HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-9-19, Page 5e 51 ..Prepare For 0010 We*ther... EAST 11011E DYEING It is new possible for an inexperienced person to dye cotton, wool, silk, feathers, eel a black that will not crock, fade ter Wash cut If yoll use With a ten cent pacicage of any one o , he three fast' black dyes - for wool, for cotton, and for silk and leathers -the tease vegy first trial brings success, and the directions on the :package are so simple that even a child can get the best results. There are more than rty colors of Diamond Dyes -all reliable sand easy to use, and their superiority ie un. etgue-stioneci. We send satnples of dyed cloth latnd direction book free. WELLS & RICUARDSON Co., Montreal. Foot Ball. To the Editor Exeter Times. A ft iendly game of foot ball was played on the fair grounds on Sat- inday. . evening last between the Exeter and Kirkton teams, which 'resulted in a score of' 1 goal to 0 in favor of Exeter. The game passed off quietly between the tearns,save the obnoxious conduct of a couple of the Eden -Centralia team. They wanted to play with the Kirkton team, but it -was not allowed, and then they began to display their ignorance by chewing the rag throughout the 'whole game. Exe ter found the Kirkton team a very mice lot of boys, with whom it was 2. pleasure to play foot ball, and think that even if they (the Exeter boys) had been beaten by them it -would be a credit to play with them. OBSERVER. • Put money in thy purse. Put your money back. You need only pay half the price now. High prices are so more. In spite of distrust, a good article can -be bad at a cheap rate. Since the Bordeaux Claret Co. came into the told with their cheap wines, imported directly from Bordeaux, there us less de - =and for the long prices. People want 'this cheap wine at $3 az 04 per dozen quart,. It hardly eeems poseible-for wine hoe been aseociated with long price. yells -along profits, but enormous sales at cheap rates make profits, too. And this is the position; -The people have good wine, wholesome, strengenthing, which they can 'use freely without being impoverished at esormal prices. Address -Bordeaux Claret .Von 80 Hoepital Street, Montreal 40.14.4 ' -• Groderleh town Counoil bars struck a rate eel 23a mills on the dollar. Mr Andrew Brower, Conservative M. P. P. for East Elgin, lies seriously ill at hie Jeome. The sale of seneoa root has been yery profitable during the past year in Mani- toba, over 250,000 pounds having been ex ported, realizing to gatherers of the root :about $50,000. Mr. Massey, of the Massey-Harrie Mfg. Co., says he will begin the manufacture of electric buggies shortly. He is oleo going to build bicycles during the winter and sell them at a dollar a pound. A painful accident happened the eix wear old daughter of Mr. Eli Heywood of the 10th concession of Usborne^ the other laity. She was playing aroupd the barn 'where they were cutting straw, and in Jonas way got her hand caught between two cog wheels of the cutting box, mash- ing her fingre to a jelly. The Sarnia Board of Education has -thrown off the charge for fees against non- eresident pupils attending the Collegiate Institute, Mr. J.Cartwright of Hullett, has about half an acre of sunflowers this year to out with his can to put in the silo with his corn. Owing to the unprecedentect crop of peaches in the rogion of Sauguatu, Mich., it has been impossible for several days to obtain a sufficient number of baskets. All sorts of reeeptecles have,been preesed into aeryioe, but hundreds of bushels of peach: es are left to rot on the trees, while re- presentatives of the Fruit Growers' As- sociation are skirmishing over the couetry in s vain attempt to purchase baskets. The Blyth School Board has adopted no plane for their new school, Theo were six designs submitted, from Stratford, Iristowel aud other placee. The pro- posed building) will have a light airy basement, need as partly as play Immo, and have four oleos rooms and teachers' rooms, also a room for board Ineetings on the first floor. The eohool will be completely furnished