HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-11-21, Page 8E INTE • When men go rustling along, shivering, But you can forget the old by stepping into CARLING BROS. Cheerful Store, IT FEELS LIKE WINTER when jack Frost nips your ICoal le now $C) 00 per ton 1, Mr, Bobler is putting dewn rock well in OARS !t1ox wih hii C1'0111217, A itiovo went ta On ft oslort, o fat:eery in Beater There ia la) later point. Mesers, Bawdea MeDonell have receittly purchased several fine spina name of horses, Rev. But of Centralia, "will preach spoil sermons in Rettenbiery Church Canton, on Sunday uext. The new hall at Farquhar will be op- ened, on Decetriber 3rd weaa le grand fincrers. But you can defy Old jack by taking CARLING, BROS.advice and dealing with them. Iffi is WIITT21! But that makes no difference at CARLING BROS. Their stove is warm, their Stock is Seasonable, and their welcome always warm. CARLING BR S e are better than others, and we have the BOA. It pays to bey the Best. We refer to S 1-100L SUPPLIES ittainMeEetWEE.e-SNMIONMenetialleterearagellare Our Scribblers and Practice Books are the •Cheapest, Largest, and Best made. We have a full line of School Books and supplies, and our prices are the I Lowest. Come in and eee how we can fit you out for school. MTM. SWEET, VETERINARY SURGEON Is prepared to do any kind of 131rd. stalling 'and taxidermist work- at any time. INSURANCE. .ELLIOT,A,GEINT FOR /TEE WESTERN ASSURANCE COM. PANT, of Toronto; also for the PHOENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. of London Bregland ALLIA.NCE INSURANCE 00b1- PANY of England. rj11-1E LONDON muruAL ( geed office, For 85 years this Company has done the .LONDON. J.- FIRE INSURANCO CO. OF Can ADA. largos t busiuess in Canada at the lowest retes, consistent with security. Assets, Jan. 189t, E837,199,00 43,000 Polieies in force.; T. E. ROSSOeT, President, J-.0. mein:WALD, Manager. For further particulars, apply to DAVID JAQUES, Agent, Exetee. xOtK 01110. Grigg's BookStore T FIURSDAY, NOVEMBER elst 1895. "THE MART." LOCAL HAPPENINGS. E R(l'OATS BrMevuitild;a1 eleotion talk ie atilt quiet. FUR OATS, COATS,FUR OVER OATS There are now some thirty inmates in o the County House of Refuge, with more t Grain is corning down in price, and farmers are hauling it to market in large quantitiee. A new T. R. time table has gone ie. to effect, bat it does not affect the L. H. • &B. branch. Mt. John •Andrew, of Elimville, ho had the misfortune to break hie leg aborts six weeks ago, la still confined to his bed. 11•10111,SONS* 4.1 If you want an Up-to-date Over- coat or Fur Coat, the Bi Bankrapi, is the spot for you, and you are the man for the spot. $4.90 is the price for a good heavy Frieze ulster, big storm. collar, nice Tweed lining, and for $5-90 we will sell a Frieze ulster that will surprise you. If you want those plums come quick, as the best go first. In Fur Coats, Fax Robes and Fur Caps we have a great stock. Special valuee in Beaver caps. UNDERWEAR FOR MEN AND • BOYS. Oa unheard of prices. Pare wool ribb shirts and drawers, the 65e 'kind, our price only 50c while they last. Pure • Lambs wool shirts and drawers the 900 kind, our price only 60c. Better get these quick as they are going out fast. Remember wa are sole selling agente • for the famous "Sailor Boy" uncolored • Japan Tea, only 25o a pound. One • price and one quality; the price the owest the quality the highest. J. A. Stewart. N, 13 -Store closes at half past six every evening except Wednesday and Saturday, Teere are seyeral cases of typhoid fever in town. • James street church will be re -opened on December 26th. 