HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-9-26, Page 5e a t. a. In Advanced Years The strength and. pure blood nem - Bary to resist the effects of cold seasons Are given by Hood's Sarsaparilla. "I have for the last 26 years of my life ibeen complaining of a weakness of the lungs an. is in the head, especially in the winter. Last fal1 I was again attacked. Beading of Hood's Sarsaparilla I was led to try it. I am now taking the fifth bot - tie with good results. I can positively say that I have not spent a whiter as free from aouglis or pains and difficult breathing spells for the last 25 years as wag last win- ter. 1 can lie down and sleep all night without any annoyance from cough or pain in the lungs or asthmatic difficulty." E. CHAMBERS, J. P., Cornhill, N. B. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True !food Purifier rionainently in the public eye today. Hood's Fills oure babltual constipse ticoa. "'MOO 250, per box. 111111111111111MMONOMMION. tar.legarailill•M•111•11111•11 -IFIORSALE. CHE AP FOR OASEL Nice six roomed house, with good garden and stable. AD ply to, I. F. ORE, 477 Ontario St,, Toronto. An'to MRS, TIM, cIARK. Exeter. AL g cuts ...prose.... us can earn $20 per week selling our litordy oartauian-gro wit Nursery Stock. „Permanent position and salaries. Exclusive territory. Write at once fer tot ma to 0. E. •ORMIAM, Reason -mare Tartorao, oneettio, ARM FOR SALE OR RENT. 100 -acre farm, being hr. 11.0n the 14th cone of Ribbert township. Agood brick house. and a bank barn, 62 x 00. (new.) fenoed and Inseecraid state of eultivetiot. Situated one mile North of Farquhar, Full particulars on apolication to BEN.raY BUNDLE, Lot 3, con. 3, Usborne, Devon r. 0. or Exeter P. O. FARM FOR SALE. ' • te0-acre farm in tbe township of etephen beine lot 15, con. 13. There aye about 50 acres aloareciethe Wane° in bush. Marlboro lot is about one mile North of the Centre Road and two and a halt -miles South of Desbaood• Two good wells of water oa the premises. Ten acres of fall wheat Apply to WILLIAM THOMPSON, Radva Pa0 FOE SALE OE RENT. Shoe shop and dwelling, 2 acres of orchard and garden at West bleilltnivray corners. Good localityao 01.positiou within 7 Polies. A rare (ilium° fora good man. Terms reasonable. sale or rent. For particulars apply to 3t IIENR le 'LEER, Crediton, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for aale on easy terms lotll, con 11. tv. of Stephen First class order. lisrge brick nous°, kitchen and wood ata ehed,barn and drive -house, orchard. lots of water, well fenoed and drained, will be sold cheap. proprietor retiring. For particulars Apply to B ENRy BILBER, Crediton, AV -ANTED HELP. -MEN OR V Women in every Malay (local or trav- elling), to introduce a new discovery, and law) our show cards taciked UP on atrees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. Steady em»loymeat, Llounnissian or salary $05 per month and expenses, and :money deposited in any hank wben started, lair particulars write THE Won't) 11.EDICAL ELECTRIC Co., P. 0. Box 221, London, Oot•, -Canada May 16- ui FARM FOR SALE. lot 34, Con. 4 of the township of Osborne, oontaining 100 acres, So of which Bre cleared and the rest well timbered with maple and beech; a good Frain° barn 3ex56 feet, also good frame stables and driving shed, A good log house and o her outbuildings, large or- chard with plenty ofma11 fruit trees. The farm is well ad.tpted for grain or pasturage. It is situated Gri a good gravel road four miles from the thriving village of Ileneall. 1 a4 miles from store shops, Post office and °burial and 2 miles from school. For further par. aioulars apply to MRS. WM. WOOD, Chisel- > burst Ea 0. or Mit. WM. mIT011BLL, Box 14, Hensall,P. 0. 2ni 0 4. 4 imaraases.remmet HESTER WHITE BOAR FOR SERVICE. at time of service. W. sism.ta,, Lot )5. C•otheeesion 7, Cabot -no. nee 33, FOR SALE OR RENT, storo and Dwalline Howie 111 the Village of irkton.