HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-11-7, Page 5se, 'Tamil) Wilcox of St, Thomas, Ontario, is one of the best known men in that vicinity. He is now, he says, an old man, but Hood's Sarsaparilla bas made him feel young again. "Atout a year ago I had a very severe attack of the grip, Which resulted in my not having a well day for several months OlterWarcis. I was completely rtin down And my system Was in a Terrible condltioa. 2 lost fiesh and became depreesed inspirits, Finally a friend who had been' benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla advised mac te try it and I did so. I continued tak- ing It until, I used twelve bottles and today 1 can honestly say Hood's Sarsa- parilla has restored me to my former health." jAcon Wmoox, $t. Thomasi Ontario, Hood's Sars Is the Only True glood Purifiert Prominently in the public eye today. It 'cures when all other preparations fail. Mood's Pills the after-dinner pill and family cathartic. We, twoname11011100114AZIWIIM, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter ot the estate of Henry Moatz of the To vonelsip of arty, fernier, Insol- yatt. The above named Insolvent has this day made an assignment to me of all his estate ior the benefit of his creditors. Anseeting of ,said creditors -will be held at my office, in the Village of Dashwood, for the appointment of Inspectors and giving directions for the die - "meal of the estate , on Tuesday, October 29tb, at o'clock, p. m• Cieditore are hereby u oti- led tr. file their claims with me, duly verified, ion or before Friday, November 15tb, 1895. After that date I shall proceed to distribute the said estate, having reaard only to ooh claims of which I shall have notice and shall not be responsible for the assets of the aaid estate or any Part thereof to any person or versons vrhoee claim or claims shall not have been filed by the said 15th day of November „next' JOSEPH sNBLI.,, Assignee. • Dashwaod, October 22nd, 1895. _NT °TICE TO CREDITORS — -the matter of the estate of Themes 4 Kelly, late cf the Township of hay, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Be- yised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 310, and amending acts, that all persons having claim against the estate of Themes Kelly; late of the Townehip of Hay, in the coenty of Huron, asearege'etlemon, degeased, who died on or about the 22nd day of October, 1895, are required on or before the 1st day of I:timers , 3596, to "rend or deliver to Joseph SneleDathwood post office, a statement in writing, containing their mames,ad ruses? descriptions and f ull particu • Jars of their claims duly verified by affidavit, and the nature of the theurity (if any) held by them• And notice is hereby further given .'that on and after the lst day of January, 1896, the Bald executors will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the said estate among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims f whicb he shall then have notiee, and he will nee be liable for k aid estate nr any portion thereof to thy person or r- sonsof 'whose claims bestial' not then have notice. MOSES KELLY'? ANN KELLY, S Executors. Dated at Daehwoed this 4th day of November, 1815. -INSOLVENT SALE. lin the matter of the estate of Thomas tVerry, the older, of the Townahip of Uaborne, in the County of Huron. In- solvent The undersigned will offer for sale by Publio Auction, at the premises, Lots No. 16 and 37, in the 7th concesaion of the eaid Township of 13'eborne, on IIIONDAY, NOVEMBER 11TII, '1895 iat the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, the following /rateable property, viz : HORSES. -3 aged mares, 1 mare five years old, 1 mare four years old, 1 stallion four years 9)34, 1 aged driving mare, 1 gelding driver, four Tears old, 1 filly two Years old, 2 geldings two years old, 1 filly one year old, 1 gelding ono year old, 2 foals. CATTLE. -5 milch cows, I steer two years cld, 3 heifers two years old,3 heifer one year old, 2 Steers 1 year old, 3 epringeelves, 1 young calf. PIGS. -35 pigs, different ages. IMPLEMENTS. -2 wagon& 1 pair trucks, 2 pair bob sleigbs, 1 single buggy. 