HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-9-19, Page 1HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE.
aroux wuZTE &WM.
gesreliontere no,a4rxopriotell
This week we open up for your
inspection a stock of Dress Goode by
' far the choicest we have over shown be-
fore, The valuers are exceptional, whet-
her in the cheaper lines or the finest
and latest makes.
Black, Navy and Brown Serges will
be largely worn for Skirts and Suits,
We have a big range of these goods,
.f rom 25e. to 85c per yard.
Judging from the large quantities
, of this class of Dress Goods shown this
season they will be quite fashionable.
See our special line at 35c. If you
would like something better we have an
elegant range at 50c and 75e.
Ladies' Cloths,
Assorted colors in very wide widths
:at $1.00.
Bla:k Goods.
Creptons, Figured Effects, Bedford
-Cords, Henriettas, Cashmere, &e,, in
great variety at 25c. to $1.00.
New Dress Tnmrninas
To match any of the new Dress
Goods, also the new Canvas at 10o per
.syard, (te. use in pace of Hair Cloth.)
Last week we bought for cash some Wonder-
-ful Bargains in Hosiery, Gloves, Irci'k'f's, Ties,
Ete, Will tell you more about them next week,
but in the meantime if you're not too busy drop in
and see what we're blowing about,
S M'OMAD aa co.
DEATIL OF Mns IRVINE. -The death of
Aire Martini, Irvine, relict of tbe late John
Irvine, occurred at the family residence
neer Kirkton, on Tnesday, in her 65th
year. Mrs Irvine had been ill for the
'past year from a chronic trouble , bat the
fatalacoident which befel her husband
-few weeks ago, hastened her death. She
was of an amiable dispoeition and respect
ed by all who knew her.
Bnizes.-The storm yesterday morning
_awes the most violent of the year. Light-
-fling struck several buildings, but at time
of writing we had not learned the facts.
Fires could be seen in all directions about
:3 o'clock a m.
BRIEFS -There was an interesting
game of baseball in the courty town last
'Thursday, between C4oderich and Chnton.
The contest was between the Juniors of
.both towns, and resulted in a defeat for
the Clintonia,ns in a score of 18 to 24.
• Our boys speak in the highest possible
terms of their treatment at the hands of
the Godertch boys, --Dir Wm Sbipley, of
the Huron Road, met with a heavy lose
last week in the death of three or his horses
from cerebro spinal menengitie, a fatal
though very uncommon disease and quite
rare in this country. The horses had
,not been ailing many days aud were
down but a few hours, Veterinanes
Blackall of town, Walker of Londesboro,
Hamilton of Goderich and McIntosh of
Brucefield were in consultation and held
a poet mortera examination. Their
verdict was that the ailment was <wattled
from impure water and bad food. Tbe
well from which the animals were watered
nil under the barn and it is thought the
water was rendered impure by leakage.
.A fourth horse hi now ailing, but may
come around all right. The disease some
times works as Icing as a month before
the animal gives in, then death follows
in a few hours. Cattle are soldom affl-
icted with the disease. Mr Shipley's lous
will be over 8300. -Mr J W Green, son-
in-law of Mr John Cron, town, will
-establish a newspaper at Tavistock, Ox-
ford county, to be called ihe Tavistock
Gazette. -Mr J W Biter, who sold out
last week to Mr Lack Kennedy, will make
a business trip to Manitoba, betore active-
ly engaging in business at Sault Ste
Marie, Mich.
A preacher, says an exchange, recently
tried to ride a bicycle, and met with such
,bard lack that he expressed himself in
She following leuguage :--'These bladder
wheeled bicycles are diabolical devices of
the Demon of Darkness. They are oon-
irivanoos to trap the feet of the unwary
and akin the nose of the innocent. They
are fall of guile and deceit. When you
think you have broken one to ride and
have sabdued its wild and satanic nature,
behold it bucketh you off the road and
etears a great hole in your pants. Look
not upon the bike when it bloweth upon
its wheels, for at last it bucketh like a
broneho and hurteth like thunder! Who
Lath skinned his lege ? Who hath a
bloody nose ? Who hath ripped breeches ?
They that daily along with a bicycle."
The treaaurer of the Industrial Exhibi-
anon Aesociatien has furnished the follow -
'ling Statement of receipts tor the exhibi lion
Gate veceipte, including grand stand, $64,
744 56; dog show, 91.532; special pictures,
$l,759 -total, $68,035,55. For lad year
the total receipts were 865,990.75. Th-
ermo in 1895 over 1894 132,014 80.
The soft =Nee have assumed their Fall
hue, and the hardier ones have golderx
tipped leas.
You Don z Have to Swear oft.
