HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-10-17, Page 5'474.10- WeakTired Nervous 9 9 Women, who seem .to be all worn out, will find in purified blood, made 'ch and healthy by Hood's Sarsapa- ir a, permanent relief and strength. The following is from a well' known 11UPSe. ." I have suffered, for years with female complaints and kidney troubles and i' ran,ve had a great deal of medical advice during that time, but have !received litter er no benefit. A friend advised me to taa.e Rood's Sarsa=parilla and I- began to use it, together with Hood's Pills. I have real- ised more benefit from these medicines than from anything' else]. have ever taken. From my porsouai experience I believe Hood's Sarsmaarilla to be a most complete blood purifier." MRs. C. CROMPrON, 71 Cumberland Bt.,, Toronto, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla 9s the Only True Blood r miler Prominently in the public eye today. Hood's p>i ffl� easy to boy, easy to take, easy in effect. 25c. T ATk,D. IMO , Ptrayed from the premises of Ibe ui.drrsicn ed about the middle of Jul,. a .nferd[si Leicester rr.m. Any inforn.n.tinn lending to ire rroovery will be suitabl' rewarded by applying to CHAS,. IRVINE Tiirktnn P 0. Ageiits •a'eriresentine us can earn $20 per week selling our Hardy L'orls.rlian-,prowu T'(Iki cr'i Stook. Pa -moment position and salaries, Exclusive t�riitiry. Write at once f(r twins to E. 0• GH9.HANI,NunaSavaAN, T1,a0vrn, 0NTAR1n, 1.11A -RI FOR SALE. ISO -sore farm in the township of Stephen 1'•eita'1ot 36, con. 33. Tirete are ah( u' (.0 a, r. s cleated, the belauce in bush. The above lot is about one mile North of the Cer try Roaxl arid two and n halt. tunes South of Thisbe (rod .Tcvo:. good wellaof Water on the premises, Ten acres of fail wheat .Apply to C A, T �t .Oil. I I H IU P yt L T M Ifbivat P. fl NvAN'r ED HELP. -MEN OR Women in every locality (local or tray elling)i to it trodune a new discovery, and keep our show' cards tanked up nn 'trees. forties and bridges throughout town and a•,un'ry, Steady emulul!neat. Jolnmiesi,a or salary 965 per month and cyper.se., awl =flea^ deposit, d in any batik w'hou starter! For particulars write THS WORLD 11, anrcAt. F t,'xoTRlo Co., P. U. Box 221, London, Ont., Canada' May 15- m -filARNI FOR SALE. Lot 84, Con- 4 of the townahip of [..v borne, (pertaining 1.00 acres, 60 of whieh arecl-arod and the rest well timbered with ii p1' and beech;'a good frame harp 3fx5U feet, also good frame atables find driving ehed, a good log house and o her outeuild.ings,large or °hard with plenty £small fruit trees. The farm is well adapted for grain or.pasturage. It issituated , n a g od gravel r a.d fou, mile from the thriving village of Ilel:sall. 1 1•.1 miles from store ell ps, Post otrree and church and 2 miles from soh 0l. For miller par, tieulars apply to 61rtS. 13•.1(3. W(11 1), Chisel- bursr P. rr. or 11R. Wd. MITCHELL, Box 14. r ensall,P. 0. tut OT1OE TO CREDITORS, hi the Mattet• of Israel Smith, of the 'Pillage of Crediton, in the To.eilab e of Stepper', in the County of Huron, Bisekstnith. !Notice is hereby given that the above nam- ed has made an assignment to the und'asign- ed t eau es, of all hie estate and ell, et., for the bent 61 . f his cr'ditore. All cr",liters are hereby required to Ste their claims with hens) F;ilber, 0radium P. 0,, on or