HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-11-21, Page 1VOL XIII. NO. 13, WOODHAM.• re Our Prices BlEht _ If you doubt it just try us for A STXLISH MANTLE. 11A NEW BONNET. A BOY'S SUIT bR ODD PANTS. A MAN'S FRIEZE ULSTER, A PAIR OF MEN'S LONG .A LB. OF "WALLA GALLA" TEA, A FIRST CLASS COON COAT. .A SUIT QF MEN'S HEAVY UNDERWEAR, FOR .goc. we're doiiifs jirs1 50 per yea, more - business then we did last year, our riceLe2.1,..ist be ri ht. We buy largely, direct from the Manufacturer. Pay Cash every 'tinee: Our expenses are very light, Didn't we ought to sell cheap ? R.SFORD & O• N. B. --Highest price paid for Poul - dry. The TIMES h$s some ex - WE correspondents, to WANTwhom. we are under deep *obligations for continued THEM servicew, We appreciate ful- - ly their zeal and filenty Yet we at selfish. We want even more news than we get : not only from our regular correspondents, but from any relieble souree. Anyone knowing any item of interest will oblige us by .sending it in. Send us short, crisp :items of news, and unless it is impor- eteet, make t brief S_Lagd.a. "RuntEs-W' ill Jeffrey left on Teestley for Buffalo, where he iiiteads ta waead 'the winter, and Harry Mathews will look after his interests here while he is absent. - John Sadler returned home from a hunting •tow on Saturday, bringing with him an owl and deer. --Miss Marie Robins, Miss Morgan and Will Robins to* a tripdown to Fullerton one evening last week. -The ,annualmeetiog ofthe ElibbertlEtranah Bible :Society was held in the Methodist *upon .on Wednesday evening last, The follow- ing officers were appointed for the ensuing year; President, Rev F, Id. Roy; viae-pres. !dent, Rey. J. Kenner; seeretary.treaa- urer E. P. Kenner; repositary, T. M. Hamilton -Miss MoIlhargy has returned to the Carlin house, after epending a few weeks with her parents in Elginfield, --Mr. Mark Drake sold three good horses last week, getting 11390 for the three. Friday afterneon the body of Miss Elizabeth Cash wee found in her room over Dutton's drug store, Stratford in an adVainoed state of •decompoaition. The .position of he boy seetned to indicate - that ahe hut taken auddenly el and fallen to the floor, and from ite oondition it is eurmised deseh must have taken place three 'or four weeks ago. She ',vas up- wards of 70 years of age and lived alone• . The neighbors had missed her, but pre- mised she was visiting a relative in s .neighboring town. CATARRH IN THE HEAD, Ia due to impure blood and cannot be .eared with local •applicationte Hood's Sarsaparilla, has oured hundreds of oeses of caterrh becamee it purifies the blood and in this way removes the (muse of the dieeage, It also builds up the eyetem and prevents attacks of pneumonia, diphthet ia, And typhoid fever. Hood's Pills become the favorite oath- ia with every One whoties them. 25e, Centralia. The now harness slum is now 000noa for busineea. All kinds of harness on band,beavy, double, light and single. Any thine made to order. Repairing premptly attended to. Robes and blankets Of all Mods also Buffalo Robe.. trun es, bail. whips, combs, brushes and every- thing kept in the bemuse line. Don t fail to min. W. COTnieILL. Harness Maker. Stephen. ----- eosmns;LxNt igmvs,- Mr. Johu Keys who has been visiting friends in Brussels, has returned home again. -Miss Jennie Morrison of Khiva, intends to have a grand entertainment in ber school_ -Mr. W, Yearley1 ie baying groat simmer at the shooting matehes around here; with yery iittle more practice he will be eecond to none. -Wood cutting is all the go around here now, but the prices being very low there is not much sale for it. We hope to Bee it a better price before staring. - There was a very large plowing bee in our midat laet week, on the farm of Mr. Ffeery Neeb; there was a great turn out of teams, and the most of his plowing was done. - Mr. Robert,Mawhinney intends to have 'a large potion of his bush chopped this Win- ter and has let the contract to the Ma- whinney brothers. They intend to start next week as it is a large contraotle will and take them the most of the winter. ---Most of the people of this vioiniti are ready for winter, the plowing and other work being done. -Mr. and Mks MawnlutloY of this place spent Sunday last at lfr. Robert Key's of Shiplts. -Mr. Peter Martene:of this place has returned home to Sharon, to visit his parents and friends of that place. Peter being genial amongthe young people of this place. he will be greatly inissed.