The Exeter Times, 1895-11-14, Page 8eterennen LI e 1 Wetialug Palls I "ene letrron Olen Oltioage. psee Elizabeth Prier, dereghter of nir. 'elieine.: to 4O kOckwn, m "The Hereon ()lab, its & TeslSe heroo. en the itletest•, t e Oe Teheemy eveolog et eche*, Heronitee residing in Chieage socerr-In 011atQa, An Nov. 1st, the wife of Bobert, 6weet, end 10D for eo Miss aro forinilig 0eiel erpomroJetuee eeote earrister, of son si • 1 fe Prier, Huron etreet, were weer) man au wife by ROY Geo'ge jaelesoin Ten cur:- melte took Platte at the resideece of the briden parents, amid en aseemblage el the eeer relativei ot the enutrectieg partien E Mr E. Nalno ef Anse Crain, Resisted the groom, vstalel‘d.i$e Lokara Prier, sister 0 r When men go rustling along, shivering. But you can he cold by stepping into ;ARLIN& BROS, Cheerful Store, the bride, tutted brideamaid, niter the eeteaumy a boantifel wedding dinner forget WAS tweed, awl Pletwant, eveuing epet iu the various amusements, M. sad Mrs, IT FEELS LIKE WINTER when Jack Frost nips your by taking CARLING fi;;,0-ers. But you can defy Old Jack BROS.' advice and dealing with them. ' IS1 WI.1,7-171:R, But that makes no difference at CARLING BROS. Their stove is warm, their Stock is Seasonable, and their welcome always warm. CARLING BROS Some are MTNI. SWEET, VE TERI e S UnteEON better than preuared to do any kind of Bird ettifibig and taxidermist work at any time. hers, INSURANCE. and we have the Beat. It pays th buy the Beat. We refer to .--i-ommew minim SCHOOL SUPPLIES ---WINCEffilEffiX/31=agaWr Our Scribblers and Practice Books axe the Cheepest, Largest, and Best made. We have a full line of School Books and supplies, and our prices are the Lowest. Come in and see how we can fit you out for school. Cricrgs BookStore "THE MART." OVERCOATS FUR COAT FIT COATS, OVERCOATS, If you want an Up-to-date coat or Fur Coat, the F DI ST ELLIOT AGE N P FOR Arran WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY. of Toronto: also for the PHOENIX FfRE iNSURANCE COMPANY, of London Ragland ALLIS:NOE INSURANCE COM- PANY of Berland. T1 -1E LONDON M.UTUAL membenthip te corialst entirely of peo- ple WhO are nate e of Huron Comity, Canada, In order to metre the deb a grend semen and a, oredit to old Heron ()entity; the officers desire all who hetet felencle residing in Chicago that are natives of Huron county, to leindlysend to the Seoretery the namee and addres. see of quell. Those who 'reside in Chicego, and see this notice, will kindly or eend their ot Thca Amy en. ota datielner, 110DGEWO-In Usborne, on the lekk thste tho wile otandrew notigert , re a sun. 11VDDLI-Ite etyhen, QV, the 9th inst., th° STOOKS -Ie Parkhill, on the 2901 ult., the wan of Inn tohard etaoks, of a Ben. MORSON-In Wet WiUa.cs. on 81 st ult., the wife of Ur. Andrew Monett. of e see , wifeef lie/gess [Aden, of a Mdaughter. ANNIND-At Woodetok, oa the 2a4inst., the wife of Mr. eohe Manning, formerly a Clinton, of $ son. QICM-At 482. (enteric) Street, Tefe on Wednesday, the 29th. ult., the Wimpofo Mr. Swett ere eatwee of heeler, the horneall od the President et below a arm of nirloW Bweet, Heron names Rua addresses to the Sooretary, Frank Oke. formerly ef ge:eter, a son, who will furnieti all informetion 00n- e street, and three many friends here join prosperity in their uew hone ie Dannyille, „nes, The deb purposes establisising serutVgDe,Ea'T-134 Oreditan on oat, 80th. be Itev, Mr. -at the Methodist par - where Mr. Sweet condi-iota a prosperolui reading and reception ooms, where 1 Yells:tad, John b'nowden, to Miss Sarah eau° besinese es hainess maker Tuff Tints. ia wishieg them long life and corning fees, &ce, welch will lso reason- vT01 .dvIeettaill10. Firet class frame etalee, 20 x 26, for sale cheap. .Apply to J. &Neon. About $40,Q00 worth of new Wilde° 'legs have been erected in Exeter this year. The store fronts of itteesre Bishop & Son and G. CT'. Johnston are very much improved. by the plate glass. windows. Have you an astray animal on your premises? If so you should at one advertise it The 'Clem is the best medium. The highest tea ed urban municipality in Bruce county is Kincardine, the rate per head being $5 88. Southampton, with $2 62, is the loweat. We are creditably informed. that Mt. Bernard O'Connell, MeKillop, is almost sure to get the appointment of Regis- trar for South Eturon.