betl'11 the 1st clay of November, A. D•, 1895, After that da e Abe said trustses shall 1,r(•00((d to distribute 5)e said e tn e0(81na regard only to 140101 'claims of which the tr t(4114 shall haw.noise, the sant trustees will not be 'resn1nsih'e for the asset of the said estate or any per thereof tonna, tersnn or persons t -hu, . et,iitn ore. aims 80011 not have been Ar0pe11Y filed ,and proved by affidavit. Hs utiY MIT,1314R, `-A IUt•`T.13110 VN, 3,rI tt''lo0R (Ii WITRTII,TRUSTEFS. WILLIA6t LEW (8, Dated at , Crediton this 12th (ley of Octob.r, 13901.• 'OHESTER `WIIITE BOAR .J FOR SERVICE. $f, et time of service. W SNELL, I.nt 10 Conceeeiou 7. Osborne_ 4)"o-4',. 1:41ST•RAY LAMB. —Strayed Into th0 pr"mises of`,rlie n rix 8 4) , ed. 'inmates marl, about the mi Idle of (pant b r, a 1,e'(a•,er rout Lima. 0 r et hay, sameuyprlivingpropertyRd. dmoose 'gl, ire; J• 8 11A.; VJ4Y, [lshorne. EsoLrPao'lit,7111au Hogs Wanted ! d'Or killing every Monday. As we are killing hogs rogulrlrly every weeac we aro preferred to supply cus- tomers with new KET'CLE ft AIN DER E3) LARD, crocks or pities, fie (rd at lie per lb., on Wednesday. Spare Riby 2c per pound I BA. T o'rs Pork IOC per Ib •, Tenderloin 9c per lb. Piga Feet, cleaned, 15e per cloy, ; lhtlokerl %Tan 12O per lb, ; Smoked Backe ' 11c per lb. 13,. Bacon 12e Spiced lto'11 1110 per lo ; .riologn 1, 3 lbs. for 25e.. long 0 ear 1heon, 9e to 100 Ir'r ilio A',IY EX MUM, P, CIKTNG HOUSE, rop. IIIt3411.K' 1' a lPQkl,7'S. Exeter, October 161.0, 1600 halt wheat Per buah ea b 63 spring wheat Per hada 002 d0 3arbe, Por 01300,.. 2'1 Oats Por hneh 22 32 r 80114 Por bash ,,. 47 40 Flour per bbl 4 90 4 24 Al'Vlo') pea bag ••. 70 25 80 Patets^rs'per bag 80 flay ., son • 10 00 1000 Weu.i per cord ktlard. • • 00 g' 50 5' 1M Dred aur cord soft .,. 0 Butter per lb ,.. 14 10 Kegs per dozen „. 130 S 13 1 urkeye Per Ib . . 1 8 !loge, live wvegitt 3-r 7 On ke.., ,• 0 64 Chmaks ,,.... a 5 Ureesodhugs 5 t0 to 050 London, October t,4140, 095 Whcat,white, ral1.100tbs..,•. lJ 100 to $ ”.:10 11 heat, rem tall. 307'1110iba ,. )O'to 100 ttihFat.eprint:, per 100 Pa.,- l.t•O:o .100 Cats, Per too 1bo, . 7r' TO 74 Peas. per 1(9 !ba• 60,tr. 83 ('oro, 3)07100 lb, 011,'o 100 Berlin, per 1U( 108 a to 75 RYe,- per tuft Ib,. 00 to 9) buokwheat. Per 1001b, (10 to 11'0 t'..etn, i,er O 8..,., . ..., 1 (0 3C 1 10 t ggs, fresh, Dingle 00716 to 17 Nees, t re'h basket, per doz... 16 to 17 Eggs, fre'u, store loss, per d0z 14 to 14 Elutter,bingle rune -drat 1t,,.. 2b to 22 Butter perlb,. Ib rolls,baskets 20 to 22 UItor per .10. targe iolla or omens •. ... , 18 to 20 Ba ter,perlb, tub or firltina 17 to 18 b, r! , 4 to 9 Chiar:'oltepus, per Pair.,.,.. 50 to .75 Iltwhe..• . ,.' , 71100 71 Trtrkevat 1) to 12o tier lbs earth, 100 to hill T7ress .d hogf 0.011 5 50 flay per con 1d 05 to 12 60 Termite. Ootober.16th,169` Wheat, white,,, per bus.,.. $ 66 to $ 1i 1t 1)1,a I, 0Prtug, Per (,0114.... Hi to 67 Wh,at, r d winter, parr 1010 64 co 67 % beat goose, per bus 60 to 56 Barley. per bus ... 85 t0 41 irate, per bus 28 to 28 Peas.. .. 51 to 63 limilc d (l+ry ..... 12 00 to 12 Dresaod lltge 5 25 to 5 a0 Eget per d zea.., ..,....,14 t . 