HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-9-19, Page 80 YOU -4. .- WANT THE BE T IlkitibTOLIMMUMASIZSIXX49610411S0.414=r6411:24,11.364-4.1031,...0111$212EXACCS, We lay especial stress on the excellence of our goods, always keeping the QUALITY UP TO THE HIGHEST POINT, and while maintaining our reputation in this respect we go to t e other extreme in keeping PRICES DOWN TO THE LOWEST POINT. We know that nothing builds up business like the selling of First Class Goods, We sell them, always sell them, and don't sell any. thing else. A Grand Assorted Fall and Winter Stock to select from, and worthy of your immediate 'attention. DRY -GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, NOTIONS, &C. 16 oz. to the pound and 36 in. to the yard. CARLING ROS Some are better than others, and we have the Beet. It pays to buy the Beat. We refer to eigitentlealifitiffielliti=111111511011111111MMOINIVIt SCHOOL SUPPLIES leder:ewe • Our Scribblers and Practice Books are the Cheapest, Largest, and Best made. We have a full line of School Books and supplies, and our prices are the Lowest. Come in and see how we can fit you out for school. Grigg's BookStore "THE MART." 1\TMV\T" INSURANCE. l',ENE'v'E'sriir ATs'stt.EiZro'opAl': E PA,NY, of Toronto: also for the PE{OHNIX FIRE INSITH01011 COMPANY, of London England ALLI&NOR INSURA.NCE 00M - PANT' of England. rp HE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSI71ANO8 00. OF oaci aDA.• Head office, .LONDON. Per 35 years this Company has done the largest business inOanada at the lowest rates, consistent with security. Assets, Jan.189I, $357,190.00 43,000,Policies hi force.; T. E. ROBSON, President, D, O. MoDON ALD,iManager. For further particulars. apply to DAVID ,TLQUES, Agent, Exeter. (4t tottql1 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 19th, 1895. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Th. Result of the Steri.. Wiggins' storm yesterday morning did, oonsiderable damage in this neighborhood. The barn and outbuildings of J. Gilbert. i10th McGillivray,burned-the barn and out- buildings of R. Ryan, I6th con Stephen, ,aleo destroyed by lightning. Both inten- t ed in the Hay Insurance Co, UL1,TOKt Complete. AT THE lig Bankrapt Sion See the latest effects in new French and Americanized Dress Goods,—they are Beauties. See the new Golf Cloths for Capes and Coats. Choicest Goods in the trade. See the new Jackets with Baloon sleeves. They are lead- ers. See our new Black Dress Goods. Greatest values in the trade. (Veda For The Ladies, Our Millinery Opening will take place on Friday evening, Sept. 20th, and Saturday 21st. We welcome every person to our Opening. Come and see the newest and choicest Stock of Millinery in the trade. Come everybody and bring your friends. J. A. Stewart. N, B. -Store closes at half past six every evening except Wednesday and Saturday, , NOTIOE-All business anno unoem cuts notices of public meetings, entertainments auction sales, etc., swearing in there local columns will be charged for at the rate of five cents per lino each insertion. Blear heading to count as throe lines. 0 ash with order save to persons having open accounts. To insure obange of advertisements in current hone copy mustbe handedinto office on Tuesday. At The western. The following are the names of those in this locality who have won prizes at the Western Fair, as far as published :-Carying on stonegin relief, W. D. Weekes. Historioal subject in water colors, W. D. Waukee. Sepie or Monochrome. W. D. Weekes.--Psanting on plinth in oil, Mrs. Colin Campbell, Godench.