The Exeter Times, 1895-10-31, Page 5Tat,i Purified Blood Saved an operation in the following case, nood's Sarsaparilla cures when an others fall. It makes pure blood. "A year ago my father, William Thorap- gon, wits taken suddenly III with inflarrt- Illation of the bladder:lie /metered a great deal and was very low for some time. At last the doctor said he would not get well Unless an operation Was performed. At this time WO read about Ilood's Sarsapee silla and deceded to try it. /3efore he used half a bottle his appetite had come back to him, whereas hefts& he could eat but little. When lee had taken three bottle( Of the medicine hp was as well as ever." FRANCIS J. Tuciigpsoz-0, Peninsula Lake, Ontario. . Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True Blood Purifier Promeneutly in the public eye today. iii,„„set cure all liver Ills, Moue. vute 1110 floss. headache. Wee _ Widow. St me time after she woe worried again to the late William Shipley, who Also pre -deceased her several yeare. Derangement of the liver, with ooneli ration, iuju•es tbe complexion'31130008s pimples, sallow skin. Remove tim cause by using Carter'e Little Liter One a dose. Try them. The marriage of Emma Godkiu, to Mr. James Freeman, Haeltweti, took place , in AteKillop fast week. The presents to the bride were numerous and valuable and •Enell as are neetled for housekeeping. Wm. Per, y, of Stratford . aped 16, was aceideisuuly ,.hut in the abdoint n by Wm. Rene, but is expented to recover, FiSTRAY LAMB, Strayed into the premises of:the undersign ach Thames road, ebout the middle of Septem- ber. a Leicester ram lamb. Owner can have ,,,ee,sme by proving propertY and paying expenses. - J. S HARVEY, Usborne. Agents xe.Presentinir us can earn .120 -per week selling our Hardy Cimadiauegrowu Nureery Stock. teetreeernanentegesitioe. and salaries. Exclusive wterrItore. Write at once fer toms to E, 0. el3AM, Nuaszaymaiy, goitowro, ()swim. FREE, 75 COMPLETE STORae 1 Pack of goods wroth $2, and e. largelOOD; -Picture ook, that wet sure- ly put you on the road to a hapdsome fortune. Bend 5. silver. to pay postaee. . A. W. KINNEY, 10. r, Yarmouth, te. S. STRAY.E D. From the •Premises of the undersignel, "Springhursts Farni,"on er about the leth.Octo- jeer, ten lambs. They were mark -d vitb red ohalk on ehoultter and rump. Information as to their recovery will be suitably rewarded lc* Appliastion to HENRY SMITH, Hay P. 0., or to HENRY WILLERT, Dasliwood• NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of tee (stale of Lien. y eIoatz oi the Township of Hay, farmer, insol- vent. The above named Insolvent has this day :made anasaienmoet to me of all his estate /or the beneet of his creditora. A meeting of aaidereditors will be held se my office, in the Village of Dash.00d, for the appeietinent of Inspectora and giving directions for the die - /meal of the estate, on Tuesday, Octouer 29111,' . at 2 o'aleek, P• m• 0iedtoro aro hereby note' ed to file their claims with me, duly verified, on or before such meeting JOSE PH BNELL, Assignee. R.11. COLLINS, Solicitor for Assignee. Dashweod, October 22nd, 1895. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of Israel Stuith, of the 'Village of Crediton, in the To wriship of Stephen, in the County of fluroil, Blacksmith. Notice is hereby given that the above nate- -tee Is-ael SIM eit has made an assignment teen° of all his estateand eXectr, tor the benefit of his creditors. A meeting of tbe er dicers of tne said estate is hermit o nVened and will be /mid at the town hell, Crediton, Ont., on Sat- 'urday, October 20th, CD.. 1895, at 2 p. na., for • sepeintment of Inspectors and the givine of direotions with 'reference to the dispoeel .,f the estote. All creditors o the said white are bereby required to file their claims with rate duly proven, on or before tho let day of • ed November, A. D., 1895, After that da e I Rhea summed to