-Severai weddings are on the tapis. ' WM0h0lHea. DNAR SIR —As it is reported that the lightning struck the wind mill on the barn, I think the mobilo should know the truth of the matter, and I am in a positioa to give as true a statement as those who live at a distance. and neither saw nor heard anything ot the occurrence but because their was a wind mill on the barn they im atone the lightnInCrimet have struck it. But such is not the easel the barn stood east and west and the 'mind mill was on thelvvest side of the roof at the peerline plate. The house is weet of the barn ten rods and a little north. I was stending on the verandah at the tinseron the aouth side of the kitchen. As soon as I heerd the report I looked at the barn but could see no sign of anything wrong with the barn or the mill, neither could 1 see any emoke or fire I then went into the honse. My son Charlie was sta,nding in the driving shed door et the time it struck, which is half way between the barn and the house; he looked at the barn and theta .1te stepped out side to see if it was the house that was struele Then he went to the bent and (melted the. -door and sew it was ou fire at. the south eist oorner; he ran to the 'house and told nae. 1 went to the barn and into it more throe ten feat east of where the wind milistood and there was no fire at the shafting or at the foot or within ten feet of theavvind mill then; and if the lightn- ing had struck the mill the fire would have started eround it or at the foot of it. There were three or four' of the neighbors who saw what they say loek- ed like a big ball of fire fall and strike ten south east corner of the barn, and the etnoke rose at mace, anti they are reedy to take oath to the same if necessary. I could not see the smoke because there was a strong wind blowing from the west at the time. Now Mr. Editor if the wind mill drew the ligbtning as some peop•e say it did I would like to have them answer thin question: "How was it %bat the lightning' passed the mitt and ann.* the barn over forty feet frotn where the null stond." I aan not a wind mill agent neither have I written the above to help tiny agent to sell one, but 1 have given thef acts just as they happened. Yours respectfully. JOHN DPILBRIDGIC, 47LINV.•••••••••••••••••16 a•••••• WEAK LINKS. When the kidney:1 are weak, or over- worked poisons of various kinds are sure to slip past them. Sickness of aorae kind is sure to result. The kidneys are titterers and their work 15 to keep poisons out of the circulation. The sicknese will depend on the nature uf the poison -It may be Malone or Typhoid poieon-or something else. People with see* kidueys can escape these effeats by aiding thews organs hy kidaey treatment People are becoming to nuderstand the truth, It explains why Doeid's Kidney Pills though only a kidney mediekto set people right, ancl they get well. It is all because they go straight to the cause which shows itself first in the weak link' Whoyou are sick nee Dodd's Kidney Pills for they always euro. Great Sia 4inweesmarmomm.4 liter Sale! ly,x4f.x,x,xxl.lx..4xi,ix4,a1X*00,u, wi.11.4x Prices Out and Mashed. .......IMEMPCIPIOCRIO,IM@SIC,011•190,....0111•••41...,111•10M..111141V01106.1.1. Having decided upon a new method of conducting oto basiness, and to teat it we inteed to make ouenew stook of FALL AND WINTER GOODS move rapidly, if low prime will do it, and feom now until January 1st, 1896 -we offer FOR CASH all new seasonable goods. Here is a sample• ; moan:a/ES' wannwetmismies. REGULatt $3 00 Mantle for $e 00 100 do 300 • 500 do 350 650 do 475 700 do 550 0 00 do , 050 15 00 do - 10 75 Also a lirte of ChIldren's Coats, at re- .duced priees, wandew's onresincceesoms. I REGULAR . $6 50 Blk Worsted Coat for $4 50 7 00 Tweed for 5 50 11 00 Fawn 13eaver for 7 50 6 00 Ulster or 450 700 " " 550 • 000 e " 700 11 50 " " 8 50 