-Orochet work in cotton, 2nd prize, Mrs. Hanhoan, St. Metre -Crochet work in silk, Mre. S. A. Baynes, St. Marys. -Silk emb with Jewels, .2nd prize, 141rs. Colin Campbell; Emb on Java canes's, 2nd Prize, blue Campbell; Gentleman's cotton Shirt, Mrin Baynee let, Una Vauban; knitted woolen eocks, 2nd prize, Mren It Walker, Clinton '• emb stip- peve, 2nd prize, Mreoampbell;MBrethottr, 'Menem; got 3rd for golden ohaft wheat, /nafor opting wheat, and for six rowed barley, 3rd for two rowed barley, lst for bleak oats, lob for email and 1st for large peas, 2nd for Hungarian grass, 2ria for ,Alailre clover seed, 2nd for °Wier 'leaf 2nd for flax seed. HA. Sweitzer,Woodhean, lst for eix rowed barley, 3rd for Hungarian gesets, and latfor ,Aleike clover; Keep Eggs in 0o1d Storage: A aubsoriber wants to know how long eggs can be kept in a cold storage house. If the eggs are infertile, and fresh when put in, tbey will keep four to five months if the temperature is steady. If he wishea to keel) a. few dozeas for his own use he should pack them in dry, sifted cold ashes, or dry salt, end down, not allowing one to touch another Use boxes which hold six to ten dozens each. Faeten cover down tightly and arrange the boxes so they can be turned twice a week without jarring. This can easily be done by an ingenious person. Be sure the eggs are fresh and in- fertile. The cooks should be removed from the flock at least ten days before packing begins. Prices for cold storage eggs depend largely upon the supply of fresh eggs onthe market. They usually bring five to eight cents per dozen less than those striotly fresh. ••••••011.10•411011 Personals Dirs. James Oke, Huron street who has resided here for many years left Tuesday for Brockville, where she intends mak- ing her future home with ,er two daughters. -Mr. F. Prouty, of Wayne Mich. is the guest of Mr. C. Prouty. - Mr. Robert Sweet, of Dunnviliii, is visit- ing under the parental roof.--eMrs. H. Fowell, of Belleville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. J. Spackman. --Visitors from this section to the Western. Fair this week are very numerous. --Miss Hattie Templeton, of Watford, formerly of Exeter is renewing old acquaintances in town. Her health has improved considerably of late. -Mr. J. P. Ross, who has spent the past three months in Manitoba, in the interesb of an Insur- ance Co., returned to Exeter on Mon • day evening. Mr. Ross wrote up a considerable amount of insurance, far exceeding the expectations of the Company. -Mr. John Currelley has re- turned from a visit with hie family in Toronto.. -G. G. Johnston was in Tor- onto last week, securing snaps for his customers .-Deputy Reeve Carling has gone on a business trip to Manitoba. He was accompanied by W. M. Gray of Seaforth. They will be absent several weeks. -R. S. Lang has returned from a tour of Prince Edward Coe, where he purchased a large quantity of apples - Mrs. Floyd who has been ill for the past couple of months, and who was attended by her daughter, Mre. J. Brawn. of Buffalo, left for that city on Friday. accompanied by her daughter, with whom she will resule.-Mr. R. H. O'Neil, Lucai spent theforepare of the week the guest of his 6011 B. S. O'Neil -Messrs Warren Snell and Will Dig- nan wheeled to London on Monday on their bikes, a distance of 32 miles, in two haters and 16 minutes. -Miss Viv- ian, of Staffa,is the guest of Mrs Hunk - in this week. -Miss Annie Smith, of Ridgetown, is visiting under the par- ental roof. -Mrs. Thorne and Miss Drew have returned from a visit with friends in Toronto .-Mr.: J,N. Hooper is renewing acquaintances in town, - Mr. W. Simpson of Parkhill, was in town on Tuesday. -Mrs. McDougall joined her husband here this week, and returned with him to Montana to re- side. -Mr L Thorne, of Los Angeles, Cal., a former well known resident of Exeter, is in town renewing acquaint' ances.-Mr Wm Drew is still confined to the boucle, as the result of his recent aceident.-Mr Andrew Lanitnie, of Detroit, was in town yesterday &tiling on his many friends. -Mr. Wm Lang-, brother of R S Lang, hag been appoint- ed agent for the fa aeeey-Harris Co.. at Perkhill, and Will leave fot that place 1st October -Mrs Bobier and Mies Bearden axe eepeeted home from the Old Coientry next Toesdity.-Rev, Lr alartiu left on Monday morniug for a two weeks' vaeatien.