with all up- to-date improvements. ee Perth county eheesemakers won a good. 3y number of prizes in the dairy exhibition •at the Industrial Fair in Toronto. For the best four factory cheese -colored -two :made in June and two in July John Morri- son won fifth prize; and for the same •thing in white oheeee carried off second prize, with John Muir, Asyonbank, first and John E. Stacey, Mitchell, sixth. For three factory cheese -colored -made be- tween the let and 15th of August, James ..A. Gray of Atwood, got first prize, and for the game exhibit in white cheese took sea- -Ond prize, with John A. Muir, of Avor- hank, first; John Morrison, Newry, fourth; and Fullerton cheese factory fifth. Mr. Morrigon ale° won first for the best three truokle cheeses. Ix YOUR BLoon Is the cause of that tired felling sehich afflicts you at this season. The blood is impure and has become thin and poor. That is why you haye no strength, no oppetite, cannot eleep. Purify your blood with Hoods eareaparilla, which will give you an appetite, tone your 'stomach, and invigorate your nerves, Hoon'e Prim are easy to take early in action and sure in effect. 250. A simple mathetnetioel calcula- tion shows that if the rainfall in all perte of Indianapolis was as heavy, the other Ash as it wag where the Weathet Bureau has its Observatory, nearly ten 'allows of tons of water fell upon that oity in about *valve homes. That ie about the weight of rall the iron ore whioh win be shipped tii year from the Lake Superior region. v iiTARBET REfORTS. -.--- Exeter, Septemebor 18th, 1895 Fall wheat Per bush......, 4 • • 4 4 4 lb ta $ 58 Spring wheat per bueh .. 68 56 •Barley per butshee,,.,. ..". 28 31 Oats per bush"- ......... ..... . ... 22 21 Pette per bnah .. . ........ ........... 4a 00 Flour per bbl 4 00 4 20 Apples per bag•,....... •70 80 Potatres per bug 85 40 Has t er ton 10 00 10 00 Woeu tier cord hard se-- 306 3 50 NV ood per oord soft 200 226 Butter per lb... nee-- 14 14 Eggs Per dozen...,.... ........... .... 11 11 Turkeys per lb ...... .... 7 7 Hoge, live weight.. , 420 4 60 Geeeo ...... ... i • . .......... ....... ...... a 5 Ducks 6 6 Obicks... .. ... .... . 5 5 1 Londom September 1 8th. 189,6 Whent,white. tall. 100 $93 to $ 100 Wheat, red, fall. per 100 95 to 300 Wheat.spring, per 100lbs 95 ;0 100 Oats, per 105 lbs. 75 to 50 Peas, per 10090 to 95 Oorn, Per100 lbs.......... ....... 100 to 100 Burley per 3.011bs 7' to 80 Rye, per 100 lbs 101 to 105 Buoksvheat, per 160 the ...... 90 to 1(0 "tesets, per ous-.• • •••• 1 tO tc 1 1)) Eggs, fresh, single dos 12 to 13 Eggs, fresh basket, per dos Il to 12 Eggs, fresh. Store lots, per dos 10 to 10 Buttensingle rolls,per lb ..... 20 to 22 B utt or per lb,1 lb rolls,baskets 18 to 20 P utter per lb. large rolls or °rooks 30 to 17 Butter,per lb, tub or firkins 10 to 17 Lard, per lb. , 10 to to Chiekens, per pair .......... 75 to 100 Ducks.... ....„.. .... ...... . 70 to 10e Turkeys. 10 to 1.10 per lb; easili 100 to 200 Toronto, September 18th, 1805 Wheat, white, per bus.... ..... $ 02 to $ 64 Wheat, spring, per bus ...... .. ... 62 to gi Wheat red winter, per butt 62 to 65 Wheat goose, per bus 55 to 55 Barley. per bus, .......... 41 to 41 Oats, per bus ... 28 to 29 Pens. . . 60 to .0 Hay. 14 00 to 140 Eggs per dozen 12 to 13 Butter, per lb 17 to 14 Dressed hogs.. 5 to 6 5000 Potatoes. per has 35 0.0 40 The Live Stook Markets. OlInAGO. Chicago, Ill., f Sept. 17.-Cattle-Reeelprs, 24,000e generally weak and toe 'ewer: common to extra steers, t8 50 to $3 60; stockers and feeders, 5280 to 54 20; rows and bulls, 51 50 to 5375; calves. 54 5U to 55 28; l'exans, 52 to 53 46; western rangers, $z 25 to 5440. Hogs -Re- ceipts, 19,G00; firm; heavy Packing and shipp- ing lot, 84 05 to 2415; common to choice milt ed, 53 05 to $4 10: choice assorted, 54 40 to 5460; light, 53 90 to an 60; pigs. $2 90 to 5440. Sheep -Receipts, 17,em ; weak and 10c to 15e bower; inferior to choice, 51 50 to $3 i3O; limbo 53 to 8475. EAST BUFFALO. East Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 17.