15 Butter, per lb 17 40 18 13rrtlsh Grain Trade. Loudon, r'1ot 14. The pfrirk Lane lix).rt'ss, in i0t w„klytont wcat the frith grain trod) 003 1iuu,', 1 he week ngheh wbea s h ve udvaoeed is. tramp ra .oro bolding 'heir atorlts at, adily. .1w grain is .in s1e0ial re - 4t1160. In foreign who its Calif ruin has " eon qulet,and Aink rte n has dee iin, d•Cu. meri- ean 83(11,6 wheat flour bas 11000m Bd °beeper• Savoy, °r3), haunt and p018 are hold for au ndv81Ie. 10 day the market was active. Ji ,'1sn new wheats Wor) $e'arlo, and rnaufid. Old'hagliebwheats al.orude60, and the,in- r)utry Dae med.'rat ' In ,tentage wilea:8 Am. rico It recovered fid. 1alour butotin" firtner.. (lots were dhulp. Am• rioai. heiag 01,it.d at 12s 1 d on the st. t. Corn, 0'1001' and Peas ware fl, met . Linseed was 9d h gher. The. Live Stock Markets. F,AB'f 13UFFALo. East Buffalo. N. Y., Trot. 10 -Ceti le closed dud at 03eatty for he vy steer', end 00 ady fir ethers; ore load 01 fancy heavy brut) ght 95 per cant Hogs closed steady to firm. 'wi h aO sold. °heap nod lampsolused at0ady to strung, With all sold. C1'l•CAM0, Chicago, Oct 16. -Hogs Receipts, 83.080 left over400U. Active: priceas rom$ to 50 higher. Light, o'3t 5 to 94 z0; mix40901741 to 2423; be vy $3 0 3016'4'': rough, 631311 t 637U. Cattle etsentts 20,1U , ii cU•dina 2,0111 lex au, moo 4,000 weaterue. NJo000rades genert,lly 10cents .loner. Beeves. :3 30 to 9g' 46; cow' and hinters. 91 an 1 *aet; s'0cker$'and feed- erl, 62 145 to r3 8•,• '1'exeus, 62 8u . 10 6'5 v ; westerue, 93 to $4 30. t 41`10(4-ttn eIp[a, U,fU ; weakt '19oluwor . British Cattle Market, • John Swann 3: Poos, limited, Edinburgh, rbe`r weekly re non of i)o • 10, says :- Supplies of fat cattle have beenmoderate alt oyer, (roving to the e1ues,iveiy h,)' weather iu the early part of 1',e wee., turd the clad etatt• of the meat 1110rkets' 1.u) els 0 (eraater. wi, h caution. and (lade was slue 0xcen' for the' cry Lest (1183)3 03 It, me oat 4le. whioi wart about last week',. I riser. Fr sl eel' and lumps have been niiuwx4 in °moll smarter cumbers and they Nova wade rather more tut 3)e. • let calves met ra goad trade at:hilly mote m0trey, but 114831. tr the warm wentber pies u.ado 0.oide,.lylers 11,0,14'). At the vinr.'ue story ti 11 markets ihie weer there hits been n (;air demand, and lin e, tire Clearance D:a, e• the store Hbeep 111 (004 h ave been ver; briak and ter . erh' rssue eses un average rise of nhcul 58 t head ha. h1 en LI,a,ned, 1 he number of 'mates ud Canadian cattle generally bolos lighter .ncese hare made inure mnat•y. Nulah cow-.were:howu on about the same numbers as est week, lord me' a decidedly' wetter trade. best beef, Ns P. Ss 6d per aline; best mutttn,'lid to 64d per 10. O a*LLT,t's Pae,'s.aIT Fu)NITARIOD I'AL13R GIVES 1'11'38, 810M M48°N'BATF.9 & CiCU;y.lia. Feb. lath 11895 (dentlemen.-A bout three or. four weeks itgo. 1 1)813.11 track of etching fib's. 1 tried two or 411 roe di 03' rent rem, (OW 1001 mm1I.do.d by druggists es .."•he best a, d on 3 cure." ere. etc.:out grotto) relief bout t e tilde 1 07 begin IP re, to 4espa'.r of Uudingsoy' relief wi h' !Vino' m •sgl)l?ge 1 lament a bas of yourpine cure, IN 1110111 i,m 1't"., ted to seYR",•70 t10411u1,r1'r 14141(1• relies an l t ei'minent en, e, I consider Your Uietmenr a (4od-3,1nd )4L1' .1. lllsd N Taoot,u'1' re was (. olvetimir Bee. Deka. Buts, -1. arra ttambl,u with a nasty cough and I retll) tllur.ght t we.' going into eoesilrnptrto 1 0)7(48 IWO bottler 01 131i,4ald'e Pectoral 13 1 ata cud edit N 't u. to a Ono t unlycu d sa • that it 3)7 t M F O mita 4144. 