HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-11-7, Page 2• • . . ' ` KERDALL:Sc,, ' MK . ,...„ . , THE MOigr $11COESSF(//4 RELfOr FOR MAN OR BEAST. cotozt in its defecate mad never blietere. Itestaproefe below t KENDALL'SSFIVINOUNL Pox 52, Carman. Henderson Co., Ill., Vob.21, 5)4. Dr. It., 7 .1,ativAxa• Co, _Door etre-Please send MO PRO of your Tense 150eirs and Oligonave med e.gra t deal ofQu Kendall's Spaym OEM -with good emcee : it is a, vronderfnl me 0X10. I once Imel a Mare that had ein Oscan &Ravin and eve betties guava eon 1 4.0 it, mete) ou betel au the tbne. Yours truly. C.,ITAEi. PCMTOM. KENDALL'SSPAVINGURE. • CAnvole, Ma., Apr. 5, VI Dear Sira--I have, used eaveral betties of Tem' "Xendelle Bpavin Caren 'with machsueoesl. I teller a the best Lnxent I ever used. Rm ere- moved one Curb, ono Bleed &pave& end tared two Hone Spavhon, Have recommended it to Mweral et my friends who are ninon pleased with ands:mop it, nespectenlie, S. R. nex, P. 0. Bessie. ...._____ Per Sale by all Druggists, or vddress Dr. _B. ,r. ER1:D.4ZZ COMIeet•Nlro EM0S0EJR01-1 MLLE, VT. 4,./......0.............x.....A. .14.......... LEGAL, I 4 Public, Money ..rt1-1 Barrister OFFIOE ---- V,. DIOKSON,Bnrriater, Soli - 4 * earnof S maroons Court, Notary Clonveyencer, Comtnlseioner, Jae to Lao an. Wheat u anson'slelook. Exeter, 11. COLLINS, e Solicitor Envoy &neer , Etc. , , EXETER, - ONT. : Over O'Neil's a,nk. L-ILLIOT '85 ELLIOT, ila Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pablic, 00llVeyalaCerS 85C &C. Money -to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. FIensall every Thursday- , 13. V. ELT,IOT EDI:MICK retniOT. 1 .. MEDICAL i 1 _T W.B.ROWNING M. D., M. 0 i eel' • P. S, Graduate Vie toele 'Univere office and regidenee, Dominion Labe a. ' toey . Exe te r , 1 -E-IR. ELYNDMAN, coroner for t as I J-..: County ot Huron. Office, opp Atte a Carling Bros. store, Exeter. I DES. RQLLINS& AMOS. Separate °dices. Residence same as former. Iy. Andrew st. Offices:, Spackmaa's building. •& ?detest ; Dv Rollins' saltlessformerly, north e door; Dr..eanos" same building, south door, s, S.A. ROLLINS, M. D., T. A. AMOS. M. D r • Exeter, Ont S AUCTIONEERS. t I t. r. CiARDY, LIOENSED AUO- t, -X--4 • tieneer for the Comity of Rayon. C harges moderate. Exeter P, 0. t BUSSENBERRY, General rii- p I . censed Auctioneer Sales ceedeeted e, in allpexta. SatisfaationguaranteetL Charges a moderate. Hensall P 0, On t. ENRY EILBEB Licensed A.u.e. T, tioneer for the Counties of Huron ,e and Micuilesex . Stelee o ouduescd at mod- '-e nate rates. Office, at Post-olliee °red. ei. on out. a. '''' 11.232MIZZ201.MEMNIC.1.10iMi it VETERINARY. St Tennent 'eredeseeeofthe ego, OEPTCE 1011110•601. a. & Tennent ''.. EXETER ONT. di N al tx _---,- --..-"e• is Ontario Voterivare 00, co ox : ()13 floor South of Tovrn Hate liManancloasso. W pklE WATERLOO MUTUAL ox 1 FIRE INSURAN 0 EC 0 Establish e d 111.1863. tt f EAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. iT 1 This Company ha,s been over Twentv-eigh ears in enceeseful op pr Won in Western ti in tarifa, and con tin ties to Insure against lose or de lannIfee be Fire. Buildings, Merchandise 1 : fanuffactones and all other descriptioos of a, asarsble property., Intending insurers have wi la e aptien of Insuring on the Premium Note or In 'ash -System. fr, Durinz th °past ten years this com pan Y has ti anted 57,09ii Policies. covering property to the ot mount of $40,872.088; and paid in losses alone '709.752.00. Assets. $176,100.00, consisting of Cash ag *Bank Government Depositand the 'masses- es ed Premium Notes on hand and in foree e • Woille mare, M.D. • President; ti M. TAYLOR E,e" !eeretary ; J. B. flucents, Inspector. 01113 001 elliLl. ee gent for Exeter end -vmirtitY fri ke 00, of VirCb03Detee isteaoseelaltdalaIlaTM. en The Great Bullish laezaedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanetatTy i - Wcakness,Rmissions,Spernt- atorrhea, Impotency and all effects of Abuse or _accesses, Mental Worry, excessive ,use Before and After.of Tobacco, Opium or Slime - tants, which soon lead to In- eta -mite, began -Um Consumption and an early grave. Ras beeupreecribed over 0670015 in thousands of eases; is the only Reliable and Honest Iredicine known. Ask druggist f or Wood's Ph oephodinei If he offers some 'worthless medicine in plate of this, Inclose esteem letter, and we will send by return. mail. Price, one package, 51; siz, M. One will please, din wilt cure. •Pamphiets