HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-10-24, Page 5Great and thoroughly re. liable building -lip medicine, verve tonic, vrtalizer ' and 00d Pu rifler Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other me,dicines, I,s HO. 'S Sarsaparill It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its ()wiz absolute intrinsic merit, It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla ' does, that tells the story:— Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar- ations and prescriptions fail, , "The face of my little girl froln the time he was throe months old, beoke out and was covered with scabs. We gave her two bOttles of Hood's SarSaparilla and it com- pletely cured her. We are glad to recom- Mend Hood's Sarsaparilla." ,THOS. M. LING, Clinton, Ontar10. Be Sure to Get Hood's- .110,,,d/s PHIS act harmoniously with TitAYED. Strayed from tbe premises of the tut dersien- ed about the middle of July, a selendici Leicester ram, Any information leading to Its recovery will be suitably rewarded by etaPleing to CHAS; IRVINE, Eirkton P. 0. Agellts representing us can earn $20 per week Belling our Gerdy Ohnadiau-grown Nursery Stook. ,Perrnanent position and salaries, Exclusive territory. Write at once fer tams to E, 0. 4.1-RINAM, Neasenverax, Tom:repro, Weenie, FARM FOR SALE. ICA -acre farm in the township of Stenlien Imioalot 15, cOn. 13. There are about 50acress eared, the balance in bush. The above lotis about one mile North of the Centro Road and twoanda half miles South of Dashwood Two itood wells of water on the aremisea. Ten aeree of fall wheat Apply to ILLIA IV( THOMPSON, Khiva P. 0 ViANTED HELP.—MN OR Women in every locality (local or tray- --a, a 'Jelling), to introduce a new discovery, and • keep our show cards tacked up on arees, -fences and bridges throughout town and ,nountry, Steady emolormeet. Dommission •or salary $65 per month end expenses, and ortoneY deposited in any bank when started, Tar particulars write THE WORLD It DDIOAL XLEOTIOO 00.11'..0. Box 221, London, Ont., Canada May 16- m 1-1.HESTER WHITE BOAR FOR SERVICE, .o.„' 37,, at tine of 'service. W SNELL, Lot J5 Aeeneeesien 7. Claiborne_ nee 35. ESTRAY .LAMB. Strayed into the premises of the nndersign ,e11,'3'hames road, about the middle of Septem- ber. a Leioesteream Iamb. Owner eau have atame by proving Drover ty and paying expenses. J., 5 HARVEY, Usborne. Butorrackilloaso Hogs Wanted! For killing every Monday. --- As we are killing hoes regularly every week we are prepared to supply cus- tomers with new KETTLE RENDER - 74) LARD, crocks or pails, 111 ed at 11c per lb., on Wednesday. Spare Ribs 2c per pound ; Rib. Roas Pork 10c per lb. ; Tenderloin 9c per lb. ; Pigs Feet, cleaned, 15e per doz ; Smoked Haml2c per lb. ; Smoked Backs 110 per lb. ; Bacon 12e ; Spiced Roll 10e per lb ; %lop t) 3 lbs. for 25c. • Long Clear Bacon, 9c to 10c per AT EXETER P; MING HOUSE, C. ne11 - Prop. There was n niuolt better feeling at the London cheese market Saturday andrnekere are rejoicing to think tbat pereape they we at the turning ot the 'erg lane of low prieee The chief cause of the rise was the nabled teport quoting the Britieli market M 43a for the new °boom, 353 Gd for white (old), and 29s'for colored (old). The quot- ation last week was 37s 6d, TwelVe latendred end fieventy.fivb of the 5,225 )40Xeri boarded were sold.. Nine etteaM were realized for 875 boxes and 80 for 40O -hp Output of the Ueder Spring's factory, in- •PIrlding makes of June, Jaily, August and September. The bolder bad previously re. furled S5 -10o, The factories selling at 9c -were Bryatiston, Vener and. Callahan's, Panest ain't Httoxeter. The cheese wile all (colored. Some factorymen who sold at 7 and a fractiou °Mete last week ate eorry 'that they rue, rced one has oven gone oto far as to reptuliate a sole after affixing his name to the contract. He deign ;that the bever m ierepresee tett the market, but is exoeedingly indefinito as to the •manner ih Which the Mierepreeeetation oe- enrrad, ' TEN THOUSAND name. "e Ten thousand; tinier; over Hagyard's Pectoral 135133in hast proved itrelf Si sure vitro for coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma., •afore threat, quinsy end ail pulmonary cum- etlainte, Rave no equal au a prompt arid positieu tare for siele headache, biliousness, eon - **alien, pain in the gide, and ell liver troubles,. Oarfror'SLlito Liyer Pills. Try ifiern. rfrAurr wurons. 