HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-10-17, Page 8WANT T E BES
We jay especial stess on the excellence of our goods, always
keeping the
and while maintaining our reputation in this respect we go to the
other extreme in keeping
We know that nothing builds up business like the selling of' First
Class Goods, We sell them, always sell them, and don't sell any-
thing else. A Grand Assorted Fall and Winter Stock to sellet
from, and worthy of your immediate attention.
&C. 16 oz, to the pound and 36 in. to the yard.
Some are
better than
and we have the Best.
It pays to buy the Best.
We refer to
Our Scribblers and Practice Books
are the Cheapest, Largest, and Best
We have a full line of:School Books
and eup.plies, and our prices are the
Lowest. Come in and see how we can
fir yam out for school.
Crigg's BookStore
at and Jacket
EturtIpt Sion
PANT, of Toronto: also for the PROENIX
itteeteStrite Nees oOMPA.NY, of Londoe
PART of England.
Read office, .LONDON.
For35 years this Company has done the
tamest business in Canada at the lowest retail,
consistent with security.
Assets, Jan 1S9, - $357,190.00
43,000 Polioies in formal
T. E. ROBSON', President,
D. C. Mc DON ALD,IManager.
For further particulars, apply to
Agent, Exeter.
So said a lady the other day.
Go and do thou likewise is the
advice we would give you all.
We certainly ha.ve a lovely
stock of Hats and Jackets , for
this season and at prices that are
very low, quality considered.
Come and study the new styles.
You are welcome to make your-
self right at home in our show
room. New styles in Hats—
New styles in Jackets—New
styles in Golf Capes. We, show
a new Golf Cape with Hood at
$4..50, that is sure to be a taker.
Ask to see this leader; also the
iiew Frieze Jacket, Something
very, new and stylish
Our Dress Goods stock is now
complete. Styles new, prices
right in your favor. Remember
we make a specialty of Black
Dress Goods
J. A. Stewart.
N, B. -Store closes at half past six
every evening except Wednesday and
1 FRIDAY EVENINGe0et.18th,1806.
The gate receipts of the Blyth Fair
amounted to oyer 6400.
The Huron House of Refuge is only
+calculated to accommodate 75 inmates,
and it is said that there are already 70
candidates awaiting its completion.
The centred has been signed between
the trustees of Main Street Methodist
church and Mr. Howard, for the lighting of
the churola by electricity. There will be
some fifty five lights.
At the sale of eilecte of the late
Leonard Mentor, thiteene, on Tuesday,
tlae balance of the real estate, fifty sores,
was sold to Samuel Skinner, tor $1705.
It adjoins Mr. Skinner's property.
On Friday laat Mr. Alex. IVIitchelI of
Stanley died at the advanced age of 86
years. Ne was one of the earliest settlers,
Sleek* een a resident, of the township for
60 ye t and help a to Chop the Bayfield
toed when ilweer all built. His wife pre-
ceded him on the 7th of June last,
ellostartees of the nncertainty of filo have
been multiplied of late,hut one oi:the meet
etrtkieg ()courted last week. Mr. Donald
Rene of end concession, Stanley, diea at
Oliaton, at the hones of his brother-in-law,
Mr. Alex. Fraser ot Monday morning Net.
Mr, Rose had gobs to letr. Fraser's!. ot
Therm:ley, to 'Ave aorne sergleal operation
perforteerl, but did not live through it.
Business on the London Cheese
Booed Saturday was brtaker than it had
been for many weeee., There was a
good attendeame of both buyers and
sellers'bet low prices preVailed. From
7eo to 8ee was freely bui, but holdere
in all ettsee except three preferred to
Wait for higher figuree, Bryanston
mild at 7 13.160i Aherne's at Sic, and
Messrs. Hutchins, M. p., M. Y.MeLean,
P. r,, D.Welemiller and others, have promis-
et to speak.
The Ministers of the town tv:11also be pres-
ent a.nd deliver addresses,
Supper eervee from 6 to Sp. m. Admission:
25e. Children, Me.
Thursday, Nov. 21st, will be Thank
lying day.
Leave your order for choice hard pick-
ed winter apples at W. H. Leven's.
everal large ehipments of stook he e
been made from this station this week.