free to any address, • The- Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. • Fet Salo 111 Exeter bY3 W Browning, ftleiteit5Aot tke kiteematiath Md iV1e8cu1ar Pain evil/ eh? Vii,e not riy fkt2:14... geethel Nita my wiregot me Otte, ircured te Welt, et, tor a long dna 1 sateered wltbItheemettem ' the neck go severely that / coma rat even et trintigia, ely wife edvieed a D. & et menthol Please., I Wed tr Said wag sem gel= omit an S, a, ginann, swot:Wit corium Woo Mc. E EMITS IN A. NUTSHELL RE VERY LAU3ST FR0X ALL OVER THE WORLD, enterestragateras About ear On counter. (great Irritth ate. e Vanua States, area All Parrs d" the teethe,. Coudeariedi aad ax--eted roe 6117 1011(U1*CA.NADA. Typ/aold. fever is prevalent at Handl- tom The Sorel bridge over the Richeliou. will be built. The Allan Liae steamship Brazilian, is ashore 10 miles below Quebec). Nearly all of the Ste Catharines drug- gists are engaged in a cut-rate war. Mr. Baker, XX, for Mississquoi, will succeed Mr. Cueran as Solicitor -Gen- eral. The Manitoba, Governraent 'will es- tablish a free dairy 5011001 at Winni- peg. Mgr. O'Bryam who has bee ma aillng for some time, dropped dead at Mont- real. Ur. joha C. Nelson, C. E., over- seer of Indian reserve surveys, died at Winnipeg. An English company has been formed to purchase mining properties in Fron- ten= County. Mrs. Sneffel of Buffalo was killed while atterapting to pass under a train at Port Colborne, Chief Bull of the Came Indian tribe was arrested and fined $2 at Cal- gary for drunkeness. Wm. Turk, a labourer, was fatally ia- ;hired on Wednesday in the T., H. and 13. tunnel at Hamilton. A.nother cave-in took place at the Hunter street tunnel, Hamilton, and everal men were injured, Mrs. Lafraraboise was acquitted of the charge of murdering Miss Jones at askatong by a jury at Hull. The water in the Ottawa river con- tinues to recede every day, and pres- ents a growing menace to navigation. An inquiry into the working of the Harailtoa polies force has been deter- mined upon by the commissioners. Win. Cummins was sentenced to wenty years' hard labor for atterant- g to assault Mrs. Dormer at at. atharines. Miss Maud Held of Hamilton, placed handkerchief saturated with 1 aad- um over her face to relieve a pain, nd laid down. She, was dead when mend. Mr. Haggart states that the report or the Intercolonial railway, which has ust reached the department, shows hat last year the railway was self- ustaining. The Manitoba Patrons of Industry ave asked Mr. 3. Forsyth, the only atron in the Legislature, to resign 11 offices in their order because he as accepted railway passes. Mr, Timothy IlealY eald ex-114.1- Chence and 0Driseo1l are eaid te made two hundre4 thousand pounde speeulating la South African steek. An order will shortly be issaed the 13ritish Admiralty forbidding, t entry of any foreign offieer into t ahoard firftislagesve6ghlepr slvivle33 or oxi •Sir Charles Tupper, the High Cone- Missioner in Loudon, cabled yesterday to the Dombaion Government that the British Columbia frozen rish queetion is simetptolerdterit a =enter satisfactory to the The Dublin Freeman's Journal aa- nounces that Mr, john Dillou, the well- known Irish leader end member of Par- liament for East 'Mayo, will be married, at the end of November to a daughter of judge Mathew. tt,is expeated that at the begianing of the year Captain jos. Ritelue, who has commanded the Allan =earner Par- isian, aud who has been thirty years in the service, will retire and settle down in his home in Liverpool, UNITED STATES. Ex -Governor Oliver Ames of Massa- chusetts is deed. Burglar-proof oars are now carrying the mails between New York and. St, Louis, The Carnegie Company has a large ncoutisteliae for supelying armor -plate to The boilers of the tug Morford ex- ploded at Chicago, killing and injuring several of her crew. Charles Oscar Yale of Rome, N. Y., is t4i tho. Islo,nd of FOrteosa, againat ve pee J'apaaeee lorees, nate fied, ana by 1 is said that hie folioevas wilt now lay down their arms. by Melee disturkamies, accompanied by he , serioue bloteisibed, are reported to have a bank lock expert and. inventor, dead in his Bath year. Secretary Herbert has definitely am - flounced that the consbraction of gun- boats at Detroit will not be permitted. The new system of operating canal boats by electricity was very success fully tested at Tonawanda, N. Y., on Saturday. A. Chicago and Grand Trunk passen- ger train was wrecked and buened near