The Exeter Times, 1895-11-14, Page 6teeeearteereeie Mrs. .1fratt Xohnson. Ayer's Ills would like to add my testimony to that of others who have used Ayers Pins, auto say that I have taken them for many years, an always derived tee bot results from their use. For Stomach and liver troubles, and for the cure, of headache ceased by these derangements, Ayer's Pais cannot be equaled. When my friends ask me what is the best remedy for disorders of the stomach, Liver, or Bowels, ievarieble answer isAyer's Pills. Taken M season they win break up a mid, prevent la grippe, check fever, and segniate the digestive organs. They are easy to take, and Are the best all-round family_medieine 1 have ever known." -Mrs. Mier Some -sox, seS Bidet eve., New York City. AYR'S PILLS 'Highest Awards at Work's Fair., yeaossecereneactriliesfor the blood. R Go N STI PATI 0 N, 6AilLIOUSNESS, DVS PEPS Ara SICK HEADACHE, REG U LATE THE. LIVER. ONE PILL AR.TER. EATING INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. PRIGE2S GTS.THEDODYS THEEXETEH TIKES. IspublisnedeveryTlanzaday meeting. r‘s TI MES STEANI PRINTING HOUSE Main-streetmearly opposite Fittou'a Jewelers, etine,FIxeter,Ont,by John White SG ona,Pro- Dilators. Biome os ADVERTCHINCI 641' MI smarties/ , p ethos 10 oents aoh subsequeutinsertion ,per line. . 3 cents. Jo ilDRITO insertion, advertieemen,s should sentie mounter theft Wednesday morning 0 urjOB PRLNTING DEPARTMENT le one tithe largest and best equipped in the ounty ot Hero ii,Auware e utrusted to as wiliresei ea nor prom p t attention: Deesious Regarding News- papers. -414.ypersonwho etkes is gap t cog aikwiy era -a $11°Post,c'Ince, h ireeted in his name or Ituatiler'sether he has anbeeribod or not iseeefeeeterible for payment, person. others Ms paper ,discontinued tEemust pay all arrears or the pablishet may enteritis tosend it until the payment is inado, lid then collect the whole amount, whether e paper is takenfrom the office or no& 8 In suits for sitbsoriptions, the suit may be Ftitu'hod, although the subaeriber may reside ted in the place where the paper is pub lindreds df milea away. i The courts have decided that refusing to 11,_knewspapers or eeriodioals trolls the poet, Ele.or reiriovine ead ieseriae itis itimesela eispeinia.faeie evidenca ot insentient'. frau /PM /. r /often bring coughs and colik / while ' PYNY - PECTORAL brined vat: relief. cures all in. twation of the bronchial tubsiii, throat or chest. No At*, edratiety. Believes, soothes, heallepromptly. A Large Bottle for 25 Cents. & ARNE t 1111. rsogantrelis. a464TREAL. THE PERFECT TEA Yin itIT Te.s. ftsi 'trig WORLD TIL NEWSth NUTSIIELL HE VERY LATEST FROM al OVER THE WORLD, tote:name. itema A boot Oar Ow* CO1&3110Pf, tercet Batista. the Nutted States, Altai Au. Parts et the mote coedoteeili see Amer:led tor Eno liteadlime CANA.DA, Sir Donald and LOS Smith have res turned. to Montreal. Thomas Lindsaee who waa injured. in the •Loon Lake fire, is recovering, The Norwegian, ship Reciprocity wrecked, on the New 13ru1saviek coast. Two electrie care collieed, at Hanel - tore A motorman wa.s badly injured. lely. William 'Wainwright will. sever Ms oonneotion with Grand Trunk in March. Col. Villiers was banqueted at Winni- peg on the eve a his removal to Hamil- ton. ' Two American schooners have been seized, at Cape Breton for violating the fishing laws. Sergeant Colbrooke, who was killed by an Inclia,n oattle-lifter, has been buried at Prince Albert. At Cbatham, N. B., Joseph Doherty shot and killed Arthur Leke, The shouting was the result of a street row. Ex -Chief. of Police Page of St. Cune- gonde, and Cyril eloqum were burned to deeth in a dredge in the Laohine Canal. The Ottawa Board. of Trade has ex- pressed a strong opinion in favor of two tAledeee.rnll aefor WAth ward ilisead of h The Ste Lawrence at Montreal is at the lowest point ever known—three feet one inch below average low water mark. The report of ,t Engineer'. Keating on Hamilton's water works recomraencia changes that will cost the city about $275,000. Mrs. Andrew, the fifth victira of the fire at the Queen's hotel in Hamilton ten days ago, died on Saturday at the hospital. Capt. Smith, R. N., has