HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-11-7, Page 1HURON & "VOL XXIII. NO. 11, 17tre ars preparedfor a busy Month. The assortment in every department is complete and the 'Bargains we are giving have never been surpassed in this part of the cotntry. Be sure that your money goes to the store that will give you the most for it. See below the array of quick -sell- ing prices, but be sure and call and see the goods upon which -these prices are placed. The figures are only pointers -the goods themselves will be convincers. QUICK SELLING PRICES. MILLINERY. - We have Just passed. into stock a lot of the very latest styles and, shapes thatave we will sell at bottom prices. tro'See our new Trilby Sailor for 75c. se 1••••••••,.,•••• • MANTLES.--Conse and see our elegant range of the very latest styles -prices run from $3.50 ta $12.00 each. OVERCOATS -For Men and Boys. See our assortment of ITIsters with storm collars. We bought from the inanufacturer, • therefore won% be undersold. S. FORD CO, Wood- ham. HOSIERY. -Misses' all wool at 10, 12•Se 15 and 20e. See our special lines in Ladies' all wool ribbed Cashmere at 25e and 35c a pair. GLOVES. - Heavy fleeced - lined Cashmere at 25, 35 and 40 cents a pair. • All sizes in black and. colored kid gloves worth $1.00 for 75c. ••••11.rimmIll/MIN BOOTS & SHOES. -We bot. our entire winter stock six months ago, consequently you needn't count on any advance in prices here. This is not a sum in arithmetic but plain prices placed upon first class goods -goods that will stand the testof the most critical comparison. , We can't make the list any longer, but all our COTTONS, BLANKETS, UNDERWEAR, ETC.. ETC-, are down on the same LOW PRICE LEVEL. R. S. FORD & CO, The TatES hes some ex - we cellent correspondents, to whoin we are under deep WANT obligations for continued ' THEM services. We appreciate ful- ly their zeal and fidelity. -Yet we are selfish. We want even more news Olen we get : not only from .our regular corresponients, but from .any reliable source. Anyone knowing .any item of interest will oblige us by .sending it in. Send us short, crisp items of news, 8,nd unless it is impor- • eaint, make it brief. IllanShar d. (Jouncil. 131anshard's Board of Municipal officers met on Monday. Present full Board. Minutes of the previous meeting reed and • er • 'esateend correct. Messrs. Hudson and Kirk- by were .gain present in referenise to -the laid over horse question from last meeting. The opinion of the Board was •ealthough sympathizing with Mr Hadson,) that they were in no way liable for any • expenses incurred in the case, Mr. Ied. .Skinner asked for damages caueed to bug • gy and harness from being dumped over the bank on the Thames eon. A turkey . on the highway was the cause of this accident. Hr. Russell the Fullerton man, who some time ago got a header over the bank at or near Dawaon's was also present A aheep on the highway caused his accident. Both wanted damages and both eases were laid over to be dealt with by the Board after the solioitors opinion is given on thematter.Mesere.RuebenSwitzer and George Spearin representatives of- the Blanshard and South Perth Agricultural Societies were present and malted for the usual grant to said societlee. The ooun- cil aomewhat divided on the giving of public funds to aidagi ioultural societies, some of the members olaiming that while Blanshard Township had been giving grants all along to aid those societies, other dberdering municipalities who were equally entitled to give had refused to contribute .anything towards their support. After some disousaion on the matter the usual grant $20 was given to each society for this year. 11.-4-44P4--.411 WILL THEY GET IT. ^ ItoroHED ESTABLIsIMENT BY A OAXADIAN FLUX Or A BPALTCH:Ar Aenewy, Albany, (Special) Nov. 4-Ihe outory in certain quarters against the high tariff 'still goes on, but it is to the tariff that Albany is likely to owe the addition of an- other industry to her numerous existing ones. A Canadian firm loaated in Toronto has, it is understood, been interviewed by an Albany basinees man; with a view to establishing in this city a manufactory of the staple kidney remedy, Dodd' s Kidney As the busineas done by the Can- adian firm throughout the United States had atetuntecl very large proportione, owing to the recognition by the Amerioan public ...of the great velue of this staple, it is pro. bable that arrangements will be satisfact- orily entered into. The annual output is very large and is rapidly increasing. Do hot despair of curing year siokheade • ache when you can 80 easily obtain Carteret Little liver Pills, They will effect a • prompt and permanent cure. Their action is mild and meek, MR. HENRY WAITE, DT baia. 