1 double buggy. 1 binder, 1 mower, 3 sulky rake, 3 ploughs, 1 pair harrows, 1 roller, 1 fanning anill, 1 horse power, I crusher, 1 straw cutter. 1 seeder, 2 hay racks, a quantity of hay, car - mots, mangolde, turnips, and other articles too mumerous to mention, Also the following valuable Real Estate, ple:-Lots No. 16 and 17, in tbe seventh con- , *session of theTowliehip of Usborne, contain- !, jag 200 acres more or less, and the west, half ig Of the west batf of Lot No. 5, in the 5th con- cession of tue Township of Hay, containing 25 acres, more or less. mgamS Ols SALE OF CHATTELS, All eums of $5 aud under, cash. On all sums over that amount tivolve months' credit w ill be given oh furniehing approved joint 11 otes. Terms of Sale of Real 19state made known on day of Sale. 1,1 . BROWN, SAMUEL MARTIN, Auctioneer, Assignee. L. H. DICKSON, Solite tor for Assignee. 1'I-.47STRAY LAMB. -4 Strayed i n to the premises of the undersign ed, Thera ee road, about the middle of Septem- ber. a Leicester ram jamb. Owner can have 4 )- mime by provin g property and payieg expenses - 0". 3 HARVEY, Usborno. Agent's representing us oan earn 320 per week setting our Entrety Con ad i an -grown Nureety Stook, Per/throat Partition and salariee. Exolueive territory. Write at onoe fer tering to E, 0' GReATAMI, Neese antes, Toeesern, °Neely), FREE I 76 COMPLETE STOIMEs • • Pack °i.e.:tette worth 82, and alert° 100p; Pieter' 8 ook, that will sure- ly put Yell on the road to a handeomo fortune. Send bo. silver. to pay postage. A. W. KINNEY,E. le Yarmouth, N, S. TRAYE' D. Front the 'Premises of kbe uudersignee, "Sinieghtt hat Parte,"on At about the teth ()do- ber, ten Iambs. 2 boy were marksti vith cd , chalk en $houlaerand rumn, Information it, to their reeererv \vill beittlitabiy TeWarded by er.pnoatiett to HENRY Shire% eV P. 0.0 or to amour wibtAhr, Dashwood AM AS WELL AS WISil .TO BR" Miss Blake, of Hamilton, Ont,, after using Pane'o Celery Compound, is a Picture of 'Womanly Vigor and Beauty, A Story for AII who Stand in Need ot Perfect Health. Mies Isabella 13Iake, of 303 Hughson Street, Hamilton, that., is one of the fair - eat and best known young women in the ambitious city, To -day, he is a picture of womanly health; vigor and beauty, and joyfully declares, "I am Love a nevs wom- an, cap eejoy life, and am as well as I wieh to be." When Miss Blake makes the deolaration that tine is a "new wonian' " she does not wieh it to be understoodthat Eihe bag entered the ranks, and adopted the fads of theme light -brained Woman who would tamp the legitimate positions of men, and go through life clad in half masculine attire, with the fixed idea of altering the plans of all -wise Providence, and turning the world upside down. Ah 1 no ; this is far from what Mies Blake wishes todimply when she makes the statement that she is a "new woman." The "new woman" that the world values Os not the modern (treaters that dons the open vest, exposed shirt front, four-in- hand tie. straight and high collar, stiff Derby lotto who walks out on our streets with cane in hand, giving 'evidence of empty brain and uneatisfied vanity. The true "new woman," is perfectly iepresent- ed by Miss Blake, made healthy, vigorous, etrong and actize by the use of Paine'a Celery Compound. This is the "woman" that sensible and rational beings honor and appreciate- the type of "woman" that blesses home, friends and the world at large. Mies Blake, though a young woman, can relate a tale of sad experiences'. in the past, lions have stood in her way threat- ening deetreetion ; elm knows