-Catt1e-Re- enpss of cattle were 190 oars, against 1;30 oars last woek• The market opened with a fairly good enquiry for geed fat cattle, but the sup- ply of these kinds were exceedingly light, and buyers of the better class had to pick and sort from full loads in order to obtain their usual quota, and a number then bad to take what they could get. roem-4 - hoes--Beeeipts, Ito care, against 72 las-t week. Tho market opened with 0. good de- mand, and ruled active to the close. York- ers; fair to choice, 54 65 to 84 71; medium weights, $4 65 to 8470; heavy grassy ends 54 15 to 54 40; ?oughts; 23 40 to 380. stags, 3 to 3 40: pigs, good to choice, 4 50 to 470, Sneep and Lambs-Reeeipte, 110 Cars, against 93 oars. or 90,0E0 head, lest week. The mark:t ruled slow as a rule. and lambs to bring last week's closine price bad to be good to prime order. Choice to min:m.4 63 to 4 85; good to choice lambs, 4 25 to 4 10; fair to good, 26eto 4; culls and common lambs, 275 to 540: Canada lambs..fair to prime. 4 60 to 4 90. Sheea- Choice to soleet export wethers, 8 75 to 4; ex- port ewes a- d wetbers. 350 to 375; good to choice weieht sheep, 826 to 3 50; fair to good mixed sheep, 250 to 3; culla and common sheep, 2eto 2 25, retrtitfiltEem. " Montreal. Quo , Sept, 17. -The receipts to day at the eastern abattoir were 550 head of cattle, 600 sheep and iambs, end 250 calves: The de- mand for cattle was fairly active, at 20 to 22o Der emend_ Best butchers' stook brougb t 04o, and shipping animals about le more. Calves and lambs were In active demand. Sheep eold moderately well, find a number were taken over on report acibount at 8:1•0 to Ole per lb, live weight. The quotations were as f el I owst- Cattle-Butehers' choice, 34e to Ole; medium to 'fair, 24o to So; culls. 2e to 24o per pound live weight. Sheep, 3 to 5. Lambs, 2 to 850. Calves, 2 to 30 FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS AN OLD AND WISLL-TRIED Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fit ty Years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect suaoess. It soothes the ehild, softens the gums, allays the pain, cures tbe cello, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, is pleasant to the taste. Sold b druggists in every Dart of the world. 26 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup andtakeno other kind. IIMIMMOCAMOOMP BORN'. WOLF -In C red' ton . on the 12th inst:, the wife of Charles Wolf of a daughter. HASTINGS -In Exeter, on 15th inst,, the wife of Al. Hastirgi of a daughter. ELLIOTT-Dr Exeter, on the 14th inst., the wife of Thos Elliott, of daughter. CHAMBERS -In Stephen, on the 10th inst.' the wife of Thos Chambers, of a daughter, BALM .-In Usborne ou the 15th inst., the wife of 'Wm Batman of twins -son and daughter. M URDOCK-In hamesville, en the 32t1 inst.. the wife of Mr. Alex; Murdock, formerly of Hensel/of a daughter. MARRIED. DINNEY-DAVIS-In Exeter on the 18th inst., by Rey E N Irma, in the Trivitt Memorial churob, Roet Dinney, te Miss Minie, daughter of Mr George Davis, all of Exeter. LAIRD-BLANCEIARD.-At the parsonage Stratford, on September 4th, by the Rev. G• F. Salton, lir. John Laird, merchant of Beaforth, to Miss Mary J. Blanchard of Toronto. SMITH -TURNER -Op Ilth inst., by the Rev John Mills, at the residence ot the bride's parents, Parkhill, Wilfred W Smithameroh- ant, Ponetanguishene, to Abele, daughter of Jos Tprner. 'CLARK-DAWSON-0e the llth inst., by the Rev Mr Ferguson, at. the residence of the bride's mother, Wm Huston Clarke, of caradoe, to Margaret Christina, daughter of Mrs E Dawson.Sylesn. BROWN -TAYLOR -In Exeter, on the 17th Inst., by the Rep Geo Jackson, at the resid- ence of the bride's parents, mrleVm 11 Brown, of Marlette, Mich., to miss Annie Taylor, daughterof Mrs Thoe Bissett, sr, • WHITNEY -MARTIN. -At the residence of the bride's parents, Goderioh, on Sept. 4, by Itev James A. Anderson, 13. A., George Lewis Whitney, of Woodstook, to Miss Maud, daughter of Bar, and elre.Henry Martin. HAWR:INg-IIETEIRRrNaToN.-On Sept. 3rd. in the Methodist Church,Nile' Ont,, by Rev. J, W. Pring, Mr. Francis Hawkins, Morobant of Kincardine, Ontario to Miss Ida. Maud, daughter of Mr. Joseph Hetherington of the Township of Colborne. PRIEST-ROBB.