HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-9-5, Page 6Almost a Ij22.ss Case. A Terrible Cough. No Rest Nigitt *or Day, Given up by Doctors. A LIFE SAVED flY TATrii,Tra. AY CHERRY ECTORAL 'Several years ago, I caught a severe cold, Attended with a terrible cough that allowed me no rest, either day or Melt. The doe - tors, after workIne over me to the best of their abIlity, pronounced my C17,0 horeless, and said. they could do DO mere for me. A friend, teething a my trouble. sent me a bottle of Ayers Cherry Pectorel, which I began to talte, and rery soon 1 rns greatly relieved. By the time I had used tee vitae bottle, 1 was completely mired, 1 have never had much of a eougb since that time, and Arnily believe that reyer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life." -W. H. WARD, 8 Quimby Ave., Lowell, Mass. Ayer s 0%9 Pootorai HIGHEST AWARDS AT X.'ilLTS FAIR. decre'e eso ..Eeet Fernery Physic's. TEE NEWS IX A NUTS ••••••,.. THE VERY Ible,TEST PROR ALI, OVER THE WORM). Westing items About Ottriftwn Country, (Otte* elrleatne the linefeed Stades, and An. Parte et lilies tlisbe. Condensed anti Aeserted ter Eau Reedit's*. wean/. Mr. John Callen ot Kingeton committed auicide by hanging. Mr. John Eastwoodelpromitent bursiness MAn Ontilton, la deed. A Ilemiltou boy received a collection of Russian poate.ge stamps from the Czar. The 0.P.S. has reduced rates on butter, olutese end eggs from Winnipeg to Mon- treal. Christian Erb was acquitted at Stretford of the oharge of putting ground glass in the fetidly veep. The contractor of a T., H. & le, Redway bvidge in Hamilton hoe left met Ailey and is wore men with a month's pay in arrears. Th.e Jiro shipment of new whist was made last Friday from Gretna to Keewatin, and was graded No, 1 hard. It. yielded thirty-five buthels to the core. • A cable despatels says tbat it seems to be • Battled that the 1597 meettng of the British Association for the Advancement of Science will be held at Toronto. The Queen's bounty hes been applied for by Mr. P. A. Choquette, M. P., for a Freneh woman who gave birth to five children within twelve months. A fatal rianaway accident occurred at 1 Ridgeway, Ont., on. Thureday afternoon, when a 'bus driver named Charles Buck received injuries that proved fetal. Out of forty thowtand dollars required for the Episcopal endowment for the new Dioceee of Ottawa about ehirty-two thou. sand dollars have now Leen secured. Go N ST! PATI 0 i44, B OUSNESS, EWS F'EPS I Arz SICK HEADACHE, R EG LI LATE TH E LIVER. ON E PI LL AFTER EATIN INSURES GOOD DIGESTION, PRIGEn CTSTIEDOOD'S IY.1494024•Ta THBFX ETER TIMES. isnublisned everyThursaay mo co qs. TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Main-street,ues,r1v opposite Fittotes ,Tewelery btoi e,Ex eter,0 rec.,lay John White S0130.P110. rorietors. iljazia OAp11130Tt5tsits Firstinsertion,periine. 1Q tents bobsubaeque.ittnsert]ODmar line Scents. To iesure susertion, ailvertinement,s should Psentitt notlater than Wednesday morning Deems PBINTLNO DBP tETMENT is one lathe lareestand. bestaquippen in. the °aunty teBurou,eit wore eutrustea ec. as wineessert tor promp t attention.: Deesions Regarding papers. A.y person vrho takee pepeeree eta eiy ere n thepost-offlee, whether directed in his name or aziothees,or whether he has suoseribsd or net isreeponsible for payment. 2 Ita, person orderhis paper discontinued te must pay all arrear e or the publisher may ontinue to send it until the payment is mede, ed then collect the whole amount, whether a paper is takenfrom the office or not. B In suits for sabscriptions, the suit may be nstituted in the place wnere the, paper is pab ished, although tile sabAortber may reside hundreds of nines away. The courts Imre decided that refusing to aknetvapapers orperiodeeeis trimfl tae pee Sir, or removiae eta 10.triaj DM0nnnolle 1. teprima facie evideaee of inteatiea fraul News - REAM RRITAX11. Mr. Willietn Kenuey as been sppeinteel Selioltor-General for Ireland. The jute workere strike in Dundee is spreading. Twituey thotteend. are otiet Ef . M. Staaley