'Moat's Cough Balsam is an excellent horelebold, remedy for coughs, colds and trottoleitio troubles. Sold at 13, Lntz's • Drug Store. The Clintea Collegiate Institute foot - bell team and Seaforth Collegiate Institute team played at Seaforth for Hough cup. Score Seaforth 8. Clinton 0, • Thanksgiving seryiee will te held in the Presbyterian church to day (Thursdaya conducted by Rev. George Jackson. lection na aid of the poor. • On Thutaday •sight last while Wm. Cambia jr., of Grand Bend, wee return- ing home, twine stray colts frightened big horses, and jetoping suddently into the ditca threw Mr. Cornish out. breaking one 01 hisalege. The 'British Medirtal Joined and other papers give watiting of a renewed outbreak of influenza. The epidemic yeas the sever- est ever known in London in tiara,. last And there are gigue of Ito return now that the weather halt become raw again. The diseae0 us now prevalent In the math mid east of Londort, and in Surrey ated York- shire many fatal cases beve already cc - tuna& and the death rate from respiratory dinette bat, risen sharply in Leedom .At the November meeting of the Quar- terly Official Board of London 'Weise Meth - °thee toilet -oh, held OA the 18th inst., a tmanirnotut resolution was pessed apprecie. eive of the labors of the pestor, Be, E. Oiement, in all cleeartmento a the work, and that hie ability in the pulpit had in. creaeed the congregation, lacerate were , eapressect that as peetor end people they would tiotsh have to eeparete in oompliande With the ebtach dineipline —Lonclon Vree rreeP. A man who gets mad at what the news- papers say of him should return thanks three times a day for what they know about him but don't say. Mr. Geo. Bawden, marble cutter, Park: hill had a valuable hound killed by the train, last week. This is the second one Mr Bewden bait had killed this Way. J. N. Howard has had a new set of transformers placed throughout his elec- tric light system. They are known as the improved standard, and give satisfaction. Mr_ W. Butcher, of St. Marys, had the miefortune to break the side plate glass window one day lest week, while re -arrang- ing his window-. A window that size will cost about $15 or $20. Turkeys were eoaree in town this week at 6e. per lb. The ruling price last week of eo. per lb no doubt discouraged the farmers. Thanksgiving tprkeys will be few today in consequence. Geo. E. Wilson of Atwood, who was a student of the Stratford Collegiate Insti- tute last term: has been engaged to teach school in Tnrnberry township, Huron County, for 1896, at a salary of $350. Wm. Austin, Wingham, has the record for a large yield. From one pail of potatoee pleated he dug twenty two pails of tubers, the average length of each potato being nine inchea. They were of the Irish mul- tiplier variety. A special meeting of the ratepayers of S. S, 1To. 2, Hibbert, was held in the schoul-house on Saturday afternoon last at wbich they decided to build a new school with a basement. Is was also de- cided that another half acre should be added to the school ground. Tbe Junior Epworth League, of Main street church held a very successful en terteinatent in the Opera Hall last even ing. The program consisted of Dam -Bell exercises, Club swinging, Fan drill, Doll drill, Panay marchine, &c., by the child. ren. Music by the Davidson orchestra, Next year elections for murticipal councillore and school trasteess will be lit RI in Exeter on the satne day. Teas is a uew departure and it will be ibterosting to learn how it can be worked satisfactor- ily. Exeter not being divided into wards, any elector whote name appears an tbe list, caa vote at which pelt he °hems, and outside residents, who have no vote far the municipal council, can vote for school trusteere The result in View of these facts will be unsatisfactory. The Ladies' Aid of Cayce Presbyterian church, Exeter, intead holding an oyeter social in the basement of Cavell church •ore the evening of Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 21s1. Refreshments said oysters served item six to eight o'clook, atter whieh umeicai pregrernme will be rendered in which. Mrs, Moore, ref Louden has kindly coretented to take a leading part. All ate cordially invited to attend. Admission and refretattnents 15 ceete, Oysters 10 ciente extra. Salting cattle is sometimes neglected in the prereure of laxity days on the farm. It is on scree farms a Sunday job, and not always every Sunday either. All animate need. a regular supply el salt. Dairy cows eepecially cannot do well without ae041i113 to salt at all tint. Recently an Atneri. can experiment station bas been melding triala along this line, and found after re. patted theta that °owe regulerly salted gave 24 per cent. more milk tban did the same ewe when eau waa removed from their reaeh. 