'OW IN GERSO Is in town for a few weeki, Aire Waite is a Praot lase Dyer of largo ex- Perionce, and knowing the iticonvenionce and annoYanoe aporionood in sending work artaY to be done, to say nothing of tho delfts', has de- cided to go the emellor towna the benefit of his experiendo for a short time, in each place. atv. Waito has yialted Tiloonlaing• Aylmer an4 Steilaree, givieg entire satisfsation ia eaoh town, and the inbabitaeta of the town and neighboritoodneerl have no liesitatiort about entrustibg ant work to bile, as they are sure a getting Garments Properly Dyed and oil Pressed. NO CROCK XNG OV COLORS OR • SHRINKING HERE, St„, Opposite Town 11$11.4 Chumah Manitoba. --- Tun salcarari TELtaslIING ComPANY.- Composed of Mark Ellerington and the Andrew boys formerly of Usborno, who have purchased a machine and are doing a big season's trade. They threshed over 2700 bushels of wheat and barley and moved and set seven time. . This is considered pretty Rowe work. The work- ing gang are mostly Uaborne boys; and the following lines were composed by one of them :- The Chumah Thrashing Company to.ke the lead in tho van. With jolly Mark Ellerington boas of the gang; Per wheat, oats, or barley you'll have to ; go far To beat them at thrashing in Manit3ba. Fifteerehundred, two thousand we 'thrash in a Three cents aWaronnd we ask for our PaY; It you don't want to burn it we stack up the straw, And every one pleased here in Manitoba. Thepitohers, two, Pym, Tom Cave and Jim Reid, . And then we've got Joe Latimer, he's sec- ond to feed: The band cutter, Tommy and also Grandpa Soon make stacks look soaroe here in Mani- toba. Five pitchers we hadwhen we started away, Btzu Tom he got tired and stayed but one day: Our house he thought airy, the gang too much jaw To suit Tommy Ribey in Manitoba. The engineer. Whiskers, and fireman, Wilson, seettze'gsutinte;re with the water. ere day has George Delbridge, for bushier, Jess Smith to • buok straw, Completes our outfit here in Manitoba. The ladies all like us and f eel us good cake. Beverly comes around for our pietares to lake, Fifty cents or three quarters he asks for his To pPlaeays'e him we take them in 'Manitoba. For fun or tor thrashing, this gang cant be beat, At the table, MY-iove, they are terrors to oat; At night all lie down in a tent upon straw, And have a good time here in etanitoba; Hanzieta Hustler. Greenway. • Sacramental service of Grand Bend Circuit held here last Sab- bath was largely attended. Rev. C. H. Thompson delivered a very interceding and instructive Barmen. A student from London preached in Grace church in "the afternoon. A large congregation assembl- ed to hear him and were delighted with his eloquent sermon.- Mr, John Sherritt shipped a large number of sheep to the old country last Monday. -Mr. -Wm. Smith and wife. of West McGillivray, visited friends here last week. -The Gospel Tem- perance meeting and entertainment will be held next Friday evening. A cordial invitation is extended to the public+ to attend. Admission free. HAPPY Eyrate-One of those pleasing events which always create a flutter of excitement and interest in every com- munity, took place at the residence of Mr. Wm, Hutchineon on .Wednesday. Oct. 30th, on which occasion hiaeldest daughter, Mies Hannah,was united in marriage to Charles MeWileon. The ceremony wag performed by Rev. 0. H. Thotnpson. The bride was sepported by Mies Eliza MoWilson sister of the groom, while the groom's right hand maa was Mr. W. A, MoVirilson. The presents ware numerous, habelsome awl costly, showing the esteem in which the bride is held by her numerous friends. The wieh of all is that Mr. and arm. Ma - Wilson may enjoy 4 long, happy and prole perous married life. They left the next day to itit friends in London and Clande- boye. Mr. MoWilaon has rented the late 0, H. Wilton's betide add intends to start house -keeping next week, Stephen. Sonbox, Butane. -The following is a donut report of S. S. No. 8, Stephen,for the month of October. The names are in order of merit i -Sr. IV -Geo leagshaw, Roo Sanders, Herman Boaster ja IV - Clara $tanitke JtiluieTsiebner, Sam jety; ar, In—Botha, Gilbert, Dan sanders, Lutheribale, Ida jory, Eddie Beaver ; et, II-Olinton Sweet, Fred DearingeMery jane Seeders, Laura Pod ; jr. II -Stella retirees, Marshall