hes deelered in the Imperial Howie of Commons thee Egypt should be eveoueted. Tim eleetion, of John Daly, who is serving a term in prison, wee oancellea in the British House of Commous. A convention a Liberals of Great Britain will meet in London on October 29 to eon. alder the position of the party, Mr. Chamberlain has made a speech toneh in g Dupe riel relations wi at the ooloniee whioh suggest s that radical ohengee are to be attempted. no Lloyd couunittee are urging the Imperial Government to arrange with the United States jointly to destroy dereliets in the North Atlanta°. • A national conference of the Liberal party in England has been summoned to meet on October 29 and 30, in order to dis- ousa the politteal situation. The passenger steamer Seaford was sunk by the Owner Lon in the English Chan- nel. Her passengers, among whom were a member of Canadians, were, with the crew, Joseph Bereter has been arrested in leloutreal for fraudulently drawing the bfe pension of his father from the Dominion Government alter his lather's death. Prof. Anderson, who has just returned from an inspection of cattle in Nava Scotia., emphaticaliy denies the statement that there is an outbreak of oettle disease there. The trae receipts of the Canadian Pacific railway for the week ended August 21st amounted to $371,000, as against $3'9,000 for the corresponding week laat year. verSrli, fortArL Vi re* aril= Am- MdeS r t•pt 81/41,4ron feat/1 VISCelm- In the system, strains the lungs and prepares a way for pneumonia, often. times consumption. PYNY-PECTORAL positively auras coughs and colds in a ourprisingle sbrrt time. its ascien. tie° certainty, eried and true, Booth. Ing and niallur in its effects., LARGE BOTTLE, ONLY 25 CENTS, AR/ y a new device recently patented in U, S. and Caeatia by 0 tflAs.*I.LaTiriZ, WITH NO mooNvEmenoe ItIOUTATRUSS CHEAP SY MAIL our name to ur, means comfort to you. A Post Card will do it, Ago of pevsen Or tale inunaroria1. SHA3. CLOTHE latt KINCI St Wet ectinotrto cenette all saved. Perhaps the new woman is responsible for the falling off in marne.ges in Englane. For the hat quarter of this,year only 10.6 persons in 1,000 married, whith is .the lowest rate an re oord. Lord Esher, the Master of the Rolls, has juat attained his 80th year; he is now the oldest judge on the Englishbenehems been twenty-seven years sjudge, nineteen yeers a Justice of Appeal, and Master of the Bolls twelve years. In the House of Corninons, Mr,Chember. lain, Seoretary for the liolouies, cold that fifteen thousand pounds had been expended to relieve the distrese in Newfoundland,and that guarantees had been given to the amount of seven thousand pounde. Sir Me.urine Duff Gordon, Bart., whose mother translated Ranke Into Englishoend whose grandmother, Mrs, Serail Austin, was one of the first translators of etandard German works, was ilued for being dxunk and disorderly in a London restenrant lately. In the Imperil House of 0001010218 the President OE the Board of Agriculture, in reply to a question, mid he tiould not see the necessity of sending an expert to Canada to enquire into the existence of pleuro -pneumonia, as the dieease had actually been detected in some Cenedian (Attie landed at Deptford. A man named Kennedy fell from one of the Manitoba. harvest excursion trains and was killed. Another man named Sannderson fell off and was severely in- jured. The McCormick Harvesting Maohinery Company, oi Chicago, has begun litigetion over the alleged hafringement of a patent, in whialt companies at Ottawa and Wood. stock are involved as defendants. Principal Gane, of Queen's Universiey, Kingston, Ont., has received from Judge Gowan another cheque for 8400 to be placed at the credit of the fund for the Sr John A. Meadonald chair of polltical science in Queen's University. Alfred Evans,a young English immigrant was on Thursday shot in the leg by a wattibraan of the Canada Atlantic railway, who was angered because Evans persisted in crossing the bridge at Coteau after having been warned off. Dr. Dawson, direetor of the Geological