what sore afflictions are, testing do the rough grasp of disease ; and at times, the cold touch of the destroyer, des th, has made her shiver, and caused her to think of the dark gloone of the silent tomb, When Mies Blake's heart was faint, eick and void of hope ; when all the doctors and medicines failed to de good, and when threatened with that relentless foe con- sumption, an aneel of mercy suggested the use of a remedy that hae brought new life to thousands ot poor sufferers in the Past, Yee, it is Paine's Celery Componed that Is recommended ; it le used, and in a silent time makes a "new woman" from the materiat that the grave had battled for. These facts, deer tender, are not over- drawn or colored in the least. Miss Blake and her friends 'will gladly youeh for the truth, of the statement that Paine's Celery Compound, and it alone, under God's blessing, was the agent that graved life at a critical juncture. The following letter from Mies Blake is surely ot sufficient weight to convince the most hardened un- believer :- "For years I suffered greatly, and was under the care of doctors who finally told me 1 was going into nonsumptien, I was bsceming worse through the nos of medi- cines, 'and I wive up my doctor. While in a very oritical condition, not able to sleep or met, alwaya faint and weak, appet- ite and digestion bad, and my system raid down end little life in me, 1 commeneed to use Paineie Celery Compound. After taking one bottle 1 felt much relieved. I have ueed in all seven or eight bottles, anct am now a new woman, can enjoy life, and am as well as I wished to he. Many thanks fcr your great medicine," MARKET REPORTS: Exeter, November 6th 1805, e all wheat eer bush.. - is 69 Spring wheat per bush ..... 69 Barley per ...... 30 Oats per bush.— ....... ......... 23 Peas per berth 50 Flour per bbl 400 Apples per bag . . . 75 Potatees per bag Hay , en. ton 11 00 W °ea per cord hard . 300 Wood per cord soft............... 2 00 Butter per lb., - 14 Eggs per dozen.. .. 13 Turkeys peril) 7 Hogs, live weitrht.. 3 60 Geese 1 - 5 Ducks °Woks.. . . Dreesedhoge $ 69 69 32 23 50 4 20 80 30 12 00 3 60 2 26 16 14 8 3 00 5 6 60 6 5 4 C0 to 450 London, November 6th 1895. Wheanwhite, tall,leOlbe $ 11090 $ 1 14 Wheat, red., fall. per 1001bs,. 110 to 114 Wheat.sprang, per 1001bs - 110 m 114 Oats. per 10e lbs. 73 to 76 Corn, per100 Das peas, per 300 lbs.... ........... ... ,tii5 1,4:e, SS Barley per 10f lbs 70 to 75 Rye, ner 100 lbe-- 80 to 90 Buckwheat. per leOlbs 75 to 210 Beans, per the.. 6198 tee 1 18 hggs, fresh, single doz..-- Eggs, fresh, basket, per doe 17 to 17 Eggs, fresh, store lots, Der dos . 36 to 16 Butter,single rolle,per lb- . - 39 to 20 Butter perlb,1 lb rolliebasliets 16 to 17 B utter per lb. large rolls or crooks 15 to 16 Buttenperns, tub or firkina Chickens, per pair Lard, por lb 2,1952 ttt oo0 403 Ducks.... . ...... .,. .., ...... _. so to 60 Turkeys. 6. to eo ner Ibl• eaoh 75 to 200 nresind bogs 459 500 Hay per ton 13 00 to 14 00 • Toronto. November Eth 1895. Wheat, white, per bus......... $ 74 to $ 74 Wheat, spring, per bus........ ... 73 to 73 Wheat zed winter, per bus. 71 to 71 Wheat goose, per bus 60 to 61 Barley. per bus.., 35 to 41 Oath, per bus .. ......... ..... 27 to 28 'Pearl- ,.....,. ................. ....... 64 to 64 Bailed Hay 38 00 to 1930 Dreseed Bogs 5 00 to 500 Begs per dozen.. 17 to 19 Butter, per lb 10 to 20 The Live Stock Markets. ^ EAST BUFFALO. Bast Buffalo, N Y, November 5, --Cattle closed very dull. Hogs closed dull and 10o lower feral but pigs. Sheep and lambs -165 oars on tbe market; 90 cars Canadas: well sold out: best Coseadas brought $4 25, and the bulk sold at 34 06 to e915 A few selected sold up to 94 35, whfch is We above the N ew York values. MONTREAL Montreal, November h.