Says the St. Louis Journal of Agricul-
ture in an editorial about NmTo Bad, the
:famous tobacco habit cure, "We know
..61 many owe cured oy No-'Eo•Bao, one
a prominent St. Louie architect, 'smoked
.and chewed for twenty years; two boxes
„cured him so that even the smell of to- o
beano makes him siok." No -to Bad sold t
nd gearentesd, no eure no nay. Book i
frie 'Storting Remedy Co. 374 St, Pah c
5b., inteeal.
Perth County Notes.
- --
Mr. B. Thorne, of Mitohell, has old
bis private residence to Mr. F. A. Camp -
.1)611 for the suns of 82,050.
A hers° belonging to Mr. Pridham, of
South Perth ran away in Mitchell the
other day, booming friglitened of a bill
Mr. J. D. Graham of Toronto, formerly
of St. Marys. won the Bret prize for four
ia handl and carried off the heavy hunter's
race at the exhibition,
Andrew Gray, of Donegal, out and
shocked twelve acres of oats the other
day between 10.30 a. m. and 6 p.
a six foot out Maesey binder. This is
considered big work,
The North Perth Fair at Stratford
promisee to eclipse past years, this season
It will be held on Thursday and Friday
Sept. 26 and 27 and prize lists and other
information oau be had from John Brown
Secretary, Stratford.
An aged resident of Perth county died
on Friday last at the Rescue Home, Strat
told, in the person of Mrs. Elizabeth Mc-
Millan, widow of tho late Geo. McMillan
of South Easthope. She had attained the
great age of 90 years and 4 months.
Mitchell oouncil at its meeting passed a
bylaw making tne rate for this year at two
cents on the dollar. Intereet: and debent-
ures take $3,600 , eohools 53,800 electric
light plant $1,500, bridge 91,800, county
rate 8800, besides salaries and other ex
Following are the customs returns at
the port of Stratford ;;for the montb of
Augnet. Imports, dutiable, 917,363; duty
collected, 84,895 82; free goods, 837,384
In August, 1894, the duty collected was
94463,30; value of dutiable and free geode,
The death of Mrs. Donald Clarke, of
West Zorra, occurred on Sunday last,
after an illness of nearly two years. With
her husband and one child, together with
several friends, left Dornoch, Sutherland -
shire, Scotland, and came to Canada in
Aboat forty or fifty guests aesembled at
the home of Mr, Adam Schneider, of Ful-
larton, on Wednesday afternoon, 4th inst.,
to witness the marriage of Miss Mary, sec -
mind danehter of Mr. and Mrs. Schneider,
to Mr. W. Sieling, a handsome young
farmer of Bruce county. On account of
the ruin the marriage did not take place
till near six o'clock. The rest of the
evening was spent in a merry and joyous
way. Mr. and Mrs. Sieling took up
their residence in Bruce county last week.
The Perth cheesemakers did fairly well
at the Toronto Induetrial Fair this year.
For the bast four factory cheese, oolored,
two made in June and two in July, John
Morrison, Newry, won fiethprise; and for
the same thing in white cheese carried off
second prize. with John Muir, Avonbank,
first, and John E. Sten:ley, Fullerton, sixth.
For three fatetory cheese, colored, made
between the let and I5th of August, James
A. Gray, of Atwood., got first 'prize, and
for the same exhibinein white cheese took
second prize, with John A. Muir, of
Avonbeeek, first; john Morrison. Newry,
fourth; and Fullerton cheese factory fifth.
Mr. Morrison also won fifth for the best
three truckle cheese.
Huron County Notes. •
Mr. Oliver Johnston, of Clinton, has
been laid up with erysipelas in the side of
hie head and nook.
A pony belongine to Mr. Whitely, of
Clinton, Customs Officer, broke into an
oat bin and ate so much that it died.
Mr. Jas. Snell of Constance, has rented
the old homestead in Constanee to Mr.
Riddle, of she 13th eon. of Hallett, for a
terra of fin years, at an annual rental of
Ono morning last week, whileDella, the
two year old daughter of Mr. Jacob Miller,
of Clinton, Was playing on the verandah,
she fell to the ground, breaking her leg
above the knee.
On Friday morning last, Mayor ° Brook -
°whir° of Winglutm went to takehis
horse out of the pasture field at D. Stew-
art's and found that seine one had cut the
hair from its tail and mane,
Saranac, Dulmage's trotting stallione
Wingham, is doing eome fast work these
days. Last week a,t Detroit he took first
money in the 2.24 class, netting Mesere
Dulmage in oue race $320 cold cash.
Mr, J. T. Norris, 13. A. of Staffa, has
been engaged to succeed Mr, Newman at
Dutton, who goes to Barrie. Air, Norris
is specialist in mathematioe and French,
and graduate of Toronto Univereity.