South Bend, Ind. Many persons were injured, Edna Schmidt, the youngest child of K.G. Schmidt, the millionaire brewer of Chicago, eloped last week with her father's coachman. Miss Frances Willard was again elect- ed president of the ,Women's Chri.stien Temperance Unioxi at the annual oleo - tion beld at Baltimore, Md. Miss Frances Willard carried the W. C.T.U. convention at Baltimore with her in a broad raovement to include in fraternal relations Roman Cathelics and Hebrews. The body of a woman found in the Detroit River on September 30 'has been identified as that of Miss Carleton of St. Clair, Michigan. Murder is strong- ly suspected. "King" Callahan, the professional bridge -juniper leaped from the Pough-, keepsie bridge into the Hudson River, a distance of 212 feet. He was prob- ably fatally injured. A young man who gave his name as Andrew Scott of Guelph was found truggling in the river at Detroit by policeman. He said he was knocked sensible and robbed by it colored an. The Pennsylvania railway has cora- menced to charge for carrying bicycles. The weight is placed at one hundred pounds, because machinery' ^takes up more room than ordinary freight. Capt. Laraonth, of Mississippi, who claims that he owns the present site of London, Ont., by virtue of it deed given to his father, says that he will soon go there to establish his 'eight to a large portion of the city. There was an unconfirmed rnmour in Washington yesterday that Secre- tary Olney is contemplating retirhag from the Cabinet, owing to his not be- ing in touch with the President on questions of foreign policy, more espe- cially regarding the 'Venezuelan diffi- culty. The world's record for railvea.y speed over a great dizta.nce was broken on Thursday by a special train on theLake Shore and Michigan Southern railway, which ran from Chicago to Buffalo, a distance of five hundred and ten,miles, in four hundred and eighty-one min- utes and seven seconds, an average, speed of 03.00 miles an hour. According to commercial advices from the United States cooler weather has somewhat added to the trade movement in many lines, but in other directious the amount of business is considerably below expectations. In dry goods gen- erally, clothing, boots and shoes and head gear there has been only a fair demand, though exceptions to this are reported from New York, Chicago,Kan- sas City, and Duluth. The sales of cotton for the week have been phenom- enally large, and no failures are report- ed of importance. Retail trade in dif- ferent parts of the States is better, and the purchasing power of wage-earners is usually stronger than it was a year ago. Labour disputes' so far have had little adverse effect on trade. It is believed that Mr. John Lowe, s e Dominion Deputy Meister of a griculture, who has applied for sup- in annuation, will be retained in the m rvice of the department „es technical feree. Mr. James McEvoy, of the Geological urvey, has returned to Ottawa from e Shuman district, British Columbia. e states that the district situated. on e Thompson river watershed con - ins splendid agricultural land. Lieut. -Col. Gibson has retired from e command of the 13th of Hamilton, d the Militia Department to show ap- eciation of his long 'service, has allow - hire to retain the rank of lieuten- t-colonel on the active force. The validity of the will was found in a homes Young of Hamilton is being estioned. The will was found in a ock the other day, and the witness- , who are unknown except by name, e urged to come forward and prove Mayor Knowles of Dundas was as- ulted in his office by john 14Iacdon- d, a tramp, who was arrested and omptly sent down, for six months. he Mayor's boathouse was burnt wn, it is supposed, by friends of acrionald. Owing to the recent loss of two volu- te ships in the Straits of Belle Isle, e marine insurance companies of Mon- ealhave petitioned the Deputy Min- er of Marine to provide telegraphic mmunication and to place lighthouses the dangerous places. Some astounding details in connection th the Montreal arson cages came out Thursday, Counsel for the prosecu- n stated that the firebugs started e fires by allowing sulphuric acid. to chlorate of potash, causing combus- , and also by means of clockwork. Premier Greenway has announced at the Manitoba • Government will mand compensation either in cash or ds for 35,337 acres of swamp land ich Mr. T. M. Daly, Minister of the terior, says it is impossible to transfer Om the Federal to