--At the residence of the bride's father, Clinton, on the 10th inst.. by the Rev. Geo. B . Fester, Ph. D,, Professor University of Chicago, Ill., Bev lierrY 0. Priett, B, A. of the Canadian 13antist Tulugu Minton:to Miss Jcan C., (laughter of Mr. W. Robb, Clinton. FLEUTY-BRYNES-At tho residence ofJohn Shaw, oorner of Victoria and Hamilton streets, on Tuesday, sept. 10 1805, by Rev. Tames .8, Anderson, B,.8,, William J'aines 'natty, of Winghain to Elizabeth Agnesjane Brynes adopted daughterof the lat!r John Buchanan; of Colborne township. .0150. MARK -In Parkhill, on the 5th inst., Jane Mark, aged 25 years. PRTJETER.-In Logan.on tbe 11 th inst,, John Prueter, aged 66 years and 10 months, TURNI111.-In Brmiefleld, on Sept: 1601i, inst. James Turner, aged 47 yeare, 6 months. POLLARD. -In Exeter on the 15011 inst. Thomas Pollard, aged 80 years, 7 months., COATES.-In Goderieb, nn the leth inst„ Emilia°, wife Of Mr. john Coates, aged 29 yesre. Ill/MOHR.- In Parisian, on the 10th lust, John, et Joeeph tool Lydia Rumehr, aged. 10 months. petere1f311.--In Crouton, on Tuesday morning men, 17110, John 13eitunsh, aged 70 yews and k month. Ilibbort. on tbe lltb irate Thomas liarburn, aged e0 years, 4 mouths, and 26 days. 1200 lit (10 ES -In alitebell, 00 Stepteth le HO, heal, beloved wife of Themes arelletthes• aged 07 yearn, tlaboree, on the 37t13 jpt,, Martha Irv' ret, reran, of the late John Irviue, aged 64 years, 11 =utile. GA1 Zni EYE R. -In t,eaforth on Tuesday , lOth /mt.. ()bail°. 'Vincent, only Bon of 61r. Goa O at zineyer, of Ilibbert, aged et mon ths and 21 days. 41-4404,44— Neatly 'everyone nettle a tonio az this season. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the one true tonic and blood purifier. Louie Heibine, of Elam reports a yield of three torts of Hal: to the acre. The late ditch made by John Roger, engineer, for tl,e township of Blanshard between 'George Spearin et al has been christened the Cuddy canal. If sick hen:lac-he is misery, what are Carters Little Liver Pills if they will cure it? People who have used them speak frankly of their wattle They are small and easy to take, The woodwork of the HohnesVIlle bridge is finished and will be passable for teams as soon as the approaches are filled 113. Traffic will be 1 esumed tn about a week. The grounds and buildings of the North Perth Agricultural Society art being put in shape for the fel fair on Sept, 20-27. Some 30 feet are added to the poultry an- nex and 104 feet to the hog pens. If you had taken two of Otteter'a Little Liver Pine berm e retiring you would not have bsd that coated tongue or bad taete in the mouth this morning. Keep a vita with you for occasional use, Little Neil, the son of Mrs. Donaldson of Rannoek, who some time ago reeeived O scrvere fracture of the leg while climbmg on a flax waegon will soon be able to move around egsin by the assistance ole crutch. All disorders caused by a biticum state of the system eau be cuted by using Cat- ter'e Little Live, Pills. No pain, griping or diecornfort attending their uee. Try them. Aire, Lewis, wife of a Mr.Lewie, who a few leers ago, was miller in Harrieou'e mill, Parkhile died in Cleveland last week. Deceased was a mat estimable lady and her death will be heard of with regret by her many friends. Ayer's Hair Viuor tones up the weak hair -roots, stimulates the yet eels and ties- ues wbich supply the hair nutrition, strengthens the lair itself, and adds the oil whiter keeps the shafts soft, lustrous, and silky. lhe most popular and valu- able toilet preparation in the world. Parkhill and Imcan Gun Clubs contested at Parkhill on Tuesday afternoon for a silver cup donated by Mr. J. D. McColl, of the Franklin House. There were six shooters cn each side, and each man shot at ten blue reeks. Pat kbill won, beating their oppoeente by two birds The cup is now the property of the Parkhill Gun Club. There is nothing to preyent anyone conec,cting a mixture and calling it "sar- on ,eewe itsi uh sapatillae and thee o is nothing to prevent any one spending good m gtothbee stuff; but prudent eople, who sure of their remedy, take only Ayer's Sar- saparala, and so get cured. Miss Jane Mai k, dent hter cf Mr. Rich- er d Mark, of Parkhill, died on Thursday night. September 5tit, after a lingering illoess. She was a victim of consumption, a direase which probably oauses more deaths than:any other. CATARRH RELIEVED HT 10 To 20 MING- tes.