The residence of Mr W Robb, of Clinton.
was the Elena of it very interesting gather-
ing on Tuesday afternoon last, the ocean.
ion being the marriage of his daughter,
Jean, to Rey. Harry C. Priest, B. A., of
The many friends of Airs. W. Rattan -
bury, of Bracefield, will:learn with regret
her very Berions and probably fatal illness;
while doing some house work, lase Sabbath
morning, she was seized with a stroke of
paralysis and has been nneonsoious since;
there is no hope for her recovery.
We regret to have to ohroniele the de-
cease of J. L. Pickard, a former teecher 111
Shine's school, Grey townsbip, who passed
away at the home of e. relative, at Ashgrove
Toronto Gore, it few days ago. Typhoid
fever was the canoe of death, Mr Pickard
was a most exemplary young man, and
well worthy of the respect he enjoyen.
Lou Reid, son of Adam Reid, Braseels,
met with what might have been a fatal no -
indent the other day. He was in Grey,
at Duncan Taylor's and was driving the
team drawing out manure and fell off the
wagon, behind the horsee, They started
and the wagon passed over his body. One
wheel nearly went over his head, No
bones were broken but he was badlybruised.
So far no seriona results are anticipated,
On Tuesday, the 10th that., Mr. nobt.
Nott, of Tuokersmitbs paeeed oyer to the
great majority, at the ripe old age of 86
years and 7 months. Mr. Nett emigrat-
ed from Devonshire, England, in 1832, and
settled near Toronto, vshere he remained
for two years, then he moyed to this
county and mottled on the farm on the
London Road, whore be died, haying
lived in this meant? 61 years* Be leaves
it wife, three sons and two claughters‘
It wets alleged that a woman living beak
Dublin, between McKillop aiad Logan
ownships, had been buried with unseerm
nci Mote. without being provided with a
offin. The corm Ives ,disinterrire Atia
misers exainined it. 0oe of the &iodised
men says the +memo died of consumption
and another that heart disease was the
cause of death. It has been learned that
the wornan was buried in it coffin, but
that only two rersona were present at the
Middlesex County Notes.
Mr. Jas. Hawker, of Corbett, baa been
very sick for the past week and is not
much better yet.
A meeting will be held at Wesley, Lon•
don tp., on Saturday for the purpose of
forming a Women's Auxiliary.
Wesley, Birr and Littlewood churches
held a Union Garden Party at the Meth°
dist parsonage at Bir r on Tuesday,
Rev. W. II. Brownlee of Loudon, paid
a visit to his cousins, Francis H. and All.
Walden, 16 con, London tp„ last week,
The death is itnneunced of Mrs, Jas.
Watts, late of London Township. She
leaves two daughters and three sons to
mourn her loss,
The Distriot Convention of the Epworth
League will be held in Lucien on October
12th. Rev. Mr. Crewe, Proyincial Secre-
tary promises to be present.
On Friday a large gathering of sorrrow-
ing friends and retativee followed the
remaina of Freddie Sadler, only ohild of
James and Abbie Sadler, of Sylvan, to the
The death of Charlie, only son of Mr.
C. S. Hyman, of London, removes it bright
little fellow of sixteen years. Death took
place Thursday about midnight. The boy
was never strong,fand had been quite ill
at times for two mouths past.
A very strange fatality teocurred on
Peter street, London West, Tuesday after-
noon. Mrs Alfred Butler, a woman ad-
vanced in years, and wife of an employe
at Ca, rliag's Brewery, was found by her
husband with her head held seourely be-
neath the window sash. As quickly as
possible Mr Butler lifted his wife out of
her strange predicament, only to have her
die in his arms. She had endeavored to
climb through the window when the
sash fell on her neck.
On the farmof James Tuokey, concession
5, London township, stands a mammoth
apple tree, bearing eaoh year splendid win-
ter fruit, which downs the record of large
fruit trees. This tree measures 10 feet 6
inches in circumference eight inches above
the root. It is a veritable king of the
orchard, is sound and solid, and has the
appearance or tinny years of fruit -bearing
life in store. It is capable of yielding 30
barrels of apples in one seaeon.
The death is announced of Mrs. Abigail
Graham, of Ailsa Craig, widow of the late
John Graham, at the age of 84 yeara,three
months. She was ill only it few days, and
up to the time ot her last illness had enjoy-
ed excellent health. Mrs Graham was born
in Scotland, and came to Canada with her
husband in 1843, and settled in Ailsa
Craig. Seven children survive her. Three
died in Scotland and one died in Point
Edward a few yeare ago.
At tne ripe old age of 93 there passed
away on Friday last, one of the oldest
inhabitants of Western Ontario, Mrs.