1•••••••... Sestet, October AV( Iv hot pert/1401.o a 00 Spring wheat per 00 roiar,leY Pet /Theo...a , are per tape, ..• 11,A.K. 22 Pees per bush ,,,,,,, 47 Flour per bb1.., ,,, 400 A. 1 b 75 Potateee per bag• Her i.t4r vou,„ . .......... t50 WoORIPer 300 Wood nor cordeoft. . . ... 2 00 Butter per lb.. 14 1E`guffrterPaerir de°eIrrb ..., 13 Hoge, live weighte, 8 60 Deueoekos, ..... 56 Dre.ssedhoge 470 London, Ootober ts Wbeat.whito, ia11,1001bs....,. $ 100 to Wheat, rod, fall. per 100 llese. ... 100 to Wbeat,oering, per 100 lbs 100 •„o Oats,per 101.; lbs.., ... 70 to Perm, per 300 llas 80 to Corn, oer100 lbs ...... 95 to Barley per 3.0f ........ a 70 to Rye. per 100 The„ ..... 00 to Buckwheat.Per 100 ... 90 to Paella, per DAM.. 1 00 te Eggs, freoh, single doz... 17 to Bone, fresh, baeket, per doz I6 to agga, fresh, store lots, per dez 16 to Butteesingle rolle,Per lb .. 18 to Butter per15,1 lb rolle,baskOte 20 to Gutter p er lblargo rolls or orooke 18 to Lard, per lb. Ilutter,per lb, tub or Ark, Ina.- 106 to0) (*Wakens, Per.. . to Duette.. 55 to DTur:sirrds,h06ufto to ner lb; °Bah 100 to 473 Bay per ton 13 0080 atraititu .b.73141,\ Al 10 10 44) MIX, oft putt pt the lit to th 111 rr'n s eiaeleme tbe Blower oupplit d with eeeb bettioef $ 68 AgneVe Catarthal Powder, ditruree the ee Powder over the surface r,f the Patrol pee ages. Patelese end delightfUl to taee, relievem inetaetly,,, and permenently cure 4 20 Catarrh, Hey leeter, Colds, Beachieha 80 Sore Throat, Tonailitie and ilsainega 30 1000 3 60 16 M1NCTEIS 2 24 Ramer IlIskaSit RAL3E1781,1 211 Terierr 13 8 , Dr, Aguew'e Care for the Heart gives e0 perfeot relietin 401 oitees of Orgenic or Oympathetio }0ait Dimwit) in 30 min -otos, and speedily effeete a cure, It is pser- to 480 less remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Painin Lefi 013. 8895 Side and all symptoms ef a Diseased $ 1200; Heart. One dobe cenvieeee., 1703y Sold 'by 83 Borrmeo Forces CUE4D, 190 75 Doan sine, -I was tr011111OCI. With mao. 95 iog a0tes on my Moo which nothing tread 100 oore ye to the time I tried Burdock Blood 170 Bitters, but elite taking two bottles my 16 face was completely cured and it left my 16 Beth olean and Sound' 2218 A. HonallElfe, 27 Wooley Sk., Toronto. 50 omits, At O. Lutz, ' Toronte, October 3 et Wheat, white, per bus. $ 7000 Wheat, sprier, per bee . a to Wheat rt d winter, per axe- 66 to hoe t goose, perbus..,,,,.,,,,.,, 57 to Barley, per bus 85 to Oats, DOr bue Pea Dressed Boo Egg3 per dozen ” 12775)t0oll 2(48' Pormins To Trani. 17 to le 530o 83 Bailed Hay Butter, per lb ................. 39 to FOB, °Vela FIFTY YEARS 9 - ee vat) AND WELL -TRIED ItaroltDy.- Arrg, WiDsIDIV'S Soothing Syrup has been used fifty 200 Years by million,' of mothers for their ohildree 5 so while teething With perfeet stutoess. It soother; 1400 the child, softens the gums, allays the pain, cures the eolith and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. le pleasant to the tante Sold by la 1896 druggists in every Dar( of the world.. 25o ents $ 70 a bottle, Its velue is inoaloulable, 13o euro 67 and ask Rea efra. Winalow's Soothing Syrup 66 andtakeno other kind. 57 40 20 The Live Stock Markets. EAST BilleFALO. East uffalo. Oet. 22*-t`alt le 256 oars, active at last week's prices; few wain on sale; choice steers, 54 75 to 5; good to choice. 