----Mitchell Ad- vocate, Postmasters have just been notified that a direct parcel post service between Canada aud the British colony of Hong Kong has gone into effect yia Vancouv- er. The xates are very reasonable, only 16 per pound. The fact that the rabbits have scarcely begun to change color yet, is taken by some hunters as art indication that there will be fine weather yet be fore winter finally sots in with its full quota of snow and frosts. The Toronto News says the Provin- cial detectives who have been on the trail of the burglars who have been blowing open sefes in various towns throughout the western districts have earned that there are three men in the gang, that they belong to Toronto and travel on bicycles. Appended is a list of the raeetiags ot Farmera' Institutes to be held in this vicinity during the coming institute seaeon :--13rucefield, jam i; Exeter, Jan. 8; Parkhill, Jan, 9; St. Snarys, Jan, 17 and. 18; Thorndale Jan, 20. At these meetins,es Prof. J.11'. Penton and A. H. Christian, of the Guelph 0. A.0. will speak. ' "Have you observed;" sled a merch- ant to a customer, "the handsome ad.- vertisement I have on a fence. replied the customer, "but if you will send the fence around. to my house I will try and read tbe announcement. I read the papers, and I haven't time to go around xeading billboards," and the mereliant scratched his head. One night recntly some party broke into the office of the W oodstock Senti- nel Review and stole all the money in the safe. There is now a reward of $10 offered for the thief. If the fellow should. be caught his best defence would be to set up the plea of insanity, for no judge or jury would. ever hesi- tete to believe sny fellow crazy who would break into a newspaper office with the expectation of finding money. Citizens may not find the wet weather very enjoyable, coming as it did. after the delightful days of laat week, but the downpour is vrelcomed by the farmers as the greatest of earthly bless- ings at the present time, It will re- freshen the thiraty land, fill the wells, creeks and swamps, and thus prepare the men who feed us all for winter and spring. Without rain before froef- and snow there would have been great pii- vation in many parts of the country. Monday was Exeter's clay for the re- moval of indigent, persons to the Coun- ty Poor House. Constable Creech es- corted Wesley Sutton as tbe only re- presentative from Exeter, the several others vsho heve been receiving aid re- gularly from the Council, refusing to go. Chanty from the Council is now cut off and how these persont who could not maintain themselves for years past, before the House of Refug,e was built, are going to accomplish it now, remains a mysterya The gray November days have come; but there's nothing gray about the stores. The brightness reigns, and. will continue to reign till after the holit days. The stock of dress goods, carpets, upholstery, etc., are bright with the cherry tints that winter warms to, and although the sky be lowering, electric lights bring out the shades and contraets finely, Then half the brightness is in the moving throngs. And. advertising is the povrer that moves them. Over - FIRM INSURANOe 00. oF 0 en ADA.. Head Mike, .LONDON. Fern' years this Oompeny has done the largest business ia Canada at the lowest ia tes, consistent with security. Assets, 3an.1891, - 43,000 Polielee inOrOe. T. E. ROBSON; President, D.C. MaDONALD, Manager. For further particulars, ripply to DAVID JAQUES, A.gent, Exeter. $857,190.00 tvcittftt Pin0. TinTIRS1TAY, NOVEMBER 14th 1.395 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. ••••'•. Brevities. The James street church has been eenclosed and work on the interior is being pushed forward with despatch. Dehoroing