been commis- sioned by the Diminion Govermnent to enquire into the wreck of the Mariposa in the Straits of Belle Isle. It is reported that the projectors of the Toronto, Hamilton., and Buffalo rail- way will ask for a bonus from Hamil- ton of $150,000 to build the Toronto branch. The Bank of Montrealhas received from the gold mines in British Colum- bia a gold pyramid and brick valued at seventy thousand dollars. Mr. J. W. Lowndes, of London, Eng, is in Ottawa to urge upon the Domin- ion Government the desirableness of adcrpting the Imperial penny postage scheme'. Mr. J. N. Ladouceur, of Keewatin, Rainy River district, has disposed of four raining locations in that district to three Ottawa gentlemen, who pro- pose to work them. William McCurdy of Vienna, Ont., and Charles Day, two men who went to Manitoba for the harvest, have been killed, the first named on the railway and. Mr. Day in a threshing accident. A. vault in the Roman Catholic ceme- tery at 'Kingston was broken into on Saturday bight and two bodies were carried off. There is no clue, to the perpetrators, but medical students are blamed. Mrs. W. C. Macleod, of Woodstock, Ont., has presented, two thousand five hundred dollars to Chalmers' Presbyter- ian church, of that place, and one thou- sand dollars to the Woodstock General hospital, The steamer Obdam broke her tail shaft on Thursday off Sable Island, and was taken in tow by the steamer Penis - land, which brought the disabledsteam- er to Halifax, where they arrived on Saturday. George Cyr of Hull was sentenced to five years in penitentiary for setting e- to' elgaleteeseefies-17-eee eeeaselannesele caUt. Swinherne and Norris are out of viinning, the former for his ear- ly raaidaliszn, and the latter for his so- emlistie tendencies, Alfred Austin is mentioned favorably for the position. The Prince of Wales, wearing a Res - sten uniform, Prince Nicholae of Greeee, and the majority ,ot the =enablers a the diplornatie corpa in London, were pros - sent Friday inornieg at the requiem mass on the euniversary. sof the death of the late Czar of Russia. It is stated. in, London that investi- `gations have beee made of the operation for ten years past of Germany's law for the msnranee ot laborers against sickness, aeolderits, and, old age, with 'Mere is a strong feelmg against the the view, possibly, of aclopting some- rule of the Stilton many parts of thing similar in Great Britain. Turkey, and it is believed that there Referring to Senator °bendier's pre- will be a fusion ofethe Keesulmans end diotions of War between the United Armenians to overthrow the present States awl Great Britain, the London ruler. Standard says Senator ()bendier maY It is learried that Lord. Salisbury is excite entbemasm among the riff-raff of dissatisfied. with the Sultan's verbal btheer'ogereeiavtedtQw‘litnhs'ibnudit:ghnaist?orn°Pahned°1deiseglilsti the four great powers favour an early gliarantee of Armenian reforms, and by the great bulk' of the people of the United States. question. European conference on the Turkish The Turkish Government deniands the immediate withdrawal of the Ainer- Ica» Missionaries from &Menu, 041 the ground that it they remain they may be 'massacred. Dr. 34ger, leader of the anti-Sern- ites in Vienna, has been elected burgo- master of that city. Vienna is the fist of the capitals of Europe to be ad- ministered by an auti-senute. The Xing of Ashanti has rejected. the British ultimatuni.,1 Ile says he will fight and time' he is prepared for the seruggle. A British expedition will be sent against him in the middle ief De- eeMber,, As regards the proposed line of fast Tee condition of the Czarewitch is steamers between. England and Can- steadily growing worse. He is now acla, Mr. Chamberlain will shortly see continuously confined to his bed, and i Mr. Huddart, the promoter of the scheme, It is not considered likely recognizing raenabers of the Royal fam- ; eenlains in a emnatese state, not even that the Imperial Government will eye gave a direct maney subsidy, but it will give the line the carriage of a portion of the mails on paying terms, UNITED STATES. California has produced a sweet - scented violet the size of a large pansy. Four tailors were burned to death in a fire in Pelhazo„ street, New York. frout a huge railway job, and as the ' Mgr. Satolli, Papal delegate to the attitude of the Government ;was res United 'States, has been made a garded as atter:elating to shseld the , News bas been received that the Jap- anese have captured the inland town of Katchi, in the Island of Formosa,. The , oeition of the Blackflags is said. to be ; esperate, and the Japanese demand their unconditionel surrender. I The south of Franc,e has suffered ' Cardinal. guilty, the.Hibot Ministry has been de - A. prairie fire burned over a traot feated ie the Chamber of Deputies. i of country twenty miles long by two Another terrible massaore f A m o r en - broad near Yorkton. ians, accompalied by the outraginof' A NEGRO'S ANTUL BEATH Theodore Durant, of San Francisco, women, is reimeted. to bave taken place mont was toned guilty on Frida,y of burt. The Turkish authorities say the murder in the first, degree. Arraenians provoked the outbreak, • Mrs. Elizabeth Grahara of 33uffalo The next consistory to be hold will has recovered .§2,000 from the Niagara leave the Italians in a majority of three Falls (Ontario) Park Commissioners over the foreign cardinels in the con- fer injuries received through a defec- clave,. so that the supremacy of the Ital- fective railing. lane is assured over any possible com- Mrs. Harriet .Kellar has been found bination in favor of a foreign candidate uilty, at Oswego, of murdering Albert for the Pontificate. ernpthorne, a Canadian, in August A. despatch from Constantinople says last, and was sentenced to Auburn. that Pasba, having out the Are prison for life. meruan question on the teacle of settle - 'After a very. brief delibeeation on merit, has asked the Sultan to relieve Saturday evening the lehiladelphia .hixa from the Grand Viziership; but his jury found Hohnes guilty of' the 3:031r^ Majesty declares that he cannot dis- der of Benjamin Pietzel in the first pense with his services. degree. The case will be appealed.. The Mohammedan insurgents in Two persons were killed outright and China have captured. Lau-Tcheon-Fu, 25 or 30 passengers were inured by the capital of the Province of Kau -Soo, ; the wrecking of the Cincinnati express on the Yellow River. They are at Bim Elm Grove, near Wheeling, on the feating the Chinese troops in every Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. rection, and they intend. to form an In - Ex -Senator Dolph, in an address at dependent kingdom. Portlaiad, Ore., on Monday night, said . Gen. de Campos says that a polio' of that the Dented States must either leniency towards the Cnban insurgents ' abandon the Monroe doctrine or en- ' must prevail or one himdied and fifty force it, with the sword, if necessary. thousand troops will be necessary, and. Miss Flees; of Washington, daugh- even thee seventy-five thousand of• ter of General Flagler, whose shooting them would perish. He thinks the and killing of a negro boy evho was United States would recognize the in-. stealing fruit, several months ago, surgents as belligerents before they created a sensation, has been indicted could be conquered. for manslaughter. charged with the murder of Manthe La- quite recent y in the district of Bei- I CAPTURED BY wHaEsILE BURNED AT THE STARE -- IRIS Crime Waa a norrito One, aid, a roo, user Siete heckled rate -Seasee mid ineldenticat the nest:meet, A despetela from. Kilgore. Texesi says :—At a point about four nailee frons Tyler was enacted a horrible trag- edy, the very reoital of which 'eanses the heart to shudder. A. Mrs. Bell, who had been visiting her mother, a short distance from home, was on her return met by a negro. What occur- red can only be told by the negro him- self and the evidenes givee by the dead body of the lady, The ground showed that she had struggled. for her honor, and the condition of the body told of the cruelty thal has rarely been equal - /ad by Jetok the Ripper. After out- raging the lady the negro CleliberatelY cut her throat elle then taking his knife ripped up Iter body. When the criMe beearae known a posse was quickly