61118. 1, 1 t never n a but lilt ! rr u it, the teat remedy i„ the wlrlii. GIOACE 14 Itis-. tilt alt, Blare, 1 firma\en u e Co., Qu bee Mr 1 homes ltl, 1114.,:, 1•3 t1 (3l[rp, in. tpo'4. r•"t'r113t ft lel - tit ire. THE TURNING POINT TC 1801tru COMFORT AND SUCCESS 15 GAINED EY 'I'IJE use OF Feb.F DLa i cr4D DciYCC. These wandarf,ll Dycs save thousands of dc.la.s annuaily to 11103i3 1 Lover i 1 Canwc:x. At ti I" scaeoll, old, Lulea and soil c.c1 G tosses, tel ns, jackets, rad rocas' and boys' suits can he. re-c:yod, n ocl mad; to lock as well as new, at a costoften C£nte. - Diamond Dyes arc,tho sales(t c; they are the brightest, strorienct and most (hirable. A.;IIt fox the "Diamond"; refuse ell others ,. il`CCCio9s 13ea7 and sa;l; 1''es of eelorcd clot/a Ave" address , . ;WZLts & RICIARDS05 Co., lrontreal l'. Q. fwATARI411 ttT:Lfrtlrl;ts Is. 14) To 2(1 0313N- -. )1 t b.ea, l ie r, Ott puff' of the breath through ti 4) Blower eupplit rl with eeeh bottle of 3)r A9rtew'u f"'atl)Xrba,) Powder, fliiluMea iht' Powdet• (48414' the hul•faee ('0 the rail pre.. rages, 5111 14446 and 0eli,.btlul to reltrr relieves iosrantly, end y'ertuarral'tly cure Cuter 1, Hay .Veto, Colds, llpadgoh' Suns Throat, '1'ottr ilitie l ud 1)61fzlesa LSO cents, At 0. 1.u'S. ii.la.wr 1) s4A81♦ hsl,Isvae IN 'TsoIran ti) IN CTEI0 Dr, Agnew'e One for the Heart gives path 'gt relief in all 011,1,011 of Or moo tit spat patherin Heart Disease in 30 unnetea, and speedlly efi4eta a cure, It is a pial. Ir es remedy for fail it tint', Short/use of 13reeth, Sur •thering 1;}0,01114, Panner left Nide anti all oympttirns of tr Dieesstd Heart. One do•o 0On9iimes, S ld . by C. I,UTZ, Btieema tiOX31a ( truer) DIOSIt nits -1 WAS troubled eith' rutin ii g nu.' s un my 11.03) wlstub 11(.thii„e enoyl ells up to the time t triad Burdock B1oeu. 13itrer8.but after tat iu,( awn buttlr,a my feu^ w"e completely cured bud it tuft toy flesh clean anti IlOun i A. tlr,xuen', 27 Wool• ey So„ Tweet°. FOR UV halt k'11 TY YEA tis AR ii),p AN 13 'N1:L"0lt1 KA Rlrn4KPY.—. Mr4 winaloW'a Soothing t•yru1 hat. beep used fifty rears by trillions of mothers for theirebildrer, while teething with perfect success, t soothes old , 1 tho )hll l soft 8(001 , us tens ( .81101' tr th . ya a pain, cures1h0 00110. ,)3)d is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, le pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists iu every parr or the aortd. 26 omits a. hull '0 Its value isincalculable, Be sure and 8411[ for tl rel. Winslow's soothing Syrup, midi otherklud.. orsois T9 Travi WAN TED.- Several faithfulgentle- men held larliea to treVel for eetablie11e0 31011HP.. `•.alar� $780& :Expenses Po -Won permanent if suited ;else increase State reference and enclose aelf-addressed stamped envelope. THE NATIONAL,. 816-- 317-318 Omaba. Berl e.encAro. AATEA BUFFALO ROBES,COATS AND MITTS (Received the highest awards at the Ni‘ orld's Fair.) We would alae' all purchasers of Robes to inspect thi:t great and won de, fill 1ofe 'before buy' og;pronounced by 'ell who- haveused them t" be w trtn er and absolute wind, water and 1110431 pr'in'f, Will out wear bear in spots like 44 Rion rode, havehad six ye1ts of rough usrl;t' And have stood the teat, 'Ph'y" are made in three ports wtihout any meanie, the fur cloth, the " Astrachan" lining end rubber irtterliuince They dry quicker end never get hard and are as srloug as leather. E1ery role guar- antP4 d as lel rest nted..