the local authori- s, they having been disposed of in her manners. L\ r. Robert Kerr, the ,general freight ent of the Canadian Pacific railway, imates that before the close of navi- tion on the St. Lawrence river 50, - head of cattle will have been shipped m the West to the European mar- ts. Last season the number was 30,- . He believes this season's shipment wheat will exceed five million bush - GREAT BRITAIN, meridian apples are selling well in The Princess of Wales and her daugh- ters returned to England on Saturday from Copenhagen. The Marquis of Londonderry has ae- cepted the Chairmanship of the Lon- don School Board. Barney Barnett has sent seventy thousand dollars to the Lord Mayer et London for distribution to the pour. Jabez Spencer Balfour and the other defenclatts la the Liberator Building Society frauds are on trial in London. The Liverpool Post claims to have found the bead of Oliver Cromwell itt • the possession of the Wilkeson of Seatchart, Kent, The bridal bouattet intended for Miss Consuelo Vanderbilt was sent on Sat- urday from Liverpeol. It is twelve feet • in circumference. It is now believed that the IVIa,eattis of Waterford. did not commit suicide, but aceidentally shot, hirneelf while cleaning his fowlingpiece, Sir Charles Halle, the • well-known pietist, conductor, and etraposer, died yeeteirday at Manchester, England, at the advanced age of seventy-six years, Notwithstanding the severity of the woather the Queen every day takes king drives. A few days ago • she 'leave twelve miles in it regular snow- etorm, Efforts are being Merle to invest the next Lord Mayor's show irx London.= , Saturday, November Oth, with some- thing like the old-time attractiveness, GENERAL. The Enapress of Germany continues in very delicate health. Ruggiero Bonghi, the Italian states- man, philosopher, and author, is dead. Emperor William laid the corner- stone of the new law courts building at Leipsic. Sir Henry Parkes, ex -Prime Minister of New South Wales, was married on Thursday. He is 80 years old. The one hundredth anniversary of She third partition of Poland was ob- served as a day of national mourning throughout Galicia. The Queen and ex -Empress Freder- ick of Germany have effected a recon- ciliation between Emperor William and Prince Henry of Prussia. Rio Janeiro despatches state that the British Minister in that place has in- formed the Brazilian Government that England intends keeping the island of Trinidad. The Gazette de Lausanne gays that, although it is net true that the Pepe is dyinge he is losing his strength rapid - 17, and it is not expected that he will live throughout the winter. In the French Budget Committee the naval credit, asked by Admiral Besnard, involving an annual outlay of twenty million dollars for the next twelve years, was rejected. A despatch to the St. Petersburg , Nov= Vrernya from Vladivostook says that the japenese ports of Shimonoseki, Kokkaichi, Tokio, Aomori, and Otaruni will shortly be opened to international trade. ` In takitig farewell of Sir Edward Malet, the British Ministate the Em- peror ot Germany referred to the many tics between the English and the Germans, and said they cadd not be drawn eloaer. A plot has been diseovered Wittig the °Rituals in the Sultan' pals= in Con- stantinople, and. in eensequence runners ous arrests have been made, and the resicleaces of the Ministere are now guarded by troops, • The Illack.'ing chieftain who has been holding Tel -Wan -10u, the Chinese tante eld place at lerzingan, and sixty Ar- menians are said to have been killed. :rhe Turkisb Government claim the out- break Ives provoked by the Arracuians. Aecording to the news received from Adana and Aleppo revolntionary agents are traveasing the country and enrol- ling young Areneniens, while cpeaniaties oi ax•mo, Maseuunition, and dynamite are being en:niggled amass the frontiers tar their use. GREAT BRITAIN' JOST ACT RUSSIA'S GRIP ON CHINA CANNOT BE ALLOWED. tree Treaty minded to Means Practical's' the anuexatiouor the Celestial Empire to RI1sSiCxi1ig1a5Ld UIO IJittLCd Slates* • elernenny and Japan Vitally Intereated • In Opposing ibe Scheme. A despatch front London says: The Pall Mall Gazette prints it long artiele cornraenting ripen the despatch pub- lished ia The •Times from its Hong Kong correspondent, stating thet a treaty vas recently eoneluded between Russia and China by the terms of which Russia obtains the right of anohorage for her fleet at Port Arthur, the