Jaokson, For it period of over 40 years
the old lady had resided in the vicinity oi
the fifth concession of North Dorchester,
coming from the county of York, Canada
West. Deceased was a native of York-
shire, England, and after coming to this
country ehe experienced all the vicissi-
tudes of pioneer life, and 2C yeara ago was
called upon to mourn the loss of her part-
ner in life. She was the mother of ten
children, seven of whom survive her.
Miss Ida Winer is home visiting her
Mr I Smith has engaged Mr James, of
Milton, as blaoksmith.
Mr and Dire Jas Eledgine heve returned
home from a visit to Detroit.
Mr Eckert Williams has taken the
second czop of oats off one of his fields.
Quite a number from here are attend.
ing the Western Fair at London this
air Madill, of Ulby, Blioh„ was the
guest of J Eilber for a few days last
Mimi Hattie Sheardown, who has been
in Lennon, has returned home for a few
week's variation.
Messrs Vireismiller and Weseloh, of
Heneall, were in town one day last week
renewing acquaintanoes.
Mrs Reid, of London, who has been tbe
guest of Mr Christopher Eilber, returned
home on Saturday last.
Messrs B Baker. ,Tes Clarke and Wm
Stevens are in Goderieh this week attend-
ing the assizes as jurymen,
Misses Hannah Lewis and Carrie Eilber
have started a dressmaker's shop in Wint-
zel's shop, lately vacated by Miss Rau.
Mrs Wickett, of Toronto, who has been
visiting her son, Dr Wickett, of this
place, returned home cm Thursday last.
Mr Tobias Feltner, jr., has out a field
of oats which he chtime has averaged 125
grains to the stalk. Ho says he would
like to hear of some ono who can beat
' • 64 I
Having ceased perspiring, look out for
frosts. This Is the season of lightning
Dr. W. R. Carr, V. S., of Kirkton has
arrived home from his trip to the Old
Country. lie looke greatly improved in
h Shin bard saya he had a very enjoyable
t e.
We wrsh every Lady to visit our show
ores on Friday and Saturday. eyenings,
ept. 20th and 21a1, to see our display of
Winery. E. J. SPAOKMAN & CO,, Sam.
ell's block.
James Tamer of Brueeneld, well known
roughout South Huron died at his home
in Tuakersmith on 161h inst. Mr Turner
had nein for several months. He was
in hie 48th year.
We have heard of condition powders
making stook fat but never read of them
being used to make animals thie. In the
Kirkton pize list appears an advt which
reedit lust the thing to put cattle and
horses in a thinning condition."
John Moran, of Stratford, the party
eharged with atealing it horse from S.
Kirkby, of Blansherd was :Wien to St.
Marys, and the case was heard by Mayor
meserip and Magiatrate Chalmers. After
an extended hearing the charge of atealing
the horae:was dismissed on the wound
that the sale by the pound -keeper to Mr.
Kirkby was not made in oompliatme with
the by-laws of the totesahip, and conse-
quently the defendant acted under the
color of tteht !Aria deprived his aotion
of criminal intent.
linntirs,--Dee't forget the Zurich
Fair on Wednesday and Thuraday of
next week. It promises to be the
best ever held by the Society. The
Directors with the kindly aid of the
more enterprising citizens have this
week erectrid a commodious and
comfortable gratri stand on the fair
grounds. This will prove a valuable
acquisition to the grounds. -Mr. More
ria Ehnes, who has, been visiting his
parenta. on the Zurich road during
the plat few vveeke, has returned to
his work in Deleware,
Torrance, of Toronto, is visiting his
brother, Mr. John Torranoe.-Mr.
Stephenson and family of Marlette,
are visiting friende in town.- Mt'. J.
learner and Mr. John Torrance were
in Toronto last week. -Mr. J. Hartman
and Miss Meidinger of the 141h eon,
were made man and wife on Tuesday:
Their many friends extend congrat-
ulations, -An intent child of Mr. G.
Eisenbaoh died on Friday last and
vvas buried on Sunday. Dystentery
was the cause of death. -Mr. J.