13, Oltrietinas lu the Old coetetre. 6'reCIAT, STimetSUIVS. -The c'efte jestio' leaves New York, Dee 17te for Liver. pool. Ilia iseete' Jetlyee New York Dee,18011 foe Southerepten -passage Rix alaYe• WhY bdicile during the Whiter months? Try the Gold Violas, of South Africa, and have a centinuous euouner. Far particulars, lowest plass 4nd all Inforreatien, aPpiy to Captain Gno, Katie, Exeter, Oat. 4 t Death of Atrs. Veneered. It was •with feelinga of profoued oareztaimaouts For, putieelere see serrow that the citizens of Exeter learn - posters, • ed of the death on Sunday meening o A fat stock allow will be held in H. Elijauaiahniaallfroitiilaluilan,d;v111NorldpeaWsst,Odf tah:aylb.ate: sall in mhe Deceber, 'ruder tauspices of w the family residenee. The deceaeed Me South Huron Agrioultural Society. See adiat elsewhere. • lady was a most highly' respected reei. dent of the town ancl was widely known W. H. Levett ha received two e loads of first quality winter apples. or her eharitable deeds, beingpossessed • a particelarly ainiaale 'Attire. Mrs, Parties desiring e. supply will do well to leave their order early. elated was in ber 72nd yeer, and LI tiths? du at CihIlevenaguhste °off years , mi tigihs € no t Willie in tr. John Heywood's •„Is itt loft the other day, 11,Ir Rich'rd Crook. itnprobable that the end wee hastened eatroke through, and falling Among !torahs narrowly eseaped by the strein on het constitution in - injury . All house plants become dusty, and, eident to the untiring care given her as the dust late husband in his protracted illnee emothers them by closing Sp the pores othe leaves, the aa also her to -ea -in-law the late J. A f plarns pleasant evening i 1 their hall on teen- sy. Monroe, in his long siege of 'euffering, heart failure vras the direct cease of both having died in March last. She had become entirely broken down, and I. should be frequently washed or inged. The Royal Templars spent a very day. It partook of a social gathering. death. revive tha order. Blacktrottington, Devonshire, England The late Mrs. Folland was born in, Such meetings will incite interest and One day receutly while Mrs. (Rev.) in the 1• year 824. She merited Will iatu Folland in 1858 and with two children, now sureiving, they came to Cana& in 1871. They located at Wort, tn the township of Usbeene, hue three where they had since lived, and ere years subsequently moved to •Eller, among the most respected citizens. The sorrowing children are s Will Folland, now with a, wholesale Hard- ware firm in Toronto, and Mrs. Monroe, widow of the late J. A. Monroe. The funeral took place Oa Tuesday to the Trivia Memorial church, where service was held, the remains being in- terred in the Exeter cenietery beside her husband who had preceded her. The children have the sympathy of the conureanity in their tied loss of a father and mother in so short an in- terval; more especially Mrs. Koaroe who also lost he! husband last March and to whose nervous system the heavy bereavemenehas caused a severe shock. Hunt was removing a piece of meat from the oven, she &odder:tally spilt a 'arge quantity of the grease over her hands, scalding both very severely. The other day the valve on the large water tank at the G. T. R. depot, from which the locomotives are supplied, got out of order, and. allowed the con- tents of the tank to overflow the track fax many feet around. Electric light has been put into sev- eral private reaidences during the past week, the light now given being per- fect. We have used it since its in- ception here, and can say it is much preferable to the old lamp light. Frederick Archer, the eminent Eng- lish organist and composer, who played in the Trivia Memorial Church, here some years ago, has been engaged to play in the music hall of Pittsburg Free Library at a salary of $4,000 a year. • A resident musical student can be received into the comfortable home of a well-known lady professor of Piano and Singing. Other branches of education cats also be pursued, as com- petent teachers reside in the city. Ad- dress, "Musical," FREE PRESS ONFICE, London. Not for many years have we enjoyed such beautiful fall weather as we are this year experiencing. The roads are ea dry as