HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-10-17, Page 1.ITURON &'.1{1TDDLE$EX.: GAZETTE
We ere Benitez LADLES' MANTLEI-
at $3.50, $4,00, $7.50, $10.00
412.00. We don't believe you ean
hotter value anywhere elite. You
..the judge.
See our Oetrich Neck Ruf-
fles at 25c each. You'll be
asked more money for them
slim where.
• Artistic Millinery that's merle right
sand at moderate prices. All brand
now—no old stook here.
f2 See our 30 in. Greenland u.,1
Seal Cape with Hood at $26
The kin l•th tt don't shriek in wash -
• Sing. emcee 45c, 50o, 60c, 70c, 75o, 90c,
.and $1.00 emit.
-Also special 13ergains in -
E. S. m'oesietab se co.
3111.14dIeSex County Noes.
Mrs, Mengel Hodgins, of Lieury, is
wieri suety iltet present.
A. eon of e�r. Wee winrlsor, 20th eon.
Mo i1Iiray,diec 18.st Tuesdeay.
Mr. L P Stunivers„ of the 6th oon.,
Westuaiester, had a tuber which weighed 3
11.4 pound.
The return of the Middlesex County
jail.for th.e year ending Sept. 30 h, shows
that the number committed during the
grear was 563, of whom 50 were females'.
Mr. Simon MoLeod, reeve of Wiest Will-
iams, who sustained a severe accident a
.few day g ago, is getting along nizelv,,
Manch to the delight of his many friends.
• Joliet Gibeett of London township, has
ee'n•Vtterneel. from the shows at reroute,
Ottawa feted Uontreel, atter Wring about
4500 in prizes with bis . excellent herd of
The County Council of Lambten has
-deoided to erect and maintain a County
House of Refuge by a vote of 24 to 18,
.and a committee was named to further
More oases of sick headache. bilious -
nests, oonstipation, can be oared in less
time, with lets medicine, and for leas
rooney, by using Carter's Little Liver
Pills, than by any other means.
At London Friday Frank Grant was
•sentenced to three years in the Provincial
Peniteotiary for stealing on several occas-
ions, while Wm. Garside, another youth,
was given eight months in the Central
•Prison for stealing a bicycle.
Mr. Jein McQuilkan, of the 12th eon.,
East WIlliames was fonne dead in bed on
Sunday inorniug by the only other occup-
ant of the house, a deaf and dumb daueb-
•ter, Efe was Overload in yettre, being 82
years of age. He leaves two -Andrea.
The matched race between the Parkhill
!syndicate stallion Glad:4one and Nutwood
Wilkes, owned by Joseph Correctine of
Watford, was pulled off on the Windsor
track on Tuesday of lest week, and was an
.easy victory for the Watford horse, Glad•
atone being distanced.
•Miss Mabel Robson, the young lady
who was frightfully cut by the would be
murderer, John Layipg, at Siddalleville,
on Monday night last was not so well
S attnday. The nervous atiook to whiob
she was subjected is now more keenly felt
by the uttfortnnate girl, and fear exists
that blood poisoning or inflammation may
•!set in.
Airs. Ka•gerel .Kennedy, Widow of the
late florid Kennedy, of McGillivray, died
islet Sunday evening at the renitence of
her son, David, 7th con., at the age of
.86 years, 5 months. Tose eurviving ohild-
ren are one son, Davi ll and a daughter
who are on the old homestead, and Mrs.
Jos Fluster, of Green way.
• The death of Mrs. F. Neil, one of the
"'" -oldest wotnen in the county of Mid die -
sex, occurred at her residence in Lyman a
• few days ago. The age of deessased was
100 years, and el menthe. She came
to this country from Ireland in the year
1830 and settled with her huaband, who
is etill aliv, and family in the Ottawa
district, remaining there for 21 years,
when they removed to the toys's:ship
of Biddraph. They lived upon their farm
in thus township until a few years ago
when they removed to Lecan. The old
man, her husband, 96 years of age, was in
attendanee at the funeral,
• It Strikes The Spot
• It does the work. It reaches the right
epot. It quiokens the shogieh vitality
it makes new blood, it gives new hope; it
makes; weak men and women strenger.
Tbis its tbe finnition of Wileon's tamoue
Lavalidel Port, which ie now recommended
by medical men as a most invaluable
tonieeiNntrindeallye it la a fine old port
wine, which cohetitutes a ...pleasant etimu-
latitig beverage, hut it is as well an appe.
• tieing tonne which gives back s relith for
foodwhich it aids in the work of assitni.
letioe. A fine toido taken at any time,
accomptishieg wonders in the forrnatien nf
blued and mucele in the ease ef weak•,
pale, and debilltated people Wolf or ill
t is a stimilletters slid graceful drink,
Sold by all dealers at $1 50 per eatei of 12
q uart bottles, half ease $4,00 or 75ete.
,per bottle. Addrees-Bordeatx Claret
• 00„, 30 Hospital Street, Montreal.
On letindar Mr, Rodger Sunders, form -
oily of Mitchell, died at• hit home hi
Wethineten Tesritery He leavee a widoW
,rend two obildret to Moen ids death.