00 Youth's Ulster for 4 75 5 50 Youth's IjIster for 4 00 toy's °reinstate for 4$2 and upwards. On Januery let our bookwill be closed aud we will aell for cash or exchange for Produce only --no more °reale. This will et:labia us to give you more for your money, because we will ayoid the expense of keeping books, the time it takes to collect ace ,eounte, and the occasional lots incidental to the credit system. ...mrindwx.xixoerxwo.x..xwiesextikvia • We will aceept till einds of Prodtioe nt Cash priciete We want 10,0J0 Ihe, Of Poultry for whielt the highest mines will be paid, "sg"ei W"INT tat4 ElettiPtetT7011., CREDITOM IT.IT RON MIDDLESEX GAZETTE... BXETER, ONTARIO, ‘THURSDAT MOIINING,NO1TEN113ER 21,1895 HUrOndale• woe._ Bitinve.-Cormert in the seboll Nov. 22, I)o nob forgeb the datee-Miss M. MeCardy, of Farquhar spent a few day Of last week at G. W. ELo]ritn.- 0. had a plowirto bee on Monday last -One of It, ''Keddy's horses took sick while in Hermit on Saturday last, he had to leave it there over night, bringinglit home next morn- ing, Elimville. Basuses.e-The Ladies' Aid ot the Methoclise churoh • will hold a Dairy t maitre social this (Thureday) Ure. Ira El. Andrew has returned to Exeter after a pleasant visit among I friends here -Mrs. Pollard has moVed from Exeter and it residing with her eon -in-law, William Sleaman.--Mr. Henryefonna presented her busband with a young deeighter on Saturdaylasie ---Mrara Andrews of Exeter spent Sun' day in the villtere.-Ifiss Brimacombe has returned frone visiting her sister, tars, Hodgson of Whalen -Mr and Mrs Thos. Andrews, of Constance, visited friend.s in this neighborhood over Sun- day. Crediton. BRIEFS -A number of our sports took in the shooting matcheat Centralia last week. -The sports have returned from Muskoka well laden with deer and other game. -Chris Feltner sold his prize colt the other day to Me. P, Glavin, of Mt, Carmel; for a good figure. This animal has taken nine 1st and seven 2nd prizes thie year. fie also sold his first, prize Tamworth Boar to J, Ginter onSt. Catharines. This hog has taken five lst and a p.urnber of 2nd prizes at the fairs this fall. ---Miss Lillie Hardy, of Saginaw, Nlich., is visiting her sister, Mrs. John F. Eilber.--Nlise B. Trevethick, of Dashwood, spent Sunday under the parental roof -Mee- ere. Wenzel (la Dalrymple have their new blacksmith shop in running order. -Mr. H. Eilber left on Monday to col- lect assessmenta in connection with the Hay Fire Insurance 0o. ---The hunters secured two deer each.- Wedding bells will be heard in our midst in a few weeks. Will give particulars later. (*rand _Bend. ------- S Brunrs.--The weather has been beau* tiful of late for this season of the yea, Every [timer should have their fel,' ploughing done, as there his been suf• I ficient time. -Mr. Musser and family moved away from our village on. Mon- day, he has bought the Yager Estate that is the land and. dwellings and barns but the mill is to be removed. They will be missedefrom the yillage as they were good citizens. --Mr. Hamilton has finished heuting out his ties and has had good roads. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fallis visited Varna on Ssturelaar and returned on Sunday evening. --Mr. Walker of the Kimeen circuit preached in the Methodist church on Sunday and was listened to attentiyely.--The choirs have started to practise for their enter: tainnient for the Sabbath school. --Mr. Willietn Eagleson was taken last week from this section to the Poor House at Olinton.-Mr. Alexander Mosseau and Miss Edith Allen were married on Wednesday ;the ceremony was perforin ed by Mr Cartier°. Mr. Shadie and Miss Tenn Turnbull were married lest week. HenBaIk Following are the market geotetione Wbeat................ 0,5 to 67 Barley . . .. 30 to 33 Oets ...................23 to 23 Peale .. ... 45 to 50 Hey ,. 11.00 to 12.00 Batter 14 to15 Eggs, ........ 14 to 14 SeemeeBertoerxs.--Monei saved is money made. Wesoloh will save you 25 per cent. on you Felt Soots, Rubbera solve itu,hbers ,e overshoes, and Beets & 'Shoe& generally. Call arid, see. Ask to ece, D. Hygiene vont lated thoe for melee weer. vou are troubled with rivrestry feet this i Oto shoe for you to get A. wicRell,CH Bars. -Mr. Joseph Eihs ieft for London Wednesday, on bueinese.