or- ganized, led by Deputy Sheriff Smith, of Tyler, who with lanterns in hand and aided by a bound, tracked the negro to within four milee of this place, where they found him fast asleep in a I cotton pen. The negro's clothing., was I stained with blood, which he had, at- tempted to waels out. The posse start - lb kt T1 *th the negro, who offered no resistance. Soon after the icer him an e a mo some two hundred men IS IThe St. Petei'sburg Novoe Vrernya The Masons of Mississippi have made publishes a despatch saying that the arule that "no Mason, either as prin- British squadron of warships in the cipal, agent, employ.ee, or in any other far east has been concentrated at Mao- eapacity, shall sell intoxicating liquors Chow, and adds that Great Britain is I to be used. as a beverage, and the pen- zealously seeking a pretext for de- alty thereof shall be expulsion," caaring war upon China in order to Senator Morgan said in an interview counteract the success of Russia and cm Friday that if Russia and China restore her shattered prestige in the have made the treaty reported in the Pacific. London papers, the United States, wbose interests are antagonistic to those of Great Britain, should not in- terfere. Horace Manvill, of Woodbury, is prob- ably the oldest Church member in Con- necticut or in the TJnited States, he having been received into the Church at Middlebury, December 3, 1815, eighty years ago. Mr. lelan.vill is nearly 101 years old. At Chicago Sohn W. Cadman, an uncle of Mrs. Cleveland, wife of the President, attempted to commit suicide A despatch frorn.heedon says :—Lord by shooting hinaself in the mouth with Salisbury least te long interview at the a 32 -calibre revolver. He was removed ; :Fora ete-' slice on Friday afternoon with t th h 't 1 h e it is stated te- SOME LATE CABLE NEWS, THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE MADE BONORARY COLONEL. Salisbury ans Currie Confer -The -Bing of a shall tee 'IV Fight -Caned Ian' Apples lu EDWREDI -Sheep Slu.siglef.szege, peles. Mrs. Lalonde will serve an - . , „, ea Philip Currie, British Ambassador to ' • ...esee • • eighteen months' sentence for burning Itisarranged. that Miss Va,nderbilt's Constantinople. her residence. dot on her marriage with the Duke of The Duke of Cambridge has been ap- . The jury at Beauharnols,sQuebec, re- Marlborough will be ten million del- pointed chief personal aide-de-camp to turned a verdict of guilty against young Shortis on Sunday morning for the murder of Mr. John Loy at the Val- leyfield mill. They answered a ques- tion regarding the prisoner's insanity in the negative. The quarterly report of the Depart- ment of Trade and Commerce gives de- tails of a gratifying increase in Canada's trade during the first three months of the fiscal year. The live stock and dairy. trade has been the chief gainer by this Improvement in business. lar, but so settled on her that she has only the USe of the income during the Queen, and honorary colonel -in -chief her elle, and at her death the princi- of the forces. The War Office has is - pal will descend to her issue. sued a. special army order on the occa- Commander Heiersnann, of the Unit- sion of the retirement a the Duke of ed. States navy died on. the Havel at sea, at 4 p.m., October 27. Command . - Cambridge from the comarand of the er Heiermann was in command of the British army. The order in the tiuke's Kearsarge when she was wrecked fen behalf thanks all those who do -operated Conamander Spain, of the Caxia.dian fisheries protective service, who seized the United States fishing schooner Sher- man fpr selling supplies purchased in a Canadian port to an unliceiased Ameri- can schooner within the three-mile limit, has been ordered by the Depart- ment of Marine and Fisheries to re- lease the vessel, which Iselcl a Canadian licente and was acting within her rights. GREAT BRITAIN. The Belfast and Glasgow shipbuild- ers have conceded the demands of their employees for increased pay. Mr. Chamberlain will begin immedi- ately the consideration of the details of his great plan to develop the Crown colonies. By the finding of the Admiralty Court the British steamer Turkestan