Huron County N °tee.
W. 0. Reid bee 'tree electedpresident
of the Sestforth curling ohib, WitietV, Palk -
at d viost-preeident,
• 4 linfttleg factory is about to be !started
•0 Greterich, under the management of
sir. J. C. Hewett,
Mtn Henry Maeon of Tucterarnith
1 . ,
Cod ber fat m of fii acres; to Ur. .4
torsion, for the stun of 112,900. Mrs.
!ascii) will move to Clinton to live.
• Mr, jos. Biddleconthe. who has been in
usineee in Clinton oontinuonely tor over
1 0 yews, finds hie health becoming so
1 eomrious that it is necessary for him to
Mr. Tbomas Weenie son of D. D.
Wilson, eeittorth, left •on Tuesday for
Chioago,where he will study dentistry. Rig
litany friends will wieb him semen in
ilia etndies.
Miss Mary Shipley, daughter of Mrs,
.1' Shi .ley one of Clititort's popular
\mune ladies, was united in marriage to
ser. Thomas Smallacombe, of the sanie
town one deer last weelc.
Reeently someone entered thepremises of
'e, Grant, London road, Stenley, and,
taking away a nember of prime lanabs
thet he was fattening, left a number of
inferior ones in their Place.
Matthew if. Elliott of East Wawanosh,
threehed for Mr. Dayrnent, near 131nevale,
last Friday, 400 bethele of peso, 200
bushels of wheat and 900 bushels of oats,
making in all 1,500 busliele of graia in a
The other day an adopted -daughter of
Mr, nos Adams of flullett, met with a
bad aceider.t. She is codte yonne, and.
while walking backwards on the fl tor, the
fell into a pot of boiling water that was
being used for something, scalding herself
Clinton citizens propose to form a horti.
cultural society. A committee consisting
of meagre A. McKenzie, T. Holloway, 3.
Stevenson, 3, 0. Gilroy, W. Coats, T.
Cottle, and H. Foster, was appointed to
secure members and are meeting with
good oncosts.
Rev. S. G. Wood has resignee as Rec-
tor of St. Paul's, Wingham, with a view
of assenting the duties of aesiatant Reciter
of the ohusch of the Redeenisr, Toronto.
Hie leaving Wingharn is very much reg-
retted. as he was very popular frith his
"Inelesicle," the reeidence of D. D.
Wilson, Seaforth, was the scene of
a quiet, but very pretty wedding on Tnes•
day last, when his third daughter, Mies
Dora. was united iu tnarriarze to Mr. F.
W. Ttveddle of Seaforth. Rev. Mr. Flet-
cher neeitted-in the ceremony
Wm. N. eleficbael, of McKillop, a well -
Undo farmer, was united in marriage to
Bass E.'dam:cheer of the' late Sikes
Andrews', at Clinton lent veek 1V1iss Alice
McEwan, of Ailsa Craig, was bridesmaid,
while Mr 0. A. Andrews, brother of the
bride, very becomingly oupperted the
The townehip of Adidas] lost on Koh -
day, in the death of Mr. Themes -Hunter,
one of its oldest, most highly respected
and best known residents. Deceased mime
to the township nearly forty year ego, and
by his industry and ability, had acquired
a Rood share of this world's goods
After an illness of several weeks frotn
paralysis Ton Menne], of Ohnton, mussed
to bis reward last Wednesday, avid 72
years. A natty° of Yorkshire, England,
deceased came to thin country and resided
in this locality for forty years or more,
most of the time being spent in Flullett
and Olinton.
The other evening a team owned by nar
James Steep was placed in a hotel shed in
Minton fern short time and iu the absence
of the driver some human brute deliber-
ately cut the horse's tongue about an inch
deep with some Ahem instrument. It is
eurmised the object may haye been to de;
preelete the valtte of the horse at the sale
next day.
The Huron Medical Association held
its' gestated," meeting in the town hall
Clinton. on Wednesday, 9th inet. In the
absence of the president and vice presi-
dentDr. Taylor. of Goclerielt occupied
the chair. Petiente were presented and
examined and papers read and dismissed
On the whole an excellent titne nag pass-
ed, which must be of great benefit to the
A voune boy, gon of Kr. Thotnoson, of
Donnybrook, met with a painful accident
last Monday; his father and brother were
returning from the caw m111 with a load
of lumber, and boy returning from solattel
jumped on to have a ride, when, npon
coming to the -gate, and limping off to
open it, the book of the binding chain
caught in his pants, swinaing him close to
the waggon, which passed over hitt leg
at the knee, severely bruising it. -
A stood man, in the person of Ner• David
Moore, Sr., of Egmondvilfe, paseed from
this life on Tuesday last week, haying reach
ed the good age of 97 year. Mr. Moore
was born in Craigrothie, Fifeshire, Scot-
land, In 1833 he wag married to Mies Is-
abella Chalmers, and in 1813, with hie
family and accompanied by big brother
James', came to Canada, settling on the
farm on the Klippen road, Tuelteremith,
where he continued to reside until about 13
years ago, when he retired from the: active
detireof life and went to reside in Eg-
A Beaver Colony. -In the early days,
this part of the Province was a fityorite
haunt for beaver, but the clearing up of
the country has been the means of drivine
them Ont. A gentlensees who visited Wal
teres Falls, a little village between Welk.
erten and 114.eaford, leat week, seine that a
colony of IA or 14 beaver, have located
themselves on a little atreatn there and
hay e built a dam A Samoan Indian got
on te them and ghat one, but the eettlern
have decided tct protect them henceforth,
and will prosecute any one found killing
• A. few eights since Rey. Mr, Cooper,
Episeopel minister, leirkton, was ett•leken
with paralysie, and has laitl at &tether
door ever since- He bad tiOt been feeling
in the best othealth for Solna days. After
retiring he rolled out of bed, and Mrs.