of cattle is becoming al- most general. Farmers say the cattle thrive better and. require much less attention in the stables, when.the horns are off. The following is an interesting point 'in. tion with the poll tax, De- Big Bankrapt Staro is the spot for you, and you are the man for the spot. re $4.90 is the price for a good heavy Frieze ulster; big storm collar, nice Tweed lining, and for $5.90 we will sell a Frieze ulster that will surprise you. If you want those plums come quick, as the best go first. In Fur Coats, Fur Robes and Fur Caps we have a great stock, Special -values in Beaver caps. UNDERWEAR FOR MEN AND is On unheard of prices. Pure, wool. ribb falcie* I will match roy horse, ehirts and . drawers, the 65c kind, one "Amber H." against his horse for a i stake of from $25 to $100, to trot on eannee fendant submieted that he was assessed. jointly with his mother for property in Bruce county, although admitting that his permanent residence was Chatham. The judge, after a careful investieation of the facts, gave judgment, finding the defendant liable, without costa. fie ruled that the tax must be paid at the place of bona fide residence ; that a citizen must be liable to taxation at the place where he really, actually and permanently lives, and. that liability cannot be averted by payment else- where. eyery newepeper pubes e in THOMPSON-OALL ARGUER -On the eth 'county will be kept on fyle, and other I Crrangements will and are being maclo .1.;11tettialabsol-nak(0.0()haifeelilfeeneene, J. stay/set Bonfield, to mi?ts.garia%atitegsheThein"°r" WATSON-40LO EY -At the residence of the brioe's Mother, on Oot 80th, by Rev, P. Ham- ilton, A. ndrevt Watson, of Mothorvrell, alui Miss Sarah etseey, of Fullerton village. Bean or mottillivrey. ,Irem.0.01 0 ensure pleasure and comfort to those rom Heron county visitiog Chicago. A directory of all residents of Huron counts', (as far as can be obtained) will be found in the Club's headquarters. The club will be composed of some of the most prominent and influential Huronites residieg in Chicago. It is to be hoped that all Heron people will send in their appyications for member- ship. and make this one of the strong- est Canadian Clubs in Chicago. The officers are : President, Dr, J.M. Sloan, 264 S. Halsted Ste Secretary) W. D. Bonthron, 1353 Michigan Aye. A. Challenge. Having heard that Mr. John Snell, of Exeter, has been insinuating nasty thinga concerning tb.e race at Parkhill last fall, and stating that I threatened to protest if his horse won the race, I ould say that while the above price only 50o while they last. Pure Lambs wool shirts and drawers the 90c kind, our price only 60e. Better get these quick as they are going out fast. Remember vre are sole selling agents for the famous "Seilor Boy" uncolored Jepari Tea, only 250 a pound. One price and one quality; the price the owest the quality the highest. J. A. Stewart. N, B, -Store closes ab half past six every evening except Wednesday and Saturday, t...a•Mern•rweeee••*w....wsr•Paeo••••••*••••••• the Hensall track, on. 24th lay next. A.mericate Association rules to govern, W. R. HODGINS, aellSall, Ont. Tee Maiti street church, owing to an unavoidable delay, will not be opened uptil ecembee tet, e Call at the Exeter 'Woollen Mille foik. ,/ your Blankets ancl Sheeting in Blankets made of the pure fine wool, netInder the new management • ainetbe aup town" ticket ofeces of the eGrand Dralli of John Taylor. After an ilnen of some months' duration, death on Thursday last ended the suffers Mfrs of Nth Taylor, sr., of Outing street. Deceased was one of the pioueer9 of this section. Born in Norfolk. counts'. Eng- land, in ,Taly 1821, with the other nsem.