HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-11-28, Page 1MIDDLESEX VOL XXIII, NO. 4, EXETER, ONT.ABIO, TWORSDA) MORNING, NOVEMBER 2 $20,000 Stoel . To Choose From. WILL COMMENCE ' HEIR, GREAT T IVINTIETALL $20,000 tock To Choose Fr1 ry = ds, Milhinery, Mantles, Ready = made Clithi ORDERED CLOTHING, BURS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, I,A1'IPS, Etc. ON SATURDAY, NOVERZ1BER 3Oth. $50OO,00 In Cash to be Raisedb the end of December. - $5010 ali111111N1MiNHHN1NIdN1M1111111111M111111111/1illsa all1111NLg1iHip11llM11M111111111111WlliIN1111111111N11111111i11111111111111111101111111111111111111111i1 Below we give a list of a few of the leading special lines Staples, Regular 25c. Feather Ticking. for . 19c, 8c. Grey Cotton, for 5c. 5c. GreyCottoxi,for 12Xc Twille4Sb.eet- iilg, for 8c 7c Cotton Shirting, for 5c $2.75 doz . Grain Bags, for $2.25c 7c Flannelette, for 5c 9c Flannelette, for . 7c (( l( (( Grey Flannels. Regular 20c for (( 32c for " 33c for 15c 25C 28C .Fancy Flannels Regular 40c for " 35c for (( 25C for 30C 25c, 1 9C Blankets, See our (all wool) White Blan- kets for' $2.15. Job Lot of Horse Blankets .commencing in price, at 75c. Carpets & Curtains, ;Regular 15c Hemp Carpet, 9c " 35c Union Carpet, 25c 55c Union Carpet,3712c $r.00 Best Wool Carpets, 83c CURTAINS. 60c Lace Curtains, .$1,1234 Lace Curtains, $4.25 Lace .Curtains, (( CC 37r2c 95c $3.60 Tweeds, We'have purchased a big lot -of Tweeds direct from the Mills ,and can save you the Whole- saler's profit on them. 9110 Ladies' & Children's Mantles ' 1110 WILL BE OFFERED AT PRICES TO CLEAR See our do do do do Mantles at do do do do 5oc $I.00 $2.0o $ 5.00 $7.50 The above prices represent values never before showh in this 1 Can.tlings.. MEiT'S 8c BOY'S Regular 3oc Double Fold, 67% " $r Blk Special, 6oc $r.r5 Double Fold, 90c 86.50 Sealette, $4.75c CURL CLOTH. Regular $3.75 for $3,00 101.11Mit .1.11.1!•111111•5115.17.11. Millinery. r any other town. Come quick if yon wish to secure a bargain. ' $500.00 worth of Millinery to be cleared during this sale. DRESS GOODS TRIMMINGS. (250o) two thousand five hundred yards of Dress Goods to be sacrificed. We have put the knife in deep. Some lines will be- sold at just half price. Now is your opportunity for buying a cheap dress. (Fibre Chamois, all colors, 25c per yard.) ORDERED CLOTHING. By importing allour own Worsteds & Tweeds and buying our Canadian Woollens direct from the Mills as we do, we are enabled to give our customers the closest possible prices in Ordered Cloth -- ng. We have"a reputation for using only first class Linings rritnmings, andwill offer special bargains during this Sale. siggramearavanesaminas and FELT HATS, HALF PRICE, TRIMMED HATS, HALF PRICE. FEATHERS, HALF PRICE. WINGS, HALF P RICE . RIBBONS, HALF PRICE. Everything must be cleared. oracearasamersouxoniamazaceesnotogroareu Groceries. 22 lbs. Redpath's Granulated Sugar, for - $I.00 28 lbs. Redpath's Yellow Sugar for $r.00- 28 .,lb. Box Off -stock Rais- ins, for boxes roc Blue for Log Cabin Brand, Gallon Apples, 19c Quart Raspberries, 15c I2N/C 20c 75c 5 Globe Washboards, Horne -made Catsup; Best Japan Tea, OVERCOATS. Boy's Blue Nap. Overcoats' with ,Cape, regular price $4.25, reduced to Youth's Heavy Nap, reg $4.50, reduced to Men's Heavy Freize Ulsters $9.5o, reduced to Men's Black Beaver $7.75, reduced to Men's Heavy Freize Ulsters, (special) Every Coat in Stock must be sold. $3,25 $J.50 $6.75 $5.75 $4.75 FURS. . Men's'Fur Coats in Coon, Wallaby, Corsican Lamb, and Wain_ bat. All must be cleared. We start them at '12.5o. Ladies' Capes at Great Bargains. Ladies' Sets at Great Bargains. Ladies' Muffs at Great Bargains. BOOTS & SHOES. Ladies' Heavy Split Bals Fine Dongola Button Fine Dongola Bals Tvtcn's Fine Calf Congress Men's Fine Dongola Congress Men's Fine Dongola Bats 85c gi .6o $1.60 $2,40 $2.00 $1.75 Ladies' " Polished Calf Button$1.25 Everything in the Shoe line will be sold at Special discount 25c ; during this Sale. Ladies' Vests. Regular hoc line, for 75c do " 90c do " $I.00 do 45c' bac. 73c 85c. Children's Vests in all sizes and at all prices. Hosiery,. 20 doz. Ladies' (all wool) full size, best in the trade, fc r 25c. Ladies' 25c Cashmere, for 19c Ladies' 3ec Cashmere, for . 25c Ladies' 5oc Cashmere. for 43c Odd Sizes at half price. Gloves. Ladies' $1 Kids, sale price, 75c Men's Heavy Driving Mitts, 35c SPECIAL. Men's Heavy Driving Mitts, 5oc SPECIAL. Extra values in Cashmere Gloves. Men's & Boy's Underclothing. A big lot just itt, purchased. direct from the Mill's Agent for spot cash. Buy now, they will go quick, Crockery Glassware. We have a beautiful assort- ment of Chamber Sets, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, 'Glass Sets, Cups and Saucers, &c,, &c,, andall will be sold at greatly reduced prices. s L U "tised wit/ be sold at exactly the 7.91'LCe quoted (n,d the above list.only Fives you CG v1, ''- We simply state that every article c c� e �' w ,l idea o the Tsar: curbs zve are o erim and our twenty-five years repi& atton tor d%ct7vdlimg only first class goods h every To Theea w 4departmeyrt, is swOeient guarantee that every article we offer during this exceptional sale zvill be Reliable ./ 1 up to date goods in every respect. `.7.3uiter Eggs and all hinds of Produce taker, as cash. REMEMB.Ehi this Sale is for C.4SI1 tasty• R. PIC ARD Largest soNq 'eneral Dealers in the C