-briok. Apply personally or by let- ter to ala10. L. MONEY, Is ox Is. Exeidacki:glinso liogs Waned! For .lrilling every Monday. its we are killing lies regularly every -iveee. we are prepared to supply cus- tomers with new KETTLE RENDER - FD LARD, crocks or pails, filled at lic per lb., on Wednesday. ,Spare Ribs 20 per pound ; Rib. Retie Pork 10e per lb. ; Tenderloin ee per lb, ; Pigs Feet, cleanecl,15e per doe ; Smoked Ham 120 per lb. ; Smoked 1.3acks 110 per lb. ; B. Bacon 12e ; Spiced Roll 10e per lb ; fl&ogni, 3 lbs. for 2fie. • Long Clear Bacon, O� to 10c per ;b. A.T EXETER P.. MING HOUSE, C. axleli, • Prop.. ,i,eter,SePttintbtr. e6t11,160.3 e'all wheet ear bustle,. $ 00 $ 60 Bering wheat per bueh.......,60 SI Barley por bust... se 32 Oata per bueh.. a •... a. S-2 Nag per bash 48 I Flour per bbl 400 429 Apples per bag 70 60 Potatf.sa per bag 35 40 gay t er on 10 00 10 00 Wool...gar cord hard 3 00 3 50 Wood per nerd soft 2 00 22 Butter per lb..........,•,.......... 256 Elms per dozen .... 11 11 Turkeys per lb...,... ••,... 7 a Hoge, live iteight.... . . ball:ekes. ...... .. t ... ... . .... ...a ,„ ...... 4 265 I 516' 6 6 °Woks- ....... .......... .-. ..... .... 6 5 Lisadon, September 25th, 1895 Wheat,whiteaall. 1001be .3 00 to $ 100 Wheat, red, fall. per 100 lbs... „. 90 to 100 Wheatapring, per 100Ibe ..... -. 90 to 100 Oats. per 1001ba.......,....... ..... '70 to 70 Peas, Per 100 lbe........, -..... a 85 to 9)Corn, eerie° lbs 101 to 103 Barley per 10C lbs 70 to 75 Rye. per 100 lbe 101 to 105 Buokwheat, per 100 lbs 90 te 100 l'..bere, vex- anti-.... ..... ...... ...... 1 CO tC 110 Hggs, fresh, single doz. ... 16 to 15 Eggs, fresh beaket, per doe 13 to 14 Eggs, fresh, store lore, per dos 10 to 10 Buttet,single toile, per lb..-- 25 to 22 Butter perlb,1 lb folls,baskets 23 to 21 Putter per lb. large tolls or °rocks 18 to 19 Butter,perlb, tub or Arkine 17 to 18 Lard, earth. 10 to 10 Ohickena, per pair....... 75 to 100 Ducks.... ..,.... ........- ..... • 70 to 103 Turkeys, 10 to Ho per nit . owl ... 100 to 200 Toronto, September 254h, MU Wheat, white, per bus. ... $ 62 00 .3 83 Wheat, spring, per bum. . - ..' . ... 62 to 62 Wheat red winter, per buso 05 Wheat goose, per bus 65 to 55 BarleY, per bus 89 to 39 Oats, Per bus -a:- . 28 to 20 Peas ,. 52 to 63 REY 14 00 to 140 , Eggs per dozen 12 to 13 Butter, per /b 17 to 18 Dreseed hogs. ......6 to 6 5000 Potatoes, ner bag 35 to 40 0. Donnelley Prop. of the popular and well- kisewn Windsor Hotel A Iliston Ont., was troubled for years with itoh.ng Piles. Ile was Pursuadeci by 3a 33 Garvey, Allison, Ont. livery roan, to use Chase's Ointment which he did, was cured bee had no return of them and highly recommends this Ointment as a sov- ereign cure for Piles FOR OVER FIFTY YISARS AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY.- MEB Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty years by millions of mothers for their childree while teething with perfeot success. It soothes the child, eoftens the genie, allays the pain, cures the collo, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, le pleasapt to the taste. Sold bY druggists in every part of the world. 25 oents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup andtakeno other kind. One advantage of taking Ayr's Sar- eaparille to purify the blood' is that your need not infringe upon your hours of labor nor deny yourself any food that agrees with you. In a word, you are not compelled to starye or loaf, while tak- ing it. These are recornmendations worth consadering. CATAILRE 11ELIEVED IN 10 TO 20 Mrs- tea-Oue r, ()It puff of the breath through the Blower supplied with each bottle of Dr Agnew' s Catarrbal Powder, diffuses the Powder over the surface of the naeal pre- sages. Painlaes and deliebtful to take, relieyes instantly, and permanently cure Catarrh, Hay Fever, 'Colds, Headache Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafness 50 cents, At C. Lutz. Makes friends all the tinae. aud keeps t hew too. The finest tonic on the market in Wilson's Invalid' Port Wine which is saked for by all inyalid, debilitated, nervous people; as it Iota pec- uliar prorerty which makes it invaluable to all such. These are -its undoubted blood making property, being a fine old rich wine, of body and atrength, it re- storative properties, for it is the testimony of thousauds that after uue tbore is a feeling of strength and buoyancy to which the lifeless body and sriat haye been strangers. A due old wine, which one might drink without a thought of medicinal property, which is in the character of the beverage itself, and is not anything superadded. Sold by all dealers at $7 50 per case of 12 quart bot- tles, helf ease ;4.00 or 7,g., cts. per bottle. Address- Bordeaux Claret Co. 30 Hos' paid Street Montreal, George Reid, a nine year old Barrie boy, was drowned by falling into the bay. Dr Talmage will go to Washiugton as pabtor of the Fist Presbyterian Church. R. D. 0, thn household remedy for storaach troublta. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and &Tide to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by. more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embra,eed in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfeet lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, lispelling colds, lreadaches and fevers lid permanently curing constipation. it has given satisfaction to millionn and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Vigo is or sale by all drug, gine in 75e. bottles, but it is mann. factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will riot accept any selxititute if offered. Was a Mini In &Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, Ont. The doctors said that a Surgical Operation was necessary. The Lady left Hospit- al and Doctors. She Uses Pane's Celery Compound and. is cured. Another wenderful, almost miraonloos, cure to, eport. As usual, the afflieted one is 'saved by the use of Paine's Celery Com. pound. Mrs. Annie Satindere, the cured lady, lives in Braciondale, a pleariant euburb of Toronto. Efer eufferines from a trouble common to many women, were terrible,and the wonder is that ahe now lives. To her, medical and hospital proved of no avail. At a critical juncture, the doctors deemed an operation imperatively necessary.' Mrs. Saunders would not sanction the proposed operation; ahe decided to try medicine that had cured thousands; she bad faith in its wonderous powers to make her a new woman. Paine's Celery Com pawl(' was her ehoeen agent; she used it, and Oaths Providence for the happy change effected, She writes as follows regarding her cure: - "ft is with much pleasure that I te-tify to the value of your wonderful Paine'a Celery Compound. I wars a greet anfferer from eevere attacks 01 neuralgia in the left ovary, At times tbe attacks were so acute that I thought I would lose my remain. "Sevei al doctore treated me, and .1 was a patient in St Jeseph's Hospital, Hernia ton. I obtained no relief from medical treatment. The doctors said unless I had the ovary taken away I weld not be cured. 'lnotes d 6f submitting to the operation, I used Faine's Celery Compound, and I am tbankf el your valuable medicine cored me. I feel like anew woman, and I -would like all sufferers to know just what this great medieine bee done for me." .-000,1111.• VALUABLE TO RNOW. Consumption may be more easily pre- yented than cured. The irritating and baraseing cough *ill he greatly relieved by the use of Haeyea Xis Pectoral Balsam that MVPS coughs, °olds, bronchitis, mid all pulmonary troubles. ?mons To TrAvol. WANTED, -Several faitbful gentle- men and ladies to travel for eetabliehed house. Salary $780 A, Expenses Position permanent if suited ; also increase State reference and enclose aelf-addreseed stamped envelope. THE NATIONAL, 316-S17-318 Omaha. Bld 'OHMAGE+. A Timicly Ativico. Jute and wool blankets we always take the lead, Over gaiters, overshoes and rubbers, what you all will need ; Ziarness, collars, whips and sweat pads. we have a good supply, .frets ombs, brushes and cards when used keep away disease and the fly. Trunks, valises and school bags, in p rices and. quality for the you ng and the old; Robes, rubber, plush and wool rugs, and mitts; to protect you from the cold; Elm city harness oil, dressing and blacking, keeps harness and boots a shining, Bells, children's catriages and wagons prevents the little ones from crying, Long and short boots, elt and rubber boots. we claim the best and nicest. Enquire at Treble's Boot, Shoe and Harness store, be sure and get his prices. GIDLEY &S� Parlor Setts Side Boards Tables Bedroom Setts Chairs Palley Bamboo Window Shades apd Poles, PICTURE FRAMES A Large Variety and Low Prices. Gidley & Son ODDFELLOVPS BLOCK. E R TIME b, IRusettawrot ClIaaP AN a Dar, --South 1 A reerioan Rheumatic Cure. for Rheuinatiore eed Neurelsta, radieelly cures in 1 to 8 clays. Its notion. upon the aystem is remark able and myeteriouts, It xemoves at once the COAAD0 end the disease irnmediately die appears, The flret dose greatly benefit - 76 ciente. Sold by 0. Lutz, Druggist, Ss, . ._ ....