distribute .the said estate, having xegard only to such claims of which 31shell a ,t30 1131 I not. be responsible for the asset. of the seed eita.e or any ear, 'thereof to any person or persons wbose maim of (Raines shall not have been filed by the laid let day of November next. All persona indebted to the said estate must pay their account before November 1500 next, HENRY EMBER, Trus'ee. Deted at Crediton this leth day* of Oetober, 1895. NoTioE TO CREDITORS irt the m titter of the °stele of Sarah Zimmer, late ..f the Township of Bay, in the County of kluron, Widow. ..deeeaeed, Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Hee- edited Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110 and amending seta, thatall names hevine el time against the estate of Sarah Zimmer; late of the Township of Hay, en the county of Buro widow, deueased, who died on or ebout • the 110 dee of deetember, 189e, ere required on or about the 185 day of Decimeter, 1895, 10 send tit deliver to eest.oe 3fle11, eashweed test office. Admintrerator of the rood deoea8ed or to the, undersigned, his ewe -alter , 31 Statement in writing containing their names, atheresses, detileriptiobe and fell perticulare their alai me duly verilltei aflide ir, and the nature of tilt sleeurite (if tiny) held by them, Am. notice is :misty further givers thet on and lifter the let atty of December, 1895, the said exeou or will prormed to die Hit- tite theassets of the mid ester° amen)/ the Perit '08 entitled (00030, h term' regard mily so he claitna f which he Amp thee have swipe, tied be Will nob be )1410 IOT Said 080100 or an* portion tterreef tonere Person Or pr' JO/lent wheee etaints he ehalt not then hews betide. .."Its ID COLLINS, ' Selleitor for the Adminiatratori . Exeter, Ont. rimed at Eititele tLitt 2110 any of Octebet>lea5 &fan RIER OATS, BXET London, liaron and ,Bruoe. %Axe NOfteet- Peseeeger Bate er, October 30th, 1505 Fell wheat per e 00 s • ng wheat per bosh ,.. 613 ele oa, do), per buehm, . ,,, •,,,30 ("Its eer bush. e295 Peas per bush."... , . .. . ... 47 48 Flour per . .. .... .,,.. 4 VO 4 20 At•Pielt Pet haa,........ . .. 75 80 rotatees per bag 10 00 $0 Vl'oee per cord hard.... 0 09 30 ood per 000'd Seft..A, 1" 2 90 2 25 Butter per .. . ... 14 15 Eggs per dezen ee 23 13 TerkeYe pwtb 7 e Hoge, live weight." $ 60 3 Vit Oeeee • • ...to.. 5 ()mike,0 09 Ch eke-, 5 Dreeeedhogs. • .......4 7050 480. /sondem eletober 30 th, Wheat.weite, 2all,10e1be...... 30.5 tr. $ ist W beet,red,. fall. per 1001be • 105 to 50 V(' beat .sPrieg, Per Melba . .... 100 110 Oats. per lee lbs., ... . 72 to 70 Piece, per 100 ... ie.. Corn, per100 (b8300 Earley per 10f ... . ...... ......, 75 to 70 Rea, per 100 lbs....... . . ,..e...e. 80 to 90 Itucewheat. nor 100 ...........75 to 00 iter muse-, ........ ..... (0 te 1 10 freeh, single doz.. ... 18 to 19 Egga, fresh basket, per doz..... 17 to 17 Bette, fresh, store tots, per dos 10 to 16 Butterseingle rollreper lb.., . 10 to 20 Butter perib,1 lb rollshbaskets 17 to 17 0` utter per lb. large rolls or crooks . ” . 16 to 16 Butter,perlb, tub or firkins 12 to 13 Lar.s, per th. 9 to 9 Chickens, per pair...flee_ 40 to 60 Due". • e ••• •• .. 50 to 05 Turkeys. 0 to So la. ci.i:.1.b; eftek 190 to 150 Dress d hogf 475 500 Bat, per ton 12 00 to 14 00 Termite, Oatiober 30th,189e Wheat, white, per bus......... $ 73 to $ 73 vt heat, Spring, per bus .73 to 73 TA'heet d winter, per bus.,.... 68 to GS Wheat goose, per bus 64 to 04 Barley. per bus, . 135 to 41 Oath. per bus 9800 28 Pens. 55 to 55 131e1 ea litty ......... . . . ....... 17 00 to 18 00 Dressed Hoge . 5 25 to 5 50 Egg" per dezen 17 to 19 Butter, per Da ID to 20 British Grain Trade, London, October 29. -The Mark LaneExpress in the weekly teview ot the Eritith grain 0513de SE0s:-Engli6h wheat has been 611 dearer a d foreign Wheat a shilling. eteher. 