- We alto base a large steel; of Harrieas, Whips Trunks, Valises, IBiauketp,'Rugb, Bella, Boors & Strocs, Overai,oes, Rubbers. Felt rued Rubber Boots, Sox and Rubbers. Our stook'is fresh and unsurpassed iu uut.h and quxilty. Sole agent for Newlands Sa8katohowan Buffalo Robes. John Treble. 111 0 ' TED Then Cone To Us for Bess; -eroc Suites Fur ours are selected with h-vioty Ib auitrnk the 41.08t sPrart'liir g taste, and all ,+ -e0 30 , can t what they , t l at t;P any (,frit o. The Leading Furniture Dealers The Leading Undertakers. Gi.leyy (36 Son, t) nD l''K 11.1111" S BLOCK. Central 1DRITG S'1101)) I {1 (114(8 who have; ust'd ti ('Pan's Cough I3a.issnm, 1"roonllrttte it ftue'g11:11ltd eta rl rr'tnelly f'Ox l f)1 (811 , l -()L1)3" .81131) 131toi\Cr ITIU lI3oUB4 L 1, Winan's Condition & fou h Powder for horses, best in the 111,1)'- 1111 t, 01Way 8 Olt 1l.tlido ,A1,() a l't t+ bi'tlefac'to told I,il.1i 4110:t.TPtll('iUr4 wl) wtu(' r3('t,stn tj' Itse(1. by 11,1r, i"llris, 'Munroe, .I-'al'i'hill, if) this Blatt 011.'1 1' t,ow1114, ,11 treating' and 01313'11'g 'various diseahtet,, For bale at 00 LUTZ'S, D161:111s$nno Corfu 1mow. 1*6133 S3s11, ...$a01114 t► roost, dielreaaing 0(,914(, for btuttr vine, I tiled 1)r. '4ovtett Nur W M Vint By ale, curl. itft00 ts154ilo 10 few there found get at rt lief anti one' hold e 01.1)0)13, cured u,o, It le the Meet .c001113 1,1031(1110 I Lave:eyct Been. WAL'alt, Pizl,rn, 1301 merino, Mao. Yellow 0'11 ea Intel rally re)Icvea Weil ,nau 01080 oroilp, sole ib root, uaihnia, lut•n- ulii'18, and emitter eon']pleitils,,,Uat d,extt') p- ulls ,t ouree ilteu„ tetietir, lutnbttf,.o 0j'101' 8, 1,1010849, galls, chilblains, float bites, lame back, deur alma, Btu, kti,11(VEte'r -A;I (Muer, re A Der,- South Amerman him unratto0114P for l.'1110unrat'6it* Ked Neuralgia, redieella' cures 111 1 : to 3 days. 1te aeti0u apun tbaay{tetu Ig' remark able and 1rlysterions, It removers at once the obese and the dieeaae Immediately eta' .km0gra 1'11 first dose greatly bent tit 75 create, Bold by 0, Lutz. 1)tuyglet, tae. A Boot; mo 11011S10311 0( -One bottle 4f English trparin Liniment completely .re luevud a - curb Nom niy hotee. 1 take in rauomrueurng Ibe remedy, as it Kota with tu'steti00e promptness in the re- move] from hnr,ua ot hard, soft or call. wised 1120134a. blood:epavin,:splints, Curbs .w,eny, stifles and spleen*. it ()BUIL' 11.0BB, FARnticl3, 1V1Ayt0Ifant. UMI, Sold by C.'LU.f3, -pee BExn ' 614 Six (1001114. -Disordered Kid ney and bladder diseases relieved in siY tenure by the "Great South Amerioau Kid 0Nl Cute." - This neer remedy Ps great surprise and delighttu p050011ans on .ac. Court of its exceeding proaupteeea 11) re- l' vI g P,i1nt •,b1adder, kid f Ys, ba ok d every partofthe uric, r ase ea 11 an a or '1 S p ag l mile anti femnl,,. It relieves re3eutlon of water andnein in paeeingit almost Mowed ate*. If you want quick relief and .sure this is your remedy . Sold by C. LTJTZ London, Hurons: and Bruce. .4101140 NORTH* .Passenger London, depart ...... •, 8.05A, u'. 4,:04.1' Ceutralia. 9.07 6.47 Exeter--....... 9 22 6.00 Mention_ .......,....•, 9,37 6.16 Ki open. •.- .,., 9.44 620 lirure8old 9,52 6.28 Clinton 10.12 6.55 Londesboro. 