The Exeter Times, 1895-10-17, Page 2Ef. hterriet., Results Astonish OlizettaftWaracareccurzownato7am MEN OF SCIENCE. A MEMCINE WITHOUT AN E UAL. iiiinkEltiEfESIESMIDI MIMS Statement a a Well Known Doctor 4',Ayer'S Sarsaparilla is without an equal as a blood -purifier and Spring medicine, and eannot have praise enough. 1 have watched its effects in chronic eases, where other treatment was a no avail, and have been astonished at the results. leo other blood medicine that I have ever used, and I heve tried them all, is so thorough in its =Lion, and „effects so many permanent cures as Ayer's Sarsaparilla." -Dr, E. 7, MERRILL, Augusta, Me. ; Avers 0.4, Sarsaparilla Admited at the World's Fair. Aver's _Pills for lives. casid bowels. Q ft4u&el FAT! 0 64, 4v8',1 LIOUS N E.SS, DV'S PEPS 11A, SICK FigADACH REG U LONE E. LIVER. QNE PILL AFTER EATING INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. PRiGE 25 c-rs TIIERXETEll Isnahliened eyeryTimrsday itfarane, fl MES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE lifain-street,nearly opposite Pi ttouSi Jeweiery btoie ,Exaterol at. ,b y John White J Sone,Prce !misters. Renee or ADVERTESZITO firstixisertion,perli no.. .... . . ..JO cents Sthsubsequarr timer tfon ,per line 3 e sets. To insure ineerti on, ad v ertis men s should tt sent in no tl ater than Wednesday morale.; OurJ 0 tl PEIN TING DSP\RTLtNi'jg.ae o Cale largest and. best eq uippett u tlie County worketttrastet to as wiliteee:; norprozaptatteation: DensionS Regarding. News- .. • papers. elAypersonwho taken a paperragalarly tea n *laciest -office, whether directed in Ms name or annther's. or whaher he has subectibed or nes Ihrponeibe for payment. 2 If a person orders his paper diecontinuea racialist pay all itrreilarri or the publisher may orainuo to send it until the payment is tuade, tad then collect the whole amount, whether e paper is tokenfrom the °aim or not. :3 in suits for subscriptions, the suit may be sistitutea in the place when Um paper. is pun fished, although the sabscriber luay reside hundreds of milee away. 4 The were,' have decided that refusing b altnewepapers or perio.liests from ens p d- ine, or reatovhis and leseias taa alia 41131 rel,rima facie eyileoz.3 of int.) feaad Vilth a cough, cold el sore throat. Use a remedy that relieves front the start, soothes Ole-- and bean the inflamed nestles of the lerynx ot bronchial tubes. PYNY-PECTORAL 36 a certain remedy based on a clear know. ledge of the diseases it was created to mire. LARGE BOTTLE 25 CENTS.. -net E PERFECT TEA PROM THE TEA PLANT TO TH rA CU IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Teals.packed under the supervision the Teo growers, end is advertised and sold by them as rt. sample of the best qualitiet, of Indian and Ceylon Tees,. For that reason they see that none but the yery freeh leaves go into Monsoon packages. That Le why "Mon -none the perfeet Tem Carlba And at the same price as inferior tea. ft le put ar in sealed caddlea rif% Ile, ill,, and gba, etal self( xi threenayoute a 4.0e. p sac. and Sad, if N'obr grocer does dee keep h, tell hien to write $11SEL. WAYTER & CO,, as and ia Front St6 Deets Tomato THE EU 3 NUTSIELlp THE VERY LATEST nom ALL QVER 1114 W0/114 eereeting Items Anent Our Own Conner?* ferret Uritaine the nutted States, and Ale Parts of the Warne. Coadensedi and entwined tor Base treatUDY. destrALM. Hamilton hae 442 eolored oitizene. Lord and Lady Playfair are in Mont- real. Chief Smith a iishliiten, sariking foe more polictsmen, The Quebec Legislature has been auna- moned for Oct. 30th. Hamilton% total aseessment is $26,990,- 204 population, 48,803. The Banque de ?maple will probably reenme business within, two week% Judge Fitzgereld, of Thunder By, has been, gazetted ae revising officer for West Algoma. The cut of the Chaudiere lumber mills will this season be about efty million feet behind tat of last year. At Chatham, Wm, Jenleins, a young colored man drank a quart of whiskey and eliecl from the effects. Sir Julian Pauncefote while in Ottawa will diecues Behring Sea matters with members of the Government. The Government of Cape Colony is seeking information 'from Canada on, the subject of lobster propagation. The rate of taxation for the current year for Chatham, Ont., was struck on Monday night at 18 4-5 mills on the dollar. The Police Commissioners of Toronto have decided to experiment with pneumatic tires on the city ambulances. A mail bag which was stolen at Guelph eight years ago was found in a chimney of the City Hotel there the other day. At Sherbrooke, Mark Sherburn, accused of the Hull murder, was found insane and sentenced to confinement in an asylum. A man named Deacon died at Dresden from the effects of a dose of medicine which he took on the advice of a friend. The assessors. of Toronto