is held responsible for the. sinking of the Edam Lia September last. The Prince and Princess of Wales have received congratulations on the betrothal of Princess Maud to Prince Charles of Denmark. The marriage of Princess Maud and Prince Charles of Denmark will take place in six months. Prince Charles will shortly visit England. Edward Stockquelin, a street chalk artist, died in London recently. Stock- quelin was a grandson of Mrs. Sarah Siddons, the fatuous actress. The importance to English trade of N, the Nicaragua Canal was pointed out , by Mr. Colonhoun in a paper read be- ! fore the 1,ondo41 Chailliner of Cern- 1 merce. The Duke of Cambridge, upon his re- tirement from the post of commander- in-chief of the forces, has been gazetted ohief personal aide-de-camp to the Queen and honorary colonel -in -chief to the forces. 1.110M 'THE TEA PLAN T TO THE TEA OOP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. Monsoon" Tea Is packed under the supervision edit Tea growers, and is advertieed And sold by therti Asa ,satvleof the hest qualiticAof reclien And Ceylon' ItN4non ar Teas, or that melon they see that none bUt the vety 2 - ,pt.24.es, Thads why U105�)thrp sold at the same price As interior tea. 11 is put OD in Sealed caddies, of 54 lb., 5 Iband $ lbs., and eold in three flavours at 40c., $CIC• Drid 60D, it your grotty dogs not keep It, tell him to write fe STEEL, HAYTER & CO., et and se Front SG Bast, Toronto, I in a speech at Dublin Mr, Wra, Red- ro,ond said. the Irish question would riever be settled Until England was ,un. ..ti, to resist Or ignore Ia. ne quots the Roneador Reef. For that he was suspended from duty, and. recently with him to obtain the efficiency of the Went on the retired list. army, reviews the changes made during Senator Stephen B. Elkins and ex- his oomnaand, and bids an affectionate Senator EL G. Davis have renewed. the farewell, the Duke being assured that ago to the Presbytery of Lexington, Qduteoenhaisndsatehceesesn"piraeftnoracye proposition made by them four years hofel-ivehiesuchldthhaen justly be proud. W.Va. The proposition, which has been accepted, contemplates the found- The news of the King of Ashantee's ing of a .Presbyterian. College at El- preparations may be quite serious for kins, W.Va., to vehich Messrs. Elkins the British if, as his envoys say, be has and Davis will give $30,000 in cash an.d fifty thousand rifles. He rules more land for the site, provided the Presby- than eighty million people. tery raises a like sum. The daily News says it is rumored that Sir Philip Currie, at present Brit- Adveces from the two'chief cornmercial ish Ambassador to Turkey, goes to Paris agencies in New York as to the condi- as the successor of the Marquis of Dui - tion of trade ill the United States in- ferin, Sir Henry Druramond-Wolff, now dicate no decided change either way. Ambassador to Spain, will replace Sir If anything, the volume of general E'hilip Currie at Constantinople. business has been rather smaller, Part of the consignnaent of -10,228 bar - though there is better demand for rels of apples brought here by the many manufactured .products, and the steamer St. John City from St. Jahn, retail demand. is fair. The report of N.B., and. Halifax, was sold here on Fri - works in different parts of the United day. The prices obtained. were :—Ribs - States closing is by no rneans urmsuel tons, lis to 13s; Kings, 13s to 15s ; varl- et this season of the year, which m ous 9s to lis. trade is always a time of comparative The consigments of , apples, in all 5, - uncertainty. Cotton has made anoth- 738 barrels, brbught to Liverpool by the er decided advancet and tbe mills are steamships Scotsman and Nuraiclian reported to contain only moderate from Montreal ana Quebee; and Cate - stocks. There is increased activity in Ionia from Boston, were sold here at iron and steel, though some grades are a,uction to -day. Beldwins brought weak in price. Minor metals are also from. 12s to lea per barrel; Greenings, a shade lower. Some shoe faetories are lls 9d to 13s 6d; Kings, 20s to 21s Gd; closing. Spys, 15s 6d; Newtown Pippins, 14s to GENERAL. 