54(0 to 4 35; Niers° rough, 43328 to 4 20.; fat butchers' peers, $4 m 4430; wes, erns, $3 2o to 3 75; tnixedlots, $2 50 to 3; feeding steers, 43)50 to 4: light thin. 4343 26 to 250; export 01100, $3 75 to 4435; $2 25 to 2'75, • Flogs -85 ears; active, hogs, 43410 to 4(6; mediums ad heavy, $4 05 to 4 15: Nif0, $1 to 410; roughs, $3 25 to 1)75: stags, 03 to 3 23. elleep and lambs --115 oars; steady to trifle" rimer; export bheep, 43350 to 375; beet, 80 to lel o .un. te, $1 75; to 3e; fair to good $2 to 225; ouDso43 cornrow.), $1 to 1 75: prime Iambs, 43375 to 4. fair to good, 43325 to 450: cells and common, $225 to 3. MONTREAL. Montreal, Oct. 22.-1 be receipts at the east. ern abbatoir market this inorningl in includ- ed 500oettle and 000 sheep and latebe, and about 100 calves. 'I here wee a feirly active inquiry, and prices ruled steady at last Thum-) daya values Pieces- 0att1ea2c to 24.: sheep. 8250 to 3: lambs, 431 50 toe: calves, 432 12, HORN. DOW . Ilibbert, on the 1400) inst., tbe wife af Wm. Dow, of a son. DIINSMORE,-In Stratford, on the 12th Inato the wife of Dr. 3.147, Dunsneore, a see. MoICONEe-ln Parkhill, on the 121h inst., the wife of Mr- H. Ateleone, of a daughter. aSIIEAN.--In Mitchell, on the 13t0 That., the wife referee. James Sheareof a demehter. IRIARSIED HEISE1I.-STAUB115-I0 Heiman oe Oet. 7th, by the Rev. Jim Walker,at the parsonage, Der. Conrad Reiser, of, Tavistook, to MIN : Katie Stanbue, ot Dashwood. • WURTZ-MELLIOK-At the residenoe of tbe bride's parents, Hay township, on the 23rd inst., Mr. Jacob 'Wertz, of Sterhen, to Mies oanaa. daughter of Justus PDSTLETHWAIIII-ANDREWS.-In Gode- rich. on the 900) inst., at the resider oe of tbe bride's mother by the Rev, Et. Irvine. Mr. 21. Postlethwaite, to Mies Agnee Andrews.- O'BRrEAT-IIENNBSY.--At the Roman Catho. lie dam eb, 11. atm t Cinema on tbe 1503 inst., by the Rev Father Treater, Mr, 0. O'Brien , of McGillivray, to Miss Honnesey. of Biddulph OLIVE'R-CARPENTER-At the residence of Mr Joseph Roney, S tretprd, on the .14th inst., by the Rev, M. L. Leith, Mr. John Oliver, Stratford, to Mrs. le. Carpenter, 1' ublin DI ED. STEWART-In Hibbert, on the 14th hist , John Stewart, aged 82 years. NEVILLS-In Seal orrb, on Oot 16th, John W Neville, aged 34 years, STIRLING -In Bayfiehl, on Oct Oth, Archi- bald Stirling, aged 70 rearo. HOTIIAM-In Ilibbert, on the 1550) irOit „ Richard Rotham, aged 79 years. KELLY -In Hay township on the 22n5 thst„ Thomas Kelly aged 70 years and 13 days. PHIPPS.--on Oct. 17th, Stiliwill Phiptis,of Holmosvale, Aged 59years and 11 months. NIKON-InjaneMitchell, on the leth inst., EBon wife of Kobt. SiXon aged 3e years. CADY-In Seafortb. on Oat 18th, Bridget Ann, wife of Mr. Swan W Cade, aged 72 years. WALLACE-In Tuokeremith. on Oct II th %tweet Wallace, sr., aged 66 years,6 months and 1 days. al,e-re Stratford, ree the 1850) inst., Annie Hall, Statohan street. aged 67 years, 4 months and 9 dap. NAGLIL-In Blanshard, on Sunday, Oot. Jath, Elizabeth, wife of John Nagle. aged 40 years, 10 Months, and 27 days. GUNDY-Ir, Windsor, on the 10th int,, Isabella Lillian. youngest daughter of Rev, J. IL Gently, aged 17 Years. KLUMP-In Atw008, 00 the lath inst., Edward so» of Mr. and Mrs j. A. lilump, aged 9 years, 9 months and 10 days. JACKSON. -On 005.10011, at the residence of Mrs. M. Mosorip, Sr. Marys, Andrew Jack. 5011, aged 01 Years, aed 5 months. 1110ARTHUR-In elorris, on Oet gth, Ann Mc - Niece, relret of the late Polar McArthur nod 86 years and 6 months. CLINE In Winghem. on Oot 11 th, Marion Laidlaw, second daughter of Mr eamee A Cline, aged 20 yeare. PATRICK -At the residence. of his father, Squire Pstriok, con. 12, Laendon 'fownahin, on Feld In ()weber lith,01etnent Pal rick, brother o0 Mrs. johu Beacom, Goderieb township, in the 33rd year of his age. HANDS AND ANKLES itAw, For years t have heen a great sufferer from itchy ekin trouble end sale rheum. My heads and anklewere literally raw. The aria ao- plieetion of Dr. Chas'a OintMentallayad the burning, itching sera:then. One box and a balf entirely cured me. It is also instata re- lief for chilblains. Ileury Parmenter, 84. Catharine, Ora, SORES FRDM BAD BLOOD, DEAR SIRS.