- Messrs IdeEwen and Geiger haye got nearly all their flax lifted. Abent half a day more would have finished but now they will have to wait instil finer weather. -Quite a lot of gram was marketed here the beginning of this week. This shows that Hensail is a great central market, and alweas nO'Ve the highest price for all kinds of grain. 'itfr James Petty, who went to the Old Country in the spring, is expected :acme in a few days, and also Mr 'rhos Ballan- tyne, who went over with re lot of sheep and larnbe.--itir Wm. Robertson of Lambeth, has come to stay with his brother nylaw, Mr J C Stoneman, for titer winter. --Rev. Mr. Moir, of Mani* toba, who is, visiting at Mr. Colin Moir's, occupied the pulpit in Carmel church last Sunday evening,aud preaclt. ed a very instructive sermon to a large audience. -Mise Aggie Kerr, is visiting her aunt, Mrs Robb McLease, of Kip. pen. -Mr Chas Troyer, tax collector for Hay township, was fit- town on IVIond,ay receiving taxes, ode reports that the taxes were paid iu very well. _Mr A Weseloh left for Berlin Wed nesday morning, on InesineenoeMr Jae Benthron gave the young:people a party at his father's residenne, on Tues' day night. -Mr :Nelson Blatehford has returned from Manitoba. -Mr Charles t „Bossenberry is spending a couple of wearce at Zurich anci4icioity, for the t benefit of his healtle-Mr JW Ortwein, is home on the sick list. He has engage ed the services of Mr Richard Coed e during his absence from the store here. We hope he may soon be alae to attend to his business again. -Mr D -Urquhart was at London on Saturday, andfrom there he went to Chatharmand Thames. vine, and returned home on Monday E Rannie and wife spent unday in Granton, with Rev J Cook, formerly of Elensall.---The Pelisses 'Vlurray, ef Clinton, were the guests of Mr Jaw Sutherland for a fewa days last 'eek. -Mr e Robt Douglas, gE Blake, as in Hensel], on Monne.. Wad Tues- day. ---Mr. Stoneman .vasfn OIin ton on Tuesday. -Mr Wm Hodgine left on Monday for Bay City, Mich, td at. tend the funeral of his brother,' who died since he visited him a few weeks ago. -The brick work of Mr James Beverley's hotise is just about com• pleted.-Mr Wm Welsh has the frame' w3rk of his new residence completed. It is going to be one of the hugest; houses in Hensel'. .1`01IN WRITE SOMA_ wuntontere and P,eopreetov lYtictdleSeW County NOten. LPImailains ttasfiviititldna--of Mr A gforfele°tIreEVNIglit 1kalls the genie" proprietor of the ("antral Lucati, will be plea ed to leern that he its recervering. •• •Mrs. lt&piyaney and two childreu, of Perkhill, recently left far Colorado where they will in nature roeide. Idnodulyaney has a sop there who is doing well. While the Rev. Fattier °mean, of Luc - au, was getting out of his buggy the horse started, throwing the revereedwentleman the mouudnutting bh leg yery weriouel,v. A monster demonstration is now eussured for Parkhill on May e4th, 1896, the in- dependent Order of Foresters of Western Ontario having deckled to hold the 4unaul meet in Parkhill. Miele Lambe, who has reaigued her school, No 4, West Williams, fcr the Plumose of pursuing her Beadles ic the High &hoot, is to be succeeded by Miss. Tweddle, a former pupil of the Perkttill High &hoot. Many of the Imeanitee will be eorry to learn of the sad death of Mr. Tom. Stew- art, a former resident of Leman, whieb ocourred on Wednesday; wbile at • work on the G, T. Te, he minted hi footing and fell, the train passing over him, killing him almost instantly. Mr. Henry Bertram. of Stephen, had a close call in Parkhill a few days also He was driving over the Maia :Area creasing and came within a few feet of being struck by a train. Since then Mr. Adam SOOtT of McGillivray, was nearly caught at the the same crossing. This is a vary danger- ous epot The following is the staff of the Park- hill high and public school for the mining year s High Reboot -Principal, G. M. B .igg, kt,ses, assistante„.Win. McQueen, tt. A., and Miss Libby, B. A. ,Pablic school -Principal, A. 13. Gilbert ; assist- ants, Mies Clumros, Miss McLeod, Miss D, Kilbourne, Miss L. Thompson, Miss Annie Niohoi While going to tho station in Parkhill to meet a trek on Friday oveniuz the rent axle of the Efastmge House Pus rake when opposite Dr. Ovens' retideueo, upsetting the conveyance and throwing he driver out on the hard road He held on to the lines aud prevented the horses from getting away. The other oo- upants of the rig were n ot injured. Mr. B. Sumner, of St. Marys has nude an assignment.