1: older weather has stir:Deleted iequiry. Thequanticy • easeage remains moderate There was ea. go trade in California wheat at 27e 3d for Peeing. e`he corntrade has uken an upward turn, and the 'smelts to be Bald .4 barley, -in. teed, a d beans. To day Eng ish wheat was u. (Avowed and forage vs, 60 dearer Am- erican flour advenced a shilling, and English as dor ntinental 611, Ameriaan eern was 60 deo er atid Russian 3c1 up, (Satewas unchanged. ,'eeolne• barley was Ori dearer and malting 3155. ▪ unehanged. The maraet closed in sellers' favor in all the principal stocks. No. 2 red winter was quottd at 258 60; No. 1 epring, Duluth: Manitob and California, each. 20s 6d; aed Oregon 27860. Flour -Minnesota patent was quoted at 22s; bakers', 18s 0d; California. and Oregon, 375611, Canadian peas, 2es, and American core. 16s 6d. California barley, chevalier, 30s tid; and brewing, els 60. The Live Stock Markets. CIMAGO. Chicago,Ille October 29. -There was a good demand f r the better class of native cattle to , and those kinds re firm.but other grades were only steady. This demand for hogs was geed, but the enormous supply zesult, d in a declineof 5e. Sheep were in fair demand, and choice flocks so'd at firm prices. Others aver- aged 10e to ISa lower. ICAST BUFFALO. Easti3uffalo,N Y. October 29 -rattle closed very dull, with late snles of good heavy "steers at 3433. to 4 70: western branded cattle. 333!to 3411 fully 200508 of good steers are unsold, the tot) Prices 13 r goodect prime being $4 70 04 95. Hogs closed dull abd weak, with light York- ers el e3 1,15 -to 393: choice heavy, Se 25 to 2 75; Yorkers brought $410. Sheep and iambs- + f the 125 cars °meal° 20 were of Canadian lambs and the best of these sold early lit 84 10 to 423 mostly at 4 15; the market "dosed du I weak, end not More than two thirds of the • offerings ware talon, Ns. ti v e stock of export Quality not eatable at olnae above 313 50 to 365. THIS IS OONDHNTRATIoN, One pill a doe, one hoz 2b emits. Oise pill relieves constipation. One box cures an or- dinary case. One pill taken weekly neutralizes formation nf uric acme in the blood Red pre- vents Bright's Kidney disease nd Diabetes. Tree only of Dr. Chase's Kidnee-Liver Pine. Me eatileD KEONINGHAN-HUCKSTFP-In Bly1b, on She 23rd ins', at the reaidence of the bride's. brother, Miss Luce fluakstere to Kernigham. of Detroit ATKINSON-MoFAEL 5 -At the Presbyterian Manee, Exeter. en the 500h inst.'by the Rev. W. M. Martin, Dr. Mr. Richard Biddulph, tkinson, to Christina D• Matti's, both of HAY -Do WN -At Stratford, OD the 2Srd inst., by the Rev. W. J. McKay, Mr. Duncan D. Ray, son of D. D. Bay, registrar, to Miss Stratford, Emma 14„ daughter of Mr; W. Downs, all of REYNoLDS -KENNEDY - In St. James' church'Seaforth, on elet 1.5th by Rev. FatherKentiedy, 3Orjohn Reyonide • of ROI- lete, to Miss Katie, daughter of the late Angus Kennedy, of tuceersmith. D AVIS- HODGINS-In St. Patrick's chute, Biddulph, on the 2ard inst., by the Rev. W. Leslie armitage, eseistaet rea00 eiemorial church, London, Mr, Frederick Davis to Miss Sarah 11. Hodgins, beth of Biddee h. 110'6S-Mo1,01s, ALD -At the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday Itich 10131., by the Bev. tleKinnon, B. D., et 0:William Ross of Pemanquet, to Mies Vine 3.11.De McDonald, dnitTahtilr.of Mr. Donald McDonald, West w 10 701 IEHER-RENNEDY- At St, Joseph's church, tratford on the -23rd Inge, by Ite v. Fe ther Downie, hssisted by Rev. Bather Keelet Irsebtuvon and Rev• Father Slavin, Galt Mr. Tbos. S. Kullehtr, of Galt, to MiS8 Catharine, daughter of thelate James Ken, node, Stratford. GRA ri`A et -In Mitchel , on the 19th inst., Jas Graham, aged 64 years. 