O000et being unable to rouse him. thought
he waft in o At, aurl hurriedly called
neighbor, wine at once gate it was 8 par-
alytic eteolo. The right side is oomplete-
ty powerlesas the power of speech eon°, and
very little nuition itt the left side, while
Ie le uneonscioue psrt of the time There it
little if any hope of recovery. Rev, M.
°totem, on'y went to X rIston circuit a few
in On thil IVO f -nn.1 ee had beer;
l'Ito for 28 vies 4 EI'i.Ci0yettl • 1. aZei
well; se a, ferni'tut 1 Qh(1.611.
.Perth County Notes
Trinity church -0t110--bile, Mitehell,
ecect s new rotary for their minister
next Bummer.
Mts. Dyer Eisen, of McGillivray, (pear
Corbett), passed away on Sunday last after
a liugeting Minna'
Mr,. Keneedy, of eon, 7, McGillivray
'Vence of the lute David Kennedy, died ou
Monday an the ripe Age of 86.
Last week Mr, Robert Burns, of Park-
hill, dug iu Wu garden fourteen huthelt
al potatoes from 200 equate yards of lsinf.
A potato was taker] nom be garden of
P 1e, itIoNeughtors, teacher at Croitteet.Ys
whieh weighed three pounds. Who eau
eurpitas this? he stake. .
The Mitchell HMIs School Board have
accepted the resignation of G. W. Atm-
• trong, and eugaged F. D. Fry, of Carleton
Place. Salaty $800 per annum.
You hardly resslize that it its medicine,
when taking Certeets Little Liver Pals:
they are very mall; no bad effeote; at
troubles ftotn turpid liver are relieved
by their use.
• Mr. George Gowan, of Blanshard, . is
teaching in school seettou No. 5, Osborne,
in the morn and atead of his brother
Peter, who has gone to Pleiladelphia to
knurly deptistry.
Rey, W. El. Bradley. of Alvinston, is to
reaeive a cad. from Knox aherob, Mitchell,
There were teveral °there balloted for but
Mr. Bradley had a majority of the whole
on the first ballot.
Mr. Robert Beach, of the 6th line.
West Zorra, bee broken the record in big
cueumbere. Eighteen inehes long and a
foot in airounderenceare the dimensions
of one grown by him.
Mr Wm. Peewee of Prospect Hill has
deoided to retire from active work on the
farm and has pmehased the handsome
ved brtok residence of Mr. Wen. Cockram,
Si. Marys, The price, paid wee $1,500
John M-o0allum of Fullerton, fell from
the swelled of the barn on his, Barr,
his btother-in-layv's place on Tuesday to
the floor beneath, a dietance of 16 feet,
injuring the ribs on the right side and
reeeiving a severe scalp wound.
John Buckle of the Base line,Blanshard,
died on Thursday after an:illness; of two
years, from consamotion. Deceased was
the sou of Geo. Buckle of the same con„
mid was 40 years of age. His wife died
of the same disease three years ago.
Mr, M. Varley. while plowing on his
farm, lot 4, 7th con., E, 0.R
the other day, ploughed up a ueet of mud
turtle's eggs. There were 35 eggs. Six
of the unbroken were taken to the houee
and put in clay, and in a day or two several
young turtles were batched out.
Mr. Alex, demiesou hes sold his farm of
100 acres on the baseline, Blenshard, to
Alr.David Creighton for the eurn of $5,500.
This fine farm was among the first cleered
in Blanahard township. Mr. John Glenn
has ale° (Reposed of his 100 acre farm on
the base line for $5 50(eto dr. Geo, Scott
Tbe following additional particulars con-
cerning the lene Mre.Neil whose death was
ehrotticled in last week's Tense comes to
hands -Mrs. Neies husband, aged 97 years,
attended her funeral. They have ben
married 74 yearn, probably eonger than aoy
couple in Canada. They were natives of
Tipperary, Ireland; and came to this coun-
try in 1830 and 'mated in Fitzroy, near
the present eity of Ottawa, where they
raised a family of three sons and six daugh-
ters. They 'moved to their farm in Bei -
de Thelph
itungl-of85lar between Blanshard and
West N iasouri which took place at Thorn -
dale on Thursday last, resulted in favor of
Blanshard. At the end of tel minutes
the first tug was declitred a tie • Blenehard
dgaineid two inches at the end of the
11. The earn° team alai gained
one and one-half inches on the third pull,
and won. West Nissomi team -Dan,
Smith, cantain; John Morden, anchor;
Freak Logan, josttna Conn. George Hay..
nes and John Waugh Blansherd
Robert Henderson. captain; Robert Damson,
anchor; Adam St. Jelin, Joseph Legan,
James Shipley and Jams Johnston.