Buyers are purchasing the Prince Ed-
ward hop crop at from 6c to 10o per lb.
Diphtheria is rampant in the township
of Faraday, Ont. Seyeral deaths have
already occurred.
It is 'mid there are 'some 73 applications
already for the House of Refuge, at
Clinton,while it can only aocommodate 75.
The 23rd of this month will be the 23rd
anniversary of the accession of Sir Oliver
Mowat to the premiership of the banner
Rev. A. Y. Hartley of Bluevale, found
a handfull of ripe raspberries onhis naehes
last week. Mr. Hartley has also an apple
tree out in blossom.
Wenn, the Tactical dyer and cleaner,
will visit Exeter about the 17b. All
work done on the premises. Setistaction
to. all. No crocking or shrinking.
Notwithstanding the frequent wet spells
there has been great saareity of water in the
county lately, The cause asr3igped for such
ecareity of water is the fact that tbe trees
are being cleared away. The sensible man
keepe planting,
Mrs. Fletcher, of Thames road address.
ed the W. F. M. S. in Union church,
Brucefield, on Monday last. Her address
was a ram treat, and her earnest words
will not soon be forgotten by ;those who
were privileged to beer her.
THR Timm has reesiyee an invitation
from tlae %era of Directors of the God-
erich Curling and Skating Association to
attend tlae opening of their new rink on
Tuesday evening next. There witl be a
con cart by the Ramsay Concert Company.
At the request of several leading banks.
the Canadian Postofflee Department has
decided to issue letter cards to the de-
nomination of 2 cents. The department
has also decided to issue a 1 cent letter
card for use in towns where there is no
delivery by carrier. •
A lawyer in a eourt room may call a
man a liar, scouudret, villain, or a thief,
and no one makes a complaint when a
court adjourns. If a newspaper prints
mesh a reflection on a man's character
there is a libel Emit or a dead editor, This
is owing to the fact that people believe
what an editor says, and what the lawyer
says cuts no figure.
George Hogg. of the township of Us -
borne, wanted Samuel, his brother, bona
over to keep the peace. These two also
had a controversy, and Samuel threatened
a few weeks ago to make mince meat of
hie brother. The feats were enquired
to by Hie Honor Judge Doyle on Thurs-
day, and Sem, who is a big heavy man
who loses control of heneelf when in
liquor, was hound io his own regognizance
for $200 to keep the peace tor one year,
As there are about thirty muliiott hueh-
e1'nf elate in the preemie, and as tel that
will be required for (enteric) and home eon -
gumption will be about ten mollien busteet,
ea effort will be made to fled a market
for iho eueelua in Greet Britain. The
rates oe Ottte frees Brandon to Brume are
about 25a e, Mabel and imitate thiel out
be lowered it will not be pitateble te ex-
port tete. Att effort will be made by the
Winnipeg grain mintage ta get Mr Van
Herne to give a rediretiot tn tbe rate ea
oat, for this ;peer, to that the enrolee may
berliepoted of awl a meeket °petted for
totem steam -Brandoa (Men.) Sun,
goaii shooting- began on Toesday,
t. far k• ewe, SA tit° Al.sn thtt
fair were WOO
Tee) g .te receipts of the Brusse'e Fa
Fair were $2,01.
Bre d. is stdeng for four cents per
loaf in Wiugetene
B. S. O'Neil hoe purchased a +and.
some Mikerio beget! from R. $ Lang.
lYtr. Arthur leL Lon, atititeant pester
of oudeeburo, hat; been qui te iti
of late,
The receipts or the ctunieersary of tee
Credit n Met hod ist chteroh ameunted
to $7$,
The new Main street Methodist
church will be opened abutit the middle;
ef pest inteethe
London Conference of the Methodisb
Churoli has been allotted $5,289 for
domestio missions.
Dr. John Hyndman, had a mower re-
moved from his lip, by specie ists in
London, on Friday last.
Melee sure of your %inter a supply of
apples, Jones & Halle' cars wid be here
in 3 or 4 days, Write them.