Brenner and wife, of Grand Bend,
visited friends in town on Sunday. --
Ur. E. Bossenberry took his trotting
horse "Rodney" to London fair this
week-. Ed. expects that "Rodney"
will excel himself on this occasion. -
Ur, Henry Wing is attending the
London fair this week. -Messrs X.
johaston and R. Williams opent Sun-
day in Credition.-Mrs, H L. Peine
and family are spending 'this week at
London, visiting friends and taking in
the exhibition. -Mrs. W, Harvey, of
Exeter, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fink. -Mrs. Klein and family
are visiting Mrs. Thos, Johnston. -1A.
couple of our local sporta went on a
hunting expedition on Saturday, and
it was truly an expedition. When in
the swamp a partridge arose, and.
whether on account of the game laws
or a deficiency in the aim, Will failed
to fetch his game down, notwithstand-
ing that it had passed directly over
his head and would have lit on his
hat only for his white shirk Shooting
nothing, the boys were not going to
return empty handed, so Will quietly
slipped into a farmer's yard and
captured a tame du*. Even yet he
Was baffled and had to ask Jack to
kill it for him. Finally the two noble
sports returned with feathers in their
hats. The farmer is nowdooking for
bis missing duck, as he had it fit-
ted to exhibit at :the World's fair,
here, next Thuraday,-We will likely
yet have some opeciel attraotions for
the fair, along the acrobatic line.
Four of the youth ra the village spent.
Sunday rehearsing in front of the
Grand Stand, and those who saw the
performance say Ferd must be a- pro.
fessional --The quietude of the village
was somewhat changed on Saturday
when a young lady and gentleman,
pleasure bent, drove around the
village, seated on a hay rack. In-
stead of hay that was being drawn c u
this occasion it proved to be Hey.
The young man says he Cann repeat
the experience if any of the other
fair damsels wish a drive. Leave
orders at the Huron Hotel.
BUIEFS . -Sunshine is to have a Har-
vest Home on the 29th September and
on the following Tuesday, Oct. lat. -
Mr. Pullyblank is painting the church
and services are being postponed on
that account. -Mr. Louis Beavers,
while at Mr, A. Camm's threshing,
took cramps in the straw mow ; he is
recovering. -We are hoping that some
of the boys who left here, for the West
will soon get home -The threshing
record was again for the third time
broken by W. Hazlewood, of Kirktcre
who threshed 80 bushels for W. Hannah
of Kirkton, Keep on Kirkton threshers
and don't let either Winchelsea or
South East Hope threshers beat your
record of threshing. .
aa emything 111Ir Madge handles
is sufffoient guarantee oi its superior-
Following are the market quotatione :
58to 08
, „ 28 to 31
Otto 22 to 24
Peso ...... ,45 to 60
Hay ... .. 10.00 to '0.00
14 4
Eggo.... ......... 11 t 11
Ws Laan Omans Forzow.-100 pairs of gum-
iner footwear to be sold at prtoe to olean
them out. We have this week reoleved 89 oas-
es of shoos. 15 dozen pair of long hoots.
Bought direct from the leading manufacturers
for spot cash and before the rise in eriee„
which we will sell at a small advance on MO
for Oash: If you are in want of any kind of
footwear we would invite YOu to oall and be
convinced that you oan save money by dealing
with us. Repairing and ordered work Prompt-
ly done. So trouble to show goods Our mot-
to is small profits and quick returns,
go ocrsu. tter and eggs taken. in exchange for
A , WESEL011,
Mr. IT. Poine, of Zurich, was in town
on Monday.
Mr. Will Crawford, of Ripley, was in
town on Tuesday.
Mr. D. W. :sunnier was at London
last Saturday on busines;s.
Mr. Watson, Insurance agent of Sea -
forth, was in town on Tuesday.
Miss Jen.nie Westaway returnecl from
her visit at Exeter last Friday.
A large number from here are taking
in the Western Fair, this week.
Mr. George Miller, of Oromarty, was
in town on Monday on business'
Mr. W. R. Efodgins is having his
old sheds made'into sample rooms.
Mr. Robert Norris was the guest of
his sister, Mrs. L. Herald on Tuesday.
Mr. Jae. Ellis, wife and family re-
turned from their visit to Toronto last
(Rev.) Mrs. F. Swann left on Mon -
clay on a visit to Guelph and other
Mr. Wm_ Walker, of New York, son
of Rev. Walker, is visiting here at
Ur. Will Moore, of Olirtton, agent for
the Singer sewing machine, was in town
on Wednesday,
Mr. Wiliiath Moore, jr-. has been
clerking for Mr. Es Rennie for the
past two weeks.
Mrs. (Dr.) McLeod anci son, of De-
troit, are visiting at Mr. Jas. White's,
Mrs MoLeod's father.
Rev.:Mr. Wilson returned from To -
rent) en klonclay, where he stood his
examination for B. D.
Mr: Reload Bell sold hie' house sit-
uated on Richmond St, to lir. Wm.
McDougal, of Tuckersmith.
Mr. Hugh Cheebessof sEgmonaville.
waif the Street "of Iiisn ellefitireneeerainlisn
veterinary surgeon, on Tuesday.
Rev. F. E. Roy returned last Friday
from a very pleasant trip to London,
Toronto Montreal and Quebec.
Rev. kr. Walker and wife returned
home on Tuesday night, after two weeks
Visit at Kingston and other places.