An action, Boyle vs: temente was tried
at the recent assizes in Stratford before
the Eton. Mr. Justice Street, to decide the
ownership of a strip of land, 40 x 120 feet
at Cromarty, in the county of Perth. The
defendant conteeded that when he pur-
chased half an acre of land from the
plaintiff's husband he also got this 40 feet,
on the right to use it. For the last two
years there bas been a diepute over it, and
whenever the plaiotiff put up a tence on
the front of the forty foot stip someone
took it down or burnt it. The judge hold
that the strip belonged. to the plaintiff
and that defendant had no title to it or
right of any kind to use it, and entered a
verdict for the plaintiff, with full crests,
and granted a perpetual injunction re-
straining the defendant from using the
forty feet or in,any way, interfering with
- --
BRIEFS.- Mr. Tobias WUrtz has
moved into town, into the resis
dence vacated by Geo': Glanville, who
hat moved out onto his father's farm.
He drives to town daily to look after
business. -Mr- I. Smith moyecl his
family to Exeter onsefunday, Mr. Smith
haying secured a situation wibh Jones ,tr
Co., Inacksmithe. About forty young
people gave them a surprise party on
Monday evening and inesented Mr and
Mrs Smith with several nice presents.
Mr Smith arid family will be. missed in
Crediton, but we hope to See them quite
often. --Tuttle Mills, of W (Wham, is
learning the tailoring with Mr Holtz:
man. --Miss Martha Morlock, ofThipka.
visited friends in town on Saveloy and
Monday last. -Mr W Winer has beea
engaged as bartender at the Metropolt:
Lan hotel, Exeter. -Mr Jacob Seminar
was married to a 1V1IssFes1er,of London.
Test week.
Belize -Mr, and Aril. Gu'1st,t who
tor a number of years Mtve been well
knoWrt eitizene of soart, report flays,
are to leave this week for Kippen.
Theligh sotnewhet peculiar 10 their
constitiltiorial morke up they h tee
been preteeable and worthy citizens,
and will be great'y missed, -Mr, flot-
harn's sale went off *ell, the cattle
and produce fetching good priees toe,
(lording 80 the bites. We are sorry
tri hear the old gantlets:tan is (Still cell -
fined to bed, though
rted a iittle
BeeEFS.-The anniversary of the
ethedist Church in the Vi.lege of Oen
tree& was held on Sundey The congre-
gations were large, and ,excellent ser-
mons Were preached by Rev, j. E. Ford,
at Lucent arid Rev .EI. W. Locke, of
Exeter, The collections ainounted to
$43. -Mr. Harrison is nursing a sore
hot. --Mr. Windsor is materially im-
proving the premises recently purchae.
ol,He wiil move his stock thereto short-
ly. -A new ceiling has been pain the
Dufferin boils° -Large shiemsents of
limber were made here lest week by
Ratz Bros. -The grain market here is'
briele --The reference of the death ofllfr
Luker in host week's Tia ti should have
read Isaac Luker instead of Robert. -
The inno•oveinents to the ittoffet House
are neariug• cornpletirm. The changes
will be a greater convenience,
40* •
Beineaareee-Sunday night between
one arid two o'clock the safe in the Els
T. R. Station was blown open by burg-
lars and about $55 in cash stolen. An
entrance was made by bursting open
the front door of the wetting room.
No clue to the guilty parties.
BRIEFS. -0,1 Monday evening a meet-
ing of the ratepayers wee held in In-
dostry hall to approve or disapprove of
the School Board in their action in fix -
Ong on the agricultural grounds as a
site for the 'Ye's,/ school budding. There
was not a very large turnout. A 'tote
was taken, resultiug in fever of purchas-
ing the ground at a price of $1,200, --
Mr. Arthur E mi gh, of Rock Island, U.
S., is visiting under the parental roof
at present. -Mr. James nceoramina
has purchased the Rogerson property
on Mill street, formerly occupied by
James Moore. -Mr. Runcinaan and
family, who have been living in town
for the past few months, returned on
Monday to their former home in God-
erich, where he has, secured a geed
BRenes.- Mr. Norman, Buchanan
yisited his brother in-law, Laughlin Mc-
Dorodd, of Bed Axe, Michigan, last
week.- Angus McKinnon. has purchas-
ed acre of land front Itir. Bernard
Cunningham, and intends building
thereon. So the town growe.-Mr.
Samuel Sweitzer in disposing of his
lumber this year had le drawn to Grand
Bend, and shinped from theta by boat,
an improvement on the old method of
haying it soippeci by,retil tom Parkhill
or Centralia.-IVIrs. s George 'Sutton was
away to Detroit last week attending the
funeral of her sister who died in that
city on 7th inst.,-Mr. Angus McIntosh
and family intend moving to Sauget!