report that the population of the city is 174,309, an increase of 2,954 over the population °fleet year. The Galt assessment returns show an increase in the value of real estate of $28,875 and a decrease in population of 86. A London West., Ont., young woman named Sadie McDonald, a dressmaker, and an orphan, has been missing since September 5th. Reports from the Sault Ste. Marie canal show that it is working very successfully, and is putting through a good deal of traffic. An Edmonton despatch states that the little girl, Pearl Holberg, who was lost,ha.s been found alive after being five days withaue food. A boy testified at the Winnipeg Police Court, that his aunt, Catharine _Douglass, had burned him with a hot poker as punishment for stealing. John D. McPherson, the champion pro- fessional shot-putter'fell 46 feet into the new lock at Sault Ste. Marie Canal on Friday and was fatally injured. Hon. Mr. Angers has been appointed legal &dallier for the Credit Fonoier at a salary of $4,000 a year, in place of Mr. Gironerd, who has been appointed Judge. The assessor's returns in Kingston show a decrease of assessable property of $75,770, chiefly in real and personal property. The population is set ae 17,955, an increase of 147. Captain Howard, of Gatling gun fame, is in Ottawa. He says that the Newfound- land schooners he seized were openly engaged in smuggling, and he can fully justify his acts. The appointment of Mr. W. B. Scarth, of Winnipeg, to the position of Deputy Minister of Agrieulture will be officially announced, in a few days. Mr. Scarth's salary will be $3,200. Mr. E. S. Clonston, manager of the Bank of Montreal, him received a communication from. the president, Sir Donald Smith, to the effect that he had been unfortunate enough to break one of his arms. On Saturday evening Mr. Edward 'Flet- cher, while using the Canadian Pacific railway track to walk home from Brampton, was instantly killed by the down train, which completely severed his head from the body. The assessors for the city of Toronto have reported that the assessable values of che city on which the taxes for 1896 will be levied is $149,054,951, a reduetion of $6,500,781 on else values of the present yeer's assessment Advices were received in Ottawa Friday to the effect that matters are assuming such a shape that in the course of a few days it will be possible to exchange with France the final ratifications of the French treaty. Sir Julian Paunoefote on Saturday had a long conference with Sir Mackenzie Bowen, Sir Charles H. Tupper, and Mr. Costigan. His visit to Ottawa has revived interest in the Canadian claims for damages in connec- tion with the Behring Sea seizures. The schooner Dauntless, bound. from Charlotte for Hamilton with a load of coal, sprang a leak and foundered in Lake On - Dario. The captain and crew were picked up by the schooner Clara Youell and brought, to Toronto. The steamer Lake Winnipeg, which went aground on Thursday between Cape St. Michel and Varennem on her way up, was brought into Montreal on Friday morning, after being lightened of two hundred and fifty tons of her cargo. Mrs. 3. McKenzie, of Si. Thomas, Out drank about an ounce of carbolic acid from a bottle by mistake on Wednesday morning. It, took two physiicane taro hours to restore her to consciousness, and it is now thought she will recover, Two Of the %comma in the arson easel at Montreal have made a confession, fine plicatieg, it is said a number of retail Merchants, and revealing a oonspiracy which has existed in Montreal and many country towns for the last fifteen years, The Sir John ellacioneed statue in Kiegetoti will be unveiled on October 23rd y8.11 M a ck en zie BoweIl, and Dr, lvforotague, eecret ary c f Stete,will deliver the oration. Addresses will also be delivered by Sir Charles H. Tuppe ,r Mr, Geo. E. Foster, Lieut. -Governor Kirkpatrick, Mt. M. enllivien, and, possibly, Sir Oliver Mowat ,t, d Lieut. Governor Chapleau. Commisisionet leliall, of the Dominion Inland Revenue Department, who has lime returned to OttaWa, from Winnipeg, *oaka iu high terms of the crop of the Nerthe Won He considerthee the estimate of tweuty muLon huellele of the be wheat is well witleiu the enark, and that there le ebout the same qaantity of slightly damaged wheat. The led.gerekeeper of the Hamilton brain* of the Batik of Commerce hies been suspended as a roma of the discovery of Palmetes defelcaeion. here is no suspicion of counivariee on his part, but the authori. ties consider thee he was lex in not dirmovering or preventiug the embezzle - Merit of mouey by the teller, It is stated on the beat euehority that Palmer' defalcations will be less than $15,000, ongese isneraele. Erase and snow hewn vititeel Britain. It is reported that a London journalist ie to be appointed Poet