIEFS.--Velerinary Carr dehorned
86 head of °Attie for farmers. in En Ls.
bert in a few hours on Saturday last.
Suffice it to say he is able to had his
own with the best Vets in the country
when it comes down to businees.-
The en terpris lag fariiers, C C Sweitzer,
David Roger aud James Beatty, are
going to keep abreast ot the thnee.
Last week they purchased treadmills
to drtve their cutting boxes and grain
grinders, etc. --Jos. Wren, of the Br se
Line. Blanshard, hacij an excellent
yield of:Alsike Clover. From 5 acres
he threshed 36 bushels by actual
weight, Who con beat it ?--Nathan
Doupe has been re-engaged to teach
Woodham school far another rear. -
Whooping cough is very prevalent in
this neighborhood yet. -Mr, and Mrs.
Albert Sister buried their baby girl,
Gertie, thiee months old on Saturday
last. It was a very large funerad for
an infant -Adam Doupe, merchant,
of Lakeside, formerly of this place, has
disposed of his stock, to Mr. McNauell
ton, of Fullerton, tvho will take pos-
session 1st January. Adam intends
to go farming In the spring. -Samuel
Cerr hes moved into the house lately
vacated by 0, Duffield. -The very sad
newt reached this village on Saturday A.
evening last that Reuben Davis, step awa
son ot Mrs. Davis of this place, loot his of
life in the burning of a match factory'in
Detroit on Friday evening of last Weeks 8'!d.
He had only been working in the w't"
Iliuron County otefil,
Mies /Florence Oresswell, of Egwond-
ville, io very ill.
10 eturie pallet of Bruce fartnere are col
looting leadee with whieli to Ind their
Mr, Elliutt, who has sold hits paper, the
Wingbarn Times, intends going south for
tbo benefit of his health.
The methodist °hutch, A.yr eitouit,
near Paris, celebrated its 50th anniversary
on Sunday and Monday last.
The body meat be well nonrislied now,
to prevent eiekness. If your appetite le
poor telte llood's Sarsaparilla,
Mr. and Mrs. Beckwith and family, of
Clinton, 'removed to Seaforth hen week,
where the gentleman has secrued a sit:
uation as baker.
The sale of the 'Brussels woolleunnil has
been accomplished. One thousand five
hundred dollars is the price, and George
Howe the purchaser,
Mr, Malcolm AdoEwen, a the 3rd con.
Stanley, was called to Turnberry, on
Saturday, to attend the funeral of Mies
Wy lie, a distant connection.
Mr. Outt, of Brussels, will 'worry on the
grocery business in Goderiah so long con..
flurried by hie father in law, Mr. Hillien,
the latter going to reside in Florida.
Mr Jelin Morrie, one of Colborne'e
pioneers, and a most highly eeteerned per-
son. died last Friday at the age of 85
years; he was a Liberal and Methodist.
Miss Bell, daughter of Mr. Wm. Belt,
of Tuckersmith, has been engaged to teech
the junior department of Halloo' section
No. 10, Stanley, after the Ohristmen
Yaleclart-170.1in -Salmon, of the 10111 con, has
purchased the farm of his neighbor, Mr.
George /iliac. This farm contains 100
acres of exultant land, with good build-
ings, and was purchased for $6,000.
The many friends of Neil McGregor.
Winghann were sorry to learn of thedeatb
of his little daughter, Pearl, last Friday
tie:ening. The funeral on Saturday after-
noon was largely attended.
Robert Colo, Goderich townebip, has
rented to his son Thomas, for a tertn of
years, the farm on which he 'has resided
since he same to Hullett and is going to
reoyeenetdee100 aore farm he bought a
few years ago.
Ilifr Wm. Hogarth, who for the past (NO
years has taught tbe sebool at Hannah*
in Tuckeremith, has been engaged to teach
the Staffa /tabool for next year as euccessor
to Mr. Hotham, who goes to Toronto to
study medicine.