-Tbe receipts to -day at the eastern abattoir were 600 beed of cattle 700 sheep and lambs and 100 oalvee. There was very little enquiry for the cattle and lest week's prices ruled. The range was,frem 34 to 3So per lb. livo weight, according to quality. Small meats were rather quiet Following is the general range of quotations:-Oattle but- ohers' choice, per ib. /lie to ale live weight; medium to fair 2 3-4e to So; oulls *i to 2,1o; do, sheep common to good 82 75 to 83 25; lambs el 50 to 33. Calves good to choice, 37 to 912; common to fair $2 to $6. taw* IsdR uVjilt F1FUY YEARS AN ODD AND WELD -TRIED kltraltDY.— Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty Years by millions of naothers for their childrea while teething with perfect success. It eoothes the child, eoftene tbe gums, allaye the pain, auras the colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea., 18 pleasent to the rude. Sold by druggists m every part of the world. 25 centa a baths. Its value is incaloulable, Be sure and ask forMrs. Windlow's Seething Syrup andtakono other kind. .111.1101.01.110.4. I4ORJN, ,LURNBULL,--rhUaborne,on Otst 2let,the wife of t)Vm Turnbull of a daughter' -ARMSTRONG-On the 28th ul tab e wife of Mr Alvin Armstrong, Stephen, of it son. RYAN -On the 30th ult., the wife of Mr. Pat- rick Ryan, Corbett, or a son. AJAR RI 1111). WILLERT--GRUBE-fn Daeli wood. on tho 29th ult., by Rev. Eifort, Mr, Loiris toll/163e !Jenrette, Grube, of Logan. Sit ERMAN-11 eItIO`43-6.0 the Lutheeian church, Ditaliwooct, on the 10th ult., by Rev. 19ifert, Mr. Leo Sherwin to Mise Frodrioka Iterate. COLE-MoVITTIE-At the thaidente of the bride's mother, on the attli ult., by Rev. H. Fair, Mr rhos, 11. Cole, to Mies Mary .1, MoVitliet both of klullott, CHAPet AN-HOARE-At the residence o1 laretohn Hoare, on the esth ult., by Rev. W. Ilougia, Emmanuel 'lhainnen' of Brittah Columbia, to MretA floare, of East Wan - oh. WA re0N-STAOEY- At the reardenth of the bride% rangier, on October 30th, bythe Itev. 1.1. flamiltere Andrew' wat4on (ie Mother- ravot.ane biles Sarah Sta00Y0 Fullaft00 l'il" -As 000TER-TH0NPS0N-At the residence of tbe bride, on Oot.3011i, by RevA McDon- ald, D. D., M r Robt E Oooper, M. D,, of Con- stance, to &HES Annie Thompson, Of 111e- WIYNCi1117-10n 0ctober2901 1895. at beriate resi- dence, 9 Gw3 nine avenne Toronto, Cecilia S Davis beloved wife of lairRobertWynn, mot- her of Miss G Wynnformerly of tit Marys, in her 68th year: Is AURIE-TWISS-At St. Paul's church, Clinton. on October 300h, by Rev. W. Craig, Petrolite assisted by Rev. L, Perko, Mr. R. Laurie. of Palmeretee, to Miss Lottie Twiee, of Clinton. WEIR-PATTERSON-At the residence of the bricte'sbrother, Mr. dos. Pugh, Bluevale, on the 301h ult., by Rev. W. 11, Difose, Mr. WineWeir, of Goderioli township, to Mrs. Jane Pattereon, of Bluevale. ELLIOTT-MA.SONT--/At the residence of Mn W• 5. Etarland. Clinton, on the 30th ult., by Rev. J. W. Ford, assisted by Rey. J. W. Holmes, len 51 .10. Elliott, of East warean- oda to Miss Emma, daughter of Mr. Robt• Mason, of Eaet Wawanosh- ELLIOTT-SIMPsON-At the residence of Mr. W. ti, Barland, Minter.; on the 30th ulte by Rev. J. W. Holmes - assisted by Rev. W. J. Ford. Mr. James Elliott. of East Wawan- osh, to Miss Carrie Simpson, (sister of Mrs, Harland) formerly of Toronto. noss—DUNFORD—At the church of the Advent, Montreal, on October 1211, by the Bishop of Montreal, assisted by the Bev, Henry Hinson, M.. A., Mr. Guy Ross, banker, and real estate agent. and nephew of Mrs Gavin ROSs, Gowanside Farm, Railcar- yille, to Alias Eyelyn ret.Le. second daughter of George Dunford. Rim., all of Montreal, DIED. TAYL011.-le Exeter, en the 1st inst., Thomas Taylor, aged 85 year, MoDONALD....In Goderich. on the 2911 nit., Oath mine McDonald,aged 100 years. WOOD -In Waitsburg. Wash., IT, S. cn Oet. 31.