Mr. M. McPherson wife and daugh-
ter of Samon City, Taiaho, are visiting
at Mr. Alex. McPherson's, merchant
Mr. Geo. Duncan, son of Andrew
Duncan, near Varna, has engaged with
A. Weseloh, to learn the Boot & Shoe
Messrs. Robert Johnston and Henry
Fink, foremen of the Zurich Rex mill,
made a friendly call at the Hensall flax
mill on Monday.
Business is somewhat irnproying in
our town the past week, as quite a lot
of wheat and oats are being marketed
here every day.
Mrs. Lammie moved into her new
residence last Week, while Mr. Edwin
McTaggart moved into the one vacated
by Mrs. Laramie.
Mr. Peter blanson, who left about
two months ago for Denmark,Germany,
returned on Tuesday and thinks there
is no place like Hensall.
Mre.L.Herald and children who have
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex.
Murdock at Themeaville for several
weeks, returned home on Saturday
Mr. Will. O'Brien, wife and daugh
ter were the guests of Mr. A. McPher-
son, Monday and Tuesday, and alao
[qrs. Wm. Robertson And daughter. of
Denfield, were visiting at Mr. A.
McPherson's this week.
BniEn.-The new publio hall is ab -
oat oompletecl and will be opened
shortly. -Mr. Geo. Foseald, for some
years a resident of this neighborhood,
left on Tuesday last for Detroit where
he will reside, having secured a good
position with a wholesale house. Geo
Was popular with the young folks and
took it deep interest in everything
going on. He will be greatly missed.
- Mr. Robs: Davis, of Kirktun, has
rented Mr. T. Rundle's farm in Mb-
bert for a term of years, at a yearly
rental of $275. Mr. Davis was a form-
er resident of this locality. -Mr. Thos.
Oaraeron has examined all the proper-
ty in Logan, insured in the Usborne
& Hibbert Co., and reports having
foiled every thing ma tiafactory • -Mr.
Fletcher has rented 1Virs. Gourley's
farria ge the 12th concession. This
gives tar. Fletcher 250 acres to work.
- Mr..e.alSfodgert has been improving
his outdoo)iibuildings of late. Besides
the refloori g of his stables with cem-
ent he hag pint a;cernent silo. This is
it step innyhe right direction and we
hope kyles many more following his
example. -Your : correspondent had
the pleasure a fees days ago of visiting
the farm of Mr. David Hill of Hibbert.
Mr. Hill Is the owner of one of the
best farms m the County, and besides
being an industrious tiller of the inel,
he is it stook breeder of note, He has
the finest berd of shorthorns it has
been our pleasure to see, among oths
ere being four young bulls which
would make valuable acquiaitions tie
any farm stook ynrds.-Mr. Paul
Madge, the Wind Mill King, has been
breaking the record thie week, having
sold no lese than four geared sterner -
tete, one each to leleseirs. JaMeis and
John Stewart of Ildborne, and one
each to the Messra. Butler, of Mb -
bed. It is unnetleisary to pram° the
BRIEFS. -Rev. Eby is attending the
Sunday School Convention which is
held in Albrew, this week. -Quite a
number of our citizens are visiting the
Western Fair.--arr. and An'S Reid, of
Parkhill, were the guests of Air Mich
Fenn on Sunday last. -Rev W Yager of
Waterloo, and Litt of Chicago, are
spending a few days in town this week.
-ear W R Lovett of Exeter, was in the
village on nonday on business.-arr Wm
Eidt, who has been employecl in the
Dashwood roller mills for some years
intends to leave in it few days for Oak-
ville, where he has secured a suitable
position, and as he is a brisk and in-
dustrious young man success will be
surely his. -sir John Fenn is visiting
his parents and other relatives in
Eattsville, at present.
(From another source.)
BRinrS.-13usineas has been quiet the
past fow days, Building operations are
booming, Paulin & Rannie's new store
being among the most noteworthy. It
is a large building 60 x 85 feet and con-
tains three apartments. The several
new residences are nearing completion,
-A new platform is being erected at
the west side of the hotel, -Mr. H.
Willert shipped a oar load each of sheep
and hogs on Friday last.- lohn Hall
his commenced it fall sal_ ,e and issued
oircalate to that effeet.-Mr. Lovett., of
Exciter, was in the village on Monday.
Clinton Will only pay 20e a light pet
night for its eleetrio lighting in Mare.
Epworth League of
Obriatian Endeavor eleoted their oft --
cera on Monday evening as follows. -
Rev. Mr. Ford, Ron. .Presiclent; Thos.