0At esborne 00, 000 29th ins', Thee. Cotte8 , aged 63 Years, 8 Months. HARM ER -On the'22ed int., the infant child of Wm. Harmer, McGillivray. LkelltilloOle-In Mitchell, on the 19th inst. "efties. Wm. L ehbrook, aged 77 years. DAVIS-In Usborne, ors be e901i inst., Adel- ine Oreary, beloyed wife of le J. Davis, egg' 29 years, siityLEY -In Hnliett, On the 240h inst., Harriet Shipley, relict of the Is 0 Wm. Ship. ley,. aged 93 years awl 2 montbs. TIteXPliat: -In Chicago, on the 92n31 inst. ellen, the wife of Mr. George Troxoell, aged 28 years Deceased was the Ind esciest donehter of Mr, 1.1.. Quinlan, of Esmond- ville. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Aa OLD AND WItIlt-TRIND 11,81118D9t.-- Mrs Veinstow's Seething Syrup bee been used fifty years by millions of mothers for their ehildree while teethieg with -perfeet seceess, t seethes the chile, sof tone the gums, allaes the pane auras the collo, arid is the best remedy for Diaerhoott. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold he druggiets in every Part of Hie world, 25 cents a bottle.. De value is inealduleble, 130 attire and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup andtakene other kind. T,E74 TunnsANn Truss. Tee thopeand; tiniest- over fiagyemd'e Peetotal Beisem has proved Welt a awe tut, for centers, colds, bronchitis, aethere, $ot 0 throat, quinsy end all pulthenary Com- elainte, Sonias Fitom 13en Becton. DEAR SIRS, - quite a love time tn,v blood *as 807 bale large 001'14 WOPfd bleak oet 00 ma from a trOall No9)00b5 started .0 telte 13. B. 13, 4hich compietely cured me. 1 recemniend Burdeek Bleed bitten& ftt0 otlfering 00 had blood. 0 C Ly edo h 0 L t olf.13w n 0 n The Enemy's Favorite season. Victims of Rheumatism Taken efitvery Day. Paine's Ceiery Corn - pound e Perfect Cure for Iltheu- nts.tzs=.. Are you numbered in the vast army of heemetict? lf you are, be werned in time. This is the seamen most fatal to all wh tuffer front theureatiern Already, alarm aed consternation te spreading ILI the leeks of the Buffeting and disabled. (3'o -day, annehine cheers you; to morrow sod eucceeding days, cold, damp, chilling owl piercing wincte may bring you to the verge of despair, from apnea road exert - crating pains. Can yt u afford to go On bearing agonies tbat may pi eye fatal at any moment? Can you afford to expteiment with useless medicines when you knew ofPaiees' Celery Compound, end the wonders it has done for °then? If you value life, make s trial to -day of the only medicine ender,bleaven that eau banith your terrible affliction. Each bottle of Paine's Oetery 0, mpound te 1011 of life giving virtue i.nd power It caunot fell in your ease; a cure is guaran- teed; whoa sirenger promise can you desire? Your friende and neighbors hew° been owed by Petne'e Celery Coropound. Many s,f them lingered in pains for years, and foiled with seem; of medicines; but victory was theirs after using Paine's Celery Com pound. Health, atreugth, perfect vigc» und complete vietery will also be yours if you take hffid of the same great curing agett.• BUNNING SORES CURED. DEAE tint% -1 WeE, troubled with iunn. ing BOMB 00 my face which nothing could cure uo to the time f tried Burdock Blood Bitters, but after taking two bottles my face was completely cured and it left my flesh clean acid sound. A. HEATIeellg, 27 Woolsiey St., Toronto. NOT MERELY RELIEF BUT CUBE. It is geld of 'many remedies they relieve fora time bet the dietiese afterwards re- turns, Burdock Blood Bittera, being a tadioal cure Dyspepsia, constipation, bile ionsneee, Sick Headache, Bad Blood, etc flundrede ot healthy twitneases tell gladly that B B. R. cures to stay cured. Yellow On used internally relieves and cures creep, ewe throat, asthma, bron- chitis, and similar complaints. Used extern- ally it aurae rheumatism, lumbago sprains, bruise's, galls, chilblains, ftost bite., lame back, neuralgia, etc. George Stewart a3id Henry Simpson, of Clinton, left for Breeden, Man., on Mon- day hot, Mr. Dyer, of the 18th eoe. Hallett, has sold hie farm of SO acres to his son, for the, sum of 04,500. Mr James McCallum, of neer Walton, has a great crop of -field carrots. They averaged a waggon load to each 