-Mrs W 11 Verity of Brantford, is visiting her daeghters, Mrs it Pieltard and bits T 13 arling, for a, few daya.-J, H. Grieve ia in oderich this week as jeryinen.- Mr. J. J. White, of Detroit, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mr. John White. -Mies Flora Lee. of Luoan is the guest of Mrs. John Blatchford.-Zr. John Grigg spent the past cauple of weeks visiting in Toronto and Montreal. • OPObIng• alias Horne will have a grand display of the latest atyles and shapes in tuillin-' ery on Friday and Saturday next. Every lady Invited. ciao y i'oisoned. -Senday nioening, Mr. Hugh Spao man feeling, unwell, sought relief i whet he thought was salts, but which= proved to be salt pare,. He took twn heaping teaspoonfuls before he diik covered his error, and but for timelye medical aid would have been a victim, to accidental poisoning. He was very low for a few hours and for a finite life was dispaired of. Death. of WhomeS Pollard, Mr. Thomas Pollard died at his r sidence, Andrew Street, on Suncia.Y leth inst., after an illness of a fa.% Yersoettea. Exeter fair will be the first oa the day, epb, 23rd. S :nein reties will take plaee on Mon- I Thu rural fairs mm coent:le Lozt week, The rete of taxation for the yillege, idtoiteiserz.pected will be 14 nell's on the bir. David Hazelwood has purchased the Satoey farm in lalansharifor $5650, - Flannelette Blankets worth $1.85,for 90e, pair at the Big Bankrupt Store ; only 90c, boar in mind. • OW "Sailor Boy" Japan Tea, good eno for the Queen, at the Big Ban' rept Store only, sere Elliot & Elliot have opened JtantlQuilit Itanwrglocenceit at Illevelesak.i1' and witi et; Persous wanting choice, hand picked apples, can procure the same by lolly- ,ing their order with W. H. LEYWIT. • -Have you seen the new Feathee.. Ruffs at the Big Bankrupt Store, StY- teeh, yery stylish, and only 35o each. , '• Wonderful values and immense variet- ies in new Tweed Dress Goods and Trimmings at the Big Bankrupt Store e Subscriptions are being solicited to ethe improvement fund of the James at church, and liberal donations are being received. Remember the Millinery Opening a the Big Bankrupt Store on Friday even- ing andSaturday of this week. Every - months. Deceased was a native or ebody weloonae, . • Devonshire, England, being born there in 1815. He married Hannah Jeffrey, and in the year 1845, together with his wife, came to this country, settltug in the township of Darlington where the farmed for some years. Thirty-fif� years ago they came west to Usbor e townahip, and buying a farm worked until 1878 when they moved to Exeter to retire. He was twice married, his deceased wife preceding him in death some five years. Mr. Pollard had been ill but two mantes, first of inflammation which was followed by general debility, and his sufferings were intense. He was of a quiet, unassuming disposition and was respected by a large circle of friends. He leaves to survive him o&r widow and. three daughters. Then ale :-Mrs. Alfred Cole, Lumley, Mrs. Geo. Smallacombe, and Mrs. Walter Westcott,Exeter. The funeral took place on Tuesday for the Exeter eemetery and was largely 'attended. Wedding Belle. Several weddings have taken place this week and others are on dit. Tues- day evening Mr. William R Brown, of Marlette, Mich.. was joined in wed- lock with Miss Annie Taylor, daughter Mrs. Thos Bisaett, ar., at the residence of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Rev George Jackso in the presence of the more intima friends. They visited the London fai en route to their adopted home, Yesterday afternoon the Trivitt Me- ' Every Lady is invited 'to inspect our morial church was the scene of a pretty i display.of Millinery on Friday and Gator- wedding, the contracting parties Toeingday eYenIngs. Sept. 20 and 21. We will Mr. Robb Dinney, son of Mr Chas,: Dinney, of Crediton, but who has been' a resident of town during the past year,. and Miss Millie, only daughter of lir George