— . ..__ A Boor TO 1.10115E1W33i -One bottle of Engliah Spasm Liniment couipietely re ruoved a curb from ray hem. 1 talte in recommening the remedy,. ria 11 1040 with raysterious promptneee ru the re- moval from horses et hard, soft or call - eased lumps, Wool spavin, splints, °earl eweeny, taffies and apraioss. GEORGE R0/313, FannEni MARE/MT. OftP, Sold by C. LUEZ. 1-tEril er IN Sox Hoene, -Disordered Kid ney and bladder diseasee relieved in six hours by tbe "Great South Atnerioan Rid ney Cure." Thai new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on ao. ocelot of its exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneyeantok and every part of the urinary passagets in male and female, It relieves reteution of water and Pain in waging it aitoorst immed titbit. If you want quails relief and pure this is tour remedy Sold by C. LUTZ 0 .0 - 4 We understand that Mies Maggie Mc- Gowan has resigned her schoolat Granton. We are lorry to hear of the Ulnae+ of John Han eon rind George Reia, of Mae, Craig. WANTED. itcomanown Clean Timothy Seed -AND- A lsyke Clover Seed. J. Cobbledick, First Storehouse, Station. London, Huron and Bruce. 1•01114 NORTH- Passenger LOX) d011 , depart•-•••• • 8.05 A. N • 4,30 P. II Centralia 9,07 6.47 Exeter ............. ..... ,,9,22 6.00 Itensall 9,37 6.15 Kippers ..... 9.44 620 Brucefield ........... 9.52 6.28 Clinton 10.12 6.55 Londesboro 10.29 7.14 131y th 10,38 7.23 Belgrave 10.52 7.37 Wingham arrive11 10 8.00 (loom 8017T1V- Passenger Wingbam, depart... ... 6.35 A.. sr. 3.25r. 24 6.50 3.4/ 7.03 4.01 7,10 4.08 7.30 4.28 7•49 4.46 7.51 4.53 8 06 4.58 8.25 5,12 54 5,23 Belgrave Byah Lon deaboro Clinton • Brimfield Ripven. . . ... - Retinal..... Exeter Centralia --TEE— People's Building and Loan Association LONDON - - OINTABIO 100ARD OP DIRECTORS IN EXETER. Orman° Dr. J. A. Rollins, President. Dr. C. Lutz, - Vice -President. L 11. Dickson, Solicitor. David Mill, Valuator. Fred. W. Collins, - Seoy -Treas. DIRECTORS. Jno Grigg, E. A, Penick, 'Jae. Miller, Wra southcott, Dr. Thos..A. Amos, Saml. Sander. Make money bi =laving moneY. Sixty cents per month will ensure 3100 in 11 years. For forms of application and all necessary infor- mation anply to the Secretary, Mr. Fred. W. Collins. Post Office, Exeter, Ont, own•••••••••••••••• DR. SHOULTS, . CENTRALIA., Moe opposite Methodist Parsonage, r...T KINSMAN, DENTIST, 1- • LD.13. SPECIALIST in GOLD FILL- ING, EXTRA C TING and P I, A TE WORK. as and local Anaesthetics for pain - lees extracting. 2nd door north of tiAR- LING'S Store DALTON AN DERSON D.D. S • L.D• S. Honor Graduate of the To- ronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Special tie2, painless extraction and preservation of the natural teeth. Of6ce over the Ls.wOffice of Elliot & Elliot, opposite Central llotel, Exeter, Ont. -Fa AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, JJh. OMNI ON. Will be at Greb's hotel Zurich on the aeoond Thursday of eaoh month and at Rodgin's hotel Bengali every Monday UM' IDOWIT At W, Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $326, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a at. , W. JOHNS, The Tailor, 1. ROM UlVDERTAKER -AND- Furniture Dealer, Math. Street, Exeter. Full Stock of all kinds alWays on hand. IROWISO, EXETER. rela Prepare For Cold Weather MIS1-101=1 aZ; so:sr Have been studying the past few weeks as to what would best suit the wants of their custom- ers in HEATING AND COOKING ST IVESI They have "THE CELEBRATED GRAND JEWEL," with Steel Oven and new Patent Grates. This stove is a special favorite with housewifes, and will be found not only easily managed but economical, Heating Stoves of all kinds at prices that will sell them. EAVETBOUGHING .A. SPECIALTY. 