in summer, farmers are still ploughing, while mechanics are enabled to do outside work with comfort. Should such weather continue for a short period, we will have but a short winter to put in. The Junior League of James Street Methecliat church held a very success ful enterttinment and aert On Tuesday evening. Notwithstanding the wet weather the attendance was large. A splendid tea was served and a first class program -literary and musical -was rendered. The young folk deserve credit fax their energy and zeal in rais- ing money to aid in defraying building expenses. Proceeds, $19.20. Speaking of Rev. James Livingstone, the Kincardine Reporter says: -He is the ablest preacher that has ever been ptationed in this town by the Metho- dist conference; he is a pastor whose sermons are always carefully prepared: a clergyman possessed of much original- ity, in which love, hurnor and pathos are happily blended; a preacher who bus fire and zeal; and a pulpiteer whose eloquence will always attract large con- gregationa „ae.The re opening of Main street Meth - Wait church will be held on December lat and 2nd, Rev. Dr. Williams of Mitchell, President of the London Con- ference, and Rev. James Livingstone, of Kincardine vrill conduce the services on Sunday, while On Monday, besides the two gentlemen above mentioned, the local clergy will take part. There will be a strong platform, and a tea the best ever giveu in Exeter. The ladies are puttfng forth strenuous efforts, and are preparing for a very large crowd. Seeposters for particulars and dont for. get the date, and what is sbill more im- portant dont forget to be there. Dr. Dawson, Dominion director of the Geological Survey, was . asked to what he attributed the ueusual lowness of the water in the rivers generally this far. In. reply- he stated he could not give any other explanation for it than deficiency of raintall and eyaporation during dry periods. For the last three years at least the rain fall had been unusually light, and this all went in the direction of reducing the volume of water in the streams to an unusually low level. Speaking of the low water in the St. Lawrence, Die Dawson said that the St. Lawrence rose and fell ac- cording to the volume of water in the great lakes. The great lakes had cycles of low water. Some years ago Dr, Dawson made a computation of the riae and fall of waters in Lake Erie, and from these observations he diacoyered that the water from. the year 1798 reached an unuetial love level about every ten years. The 29t1i of next February, it is nob generally knovvu, will be the only 29th of February till 1904, since the year 1000, which most people are looking forward to AS leap year, Will really be an ordinary year. For the solar or• actual year consists of 305 days, 5 hours, 48 minetne, 50 secentle, or 11 minute, 10 eeconele less than the 3651- da1's with which the &ander, by in- Mr Thos. Jona of Mitehell, sold one of tercaiating a 29th of February every 4 his drieert, Kis week, set:easing therefor years, credits it, and so in the course 10 o i.er lb. of a Century the colander gclee A consignnienb Of new books has wrong by 18 houra, 86 minutes and 40 just beeri received at the Mechanics' seconds., Accordingly at the end of Inetibute, 13econte it !steriliser now and the eentury, in order to get tolerably gee a first choice. ' right again, the calendar, three times The death ot Mrs. Alex. Cameron, ef in four centuries, drops a 29th of Feb- Brucefield took plane on Thurseay night emery, and makes a Jeep you' an. ordin. lest, Ten years age she had it stroke af ary year, It thus, instead a going peralysia, which deprived bet of sPecoh, wrong almoet a day every century, goes but tor Christian fortitude WWI ShOWE 1).Y wrong tealiy a,botth a • clay every 6,000 ;years. Personals. Messrs. H. Towl, C. 'Wood, Percy and Harry Cann, who were in Mani- toba assisting in the harvest. have re- turned home. -Mr. Bert. Gillespie who has been 'working in Heusall the past slimmer was brought home last week, and is in a low state, suffering from con- sumption. -R. Hicks has moved into his new residence on John streeta-3. G. Smallacombe, tailor, of 'Parkhill, has removed to Exeter. -L. V. Ludwig of London, who at •one time rari the Exeter North hotel has purchased Bix- as brewery, in Strathroy.