Davis, town. The cereinony Was conducted by the rector, Rev E W Hunt. The young couple are highly respected and many friends were pres- ent to extend the usual congratulations and well -wishes. They will reside in the neat little cottage recently occupied by the late Mrs. Templeton. W. H. Dearing, hasbeen unfortunate of late with bis stook,having within the past few years lost several milch cows nd a horse, Men's Pure Wool Sox 10o, Girls goo Ribbed Cashmere Hose 14o, Ladies' Ribbed cashmere Hose 25c, at the :Big Pankrupt Store. Mr. Paul Madge, the windmill king, sold six geared aermoters last week. This makes twenty geared mills in all solid this season. Even inanimate objectswill turn when tortured too far. The whole front of a Chicago church organ fell off just as the itertette arose to sing. ' Fon SALE .A.T UNCIE.-0110 Par' dte Coal Stove and one Fancy Box woo Stove. Apply to J. A. STEWART. • While visiting the fair next week don't forget THE Trans. If you owe for your subscription, it will be an op- portune time to pay it. Wingham is to have a new paper named the Journal. It will require more money than brains to successfully conduct a third. paper in Wingham. Mr. W. R.. Butcher has purchased the stock of Miss Thomas' bookstore,St. Marys, and will handle everything in khe fancy, book and stationery lines. J. W. Broderiok has removed to his\ new store Post Office Block. Another Bankrupt just received. Its a od one. Look outfor bargains. We ell cheap all the time. • ots• A barn belonging to Mr Shier, of Kirkton, was struck by lightning on Wednesday morning and burned. While manipulating a draw knife the other day, Mr. Will Smith, of "Spring- hurat" farm, Hay, cut a bad gesh in his knee. He will be laid up for a few weeks. W. G. Bissett has leased Howardi chopping stones, at the old. mill stand and having secured the services of first class miller, is prepared. to d chopping during every day of the week Orders promptly filled. W. G. Bess When the paint is set hard t con- tractorfor the PoorHouse intim s to in- vite the ratepayers of the COInity gener- ally to inspect the work and two or three days will be given for this purpose to allow all who can come an opportunity of seeing all of the House of Refuge from cellar to garret. Mr. L. Ludwig, the well-known cider vinegar manufacturer, of London, says he is going to leave the city inside of two or three weeks, and would establish his business at Toronto. He estimated that he had spent $100,000 in his busi- ness there the last seventeen years, but he was not content to oontinue under the persecution to which he had been subjected on account of the alleged presence of alcohol in the cider. Charles Neil, a polisher at the Verity Plow Works, Brantford, formerly of Exeter, met with a very painful accident while engaged at his work. The polish- ing of plows is done by a swift running grind stone, whilst the plow is slung under it in such a style that a man can easily awing it so as to give the whole a smooth surface. While at this work, the plow which Neill was handling slip- ped in some way and he fell suddenly forward on the wheel, which ground the whole back of his right hand off to the bone before the poor fellow could get away. This is truly an age ot sharks. Farm- ers, it was thought, were the only class susceptible to the gulling influence of the sharper. But it transpires that business men of all classes are just as likely to be swindled. In London on Monday several doctors were gulled by a supposed farmer, particulars of which tare given elsewhere. But what appears to be a gigantic swindle was worked upon nearly every, country merchant, a few weeks ago. A. glib -tongued travel- ler came along, driving a handsome rig, and to introduce a superior carriage varnish, agreed, upon the merchanb taking $12.00 'worth, to send gratis, sufficient paint to paint his store, in- side and out, as well as furnish sign hoards to tack upon the fences through- out