Dimond, President; G. A. Stanley, 1st
Vioe Pres., Thos liusbarad, 2n4 Vine
Preis. • Mrs. S. W. Gitson, SeoreterY;
(Ason Treas. Rev, Mr. Ford will
introduce tlae subject, "Confession and
Prayer" next Monday evening, -While
Mr, John MoMann was driving borne
on Friday, his horses became frighten-
ed and ran away, Upsetting the wagon
in a deep ditch, seriously iejuring bine
but he is recovering.
Berers.-141r. Angus McInnis has
had his bouse repainted by Mr Willard
of Parkhill,--Messra Ronald Mt:Isaac
and Norraan Mantyre left tor the
Muskoka lumber woods on Tuesday
last. -Mr L Dutmart is engaged as
harness maker with his brother Will-
iam, as the latter finds hie time fully
employed in attending to his grooery
and provision store. -A grand tee
meeting will be held in Shipka Me tho-
diet church under the auspices of the
Sunday School, on the evening of the
3rd prem. -Iasi:). Tons paid SS No 7
a visit last week and reported every-
thing in good progress. -Miss Mary
Krouse who hes been visiting at air
Bernard Cunningliana's for some time
past, leSt for her home near St. Thom.
as, last week. -Miss Ada M Clarke
has left for Parkhill.
• 0•
BinEFS.-Mrs. S. /Rawson and her
grand -daughter. Ella, have gone to
spend a few weeks with friends itt
Crediton. -Our expert bridge builder
and contractor, Mr. Samuel Pearson,
has built three large bridges this sea-
son, and is now home attending to
business on his farra Sam is a
hustler. -As our ranch esteemed
blacksmith has exchanged single
blessedness for matrimonial bliss, we
hope he hes now reached the end of
his troubles. Of course we don't mean
the first end_ We join with the many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Reid iu ex-
tendirog congratulations, and hope
they may have a long, happy and pro-
sperous life in our peerless village, -
At a congregational meeting of the
Presbyterian chinch, Lieury, held
laid Thursday evening, it was resolved
to proceed with the enlargement of the
driving sheds to meet the require-.
manta of -the increasing oongregation
and aleb-to et decorate the
thuroh bnitoling.
Blanshard Council.
The council met on Menday the 2nd
inst. Present, full board. Minutes
of' the previous meeting read and con-
firmed. The clerk stated he had re-
ceived a letter from Mr. Ruasell, of
Fullerton, (the gentleman who some
time ago was thrown over the embank-
ment at or near Robert Dawson's,
sustaining;thereby injury to himself
and vehicle) asking him to lay again
before the board his former claim for
damages. Laid over for further con-
sideration until the 'gime of the soli-
citor oan be obtained on the matter.
William Cruise, a resident of the
munrcipality was present and stated
that owing to it bad leg he was unable
to work and asked to be kept by the
council until his leg became well again.
The council after looking into the
case concluded to send Billy to the
Stratford City hospital and a oertificate
was granted by them andtaddressed to
the matron of said institution, admit-
ting thereinto the said Cruise, 35 cents
was &leo granted him for car fare to
Stratford. •
The bondsmen of Win. Cade, the
appointed tax collector, were present
and affixed their signatures to the se-
curity paper, they were acceptable to
the council.
Geo. Hudson, Poundkeeper, who
some time ago sold a grey horse which
wits taken into bus enoloaure, and
Samuel S. Kirkby, the man who
bought the sitme were present. John
Moran, the peddler, who afterwards
elatroed and took the animal from off
Mr. Kirkby's farm during the former's
absence, and who was arrested and
tried before a magistrate's oourt in St.
Marys for so doing, was granted his
freedom and the case dismiesed, owing
to the horse pot being kept the neces-
sary number of days specified in the
By -Laws of the municipality before
being disposed of. This rendered the
poundkeeper or the municipality liable
for the expenses incurred in said
court. Mr, Hudson explained to the
board that the reason the error oocur-
red vras that he went according to an
old by -low which he had in his posses-
sion which was defective and on this
acconnt he did not think it was right
to eaddle him with the expenses incur-
red en the case.As he did not knowithe
by-laws were consolidated in the year
1890 and never bad a copy tell the
Monday morning before he put up the
notices of sale. The matter was left
over till next meeting for settlement.
A number Of accounts were ordered
to be paid, and oouncil adjourned to
in October ati the
htnoeue: 07110 a Monday „na.
P S. -The clerk would thank those
truistees of S. Ses. who have not as yet
handed in their estimates for ourrent
year,to do 80 at once. -J. 81. J AMMON`,
Tee, Clerk.
Oran AS DAY*
It is given to every physioian, the for-
mula of Soott's Emulsion being no seen*
but no successful imitation has ever been
offered to she public. Only yew et Olt.
perianco and study 04 produce the beat.