11......1•111111.41111•11, .1011114,41.0•111•11111149. Highest price paid for Timothy Seed. Submit sample, )12.001•1=1•20101101.1011131 1110 Have you an old Buggy Top that needs racovering and You wish to baye made ea good as new ? Side Curtains played out ? Your Cuehion played out ? or other Trimmings shabby and require to be renewed ; If so, call on ("---111-hiltraNINT, Or leave your orders at Jones' Carriage Works, Exeter. All orders will receive prompt attention ond done in a wolkmanshiplikesmanner, Charges moderate. Are You GOING TO GET A 'Tie? We nave the best assortment and the cheapest. Comein and See Them Or else write for particulars. PERSINB & MARTIN, Fansona /Kook, Exeter. We Want You to come into Our Store LOOKING PLEAS- ANT sometimes. We have so much to sell besides quinine and all those bitter things. We don't want you to think we are happy only when you are sick. Of course, if you must be ill, we always want to put up youi prescriptions, but we haye a thousand and one things you need be- sides medicine. Just now we have some uncommonly good values in Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25c up, Nail Brushes from 5e up, Tooth Brushes from 6c up. But don't let us forgot to draw your attention to the extensive stock of Toilet Soaps 3 large cakes of Beal Castile for 100, 1 box contal..ing six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Ov n, 2 wikes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soaps, Old Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and a lar.:e assortment of medicinal sows, as -d many other lines. All the above are excellent values, both in quality and quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow what you can do to -day. Call at once. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. ,4 Suit of Olothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. 3. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any oi these. A large assortment of Fall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at. tractive. 132113Lxi. xsoP & SON. ST Strikes are all right, if atruck against wrong, Strike not the weak because you are strong; Strike not your father, strike not your mother, Strike not your sister, strike not your brother : But strike a good scheme when ever you can, Strike a deal with J. .EI, GRIEVE, And you will strike the riglit man For a fine suit of BLACK WORSTED or fine TWEED. Our stock is complete for the spring trade. All the latest novelties in Fine Goods. Give us a call and secure a Big Bargain. Remember the place. J. H. Grieve. DO "YOU "Oa -- Expect to attend a Busineas or Shorthand School the ooming season. If you do it will pay you to investigate the claims of the c. .0.. FOREST CITY BUM ESS 81, SHORTHAND COLLEGE LONDON,PNT 14 12 credited with being the best and practioal sobool in Canada. A t methods are tip to date. R U aware that tbere is a difference between the work done in Business Colleges', some good, some bad, Boma is very indifferent- Get the beat : it will pay you. HAVE 11 heard anything about our "NE W SYSTEM" of teetering Bookkeep- ing and Commercial Paper ? It is a radical change from the old methods usually employed. Drop a portal card and ask for particulars. College reopened Sept. 3rd, 1595. J. W. WE'sTERVELT, Principal_ Featherbone Skirt Bone. For giving STYLE and SHAPE to Ladies' Dresses For sale .A light, pliable, elastic bone made from quills,. 14 18 soft and yielding, conforming readily to folds, yet giving proper shape to Skirt or Dress, The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. The Celebrated. Featherbone Corsets are cordediwith this material. by leading Dry Goods Dealers. rilaillEggialagaitelegeinienssaarill TIIE TIMUS Huron's Best Local Paper, and the MAIL and EMPEE Canada's Greatest Weekly, (Clubbed) until January 1897, (Balauce of this year free.) On THE TIMES, THE MAIL AIID EMPIRE, —AEA - TEE ram AND FIUME (Balance of this year free ) POP.. 1..50 ADDRESS, ,,Tx3,o 'White a Sons. AlisirrNIGHT. eLNurray&Co., Z=eter North Store Mr. F. R. Knight has opened a General Store in the stand lately occupied by Brook's Harness Shop, with a full stock of GENERAL GRQCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONERY, ETC. Produce taken in exchange for goods. arlaT21:31.eaaW Manufacturers of Plows, Gang Plows, Root Cutters and Straw Cutters for hand or horse power,. Stearn Piping and general re— pairs. Castings of every descrip. tion in Iron and Brass to Order, Ut7/111,Alr OCV