•• Stratford has a lady al D. in the person of Miss Daisy Macklin, who has just com- pleted a creditable course as a student. The average number of inmates in Idigin County House of Industry during the year was 57; average cost of keep Ii.1.29 per week. • M. Mills, nierchent, of Needham called a meeting of his creditors last week, hav- ing been unable to meet his obligatione. A. L. Rice, of St. Marys, whose resi- deuce was burglerizedte few weeks ago has,aet ,ye,t recovered gia`jeweley- stolen; Aloat wee dollars in money was taken train Me D. Loye's residence, Sr. Maryst one night "deb week. Tramps are sail to have been the thieves. The Mitchell council have decided to have nominations in the evening this year. The raespayers can attend, and it oan all be done in one place by one returning officer. Mr. James Wood, who retired from his farm io Logan, and tgent to Mitchell to live about three weeke ago, died on Sunday morning after two days' illuess. Mr Wood bad lived in Logan 30 years. • A sarprise party took possession of the residence of letr. and Mrs, Alex Jameson, Base line, Blaushara, on Tuesday night and presented them with three handsome chains, on the 'Demotion of their leaving that neighborhood. There were eighteen entries for the D ownie plowing match, which took place on Wednesday. In the first class, three second eases, eighoplifin plows claes,five; and the boys' class,two. The winners were; First class -Chas. Turner, William Murray Adam Grieve; second class -J. 13ell. A. White, A. Redford, J Graham, P. Smith, Walter Murray, T. Hill, J. W. Murray; plain plow class -W. Wivell, T. Smith, W. Wood, A. Frame, R. He.wleins; boys' class -J. G-loyn, F. Hill second. Cromarty. Barnos.-Brough Walker, who had been suffering frotn lune. trouble, has gone to Port Eluron. °His • father am compamed him. -The Methodist con- gregation intent& holding a fowl dirmer on Thanksgiving day, geese: and tin keys in abundance. --The sele of G. Ge Wilson's was a grand success,fincluding the hay 11 brought the handsome figure of $1,000 .-A little son brought sun - Huron's Marge - With another inmete from Exeter Monday the total number is now forty. Fifteen of these are from towns and vil- lage", while twenty five are from various townships. Eighteen out of twenty five municipalities are represented, Clinton, Blyth, Usborne, Wait Wawanosh, Hullett, DIcItillop and Goderich township• not having contributed a single inmate. The following is the order iu which inmates have been received :- MUM. 5015. MUNIOrpALITY. Wesley Sutton.... , ...20 ...... ....Exeter Donaid 13allantyne .97 Bayfield Elizabeth Wallace 68. .. Braseels serial Williatns-. .... do Sarah Lee ,56. ..... , . do Margaret McGuire.. - Goderich James Knight........74.. ...... do John Denby. .77 do Emma Cruse. 48 Colborne Margaret Nicholl....35... . .. Grey shine to the home of Thos. Veneer on •David Ki m . do Saturday, ---Mrs. James Geoffrey, of ' Christina 1tlontartin82, . . , do Buffalo, who has boen spending a John ch--"anellY 82 do month with her parents, NIL.. and Mrs. Wm 1401180 ' '67 do Webb, has returned. --Mark Drake the do do do Hay have been rung quite 'sternly in this Janet Zimmer,. .23 do Joseph ()barrette35 do vicinity of late and will ring on for Louie Sin . ith 82. .... do some weeks to come, James Laing and James Harvey, 68 Howl* Miss Mary Mclochlan were the last to Joseph Saunders . ..,„62 .. do enter the blissful state.--linr.Duncan Mary Heys • .50., . Morrie McLaren, jr.. and Miss Graham, Andrew Otawford ....68 ........StanleY will join hands and hearts on Wednes, Malcolm. kreGregor. .73.. - ...... do day, Ded 41h. -Mrs. Boyle hes return: Wm . ' 65 ' ' • ''• SlePben ed home after a few weeks visiting Jame' McLellan • • • • 81 ..dorth amongst; ler Lanark Co. friends.