10.19 7.14 ]3114th ........ .... .10,38 7.23 Bulgrave 10.62 7.37 Wingbam (arrive:1110 8.00 Gonm Sours- Passenger l7ingham, depart ... 6.35 A. m, S.25r• al Bel grave.., 6.50 3.47 4.01 4.08 4.914 4.46 4.53 4.56 5,12 6.23 Lor desboro..... 7,10 Clisiaon •• 730 Brnce6eld 7.49 Kippon. :. . 7.57. 1lensall,.. 8 06 t:xeter .... ._8.26 Centralia.-- ....... ' 84 --Tan— People's Building and wan Association LONDON - - ONTARIO HOARD 'OR DIREoToB8 Ix FxgTRR, 0NTAR10 1)r. 3. A. Rollins, President. e Dr. C I:u x n Vice r sill ort L 1i' Diekaon, - °.r Valuator. _.. `.e rod: Gnlltns, t Secy -Treat. • D11RECTORS. JnoGrigg, E. A, Fnih1'k,'Jas. 'filler, Wm Southeott,Dr• Rhes. A. Amos,. Saint. • Souders. Make money br aaving'm(ney. Sixty cents per•mon'h will ensure roe in 7f 801348. For forma of application and all necessary infor- mation nformation apply tr the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. W. Collins. Post (ace, Exeter, Ont. DR. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA. 0Moe opposite Methodist Parsonage. KINSMAN, DENTIST, • T.D.K.SPECIAT,IST in GOLhFILL- IN(4, 1,X'RA('TTVG' and P) ATE WORK. Gas and )"nal Anaesthetics for pain- 1err. ,•xtracting. 2nd' door` north of LAR - LIN G'S 4tore ' ALTON ANDERSON D,D, S • D. S. Honor Graduate of the To- ronto Univrleityand Royal (°liege of Dental Sorge, 3)e of 0ntariO4 Stiecie tie+, painless extraction and preservation of the 1 a.turnl teeth ' flies over the Law(,ffice of Elliot Jr Elliot. 0000810e Central LI t10131, Exeter, Ont. AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, ,• CLIr1('N. . Will he at Greb's hotel Zurich on the second Thursday of earth month and at'Hndgin's hotel }Jewell every Monday ay What are you wearing those ,fig -leaf clothing for? Why not come to J. H. GRIEVE, Th„ Modem Talo,' ' And leave your order for an UP-TO-DATE Over- coat or Suit We can please you both in pocket and Workmanship. -OUR STOCK. OIj-= . TWEEDS: — A. N'' I7--- ,51.4.1:14, has been carefully selected and 'is among the best in the county. Ladies' dockets a II a O'oaks. Out and Fitted. A TRIAL SOLICITED, tt»A 6 e Gr . 41 41 repare For old 13 I B EI B Have been studyingthe past few weeks as to what would best suit the wants o ars in 1 HEATING AND COOKING. teir custom vis; They have "THE CELEBRATED GRA NI) JEW EL," with Steel Oven and 11.ew Paten rte easily managed Grates This stove is a s Belay favorite with housell !fes atld will bre fott'ctd not one c.asll 1' � y but economical Heating Stoves of all kinds at prices that will sell them EAVVETROUGHING A SPECIALTY. Highest price paid for Timothy Seed Submit' sample. BELlia ! ssY1 Have you an old Buggy Top ',hat needs re re yet rug and '0001 (81133 to Lays maria to. good as u w? Side Ct taa tl cau u,1 Your Cushion played out 2 or othei frimminge shabby and require to be renewed ; If so, call on X. 0 01.407 7 M' , �3II:NS-A..Z.T,, Or leave your orders at Jones' Carriage Works, Exeter. All orders will receive prompt attention and dome 10 awotkmanahiplike manner, Ccarkee =delete. Are You GOING TO GET A icyc{� ISHOP SON. i 1 1 i J l rl ' 1�14881 11? A PUPIL. OF TEII7 FOREST CITY BUSINESS ESS & SHORTHAND COL LEDE LONDON y N I Does uot readily grasp a am ject, we repeat and repeat until he does get it, We drill, om0 aohoula don't. We got our repetatfon in this way and