• Samuel Wood, aged al years, 5 months and 28 days. SCOTT -In Hibbert.on the 30th ult. J'ane Soett beloved wife of Mr. John Scott, aged 49, years 1 month • TROMPSON-On the 2801 ult., Catharine daughter of Charles Thompeon, 18th cone McGillivray, sged6 years. jOHNSTONL-In Goderich township, on the ath ult., Jane MoDwaine, relict of the late John Johnston, aged 72 years. BARRY -On the 27th ult., in Detroit. Cath- arine Barry. The remains were brought to Parkhill on Tuesday, and taken to Mt. Carmel for interment, BAD BLOOD BETWEEN THEM. The ever blaving farmer's wife, her delicate sinter in the city, suffer more than they care to tell. The dark rings around the eyes, headeehes, dizziness, palpitation or rheumatic twinges, betoken a run down system. The blood is poor, and is a bar to enjo)ment of life. ScotesSarsaparilla purifies the blood, strengthens and vitalizes the system, And speedily realores the bloom es health to the cheeke. It cures when ali others fail. Yellow Oil used internally and extern- ally cures asthma, croup coughs, sore throat, bronchitis and similar complaints. Extetnally it cures rheumatism lumbago, sprains, bruises, outs,clailblains;frost bites, and sprains and aches of every kitd. As a cure for Dyspepsia, Constipation, PRAISED SY PrearSe AND PEOPLE. Biliousne' as Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, andall dietheee of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood, Burdock Blood Bitters is praised by press and publie alike. The reason is that it aotuallyedoes all that is claimed for it Wm, Berm, "Fairview," raised on his 10 acres and 200 rods.850 bushels of wheat, oats and barley. measured from the thi caber. On ono quarter acre he grew 100 Imehels of potatoes ; and on half an acre on the same farm the yield WbS '200 bushels of potateee. Mr. Benn thinks 'We recurd is hard te best. Mr. J. U. McColl, of Parkhill, has been aeked to take part in an internetional tug of war contest in Chicago for a prize of $500. The prize is offerecl for the best team in the United States, England and Canada, and is to be competed for in the latter part of November. Mr, McColl has acceded to the request. Don't TODACCO Spit or Smoke Your Life Away Is the truthfol, startling title of a book ebout No -To -Bac, the harmleeet guaran. teed tobaceo habit cure that Ina/goers up triootinized nervea; eliminates the nicotine poisommakes veedk men gain strength, vigor and manhood, Yoe run DO physiord or financial risk, as No-1'o-13ac is sold ander gualantee to cbre or money refund. ed. hook free. Ad. t;terling Remedy Co., 37489 Paul $9,, Atontreal LOnCiOn., Blan011 Etrld .13LnLee. 4011sONOrertn-• Pathenger s.00 /of. 4 80 o,o7 aolz „, 9.22 6.00 2,37 646 London, dePart•-•-, Dentrelie,....,*•••••••. 1101380:11 .. . • . ,..;•0”.1.1t4.rm Brileeilla ':-.,,, • de ••• "AI 0.28 Oltritee ne.e....... . 10,1z 6.55 Londelth.ora. ........ ..... 10.20 7-14 Berth .... . . ,..a......... 10,88 7.23 B GONG Iviroll:gfulawvie,......m.r.;ti.y..e.::: . ::: 111,0..1602 vass0407g..0300r7 • WintellainttlePart-- *- 6.35 A. x. 3.20 r. X , Bolgreve ..... ............, 6.50 8.47 Ityclh,....,... 7,03 0-01 Lopdosberod.. • ...... 1,10 4.0a Olintou.... „ . . 7.80 4.08 Bruce/10cl.... .. . ...... „ 7.49 7,57 It RC e:t;a1 Ili. a- " „ 84 8.23 6 06 4.6$ Exeter ...... ... . . . . -. . 8.26 6,12 '.."--"."--**----"--------------THE-1- ---- People's Building and Loan Association 1611DM - ONTARIO BOARD OP DIRECTORS IN EXETER, ORM? Dr, J. A. Rollins, President, Dr. C. Lutz, - Vioe-President. L H. Dickson, - Solicitor, David Mill, - Valuator. Fred. W, Celibate - Seey -Treas. DIRECTORS. an o Grigg, 19, A, Penick, :Jas. Mil/er , Wm' Southoott, 1)r. Thee. A. Amos,. eaml. Sander. Make money by caving money. Sixty (rents Der month will erasure 3109 in 70 years. For terms of einpliaatinn arid all necessary infor- mation amply te the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. W. Collins, Post Office, Exeter, Ont. DR. SHOULTS, 0 EN TRA LIA Office oppoeite Methodist Parsonage, FT KINSMAN, DENTIST, LIM. SPECIALIST in GOLD FILL- ING, EXTRA 0 TING and P ItA TE WORK. Gasand local Anaesthetics for paine 1 ees extracting. 