- 2a7V,,In Cesueorrie Messrs. W, Brooks and J Wordon have iti-te Johrn„ * *07 .. Tuckersmith arrived from Dakota looking woll and intend Staying in Hibbert for the win: Richard Rands...... 72 ...eTuokersmith Robert flowery „ 61 • ter. -Quite a number of fans:twin in this Tatriberry section are having some of their •cattle dehornod. Messrs. W. Bell and Jas. *Campbell both handle the saw and do George Smith • . • . • -73. • • • . WroXeter their work well. The I. OF, is boom: James 0°011 41 la. Wawanosh ing here just now; four candidates be: Christopher Dulmage 86 ,Goderich ing initiated at the last racebusg. -At John Moorshead .... 40. Exeter • the shooting match, Steffa, Monday, two of our village sports shot 8 club of 10 bird, • .1111.-4 Omar As Dan. It is given to every physician, formula at Scotne Emuleion being ao :merest; but n� sucweasful itmtatiou hag ever been offered to the public. Only years ot experience and study can produce the best. Not one in twenty arts free from tome little ailasent caused by intestIon of the lien'. Use Carters Little Liver Pills, The reeult will be a pleaseut surmise. They give positiee • Among the ooticee ofemplioation s to Partiament at its coming seettien are two whlob neve a epoeitil interest to this seetion iu the miestieri of electrie rellwaye. Ooe ts 5 sehenle Drummed by tho Iiiternationel Radial' Beltway Company oentempletiog the oe tension of a branela from %denim threagb Perth and Harea to a point on thc lake at or near Godetich. Quieten Logan 50 James Logan 75. Maggie Logan. :60. Kate Zimmer. .29 tiller of the soil, is leaving, no stone unturned on the farm he has recerttly rented in Cromer:y-1 Wedding bells Edward Sadler 58 Winghare John Sadler 50 • George Williams., 72 A reat Home Paper. Toronto turas out eonsexcalleet b ones and 9000741 uawspapers, brit none that is superior in ituy respect to The Weekly Globe, The Globe's enterprise is well knowa, and its reliability rte a medium of information has always been its proud die tincition, ln Clenadian joutuel devotes neore'space to purely Canaiien espies, nor deals with Orinetimn affaue more fairly nor move thoroagbly. rimy Canadian beam is the better for the weekly visits of thie great paper. • ONE tioTTtE Done Sfits--This winter 1 wee troubled with 4 eevere told. 1 blind severe” remedies brit without avail, On the advice rd friend I bought a bottle of FIngyerdas Pee. total nalsam, which completely eured tnt gor 13, Seerees, Ifoibaud, Man. ACTS LIXE MAGIC. DitAit Sats, --I can truly say that Bur- dock Blood Bitters acts like magic. It drove all the pimples Bud blotches from my faee, cleansed my blood and inoreaged ray weight, by simply using one bottle. J. E. EDWARMS, Arnprior, Ont. WORE GREASED GLOVES SEVE N YEARS John Siren, mason, Austvilie, Ont., hod Ran Rheum so severe that for seven years he wore greased gloves. He writes: "I used a quarter of a hoe of htwe's Ointment, ft cured me. No trace of Salt Shawn now." Chase's Oint- ment cures every irrit Int disease of the sk•n, allays itehieg instantly, end is a sterI in g re- medy for piles. Avoid imitations, 60o• per Inc. *oh tove tor $10.4Y0 AT The Dashwood Hardware Emporium. We are now • cloiew business in the new brick block, have greatly added to our stock and are offering inducements in. the following lines: -- Cow Chains Guns and Rifles, Axes, 8aws, • La171p$ and Stoves, ThePublic aie cordialy in- vited to call -and inspect our stock and prices, ' RAMAN t.% RANN1V Dashes:TM:1. •• Ehnen. -itfr. John Fenton*, frees Manitoba, he been Visiting Mends in town and in this vieitity for tew dept. About two years ago he moved frona here to Manitoba and has been prospering ever siriee he left, but letely being very hard stricken by the sudden death of his daughter Lily, who died about two vveeke ago while beiog under some operation. M.Fenwickand family have the sympathy of tbeir friends here in theirOhour of sore affliction. w &Irin .---- Bniens.