- hers of the family, at the age of le years, he emigratel to America, landing in New York, in which State they resided for two years. The family than moved to the township of Pickering, Ontario, and en- gsged iu farming Daring the Mackenzie rebellion he was drafted to serve his country, but was never called owing to the collapse of the contest. He manid Mies Mergaret Jane Meson of County Tyrone, Irelend, in 1845, and in the year 1856 oams to Ilsborne township. where he parahased a bush farm, in the 9th concession. Industry acid frugality soon placed him on the road to prosperity, and after transforming the first farm from a forest in a hiehly improved property he was able to purcbase an adlitional 100 aores,ort each of which two of his sons now reside. His wife died, some 15 years ago, after which Mr Taylor retired from farm- ing and came to Exeter, where be has since resided and spent in happiness a well earned rest: In religion, he was a staunch Methodist and a devoted christaiu, He was a Conservative in politics, and a lover ot British principles, but never took any active part in party contests. Be was of a (inlet disposition, intelligent and public spirited, and wag esteemed by a large airole of friends. He leaves to survive him e family pf five sone and five daughters, John and Junes ot Exeter ; Willi&rn and Robert of tisborne and Andrew of Yar- mouth ; Mrs T 0 Brooks, Winnipeg, Mra S 004, St Thomas MneGeorge Thomas, town, Mrs A Pearson, London, and Miss Elizabeth Taylete all of whom it was hia pleasure 'edema' nen provided for. His re mains were inte`rred in the Zion cemetery, Usbcrne, on Satarday: An:Original One. Entertainment. Anovel and delightful entertaiament will that be, which, we uaderstand, is, to be given by the Junior League of Main st. Methodist churoh, in Drew- s Opera House on the evening of Wed- nesday the 20th inst. The children have been industriously practising for months and promise a rare treat. The programwill consist of Dumb:bell exer- cises, Club swinging, Fan drill, Doll drill, Fancy marching, &c,, by the Children, assisted by Davidson's Orches- tra and selections by several of our 'Piniusta. No admission fee will be charged but the children are depending on the generosity of the public for a liberal collectton. Xeep that dete clear. You will be eorry if you miss it. Traisk will be closed. Pereonals. stookbag yarn on the market. Any The Exeter Woollen Mills have the kbiensct Mr. and. nIrs. re, Pearson, of Loudon, for ten oents per rikein. Try in attended the funeral of the late John The Exeter. Woollen Mills shippeda Taylor, here, on Saburday . -E. Nablo, large supply of Blankets and Sheeting to df Aliso. Craig, was in town on Tuesday, tEfonse of Refuge this week. assisting in the marriage of Mr. Robert Sweet to Mist Libbie Prier. . -Mr. he LATFIELD-DRAPER- In New Westmins, ter. B• 0., on. Oo . 22n4, by the Rev. Dr, Reid, II. R. Laytiela, Merchant, Vancouver, to Lizzie, daugeter or the late George Wailer, b. S W°: Er: E:Tth- ir I Exeter, on tee nth lest by Rev, Geo..Titekson. at the residence of the bride's parents, Ilfr. Robert Sweet, of Dunn- ville. to [Miss Elizabeth, eldest daughter of WOOD -WILSON -In Elms. on Oct. 30, at the rosidenee of the bride's parents, by Ole nay. Jourt Sall, William A. Wood, of' Sault Ste. Marie, Algome,io Mies Sarah, daughter of Hugh Wilson. of Elate. LAITLIWAlTE-WILLEADIS-At the resi- dence of the bride's father, Maitland con., on the 6th hist-, by the Rev, 3, F. Parke, Mr, Roo. Laithwaite, to Miss U. F.. secoad deughter of Mr.chas. Williams. PANNEBAICER-ROSS-At the residenee of the bride's mother,. Mrs. Wm. Rose, Ben- in-1[1er, on the tith inst., by Rev. E. 011vett, Mr. John Pannebaker, to Inns Mary Eliza- beth Ross , both of Colborne ToweshiP.4..all ppRTER-CANTELON-At the residenee of mr, Wm. Snarling. "Inkermaa Terrace." Clinton, on the ilth inst, by Rev. W. . Ford, Mr.Sealuel Porter of Medioine Het. • Assa. to Mrs. Alice Oantelon, of Clinton. I I 1 I , . R1 Pickard e Thrence sideof the late joins Taylor, Carling street, was purchased Monday by Mr. George Thomas for a good. sum, While D. Davis was delivering meat at the rectory on Setarday hie horse ran away. it turned several- gnats corners, but d� no damage of any account, e„ The se.% of rite* of the estate of Thwott Acheson is visiting her coder., Mrs. Geo. 