right to construct and operate railways and other advantages of great commercial value. The Gazette assumes that this prac- tieally means that Russia has anaex- ed China, if the conclusion of the treaty' is a fact. japan, the paper says, will certainly refuse to leave Port Arthur and England will oppose it to the death. The treaty also means the presence of Russian war- ships off Vancouver and. Sydney. Eng- land must act vigorously and immedi- ately both by means of 'diplomacy and by getting her fleet ready for sea. The Globe, in an aitiele on the same subject, says: "Neither England, the United State, japan, nor Germany will sanction •a partitioa of China, which would virtually render the Pa- cific ocean a Franco-Russian lake, and seal the markets of China against their commerce:" The St. Jarcies Gazette says: It • is obvious that if Russia has squeezed China into such an agreement we must intervene. War with Russia, with all its risks and possibilities, would be less disastrous than to allow her, with- out striking a blow, to get =cilia grip on China. THE MARKETS NOT AFFECTED. The Times' despatch Vora Hong Kong, relative to it treaty between Russia and China to the disadvantage of England, has no affect on the price of consols at the Stock Exchange to- day. PACIFIC CABLE SCHEMR ;meeting or the Irepeeseatarives or the • Colonies -The Project Vavottrably Viewed. A despatch from London says :-The Pacific cable scheme advocated by a number of the British colonies and the Donainion oe Canada made a decided ad- vance on Tuesday at the meeting of the representatives here of , Canada, A118-, tralia, New Zealand, and the South African colorlies. The meeting was held at the office of Sir Charles Tup- per, the Canadian High Commissioner, and the chief point discussed was the joint attitude of the colonial represen- tatives. The new instructions sent by the colonies to their agents -general show that the colonies are for the most part quite willing to bear their ,share of the expense of the cable, and that they are anxious the matter should be actively pushed. Upon the return to town of Mr. Chamberlain, the Secre- tary of State for the Colonies, a date will be fixed for a conference at the Colonial Office, upon which occasion it is expected definite action will be The question of a fast trans-Atlantic steamship service will not .be consid- ered, the immediate matter now under discussion being the cable scheme pro- per. I5 was felt by the meeting that the exclusive concessions of Havc-ali to an American. cable company, if ratified, 'mulct increase the cost of the proposed Pacific cable, asethe line would have to be landed at mime other point. Great satisfaction was expressed in colonial circles at this important Matter assum- ing definite shape. CHILD BEATEN TO DEATH. .A Twelve -Near Old Girl Pounded With a 'Broom Dandle by liar Cruel Cncle. A despatch from Indienopolis, Led., says: Some days ago a physician was called to see Sallie Davis, a 12 -year-old child who lived with her uncle, Martin Taylor, in Spencer County. She was suffering from bruises and cuts upon her body, and seemed to be terribly d.e- pressed, and when asked how her in- juries were received she made no reply. • The girl grew worse, and died three or four days later. In the meantime the condition of the child had become known, and. the citizens demanded that the coroner investigate the case. That officer entered. upon an investigation, and soon forced front unwilling wit- nesses the story of the child's treat- ment. It appears that Marti u Taylor was accustomed to beat his niece un- mercifully 'for the merest trifles, and two days before the physician was called he assaulted her with a broom handle, beating her over the shoulders and upon her limbs till bhe child could not walk. The =reflex returned a verdict charging Taylor with the mea- tier of his niece, but he fled before he could be arrested. 4.0.4 Many DIvoree In Miebigata Mr. 1VIelvin A. Root, has been mak- ing it study of the divorce statistics of Michigan, and from this, supplemented by investigations nude by the Secre- tary of State, the following deductions are made; The number of divorce suits begun in 1894 was 55,25 greater than tbe number begun in 1884, while the increase in population was but 2.92 por cent. The ratio of applioatioxis for di- vorce in Miehigan per 100,000 popula.