Co., Michigan shortly, where Mr. Mc-
Intosh has taken up a farm. -There is
a great airman.; of fax Atilt out in the
field in this yicinity. We trust the
weather will new keep favorable so that
Mr. Sweitzer will have sufficient oppor-
tunity to get it gathered up before
winter sets in. Last week appeered
very much to the contrary, ho wever.-
The majority of the Iambs in this
yicinity were gathered up on Friday
last. They were left by the owners at
the farm of Mr. John Sherritt, from
which place they will be forwarded by
eir. Sherrit with we trust his usual
success. -Over it half dozen of the fair
sex, have, within the past few months,
left this neighborhood,in search ot more
suitable pia ce of residence, and of more
profitable etnploynient, Several have
gone to Parkhill while many more have
gone on to he famous "City of Straits"
namely Detroit. Boys I have you
nothing to do in trying to put a stop to
• B neers,-The death of Mr. John
Stewart, step father of Mr. Duncan
!ley, of this villege,took place on Sun-
day last, after a few days Dines. The
old gentleman had always enjoyed good
health, and his death was caus .d from
infirmity. The funeral took place on
Tuesday, and was lsrgely attended. He
leaves a widow and five children to
mourn his demise. Hewes 82 years of
KIDNAPrED.-There was quite an ex-
citement in society circles one day
recently, when the would-be wife of
one of our young citizens was kid nap-
ped by a riyal loverened Sims naterally
feels sore oyer the affair, three years
affections hiving been lost. On Sunday
night Sbn hied to a distent village
nemed Dashwood to visit, as was his
weekly cuetem, his affianced, a Miss
Staubus, we believe, but lo 1 0 tival
lover had possession.. Coats were soon
off and war was about to begin, when
courage failed on the pert of both. 8 m.
however, got the ieside track, while his
antagonist was scouring the villege for
some effective weapon of war, and won
succeeded in conveying the young lady
to his hcime, hero, where he thought
she would be safe, untii they could get
a minister to tie elle knot. Next
morniug Sirn had an engegement to fill,
and. thinking. that "the apple of his eye
encl joy of Ins heart" would be in good
hands, left her in the care of his par-
ents for it few hours. Bright and
early along conies lover No. 2 from
Dtslltwood. ao Was aOCOMpaniecl, hy
en able-bodied friend, prestimably both
loerled to the teeth, ite they expected to
he forced to claim out the village,
'Noy visited bonne found Kies
'tete, and were nob long in indurate;
her to ao3OnlOany thane No lime was
lost and before sunset Mr. Keiser and
Mime Staubus Were made man &Ina wife,
leaving Sim with a ishattered heart that
had grown warm by molly year's faith.,
ful devotion, and ehm only consolation
that he had dorio his best.
Following are the market guotetione
62 to 65
Oata„ , 22 to 23
Pees . . . . . 47 to 4$
Hay 19,00 to 10,00
1$ to 13
Raving taken a course in the °Mario Optical
tneti Lute Vorente, sant leering obtained a Moe
10413.1 an now procared teseiontifteally fit --
spectacles. Anyone 'miring trouble with th cm -
°Yoe would ti well to °all and hey° them
examieed. Bees tested free of oharge sae
satisfaetlen gueranteed la every ease...-
4We 0. srun'e len, Jeweller tend Optician'
Fon Levees OF auste.-Hene tIl people are
promised& greet musical teat shortly, each
ree the voiage probably never had the privele e
11314:moon lino, were visiting at their
daughter's, Mies. 0. Boseenberry, last
SeterdaY.-Nir. Ds Efotteelealk and
lamely were Visiting at 0,13ossenberry's
on Sunday. -Mr. Jelin McArthur,
hardware, has engaged Mr. tiovverd, ot
Seaforth, as tinsmith in Mr. 0. 13ossen-
berry's stead.
• Vthettett,
Me: David Hodgson left last week for
Loudon, to parsee the medical 'course at
the Ihnversity tbere, We join in wish-
ing Dave the meet marked auccese its his
undertaking---Nfaster George Gunning is
loin up from son opeeation petformed on an
ingrowing nail.
or °reeling before, liurintthlg reeene trio 50
the Eine, thr euth the kindness of a friend, the
Rev. F. he ROY h. co eueosetied in ea:taring the
tserveets of tbe great Bum tan vionniet,
nesdes,, Oet. 2,30 alt 3 t'•
evening concert in ,Jorworth's Hen, on wed-
mr. beiges ee. simple, who will give a mewl
good tars, sod we guaranteethetn to be solid
Rev; Aato Ovegescn.-To any rine who can sett
Boots es Shoes cheapfl. teen we eau. Our
go ds are Insde by the best makers, are stylist),
leather. We Mese lust opened out tue largest
essortment of euebere, ssaboere Boots and
Overahnes, ever shown in Heneall la, fore If
You do not call and eX1111111.0 ourstoik when in
iteesait you el miosine a enaP as we sell
oheap for cash, ebircy eve pair of Shoes left
yet to heated let hall nee F,Osten them out.