Laureate. The British Foreign Office is again die - cussing the Canadian -French treaty. Sir Charlet) Tupper es going to deliver a series of lectures in London on Canada. A doubtful rumour has gained ourrenoy inLonetnummtehret the Queen will 'vide Ireland nut Mr. T. P. O'Connor, M.P. editor of the London Sun, contemplates a lecture tour in the United States. Mre. Langtry has made a formal demand upon the Union Bank for £40,000, the value of her missing jewels. The British ship Europa, hound from Leith for San Francisco, him been burned at sea. Her crew were all rescued. It is seed, that the Countess Cilarioarty, better known as Belle Bilton, the mimic hall singer, is negotiating to return to the stage. Mr, Batfour's golf playing has greatly deteriorated this season, and he has lost in all the friendly matches thee he has played in Scotland. The liquor licensee of the Empire Music Hall in Loudon, which was revoked after a strong fight a few months ago, has again been restored. It is atated in London that Lord Dufferin will beeome Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on the expiration of his term a Ambassador at Paris, London shopkeepers say that the display of the Royal arroe ever their establishrnerate greatly helps their business with visitors from the United States. Sir Charles and Lady Tupperhave re- turned to the Canadian office in London from a long visit to Scotland, from 'which Sir Charles has derived much benefit. Considerable anxiety is beginning to be felt in English soientific oiroles regarding Dr. Donaldson Smith's African expedition, news of which is long overdue. It is rumoured in diplomatic circles that Sir Julian Pauncefote, British Ambassador to the United States, will succeed the Earl of Dufferin as Ambassador to France. At present Eagland, Holland, and Belgium all use Greenwich time. The legal time throughout Germany has recently been defined to be exently one hour fast on Greenwich time. A woman just released from Woking prison, who shared a cell with Mrs. May- briok, says that the adjudged murderess continues to declare that she is innocent of killing her husband. News has been received from Capetown of the drowning of Bishop Maples and Rev. Josepn Williams, and the murder of Rev. Mr. Atlay, son of the late Bishop of Hereford, by natives!. Mr. Burch, the Veneznelan Consul in London, in an interview on Saturday, said that there were absolutely no new develop- ments in the boundary question in dispute between Great Britain and Venezuela. There is strong opposition to Lord Rothschild's scheme to build a colossal synagogue, clergy -house, and Jewish settlement in Whitechapel, on the ground that that district of London is already congested with Jews. Mr. James R. Craddon, of Kingston, Jamaica, who is at present in Ottawa, says that a large trade could be done with Jamaica, Canada sending beef, dairy products, and liour,and Jamaica furnishing rum and spinet'. At St. Bride's church, Fleet street, London there was a farewell service held Wednesday prior to the departure of one hundred missionaries for varions foreign stations. Of this number, twenty-feur, including ten women, go to China. An English clergyman who has been spending a good deal of time in visiting Prisons made the discovery that the favour- ite reading of the inmates was Buohan's "Domestio Medicine," which they prized for its invaluable assistance in feigning Ilness. UNITED STATES. Mr. Henry M. Stanley is in San 'Fran- cisco. Arms and ammunition are being collected in Chicago for the Cuban insurgents. Harry Wright of Philadelphia, one of the most noted figures in baseball, is dead. A conteact is reported as signed for a new cable between New York and Brest. Chicago University has received a bequest of $250,000 from the late Mrs, Reynolds. The United States cruieer Brooklyn was lain:lobed at Cramps' shipyard at Philadelphia. . The Texas Legislature has passed the anti prize fighting bill, and it takes effece immediately. Ten thousand bushels of dried apples are among the products of the. Kansas penitentiary farm. Major General Nelson A, Miles has been appointed Commander of the United States army. At Leraine, Ohio, a girl was killed and seeeral people injured by the collapse of a church platform. The 'system of street car poetal service was inaugurated on the Third amnia line in New York. The New York Chamber of Commerce favor% tbe issue of $9,000,000 bonds for improving the State canals. All the mills and much other titoperty at Warren R. I. were destroged by ere. The iess reach,$1,000,000, After seven years- of iaithful work, Prof. ES E. Barnard has severed his connootioa with the Lick observatory. Mr. John W. Foster, who acted as &gene for the Chinese in the peace negotietiond, jt an advocate forforeign minions. The sem paid in