The collector will soon be on his
rounds, when it is hoped he will be
favorably received by the taxpayers. e
Divieon Court was held here on hic4
•4\ay, presided over by Juege Doyle.
Wti8 the largest docket in ten years,
Notwithstandmg the scarcity offhay
re is a good deal being sole/ Th
prevailing price is about VA per ton.
Ladies' Green iand beaI, Grey
A strachan and Black Coney Fur Capes,
1 lengths, at the Big Bankrupt Store,
Imes and Boy's Overeoatit and Saits
the finest selectioa and best values in
town at the Big Bankrupt Store, Ex.
James Baker, of South Brandon, dug
a potato fiom his garden thia year that
o eighed five pounds. This beats the
Mr, Edward Mara, of Lucan, has
been appointed bailiff of the Third Div-
ision Court of Middlesex, in piece of G.
W. Hodgins
M. G. Cameron, late of Toronto,
formerly of the firniof Cameron, Holb
& Cameron, has returned to Goderioe
to resume the practice of law.
A potato weighing 3 pounds, 9e oz.,
was grown on Mr. D. D. Wilson's farm,
Seatorth. This beats Mr. Coward's
large potato mentioned in last weeks
Mr, C. B. 1Vlaraland can in future
be found at his new quarters in Wood's
block, room No. 3, where he can be
consulted on all matters pertaining
to cricket.
Master Cecil Brewer, son of Mr. H.
C. Brewer. of Clinton. met with a pain-
ful accident the other day, by running
O neat almost through the palm of his
right hand.
MANTLES. -Never has the Big Bank-
rupt Store shown such a choice as at
the present season, Every Jacket a
perfect fit. Prices the lowest, cozens -
ten with good goods.
Jones & Halls, of Winchelsea, are
getting two cars of choice winterapples,
which they offer at $2.25 per bbl. Drop
them a postal card by Illonday and
secure your winter's apples.
There is a boycott on against Chew,
see) London . The Typogriteificar,
Union has resolved to fine any mem-1
er who pat ronizes one the time of $1:
and $2 for a second offence.
At the Parkhill fair last week. W.
Hodgin's (Hansen) horse won first'
money in the 2.50 trot, while Ed. Bos-
senberry's (Zurich) "Rodney" won
second in the 2 25 trot.
Mr. James Sweet, who had his ankle'
broken last week, is able to be about,
but with the aid of crutches. ..Ele slip-
ped off a log while in the wood shoot-
ing, end broke one of the bones at the
Alexander Tait, of the firm of 1VIur-
ray & Co. founders, while operating
an iron pl'aner in the foundry the other
day, had one of his bands badly cut
and bruised. He now carries lb in a
allAngli the weather wiseacres are pre.
dieting a cold winter, They generally
prophesied that last winter would be
abnormally open, and it was not. Will
their prognostications for 1896 go by
con trades ?
The treasurer of Knox College says
that $22,000 is needed to conduct the
institueionnext year, and but $18,000
is available. He calla -upon friends to
come to the rescue. The college has
existed for over 50 years and is doing
good work.
TheTuckerstnith tug of war tearo,which
beat the Hallett and McKillop teairts
in the tug of war contest on the first
p ty of the Seaforbh show, was composed
of the following gentlemen: William,
Henry and David Chesney, and George
Sproat. George Dale and GeorgeStewart.
euckersorith grows good 'nen.
The sale of the chattels of the estate
of Leonard Hunter, deceased, on Tues-
day was quite successful. The weather
being fine the attendance was large.
Stock sold at fairly good primes,
while imolements brought good figures.
Messrs Eilber and Brawn wielded the
hammer. •
At Sarnia, Thursday, the marriage
was solemnized of W. A.. Lewis, bar-
rister, and Miss Anna Bell Delziel.
Miss Dalziel is a daughter of John
Dalziel, county clerk of Lanabton;
former resident of Grand Bend, and is
one of Sarnia's vocalists. Miss Dalziel
sister of the bride, and Mies J. Misty,
St. Maeys, were the brideamaids, while
Messrs. A.Patterson ancl P. McGibbon,
Sarnia, were groomsmeti.