U. 0 Johnston of Goderioh has dispos-
ed of the Boil term iu East Wawanosh to
John Boil jr. for the sum of $2500, Thie
is undoubtedly a bargain as the farm eon --
tains 100 acres of good land, with fair-
ly good buildings and fenoee,
William McDougall eldeet son of Mie
A. G. McDougall, of Virden, Manitoba
and an old Seaforfh boy, had the Luis:
fortune to lose one of his eyes through an
accident, tvlaile experimenting with dyna-
mite. He is at present in the hospital'
at Brandon,
The numerous cures of 'zheumatisni by
the use of the old standard blood -purifier,
Ayer's Sareaparilla, show conclusively that
it is an effective remedy, if not the apeeific,
for this most painful and persistent of
maladies, What has cured others will al-
e.) ours you.
Lest week D e. Gunn. Turnbull, and
Armstrong performed an operation on
Mrs. R. MoLeod, of Bruoefield, for the
removal of a growth on the side of her
neck. She is doing nicely since the
operation, and her many friends hope she
will be around again in a short time.
The town council of Clinton have
decided to eutertaia the connty
council at a complimentary bancinet on
the evening of the 5t11 of December, the
occation of the c.pening of the December
seseien of the 0000011 in that town, and
also the formal opening of the Odense,
House of Range.
John Morris, one of the pioneer settle,
of the County of Heron, is dead, aged 86
years. He settled in the Towtship of Col-
borne in 1834,and resided there continuous-
ly tante death removed bim. Durine the
Canadian rebellion excitement he was one
of the party of militia that marched trom
Goderich to guard the frontier.
Mr. T. F It Case has rented his two
farms 011 the Huron road, one and a quar-
ter miles emit of Seaford), The one on
the Soelb side of tbe roa.d was rented to
Messre..Cudmore & Stewart, and that on
the North side- to Mr. John Mallann. Mr
Case is going out of farming entirely, and
will devote himself to the pork packing
Winghana Times. Mr, Charles Pogeon
le an ardent dirmiple of Izatak Waltou.
Last year he cautcht over 2,700 fish, and
this year he has beaten all hie pre-
vious records, and landed 3,432. The
fish were principally bass and chubs, but
parch, mullet etc., were also
In the caso of appeal before Judge Doyle.
cd Goderich, against the action of the jary
in the case of Mrs. Hunter vs Ltroknow,
when a verdict of $200 and 4308tS .was
giyen in favor of the plaintiff for injury
suetained by falling upon a street crossing,
the judgmeut was given in favor of Mese
Monday, November 18th, Jessie
Jane Allan of Eamondville, passed from
tide life 10 life everlasting. ebe had long
been a patient sufferer but she 'bore her
atfliotiol ;alb Christian spirit. During
three months'sbe was confined to her bed
until last Monday night God celled her to
that reward which is merited try a vvell
spentvel,ifye. promi,ing 3 oung man pa,.aed
y Saturcley num, in the person
Mr Albert G. Whitely, third mon of
Jos Whitelteformedy Reeve of God -
11 township, Ile bade been a sufferer
cousamption for aome time; his age
22 years, He had taken two terms
"You sell more Underwear and Bien:
kets than was ever sold in Kirkton be:
fme," that is what 0 nate slid to 03 yes:
tercley. Well vve might to sell more,
for the goods ere here and the prices
are nowhere, have had 15 years ex per:
iotme in the striking of each geode, so
know how to buy right, end We give
our eultoinere beneht. A $.1.2.5
ehirt elsewhere, hero, for $100; a $1 00
*hitt eigewhere, hares for 90c, See
our etieeiel eitra eiv-.0, only 89c a
!Mite •
reettarXIt eetitalerentellsre3s, ‘)11"1‘41'
atwotae:herteere °kir: et°tZidieeediocivailotICtuolifae'eatut had
The Onianio
Have nothing t o fon wiut
Somentnee wee and woman feel this
Way, A wave of desporideney oreepi up
tool up till it 1 eiternee the heart. They
become languid and 1 tithes, Life appear e
grey and dreolate. Mutt ench people smut
ie. a ionic. They wain. to bs built up, bey
want a stimulus, whice vvi I give them
courage and pet new hope in them. Such
a stimulus is toned in teilsonn
Port Wme. This le iticomperably the beet
trade at preeetat offeree to the public. A
liab, gerre,cav wine, with a glow, a body.
fruitirieee wh are eftieul(ted to build
up the waste,1 system, it bottle of thie
bracing tools makse a peer debilitated
oreaturu a nee oittgeb. Sold by all dealt)
et $7 50 pee °see of 12 quart bottles, ha f
ease $ 1..00 or 75 ete per [iota++, Aade
Ltdeattx Claret CO 3f) 'sleeping
ed its Prove:tidal leeletin for the
er Se tits of the Partnere' Inetituteti to
be h
'23 2
had 1
p eba
for re
elch The followipg aro tlfe dates
for t he county of Huron .--Bruce-
, Jan. 7; Exeter, Jan, 8;'Auburn, Jae.