-Mr. and Mrs. Luther Brauntl have returned from Detroit. -Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell spent Sunday in Centralia, with Mrs. 0, Baskerville sr. wali is on the sick list. -Mr. John MicLarep' and wife -of Seaforth, were the -guestsof Mi An- drew Stewart and. Mre. 'Hunkirt, the forepart of thia week. -Mr. Duncan McLaren, of Cromarty, was in town on Tuesday . -Miss Acheson has returned from visiting her sister at Ilderton.- W. J. Carling has returned from his hunting eepedition in Muskoka. _He reports good luck, and a pleasant time. -R. S. Lang who bas been buying apples in Renfrew 0c, has returneds home, and reports a big season's epee- ations.-Mrs. Abray and Miss McCo nel of Viroodhato, drove over to Exet, last evening. -Will Dignanhas retur ed from Woodhain where he Wats working for W. McKernan during recent illness. -Mr. Dan Dyer, is na- gotiating for the purchase of the Ridge - town Standard. -Dr. Sweet aed Thos. Sweet have returned from Leka- Smith. They report ill -luck owing to the fine weather. -Mr. Will Folland, of Toronto, is home for a few weeks, attending his mother's funeral and sett- ling matters in Connection with his property Here. -Maas Laura Isaac, of East London, is visiting friends in Exe- ter. --James Neil, of Centralia, called on many of his old triends in town Tuesday. -The Itev.David M. Ramsay, son of Mr. James Ramsay, town, has been appointed Professor in Knox Col- lege, Toronto. The many friends here wilt be pleased. to learn that Mr. Ramsay is gradually reaping the reward for his labora both as a scholar and in the mioatry. —Miss Ella Rollinenter- tained a few friends on Monday at her home, Huron Street. ---Miss Viviare of Staffa, visited her sister, Mrs. A. Ste- wart over Sunday.- Mr and'AIrs Dal - try, of Lucien attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Folland, and , visited frienis in town on Tuesday. -Mr. W. Calclwill of Zurich, visited friends LO town on Tuesday. -Mrs. Parkinson and daughter have rethenett from Trout Creek, where they spent the summer.- Mr. L. D. Vincent, the hust- ling travelling agent of the Covenant Mabee! Life Association, left this week on an extended trip, covering towns between Windsor on the.west and Al. monte on the ease, He will epend a few days with his mother in Exeter, who is very ill. &mate Reformer. - Mrs. Walter Westcott ie in a low state and no hope is entertained for her re. coVery, -Mr Ira Andrews has return- ed from Platen where he has been en- gaged purchasing apples with R. S. Lang; they purchased 7,000 barrels , Littowel will tax transient traders $150. A sale of witch cows took place here yesterday. Low prices were realized_ her cheerful an4 erematsd couritenetioar She war a daughter of Ur. • Wm• Logen. 4 S To-asyi Thanksgiving Dey, and Teta TSeies wiehes its teeny reedere the futleat enjoyment of the festiVe MICAS The funeral sermon of the lee e tare. Follend, will be preached on Senclay evening next by itev..111r, ,Flunt, in the Trivitt Menterral uhuroh, The atlyatioa .Ariny has now, in ail. ferent parts of the world, 291 shelters, homes and benevolent institutions in fell operation, ender the guidance of 1,280 men and women, Rev. Dr. Williams, of Mitchell, who is to preach at the re- opening of lafain St. Methodist ehurcha preached in the Atkin Street Methodist Church, Len. don, on Sunday. The Free Press says: "Tbe rev. gentleman is an able and forcible speaker, and it is possible that the congregatien will extend an invitat- ion to him to accept the pastorate in June next- .Elensall is agitating for a town belt. St. Marys has another grocery by Pred• Oottage for otel.a1 e or rent, apply to T E ,:iaitnnossonillt.1i11, of Woodham, has made aag The railways will issuasingle fare tickets to -day to any part ot Oanada. Miss I3essie Botterill, Fullerton, is dan- gerouely ill. Hate. disease Is the cause. Byers are nurohaeing eearly all tbe turkeys and geeae iu Me oountry, for shipment alive to dietant lattice drygoods merthant, of Se Marys, has assigned. Assets about 815,- 000. Liabilities nearly the sum. "Superficial knowledge" le what the