-One short puff of the breath throneh the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses the Powder over the surface of the nasal pre - gages. Painless and delightful to take, relieves instaPtly, and permanently our Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache Sere Throat, Tonsilitie and Deafness 50 cen t At C. Luiz. On Tbutsday lest, while the wife of Mr R. Gazen of Clinton was in the yard picking up u few sticks of kindling, she slipped and put her hand out to save her- self with the result that it was broken at the wrists VA1.17.&13LE To KNoVit, Consumption nasty be more easily pre- yented than cured. The irritating and harassing cough will be greatly relieved by the use of Hapyard's Pectoral Belem that cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all pulmonary trcubles. Take K. D. C. for sour stomach and sick headache. Pons: To Travel. WANTED, -Several faithful gentle- men and ladies to travel for established house. Salary $780 & Expenses Position permanent if suited ; also increase State reference and enolose self-addresaed stamped envelope. THE NATIONAL, 316-317-318 Omaha. Bld •Unicetoo. GID EY SO:s Parlor Setts Side Boards Tables Bedroom Setts Chairs Fancy Bamboo Window Shades and Poles, PICTURE FRAMES A Large Variety and Low Prices. Gidley & Son ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK.. 1 E X 111 T Ili Dfi: E A rare sight of tt women pa,sing °ugh Luitowel dziviog 01 hord of (Attie Wail not. iced the other day. Besides the tattle, hop pole companion 00 the long tramp was O faithful dog. itintoswrisst Omit') HT 0. VAY..-Solltit American Itheunnttic Cure. for Ithalltnatient and Neuralgia, radieslly cures in 1 to 3 days. Its ration upon ti o system is remark able and mytterious. It removes at mice the (muse and the diem% immetitittely die appears, The firet dose greatly benefit - 75 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Se, A Hoolq TO tionanmee.--One bottle of English Spasm Liniment completely re moved a curb horn my hotee. I take in recommening tbe remedy, as it sets with tnyeterious proroptnere in the re- rxtoval from home 00 hoed, soft or call- oused lumps, blool spavin, splints, curbs sweeny, stifles and spiaine. GEORGE ROBE. FAHMLR, MARVIADI.„01.T, Sold by C. LUIZ. REMY XIV Sox Hotrusa-Digordercd Kid nee, end bladder diseases relieved in six houem by the "Great South American Kid trey Cure." This new remedy ia a great surprise and delight tu physioisers on ao- aouot of its exceeding promptnese in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneye,baok and every part of the urinary passages in male and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost iromed ately. If you want quick relief and cure Mae is 1001 remedy Sold by C. LUTZ Ote••••••1•44,1*........* WANTED, A•1441.1•114.11. Clean Timothy Seed -AND- Alsyke Clover Seed. J. Cobbledick, First Storehouse, Slation. London, Huroit and Bruce. 'airaro NORTH- Passenger London, depart . 8.05 A, M. 4,50 P.M Centralia 0,07 5,47 Exeter ..... ............, ... 9.213 6.00 Henson 9,37 6.15 Kippen ..... ..... 9.44 6 20 l3ruee5eld .............. 9.02 6.28 Clinton 10.12 6.55 Londesboro 10.29 7.14 131Yth . ,10.38 7.23 Belgrave 10.52 7.37 Wingham arrive11 10 8.00 GOING BOUM- Passenger Wingliam, depart... ... 6.36 I.. 11. 3.26e. m Belgrave 6.50 3.47 By ah ...... ...... 7.03 4.01 Lon dasher° 7.10 4.08 olinton. 7.30 4.28 Brucefield..... .......... 7.49 4.46 Itippen. ... ..... ... 7.57 4.53 Hensall 8 06 4.58 Exeter 8.25 5,12 Centralia 84 5,23 --THE— People's Building and Loan Association LONDON - - ONTARIO Rosati) Or DIRECTORS IN ENETER. 011yanio Dr. J. A. Rollins, President. Dr. C. Lutz, - Vico-P8roelsiiedietnort.. LDanvi4DMiielkls.