1; Brussels, Jan. 27 28. These meet -
are for the direct benefit of the farm -
and each will be attended by some
her of the Ootario Agriculturel
staff, in addition to a number of loose
ere died ea the let cOti , Goelerioli
ehip on Wedneeday oyeeing last, John
It. aged 74 years and 6 months. He
18 n ailing bat a couple of weaken
emitting from paralysis, The des
&came frons the north ot Ireland
lily eilty yenta ago, but Wes uever
He wee litt eyorv respect at ern
citizeo, NatUrieh Conseil/alive, awl
woe years a inetither of the Otrattge
The Toms and Toronto 'Weekly
Glebe will be sent to any address In
• Canada or the United States from now
until Januery 1897, for $L40, This is a
speoial offer, and sheuld be taken ad-
vantage of eenerelly. The Globe is a
good weekly and the TIMEs aeconci to
Stephen gonna.
Members present; Reeve J, Sher-
ritt and Id. Hicks. Minutes of last Begin
ler and special meetings read and signed.
The following requester for proper papers
for admisaion to House of Industry, yizi--
Win,Eagleson, Askett Harris, John Nigh.
ton. After passing a few orders the coun-
cil adjourned to meet again on Monday
16th Dec. 0 PRoUTT Clerk.
Brusifs,-111r. W. Dixon, has retuned
from tbe old country, where he has been
sojoerning for eome mouths. --Messrs. W.
Scott dr Co. purpose plecior a windmill on
their grain houee in the near future. -
One would think the bicycle season was
past, bnt seems not, ats John Snider has
disposed of two wheels recently, one to J.
T. Rota, and tee other to Mr. Baker. -
Mrs, Douglass, of Eceter, ie at the Ameris
can House -IVIra Aitzel was called sudden-
ly to attend the funeral of ber mother in
Plattsyille ; the silent reaper gives us
many warnings.
MR. EDIT011.-I1101100 in the TIMES that
the South Huron Agricultural Society will
hold a show for the exhibition of Fat
Stock and Poultry in the -Village of Hen -
mall, on Tuesday, December 17thovhen the
following liberal premiums will be offered;
Steers 2 years old and -under 3, let $5, 2o5
$3. 3rd $2; Stems 1 year old and under 2,
1st $1. 2n5 $2. 3rd 1; Steer calf under 1
year old lat $3. 2nd $2. 3rd $1. Now sir
I am at a loss DO know the reasons why
heifeis are excluded, especially heifer
calves. There inay be good and huflicient
reasonwhy heifere should be •debarred
which experts in raanagement of Agricul-
tural shows may pretend to give, but
which I in my ignorance cannot discover.
Please give us some light and oblige.
• Hiirondale.
Beened.-Mr. G. W. Heiman spent
1'hankegivin,g with his family. -Mr Jas.
and Mies Horton spent the holisings at
home. -Mr Chas. Derr ts a little indispos-
ed and is confined to the house.- Mr G.
Wren and Mr and Miss Sheppard of
Chiselhutst were visiting in the neighbor-
hood on Sunday liee-The concert held in
the school house on Friday evening last
was a grand success. Ths singing hy Mr
Downs of Clinton was exceptionaly good
and was repeatedly encored, to which he
cheerfully reeponded, while the speech by
Dr Rollins of Exeter was well received.