40 -rod drill, or 300 bushels from twelve drills. His turnips will outdo that record., On the 10th inst , after a few wreks illness James Graham died at his borne in Mitchell. Me Graham was nearly fie years of see, and had been a resident e of Logan tied Mitchell for many years. He was a native of Scotland, and a Presby- terian in religfen,and as loyal aConeeryatiie as ever cast a. vote. A bad feeling has existed between the two Atwood doctors for some time, and last week thew had a regular pugilistic encounter. The one who eotnmitted the assault was before Police Magistrate Ter laune, ftietowel, on Friday, and .was fiued fl.130 and coats. Just as Mr. Augnat Ditmer and her little daughter, of Logan; turned the cor- ner on to Main street, Mitchell, Saturday, the fr mat wheels separated from the buggy and the occupants were thrown over the dashboard on to the road. The woman ermatted uthurt but the gill bad her face badly bruised. Conductor S. A, Henn, Of Stratford. had a narrow escape heal EleFi0Wi injury at 01101011 the other afternoon. He WAS boardieg the tiain as it was leaving Clinton and tell. One of bis feet caught in tLe sr. p of the ear and be was dragued some diatauce. Fortunately one of his gaiters came off and be was relerteed. Mr. Dune suffered a nember of cuts in the head, bt sides toratches and bruises, A STUDENT Ole 0001AL REFORM Elev. DE GALBRAITH. L S., PASToR OF E'EN STREET ME113, DIET CEUR015, HAS A GI OD:WORD T SAY OF DR, AONEW'e CATARBRAL POWOEII The Bev. Willistm Galbraith, L B., is one of the thoughtfel preaehere of tne day. The active intere et he has taken hi gustier's of sooial reform has given him wide influence outside of his own china), where hie influence ie endispnied. His rimed ie of the kind that thinks out a pro= blem, and then be in able to talk with force and iritelligence. He is to be credx ed with examining, into the merits of Dr. Agoew's Ceterrhal Parader with the same bent of mind And what does be say? Thain this medieine be has foiled a re- medy that gives quit* relief for cold in the head' *birth ie so ueriomfOrtahle le evert body, and giving relief there, it helps Perhaps., mere titan any other remedy, 40 stave ofi um 1311 effiets that come from etitarrliel trembles, One short par of the hteath 31103381318 the blower anpilied with each bettls of Dr. Agnew'« Oaten -hal Powder &Mote tide peavder over the tun - faro. of the tinsel posstigt,s, rainless and deligh fel to nee it re,leves in len unnutea, and permanently culls 051414113 bay fever eolde, headaehe Sore throat, tentilitie and dertfneeti. Sixty cents, Sold by 0. Letz, I4oe33en, Ueperte.,.... 8.0e e, si. e,e Lleetralia. 0,1 N. Aq NOO Pal 8,47 9 22 0.00 Beeson m, . • ... 9,87 645 IVE1411:Lir,:""""9.44 tISS 10.12 645 30:40 eee ...10,38 7.23 ...meea;10.02 7.37 Wteghara Arrive.. el 10 8.00 germ BOUTII`'` Pit5SOURer depertet 5.85 se- eti 340 14 6.50 3.47 Baelh .... 7.03 4.01 Lortleaboro..,.. ...... 7,10 4.98 Clinton . 7330 4.e$ Brueellehe .., 7,49 4,46 Kippen. .. 7.67 4.53 lieneell ..... ........,.... 8 06 4.68 Exeter ....................3.25 002 Oentralia 04 5.23 People'Building and Loan Association LONDON - ONTARIO BOARD PP DTRECITORS Dr. 3. A, Beeline, Dr. 0, Lit' e. L JJ,Diokson, Devid Mill, Fred, We Colline, Ie Darren, Oeeemo President. Vice-Preeident. - Solicitor. Valuater. geey -.Treat". DIRECTORS. jno Grigg, 15, Follick, Jas. Miller, 1Vm. Seuthaott, Dr. Tbes. A. Amore: Seml. Seeders. Make money ley, saving money, Sixty cents per month Will ensure $110 in 74 Years. For tonne of applicatien and ell noceseary infor- mation apply Melte Seeretare, Mr. ,]?red. W. Collins, Post Mee, Exeter, Ont. DR. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA. Oface opposite Methodist Patsonage. KINSMAN, DENTIST, I. IL • LI),S. SPECIALIST in GOLDFILL- ING, EXTBAUTI737G and P I. A T E WORK. Gas and lneal Anaesthetics for pain- less extracting. 