Paris to the Wagner family in royelties on dm operas of that composer for title year up to the end of hot month amounted to $7,610. The Cleveland Plaindeeler repeats the statement that President Calloway of the Niekel Plate Was offered the position of Gerere1 Manager Of the Grand Trunk. • Countees Areeliatuletiburg,of Frankfort, Children Cr' for Pitcher/9 Castoriat TE TIVI146 orillany, et preeent in Grand Forlee, Daketa. She is smelting tk dtvorue free). the Serous her Imehande wine is charged with nonlect and deeertioe, vehicle is gieeil as juet cause for divorce. Charles- nleyere was hanged at Pomeroy, Wash,, yesteeday. It was eteted by eolne Who witnessed the exeeution that life was not entirely extinot when the body Was glib down, aod thee a faint pulsation of the heart was perceptible when he was placed in hie cane. The old guns of 16 end 20 inch calibre at Fort Hamilton, New York, are giving place to weapoee ei smaller bore, But the neW oennon will carry A WW1 ten miles, or Lour tinea the range of the old ones, and eau also be firesi wale mu,* greater pre- oision. Prof, Bell, the inventor, has returned to New York from Europe. In an interview he disonesea a eumber of sotentifio experi- ments, and describes a 'machine for con. deeming salt water for the use of sailors shipwrecked or cut adrifb, a receut invention of his own. The Attorney -General of the United States has been informed that a sateen. keeper has moved a post marking the boundary between that country and Can- ada in Northern New York about ten feet into the United States territory for the purpese of confusing the excise officers. It is reported 'from Washington that Seeretary IDIney intends indulging in a little tail -twisting policy. He will invite Russia, to assist the United Statee isa patrolling the Behring Sea against the "piratical Cauadiane, ' and if England dares to interfere, why she will have to take the consequences. Tne Chicago Engineering News comes to the conclusion that while the reduction of the lake level, due to the Chicago drainage canal, will have some effect on lake ship- ping in tercets, the effect will not be as great as represented. The News recommends the United States and Canadian Governments to take joint measures to artificially pe - serve the lake level. GENERAL. 011itui offers satisfaction to Germany for the destruction of the Swatow mis •aion. Admiral Buller, oomniander of the Brit- ish fleet in Chinese waters, ha a arrived at Shanghai. King Humbert has placed a palate at Naples at Queen Victoria's disposal if her Majesty should visit that city. The Lower House of the Hungarian has adopted bills for the recognition of the Jewish religion and establishing freedosn of worship. M. Jansen recently informed bhe French Academy of Sciences that he had determine ed the existence of water vapour on the planet Mars by means of the spectroscope. A member of the British Legation in China estimates the amount of taxes collected in the etiipire at $50,000,000, of which only $12,,500,000 finds its way Into the public treasury. Advioes from Madagascar state that the Queen • has issued a proolamaeion accusing her army of cowardice. Her Majesty declares time she will neither eave the capital nor yield to the French. A report from the headquarters of the Cuban insurgents at Puerto Principe says that a special commission has drafted, a conseitution, three the Cuban Republic has been proclaimed and the President and his Cabinet duly elected. Calculations on the basis of the quarter just ended indicate that the revenue of Newfoundland for the fiscal year will fall 30 per cent. below the estimate, which will result in the colony being in financial -difficulties again in December or in June next at the farthest. The nature of the autograph letter which Emperor William sent to the Czar is causing much speculation in Berlin. Accordicg to some who praise to have an inner knowledge, it was nothing more than au invitation for him to be present at a shooting party, to be held at Trakenen, on the Russian frontier. Commercial reports from. the United States indicate little, if any, change in general business during the week just passed. Fine and settled weather has improved 'wade in several lines and in- creased the outlook for a good fali trade. In spite of the upward tendency for some time past in values prices of merchandiee, as a rule, are lower than a year ago, though advances have been considerable in cotton goods, boots aud shoes, steel and iron,and a few other Tines. No advance of cense- (pence occurred in wool, and food products are generally cheaper. Damage from recent frost and storms is inconsiderable. The adverse features are a light demand in staple lines on the Pacific coasts, a slight reaction in trade at Baltimore, an a check in the upward tendency of prices in iron and steel. Hoveevernneroantile collections are reported as improving,especiallv in the South, How to get a "§unlight" Pietura, Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap •wrapper, (wrapper bearing the words "Wily Doe* a V9oman Look Old Sooner Than a Man") to Lever Bros.'Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, amtiyou will receive by poste, pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the,best in the market, and it will only cost lc, postage to send in the wrappers if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully SHEEP EMBARGO. British Agriculturists Agitating for the Scheduling ot Ainertean Sheep. The British agricultural papers are rine ing an outory against the free admiesion into Great Britain of American sheep. A recent consignment of sheep was found to be suffering with scab, the spread of which disease in the United Kingdom is due, according to the Live Stock Journal, to the importation of sheep from the LILA tell States. Many of these sheep were dispresed ever the country for grazing,and they spread the disease. The paper demands that the Board 'of Agriculture therefore be &eked to iesue an ediot, similar to that applied to cattle, providing that Amerioan and Canadian Sheep shall be killed at the port of land- ing. A Terk manned ()alphas, who thinks that the Czar of Tensest and the Sultan of Turkey owe him large sures Of money,has a ouriouti method in Paris of eallitig ateention to hie olefins. Ito goes to the Ramie'i ohuroh on festival days and pretends to shoot himself. Several times he has been taken from the °laurels to a hospital, where it wee found that the pistol he had used was harmless. The lelend of Orete is in a strata of aetarelly. GRAZE OF 8PEDULATIOL SOUTH APEMAN JXINUW HARES •CONS'rANTLY " lareut Fortunes illaire liteeu Made ma the Lentiou Mtidng Exchange -The Great est Auropean Hankers nave Become Interested in the titione-Notiting. Like It lias Weil KUOUlt in neeenteriettes. The craze speoulation whioh has eeized upon three of the greatest cepitals of Europe is a spectacle unpareJlelle4 in this generation, It has developed into one of those great mental epidernios whioh once in two or three decades sweep over a nation, or Christendom at large, muoh as the plague preads Ito infeetion. The collapse of the South. Africa boonninevitable as it is, seems yet to be quite distant. Mining shares are constantly rising, and anything that bears a South African name is marketable. There is a scramble of large and small inveetors for gold and diamond stooks. Brokers are coining money on ooM- miesione, and many great fortunes have been made on the (\lining Exohange. Many of the new companies are over-capitalieed, and °an never yield dividends, but every thing is easily floated on the fame of the Kimberley diamond mines or the goldfields of the Rand. Geography is nOt a, special study in the Stook Exchange. "South Afrioe." are magic worde that explain the great fortunes made by diamond kings and circles clowns, Who have returned to Eng. laud to build palacee in Picoadilly,and the mad revel of speculation goes on. A pound sterling share goes up to forty or fifty pounds, and remains there without a divid- end being paid. Mr. Ceoil Rhodes, the Minister of Cape Colony, is THE POLITICAL CONJUROR who has created a charter company and armed stook peon -mere with their emwer. He is the idol of the speculator, but the day must come sometime when his art as a necromancer will be exhomsted, and when the great bubble of South African specula- tion will burst. In the meantime every- body chances fortune. The settlement just concluded was expected to shake out the weak-kneed and check speculation, but nobody was hurt, and the amount of business in what is called the Kaffir circus was -ntore enormous than ever. A nulnber of members of the London Stook Exchange, being satisfied, incredible as it may acorn, with the fortunes already realized, have retired from the business. Their retreat, however, has not touched the public confie denoe in switained future speculation, and there is no sign of weakening anywhere. The greatest English financiers, including the Rothaohilds,French and German banks, and all European Bourse operators, have become interested in the boom. Apart from mere speculation, the solid develop- rnents of mining land and other properties in South Afrioa justify the heat of invest- ments. At any rate there will probably be no abatement in the fever of speculation, as the companies formed last spring con tinue to deolete occasiobal dividends of 500 per cent., as happerted in two or three instances last wane. ' Dividends of 30 or 40 or 100 per cent. which other South African and %est Australiau mines are paying are looked upon as quite modem The