Manitoba Mercury:- "Mr. Thomas
Carting, of Exeter, has been visit-
ing the fairs in Southern Manitoba
for the pase week, and his services as
Judge have been in demand. Ele has
also been looking after hie landed inter-
ests throughout tee &Anoka. Speak-
ing of the exhibitions, he says that no
person witnessing the splendid pro.
ducts shown can have any doubb as to
the future of this province."
A, short time ago Mr. Gowan, who
has taught the school iu tesborae, a
mile and a quarter ewe of Exeter. dure
ing the past number of yore, reeigned
to study dentistry. He IA for Phila-
delphia a few weeks ago, but net lik-
ing the study he returned home, and
ou Sattirday to -engaged with the true-,
tees of the same school tor Atwater
Yetee at 0, reCitICOCI salary, He will
take the echo& after the Ohristrnas
4 estiquet le to bagiven in Drew s If, ki
on Fridg), 18th hist„ trader tbe attep ties cf
tee le iitite garnered.' Septet ten be
etillawea by a toaat list end a eludes p re
gramme of music
. ISO Settees et,
On Th oreelay last Chief Gill arrested
a man named Josepit Vineent, of the
township of ;Stephen, on a werreet
twern out by William Witeell of the
lame towage's), ehergetg him. mei the
seduetion of . his sixteen year old
daughter'. The case was settled out of
eoert betweee the parties.
i• a '
Weeding Dens,
Avery heppy and intereating event
was that Which toilt piece at the resi
donee of Mr, Chas. Bacrett, Sarum,
, Weileesetty morning les., when his eld
est; datiglitet Miss Ida Eaorett became
'the wife of eir, After B own, V. S. of
'the!: town. The bitide,end groom took
Oeir position beneath's large horseshoe
if fiewers Which was suspended from
0 ceetng, and under whiele the cere-
'tony was performed. The bride wait
dven away by her fether and was char -
i, mingly attired in a dress of cream silk
' trimmed with pearl" and chiffim. Site
careied a beautful bouquet of white
roses. elm Etutice Eacrett, sister of
the bride, was bridesmaid and looked
beautiful in a dress of pale blue si k.
Litt e Miss Mary Snell. cif Exeter,
ousin of the bride, performed the diet-
s of maid of honor on the auspicious
nasion and was gowned in a dreee
of white muslia trimmed with pink
ribbon. Mr. P. G. Brown, M. D., of
Clamlatibie, bruther of the groom was
best man and together with the groom
was attired in the regulation suit of
black At the oonclusion of the cere-
mony wad after the happy couple hod
received the congratuletions of the
friends present the company sat down
to a delicious wedding breakfast. fhst
the bricle and groom are popular with a
tette number of frieods was teetified to
by the many haudsonie and costly pres-
ents received by the newly married
pair. Mr. and 1VIrs. Brown left on tee
afternoon express fer a ehort honeymoon
trip to Turouto and other eastern citiee
and on their return will reside with
the bride's parents.
Keetwood itt 7 10) holidays.
Mr, D. Johns, postmaster, who has
been in Maintobe the past couple of
months, returned home Friday. He
reports a pleasant time, and says that
Manitoba is a grand ceuntre-beautiful.
and. health-giviug. The crops this year
were iramense but considerable grain
was frozen. ia'ts visited several former
Eseterites who are ferming and. reports
all as doing nicely. Wheat averaged
36 bushels to the acre whi'e oats yielded
in many oases from 60 to 90 bushels to
the acre. -Mr. I. Smith, blackemith,of
Crediton, has obtained a situation with
14r. H. Jones, and will move his family
t town in. a few clays. -Mr. A. Stewart
an bride have returned. from their trtp
to troit, and are now comfortably
seal d in a neat reaiderice on Andrew
stree .-St. Marys - Journal
an rs. Isaac Smith, River road,
ent part of this week visiting relat-
lone Exeter." -Mr, Alex. Johnstoo
leaves for Stratford this:week to take
the Massey -Harris agency at Stratford -
Mr. Johnston has been assisting his
brother•in-law, Mr. Robb Lang, during
his residence hare. Stratford will find
in him a good citizen and the Masse
Harris Co. a good agent. -Mr. W'
Bagshaw has been re-engaged to tea
in S. S. No 3, Stephen for another ye
at a largely increased. salary. Mr. B has
proven himself an efficient teacher. -T.