Box ; part II -Roy Penne, Laney Pot& Asa Penhale,Roiner Bagshaw, Peankie Triebner, Roble Ford, Nelson Sanders, Minnie Triebnere The best seellers for the month are r--IXI ata, IV -Eddie Betet ; II clasties-Oliutou Sweet pert II -Rey Patriots. Nember tiatnes1 on red! 42. Aseerege atteudance Sg • 13aCatANtr4 Toatilier. EXETER, ONTARIO, TIMItsmy 111011NING NOVEMBER 7,1895 - Perth County Notes, • Oromarty% Andrew Gourley, who steal hia farm pante BRIEFS-11frA1oxUeLaehlarsreterrned tune ago to Peter Smith, Downie, is building a residence in SebringYille, Wm. Steele, V. 8 of Sr. Marys wili make a trip to Algoma for the purpose •of investigating a eparticulav diaettee among the horses in that notion. Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pills? They are a positive cure for sick heaciaohe,and all the ills produced by is. ordered liver. Only one Pill a dose Stratford pageants place the population of that burg at 10,506. The last returns gave the population at 10,365, ahoWing an Menage under this assessment of I41. Dr °Retell:role, of Milverton, has sold his reeidence and practise in that village to A, D. Nasmyth, U. D., formerly of Stella, end intenda locating in Stratford. The Robertson farm of 150 acres, near the Little Lakes, was auctioned off 90 the market square at Stratford on Setarday. Haah Hannon, Ste Marys toad, bought it for li,7,000. If there ever was a specific for any one complaint, then Carter's Little Liver Pills are a speoifio • for sick • headache' and every womeu should know this. Only one pill a dose. • Try them. On Turaday November 5th a supper was given by the Orangemen of Woodham, Addreeses were • delivered by Revs. Nethercott, Snowden, W. W. Leech and W. Johnston. The Kirkton band enliven - ea the proceedings. There was a big orowd present. Mr. Peter DeCoursey, of 'near Strafe,. has purchased 25 acres of the Retort' property on the Huron road, one and one quarter miles west of Dublin, and moved there last week. The part • of the farm bought by Mr. DeCoureey is on the main road and there is a good house and good stable on it. The price paid was $1,200 cash. It would seem that a serious mile carriage of justice occurred in the eerie of W. (ir, Glenn, who was recently sen - hawed to two years in Penitentiary at the W alkerton assizes for forgery. Mr Glene formerly resided in St. Marys and his friends will he glad to see his case • sidered and bis innocence of the serious charge proved. A fatal accident happened to the 5 year old daughter of Chris Hazen, of Kartz- ville, Wallace township. While her mother was at an adjoining farm for a pail of water the little girPselothes caugbt fire in some manner. When the mother returned the child's clothes were almoat entirely burned off her.. The • little girl was frightfaly burned and died a few hours afterward. •e At:the auction stele on the farm of the late James Gardiner, Hibbert, on Wed- nesday last, Mr Wm. Ward, of Fullerton, a very enterprising yonng map purchased the farm ol. 150 acres, for 06:340. The stook • sold exceptionally well for this season. The whole sale realized abent 18,000. Mr. 'John Kay, of.Fargnharesand Wm. Dinnen, of Lumley, followed the farm to the last, but the Fullerton man seemed to like the place too well to be easily knocked out. Thomas Cameron, of Farquhar, wielded the auctioneer's ham- mer, quite acceptably. In former years the St. Marys town - auditors have received in payment for their services the sum of $25 each. This year the town fathers thought that this was too large a salary and fixed the salaries at 415 each afterwards raising it to $20. The auditors allege that the salary was not fixed till after they begun their duties and that in consequence they de- cline to Itecept e20 each. Suit has been commenced on behalf of the auditors againet the town, the Collegiate Destitute and Public School boards for $90 being $50 for auditing the town accounts and t)20 each for auditing the C. 1 and P. .5. ac- counts; The case will come up for hear- ing at the Division 'Court on the 145h of Novenaber. The different 'Boards are fighting the case. • Sharon SCHOOL REPORT -The following is a correct report of S. S. No. e, Stephen, for the month of October. Names are iu or- der of merit. -Sr. III --Emma Clark, Bella Amy. Boss Rosezler:-Jr. III -Silas Adam, Clara ffartene, Mary Roeszler:- Sr. H -Alice Pedlar Wilbur Rowe, Chas. Winch -Jr, Kestle, Frei Amy, Garnet, A man -Sr. pt. II -Mabel Clark, Arthur Amy, Freeman Morlocka4r. pt. II -Ezra Wein Franklin Statton:-Sr. pt. I-Almina Yegar, • Martha Ayrstriker, Martha Wind: -Jr, pt I -Willie leceazler, Saml. Ayratrioker, Bertio Statton, Num- ber on roll 44. Average attendance 30. W. J. 13nooas, Teaoher. tshorne NUPTIAL. -A very pleasant event took place at the residence of Fawcett Stineon Wednesday evening, the occasion being the marriage of his eldest daughter.Myrtle, to Charles Irvine of the same (Usborne) township. The oeremouy was performed by Rev. Mr. Snowden, in the preemie° of a number of friends of the osnbracting parties, &moon BBPORM.