°11' Valuator. Fred, W, -RSSe" -Treas. DIRE Jno Grigg, E. A, Follick, Vas. Miller, Wm CTO. Seuthcott, Dr. Thos. A. Amos, Saml. Sanders. Make money by retying money. Sixty cents Per month will ensure $100 in 74. years. For torms of explicatien and all necessary infor- mation apply to the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. W. Collins. Post °face, Exeter, Ont. DR. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA. Office opposite Methodist Parsonage. tLI KINSMAN, DENTIST, . Lie .8, s PECI ALM in GOLD FILL- ING, EXTRA T IN G and PLATE WORK. Gas and local Anaesthetics for pain - 1 erg oNtraoting. 2ncl door north of CAR - LIN GeS Store ALTON ANDERSON D.D. S L. D' S, Honor Graduate of the To- ronto ITnivertity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Specialties, painless extraction and preservation of the natural teeth Ofilee over the LawOffice of Elliot Jr Elliot, ()boogie Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. ID AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, 1. ma-Nioex. Will be at Greb's hotel Zurich on the seoond Thursday of eaeh month and at Hodgin's hotel Hensel). every Monday MEM PAP'S ID 0 WIT At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. HLLQ1 T 1 • Have you an old Buggy Top that needs ranover ing and Yon wish to baye made as good as neW SideCurtains played out ? Your Cushion played out ? or other Trimmings shabby and require to be mewed ; If so, call on X. 0 CLAATSICZT, Or leave your orderti at Jones' Carriage Woxke, Exeter. PIBE0p& solcr Have been studying the past few weeks as to what would best suit the wants of their custom- ers in HEATING AND COOKING OVES0 They have "THE CELEBRATED GRAND JEWEL," with Steel Oven and new Patent' Grates. This stove is a special favorite with housewifes, and will be found not only easily managed but economical. Heating Stoves of all kinds at prices that will sell them. EAVETB,OUGHING A S PECIALTY. Highest price paid for Timothy Seed. Submit sample. BISHOP 45L SON Are You GOING TO GET A. icycle? We nave the best assortment and the cheapest. Come in and See Them Or else write for particulars. PERKIN S & MARTIN, Fanson's Block, Exeter, We Want You to come into Our Store LOOKING PLEAS- ANT sometimes. We have so much to sell besides quinine and all those bitter things. We don't -want you to think we are happy only when you are sick. Of course, if you must be ill, we alWays want to put up youi prescriptions, but we have a thousand and one things you need be- sides medicine. Just now we have some uncommonly good values in Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25c up, Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes from 5e up. But don'tlet us forget to draw your attention to the extensive stock of Toilet Soaps'3 large cakes of Real Castile for 100, 3. box containing six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Own, 2 cakes for 25c, Fine Oitmeal Soaps, Old Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and a large assortment of medicinal soaps, and many other lines. All the above are excellent values, both in quality and quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow what you can do to -day. Call at once. J. W. Browning's ST IE 4.41,.....41141,31/4.24,441,411.1*5014”4.44,44.411.414‘...4.-41.4 Strikes are all right, if struck against wrong, Strike not the weak because you are strong ; Strike not your father, strike not your mother, Strike not your sister, strike not your brother But strike a good scheme when ever you can, Strike a deal with J. H. GRIEVE, And you will strike the right man For a fine suit of BLACK WORSTED or fine TWEED. Our stock is complete for the spring trade. All the latest noveltieg in Fine Goods. Give us a call and secure a Big Bargain. Remember the place. J. H. Grieve. 1116 PRoillrh SMALL INVESTN1ENT8. ON Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they make so much • within a abort time as by successful Speculation in Grain, Provisions and Stock. $10 FOR EACH Sy y0IsiLeAR aINtVicESTEDiacan beofSpeculation by cc) • originated by no, All successful speculators operate on a regular system. 