B. Carling, deputy reeve, bas returned
from Manitoba. He reports things
booming in the prairie province, and
farmers there hare bright proepects be
fore them. should crops; In the future
turn out as they have done this year. --
W. Proudfoot, barrister. of Goderieh
was in town on Monday, attending
Diyison Coura-Mrs. J. C. Abell, of
Seaforth, is the guest of Mrs. S. Powell.
-Mr. W J. McKay, .principal of the
Hensall public school, visited Mr, S.
Powell over Sunday. -Miss Jennie
Taylor and Addles Dunstorce,. haye re-
turned to their home in Michigan, after
a pleasant visit with friends in Exeter.
-tV H, Hutchins, M. P., for North
Middlesee, was in town on Tuesday,
purchasing butter. --Mrs. Wilson and
daughter, of Prospect Hill, spent Mon-
day the guest of Mrs. J. P. Ross. -
Rev. Locke preached in Centralia oa
Sunday evening last, Mr. Delgaty
preaching for Mr. Locke. -Jos. Olarke,
of Seaforth, is the guest of W. South-
cott.-Urs. Leonard Hunter and family
will shortly leave for Ridgetown to
reside, when the family of Mr. Simon
Hunter, of Tuckersmith, will move in-
to the house on the 4th con., Usborne,
vacated by Mrs. Hunter -Mr. Thos.
Coates has been slightly`indisposecl the
past few days, but we are pleased to
say he his getting aroued again as agile
as ever. -The Misses Westland, who
have been visiting their uncle, W. G.
Bissect, hays returned to their home in
Wyoming, Ont. -Mr. Walter Millson,
of .tiondesboro, visited friends in town
the forepart of this tveek.-leliss Pearl
Rollins who has been ill the pash week,
is able to be about agatn.-nrs. Man-
ning, mother of Mrs. (Dr.) Amos, is
illat present.- Mr, and Mat. Yea
leave today for a trip east. 'rhey will
be absent about a week -Mess Bratind,
who has been visiting friends hi town
the past month retires to her home in
London this week. -Mea. W. Bowman of
O'sborne is very P
Dress Mating,
Miss LeGrice, wishes to inform the
ladles of Exeter and vioiniby that she
is prepared to take dressmaking, either
at home or by the day. Prices reason.
able and the latest sbyles. Reeidence,
with Mrs, Renard, andrew street.
Mr. leciteati, Mr. LI utchins, and Mr.
Welamiller are expected at the banquet
ricley eyenieg.
A. fresh stook dapples jot arrived at
the ire Battkrupt Stove.
e Listowel Stendard says We
raise great children in this parb of elle
country, Viet is, some of us do, Robert
Hemphill has a new arrival et his house,
aeon, born on. the lObli ult., which
weighed at the time of hit th 17 pounds
This has been. it 'SenSOO ot plietiornetial
yitelde rouncl, and Robert newer;
10E135 lin with the race.
All lines of Fall and Winter
Goods at prices which please our
customers. We bought heavily
in all lines of goods before the
big jump in prices. We are giv
ing th.e public the benefit of our
close buying.
See our Grey Sheeting, 36 inches wide, for 5c
ec Twilled "
New Flannelettes at 5c, 7c, 8c, ioc, 12%c
Feather Ticking, (heaviest made) for 20c
" Grey Flannels, (test made) for 250
We' have made a" great purchase of Overcoats from the
Manufacturers direct e. bought these goods for spot cash and
any man, youth or boy can save from za to 33W/, By purchas-
ing his overcoat from us.
We have had a great rush in this department, and no wonder,
every Jacket we have is a perfect fitter, and the prices are in favor
of the purchaser. The advantage of buying for spot cash direct
from the Manufacturers shows up very plainly in the price of our
coats Come and make your selection1while there is a good.
We have ($i000.co) One Thousand Dolla.rs worth of Millinery
to clear Every article in our Show Roqm must be sold. Goods
are marked at such prices that will effect a speedy clearance, and
you cannot afford to miss this opportunity, of purchasing First Class
Millinery at low prices. Our Milliner, Miss Davis, has instructions
to clear out everything; so now is the time for a bargain.