-The following is the crowed report of S. S. No. 10, Usborne, for the mouth of October, based on written examinations and attendance during the month. The names are in order of merit cilass-Louisa Earl, Wellington Kerslake, leerbie S. Ellerington ; ar. IV -- Willie Dinhin, Mare Ellerington, Stewart McQueen, Kate Slavin, John Bolton ; IV -Anna Elieringtoe , Williain Horton, Setnuel Rotten.; sr. III -olive Omen Vida ()Ann, Femme Cann, Charlotte Earl; en /II -Stella Pasamore, Christens Marl, Maggie McQueen, Lille Reward, Mary Verne, Mabel Simonotte ; sr. II -John Glenn, Win. Harney ; part I1e-Oliftord Whitlock, jamas Earl, Audley Shaddock; sr. eartI--Orvil Cann, George Glevin, Allele Ilottonefromes Vance,111thel Eforney; jt, part I-Irete Whitlock, Edna Horton. P. J. Heescenv, e.'ettchert You CAN Berailwe The testimonials publiehed ie behalf of eloocre Sareaparilla. TheY ate written, by litreett people, who haye %dually found in their own etomience that good's Sarettp- mil ts pevifiert the blooderreates an appetite stretethene the system and ebseltitely and pormanettly ennui all diseases by impure oe defleient blood, ••••••••••.•••,• Rootlet Pille for the livde and bowele, so% leteetetle• °holly and efteetitely. home from the North West 00. 2418SClAy* last- looking Well after his trip. -'rhe infant son of George Miller of thia pike() was buried on Wednesday of last vosek The little fellow had been ill for Isomer months and death was no do ebb a happy release. -On Thursday of last week Mrs. john Scott of the 12t11 con. Hib- bert passed away from the troubles of this life. The funeral an Friday to Roy's cemetery was largely attended. The bereaved husband and family have the eympatheeeaan in this their sad afflietione-On Wedneetley the 80th ult. by the Rev. P.Seott, at the residence of the bride's parents in the presence of a large circle of fteentls and acquaintances, Mr. Jas. Laing and Miss May Mc- Lachlan were united in the bonds of matrimony. The bride looked charm- ing in a colored gown. The presents were numerous and costly, and not only ornamental bat useful. ' Games and dancing werci indulged in till the "wee email hours", when the company dispersed, wishing the young couple a happy and prosperous journey together through life. • Xirkton. farmers have the root crop secured. It is the best for years, -Miss Clara Shier will spend a couple of Olont113 with her uncle, 0•• Arne - strong of London.--Oharlie Duffield has moved into the house lately vacated by B. Bryans.-eMiss Kate Ferguson, of Downie, sister of Dr, Ferguson, has been engaged to teach the Fourth line school, Blanshard, for next year.- The brass band furnished music at the L. 0. L., oyster supper at Woodham on the evening of 5th Noy. -Sacrament of the Lord'a Supper will be adminisliered in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning next; Services commence at 11 a. in. -Specie) services are being held in the Methodist church eyery evening of this week and will be con- tiaued next week. -Rev. Mr. Hunt, of Exeter, preached a yery appropriate funeral seemon of the late Mrs. Davis in St. Paul's church on Sunday after- noon last: -Dave Roger shot a very large owl one morning last week. When its wings were spread it measured four feet. The bird was brought te C. O. Sweitzer, Usborne„, Who will perform the duties of taxidermist. -W. R. Carr, V. S., is doing a rushing business de - horning cattle these days. -Miss Mc - Tame, of Cherry Grove, has been visiting at Archie Dawson's. -Mrs. Gourley and Jlaughter have left the village ancl gone to flee with her son-in- law, Wm. Creary, of Usborne:-A. gentleman from Scotland is spending.. a few days with W. R. Carr, V. S., look- ing up a car load of heavy horses. Crediton. ---- BeiEee.