luteud to east in it by plying a thorough grind in all apbit'otg taught. We reach Bookkeeping aid 13uaiaess Paper by a new iuerhod. Enquire about it Catalogue free. .ver. E. JRI. Coon has accepted a position with E. D, Smith, Winona. On'„ a 888181ant bookkeeper. ,T, (7P• ViTESTERVELT, Principal. We nave the best assortment •., Come in and See Them `Or else write for particulars PERKINS & MARTIN, Panama'', Block, Exeter, We Warit .You to come into Our Store LOOKING PLEAS- ANT sometimes. We have eo much to sell besides quinineaod all those bitter things. We don't want you to chink we are happy only when you aro sick. Of course, tl' you must be ill; we always want to put up your t'rescriptions, but oee haye a thousand and one thinge you need be- sides medicine. Just now we have 80(1)8 uucon,nlunly good values in lieu -hes, Har Brushes from 25c up, Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes from 50 up. Bur don't let us forget to draw your attention to the extensive stock of Toilet Soaps, d large cakes of , Real Castile for lOc, 1 box cwrt,ti u i1 g six 0811414 all for 10c,. Baby's U+• n, 2 wakes for 25c, Fine Onttneal tioape, Old Windsor, Holley, Glyl•erine and n large assurtmt•nt of medicinal soups, and wary other lines. All the above are excellent va-ues, both in quality and quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow what lou can do to -day. Call at once. J. W. Browning's i3(N)KST( ME. A duct of Ulothes or a Single Garment Should combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for those in an old and reliable pla::e, and A. J. SNELL nevt'r disappoin's his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take-tnueh. pleasure in showing them to ,you, There are many: oiher lines that are specially at- tractive. .. J. SZT XJ14 Featherbone Skirt done. For giving STYLE MCI SHAPE to Ladies' Dresses A 1igi,t, pliable, elastic bone made from quills. ]t is st ft and yieleing, contorni'ng readily tb folds, yet givitlg Irui.00 dray a to Skirt or Dress, The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury_ The Celebrated Featberbone Corsets are oorded;w7th this material. For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. T\ vi_17 Timit Huron's Best Loral Paper, an'31 the _ 1fAIl, and BbiPBE Canada's Greatest Weekly, (Clubbed) until January 1897, FOP' 1.25 ONLY (Swarm of this year free.) bit THE TIMES, , THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, -AND- THE FARM AND FIR ,IDE (Balance of this year fres ) ADDRESS, , 3a,o. White ad s oY1,s. T� 1,1 Murray &Co, r Ezceter North Store� Mr. F. R. Knight has opet•ed a General Store to the stand lately occupied by Brook's Harness Shop, with a full stock ot GENERAL GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONERY, ETC. Produce taken in exchange for goods. 'n'. 1n. a"NXGE-ST YER OWN At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $8, 6, 7 eto. Suits $11, 20,., eto. The best place in town to get r 0.t Manufacturers of Plows, Gang plows, Root Cutters and Straw utters for hand or horse power. Steam Piping and general re- airs. Castings'of every descrip-'' pon in Iron and Brass to order.. Fire Brick and Fire Clay kept in. Stock. c14 CO: IL t ftO\i'E UNDERT4KER Furnitu r e De al er, Main Street, Exeter. Full Stock of all kind9 always WT,'O IN" on haled, Wi �T' SCJw�1���c1��: The Tailor. 1