Survey, has left Ottawa for Athabaska Landing, N. W,T,, to inspect the progress recently made in boring for oil. AB yet oil has not been struck in paying quantities, but the indications are hopeful. Reports received by the C. P. R. officials from a hundred differen t points in Manitaba and the North-West state that the crops are undamaged, that harvesting is proceed- ing everywhere, and that th-e crops will probably be greater than estimated, rernmile, IteVe inflicted greater kettle en the Japeenitie troops than Were saffered elurittg the year war in Corea, Mataohuria an sd Aciviees reweived front Nedellge, lalend Of Medagaticar, /IWO, the all itlittes say that the Uovas aro- entrenthed a leettaie and ere prepared to offer a determined rerlietenee to the advance of the Freuch. baiI eclvicee from Ifekodate estineete the combined match of all pelagic solos in Asietio waters thia season at forty- two theneand seal shine. Lase season the Clartadlane alone took forty-nine thou- sand, Fresh outrages upon, missiogariee ere repartee from Chink The American mia. mon near Foo -Chow has been etteolted by a mob, the (Memel and elehool.houlte wrecked, old four of the native soholare wounded. Rome will hold a great gymnastic meeting during the national fetes in September. Sixty Booietiee and 1,600 Italian gyrartaste will take part M it, and many ooinpetitors eiigrecteitcarn. peeted from Berlin, SwItzerland, and The Marquise de elelliffet has been sued for maintenanee by her. mother, Madame Lafitte,widow of the French horse breeder, who is 61, and has an income of 40,000 francs a year which she has tied up by persietent litigation. An attempb was made on Saturday at Parte to murder the Baron Alphouz de Botheohild lay means of an infernal machine in the ahem° of an envelope oontaining fulminate of meroury. The envelope was opened by a confidential aleck, who was serliclowtuse.lyainjured by the eeht e explosion ch fpi FALL FAIRS. --- Toronto, Industrial.,• Sept. 2.11 Sherbrooke, Que.. • -*,. Sept. 2, 7 Kingston, Midland lientral , Sept, 2. 7 Morrisbag, Dundea„ ,sSept. 4. 6 St. Thomas, Southern Counties, Sept. 9.12 Niagara Fella Sputh, Hort, ,Sept. 10 Vitilliernstown, Glengarry.... - Sept. 11.12 Harrovvemith ...Sept. 12.13 Montreal, Quebeo Provincial.. Sept. 12.21 London, Western „Sept. 12.21 Lyndhurst, • . Sept. 16.17 Wellesley. Sept' 17.18 Newington, Stormont Sept. 17.18 Owen Sound, North Grey. . -Sept. 17.19 Guelph, Central.. , „ . Sept. 17.19 Unionville Sept. 17.19 Perth, South Lanark, ....Sept. 17.19 Whitby, Ontario and Darh.atri-Sept. 17.19 Belleville, Bay of Quinte Sept. 17.20 Renfrew, South Renfrew Sept. 19.20 New Hamburg, Wilmot... Sept. 19.20 Victoria Road, North VictoriaSept. 19,20 Port Perry, Sougog -Sept. 19.21 Bowineaville, Wese.Durham Sept. 20.21 Ottawa, Central Canada •Sept. 20.28 Alderton, London TownshipSept. 23 Tavistock, Zorra & Easthope. „Sept, 23.24 Exeter, South Heron* Sept. 23.21 Palmerston, Horticultural Sept, 23.24 Zurich, Hay ... , , . Sept. 23.21 Strathroy, W. Middlesex Sept. 23.25 Peterborough, Central Sept. 23.25 St. Catharines, .. . .. Sept. 23.25 Stirling, North Hastings Sept. 24 Milverton, Mornington Sept. 24.25 Paisley, Centre Bruce... . , Sept. 24.25 Cayuga, Haldimand Sept. 24.25 Berlin, North Waterloo, Sept. 21.2 Whiteman, Turnberry...... -,Sepe. 21.2 Delta.- ......... .... Sept. 9.4.25 Huntsville.............. Sept. '24.2 Napanee, Lennox-. Sept. 24.2 Uxbridge, North Ontario- -Sept. 24.2 Prescott, South GrenvilleSept. 24.2 Chatham, Peninsular ...Sept. 24.2 Orillia, East Simeoe .... .Sept. 24.2 Cape Vincent Sept. 24.2 Collizigwood,NorthernSeptt 21.2 Storrington..Sept. 2 Woodstock, North Oxford Sept. 25.2 St. Mary's, South Perth Sept. 25.2 Clinton Sept. 25.2 Wiarton, Arnabel & AlbemarleSept. 252 Maumee., Nipiesing...... .. . Sept. 25.2 Leamington, Mersea,..... .