- For quite a long time my blood was very bad, large sores wored break out on the from a small scratele I etarteci to take D..13. 13, which completely cntred me. I „recommend 13urdock Blood Bitters to all seffering from had blood. OLIvArt COLE, Lynedoeh, Trieneeeren Wien P5/11t" M ()MA. CiltNTLuntnat,--Last 8/eing I had a very heavy oold and waa threatened with pneumonia. I iMed two bottles of Norway „„ Pine Sy) up and it comphitely cared me At is the beSt preparation for a cough / have evertused. J. X, MitoDow.n, Whycocornagh, Cape Breton, NOT Meextv Rimier 13tre Cunt, It tu Bald of teeny remedies they relieve fora time bat the diseame afterwards re - turtle. Iturclook Blood Bitters, lieine mo radioed auto Dyapepsia, oonstipatiore hit- iousucee, Sick Headaohe, f3at1 13lood. eto Elentlterla 08 healthy witneaties tell gladly that n P. 13, cares to stay clued. Per ithinediate:relief after eating use 10. DO. WANTED, -Several faithful gentle- men and ladies to travel for established house. Salary $780 86, Expenses Position permanent if suited ; also incr'ease State reference and enclose self-addressed etamped envelope. THE NATIONAL. - 818-817-313 Omaha. Bid •Unrciaeo. S1ZKTChEN BUFFALO ROBES,COATS AND MITTS. (Received the highest awards at the World's Fair.) We would ask all purchasers of Ruttiest to inspect this great and won- derful robe before buying ; pronounced by all who have used them to be warm • er and absolute wind, water and moth proof, will not wear bear in spots like a skin robe, have had six years of rough usage and have Stoud the test. They are made in three ;parts without'. any seams, the fur cloth, tine Astrachan lining and rubber interlining, They dry %ticker and never get hard end are as strong as leather. Every robe cgtiar- anteed as iepresented. We also bave a large stock of Harness, Whips,Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Ruga, Bells, Boots & Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers, Felt and Rubber Boots, Sox and Rubbers.. Our stook is fresh and uneurpassed 3m, finish and quality. Sole eg,ent for; Newlands .8askatchewan Btiffalo Robes. John Treble. WCYT DASILT surrmat Then Come To Us for Best - Bedroom Suites For, ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture Dealers The Leading 'Undertakers. Gidley & Son, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. Central DRUG STORE. 10101=11•1•1•••191116110.V.E.M.of Tbose who have used Winan.'s Cough Balsara, Pronounce it unequalled ItS a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BIZONCHITIO TROT.1131 ES, Winain's Oondition 8c ongh Powder for horses, best in the mar- ket. always on hand, Also a tetobenefact6 and Lini- ment, the medicine so sue- cessfully used by Mr. Claas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, Por Sale at C. ItTTZ'S, 1)1a1120aele/50 Covou Cvloaa, .thma SINK, --a-leeine it meet dietteeeleg 0004531 for some time, 1 tried Ltr. Wood's „,1N0rwaY Pine Selep, tied after taking a tew (14,00e fettled Areal reilet apd tem bottle eniirtly eared meit is 12e beat eeugh trisdiciee I have eyer seen, e. vir AterElt ateeite, &timelier:), Man, Yellow Oil used internally relieves a6d cures proon, eore ihroat, asthma, bron 014014 arid WO:tiler c0int4inte.:Ilted extern, ally it curea rheumatism, lernhago sprains, braises, galhit eb%lblsics, front bites, lame back, neuralgia, etc. He/immense% Otriten 150 4 DAL -South AmerieanRheumatieOnrr. for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures lit 1 to 8 days. lts aotion Upon the system is remark., able and mysterious. It ernovts at once the cause and the diocese immediatelY djs eppeere, bofinst dose greatly benefit, 75 cents, Sold, by O. Lutz, Drugeist. Se, A Booze TO HouszteeN -One bottle of English Sperm Liniment ooropletely re moved a curb from my horse. 