2nd door north of CAB- LING'S Store DALTON ANDERSON D.D. S • LH. S. Honor Graduate of the T.- ronto Univereity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. SPecialties, painless extraction and preservation of the r atural teeth. Office over the LawOffiese of Elliot & Elliot, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. 111Q0 AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, _Lt. • °UNION. e" Wilrbe at Greb'a hotel Zurich on the 'mooed Thursday 01 each month and at Hodein s hotel Heiniall every Monday 'kV ANT ED I1ELP.—MEN OR I V Women in every locality (local or trav- elling), to introduce s, new discovery, and keep our ehow cards taoked up oneltrees, fences and bridges tbeoughout town and country. Steady employment, fiommission or salary$65 per month ond expellees, and money deposited in any brie k wben *tee ted. POT particulars write THE WORLD le emcee BLROTRIO Co., P. ,O. Box 221, London, Ont., Canada MaY 16- m SASEITCIIEWAX . BUFFALO ROBES, COATS AND MITTS. (Received the highest awards at the World's Fair.) We would ask all purchasers of Robes to inspect this great and won- derful robe before buying ; pronounced by all who have used them to be warm er and absolute wind, water and meth proof, will not wear bear in spots like a skin robe, have had sit years of rough usage and have stood the test. They are made in three parts without any seams, the fur cloth, the Astrachan lining and rubber interlining. They dry quicker and never get bard and are as strong eft leather. Every robe guar- anteed, as zepresented. We also have a large stook of Harness, Whips,Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Rugs, Bells, Boots & Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers, Felt and Rubber Bouts, Sox and Rubbers. Our stock is fresh arid unsurpassed in finish and quality: Sole agent for Newlands Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes. John Treble. Say! What are you wearing those fig -leaf clothing for? Why not come to J. H. GRIEVE) The Modern Tailot• And leave your order for an UP-TO-DATE Over- coat or Suit. We can • please you both in pocket and Workmanship. —OUR STOCK OF— —AND -- WORSTEDS has been carefully selected and is among the best in the county. Ladies' Jackets a )1 d Cloaks Cut and Fatted. A TRIAL SOLICITED. J. H. Grieve. Ft A, Bermuda. 1.A. Bright Idea. A Grand eT It is (as numbers of peopled will tell you) the finest baker, they. have used. Easy on fuel and an even heat. Because it has been proved to be the finest baker in the market, owing to so many superior, mod- ern and useful iny'rovernents. As it has a steel oven which , enables it to bake quickly and burn less fuel in doing so than, any other stove. Or she would be pleased to The "Large Assoitrnent of 0 )oking and Heating Stoves on, our fiociz amongst which are the faraGus "ARI:" AU:11E119T" Coal ileerS, • Also large namber of second hand Stovos FUENACES AND EA siETI10 UGEt..ING A SPE.,IALI'Y. HEADQUARTERS FOR SUPERIOR COAL. CALL AND INSPECT. BISHOP & SON. HELLO al: I Have you an old Buggy Top that needs re covering and ism wish to hem, made ae good as new 7 Side Curtanta played out? Your Cashion played out ? or other Trimminge shabby and rtguire to be renewed ; If so, call on ci.41:79E1T, ME MIT S-A.M.X.,, Or leave your orders at Jones' Carriage Works, Exeter. All orders will receive prompt attention and done in a we; kmanshiplike. manner, Cnarges moderate. Are You GOING TO GET A I ? . cycle?. II We nave the best assortment 1 and the cheapest. Come in and See Them Or else write for pa rticulars PERRINS & MARTIN, Pannone, Meek, Exeter. We Want You to come into Our Store LOOKING PLEAS- ANT sometimes. We have so much to sell besides quinine and all those bitter things, We don't want you to think we are happy only when you are sick. Of course, if you must be ill, we always want to put up your, prescriptions, bun we have a thousand and one things you