• Sept. 25.2 Lindsay, Central Sept. 25.2 Powassap, South Himsworth Sept. 26.2 Stratford, North Perth , . . Sept. 26.2 Fraukford, Sidney . ....Sept. 26.2 Welland, Welland • Sept '26.2 Brampton, Peel • Sept. 26.2 Frankville . Sept. 26.2 Ailsa Craig, Northern Sept. 26.2 Brunets, East Huron., ....... , Sept. 26.2 Serteorth, Tuckersmith ... . . , Sept. 20.2 Neustadt, Normanby Sept. 26.2 Sudbury .... . ....... Sept. 26.2 Wyoming, Union Sept. 2 Norwich, North Norwich UNITED STATES. Three thousand garment -makers in Bos- ton are out on strike. The carpet weevers' atrike at Philadel- phia has been succeeetul. Kele Hardie, late Euglish M. P. is in America on a lecturing tour. A fire in Milwaukee on Thursday des- troyed property to the value of nearly half s. million dollars. The list of dead in the Denver hotel reale stands at 22. Of these three bodies remain unclaimed. Railway construction in the 'United States since the 1st of January last aggregates 182,138 miles. Two thousand five hendred union ves makers, including seven laundred women and girls, are on striae in New York. By a recent treasury ruling repairs made in Canada to locomotives and cars of international railways are not duti- able. Detective Powers, who was shot last Thursday niche by the Chicago & West Michigan train robbers,- died at Grand Rapids, Mich., yesterday. President J.S. Bousquet of the Canadian Trading & Shipping Company of Montreal, and formerly cashier at the Banque de People, has been charged with an infraction of the criminal code by misrepresenting tb.e capital stock of that company. President Beckley, of the Toronto, Ham- ilton, end Buffalo teea:way Company, has addressed a letter to the ratepayers in Hamilton, aeking that the city vote them another 5250,000 before they undertake to build the road from Torouto to Hamilton. On Saturday afternoon in Montreal a bronze atatne of Chenier, the patriot Erench-Canadian leader of 1837, who lost his life at the battle of St. &loathe was unveiled on Vigo Square by Dr. derail, in the presence of about three hundred people. Iiadore Lanthier has metered an action for twenty thousand. dollars against the city of Ottawa, because ithe attAibutes the death of her deughter Georgioa to the fact that a health inspector entered the house and fumigated it while she was dangeroua. ly 111, Part of the most valuable numismatic oollectiou in America, owned by the late W. E. Bastian, was stolen from an unoc- cupied house in Montreal on Wednesday night. Some of the coins were old Roman. oaes, sole retaaiping samples of their kind. They are valeed at 85,000. The Merry weather fire enginenyhich has been built in Greenwich, Eng., hasarrived in Toronto as did also the .7: B. Boustead engine which has been praotically remodel- led, and this, with the Ronald, gives that city three of the most powerful fire engines on the continent. Lieut. W. B. LaBelle R. E., e. graduate 5i the Revel Military College, .b.ingston, Out., has been appointed instructor of fortifications, military engineering, geo. metrical drawing,and descriptive geometry in the Ragal Military College, in suoceasion to Capt. Twining, -advanced to the pro. eesioriatee. Lieut, ia present, in England. At the aoroter's inquest fu Hamilton on the body of Mr. George Overend, who was thrown from his rig lase Tueeday, and died On Thursday night, several jurymen registered vigorous objections to being called away from their bueiness to attend an inquest when the ottuse of death was so apparently eccieetital. Onejarynitua field it looked as though inquests were regulated to a large, extent) by the interests of coronere and policemen. The Canadian Bruikerte Aectedation of Winnipeg has received the remelt:icier of the crop estunates. The average ()cop of wheat is 27.00 bathele to the ooze. The otal estimated yield in Manitoba is as - otlowa rh eat, ao,n0,076 bootie's ; 3,988,102 boshels ; • barley, 5,758,224 butiltela total, 60,636,402 bushels. The reports trent the Cette.than Paeific railway in Manitoba and the North.Vest ahow • that the mop to now safe front ell anngere. FOR A ROYAL PORTRAITt 1111t. BELL.SMITH OBTAINS A SU. TING PROM HEE. NAJESTY, Prehlwittiene Made for the Great Pleture ettlte liesithi or Sr data Teleioleseete AtnleOU Extellent elletlel-out4e EIStIngnished Persons Who