No trouble to show goods. ltonairine neatly
done end promptly attenoad to. Ordered
work a Specialty. .A. WilS1.11,011,
BRIEF4.--Messrs. Petty and Ballan-
tyne el:tipped from here on Tuesday
ten car Made of sheep and cattle to
the. Old Country. There were over
1,200 lambs i the shipment vrlitch
was the largest ever made from this
station.- One of the largeat freight
trains ever seen on this line passed
south on Monday. It filled both
switches and extended along the main
brie In order to allow the mail train
to pass.- W. R. Hodgins has converts
ed the old driving shed in connection
with his hotel, into sample rooms. --
The fax mill men are now hauling in
the rotted fax and will commence
scutching at once. -The merkets are
dull and business as a consequence is
quiet. --rhe many friends of Mrs. R.
aunt will regret to learn tbat she
and has been, quite seriously 111 for
some tinee.--Rev.Henderson has
been pastor of the Prestileterian
church here, for over six years. He
is more popular than ever. -Mr. T.
Murdock hitched a new horse to the
dray on Monday. The animal did not
take kindly to the new job and ran
away. It went all over the village and
was finally brought to a (standstill by
being headed into the station yard. -
At the regular meeting ot the Ep-
worth League, the tollosying officers
were elected :-President, Mr. James
Ingram. vice-presidette, Miss Jane
Lammie; seoretary,,Miss Bella Wilson;
treaeurer, William Stoneman. -The
feundation ill now being built, for an
addition to Mr. Reed. esellis foundry
and machine shop -Mr. John Shep-
pherd shipped several oarloads of
lambs to the Old Country this week. -
Mrs. John McArthur and two daugh-
ters were at London last week. --Miss
Smith was at Exeter on Sunday visit-
ing her mother who is very low. -Mr.
Stetter, of London, was in town on
refonday night on business -Mrs. Geo.
Young and children, moved to Sea -
forth on Monday, to reside.--Busi.
ness was booming in Hensel' last Sat-
urday, but has been eomewhat quiet
the beginning of this week, owing to
the fine weather. -Mr. Geo. Mitchell
has sold his dwelling house to his
tether for $450. Ile leaves this week
for the Londoa hospital, where he
intends.undergolog medical treatment.
-Mr. Richard Coati returned home
last week fromOakville,where he spent
six weeks in the Gold Cure Institute.
and he says he.feels like a newman now
and has no desire for strong drink, -
Mr. Charles Bossenberry, who fell off
Will Moore's house, about two weeks
ago, is improving nicely, and Is sup.
pused to be out of all danger. -On
Friday night last, Mr Geo. f3roderick
pissed away. at the age of 68 years.
•rhe funeral let t his late residence,on
Sunday afternoon to the Methodist
church. vvbere Rev. Mr. Swan preach-
ed a very impressive sermon. His
t•emaine were then interred in the
Babylon cernetere, neateelr. Brod-
erice's old home, Mr. Broderick
came to Bengali a litt e over two
years ago, as a retired farmer, and
during this time made in tny friends
and was well liked by everybody and
will be greatly missed. Ele leaves a
wife and five children to mourn his
loss, who have the heartfelt sympathy
of the community.
(Too late for last week.)
Bitms.-Miss Walker, of Canfield,
is visiting at her brother a, Rev. Jas.
tWe ra loirf Nryittenrrlos,
, Sarteviriekeliatiang daantd Litleavu.g
Walker's this week. -Rev. Mr. Jgart-
ley of Bluevale, was the guest of Mr.
mexander MoPherseri on Tuesday -
Miss Harris (if Bethesda occupied the
pulpit of the Methodist -church on
Sunday evening and preached a yery
impressive sermon to a large audience,
-Mr. Geo. Brown end family listed his
parents oG Exeter last Sunday. -Hr.
Joseph Snell of Deshworeci, was in
town Wednesday on hustnesa-me,
Jno. Hall and wile of Dashwood, se.
cotnpanied by &Ire. Meta of London,
wereit, town Melting oelle het Wed-
nesday.- -Mr, AleXander McPherson
has engeged Mr, 'Phottati Palmer its
coat rresker.-Mr. Richerd Beek and
wife visited friends at Seaforth laat
Stiti(tay -errs. tlersio)F. Sean returned
from leer visit at Guelph on eiciecitty,-.
Sir. Ve.Roeolding wits the guest of Mr•
Win Westcott, Seitiorth, lest Sunday.
-Mrs, D. Dtersteio Of Michigan.
Visiting her eigter, Mis, ei,PaDo.--MIse
Attire Iterr teturned home altet' a two
week's visit with friends at Sees forth, -
Mr, D. Weistaniler Wee at Seaforth on
eloriday•-Mr. leery Reynolde Wee at
Deshwood last Wedneedity.-Mr, Louie
Itroft end wtt 01 Deihwood, were the
guestOf Mr.D. Went:teller on Atindaer.
-Mr, Abe Lehmati and wife er the
Bayelelce •
Brans --Miss Etta Sellars of Detroit,
is visiting her mother, ltirs 11. Sellars. -
Airs 13. 'Thompson, of Wingham, has been
eogaged as teather for the senior depart-
ment and Mr John Whiddon, of Baptised,
for junior department of our Publio School,
-We are sorry to hear that DITAgriesteof
Londesboro, who so ably filled the place of
Dr Sheppard, last summer, is very ill with
typhoid fever and pneamonia.-A large
number followed the remains of the late .A.