need be- sides medicine. Just now we have some uncommonly good values in Brushes, Bair Brushes from 250 up, Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes from 5e up. But don'tlet us forgot to draw your attention to the extensive stock of Toilet Soaps, 3 large cakes of Real Castile for 10, 1 box containing six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Own, 2 cakes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soaps, Old Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and n large assortment of .medicinal aosps, and many other lines. All the are excellent values, both in quality and quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow what you can do to -day. Call at once. W. Browriing's BOOKSTORE. Suit of tilothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an Old and reliable place, and A. 3. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you, There are many other lines that aro specially at- tractive. SUltrigto k as GLELL A ' II? A PUPIL OF T.110 AZZE, .."1.172 0,414,04. ".17. • FOREST CITY BUSINESS &SHORTHAND COLLEU 1.0100F,T4IT. Does not readily grasp e anhjsot. we repent and repeat man' he dein get it. we drill, (tome seheola don't. We got our repntetion in this way al intend to areitain it by plying a thorough grind in ell anbj. cite taught. We tearsh Bookkeeping and Business Paper by a new method. Enquire about it Catalogue free. Mr. E. is. Coon bas aecepted a position with E. D. Smith, Winona,. One, as assistant bookkeeper. WE'STERVELT, KNIGHT. E=eter North Store B Mr. F. R. Knist,lit has opened a General Store In the stand lately occupied by Brook's Harness Shop, with a full stock oi GENERAL GROCERIES, BOQTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONERY, ETC. Produce taken in exchange for goods. MC-1TIG,-2ECT J,Murray&Co., UNDERTAKER —AND— Furniture Dealer, Main Street, Exeter. Full Stock of all kinds always on hand. IR.. Isl` 11.0WE. EXETER. Plows, Root Cutters and Straw zointracki:goin Cutters for hand or horse power. Steam Piping and general re- pairs: Castings of every descrip- tion in.Iron and Brass to order. Fire )Brick and Fire Clay kept in Stock. Manufacturers of Plows, Gang C 3. 1$417:11R..a."2" cf4 00. DOWN At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Snits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a ft. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. Central DRUG STORE. •••••••••• Those who have used Winan's Cough Balsam, Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COUGRS, COLDS AND BRONORITICI TROURI BS, Winais Condition & Cough Powder for horses, best in the mar- ket, always on hand. Also a Oetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so suc. cessfully nsed by Mr. Chas. Munroe, Parlihill, ba this and other towns, in treating arid curing various dissases, Vor Sale at C. LUTZ'S, Hogs Wanted! FOr killing every Monday. As we are killing hogs regularly eve weft( we are premired to supply cus- tomers with new KETTLE RENDER- ED LARD, crocks or pelts, fil eclat Ile per lb., on Wednesday. Spare Ribs 2c per pound ; Rh. Roos Pork 100 per lb ; Tenderloin 9c per Ib, ; Pigs Feet, cleaned, 15e per doz ; Smoked Ham 12c per lb. ; Smoked Backs 11c per lb. ; B. Bacon 12c ; ;ioiced Roll 10c per lb ; liologni, 3 lbs. for 25c. ; Long Clear Bacon, 90 to 100 per lb. AT EXETER P. ClKING B OUSE, C. Snell, - Prop. i\Torr EASILY SUITED Then Come To Us for Best Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with . a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture Dealerso The Leading Undertakers. Gidley & Son, ODDVELLOW'S 13LO01.. rcr:an: Travo VVANTE11--8—ev—er-ai faithful gentle.. men and Naito to travel for established, house, Salary -$780 & Expenses Position permanent if gifted 4 alooluoteatie CIH ESTER ,°1LSta:Zte:elee04p0etieleaeeelTfeaddreit e -ilf)R:iZlPti,at0t,:ofigo. wet 1, tot 16ataizioa:veloo, THIXA/0141. thbo009,aa18(:tba.11idi,ll •