R. Pickard & Son,
Among the names or those tu whom
Patents have recently been iesued, we
notice that of David Spicer, Exeter,
combination fruib picking and step
The Big Bank runt Store is howing
the finest range of fine Dress Goods in
Exeter. Tweed effects, Cordie Serges,
Frieze Cloths, and fine Venetians at
rrect prices.
The fifty acre farm of the late Mrs
Muir, on the London Road just soutu
of Herisall, was sold by audio
Wednesday, Mr. Duncan McEwen be-
ing tee purchaser, at $2,600.
Lillian, daughter of Rev. e. R. Gem.
dy, of Windsor, formerly of Exeter,
died. yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon
of typhoid fever. Her remains will be
interred m the Exeter cemetery.
The following were elected officers of
the Perth Teachers' Association for the
ensuing year . President, Mr Leigh, of
Teerkton ; vice presilent, Miss Addison,
B. A., Stratford ; secretary treasurer,
Geo Malcom, B, A., Stratford ; man:
aging committee, Miss Edwards, 5 rat:
ford ;Miss L 0 Dent, Stratford ; Muss
-Rich aro eon, Poo'e; J Robertson, El p:
stead ; MrFrench, Mitchell,
Four weeks ago Suttee' smith, of
Ellice, was driving to Mitchell, when his
horse ran away and threw him out of the
buggy. He WILS paralyze4 by the fall,
and died from his injuries on Thursday
Messrs. Maikens and McConnell, of
Seaforth. while driving home from Cliuton
several days ago, were thrown ont of
their buggy against the fence at Turnet'e
hitl, Mr. McConnell was struck in the
eye with a stick and received a severe
shook. The eye,fortunittely, is not seriously
11r. Simons, station agent at Dublin, is
the inventor of a telegraph key. It lass
an automatic cut off, whioh will guard
against the many accidents which now
emir through neglect or mendet in the
out off being left open. It hag been pat-
ented in Canada and the 'United States,
and. Mr. Sit:assort. is applying to have it
patented in England as well.
Banes—The Staffa show last week
was not a success as far as numbers was
ucerned the day being cold aud
wary. but the exhibits were up to
in some classes ahead of former
.--The crop of roots in this secutou
ry large and the farmers are very
liOW.—Tho lecture on Thursday
ing was not so largely attended as
expected. It was delivered by the
ev. J. &L Henderson, of Hensel', on
his trip to California anti return. Those
present enjoyed the leo' tire very much.
He gave some compatison between
Uncle Sam's country and tier own fair
Dominion and showed in his estimate)
of what he had seen that our country
was the more desirable of the two to
live in and urged on ale, to be true Can
(idioms. Receipts at door *moult -tea to
$25.- Whs. James Gillespie, and
daughter Jennie, have returned home
after an extended visit amongst friends
in Hamilton. -Mr. Jae, Miller who hes
been ailing for some time ia improving,
-The meeting of the Y. P. Suoiety was
well attended on Senday evening, and
O very interestiog paper full of suggest-
ions, on the esubjact, "How may our
society do better work," was read by
the president, Miss Jennie Gilleepie,
also some suggestions by Mr. D. Park.
The beet is what you want when you
are in need of a medicine. That is why
you should insist upon Hoods Sarsaparida.
Neglect (teed in the hesd and ynu wi .1 e1r&y
have oatarrh. Nereeet nasal catarrh and vou
mil as surely induce Willmar/ dise aes or
catarrh of the stoinaoh 'W1'11 its disgusting a t -
model, te foul breath, hawki eel spitting, blow
ing, ea. Stop it all by using Dr. Chase's
Catarrh Cure. 2 a 5 cents box entree,
Rams --The home of James Murray wee
the lemma of a vary .pleasent gathering on
Wednesday evening, being the marriage
of his daughter Mary E. to James Thome
eon, 8th line Blansherd. The bride look-
ed charming in a suit of fawn trimmed
with brown ribbon, and was waited on by
her sister, while the groom was support-
ed by John Wiles, Fullerton. The cere-
mony evae performed by Rev. 0. Fletcher,
Thema road, after ethic a sumptuous
repeat was waved to Pollee 50 or 0.t) guests.