- tion were respectively 80.0 and 1.1.0.for She years 1881 and 1894. There were 18,220 marriages! in Miehigan in 1894. The percentage of applieations for di- vorce to the flambee of rnarriages is 18.7 end the probable percentages of divorces, taking the Notable number granted at 60 per cent, of thhe applice. Mons; is 8.2. The eatio ot divorces to onirriages in 1886, the last year of Um eovertanont, returns, was 8 per cent. divorce is granted for every L'SV elvo tearriages in Michigan. PISAVOr$ love the Suulight Pmd. al.waye tura to it, Tho modern housewife lectras to levet Sunlight Sox) 6 C.,enta Twin Bs •and always turns to it to help her out on "wash day" or any other day when. he • needs a pure, honest soap which cleanses everything it touches and doesn't in- jure anything, either fab- ric or hands. ' Less labor (treater comfort For every 12 wrappexs BOOks for eeEntEl . . • v Boos., Ltd., W 25 ScOtt St., Toronto rappers a usefulpaper-beand book will be Pent, eellpqp e7AV '72,41MEtentimnefaraanftniinaanaletailselaMaetsuetWE, $5000 JJ. BOGUS $1 BILLS. ATORONTO COUNTERFEITING GANG UNDER ARREST. A Sale or$I00 tsi Cot-rtit-teirrelt Bine tor $30 Led to the First Captn re -Places for s Fonint-Siima or the guile! 85121 &flo5. A counterfeiting swindle of nnusual proportions and extent was on Friday unearthed. in Toeonto by Detectives Dav- is, Porter, and Duncan. For some time past tfhroemauthorities rahoersioturointh ieswereoef otihtey opinio Shat count- erfeit $1 and 02 bills of a rather in- terior quality were being strucat oft and circulated. One or two of the bills came under their notice, and every ef- fort was naade to trace them to their torillginwaotrso,fag as thaen.. ytwere believed to be h Three days ago Detective Davis and Porter struck what looked like a prom- ising clue. Both officers were detailed to the case. • Friday they learnea of a Queen street west merchant baying been approached by a man who offered Lor sale $.100 in $1. bills. The raerchaat consented to assist the officers in their deteetion of the swindle, and entered into an agreement to purehase $100 worth of the queer for 430. SOLD $100 IN BOGUS Bums FOR ow An appointment was made, which the counterfeiter, who afterwards proved to be Cooper, agreed to deliver the bills to the merchant at his store. Detective Porter and Duncan concealed them- selves in the store, and when Cooper haa handed over the bills and taken the $30 in good coin of the realm in eachange, they stepped out and arrested him. Cooper protested that he was inraceerri of any intention of fraud, and claimed to be disposing of them for a man who was at that time waiting for him in his shop at 142 York street. Detec- tive Porter marched Cooper off to hed- quarters, while Duncan went to the address given, where they found end arrested Smith, who was also taken to headquarters. EACH ACCUSES THE OTRER. In the course of the searching cross- examination to wbich these two men were subjected, -information was elicit- ed which led to the arrest later in the evening of Crawford and Kramer, and the unfolding of the whole story of the plot, which proved to be more extem sive than was first suspected. In whose mind the swindle has its genesis is ye to be discovered by the aathorities. Each prisoner contradicted the other in naany of the most important de- tails, thotigh all were unanimous of the m- 210002100. PRINTED guilt and their own in- ee PRINTED ON POOR PAPER The bills issued are $1 and $2 Cana- dian. They are all very poor imita- tions, printed, on ordinary linen paper. It is alleged that the signature of. T. D. Earington, which has been forged to a, number of the bills of both denominations; is the work of Crewe ford, ri ord,uin teralt whose house also the sa Lorered. mbering the bills • were discov- Smith at first declared his innocence, but, some of the paper was found in his pocketthavhen he was searched by Sergt. Iteb urn. a Kramer admits doing the engraving, but elaims he did it under misrepresen- tations by Crawford and Smith. The man who did the photo -engraving isnot yet in custody, but the detectives be- lieve his arrest to be only a matter of time. 5000 BOGUS $1 BILLS PRINTED. rEhe $1 bills were printed by E. Bar- ber, 0 1-2 Lombard street, who says that Crawford and Smith came to hirn and asked. him to print 5000 of the bills, saying they wanted to use them tor ad- vertising cigars. He struck off the number asked for, and now tne detec- tives are wondering who has the 4900 they have not found. The, 41. plates were located at Barber's, and the $2 plates at Erarner's. The authorities believe Mr. Barber to have been an in- nocent party to the transaction, and will' ask him to give evidence whet the case comes to trial. 