Stirling of this village to hie last resting
place last Friday. He has been 'euteeriog
for some time of asthma anddropsy, which
oeused his death. He leaves a family of
flat: ideitaghters and two eons to mourn
• teruoefield.
FIRE. -The barna of Mr. W. Berry,
mile aouth of here, together wtth ell his
grain and nitwit of his implements, were
burned about 7 p. na., Thursday night.
Canes unknown. toss partly oovered by
insurancein the Hay Company. Mr. R
Watson's bathe, adjoining, bad a close
call, as the wind was blowing direetly
over them. Mr Berry will sell big stock
by auction. .
Buters.-Mr. Alexander Mustard re-
tarned from Algoma on Tuesday, where
he had been prospecting for a few weeks.
Mr. Mustard has lee intention of going
tbere to reside, but if he can pick up any
snaps whites he cant= into cash he is
always ready for them. -A lad belonging
to Mr George Hill, butcher, had a narrow
escape from serious injury on Wednesday
eventng. He was riding in a light waggon
with some other sehool-ohildren,and when
the waggon was turning the corner in
front of Mr, Scott's score, the little chap
overbelattoed himself and fell oue head
foremost on the bard road. The waggon
wheel, also, passed over one of his lege.
Baclulph Council.
October 961i, 1895.
The council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment. • The Reeve and all the members
present except cocinoillor Toobey.
The following accounta were ordered to
tee paid Bent; soNfel !mount in
full, $2.31 ; M. Moncton, do, 44.50 ; Sae.
Donley, do, $9.68 ; Peter Butler, do,
$6.25 '- Jag Whalen, on encount of con-
tract, dine. 4, cons. 8 and.9, 0100.00 ; Jno
Ryan, moving bridge and building the
same on cons, 8 and 9, div. 4, $110.00 ;
Wesley Eastman, tee drabs, div. 2, $3.00 ;
George Lewis, gravel contract. div. 4,
e23.52 ; Jas. Kelly, drawing gravel, div. 5,
$7.00 ; A K. Hedging, rep bridge [in an
emergency] 50c ; grant to Biddulph Agl,
Society, $20.03 ; D. Westmart. culvert,
diy S. Moiety, 32.00; Isaac Taylor, con-
crete oulvert, S. B. div 6, 32.45 ; Jas.
Levine, deepening ditch, N.B., div. 5, 50n;
Taos. Sanagan, work on div. 4, 016 00 ;
Free Press adyg. of posting up of Voter's
List, $3.70; J. W. Eedy, printing 400
revised bylaws, 326.40 ; EL J. Benner on
aceount ot printing °outran, 330.00 : Jew
Bruin, stsente labor refunded. the same
being performed, $3.00 ; A Ryan, bal. on
contract, 34,00 : Thos. Kill, account in
full for lumber, 314.70.
The collectors' bond was read and ap
proved and the clerk instructed to hand
over the Collector'e Roll to the collector.
The council adjourned to meet again on
Monday, October 7th, at 10 a. m.
W. D. STANLEY, Clerk.
Seroonets Marce.-The shooting match
got up by our hotelkeeper, vshiola came off
on Wednesday of last week, was quite a
success. Following is the eoore :-
L/VE BIRDS. Artificial Targets.
Dodds, J. 5 Dade, J. 9
wn, J. 4 Davie, F.
4 Bright, A. J. 7
Bice, I. 7 McCann, M. 7
ntevenson, T. 9 • Sheredown, J. 4
McCann, id. 7 Bicknell, T.
Hollande, W. H. 8
MeColl,j. D. 8
Biers. --The annual harvest home
supper in connection with the Presby -
tenet' Church iri this village was held
Friday evening, and was well attended.
- The life end work of the Rev. Mr.
Carriere in this neighborhood aro in
many respects quite unique. Of French
Canadian extraction, he was born at
Belle River, Que., about 38 years age.
In 1882 he was graduated from the
Presbyterian College, illontreei, and in
the same year he received aud accepted
a call to the Presbyterian Church Grand
Bend Within this church two distinct
congregations are accustomed to meet
regularly -one French and the other
Etiglish-and for thirteen years Mr,
Carriere has broken to these people the
',Breed of Life” in both languages.
Seyen years ago he sterted work at
Corbett,end his ministratioos here have
been eininenely successful, A good
cOngregation has been gathered, it neat
and coninioalOUs chtirOh has been Greet-
ed, and about 100 persons have been
received into Chrtetiate fellowship.
Geoid Bend is rapidly growing ine pop..
ularity se a beautiful summer teeutt,
and Mr. (Derriere's personality there is
quite an. institution. Irt feet, Many of
the visitors' remember him. kinffiy, not
• only for the fervor of his pulpit min..
istrAtions, but ale° 1 or the hospitality
of his home, has had severe,'
tempting cane to other fields-tlithe of
elsent to aitoittreal-but so for much to
the delight Of his attached people, he
ptefars to Stay at his first eharge.
.10/1314 Wan% SOX _10
Isettitsiterre *Pe Ptunetedetr"
An Opportunity
Grasp It!