Proceeds $25.- Revival meetings are being
held at ,the church and the Gideonites
have rallied their forces against the un -
offending Latauites and judging by the
stray cn.Sunday evening, they mean busi-
ness. -Rev. Mr Bice, a former pastor of
Bethesda, was in our midst on Sunday
laseeeeking aid for the Ladies'Ocelege of
Catholicof Monist
Carmel have invested in a; mew bell, and
the biehop of London bleseed it Weclnes.-
day.-Dr. T. ne Flaherty, gold medalistlof
the Weetern Univeteity, has commenced
practice, with wood prbspects, at Mount
Carmel. -Mr. Wm Lewis and Miss Annie
Pickering, both of McGillivray, were
martied recently by the Rev. Mr. Yelland.
-Parkhill boasts of au excellent public
library -Mr. Adam. Paxman, an old
reeident of thenown is seriously ill. -Mr.
Wm. Zaphe left Parkhill a few days ago
'for Toledo, Ohio, where he will "fill a
lucrative position. -J. B. McDonald and
Mrs. Mary Johnson are suing the town
for damages for injuries sustained through
defective sidewalks.-11ers. Margaret Fox,
of McGillivray, died Wednesday, aged 39
years. -Mrs. R. Niblook, formerly of
Parkhill, died a few days ago in Michigan.
--Miss Minnie Rawlings, of London, is
home for the holidays.- Miss Tema Turn-
bull, of Harptey, haa wedded Mr Philip
&Made and bas received many beautiful
presents for so doing,- A few days ago, to
Miand MIlt Wm. Baird, of this town, a
daughter. -Mrs Morphy, daughter of the
Rey John Mills, of tide town, who has
been visitiug • her parents for several
months, will retern to her home in the
Weatern States next week.
Middlesex County Notes.
George Grant, Clandeboye, was ten-
dered a farewell sapper Monday on the'
occasion of hie going to leave Canada to
reside in the United States.
Mr, William Knaptoa has sold hi
farm, lot 8, coa. 6, Leaflet' township, con -slating of 90 aetea to Mr. Simon Mi1eb91-
tree, oeDelaware to itnsnip, for16 500.
Always avoid hat els purgative pill,. They
fiat make you tick and then leave you
conetipated. Carted.; Little Liver Pills
regulate the bowels and meke you well.
Dose oue pill.
Mrs. AfoOollum; of Strathroy, has had
a writ issued againet ihe town of Strath-
roy for the loss of her house, furniture,
etc., and the death of her husband and son
from email -pox, which she alleges wart
canted by the Easel+ asnege of the Board
of Bfe41ttili'
Mr. Vliisan KnaptOrt !PIO soli his farm
lot 8, con 5, London tawnshlp, eonsisting
of 90 acres, to Mr. Simon Micheltree, of
Delaware township, for $6.Ci00. The
stock, implements, and fodder were 601Ci
boy $
410.08100u on 21s1 Nlvernher, amoutittng
Tbat soft, rich, )3198Sy Sheau, so much
admired in hair, earl he secured by the ase
of Ayers Hair Vigor, All the astis'ance
that hature requires to make the hair
strong, beautiful, end abundant is Pup
plied by thie exeellent preparation.
Mies Bertha Gilbert, secoed deughter
Mrs Thotl. Gilbert, teacber, if Dentiold,
VuttotosnedafatttertiYa aikewAilovraeCtkr6a,ig,001111467apys, amitekr;"
Gilbert attendee the model sehoel in Lon.
don in 1891, and from January to dune
1895 attended the Toronto eemmal, from
Which she graduated with . honorer. Semi
her retutn from Terorite she heti }nen
tekebing in Ailed Orate, Whie oho died
Mies Gilbe t by her pleRhent mantler And
wets toots wen friends When:elm(
ithe Went.
Why should you ? if we
sacrifice goods you lose
nothing, and if you are
sharp enough to buy the
goods when going you are
a big gainer.
OVER 1.00
Men's & Boys' Overcoats which
we will sell you at almost your
own price.
See our lien's Heavy Kuap
Overcoat for $4.�o.
See our Men's Frieze Overcoat
fof $6, and Soya' Overcoat with
Cape, for $2.25.
See our line of Men's Sealpttozr
Caps at 75c.
Do not wait until the winter is
half over before you buy. Buy,
Highest price for Butter & Eggs,.
MARKET 'T• P. Ross,
Tim snow which we had last week hat,
the livened up town -Butchering is all the
rage in our little burg at present. The -
severe wind storm which we had on Mon-
day night, bas clone considerv.ble damage
in tbis minity, unroofing a number of
barns and taking down !encore -Mr.