the country. The bait was a tempt- ing one, and in blie majority of cases the varnish was boughb and, paid for tenth° spot. The paints hove failed to arrive and the inerchtoets are conduct- ing that they have been swindled. have the beet show of goods yet shown by me E. J. firemeeer et Co.) Samwell's Block. - if you ere going to have a sale, tee that your bills are printed at this office, and you will have a free notice in the Timm, which goes, into nearly every home in Exeter and surrounding mun- icipalities. The wild man in the woods in Step- hen township, who has created much disturbance among the community during the past few months, is an escaped, lunatic and the asylum author- ities are after hire. The Main street Methodist and Presbyterian congregations will unite in service next Sunday —in the Presby- terian church in the morning and Drew's hall in the evening. Rey Lemke •I officiate. Miss Morgan and Mrs. Spicer inte holding their fall Millinery Opening o Friday and Saturday, Sept. 20th an 21.8t. The newest styles and shapes 411 •Ye shown. Every lady invited. On Tuesday while climbing ove a fence, Mr Robert Emery of Oredibon, fell to the ground, and striking bis arm on a piece of broken crockery, severed the main arteries., of his wrist. The wound is a dangerous one. The electric lights of late having been unsatisfactory, Mr. Howard has de- cided to replace the plant with a new and more modern one. He has had considerable annoyance the past sum- mer and is going to seek a remedy. An escaped lunatic named Manly R. Martin, created some amusement for the citizens one cley last week. He claimed a relationship to:blie Queen'and considering that lie had been insulted by Her Majestywrote alengthy telegram to the Queen, instructing the operator to collect. He was soon taken in charge by the officials, and returned to London. On Saturday, while Mr. John A. Gregory, teacher, of Winchelsea, was driving along the London road, south of Exeter, the horse took fright ab a couple of bicycles ridden by two Exet- er boys, and jumping into the ditch, eapsizell tho buggy, breaking the top and shafts to the extent of about $15. The rig belonged to 5. G. Jones. The horse was captured before going far. The storm predicted by Prof. Wigg- ins of Montreal, to occur between the 17bh and 21st, materialized 'as far as this neighborhood is concerned. On Wed- nesday morning Exeter was visited b one of the most severe electric stor of the season, accompanied by a heavy down fall of rain. The wind also blew a hurricane. The statement of circulation and specie shows that the Dominion notes in circulation increased $453,041 dur- ing the month, and about one-half which was on.e and two -dollar bills, ancl tho balance in large bills held by the banks. The gold reserve continues to show an excess of aboub five mil- lion do:liars over the amounb required by law. The difficulty between Wilson Mo. Whinney and his late partner, A. J. MoPhersori, both Of Stratford, has been settled. F, W. Gearing who was Mr. itlaithinney'e solicitor, has handed. over to Nr. McPherson $8,014, in notes, part of the proceeds of the sale of the stock to Doelle & Clo., of Acton. Mr. Mo- Pherson's olaira against Mr. McWhin- ney netted $11,078,so that his total loss by the tran. aaction 0,662. MeWhin. 6-4.•••• WE 'MEL MAKE OUR DISPLAY OF fall and Winter Millinery Saturtlay, 201h and 1,s1 Also our immense stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's fall and winter mantles, We are showing the largest range ever ,brought into Exeter, imported direct from Europe by our- selves, and bought for cash early in the season before the recent heavy advance in prices. These gipods cannot be repeated and any lady requiring a mantle for herself or girls will save money by purchating it from us at once. Every lady is cordially invit- ed to inspect our stock, „ lc a Is, 23rd & 24th inst We will offer special bargains on both Fair Days in all depart- inents. ickard &Son, DIRECT IMPORTERS ney will return to the city from Port Huron. New subscribers can get IKE TIMES from now till Jan. 1896 for 25 cents. James and Neil McMillan of Moose - jaw, formerly of Biddulph, have 1000 acres of wheat each this season. Deposits in the Government Savings Banks during August were $814,088, and withdrawals $257,882. "*. The Zurich fair will be held next Wednesday and Thursday, not Monday nd. Tuesday; as a number of papers announce ib. Make arrangements when coming to the f ir to remain for the entertainment in the evening. W E Ramsay's "tri around the world" is not only entertai ing bat instructive. If you miss it miss a treet. Plan of hall at Knig g men ir ye. farmers are in the habit of wor ing their men very long hours. One of the Ontario excursionists hired with a farmer not forty miles from Morden,but soon left. On meeting his oh= some few days after, who Reim.' hint Wherehe had been, he said, "1 guess I have been in heaven. for there was no night there anyway." Bran- don bun. On Monday afternoon Mr. 0., J. White of St Marys sustained a tall from his road cart which resulted in a dislocated hip. The way it happened was that Ur. White was going through his brother's gate and was trying to stenfit so as to remain open until his return, when the horse gave a sudden start and threw him out behind. Obloroform had to be administered to have the joint set. Hon. G W. Ross, Minister of Educat- ion, is asking the school beards and truant officers of the Province their opinion in regard to the truancy which prevails in each dietriot, whether it is clue to ignor- ance, indifferenee or poyerty of parents, or to the absence of proper family control. His intentions are at the next session of the Ontario Legislature to revise the Truancy Aot. y Several doctor:Pin London would like to get the ehancee—c0Operate on an alleged farmer who operated on tbem Saturday, He called on them, and alio (ling a tumor on his body, made arrangements with each to perform an operation. Shortly afterwards he oalled on all of there, and atated he had bought a load of Iambi, and was a dollar or two short. In nearly every ease the kind-hearted doctors advanced the &tab. He never mime batik. A French paper tells of a man who ought to be set down as the meanest man of his time, 31110 name is Rapineau, and be is the happy father of three children. His chief claino to meanness hem in the fact that he has lately discovered a plan to reduce his Weekly expenditure. Every morning, when 'fitting down at table, he makes the following proposal : "Those who will go without breakfast shall haye twopense" "Me mo I" exclaim the young- sters in chorus. Bapineau givethem the money and suppresses the breaxfast. itt the afternoon,when the ohihirentwere anx- iously expecting the 6rat meal, Eapineau calls out, "Those who rant their dinner Moat give ttvopenee," and they all pay back what they received in the morning for going without their breakfast, and in that way Rapinean saves a Meal a day. Vor neteoue headache Vie K, D. • .11114.1M11••••••••• Fox S1.26. We will send the TIMES and Toronto Mail -Empire to any address in Canada or the United States from now until Jan. 1st 1897 (balance o this year free) for $1•25. This is an exceptional offer. Address this office. Hon. Dr. Montague', aoeompained by elajor Beattie, Mr. Weismiller of South Huron, and other gentlemen, were shown through McClary's stove works Saturday, and also inspeoted the new Conservat ive club rooms. Later the distinguished party visited the Weatern Fair. -Lon se Press. Paris, New York and London styles wili be shown in our Millinery Show Booms on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 201h and 21s t. We can assure every lady that this will supercede every Millinery Opening we have yet had. E J SPACEMAN' & GO., mwell's block: vvard Bowers has been released 1om the Kingston Penitentiary and joined his wife and family in London. Bowers is