Will An, pear in the Picture, Mr. F. NI, Bell -Smith, R. 0. A., vrhie We May sailed for England with a come tattletale in his pooket to penat a large pia. ture portrayiug the scene at Windsor mottle when her Majeety plumed her wreath upon the tidal of the late Right HOU. Sir John Thompson, returned to Torouto recentlee. During his stey"in England bhe artist was permitted an hour's sitting by the Queen, who will form the oentralfigure of the work. Mr. Bell.Smith was successful in obtaining eittinge from all those present during the oeremony,as follows 1---3?riucess Beatrice, Dowager Lady Southarapton,M.ifis McNeill. Hon. Frances Drummond, Hon. Judith liarbord, Lord Edward Clinton, Lord Hawkesbury, Sir Ife-nri Ponsonby, Sir Fleetwood Edwards, Sir John McNeill Hon. Wm Carrington, Colonel John Clark, Sir James Iteid, itt. D„, Mr, Ivluther,Lieut. Colonel Holmes, The Munshi Hafiz Abdul Karim (the Queenet Indian secretary) Sir Charles Tapper, Rev. Father Longinotto and Mrs. and the .tAititles Sanford. After Mr. Bell -Smith had made sketches of the a,bove-nameci persous he wee per. mitted A, entre= Anneitwon On Wednesday morning Mr. Levris Swift, astronomer of the Echo Mountain Observatory, Calif, discovered a new ootnet In the constellation Pisces. • A Pittsburg despatch says .-The Stan- dard Oil Company has laought all the interests ot the W. L. NIellon pipe lines. The purchase price is Bald to be 51,000,000. Fierce forest tires ewe raging in the vicinity of Spokane, Washington. An immense quantity of valuable timber has been deetroyed, and it is reported that four lives were lost. According to commercial reports received from the United States the volume of busie nese continues to shrink, as la usual during the midsummer season, but the shrinkage v seems to be rowing somewhat larger than is customary, owing, no doubt, to the fact that trensaction during july were inflated for the month. The prospects for the fail trade, however, seem to be good, although much depends on the crops. Industrial troubles during the past week have not entirely ceaseci,,,but are much less threaten- ing. The settlement of wages in the window.glaes works foreshadows higher pricee. The export of breadstaes has been light, In iron the outlook is improving, and prices in some lines have advanced. Cotton goods are in more active demand as the Dries of raw tnaterial advances. Print clot& are a shade lower. Petroleum has a downward tendency, fie also have eight of the food producta, flour, wheat, corn, oats pork, lard, sugar, and coffee. • GENERAL. Chinese soldiers at Tien nth are rioting and demanding back pay. Japan is said to be shout to make large contracts in England for warships and arnue The Porte has declined to allow the proposed reforme in Armenia toe be under ioreign control. The British expeditton seat to punish the revolting tribes around Mombasa, In Africa, has had some fighting. A Russian report states that the Japanese are evautte.ting Port Arthur and diemantling the fortitleatione. Sickneiss and terrible suffering are re' ported emongst French pilgrims to Lourdes. Seventeen passengers died on one train. Sir Herbert lidurray,British Commission- er,is demanding repayment of the advances made lag, winter to Newfoundland fisher- men. The British and American Coesula are not allowed to be present at the examination of the prisoners arrested for the leutheng mission massacre, Serious diffieulties ere expected. The largest, stoek eorepealy of the century will push an invention for the oubetitution of eleotrioity and comprosed air foe waterpower, now in t100 in Auseralia gold fields. The Belgian Chamber of Deputies has voted the neeeeartry amounts fox' the eonetritOtion of A ithiti cartel iron' Heyet. to Brugee, and for the conversion of the Meter plawa iota a senate. It is earid the unorgenized • brigands a 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 5 11 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Sept. 2 Cannington, Central Sept. 2 Pelee island Jarvis, Walpole.. ..... , Oet. 1.2 Maxville, Kenyon. , Oct. Hastings. . ... „... .. Oct. Tara, Arran -Tara... ......... Oot. Orangeville, Dufferin Oot. Granton Biddulph ........