1 take in recommening the remedy, as it acta with mysterious promptness in the le - moral from horsea 00 bard, soft or call - °need lumps, Wool apavin, splints, curbs' a weeny, stifles and sprains. • GEORGE ROBB. FAIMBli, MARKHAM. Oar, Sold by C. L tITZ. - RZT4L4O is Six BOURS.-Disordered Rid ney andbladder disease,. relieved in cis boure by the "Great South Americian Kid nay Cute." This new remedy ia a great surprise and delight tu physicians on se- em:at of its exceeding promptness in re- lieving patzt in the bladder, kidneya,baok and every pare of the uritary passages in male and female.. It relieves retention of water and pain in paseing it almost immed ately, If you want quid relief and oure thig is your rensedy Sold bv C. LUTZ London, Iluroit govfo Norms -- London, deuart......., oentralie..... .... .... . Hensel Kiazien..,... -• • Brucetield a- a. -- Clinton Londesboro..„,...„ ..... Blyth. .. . .... Belgrave wingharn arrive...... Geiso sonsw- Winsham, depart.... Helgrave Bytlh Londeeboro..... Clinton-- ...... ... Brucefielal.....„,. ...... 'Jensen.. Exeter ..... Centralia,....... . . and Bruce. Passenger 8,05 4,30.e.az 9.07 5,47 9.2e 6.00 9,37 6.15 9.44 6 20 9.52 6.28 70.12 6.65 1049 7.14 10,38 7.23 10.52 7.37 11,10 8.00 Paesenger 6,35et. m. 3.25p. m 6.50 3.47 7.03 4.01 7,10 4.08 7.30 4.213 7.49 4.46 7.57 4.53 8 06 4.58 8.25 5,12 434 5,23 --T13351-- People's Building and Loan Association 1.021D021 - - ONTARIO BOARD Oir DIEEOTDES IN EzETER, ONTARIO Dr. J. A.President. Dr, 0. Ioelx - leice-Prosiden t. H. Dickson, - Solicitor. David Mile - Valeator. Fred. W. Collins,: - `S,eose-Teeits. • DIRECTORS. riDO Grigg, E. A, „Follicle, 'Jae. Miller, Wm' $outheott; Dr. Thos, A. Annie,: Sanih San dere. Makeanoirey Vg Trying money. Sixty cents per menet well ampere $100 in la years. For torma.of enplicatien and all necessary infor- mation anplY.to the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. Collins. Post ()face, Exeter, Ont. DR. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA. Office opposite Methodist Parsonage. H .,11, KINSMAN, spzIAlsDE t thNT G oLIDSFTILL. ING, pante CITING and PLATE WORK. Gas and local Anaestletice forpain- ere extracting. 2n41 door north ot CAR- LING'S Store T-1 ALTON AN DERSON D.D. S -11-, • L. D- S. Honor Graduate of the To- ronto -University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Stmeialtiee, painlees extraction and preservation of the liatural teeth. Office over the LawOffieo of Elliot Jr Elliot, opposite Central Hote), Exeter, Ont. 1.74 AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, ..L.L • CLINTON. Will be at Grab's hotel Zurich on the second Thursday of eaoh month and at Hedging! hotel Hensel' Over, Monday ..,•••••av.w.*••••=••• Say What are you wearing those fig -leaf clothing for? hy not come to J. H. GRIEVE, The Modem Talky. And leave your order for an UP-TO-DATE Over- coat or Suit, We can please you both in pocket and Workmanship, —OUR STOCK OF_ EBBS vf WORSTEDS has been carefully selected and is among the best in the county. Ladies' Jackets a n d Cloaks Cut and Fitted. A TRtAL SOLICITED, ''.4.x.ortorot repare For rethe iaiszlomp az s I-Iave been studying the past few weeks as to what would best suit the wants of ther Cust rs in HEATING AND COOKING A1 8 They have "THE CELEBRATED GRAND JEWEL," with Steel Oven and new Pate Grates. This stove is a special favorite with housewifes, and will be found not only easily managed ozut economical, Heating Stove's of all kinds at prices that will sell them. EA.VETBOUGHING A SPECIALTY. Highest price paid for Timothy Seed Submit sample. lues.wearmilloran --- Have you an old Buggy Top that needs remoyerine and von wish to have made as good as neve ? Side Curtsies played out ? Your Cashion played out 0 or other Trimmings shabby and require to be renewed ; If so, call on CL41,17SBIT. Or leave your