16s, A little rebellion is reported in Hayti. The sheep brought to this port by the The King of Corea has chosen an- steamer Scotsm.an, from 1VIontreal, were other Queen to replace his murdered slaughtered after being landed on ae- wife. . count of a few cases of scab being The German Asiatic fleet has been found among them. Several eases of ordered to concentrate at Sevalon and the disease have been found lately Amoy. among sheep front the. 'United States , , , d. f _ The ex -Queen of IlaWall is reel:nese eases continue to be found tfie iduara e . and Canada, an it is eared that if to have pnrehased winter and snnamer of A.griculture will adopt drastic meas - residences in Italy. ures against sheep frem those coun- Gen, de Campos has decided to sus- trio. The agricultural press is begin. - pend military operations ha Western ning to 00121nlent on the matter, Cuba while the rain lasts. . ' Mr. X. B. Patterson, formdrly Prime Minister of Victoria, is dead. His Min- Hew to got a "SunAght" Pieture# istry resigned September 25th, 1804. Send 25 "Sintlight" Sol wro,nier„ The Xing of Portugal a,rrived in Pots- (igrappeihrivity the. ve0V0 41 'a 100 a data on Friday night, and was given an °mat Leo (I 4 gs,,.0 teen a to enthusiastic welcome by Era eror Layer 1$roc, Ltd,.3 A gbotis ToDonto, ed. the old saying, `!England's danger liflttt le will visit Engin tindyee:efill'attiVS lz vita niere, !Et It6101v .rrs °T.),P6rt1nitYl An extensive anti -foreign eutioreak le As, ItkIi6fit'rirt)d *la .1 Werth farn fieThht4nInin15nt ptiblishes an expect,ed at 'Canton. our IsAtktika thtg. $ ooy or to abeotate your braves, enlisted at Hong Kong bY the lain°, tka twat it beat It tile thee/teat Viceroy, have gone to anton, and it wi11:00,ej,isabato1&aci 4. Travellers arriving at New York reo btu) wrappegi, leats the endii open. Port that all ia quiet its Venezuda, and Write yotir addHON e&risfa IY, the feeling is that the boundary diS- puts will ioe settled without trouble, PI address, issued by the Amnesty A.esocia- tion, addressed to Irishmen in the Unit- ed States and Canada, naaking an appeal for aid, in continuing' the agitation for the release of the Portland prideners. The post of poet laureate is still va- Children Cry or tenet's ,roiteria off' s had h* h uff d b of t ereAVSLY ARMED arrived on the scene and demanded. the immediate surrender of the prisoner, which was readily given. The mob then left for the scene of the murder, where they arrived on Tuesday after- noon at three o'clock. The crowd con: tinuecl to gather at the scene of the hor- rible crime until nearly two thousand citizens of Tyler and vicinity were there. A. few moments before the fiend was brought to the place a meet- ing was h,eld and a coramebtee was ap- pointed to investigate his identity. Witnesses were sunamoned and closely interrogated. The result was a thor- ough identifica,tion. In. a few moments an officer appear- ed from ov er the hill, followed by three hundred well -armed men. These, however, were overpowered. and, dis- armed and. the negro, Henry Hilliard brdught before the committee. He made a full confession, in substance as follows: "1 was coming down the road and saw Mrs. Bell in the road. She was scared of me, and I knew that if I passed her she would say I tried to rape her, and cm:minded that I would rape her and then kill her. I cut her throat and out her in another place and left." The negro then wrote a note to his wife and gave it to the sheriff. It read. as follows: "1 ani arrested, by.Wig Smith. You know what they will do with me. If I don't see you. any more, good-bye. "HENRY." After his confession and thorough identification a vote was taken as to what tbe mode of• punishment would be. It was agreed. to BURN HIM and that be should suffer the penalty on the public square. The line of march was taken up toward Tyler, and at four o'clock the head of the line enter- ed the main plaza, where no less than seven tb.ousend people were assembled. Large crowds of women ancl children were congregated on the awnings sur- rounding the public plaza, while wag- gons, carriages, trees and buildings were converted into grand stands to accommodate the throng. A scaffold was erected