2nd door north of OAB- LTNG'S Store -T-1 ALTON ANDERSON D.D. S • Tern S, Honor Gradnate of the To- ronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Specialties, painless extraction and preservation of the eatural teeth. Office over the Law Office of Elliot & Elliot, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. T-) AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, ouNioN. Will be at 0reb's hotel Zurich on the second Thursday of each month and at Hodgin's hotel liensell every Monday lITANTED HELP.—MEN OR 1 V Women in every locality (local or trav- elling), to intreduce a new discovery, and keen our show cards tacked up on dtrees, fences and bridges throughout town an oountry, Steady emPloymeat. Commission or salary $65 per month and exPemies. and money deposited in any bank when started. POT partioulurs write TRH WORLD 1r.DDIOAL Eethenict Coe P. :0. Box 221, London, Ont., Canada May 16- m SASEIMEWAN BUFFALO ROBES, COATS AND MITTS. (Received the highest awards at the World's Fair.) We would ask all purchasers of Robes to inspect this great and won- derful robe before buying ; pronounced by all who have used them to be warm• er and absolute wind, water and moth proof, will not wear bear in spots like a skin robe, have had six years of rough usage and have stood the test. They are made in three parts without any seams, the fur cloth, the Astrachan lining and rubber interlining. They dry quicker and never get hard and are as strong as leather. Every robe guar- anteed as represented. We also have a large stock of Harness, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Rugs, Bells, Boots & Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers, Felt and Rubber Boots, Sox and Rubbers. Our stock is fresh and unsurpassed in finish and quahty. Sole agent for Newlands Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes. John Treble. hy! What are you wearing those fig -leaf clothing for? Why not come to J. H. GRIEVE, The Moa'an Tai/ot. And leave your order for an UP-TO-DATE Over: coat or Suit, We can please you both in pocket and Workmanship. MEM milNisert. —OUR STOCK OF— —AND -- mums has been ,carefully selected and is among the best in the county. Ladies' dockets a n d Cloaks Out and Fitted• A TRIAL SOLICITED, Ja HI Grieve. Bermuda. IA. Bright Idea. rA. Grand e It is (as numbers of people Because it has been proved to As it has a, steel Q' e will tell you) .the finest baker be the finest baker in the market, enables It to bake quickand they have used. Easy on fuel owing to so many superior, mod,' burn less fuel in doing so than and an even heat. ern and useful improvements. any other stove. , Or slie would be pleased to •SE The Large Assortment of Cookin.g and Heating Stoves on loll.i fioc amongst which are the famous "ART AMZERST" Coal teaters, Also large number of second hand. Stoves FURNACES AND .EA.VETROUGHING A SPECIA TY. HEADOUARTERS FOR SUPERIOR COAL, CALL AND INSPECT. H.. BISHOP & SON DELLO SAY Have you an old Buggy Top that needs re.00yer ing end vou wish to have made as good as new ? Side Curtains played out ? !oar Cashion played out ? or other Trimmings shabby and require to be renewed ; If so, call on X. 0 CLAUSEN, TermieTsete_LI.0, Or leave your order % at Jones' Carriage Works, Exeter. All orders will receive prompt attention and done ni a workmanshiplike.manner, Cbarges moderate. Are You GOING TO GET A We nave the best assortment and the cheapest. Come in and See Them Or else write for particulars PERKINS & MARTIN, Fansone• Blook, Exeter, We Want You to come into Our Store LOOKING PLEAS- ANT sometimes. We have so much to sell besides quinine and all those bitter things. We don't want