pretentious man oath' his exhanative ignor- ance) of the subject etbout wlikh he is questioned. The organ for the Main street Metho- dist church will be erected next week. It will be one of the finest west, of Toronto, and of a beautiful design Mr Those0. Ryan, formerly of Clinton and brother of Mrs. Whitt, ot that town, was drop/fled in Lake Superior •off the steamer Colorado on the 91h inst. During the past week an Ingersoll firm has employed 18 men aril boys in killing and picking turkeys as they are delivered. They shipped 500 on Friday. Look out for the Sims •Itiohards' family coming under the auspices of the Sons of England, Dec. 12th. A musical treat meg be expected. The press spealt in highest Praise of the above family. Miss Mary Arm, eldest daughter of Mr. John Cottle, of the Thames Road, Usborne, was wedded yesterday to Robert McDoneld of the same neighborhood. Rev, Colin Fletcher tied the nuptial knot. The residence of David Scutt, of East Wawanosh, was the scene of a gay and festive "throng on Tuesday last, when his daughter Jane 0. was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to William Scott, of West Wawanoshe' ' Blyth holds reviler monthly fairs and they haye proved succestful. These fairs were inaugurated in Exeter a few years ago, bat were allowed to die before a fair trial was given, as to whether they would be successful or not. New Ereat Town Clerk Coats has an 1rah frieze overcoat which has seen active -service for 19 years, etod,it is yet "almost as.goad as new." ThiAeoat certainly does not owe him anything,but he promises to lay It aside if he gets the appointment of Registrar' Philo. Hughes, a London Ili jlfarmer charged Geo. Morrison, a laborer, before Squire Smyth with using abusive and threatening language at Birr reoeutly The msn disputed oar a bag of oats and a bridle. The Sqaire diemissed the case, and plaintiff to foot tho bill of costs, , amounting to $12.35. ,se Chopping. I understand it has been reported that 1 have given up the chopping. I take this opportunity to notify the far- mers and public in general that I will still cor.tinue to chop every day in the week at the Exeter Power Rouse. A first class miller engaged. W. G. BIS- • SETT. A GOOD DEAL IN A FEVir WORDS? Ladies' &SON. ...•••1014111011.1101.011.1.10MailiMPOI • We are doing a rushing busi- ness in Men's Ordered Cloth- ing just at pres • ent. The secret of our success is the low prices atwhich we are making up first class goods. fiere Is a Sample' Our ,Prices : Men's Good Tweed Suits— good Linings and Trim— • mings, for o oo Men's Good Serge Suits— good Linings and Trim— • rnings, for .. --- Men's Good Worsted Suits extra value, best Linings • and Trimmings, for r$17.00 Men's & Boys' Ovarcoats, We have a large Stock of the above, and in order to clear them speedily, we shall sell them at prices much below their regu- lar value. - Men's Fur Coats.. ,• We have them in all kinds and are selling them wonderfully eheap. We buy them direct frOM Manufacturers and guaran- tee -hem for wear. You should See he prices at which were are sellipg them. < paid a Toronto specialist on eitarrh a large sum of money heti got no benefit• r tried them all, but finally, minket in despair, and assuredly without any faith, I tried elhase's Catarrh Cure. it is all that it is re- commended, whieh is saying a good as0.1 in a few words." Joel Rogers, clerk, Division court, Beaton. Improved blower in eaoh 25c. hex. tit /Memorial Ch. 241h Sunday after Trinity, Nov. 24th, 1635 EVENSONG. MSNIIIfiOat mad Nana Dimittes, Heath. Soprano Solo with -Violin Obligee), lin "olives Brow." Mies Davidson, 12iSites:116> J. P. CLA.RICES Floor Oil Cloths, 72x36 inch. for 55c and 75c., ha4,sorne pat. terns. These are jus' o taken in— to stock, and directly imported. Carpets in hemp and wool, and stair carpets, hemp only. Wall papers a good variety. If you are interested in examining first-class Ready-made Clothing f or the child of four years old to ths full grown man, ranging in price from $2 .25 to $14..00 per suit. Overcoats a large variety,— latest styles ---- with good material, well made and •finished. • Underclothing selling beyond expectations; in fact we are busy every day, either