11 18 a well -bar own fact that there are thousande of men in all parte of the United States who, by es stematic traairig threngh Chicago broken, make large amounts every year, ratging ham a tew thousand dollars for the testi v‘ho invests a hundred or tthwooulasaunndd.red dollars up tolt0few thousand. to 00,000 or rocre by those who inveat a fe It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from comparatively small investments on this plan sre perecne eho live away from Chicago and leyest through brokers alio thoiougbly mallet -stand syatematic trading. Our rlan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade, but covers both sides, eo that whether the market IiSEE or falls it btings a steady profit tbst piles up enmmously in a shot t time. W RITE FOR CONVINCING PBOOFS, she, cur Alumni on successful erteulation and cur Daily Mareet Beport full of money -making ,pointers. .ALL FREE. Our Msnual explains matgin trading fully. Highest -references in regard1.0 our standing ana success. For further information address • TIEroavt_.e..s au co.. nnateamsTnMenmeS ..A.lanecr gaireomminS, 241-242 RIALTO Bunter:NG, CHICAGO, ILL .1•41•010••=01.1100•• DO -Y-011 anammememolal Expect to attend a Business or Shorthand School the coming season. If you do it will pay you to investigate the claims of the Es. Cs nia FOREST CITY BUSINESS & SHORTHAND COLLEGE LONDON,P,.. It is credited with being the best and practical school in Canada. methods are up to date. BOOKSTORE. R U aware that there is a difference between the work done in Business Coaleguee ,9 Suit of Ulothes some good, some bad, some is yery indifferent. Get the best ; it will pay you. HAVE U heard anything about our "NE GP SYSTEM" of teaching Bookkeei- ing and Commercial Paper ? It tis a radical change from the old methods usually employed. Drop a postal card and ask for particulars. College reopens Sept. 3rd, 1895. J. W. *WESTERVELT, Principal.. • or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall a, Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. SUTNIAL„ Murray &Co., 1144011$4.04.1171.00,91041111111•34,...... Manufacturers of Plows, Gang Plows, Root Cutters and Straw Cutters for hand or horse power. Stearn Piping and general re- pairs. Castings of every descrip- tion in Iron and Brass to order. Tholy Ativico. Jute and wool blankets we always take the lead, Over gaiters, overshoes and rubbers, what you all will need; Harness, collars, whips and sweat pads. we have a good supply, irets ombs, brushes and cards when used keep away disease and the fly. Trunks, valises and school bags, in price and quality for the young and the old, Robes, rubber, plush and wool rugs, and mitts; to protect you from the cold ; Elm city harness oil, dressing and blacking, keeps harness and boots a shining, Bells, children's cairiages and wagons prevents the little ones from crying, .Long and short boots, ell and rubber boots, we claim the best and nicest. Enquire at Treble's Boot, Shoe and Harness store, be sure and get his prices. ECATIGIIrr. 33=eter North Store Mr. F. R. Knight has opened a General Store in the stand lately occupied by Brook's Harness Shop, with a full stock ot GENERAL GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONERY, ETO, All orders Will reeeive prompt attenticu Produce taken in exchange for ChAnd done in eateorkmanshiplikeemanner, zstrandiv d,‘ Ow, gOodS. 4rges moderate. '13', le, arMeTtral-aast'X' R. 1. ROUE 1JIVDEriT4KER Furniture Dealer, Dealer, Main Street, Exeter. Full Stock of all kinds alwayg on hand. nOWE, EXETER. Butorrackinglime Hogs Wanted ! For killing every Monday. As we are killing bogs regularly every week we are prepared to supply cm-- tomers with new KETTLE RENDER- ED LARD, crocks or pails, filled at 11.0. per lb., on Wednesday. Spare Ribs 2e per pound ; Rib. Roas Pork 10c per lb. ; Tenderloin 9e per lb. 'Figo Feet, cleaned, 15e per doz ;Smoked Harn12e per 11% ; Smoked Backs Ile per lb. • ; B. Bacon 12e ; Spiced Roll 10e per lb ; Bologt*'8 lbs. for 260. ; Long Clear Bacon, 90 to 100 per lb.. AT PX8Tt1l OKI.ROUS. 0, 812.0110 PrOp,,