-At a recent meetitag of the Flay Branch Agricultural Sooiety, matters in aennection with the late fair were adjusted. Tbe.to tat receipts from. membership and gate amounted to upwards of $700, Prizes to the amount of $500 were paid, leaving a belance of some $280; and after pay- ing for the grand stand erected this fall and other incidental expenaes, the Directors report a surplus on band of about $100. The Sookty is free front debt and on excellent footing: The next step will be to erect a new and more commodious hall. Ciaraw.toia. Bentes.-Our public school examin- ations are over, and the ptapils waiting anxiously to hear the result. AB soon aa it comeeto hand we willsubmit itfor publication. -The many friends of Mts. James Eames, ot Detroit, for merly of Granton, will be sorry to bear of her serious illnees. She is at present at her brother's in McGillivray. -Mr. George Dinsmore contemplates pur- chasing a property and becoming a resident of our town. We would give hitn a hearty welcome to our midst. - Mr. Ed. Pullyplank's addition to his residence ia approaching completion. King street its bound. to lead the van. -A Little boy belonging to Mr. James Robb, of Goa. 11, London, fell from a. table and fractured his arm. 'Ilse fracture wasreduced at the office of the Messrs Lang and Thompson, M. Dn. 4 Cx'reen.waY• Buistos.-Mt. Wm. Eagles3u has rented the Brophey house from Mr. Kilbourre-Rev. Jas. Walker, of Hen- sel', preached a very interesting and instructive sermon in Boston Metho- dist church on Sunday last. -The tem- perance entertainment held last Fri- day evening„was well attended. Mr. J Grant aud wife and Mr, Bawden gave .titoree eAellebt neuein.--Mr. and :Mrs, Geo. Winte•of Thad fords visited mr REngliele last Saturdayi and remain- ed until Tuesday. -Mr. Hoary Eilber, of Crediton, Manager of the Hay Town- ship Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co, spent last Monday afternoon at W, J. Wilson's office for the accommo- dation of the menabers ot the Company who had assessments to pay. -Mr. Thos. Stinson, of Bayfield, visited _friends here last week ,-.11r. Wm. J. Stinson of Bayfield, was through here last week btiyireg cattle. %awe -A. seri0118 Collision took place on Main street Sunday night bet rreen two conveyances, drivels, ono by Mr, Edward Langford, and the other by Wm. Bryan. Both driyers were thrown out, but fortun- ately their irtjuries are slight. Bryau's horse gotnway, running north through the village. The vehicles were badly smathed. The darkness or the alight of preoccupied minds, the cause.- Mr, Gibson, of Lueau, has received the contract for Mr 0. al. Webe's improvements, --Mr. Scott, a' stud- ent of Knox College, oconeded the pulpit of tbe Inesbyterian Church very accept- ably on Sunday, -Rev. M.esers Cosgrove; of St. Marys, and McCullough, of Thorn. dale, 'numbed to large congremstions in Prospect Hill niethodiet Church, it being the occasion of tlaeir anniversary. The Granton Presbyterian *on: conducted the praise servioes.-While driving along Main street on Saturday evening Mr. williDen Eleurym buggy owns in a collision with Mr Robb. Branton's, throwing Mrs Henry man Her injuries, thouela paintne are not con- sidered dangerone . -Mr. PA Iron, meroltaet at Fish Creek, hat sold his Madness to alr. Smith, ef Nissouri. A oup of teuddy coffee is not wholesome neither is a bottle of nauddy medicine. One way to know a reliable and *tidally - prepared Wad -muffler is by its freedom from sedim.ene Ayer's earseparilla is always bright autl cparkling, because it is au extract and not it demotion. Doctors ream:emend Norway Pine Syrup because it is the best cure for <toughs eon white Price 25c. and 50e, at drug- giete, Toa Don't Caro. Why should you? if We sacrifice goods you lose nothing, and if you are sharp enough to buy the goods when going you are a big gainer. 