in the centre of the square. Waggons laden with kindling wood, coal oil and straw were driven to the scene and placed in posi- tion. The negre was given an oppor- tunity to speak but his evords were mostly inaudible. When he offered his last prayer, however, he could be heard for several block's. He was then lashed to tbe iron rail that extended through the platform. Mr. Bell, the husband. of the murdered lady, applied the match, and the flames shot upward, enveloping the negro in sheets of fire. The fuel pressently gave out, but in a few minutes the fire was started again. From the time the match was applied, until the negro's death was exactly fifty minutes. The I. & N. south -bound train was crowded with people from the towns north. Hundreds of negroes witnessed the execution, and many of them ex- pressed thea endorsement of the pun- ishment. All business houses and fac- tories dosed and the big cotton belt shops were deserted. for Infants and Children. 6,Clastortais Dowell adapted to children teat I recommend it as imperior to any preseriptioa known to inc." E. A. AECUIELf M. D„ 111 So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, N, o The use of 'Co -store. ' is so universal and Its merits go well known that it seeize a work of supererogation to endorse its Few are the iiiteingent families who do not keep Castoria within easyreach." Cameo MLUTTR, D, D., Now York City. Late Pester Bloomingdale Reformed Church, Osuitorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dierrhcea, IhnotatiOn, _ Mile Worms, givetS sleep, and Prolnated gestionZ _ Without injurious medication. 0 For severei, years I have recommended' your Oesteria, and obeli elvfaye continue to do SOSS it has invariably produced beneficial. reMlite." ElsWal V. Raman, M. D., "The Winthrop," 1251h Street and ith Ave, New York City ralt CENTAXTR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK. MitiaLMIZOWPREMEtiraadig I FATAL GIlbt ACCIDENT. A Cornwall Baker Shot by His Companion *While Bunting buselts-rartieularti of the Tamed y. A despatch from Cornwall, Ont., says: Mr. Prank j. Nichoeson, a well-known baker of CorrieVall, was accidentally kill- ed by his companion, Mr. H. Yates, general merchant, of this place, while on a cluck -hunting expedition on Lake St. Frantis. Both men left here on Wednesday, intending to *one a couple of days duck shooting, Thursday morn- ing between teb. and. eleven o'clock they were about four miles south of Lancas- ter, and were moving from one blind to another, when a couele of ducks flew towards them. Mr. Nicholson was row- ing and Mr. Yetes, standing up, was endeavouring to get a shot at the clucks. He thinks thet the lurehing of the'boat• ;there being a heavy swell at the time, caused the gun to go off lust when Mr. Nicholson was in line with it. The whole charge took effect in his -left . side, about three inches below the heart. Mr. Yates rowed to Lancaster, a dis- tance of about four nines. Mr.Nicholson, realizing that his in- juries were fatal, prepared lamself for death. About a half mile from shore he spoke for the last thne, and breath- ed his last as he was lifted from the boat. Deceased was about 35 years of age, and was a native of Lancaster, being a son of the late Wm.. Nicholson, sr. He has been in business in Corn- wall for a number of years. He leaves a widow. The remains were taken to Cornwall. The deceased was a member of the local lodge of A.O.U.W. I a Another Mine DiseoVered. The discovery of a large deposit of graphite has been reported to the Bureau of Mmes. The find is situated in the coun- ty, on lots 17, 18, ancl 19, of the third (township of Brougham, Renfrew t concession. It is understood that the I control of the property has been secured bSt Senator G. C. McKin.cisey, who in- tends forming a company and establish- ing a factory in the province to work it viethout delay. The graphite is sale to be of a very good. quality, and will be used. chiefly in the naanufacture of stove ;polish, facing§ for foundry castings, and lead pencils. It is also largely used in the manufacture of crucibles, though it is not known as yet whether the present discover will be suitable