-MiSS Mary •Williams is working for Ur. A. Hill at the, Cen- tral hotel. -Miss Martha Eilber is home from Ottawa, where she has been visiting, -Mr. L. Hydgins is improving • the looks of his house and also the ground in front. -Mr. Jos, Feist has got over 2000 bushels of potatoes -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Svvenzer, Sr, have been visiting his children here for the past•vveek ;lie moved. ' to •London on Tuesday last where he intends to live. -Our band was on the street playing lag Saturday night for the lint time in some weeks. It seems • to 'liven up the town. Why not play oftener ?-Mr. Walter Clarke is going to have a shoot- ing match to•day (Thursday. )-The flax men are busily engaged getting in their flax. -Mr. Wm. eeTentzel is build- ing an addition te his shop ; he is going to start a blacksmith shop in connect- ion with his wood shop. -What might have been a serious fire happened in Mr. Wenttel's shop on Monday last. While they were at dinner some one name in and threw his apron on the stove. Fire being iu the stove it ignited the apron which falling in the shavings had a good start. Only for rein Art Clooltwell coming in and extinguishing we would now have a more serioes incident to announce, -Mr. Henry Nebb, of Dashwood, has bought the farm lately owned: by Mr. Ft Williams, Mr. Williams is making preparations to rnoye to town. -Mr. Geo. Brown, Sr., is on the sick list ; he is very low. -Mr, Jacob Brown. of Dashwood, was visiting his father last week .- Mr. ea's, Rurnbolf, of Hensel], moved into town ; he is going to work at , Blackeinsithing for Mr. Wentzah-The remains of the daughter of Mr, Fred Geiser, who died on Saturday, were interred in Crediton cemetery on Monday. —0— The Million 'versus the hundred. It is Inc the million. It is for the table of the working mem. It is within reach of all, •And it is wholesome. Ie is healthful It• makes blood. It makes hope. It stimulates. Arid this is what the Bordeaux Olaret 0o,, has been doing with the cheap French winos. The whole country is brty. ing els-rots, sherries rod burgundies now eS and tel per dome, And there iS not ache in a hogshead. The light wines of France, pure, and stipple. & b000 to tho whole people. Ono an tteat e friend now when be coma to the hoes°. One can beim a bottle of wine en the table with dinner, to old in the essitelletion and digeetioa of his feed, and time promote health. Addrestee-Bordeaux Mutt 0o,, Hospital etreat, 1VIontreaL • Milbure's and Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry end Itypophosphites is the attest &Merest trues fer coughs, colds, hoatssnese, bronchitie andaetimus, Price 50o. aud $1.00 per bottle. Thomas areightetr, Royal note], • tiginfield, 18 the possessot of a freak of stature in the shape Of a duelt with for eomplete feet and three legs. The bird wits hetebed lest, mining, and, it as livelY end healthy as its companions. • Following are tbe market onotatione ; Wheat.,-... • • • • • • .1, 66 to 68 Barley „. 30 to 32 oat* ..,....• ,,..„..„ 22 o 23 Pees • ... r400,1.. • •tf, • .• • • 47 t9 4$ Ray ....................10,00 to 10.00 Batter ......14 telt, ......... is to IS IiaviLng taken a course in the (rotate° Optiesi Institute Toronto, and having obtained a din- lOmal ani now prePared te soleatideally .fit specta,oles. anyenehsering trouble with their eyes would do well to call and have them examined. Dyes tested free of charge and eatisfaction guaranteed in every case, J STONES1AN jeweller and Optietare GBLAVEA1Patax4 ix Boors St fligons.-No need to hesitate about where to bey your aBoota er011tel WitlfWee 00We ereelifeboxe end esr opriettOsst Virxnetteisea. atatn OP TgANKS, -John Delbridge desires to thank his neighbors and others, who carne to his retioue on the °emotion of the recent fire, for their kindness and matey liberal offers in the eleePe of feed for the Stook and other assuitapoe. Scaoex. REPORT..-Thtp. following is correct report of tbe titanding ef the pupils in S. S, No, 6, Liehorne, for ehe month of October. The- oansee are in order of merit, Senior Department,- V claes,--Wiefred Coupland, Herman Kyle. Sr. IV,- Serail Clements, Franklin Delbridge, Flossie Andrew, h So ea. Buy theta from wind aeve money Jr IV, --john (emplane, Ella Oamm, and get satisfaotion. It is a fact that we're Cora, Johns Sr COLV- selling reliable goods at lower prices than all is far too large and we are bound to reduce it je Brimacombe, Linda ineis, unter. umber on roll, 37; average attendance, 25. Junior Department, Sr IL -Charlie Miers, Laura Slearnon, May Hawkins. Jr'', -- Tory Miners; Gentle Miller, Birtle Frande. •Sr, pt, If -Milton Slearnen, Berths Creeper,' Bertie Fletcher. Jr, pt. Coupland, Nellie Nixon, Nellie Glidden. Sr. pt. 