- Oct. Mitchell.. .. Oat. Forest, Union . Got. Thamesville......... „. Oet. Paris, North Brant .... Oct. •Cookstown, South Simeoe Oct. Wroxeter, Wroxeter Hort.- Oct. Walkerton, Northern Oct. Goderich, NorthdtVesternOot, Hamilton, Central „ , Oct. Gananoque, Proviocial Dairy.. Oct. Essex, Great South -Western- Oct. Gore Bay, Manitoulin Oct. eelvinston.. Oct. Kirkton• „ . Oat. Pioton, Prince Edward., . .. Oct, Stayaer. North ..... Oct. Markham, East York Oct. Almonte, North Lanark . Oct. Oshmiegati, Six Nations Oat Thessalon, Ease Central Oat. Beitohburg, North Renfrew" Oat. Elora, Centre Wellington... . Oct. Warkworth, Northumberl'd. Oct. Fergus, Centre WellingtonOot. Tara, Tossorottio...., . Oct. Galt, South Waterloo.... - Oct. Waterford, Townsend ... " „ . Oote Bothwell, Zone and BothwellOct. A.berfovle, PuelitchOct. Otterville, South Norwich. Oct. Springfield, South Dorchester, &arra, Hibbert. ... . . . Oct. Ridgetown, Howard ...... Oet. •Kintore, Haat Nissouri Oct. Castleton. °remake ..... Oat. Milton, Halton Oot. Derehton Oet, Norwood, East Peterborough Oot. Rocleton, World'a Fair „ „ Oet. Dresden .. . .. Oct. Clifford, Her tieuIturel Oct. Comber, Tilbury W. and N. e. Oct. Thorndele, West Nitieouri, Oett Burford, Burferd • , . Oct, Pore Elgin North Brut*, . Oct. Roolewood, Flrarnosa ...... Oct. Celedottie . Oct. Woodbridge, Woe York.... „ Oot, Simeon, Noefollt 'Charm• Oct. Herrow, Ooloheater South Oct. Grand Valley, Rest LutherOct. Bradford, Bradford et W Gill, Oat. Orford ... . . ... , One 7.28 THE WORIOS WHEAT, lemal 'Promotion la Impurtiug and Ex- porting Conntrlesi,,,A Shortage In the Crops as ,reinottren 'With last Veer, A despatch from Buda Peseh, says t .rhe Minister of Agrieulture announces as a re. stilt of data obtained from Consuls and epecialists that the world's wheat orop for 1895 is as t011oWS ;-,The fatal production in countries which import wheat is estimat. ed at 749,022,000 bushels. In countries whieh export, the total produetion is 1,651,701,010 bushels, The Minister also •amends the estimate of the crop of 1894 so as to make the total in that year 2,632,736, 000 bushels, showing that the crop of 18t1' is 232,000,000 less than that of 1894. BOW to g -et a "Sunlight" Picture. Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrapper, (wrapper bearing the words "Why Does Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Mae) to Lever Eros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, andyrin will receive by posts, pretty pioture, free from advertising, and well worth fram. ing. This hi an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the beat in the market, and it will only cost 1e. postage to send in the wrappers if you leave the ends open. Write your wrappers, carefully, Ile who feels contempt for any. living thing, hath faculties that he hath never used, and thought with him is in its in. fancy. --Wordsworth. • When Retby weenier, we amber MOW& Wheashewat a Child, she cried for Castoria. with her Majesty, in the White drawing - room at Windsor July 5 last. Her Majes- ty, evhen she became lefiss, she clung to Osseo:vim. When she hadeOlieldrexerthegavetnem easterly& upon entering the room, expressed her pleasure at being able to allow" a. further mark of her °ate= for Canada and the Canadians, She desired the artist to direct her as to vrhat position she should take, and having been placed, she gracious- ly remained tor nearly an hour in order that juetice might be done he portrait. The Princess Louise was present while the sketch was being made, and seemed USED TO BE COMMON anxtoue that the Canadian artist should be MOW '2I5 DIFFERENT. Poor, weak and afforded every oeportunity to do good. 1 1( watery blood is turned into rich, vita. Mr. Bell -Smith says ie.