the Biddulph man, who in June, 1894, shot Wm. Cain by sodden% it is claimed, and received a five year seutenee for man- slaughter at the fall assizes. He was pardoned after serviag eleven months. Mrs. Bowels, who haa since suffered severely, mentally and physically, has _ INTE RES TING TO ALL. What? Just to known that the undersigned has spec- ialties in Groceries that appear to him to be needed in every home, how much do we care whether he has such or not ? This will be the expression of some, not all; nevertheless we want to let you know that we keep nothing but the best of Fruits, Spices, &c. a few only, we mention; 12 lbs. 4 Crown Blue Raisins for $1; 12 lbs. 4 Crown Selected Valencias for $ r; 12 lbs. Choicest Vosazza Currants for $1; 4 lbs. No Pearl Tapioca for 25c; 66 lbs Sugar for $3.00. No home should be without Thurbers Breakfast Hominy in 5 lb. boxes, price 30c, both wholesome and appetizing, always on hand. The best of Rolled Oats, Rolled Wheat "or Molina," Graham Flour and Gold Dust Corn Meal. Remember we carry no rubbish itt Groceries _ceries. Butter, 15c; eggs, y2,c• IP, CLARKE. New Mantles antles Mantles The newest and most popular goods. Sure fit- ter, serviceable and at popular prices. DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS Stooknow complete in all the novelties. See our 42 inch all wool Serge at 25c worth 40c. See our all wool 54 inch Tweeds at 50c. The best values ever shown. New Hats New Clothing FOR --- Men and Boys: a. C. oroaNsTozi. made no irnprovement, and did not at firet recognize her husband on his return. Mr John Peacock, of Prospect Hill, who has been ill for two weeks is gradually recovering health - For toe past few weeks farmers along the Huron road, have had chickens stolen from them by the wholesale. The season for shooting black squirrels is open, and many are in the woods itt search ol that particular kind of game. Conduoter Wanasley is taking his cid run on the London, Huron & Bruoe but he is not fully recovered from his recent illness. Mr 5. C. Patterson, the Lieutenant - Governor of Manitoba, is expected in. Ottawa, in a few daye, to remove hia family to Winnipeg. Many are under the impression that the shooting of quail will be legal after Sept; 15. This is not the case, as the dose season lasts till Oct. 15. Mr. S. Hicks of Biddulpb, it is reported, threshed five hundred bushels of oats from the product of four sores. This equals Manitobe, if the report is correct. W E Ramsay, the great entertainer, I give an illustrated lecture of his trip und the world,in Drew's Opera House, Tuesday evening, Sept 21th. Don't to hear him. Plan of hall at Knight'is emery. The following are the officers for the miming year of the Huron Oounty Ohriet- ian Endeavor Union; President, Dr. Fer- guson,: Blyth; first vice-Preaident. Rey. Mr. Becker, A.uburn; second -vice Presi- dent, Miss C. A. MoKenzie, aeafortb; Sec- retary, A. T. Cooper, Clinton; treasurer, Mies M. id. Washington, Clinton; executive committee, Rey. Joseph Edge, Goderioh; Rev. Mr. Muir, Bruoefield; Rev. John• Ross, Brussels; Rev, John Hamilton, Wiughatn. Fall Fairs. --- London Sept. 12-21 - St. Marys ...... ... Sept. 24-25 East Niesouri, at Kintore..... Oct. 8 Kirkton Oot. 3-.4 Northern, at Ailsa Craig.... Sept. 26-27 , South Huron, Exeter, Sept. 23-24 . Thorndale, Qot. 10 London Township, Ilderton Sept. 23 Mitchell, Oot .1-2 Hibbert, Staffs Oct. 7-8 Hay, at Zurich, Sept 25-26 Biddulph at Granton, Ooti 1-2 Stratford, Sept. 24-25 West Nissouri, atiThorndale Oot-10 Goderich Oct 1-2-3 Will secretaries kindly send in dates of their far a. To Smokers MEN To meet the wishes of their cus- tomers The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination. Plug of "T zr SOOKING TOLIA COO This supplies a long felt event, the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 1.0 cent or a 5 cent piece of the fanions "T & brand of pure Vire ginia Tobacco. Tho tin to4 i'T & B" is on every pion 4 4