We are clearing Out the haiaue
of our stock at sedad-
die prices,
Women's Fine "cid Button Shge,
regular price $1.50, clearing
print: 85c. pair.
Woolen's Heavy Laced. Shoe, reg.
War price $1.25 a pair, clearing
pric,-, 75o a, pair.
Children's Fine Button Shoe,
clearing price 5oc a pair.
Iligh Time
'You understood that we are sel-
ling Iren's a.ud Boy's Ready-to-
wear Clothing cheaper than they
have ever been sold in Exeter.
Before it it too late, avail your-
self of one of our cheap Ready--
inaoe Suits.
Highest price paid for Butter
and Eggs.
DEPO_T 1C10.11g0
T. co ••"."'"5
• Lu can,
BRIEFS.--Mr. S. W. Gibson, a ga, wito
celebrated their tin wedding Tuesday
evening, Oot. 8. There was a good
gathering of friends and acquainta mess. -
A grend reception was given the Rev. lefa.
Shaw the other evening by the peopie
Holy Trinity. Mr. Shaw has been on
visit to Lefand, his native leaul.- G.
Armitage died at Woodstook. His re.
mains were brought to Lucan and burial
in St. James cemetery. The funerel wee
large, consisting mostly of relatives of
deceased. Mr. Armitage was raised in
1$1d.dulph, and was a brother of Reeve
The St, Marya district Epworth I -Magna
convention met in'ethe Methoduit Chureit
here on Wednesday of last week. A
goodly number of citizens and friends from
a distance were present. The meetine
wee opened at 10 o'clock by prayer and
praise'00odnoted by the Rev. C. Barltrep.
At 10.30 an able essay, entitled "Pewee
for Seryme," was read by Miss A. Moe
Granton, and at 11 o'clock Reg, R, .
Hosking began his ;subject, "Our °ppm--
tunities." The above topio was alsey
handled, after which an interesting ex-
change of ideas °mimed thereon. When
the afternoon opening exercises, from LBO
to 1,45 le. ra, were coneluded, the reeve
of this village, Mr. R. Armitage. in his
alma' capaeity praggcally extended to
the visitors the freedgm of the town. He
gave all pteseat a beaettgreetieg. Fir
bemuse their work tended to the fornreei
of Christian character and good citie6lt4 ,
ship ; secondly, brimless it aided the
devotees mentally and morally and points
them to a higher and purer life. He
knew the institution was only in its in -
Dewy, and they were there to farther tee
fnterests, and on that ground he bide
ithem weicome. At 2 30 Rev. Dr. Cook,
Granton, gave the audience an address tin
"Christ's Teaching," and showed it sees
the bulwarir of our Christianity. The
doctor was lietened to throughontwith rat
attention and frequently applauded. rhe
reverend gentleme.n handled his anbjecit
with marked ability. Mr. A. G. Crewe,
general secretary, Toronto, next address-
ed the meeting on the general work an.d
utility of the league, and urged the neces-
sity of the formation of like institutions in
connectioa with every church. He strong-
ly recommended a reading circle in con-
neetion with every league, ad named -a
number of excellent works to begin with.
Chia was followed by a discussion ln
width the Rey& Dr.Oook, Netheroott, awl
Snowden engaged. The 'League before
end during the revival" was ably neat
with by the Rev. T. J, Snowden, ane&
"rue League after" by Rev. T. Snowden.
rhe nominating committee reported .at
this juncture the names of officers for et
new district league, with the chairman
of the district as psesident. The even-
ing session was largely attended, the
church being filled to overflowing. At
8.15 p.m. Mr. F. W Daly, B. A., of Lon-
don, took the platform mud dealt ably
eith the subject "Christian Citizens -Te
league as it factor in their production,"
and wound np it pleasing address by urg-
ing upon young and old the necessity el
casting their ballots in favor of temper -
sines candidates, The last speaker on 8340
programme was the Bey. A. C. Crews, el
Toronto, who spoke for 40 minutes on the
"Aims and Methods of the League." Hs
said that l8,000 leegues existed in the
Northern States, with e membership a
over 1,000,000, and thee we have in On -
tario over 60,000 active working members.,
whose whole object it; to save 'Wale, fee
divided the work of the league into form
departments, viz., Christian endeavoer,
masiionary, literary and social, and dwelt
at length upon each, after which the ben-
ediction was pronouncea.
TxAT TnIED Fxitaitto.
it cOMmOn complaint and it ie 8 dame
gerous symptom. It tneaos that the syetera
is debilitated beeause of impure blood, and
in this; coneition Wes especially liable .to
attacks of ditiease. Hood's Sarsaparilla is
the remedy for this condition, and oleo
for that weakneas which prevails et the
change of eeason, climate or life. •
Hood's Pill's. tot °wily, yet promptly
and efficiently, cm the barrels and levee,
Post Office Store
BiAnkete at less. than mill prioetk,
850 per pair up to $4. See odr
great values only $2. Underwaat xtb
Itrieloosisbajtelyan;bitaynriii,Inttl pya,r.:caets.priSeee8e pthaI euaelextloallt
, wool 75o shirt for 60c; Tweeds, Flan--