dealings. na mining shares on ehe Loudon Stock Exchange now far EXCEED /N AMOUNT all other transactions daily. The represen- tative South African companies, with a nominal capital value of U5,000,000, have risen in market valae during the past thirty days to mote than $59,000,000. The increase of the total South African share in the market quotations duringthe same i period exceeds $250,000,000. It s true that there has been a substantial advance in all classes of aeourities'and speculation is still confined to mines. It is impossible to keep track of all the new ventures publicly and privately put upon the market daily. The popular appetite for these things is simply iesatiable. The decision of the Paris Stook Board that no new mining stocks shall be introduced on the Retiree until the end of the year, has attracted much Setae. tion here since it is the first sign of a serious check to the speculation which has already gone to perilous lengtbs. Whether or nut the„ French brokers can prevent dealings in the new Kaffirs and Africans of every colour which are swamping the long marken it is undeniable that a halt ought to be called and a breathing space allowed. The problem of American finance and trade is unobserved. when the Soath African min- ing speculation is at its height, and has become something like a mania in both London and Pavia. Nothing like it has been known in recent times. 'Companies have been multiplied week after week for the development of mining tracts from the Cape to the Zambesi. • Doomed to Bachelorhood. Friend -I say, Jack, why don't you marry, and settle down? Jaok-Can't. You have a good. income? Yes. And your aunt left you a charming house? Yes. Then why don't you hunt up a wife? Oh, a wife is easy enough to get ; that isn't the matter. Than what is the matter ? I ean't find a servant -girl. • Inventive, Molly -I think young Brownley is work- ing on some air niechine or other. Polly -What makes you think so? Molly -Every time he calls on me he mays he'd fly to the uttermost parts of the earth for me I 0046100:011861010MSOMMaraand100212131.212MIVOSTIMINWOMMZ for Infants and Children. f•Gastoristieeowelladaptedtochildrenthat trecornmend it as superior to any prescripteon known to nae." R. A, Amomet, et D., 111So, Caferd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. The use of Tastoria 08 so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families wha do not keep Castoria within easyrtmeh." CLOS Maims D. 1),, New t orlr MY. Late Pastor Bloemingdale Reformed Church. Caatorla =wee Colic, Oanatipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, =la 'Worms, gives sleep, and premotes di gmtioa, Withoutiniurious medication. "For several Years 1 have recommended your Oastoret, ' and shall always continue to do eo as it bee invariably produced beneficial results," lowar F. Penmen, N. D., "The Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Are., New York (Sity Pam Cmeratrii Corstsuar, 77 Iduntrav Same es, NEW Tone. \' se. seme• ‘'s PERSONAL POINTERS. • Some Items of Interest About the Great Yolks or the World, While Secretary Olney refuses to •intake any statement regarding the aotion a the 'United States towards Great Britain on the Venezuelan question, it is ascertained that no ultimatum has been sent from Washington. Lady Wolseley, the wife of the new com- mander-in-chief of the British army, was a Miss Louisa Erskine, a Scotchwoman. Her husband was Col. Wolseley when she mar- ried him in 1867. King Humbert owns nearly two hundred horses, and the greatest number of them are English bred. The double row of stalls forms a regular street, and each animal tuts its name printed in large white letters above the manger. Chin Sao Mon, one of the wealthiest Chinese merchants in Chicago, is .going back to China. Elegantly equipped, special oars, steamer apartrnentemehly fitted up, and ovations from his couneryrnen all along the line are to be the features of his viotorious return to China. Henri Rochefort paid a By big visit to London a few days ago for the pur pose of negotiating for the purchase of a painting by Goya, which he secured for $2,500. It it mid that during his enforced stay in England he realized a small fortune by judicious picture buying. An old man named Barber, who Was gardener to Charles Dickens has died in the Essex county Lunatic asylum at Brent. wood. Barber is said to have been in pos- eession of interesting relics of his former employer, including a gold watch and autograph letters, and the guardians have decided to sell these. It is reported that the dotnestio orgauis zation of the Vatican is puce that if the Pope were to be taken fatally ill it would be kept a secret for several days. Lately it has been arranged thatnot even the body servants of the Pope could penetrate the