Mr. Christopher Dale, of the ninon road
Tuokerionith, was thrown from a hi:SW On,
Monday last, sustaining severe Natio to
his basik.
An Opportunity!
Grasp It
We are. clearing out the balance
of our stook at skedad.
die prices.
Women's Fine Kid Button ShQe1
regular price $1.50, clearing
price 85c. pair.
Women's Ileavy Laced Shoe, reg.
tiler price $1.25 a pair, clearing
pricf.; 76c a pair.
Children's Fine Button Shoe,
clearing price Son a pair.
It'Iligh Time
-You understood that we are sel—
ling Men's and Boy's Ready-to—
wear Clothing cheaper than they
ha re ever been sold in Exeter.
Before it is too late, avail your-
self of one of our cheap Ready—
made Suits.
Highest price paid for Butter
and Eggs.
DEPOT. 1... e
P Ross,
Dougald Stewart went out to the field to
get some rakings and by some means to
himself unknown, as he was uneonsoious
when found, got his collar bone and 'three
ribs broken He was supposed to have
been eaugnt between a gate post and the
wagon, as he eves near there when found.
BRIEFS. -The farmers are yery busy put
ting in their fall wheat and the land work-
ed fine after the rain -Mies Bena Doddir,
of Exeter, who has been visiting he -
sister, Mrs. Thomas Amy, has returned
home. -Quite a number of our young
people intend taking in the London Fair
this weeks-MreWilliara Brooks, of Exe-
ter, is engaged to teach school here for
the remainder of the year. -Mr. Welling-
ton Any and Mr. lnrank Coates, of
Ueborre, paid Sharon a flying visit on
Sunday lest- Well looks hale and hearty
as the conntry agreee with him. -Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Trenamner, of Hay, visited Mrs-
Tremmeeraz mother, Mrs. Jacob Fink-
beiner on Sunday.
MN Emma. Tont has tieken. rip her
'abode- among' the-NiirvcraitraT*----.—......
Mrs Wen Taylor was away attendina
the funeral of .her brother, Henry Ben- '
net, who was well and favorably known
here. Mrs T has the deep sympathy of
her neighbors,
On Friday evening a meeting was
held to discuss the advise.bility of
purohasing a new organ for the church.
It was left over for further considerat-
ion. The move has not been made too
soon as the present organ has seen bet-
ter due.
Boys, there goer; another one ! This
time William Denham, o f Potteraburg.
has taken from our midst, Ann, daughter
of John Batten, &quire. The event took
place on Friday evening before a ,large
number of invited guests, who report an
excellent time. May joy and prosperity
long be their lot. Report ee.ys that be..
fore many moons e,nother outsider will
oarry nif another of Zion's fair daegh-
ters, We old bachelors will bays to petit-
ion the council to prohibit all foreigners
till we can get up enough courage to come
to the critical point. Sometimes they
think, no doubt that we are too slow.
• r r -r9
13ennes.-The members of Mar's Hill
Methodist church intendholding a harvest
home on the 25tb. inst. A good time is
expected. -We are pleased to atate that
Mr. Geo. Piceering, who received a par-
alytic stroke some time ago, is somewhat
recovered. -The Brineley foot ball °lab
was re -organized on Saturday evening last,
and the boys henceforth intend practising
regularly twice a week. Let neighboring
clubs be prepared for some swift kicking.
-John Bioe is erecting quite a substantial
stable. -Mr. Wm. Rowehaving rented
her farm to John Gilbert, intends remov-
ing to London, where she will reside in
future.-- Mr Geo Brown, our general
merchant, ie ou the sick lists -Mrs John
Bloomfield is visiting her son George, prin-
cipal of Byron Public School. -A harvest
home festival is to be held at Mar's Hill
Methodiet church ou the 25th inst,--john
Bice is erecting it new stable. -We see by
the Weekly Free Press that Air Nelson
Kilmer, ot Malahides during a fit of tem-
porary insanity committed suicide by oat.
ting his throat, on the Gbh inst. Air
mer was well known in this vioinity, hay -
lug been once.a resident of the 12th con.
He wag married to a daughter of the late
Thoa Prest.--Mr Kirk of Toronto, is
visiting at Mr Jas Modurtreee.-Mr Wm
Hardy, jr, is very low at Preeent; She'
is suffering from that dread disease,
sumption:-Quite it number of the people
in this vizinity are taking in the Western
Fair this week. -Mr Stone, of Grand Bend
visited at Mr John Bico's on Sunday.
Mr. John Clark. llbarrister, Teri:inter
who has just married Miss Nellie Ganthotere
the English twines, it it native of St.
Alarm where his father is it mill owner.
Post Office Store
Is the place to r.t; vour
dtock just in tor the fall trade.
We are dealing in FRUIT.
Leave your orders early,