'Worry of 'Osborne, on Monday last, 'Knight, of Edenton -Mt. Ves. Eacrett, lergely Attendee and prices ruled bigteThe lam whieh contains 200 acres was sold to a Btarifetcli is visiting under tho 'Richard Williams for $9,500, The owarnp parentalroof.-Mrs R McCord is visitiag farm in Hay townebip was send to hien& in.& Louis, to -Mr. Stewart, representing, Miller & Richerd, type founders, Toronto, was in town an Tuesday and sold TAB TEARS a new out Lit of type. -Mies Florence McTaggart of Exeter North is visiting friends in Chiselhuret.- Mr Andrew Taylor of Yarmouth was here last week attending the fiineral of bie father, the tete John Teylor.-Mr L Allin end wife Moved to Hensel!, on Monday Where they will re: side with their grand daughter, Mrs. M. nhvotA4-Mr George 811-lilt:Alas return- ed, from his trip to the old cotaltry Went in elottge of 1300sheep for Themes Batilantyne. Twenty &ea en teeth, Thera WOa cargoof 880 head of oattle David Miller has returned front his trip to Manitoba. -Mr. H. Buckingham, of Hamilton, is visiting under the parental roof. -Mr. Geo, Bentley and 81star, of Blyth, visited friends ill the neighborhood lest week. -Miss Belle Boger Northcott foe ,e6e, *There are people othettise apperently hoteat, who when they find something thee has been loan natke 50 hubs to re.., UPI it to the owner if he is "Mown, or to disoover tine if hie ideettity is uttlthoWn. Ot1ser people endeavor to iirta an owner for a lost article, and hastee te return it. One of the latter is Mr. Maks who lives a few miles east of Exeter, Seeeral weeks, Ago Mr. Roape ef LW:mime, lest a vele.. able haze blauket. He advertised it in E Teethe, arid far, Hicks, as are ell the farinere, being a nuts reader, 'law the advertieetnent aid delivered tip the loot at. tiele, ea latheleD.C. !hue°hregute • it ---41 DIED. HOOH-In Fullerton, on the 3rd, inst., George Haab, aged 52 years. TAYLOR -In Exeter on the 71h that', John T Bator. sr. aged 74 y ears. WILEY-In Fullarton. on the 2nd inst., lVfarY A. Wiley, aged26 years, 1 month and 12 days. TILT -In Goderich, on Srd bast, George Home- wood Tilt, aged 15 years, 6 tnonths nnd 15 days. DI01CS0N-1n Goderich, on nth inst., Mar- garet Hill MoDonald, wife of William Diet - son, goaler,agod 70 year& MOCLACHERTY-In Fullerton, on the 6th inst., Mary NeyemIth, relict of the late Jaroes MoClacherty, aged 79 years and D. menthe. ?ILAN TYRE -At East Williams, on Wednes- day, Nov. 61h., 1895, Margaret Stewart, be- loved wife of Malcolm Morntyre, aged 69 Years ad, 2 months, HA -SLAM -Accidental', shot titDevil's Lake, NorthDakota• on 2nd inst., W, A. Haslam, son of W. A, Timlara, of Belgrave. aged 131 years, 9 months.10 days. -- -- Presbytery of Huron. Huron Presbytery met in Willis' church, Clinton at 10.30 a, m. yester- day, the 121h inst. Dr. McDonald, the Moderator, in the chair. After open- ing exercises the minutes of last meet- ing were read and confirmed. Rev Mr Fletcher and Mr, Geo Swallow -were ap; pointedAuditoes to,examine the trees: urer's books, which - were found in a satiefactory condition, and a surplus of $138.36 on hand. Report of the Fin- ance Committee was then heard on the estimates for the next year. The usual assessments per family was recommend: ed. Dr. McDonald and Rev Mr Muir were appointed to addraes the Women's Foreign Mission- at its ',eat meeting in connection with the Presbytery. Circulars regarding the supplements to the different congrega; tiona receiving grants from Home Mission Fund were reported as being granted. Communications were read, frorn General Assembly asking a nom: ination to fill the positions of Professors as made yacant by the death of Professor Thompson and resignation of Dr Greig. Dr. McDonald proposed Rev :fits 13a1: lantine, Ottawa. and Dr Jordan. of Tor- onto, which were nominated by the Presbytery. Rev N Shaw then propo; sed a number oE questions to be sent to the different Christian Endeavour ao: eieties for them to answer and to be re- turned to him as chairman of the Chris tlan Endeavor Committee for the Pres: bytery. Presbytery adjourned. to meet in Seaforth at 10,30 a. M.. on the 3rel Tuesday in January. 