Secret. But- the healtle ot the Pope at present does not at all justify such proceed- ings. Bismarck is said to be getting rather feeble. • Just before his last birthday his health seemed visibly better, but the extensive end • protracted celebration of that event, involving as it did the reception of delegations of visitors who came e.nd went for several months, weakened the Prince's vitality. He is no table to walk but little, and he has to be helped in and out of his carriage. Rev. Dr. S. D. McConnell, of Philadelphia, spent his vacation in Europe on a wheel, riding 3,000 miles in England, France, Belgium, and Germany. Ile gives this advice to those wheewmay contemplate a similar tour : "You asei see Europe very cheaply ; but, remember, keep away from the big hotels, and from places where the usual crowd of Ameriean travellers go. They skin Americans of every dollar they can possibly get." „ Rev. Francis Whaley Harper, M. A., Canon of York, England, who died there last week, was 80 years old. In 1877 he preached a sermon in York cathedral in which the following passage simmered and became widely circulated and caused much comment: "The spirit and the body were the Lord's and the Bible and beer, taken rightly, were the Lord's too. The beer would not do without the Bible, and the Bible would not do fully a,nd perfectly without the beer." ' DOMINION FINANCES. A Deficit 004,070,532, Compared With the Previous Year -Deficit Less Than Ex lit7acle:o. Thaccountbooks of the Dominion for the fiscal year ending June 30th last have been closed et the Finance Department Ottawa. The total revenue' on account of consolid- ated fund was $33,929,809 and expenditure $38,009,341, leaving a deficit of $4,079,532, compared withthe previous year. The fig - urea are as follows : Revenue, $36,374,693; expenditure, $37,585,025; deficit that year. being $1,210,332. In his Budget speech last session the Finance Minister estimated the deficit for the fiscal year shortly to close would be four millions and a half. The total net debt on tins 80th Italie was $252,0e9,472, or an increase in the year of $6,816,443. During the quarter ending 30th September there has been a decreese of the debt am oun tba g to $2,330,617. Moreover, the finaucial statement for the three months is of a decidedly encoure.ging character. The revenue arnountr3 to $8,s 610,563 and the expenditure to 35,537,627, leaving a surplus oi over throe millions. As compared with correspooding period nacemeenoseeneneseffeeenieneseamenaessinewareamorcerms eseemonneraseascreenseenneemennee......- last year the revenue SitOW0 An inoreakee of nearly $600,000, while expenditure is de, creased by $230,000. CA RTE R'S 1+11LE 1VER PILLS. LIRE Sick Headache and rel eve ell the troubles Ind dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain M the Side, &c. While their xneo remarkable success has been shown in curing - SICK Headache, yet CARTER'S Lswrr LIVER PHA* are equally valuable in Constipation, cutefig and preventing this annoying compleint, whIal they also correct all disordets of the stonmph, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowel, Even if they only cured ED Ache they would be alums.Apricelese to thole, who suffer from this distressing complainti but fortunately their goodness does not en here, and those who once try them will fin these little pills valuable in, so many ways that they will not be willing' to do without them. But alter all sick head ACHE.• is the bane of so mane- live,d.hat here is whore we make Our great 'boast. Our pine cure it while others do not. ' Cannes's Lamm Liven Puts are very email and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge but by their gentle action please all who use 'Gam. In vials at 25 cerita; five for 31. Sold everywhere, or sent by mad CARTER liEDICINE CO. New York.".r.Isr •-• 14—'01 t•LAA1 Ifingt Nisr DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU We guarantee Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure ans case of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Lumbago, Drepssa Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Female Troubles, Impure Blood -or money refunded,. Sold by all dealt rs in xnedicine, or by niail as receipt of price, 50c. per box, or Six boxes $2.5a DR. L. A. SMITH 8.6 CO. 'Toronto. t-litt.at-ttt*tt*--#:s t • 11' PENAN itb Just spend his Four I Quarters for a bottleof • Burdock Blood Bitters ▪ as all Sensible people do; be- cause it Mires Dyspepsia, Con- stipation, Biliousness, Sick Itj, Headache, Bad Blood, and all Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, est Hicineys, Bowels and Blood from , a a common Pim& to the worst Scrofulous Sore. *0-#7fts*-4'00-0-fifiiirs144f151 $111‘,1,...fiaLak.rN • 640,',47V, 113EST FOR I' .4,:t • Asti Anne_ VERY AY. ,•;TA