you to think we are happy only when you are sick. Of course, if you must be ill, we always want to put up yout prescriptions, but we have thousand and one things you need be- sides medicine. Just now we have some uncommonly good values in Brushes, Hair Brushes- from 25c up, Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes from 5c up. But don't let us forget to draw your attention to the extensive stock of Toilet Soaps, 3 large cakes of Real Castile for 10c, 1 box containing six cakes all for 100, Baby's Oen, 2 cakes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soapv, Old Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and a, large assortment of medicinal sops, and many other lines. All the abc,ve are excellent values, both in quality and quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow what you can do to -day. Cat] at once. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. (5't/it 01 Vlothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. 3. SNELL never disappoints hie patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall 8t, Winter Goodz In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much, pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at. tractive. 4‘. J. 1314774=4 enatee, CLE111 A$ A BELL IF A PUPIL OF THE FOREST CITY BUSINESS & SHORTHAND COLLEGE LONDONsPNT, Does not readily grsep a subject, we repeat and repeat until he does get it. We drill, some schools don't. We got onv reputation in this way and intend to sustain it by giving a thorough grind in all subjeots taught. We tenets Bookkeeping and Business Paper by a new method. Enquire about it. Catalogue free, Air. E. A, Coon has accepted a position with E. D, Smith, Winona. On'„ as assistant bookkeeper. VirETERVELT, Principal. KNIGHT% E=eter North Store ji rr I I I I Mr. F. R. Knight,has opened a General Store in the stand lately occupied by Brook's Harness Shop, with a full stock ot GE NERAL GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONERY, ETC. Produce taken in exchange for goods. . as.MrS1'SG-3ECT Murray & Co,, Manufacturers of Plows, Gang Plows, Root Cutters and Straw Cutters for hand or horsepower. Steam Piping and general re- pairs. Castings of every descrip- tion in Iron and Brass to order. Fire Brick and Fire Clay kept in Stock. 3. 00. GET TOUR PANTS UNDERT4KING —AND-- • Furniture Of All Kinds a. N 21,,OWE'S, EXETER. Live Hop Wanted F1 --AT TF— Ezottlackiliglloa:1 We are cutting up fresh hogs every day. SPARE RIBS, TENDERLOIN, HEAD CHEESE, FRESH PORK SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, CUTTINGS, PIGS FEET, SHANKS, fresh daily, AT EXETER PACKING HOUSE, We are rendering PURE LARD every day. Parties wanting crocks or ; pails filled should„do so now. Pork is 0 7/7,ri\ST low in price. At W. Johns', The! Tailor. Made to order C. Small, for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. Thanking you for past favors, 1 remain, W. JOHNS, The Tailor. Central DRUG STORE. Those who havo uSed Winan.'s Cough Balsam, Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCEITIO TROUBLES, Winan's Condition & Cough Powder for horses, best in the naar- ket, always on band, Also a Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so sue. cessfully used by Mr, Chas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, Por Sale at 0, LUTZ'S, Position nermatient if sult#11 ; also increas H C STE WIIITE BOAR State reference and enolesOiselt.addrsossa• 0,3).30, hLaVt:: tte 3,18. Boul:svbotIrtlynfloloe*: W, atis tot.atibs1;..,_11/41170401' Tfl r'H'114'4A—T,011:4:8018.4toroi: Prop. EASILY SUITEUe Then Come To Us for Bost Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture Dealers, The Leading Undertaker. Gidley'& Son, ODDEELDOW'S BLOCK. rorson: To Travo WANTR13,— $7;:e7, -t1 le,itlatil gentle:, men gna ladies to travel for established house, Salar7 $780 & Expensos 10