orders at Jones' Carriage Works, Exeter. .All orders will receive prompt attention and done in R worentanshiplike.rnanner, Cbarges moderate. Are You GOING TO GET A icycle? We nave the best assortment and the cheapest. ,Come in and See Them Or else write for particu lars PERKINS & MARTIN, Fangon'g Meek, klmetor. We Want You to come into Our Store LOOKING PLEAS- ANT sometimes.. We have so much to sell besides quinine and all those bitter things. We don't want you to think we are happy only when you are sick. Of course if you must be ill, we always want to put up yout prescriptions, btit we have a thousand and one things you need be- sides medicine. Just now we have some uncommonly good values in Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25c up, Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes from 5c up. But don'tlet us forget to draw your attention to the extensive stock of Toilet Soaps 3 large cakes of Real Castile for 10c, 1 box containing six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Oen, 2 cekes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soai •;. Old Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and s. large assortment of medicinal swipe, and many other lines. All the above are excellent values, both in quality and quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow what you can do to -day. Call at once. J.W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. A Suit of Vlothes or a Single Germent Sb.ould Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for theseih an old and reliable place, and .A. J. SNELL novor disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Sto Vtrinter Coods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many otherlines that are specially at- tractive. $314Trtlatite 4ft" 1.11 H. IS111.)P & SOZro a Ciailit it3 'IF A PUPIL OF THE Ca FOREST CITY BUSINESS & SHORTHAND COLLEGE LONDOPlit Does not readily grasp a subject, we repeat and repeat untll he does get it. We drill, aome schools dou't. We got oar reputation in this way and intend 10 sustain it by giving a thorough grind in all subjects taught We teech Bookkeeping and Basinees Paper by a new method. Enquire about it Catalogue free. assistant bookkeeper. , Coon has accepted a position. with E. D Smjtli. Wineee, Oe',. es WaSTERV,ELT, Principal. Featherborie Skirt Bone. For giving STYLE and SHAPE Ladies' Dresses A light, pliable, elastic bone made from uihls. 35 is soft and yielding, conforming readily to folds, yet giving prorer she's to Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury_ • The Celebrated Featberbone Corsets are cordedlorith this material. For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. I —TIIE rrliViri]S wam-sw Huron's Best Local Paper, and the 'NAIL and EMPIRE Canada's Greatest Weekly, (Clubbed) until January 1897. P°P.. 0 1 $125 \T T...1 -Y (Balance of this year free.) OR THE TIMES, THE MAIL Alen EMPIRE, —IND - THE 'ARM AND FIRESIDE (Ba)ance of this year free) POIR, 1.50 ADDRESS, Iazio. White ii4 Eons. AIM= 'KNIGHT. 1 J.Murray&Co.., Ezzeter ivorth Store 3 Manufacturers of Plows, Gang _ Mr. F. R. Knight has opened a General Store in the stand lately occupied by Brook's Harness Shop, with a full stock or GENERAL GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, . HARDWARE, STATIONERY, ETC, Produce taken in exchange for goods. P. 1=Z, 13-1\TIG-MMT UET TOUR ?ANTS • poWl\T At W. johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, eto, Suits $11, 20, 21, etc, The best iola,oe itt town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, 'rho Tailor.. Plows, Root Cutters and Straw Cutters for hand or horsepower, Steam Piping and general re- pairs. Castings of every descrip. tion in Iron and Brass to order, Fire Brick and Fire Clay kept in Stock. 2411711.B.,41:7 crig 0. 11. H itri UNDERT4KER Furnitu re Dealer, Math Street, Exeter. run. Stoc1c of all kinds a!way on hand, I N %IOW/A MIT 7