for that pur- pose. The discovery forms another in- dication of the extent of mineral wealth lying eormant within the Province of Ontario. SERGEANT COLBROOKE SHOT. Nonni ed Pollee °Meer lEiNed by an Escaping Istettisst, A Despatch from Duck Lake, Saskat- chewan, reads: "Last Tuesday an In- dian, with a companion, was arrested. on One Arrow's reserve, on a charge of cattle -killing. They were arrested and brought into Duck Lake during the night. While Constable Dickson was on guard one of the prisoners, a tough character, effected his escape. Surmising that he would. take. a south- easterly direction, Sergt. Colbrooke, who had made the arrest, started in pur- eta. He was joined. by Police Scout j. McKay, and they soon were on the vvhicla led in the direction of Touchavood. Hills. On the second day, however, they found the culprit had gone towards Port La,coone, and they followed this trail. 'Wednesday night the news reached here thae Sergt. Col- brooke had been shot and. kilaecl by the escapec1 prisoner the following morn- ing. No details 0011 be obtained owing be the imPossibility of crossing the river. Deeeased is a rilarried mare and leaves a wife and one child. The mur- derer has not yet been arrested. ad- brooke had served with the mounted police since 1883, having served during the rebellion with the column against Big Bear, A pure white crow was caught in Tox- ada Island, B. C., a few days ago. It was taken from a nest in whicb were several black crows. emeireelloormseersolnesmassmememsrse. LOST OH FAILliii8 MANHOOD, eaneral at Manaus Datililly, 'Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects el Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust Noble Manhood fully Restored. How te Enlarge and. Strengthen Weak, Undevelopeel Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutely res failing Horde Treatment--I3enefits in a day, Men testify from 60 States and Foreign Conn tries. a Write them. Descriptive Book, ex- planation mad preofs mailed (aealedl free, FTIIP Rolowli v A man in Biddeford, Me., who is 00 Yeaes old, is having troublous time e just now in cutting a wisdom tooth. Sick Headache and rel'eve all the troubleindk dent to a bilious state of the aYsiere, such at DIZZIDDSR Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their trio$t remarkable success has been shown he curing Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PITIS are equally valuable in constipation, curing and preventing this annoying compleint, while they also correct all disorders of the sternaoh, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Aelle they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing comptaintt but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and these who once try .thein will find these little pills valuable in so Maim ways that they will not be willing to do without theta. But after all sick head is tbe bane of so malty lives Mit herS l where • we 'make our greet boast. Our pills aura ft . while others do not. . OArxeres LITTLE UN= INDIA /ITO VDrYSIDDli _and very easy to taea, oilti or two pills make a dose. -They are strietly vegetable and do n81 gripor purge but by their gentle aelion please all who use 'them. lu vials 54 28 ciente; Eve for $1. Sold everywhere, br sent by Mail UN= ErDICINE 00., New York. ' qv ri 1, -.11 911 gn$11 -1Jr100 - if.111 " 4 I DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU We guarantee Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure any case of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, 1..urnbago, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Hort Disease, Female Troubles, Implue Blood -sr money refunded. Sold by all dealers in medicine, or by mail oil receipt of puce, sec. per box, Or Six boxes $2.5c. DR. L. A. SMITH at CO. TorOnto, CURES BITSPEPSIA„ stma BLOOKI„, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY !TROUBLES, REABAZ E, ILIEDUSNESS. B.B.B. unlocke all the secretions andreMoves all impurities from the system from a eorinnon pimple to the Morst serefulous sore. EifltDOCK rxtobs act gently yet ihoraegh17 on h41 Sten6..ci.., Liver end 1.4.9iVeis nossraskistmiesairiessrire 1 ; !ERY