sell- ing or preparing to sell certain lines that do not take at first,and we won't keep them on hand. Therefore to clear all single fold Dress Good's, both in wool and cotton, they will be sold at half price. Don't forget our Crock- ery and 'Glassware department, as well as our Grocery. Ilt will take too myth space to acquaint you of all their kinds, Eggs 16c per doz.Putter first-elass 10(4 Mantles, We have sold a big lot of Mantles • this season, but still have a good variety, and intend clearing out the balance of our stock at once, if low prices will do it. Come and make your selection while there is a ,good variety. , Ladies' Fur Capes. These are going fast, a u we cannot repeat thm at the prices at which we are now sell- ing them, If you intend getting a Cape we can give you a bar- gain. PICKA.RD & SON. DIRECT IMPORTERS, 11911iS11111 New Mantles anties • Mantles The newest and most popular goods. Sure fit- ter, serviceable and at popular prices. DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS Stock now complete in all the novelties. See our 42 in.ch all wool Serge at 26e worth 40c. See our all wool 54 inch Tweeds at 500. The best values ever shown. New Hats Yew Clothilig FOR -- Men and Boys. O. C. .7019,1\MTON. r. BORN. JOHNS...In Usborne. on 19th inst.. the wife of Richard Johns, of a son. • JOHNS -In Ushorne.on the 16th inst., the wife of Henryjohns, of a daughter. EASTERBROOK-In fxeter. on the 15th inst., the wife of GeorgeEasterbrook, of a dank - tar. CARNOCHAN-In Tnokersmitb, on tho 11th inst., ihe wife of Mr. Wm, Carnet:than, of a son• HOGGARTH-In Egmondville, on the llth inst., the wife ef Mr. Wmejloggartb., teach- er, of a son, MARRIED HAMILTON-SEM:MOON-At the rectory, Ailsa Craigon not. 3eth. by Rev L. Delhi, Ur. Mr. William John Hamilton to Miss Cynthia Shaddock• PORTER-CA.NTELON-In Clinton, on the lith inst., by Rev. W. J. Ford, Mr. Porter, of Mediaine Rat Nan ., to Mrs. Alice 0 an talon. of °linter. MOLENNAN-CAMERox-on Wed., Nov. 5ih. at Lechaber, East evilliamaby the Rev. Mr. melea,y, Mr. Alexander Me (mesas of Ailsa oraig to Miss Christina Cameron of East Williams. MoLONALD --COTTLE-At the residence of the bride's parents, ThamesItoad Ushorne, on the 2,th inst • . by tbe Rev. Conn Fletch- er, Mr. Robert MoDonald, to Mary Ann, eld- est daughter of Mr. John Cottle. POLLOOK-WILLARD-At the residence of Mr; Samuel 1 Pol look, b rctoofield, brother of the groom, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. W. W.Leech, hfr. William W. Pollock of Brueefield to Miss Frances Willard, of Waw- anosh. De MILLER -At St. Helens. on Monday, Nov - 11 th Richard K. Miller, aged 87 years. FOLLAND.-InExotext, on the 17th inst.,E)iz- abeth Martin. relict of the late William . Rolland, aged 71 years 11 months. XOFINSTON-In Blanshardon the 7th inst. Mary Noetla graves, wife of John Johnston. aged 25 years,3 menthe and 21 dare GOFORTH-In Kitchell, on the 9th inst., Mag- gie Jane, eldest daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Goforth aged 8 years, 9 months and 12 clays. SOUTHERBY-1n Goderich, on Sunday, Now.. ath, 1895, Jane Postlethwaite, beloved wife of J. R. Sontherby, aged 26 years, 5 months and 22 days. COOPER -In Hirkton. on the 7th inst„ Rick- ed Stephen Cooper, R. D., 'Incumbent of the Episcopal church,Kirk ton, aged 57 years, linen th and 22 days. • Huron Coanty Coutell will meet. in Clinton on Thursday, December 5th. At the shooting tnatch haze on Tueaday„ Ira Bios, Olandeboye shot ten birds straight, and secured 1st prize, John Grieve, of Seaforth, shot 9 out of 101 and • got 2nd money. Rev. JeLivingetone, of KineArcline, was calling on friends here lard Saturday and preached at Blyth on Sunday ; when ask-. ed if he would likely be transferred to Exeter he jokingly replied he might fill a want half way at Clinton. Clinton News Record: To Sialokers To meet the wishee of their eus touters The Geo. Ed Tuckett & Soti (Jo., Ltd., tranoilton, Ont., have placed upou the market A Coinbination Plug of "T 13" • SMOKING • TOdACOO This supplies tt long felt want, gilt- ing the consumer one 20 dent plug, or a 10 cent or a 5 cent pieceof the famous tiT & B" brand of pure Vit ginia Tobacco. The tin tag T & 111 is on every piece