101M1161011,0111C10....111•211WWKOZP OVER 100 Men's 85 Boys' Overcoats which we will sell you atalmost your own price. See our l‘fen's Heavy HI:lap Overcoat for $i..ao. See our 114en's Frieze Overcoat for $0, an4 Boys' Overcoat with Cape, for $2.25. Sea our line of Mon.'s Sealette Oaps at 75c. Do not wait until the winter is half over before yon buy. Boy now. Highest price for Butter & Eggs, IvJARKET p R DEPOT. OS Se --- Correspondents are so- li minded not to seal their en- velopes, as they • then become FEW liable to the 3c rate, Teach - TS ers will oblige by sending school reports in early ; some are very prompt, while others de- lay too long. We like to publish them all together. Correspondents, teachers:, and all our readers are requested to send news whenever it comes under their notice. Dors't neglecb because you only know- of one or two item. Every item counts, and we want it, provided always that 31 is legitimate news and not unjust to anybody. Kind- ly remember to write all names very plainly. „Kirlotort. Sorrow, REPOILT.-The following is the report of Ktrkton school for tbe month of October. • The report is based -on attendance, recitation, con- duct, and punetuality. The names of the beat three in each chess is given.- IV-Eolna Marshall, Ida Beetiaour, Fred. nlarshall;- Jr IV --Sarah wood, Violet Jemeeon, Harvey Leigh -Sr, III--Ettie Fletcher, Laura Mar- shall Ira Marshall ;---eir Marshall, Nelsen Fletcher, Maggie Smyth. Fullarton. Blanes. -Miss Mary A. Wiley, of the Ilth con., after a lingering illness of con sump tion, paeserefrom this life on Saturday the 2nd inst. -john A. Me - Naughton, for some years the popular principal of the publio school here, has bought a general store and stows at Lakeside and will give up his posi- tion here to enter rnercantne life at January. --Mr Beavers, ot Blanshard, has been engaged to teach in Mount Pleasant school next year. -Potatoes are a glut this year. J. H. Roy has forty loads. -Mrs. Williana Grutch- field of the Northwest Territories, came home to spend the winter with her parents. Mr. and Mae. D. Wal ker. Lucan. --- Berea F. Ned, who is 98' years old, spent about, a week visiting his son, R. Neil, of Biddulph. ide has just returned home. -Hiss Sproul has returned to her honie in Ottawa. - Mr. R. McLeod has moved into his , new dwelling, which adds very much to the appearance of Alice street. - Robert Guest, commonly known as Sergt. Guest, returned on Saturday morning from Manitoba. The on. fortunate fellow had seareely landed until be got into an altercation with Mr. John S. Hodgins, his brotheren- laiy. He attacked Mr. Ilodgins but , failed ignominiously in the re:inflict which followed. Guest was arreated on the charge of abusive language and fined $3 and oosts.-Mr. ,James Stewartson received a severe crushing at Komoka a few days ago, while hand- ling heavy timber. It was thought his leg was broken, but fortunately that was not the cam -tarn F. Ryan wilt start in a few days for Edmonton, N, W. T. Mr. Ryan went out there a few months ago, and is really enchant- ed with that country, . weenneeme-megodeseenos neeneo. PLEASAST AS eerier. Mr, Douglas Ford, Toronto, Ont„ states that Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with wild Cherry Bark is free from objec- tionable taste, being almost as pleasaat as syt up, while for coughs anti colds it gives complete satisfaction, mating prompt- ly evee in obninate cases, • Inseeessztro Vans Gnaw . Dent 81a4, -1 een re:sow:cone Hogs ,yere's Yeltvw Oil for pain of auy kind It cured see of distreseing pent that the doe me coel I not cure, end my doctor is a good +me, too, Mies. Dem Lenoll, Waterford, Ont, Dot% Toba000 it or Smoke • Your Life Away Is the truthful, stealing title of a book hbeee Ne -Wee sac, tlic harmless gueren teed tobamio habit eare that bratwe isp micotittized ores, olialieratee the nicotine poison, mekee Weak men gain etreneth, vigor tied notelenel. YOU 1,011 i10 or tinanciel risk, • as No-To-Bue is geld under' guerabtee to atom or money refund. ed. Book free. ad Sterling Remedy Co.,'371 Si Paul St., Mouteeal What oilios Nest TO IVIAN ? radierwear "You eon more Underwent and man. itota than was over sold in Kirkton be: fore," that is what a man said to us yeti: terday. wel we ought to sell more, fot Lite goods are here and the prices aro nowhere) have had 15 yeti% egper: fence hi the making 01 eneh goods, 80 know how to buy right, arid wo give our customers tho boat. A $1.25 shirt elsewhere, hero, for $100; a $1,00 shirt olseWhere, here, for 90e. See our spooial ihit, eNtra :nem only Ma a auit, anwroncen, aenwennzwetanstent.