1896. Among manyapplications received by the Brussels school board to fill a va- cancy oa the teaching staff of that school, was one which was received from an aspiring pedagogue in Toron- to township, and. which Was conspicu- ous for its originality. It was also ac- companied by a recommendation equally original. They were as follows: "Schule Board, Brussels: Gentlemen, -Haven saw your advertiser in the Globe of the 19th instanter for a tacher for the lowest apartment in your-schule and your offer for such a payen sum as 225 dollara i can not refrane from offerin my self to be your tacher and so i send in my applie. i have a first class county board sirtificate and have been itt taehin for twinty foive year come Xmas but you can see at a glance i arn up to date in me righin. i will protease to tech the childe ten your schuler as well as the best of tham is tached. i loye the angles. Besides I will promise to make a handsome present to all the men on the board oet Of me big wag - at the ind of me tirm wid you. i have been tachin itt nee present schule for three weeks and a day and the childer are so far on they will need no more tachen for many a day. I put in- to tbis'a testifier from my present board. Hopin to heat: from you soon. -I am a staunch Methodister by perswayshen, YOUTO MARY JANE HAW, TOrinitO, Tp., Oct. 22nd, '95." "The following is the "testifier" referred to: "Gentle• raen.---This is to make sure to all the boords in want of a guid teacher that we ken weel that Miss Haig is a vera guid young lawn, as we hae haen her hired for a spell and she brocht the bairns on weel itt oor echule an we feel safe in eying her a good recom- mend tee ony leotard in want o' ain to teach the puir Wee bairn. JAS. MC- Bsar7, Sec. Treas., Box 713, Toronto, Ont, ireet, atid Obieeei oti the ' . In Chatham 19.st weea Judge Bell granted an injunction, on motion of . E. Gundy, barrister, of Ridgetown, re- straining Bowyer & Co. from publish- ing a newspaper to be celled the' Do- minion which was billed to appear in Ridgetovyn, Thursday. Ib is claimed than about tyro years ago T. 11, Bowyer covenanted with Wm. Wesley, the pres- ent proprietor of the Ridgetowa Stand- ard, not to publish a newspaper in Ridgetowa for five peens. The Domin- ion appeared, however. At St. Peter's, on Tuesday't 6th inst, at 10 a, m. by It ey Fr. West; tele mar- riage Of Miss Glavin of this town, aed Mr„ P. J. Carey, of berttralfrs, wag Bel- emnized. The bride Was tastefully dressed in a costume of navy blue cloth triienned with blue eiderdown, With tripe to match her dress. Her bridea- maid, Mise Flo. McIntosh, wore a very etylish suit of pale green, trimmeti with silk velveb of ettme color, awl hat to match The groornernan was Mr. Den- nis O'Brien, merohant, Centralia; The organise of St. Peter's, Miss Treonch, presided at the organ, and. the bridal party left the altar to the irtepiring rouge t)f ItTendeleolin's wedding merelo A wedding breakfast was served at the Huron. Mt. end Mrs. Cerey haVe gone to ;spend theit honeymoon in Oentraliale.,.Goclorieli Star. &SON'S RUBBING IT IN. Never uss a, liniment for rheumatism, says a high medical authority. Don't rub it in - drive it out. Take something that removes the sold poison from the blood -take some- thing that will improve your digestion, and buildup the body to th o perfection of- roiliest health. That"something" is Soott'e Sar- saparilla, a remedy that obtains the best re- sults in the;shortest time. Sl, of all druggists =The Ladies' Aid of Caveia Presbyterian church. Exeter, intend holding an °peter social in the basement of Cavell -church on the evening of Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 21s1. Refreshments and oystere served from six to eight o'clock, atter wnich musical programme will be rendered in which Mrs. Moore, of London, has kindly consented to take a leading pert. All am cordielly invited to attend. Admission and refreahmente 15 cents. Oystere 10 dents extra: • The receptioe of imates et the House of 'adage was inarigntatetton Monday. Oat) ola man limed. Ballantyne, aged 96, was admitted from Benfield, three lemalesSfroin Brussels, ineluaing Sarah Lee. the letter of whom Imre %Mks she OWne Haron'a Poor }louse, and Wesley Setton front Teneter-a total of five. Mr and Mrs Fretteh, who heve &ergo of thenlome, al- ready giye every evidenoa feud they will in all rex/wee fulfil their onerone duties, the telephones and electric light serVice iS riot yet eoroplete. Some fifteen more in, match were admitted, yeeterday.