'theta 7iabstl7o sick, we nlisn5 bar Caste:era ellen she was a Child, slat) cried tor castoria. ;met she became Mee, she clung. to Cestorla. When slashed, Children, Wiese% diem Ciagterie • Hospital Surgeon Atta,aked, Dr. Skinner, house surgeon at the Guelph Goneeal Hospitai, was , attaak- ad on 1VIonday night by a patient named Wililam MePhedran, who was admitted to the hospital a few day e ago with a broken leg, 'le Was found neoessary lo (tall in the police and put MePliedren in a straight -,jacket. Jr. Skinner re- ceived several illovVe en the bead With a urinal and lost; oonsnierable blood. Qiiidren Cry Or Pitcher's. Cuterial THE MODEL SALOON NOW, Tao Temnorithee relics of sew YorkPrOli 110e a* *0 torts t the 8leLpks, Tbe model, eft10011 is the latest thin promtsed by the temperance reformer' of New acork, The Churob Tempera= Seciety of the Protestant Episcopa Church received, at a 'meeting held las Bloaday a report from its Seoretary Mr. Robert Graham, as to the type 0 temperance saloon it would be advis able to build. in it groat (ay like Nee York, XI.. Graham was sent abroa • by the society to study the tempera= eYeterus in operetiou in the great eitie of Europe. It is the intention, of th March Temperance Society to buil here a model temperance saloon. Mr. Graham will present plans of fou important innovations in temperanc work at it meeting to be held in Novexn ben in his report on Monday be described what he 511,\V in Europe, and hi suggestion.s will bring about some inter eating result. These four enemies She saloon are to consist of a coffee house and temperance saloon, with li- brary and social conveniences for th workingman; a system oh small wagon for supplying waiting coaehmen, cab men and attendanton opera and thea tre nights; a syetem of small ornament- al cottages, to be placed in convenient localities near car stables or cab stands which will supply hot coffee and Welch - es, arid two tow lunch wagons, to be $biu,iolot000naoahu elaborate =ale at a cost of THE LUNCH COTTAGES will be erected along the river front. They will be arranged so they can be readily taken apart and moved to a new location. They will be eighteen• feet long and six feet wide. In London there are fifty or more of these lunch cottages, or kiosks, as they are some- times called. Ibis the intention of the society to encourage its patrons to use these lunch cottages as a place of shel- ter. It is not neeessary for them to buy coffee even. Now the saloon is the only place the oar drivers, cabmen, 'longshoremen or other night workers can find warmth and shelter in on a cold winter's night. Last year the so - clay sold 109,460 lunehes at ten cents eabh, and the church temperance man- agewa assert that this represents the amount of money which would have been spent in saloons were it not for the lunch wagons. The coffee-house and temperance sa- loon is receiving the most attention inthe society. This will be a much more ,costly institution than She lunch adjuncts, and it is believed the prob- lem of a temperance saloon will have been solved, when the new building is erected. Mr. Graham studied the, work- ings of Oxford House, in East London. and its sixty-five Tee -To -Turn clubs the Birmingham Coffee -House, or Cob- den Hotel, as it is known there, and the vaxious institutions in Glasgow, Belfast, Liverpool and Edinburgh. The 0 -pe of builtling to be adopteclin New York will be that of the Cobden House; of Birmingham. This New York coffee-house will have a room fitted up as a temperance saloon, where soft drinks will be sold over a bar, and the cafe will be as attractive as any saloota in the city in its furnishings. There will be reading matter and a piano. In this mofine coffee-house will be a gym- nasium and a system of baths, ,En- tertainments, lectures and various other attractions will be provided. 5 1 cl 1 e v.,-,mmmemzeternssionams Doctor:Whatisloodc,. i 1,'»jfor: cleansilv the Sealp and .