1 -Asia Erimae comb, Mary Delbriclge, Ernest Row- oliffe, Jr, pt. I -Annie Coupland,Frank 13rimaeomb, Ethel Fulleyblank. Num- ber on roll 33. Averege attendance 27. JeE. EG,,,etf_TATtjs: }Teachere. • 4ss 4 ChiSeihUrSt• BRIEFS. W. J. Ball, who has been aick for some time with inflam- mation of the lungs, is able to be around again, -Mr. John Shepherd, who was ifs Montreal with a shipmeet of sheep, returned home last Tuesday. =The Methodist church chorr have been much benefitted by a supply of handsome chairs, which they well deserve -The farm belonging to Eleurri. Daniel and Peter Stevvart, of the 12th, concession of Hibbert, was, sold for $4,600, to Mae. Westlake, of North Dakota, better known as Maggie J. Stewart, formerly 9f this plebe. ottherShooDealeria tee County- Our stock land, Ethel.Godbolt,. Wilbur Hunter, if low prices will do it* Call and see it. 0 r. Linda. dared wOrk and repairing done on shortest 1". notice. . VOISFILOI-E Brine. -We understand that our townsman, Mr. D Urquhart, is an ap- plicant for the vacant Registrarship of Huron and stands tevery good chance of winning it. With the onfluenee in South Huron, to which he is certainly entitled, and whatever outside bathe, mace he may have, we are of the opin- ion that he should get it. ' Although opposed to him politically, we feel that his energy, character and ability entitle him to the appointment, while no Reformer in South Byron can show a better Grit record than his, and we would be pleased to see him get it. When Donald starts he goes in to win, and win he will or Irrigyr the reaeon why. Success Donald .-Mr. James Clark is erecting a new dwell- iag house on his property for his father, who niteads moving into it a,s soon as it is finished, -Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Colvvill visited at Miss Brovvnlee's at Clinton, on Sunday. -Mr, John McArthur, hardware merchant, has engaged Mr. Johnston, of Teeswater, as tinsmith, until Mr. Rossenberry gets better. -Mrs. Alex. McPherson left Monday evening for Wawanosh township to visit her nephew who is very ill. -Messrs. Spicer and Sanders, of Exeter, were in town on Monday night, --Mrs. Hotham of Statile is vis- iting at Mr. Pengely's this week. -Mr„ W. R.Hodgins left on Monday for Bay City, Mich., to visit his brother who is not expected to live. -Mr. Charles Bosaeaberry and family are yisiting at Mr Abraham Lehman's,Bronson line. - The brick work of Mr. Jamee Bever- ley's new house that was destroyed by the late fire, is being rebuilt this, week by Mr. Geo, Kydd.-Mr. fames Bon - throne of Toronto, was visiting at his brother* Mr Robt. Bonthron, over Sundays -Missionary services will be preached it the Methodist ceeroh next Sunday. The pulpit will be occupied by Rev.Mrtond of Seaforth, in the morning, and by Lawyer Clem- ent of 13erlios and Mayor Holmes, of Minton, in the evening. -Mr. D. Ur- quhart was at Zurich on Tuesday. - Mr Will Johnston of London is in town this week buying up butter and eggs to take back with him to London. --Mr. William Hildebrand and , wife moved back to the 14 eon., and will work in J.0 Jealbfleiach's flax mill. - Jamea Donely went back to work for Mr.) Kali:Meisel] in stbe flax Fred Srnallscomb was at Clinton on Tuesday on business. -Mr. Fred Manns was at Goderich on Monday on business. -Mr. D Weismiller was at London on Friday and Saturday -at- tending the -opening of the Conserve: tiye Club Rooms, and speaks highly of the meeting and the way they were entertained • -Mr Thomas Berry ship. ped another car load of horses to the Old Country on Saturday. -The At Rome given by the Epworth League of O. E. of the Hensall Methodist church on Monday night was a grand Buz ocees. . , Micidl eeex County .N apes. The amount of nano in arrears in Mid- dlesex is $111.,322,, Messrs. Bryant ct Karr have sold the Forest Standard to The Standard Pub- lishing Co." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson, con' 18, McGillivray, haye lost their little daughter Catharine through diphth.erus. Exposure to cold, damp winds, may re. suit in pneumonia unless the system is keptinvigorated with Hood's Sarsaparilla, Within the last eighteen years no less than 273 pupils have graduatel with dip- lomas from the High School in Parkhill. Mr. RH Webb, Thorndale, who was so badly injured some time ago by a thresh- ing 'machine passing over him, is on the mend. Miss Ida Shipley, daughter of Edward Shipley, of Londe° to enable, was married to Mr. Thomas Martin on Wednesday last Ioetearl of placing a watchman at the main street ambler in Parkhill, all G. T. R. trains will haye to reduae speed to six bailee per hour while passing over tbe armoring. Lelia Bigham haa nearly 30,000 head of cabbage growing en his farm, 12th cone East Zorra. The cabbages aro the pro- perty of a Mr. Masters, Chicago and are intended for the southern merkOt. A recent dispatch from Stockbridge Mich-, announced the deeth of the Wife of Mr. Arthur Beaumont, son of Rev. 1)r, nutriment, of Parkhill. The deceased lady was well liked, and her death will be deeply lamented. The only permanent mire for ohtouic catarrh is to thoroughly expel the poiaon from tears system by the fa1th1411 and per- sistent use of Ayer'e Sarseperilla. This wonderful remedy proves samettsful when all other tresernent hes failed to relieye tlie eufferer. Mr. J. Bored, of Sylvan hart rerted his fatna to Jas and ,Tes. leuekerfield for a term of three yearsjohn leaves shortly for the lumber woods and his present intentiet is, to be abeent tee greeter part of the terra of tha lease, A essegh whites pendant day after dey aliould not be negleeted any knitter. It meeris zoreetineg more then 0. Melo iorial irritation, aud the sooner it is redowia,the better. Take Ayer'a Oherty Pectoral. It 18 proMpt te aot eind snit to oere. • Betzess-Mre, Wm. Denham has b een visiting at her father's, Mr. John Batten. -Farmers are making good use of the fine weather getting in tbeir turnips. -The Epworth League is talking of holding a Thanksgiving entertainnaent.-The church has in- vested in a new organ. The choir wullnownaed to be reinforeed.-Our publio school held a public exeminat- ma on Friday last, when the visiting teachers put the scholars through their cabal:en t lessons. They express-, ed fnernselves as well pleased with the etierect and ready anewers given to them. Tea was served during the afternoon by the lathes ot the section, which was highly appreciated. After this a sustable programme was carrie d out conaisting of songs and recitations by theseholarts and . speechee by the teachers, oa 01 arc Why should you? If we sacrifice lgoods you lose nothing, and if yOu ait sharp enough to buy the goods when gong you are -a big gainer. Stanley Bniees.-Mr. Walter MoBeth has rented his farm 01 100 acres, to ear . Hector Reed, for the sum of $200 yearly. Council *net in the town hall on Monday, One 28th. The following accounts were paid: -Wilson Cook, wood and repairs on hall, $2.50, fees mileage of witnesses to Sarnia, in the suitiof Hallidaylvs. Stanley,$107.10; ban anee ot J. J. MeKenna's account in connection with same trial, $20.20. •Council meets on Monday, Deo. 2, at 1 p. m. All accounts for gravel, etc. must be presented on that day. -In Stanley, on Thursday, Oct. 21, Mary Ellen Elgie, aged 9 years, eldest daugh • ter of Mrs Geo. Elgie. Her illness was of short duration, and her sudden death was a shock to family and friends; being of a beight andhappy disposition sbe will be greatly missed in thehome. Mr. Elgie and , family, have our sympathy in their !sour of trial. e Usborne Council, The council met on the 2nd inst. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. ' The following letter of condo enee with Mrs. Thos. Coates was then read by the clerk, and on motion of W. Keddy seconded by R Gardiner, was ordered to be inscribed in the min- utes, and a copy forwarded to Mrs. Coates MRS. TITOMAS COATES.-Dumz MADANC.- The rostohers of the Municipal. Council of trsborne, assembled this 2nd clay of November, 1895, wish to place on reacrd their deep sense of the loss this township bee sustained throueh the death on the 290h nit- of your beloved husband, Thomas CoatoS, who during the past seventeen years, discharged so ably and faith. fully the duties of Tre.nsurer of this muinalP- ality. We wish to limn you in .your sorrow, and convey to you thit expression of onr sympetlay with yea in the hour of your sore adliction, and at the .same time assure you that the One whom you mourn so deeply was iiptly esteemed by ell °lassies of his fellow citizens and his death sineeraly regretted. The death of a aitizen, whose wise counsel wits so much sought after, tied so cheerfully rendered, and who was so universally respeated as was 11r, Coates, will be keenly felt by the publie general, and will be a severe loss to the community st large. While you and yotir family moutn the irreparable loss of a beloved husband and father, we unite with you in Sincere sOrrow at the death of a beloved eol league whose gebial :disposition end stetting - worth we ral so much Veered, and Whose death we deep ly deploree, Signed at the omen' eternises on the date above written. T. M. KAY, Reeve: W ALT211 REDD Ye Deputy Reeve. 