Bautvs.—Nob long ago the home of
Harry Towl was brightened by twins, a
little girl and boy. He, Who knowe
what is beet, saw thab they wore too
pure and tender to 'babble with the
cares and trouhleit of this world ao Ile
book them unto Himself where they will
be cared for better than any earthly
ather or mother could do, 'rhe girl
s laid. to red in Zion cemetery on
uesdev and the hoy on Senility last
Mr, and Mrs. Towl have bhe deep
antipathy of the community in the loss
of their little ones and may they sob-
rait to His loving will, wile said "Suffer
litble chi droll to COMO unto A.
large limber from here attended Sam-
uel levoolee aele on Thuredity leg, aria
made a Jorge tiMcber Of purchases
Chaff askets9
1 Clothes Baskets
The best made baskets ye
have shown, well finishsd
and pat together. Market
bkets with lay -down hand-
les for putting under buggy
sea,ts, Our. chaff baskets
hold 6 bushels You w9,ut
them, Come and see them
and you will purchase.
111111 '11
New Mantles
The newest and
most popular
goods. Sure fit-
ter, serviceable
and at popular
Stock now complete
in all the novelties.
See our 42 inch all
wool Serge at 25c
worth. 40c.
See our all wool b4
in.11). Tweeds at 5Cc.
The best values ever
New Hats
New Clothing
FOR --
Men and Boys.
C. C. ,7011NE'rOZT.---
LAND Or Uceeromus.
Vancouver (Sp ecial) Oet. 14-A pass.'
enger by the lam; vessel nom China stet d,
the other day that among other OanadMe
oducts which are fast coming into favor
iu the Chinese treaty perts.le the Canadian
specificremedy for kidney i.eases of sall
kinds known as Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Phe medicine was first introduced by Can-
%diens and. the increase in its use botla by
Europeans and natives is attributed firbt
to the accounts of its SUcCesS ht the Can-
adian and American newspapers many of
which are received in Shanghai and other
ports, and later to its established effiescy
in curing all kinds of kidney diseases
which are very prevalent in -the country.
Banqueb, Drew's Hall Friday eve-
Hallowe'en will be here in a couple o
weeks, aud this year there are lots of
pumpkins for the occasion.
You Don't Have to Swear off
Says the St. Louis Journal of Agrionl-
tura ill an editorial about No To Bao, the
famous tobacco habit wise, "We know
of many OttSes oured ay No-Tolsais. one
a. prominent St. Louis architect, smoked.
aud ehewed for twenty years; two boxes
cured bim so that even the smell of to-
bacco maim him siog." No-te Brio sold
and guaranteed, no cure no pay. Rook
free, sterliog Remedy Co., 374 St. Babe
St., Montreal.
Sale Register.
Thareclay, Oct. 17th-Ferm stook,
implements, etc., the property of Eck -
hard Williams, lot 11, con. 11, Stephen
township. Sale at one o'clock. H.
Eilber, Auc.
Monday, Oot, 21.-Exesautor'a sale of
farm etock, implements etc,. on lot 14,•
con S. Stephen township. Salo at one
o'clock. 11..thelber, auc.
Wednesday, October 23.- Farm
stock, implements, etc., the property
of Charles Willert, lot 18, eon. 14,
Township of Stephenbale at one
o'clock, No reserve. E. Bossenberry,
Wednesday, Oat. 30.--Farmstock.
implements, etc, the property of Mrs.
.Agnes Murray, fob 5 con. 2, nay; Sale
at one o'cloult; No reserve W. Mc:
Cloy, Allele
To Smokers
To meet the wishes of their cus-
tomers The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son.
Co., Ltd.., Hamilton, Ont., have
placed upon the market)
A Combination Plug of
8440KINO ° TO2A009
This supplies a long felt; want, giv-
ing the consumer one 20 cent plug,
or a 10 cent or a 5 cent piece of the
famous & braticl of pure Vir-
ginia Tobacco.
rflig tin tag is on ovory pion