` I lair, I seem to have tried- everythilg and am in lespair 1 Why Mrs R. the very ‘ best thii)j is PALMO -TAR SOAP iris splendid For Washiag c tlte head it prevents drynes5 thus put an end to Dandruff and Fieshen§ the hair nicely, ' 250 f OR n LARGE TABLET If you must - draw the line at and have, like thousands of other people, to avoid all food, prepared with it, this is to remind you that there a clean, delicate and healthful vegetable short- ening, which can be used. in its place. If you will USE TT1L NE instead of 'lard, you can eat( pie, pastry and the caw-. " good things" which ot folks enjoy, without fearil dyspeptic consequences. De- liverance from lard has come. Buy a pail, try it in your own kitchen, and be con- villCcoetdt.olene is sold in :3 and 5 pound pails, by all grocers. Made oniy by The N. K. Flairbank' WellinCgCtornin 11P:nd./Lit% Rae notowarah.L. NERVE BEANS NERVE BEA -Ne CYO a taW use cove*, that cure the worst ceses oat Nervous Debility, Lost Vigerjand Palling Manhood; restores the w byetless° over -work, orrthemerrMdca orsorm'esclx. ceases of youth, Thie Remedy ab- solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other TREATMENTS have failed even to relieve. Soldbydrup Osts at ea per.paokage, or six for $5, or sent by mailers receipt of price by addressing THE amens • Toronto. Ont, Write Mr mtm11310, EnTA Sold at Brownine's Drug Store, Exeter ziwwwitemizvqoarii Tbe most prompt pleasant and per- fect cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma., Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Thr a Croup, Whooping Cough, Qxalnsy, Pain in the Chest and all Throat, Bronchial and Lung Diseases. The healing anti -consumptive virtues of the Norway Pine are combined in this medicine with, Wild Cherry and other pectoral Herbs and masems to make a true specific for all forms of disease originating from colds. Price 250: and soc. 14114:witAtiAbetvilietvl?"tritetil TWn mon were killed. in a wreck on the Chicago and North-western near Evansville, Wis. EN CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS SZ—CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! ARE y u ? iratzed4ti;:idwbgnailtillare; oyes sunken red amnd plume; pimples on /ace; dreams an nuglie Rosses; restless; haggard weak back; bone pains: hair loose; ulcers; mare throat; wericocele; deposit in amine enc drains at *tool; distrustful; -watt of confidence; lack of enorg! and strength- WE CAN CUIVE YOU I RESTORED TO MANHOOD SY DRS. K.& K. JOHN A. MARLIN. TORN A. MAN'LIN. CliAS. POWERS. CHAS. POWERS. MEP011as trit02trann2, ArTlen TREATEIW. REFORE TEXATAIBET. AYER)); TREATMENT. NO 'NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Manlin says: -"I was one of the countless vic- tims of early ignorance commenced at 15 nava of age, I tried siovet meliical firms and spent $900 without avail. I gave up in despair. The drains ma my sYsttin Were ye:3E1411111g my imtelleet Howell as my sexual end phesiefd 111y ,brother advised me as a leet resort to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. 1 coma/le:aced their New Method Treatment and in a few weeks -wares), now man, with hew life and ambition, This woe font years ago, toad now 1 - am married and happy. , 1 recommend t eso tellable specialists to all my aliticted fellowmen."• • CURES QuARANTEED Ole NO`PAY.--CONFIDENTAL. ',The vices of early boylmed laid the fotinclation of iny ruin. Later nn a "gay life" mei exposure to blood etteeadi- SyPl''Eto oIun:setsoscirn:letfthwrr.lhlallilesynvt°ie:Nrvooebii_likiey0a:emliionarainiumnlnervoinos,watiok:ciistilsedh:Itvaricoultu0nreufall out, bonmine, ulcers m mouth and etongue, Nachos on body, to. 1 Monk Chad! tried Dm. IfeneedY es Xorgan. ThOy metered me to health, tigor and heppinese." . CHAS. POWERS. alr We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous -Debility, S'eminal Weakness Gleet, Stricture, SyMilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, • Kidney and d Bladder Diseases, 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK, lost hope? New Method 'Frealmeet will cure you, What ie hes done for attunes it will 66 for ott. READER . y Are yon victim? Flaye you. ,A.ro yoft-centmnPlating mare range? Has Fete! Blood been digeastati? Hate you any Weakeads? Our CONSULTATION FREE. N6 matter who lam treated Yen, write for an honest Opihi011 Pre° of Charge flhattges magonable. Boon PRES --"Tho Golden Monitbr" (illnetrated), Oil Disenees of Mon. Inclose p,ostage, 2 mite. Sealed. 1121, -NO •NAMES uSED Wil HouT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATE:. leo medicine rat C. 0. D. No names on beeatelts or envoi- opes Everything confidential. Question Het and °Oat of Tee Meant, FREE. ORS:KENNEDY 86 KERGAN No. 148 EL, V -ST. r bETROrr5 MECH. VARECO CELE, EMESSEONS AND IMPOTENCY CURED, itameg*,,Eomg-orem"ratmammv aatte ' ;5;14.75'44,e' •