Gaieer is on the sick listiit is reported he
has the fever -Miss Lulu Young is alto -
eery sick. -Mr. and Mr. be, Bice vieited
friends in town on Monday last. -Mr.
Walter Clarke was in London on business,
a few days last week.
Barara-Mr A. Shank returned inane
from Manitoba lest week, --Willie A.
Wilson epent Thanksgiving week with.
his brother A. C. at Guelph College; he
returned home on Monday -A large num-
ber of aportiog men went out duelt shoot-
ing last week, but did not succeed ip get-
ting many duckie-Air W. J. Siiiison of
Bayfield bought a choice lot of cattle of
Mr W. Et, Taylor, 114, P. P. -Our first
sleighing has colneand gone the heavy
reins butt Monday cleared all ;he enow off.
-We had cite of the strongest wind blorrne,
here last Monday night known fsr many
months. -Wo are sorry to report that Mr
F, -Clem is noegetting any better -Mr Ed
Mason dehorned a largedrove of cattle foe
Mr Henry Brinker; he has been engagect:
to dehoha several other herds of cattle,
W. 3. Milian has a few more of those
Beautiful Bermuda Easter Lillis bulbs for
sale,They grow flowers from 9 to 11 inches.
in diameter.
errand Bend.
Betrees.--Have had quite a little winter
and eome heavy loads have been drawn
to rnaOtet on the sleigirs -Mr. Robert
Hamilton was to to wn on Monday getting
his the culled, and they turned out, very
weIhreceived a fair price for them.--Look-
tog up cattls seems to he the topic of
conversation of late. Thanksgiving day
passed off very quietly bere the day beings.
a etormy one. -Mr. William Cornish is
progressing favorably but will not be able --
to walk for some time. -Mr- Eilbor visited
hate in the interests of the Hay PireInsur-
ance Co. As they have met with,
vety heavy losses tide lasb summer and
fall had to ixiake one anosher asiessmeut-
Tent No 63, K. 0. T. M. meet firtt Mon-
day10 December. Election of officere,
All members are a quek‘ted to be present -
The snow is fest disa.ppearins again as ie.
rained on, Idoeday.-IvIr. William Malor
is tusy repairing the echool on the A. dr B.
con , and expecte as lustre it completed
tins winik.-The wind ou Tuesday made -
everything flygences were levelled, aud it
shook some people out of bed in good,
time for a dean work.
You Want to Buy rust as Cheap,
as You can, and We Want to-
Sell...Just as Close as We Can;
The List of Figures in this Col-
umn is a list of Prices We Have
Put Upon Our Goods for the bal
ance of IiIi8e9r5e.are the prices we are -
.75 'asking just now for Trimmed
Millinery. The materials are
good, the styles the newest
and there is a goad Tariety to •
1.50 chose from. Though we have
ow 03. ,0„0,1N10013.wholswtI: -time to
0.nn done a good trade so far, we
50 done
yet a splendid aseortrnent
secure a
V'Ji‘-)Uibargaln in • a mantle
43:06003:: Fur Cipe. We have a
d assortment yet to ehow
o"u, running in price from $3,
4.604to $25.00 each, but frorn $3.00
ilbtoer$o6fMg0ood fitting and s sh--
there is quite a nue-
1-1.tx-ily made garmenta.
1, 25
$ - .05
We are in the Clothing busi-
ness to sell good Clothing,:
cheap. We have a large
stook of Boys' suits running
fram $1.50 up to $3,76. ov-
ercoats cheap too. Oall and
get our prices on both Mena'
and Boys' oyercoats.
Just 4 weeks and Christmas
.07 will he here, we are already
•to, toys,iansg ewell legant lidsegant displaytiisplaY of'
.16 avirtnd
i s i ta b1 e. fo)lrviCI h rietn8iewfu1
.25 Present's. Call
toand :
.60 %fur anything uhtil Xmas
We an not simply saying that,
e sell Dry Goods, Millinery, and
Clothing at Very Low PricesFor'
Cash or Trade! We are Actual-
ly doing it.
n. S. FOR D & C 0