1101IN RTINTE1 1-SOD131tT elenartlextr Councillors. DBIJISRIDGF: saw, /to eistale, (Mork. Wd VaNBUS, Assessor, AneX, DIINOAN. Collector- Gardiner-tielbridge-That the eol. leetor be instructed to cash all orders issued hY this eoueell, and deposit- fort.iiightly alt balatioes of mottle cdileitted ia the IVIOlsons Beek to the Oredit Ot the tilLittiOi ality, until such tune as IltletetiOot to Mr. CoitteN the 11 Meri's & Boys' Overcoats which we will sell you at almost your own price. See our Men's Heavy lnap Overcoat for $4,00. See our IVIen's Frieze Overcoat for $6, and Boys' Overcoat with Cape, for $2.25. See our line of l'vlen's Eealette Oaps at 75c. Do not wait until the winter is half over before you buy. • Buy now. Highest price for Butter & Eggs, MARKET P Ross DEPOT. , Correspondents are re - A minded not to seal their en-- velopes, as they then become F Lc, liable to the 3c rate. • Teach- ers will oblige by sending school reports in early ; some are very prompt, while others de- lay too long. We like to publish them all together. • Correspondents, teachers and all our readers are requested to send. news whenever it conies ander their notice. Don't neglect because you only know of one or tWO itenaa. provided always that it is legitimate news and not unjuat to anybody. Kind ly remember to write all names Very - pElvaeinryitem counts, and we want it, ly.• late treasurer is, appointed. -Carried Delbridge--Hunter--That the clerk notify Mr. M. Samwell of London, that the house of Refuge for the, County of Huron will be ready for cupancy on the Ilth inst., and that 10 is the intention of this council to r re- -en' • Mrs. Hewitt thereto as soon as can be crayeniently donee -Carried. Bylaw No. 8 was then read. "Zessa- Hunter --Kedcly- Thee bylawNo. 8, 1895, as now read be passed -Carried. A large number of orders mostly for gravel and gravelling were granted, • and on motion of a. Gardiner,seconcl- ed by J. Hunter, the eouamil adjourn- ed to meetagaia Saturday, Deo. 7th, at 1 p. m. G. W. Elorzuse, Clerk, St. Marys. JOLLY CLAIM Miss Nellie ' Ganthony, sornetirnes nailed the "female Grossmitb," an entertainer, had been the wife of John Clark, bar- rister, of St. Marys, Crusade, just 29 days when Judge Miles Beach, in the Supreme Court, on October 12, grant- ed her petition to annul the marriage on the ground that Clark had eanother wife living. She was married' to hini. in the City Hall, Toronto, on Septemeees ber 13. While filling an engagement in Toronto last spring she became In- volved in a suit with her manager. John Clark was engaged by the man- ager to prosecute his suit. Clark Serv- ed the papers himself, He won the suit, and a few days later he proposed to the defendant and was accepted. After she had accepted Clark Miss Ganthony says she felt a sharp pain in one of, her fingers. Looking at it she saw that her mother's wedd- ing ring and a silver ring she wore had snapped in two. She is not superstit- ious, but the incident impressed her. Then Mark made a confession. He said that in July, 1891, m Detroit,' he had married, but, he added, he had been divorced thirteen naonths later m Si. Joseph, Mo. Ple said that his first wife was likely to prosecute them. Miss Ganthony, however, concluded to accept him, The day they Were married Mark becanae temporarily stricken blind. It was from using morphine. Mrs. Clark molted him to Flushing L. L and there sbe received O letter from a bewyer in Toronto, who said that a woman had appeared with a marriage certificate and claimed to be Marker wife. She went to see the lawyer. There she wee eonfronted by Mrs, Lillian Clark, who exhibited her marriage certificate, showing that she had been raarried to Clark on July 24, 1891, in Detroit, She gold die had never been divereetl from Clark. Mists Gantbony then filed a petition in the Supreme Court Asking for am annul. coent of her marriage; and a referee recommended that it be granted A Rare Chance tiogis, 0od Teas roaa YVI Gi°ven Awa, *i To more thoroughly adsortiee our special direct imported teaw will give one half pound, with a ()ash pueehrefe of one dollar of goods, (except in sugar, eottens and flour.) Thi e offer is for a few days only. o better tea sold,any- wliere ender $6 cotes per pound. Oar price 25 cents Try it ; our OHatOTOOr4 all recommend it, xvt-trxitt, te