-Herem News Root& 0, Norway Pim Sytua ourbe coubs. flotvrey Pine Syrup cures eronohitio, Vorieset Pirib Syrna boatel tho 3. JI P.CLARKE'S Floor Oil Cloths, 72x36 inch. for 550 and 75c., handsome pat. terns. These are just taken in– to stock, and directly imported. Carpets in hemp and wool, and stair carpets, hemp only. Wall papers a good variety. If you are interested in examining first-class Ready-made .Clothing for the child of four years old to ths full grown man, ranging in price from $2.25 to $14.00 per suit. Overcoats a large variety — latest styles — with good material, well made and finished. Underclothing selling beyond expectations ;in fact we are busy every day, either sell- ing or preparing to sell certain lines that do not take at first,and we won't keep them on hand. Therefore to clear all single fold Dress Goods, both in wool and cotton, they will be sold at half price. Don't forget our Crock- ery and Glassware- department, as well as our Grocery. Ilt will take too rnych space to acquaint you of all their kinds, F.e,ge 16c pee doz. ; Butter firet.oless .S0 E 01011‘11ON' Kew Mantles Mantles Mantles The newest and. most popular goods. Sure fit-, ter, serviceable and at popular prices. DRESS DRESS GOODS •. GOODS Stock now complete in all the novelties. See our 42 inch all, wool Serge at 25c worth 40c. See ' our all wool 54 inch Tweeds at 500. The best values ever shown. New Hats New Clothing FOR- — Men and Boys; C. C. .707311.8 T ON. THE LONDON 1 Waal RE 1ES 4 —AND-- - • 43 We are show in.g the largest range of Mons' Youths' and Boys' Overcoats ever brought into Exeter, Prices and all in favor of our customers. Me ns' -Heavy Freize Ulsters for $5.50 and other lines pro- portion at ely cheap, Call and inspect our stock, R. PICKARD '& SON FARM .AND HOME_ Sixteen Pages, 06 Columns, of Attractive Family Read- ing Every Week. BOTH PIERS 131:%139F1 fOR SI The WEEKLY FREE P,RESS and FARM AND Hoam, combined in one issue, uniform in size and. appear- ance, is offered. to subscribers from now until the 31st December, 1896, for ONE DOLLAR! - The Fetter PetEss is the Leading Liberal -Conservative journal of West- ern Ontario. It contains each week a complete summary of `the news and. comment of the times. The Commercial pages of the WEEKLY FREE PRESS are up to date' and ample for the enuntry merchant, farmer and dairyman. The FARM AND Mem contains eacli week able articles on Agricultural subjects and Live Stock. The farmer and cattle and. horse breeder will finds in its pages abundant topics of special interest. A Serial Tale of absorbing interesb will be an interesting feature of the WEEKLY FREE PRESS. • Both Papers combined for $1 from Now Until December met, 1896. Agents wanted everywhere. Adcliiss all communications to the FREE PRESS PRINTING CO*. LONDON, - ONTARIO, STRAYED, . From the ureinises of the undersigned, "Springhurst Farm,"on or about the IStapeto- icer, ten lambs. They wore marked with red °balk on shoulder end rump: Information as to their retioVens will bo [suitably rewarded bY application to 'DENBY SMITE:1,11'as, P. 0., -or to EDNEY wiLLeatat, Dashwood: To Smokers To meet the wishes of their cus tamers Tho Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd., Ilainilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combittation Plug of '6T 4 , Slit; 33 I 81140K/ Toi)/i COO , This supplies a long felt want, giV- ing tho consuiner ono 20 cent plug, or a 10 emit or a 5 cent piece of the fgaitnnioau s8eTobacco.B" brand. of pure Vir .1te tin tag '7 iq en eveq i?lant , net e