*" The Queen and lizing.and tissue building. The new dia. everybody connoted with the castle edverr, "THE KIND THAT CURES," seetned moot anxious that I should have every facility. It is well-known in Eng- mthe change. etes •experience the greatest difeculty in obtain- CO Li S land that even the most eminent artists A 9 Mg sittings from her Majesty. I am informed that there are but three dying artists who het% painted the Queen from life. She clid not hesitate a moment in granting me that high -honor when she learned that the work was to go to Canade 7.28 1.2 1.2 1.2 1,2, 1.2 L2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1..3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.4 2,4 3 There have been 16,000 deaths from the cholera plague in Jam. BLEEDING SICK PEOPLE TO REMOVE DISEASE to commemorate the memory of Sir John Thompson. Her Majesty is an excellent model. She sat as quietly as possible. wakeurprised to find her so hale and - hearty. Of course she walks with the aid of a stick, and leans one hand upon the erm of an attendant, but her step is elastic. Her voice is strong, °leer, distinct. All the marks of age are stamped upon her queenly face, but inher conversation end movements she displays WONDERFUL V/TALITE. During"the time I was occupied in sketch- ing her she occupied herself in talking with the Princess Louise. The conver- eation ws.s carried on in German about her great -grand -children. She seemed to be enjoying recent accounts of their antics. At the conclusioo of the sitting her Majesty desired to 8130 the sketch, and seemed pleased. She asked me if I had been given ample opportunity of seeing all the rooms, and requested me to make known any with I might entertein that my work he facilitated. Of course I am fully aware that the granting of the sitting and all lier other kindness was simply intended MI a compliment to the memory of the dead statesman and Canadians in general. It was simply the climax to all ths solicitude she exhibited at the time of Sir John's death. As you see I have obtained a splendid sketch, and from this I shall enlarge. The picture will be about seven feet in length by about four. The figuree will be about, half life size. I have beau instructed to send a plan of the. painting to her Majesty. This I shall have ree.dy in about three weeks. texpece to have the work completed about next Christmas, when it will be brought to Ottawa." Just Suits Her. Spencer -It ie easy to underatand why the fair sex have taken up the New Wo- men idea. • Ferguson -Why so ? Spencer -Because she can never be old while she is New. 11119S 116 eat are be-ttr When made wilts. for Ittej are 17zGE IfYdrri CiliZA58 al -14 are easy 9 e.stect . or rfic7yr r *115 stio,re,„;,.„ , akict aid (zoom rti Jo U., la a.51 g Pi E iS better tole( la urek. Wart lard. Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, Wellington emit Alsin. Stag MONTREAL. BUR OCK „ BLOO THE BIG FOUR RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA SCROFULA, SYPHILIS Some medicines cure mild casts -it takes the latest discovery in medicsscience- co Sarsaparilla -to reach stubborn cases. Cures where other medicines fail because of its differ- ence. Contains new blood purifying properties -never failing. $1 PER BOTTLE OR 6 FOR SS Ideas are ofttimes shy of the close furni- ture of worda.-Tupper. OF y, gttiekly, Perruriontly Restore& Weakness Nary- OUsneSs, Debility. and all the train of evils front early more or later excesses, the results of overworki sickness, worry, ate, 3,4 loull strength, develop.. 3.4 Meat and. tone given to 3.4 every organ and portion 3.4 of the body. Simple, 8.4 natural methods. Ime 3.4 mediate improvement 3.4 Seen. Failure inmate!. 3.4 Me. 2,000 reference, 4 Book.explenation and 4.5 proofs mailat (sealed) 4.5 free. 7.8 7.9 8 8 8,9 8.9 8.9 8,9 • 9.10 9,10 10 10.11 10.11 10,11 10.11 15.16 15.16 15.10 17,18 17.18' 17.18 • k • •I • • w • •k• • Oat 22.28 Children Cry fet Pitcher's Castel* DIE MEDIOAL CO" Buffalo, NI MANSON, BATES & CO., • • TORONTO, WHOLESALE AGENTS SCOTT'S SKIN SOAP 01.EATISES AND HEAL! Sold by LUTZ Exeter Ont. J. , Ask. your Druggist pr '"nrski. Murray Cs Lanmart's FLORIDA WATER A DAINTY FLORAL EXTRACT For Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath. BITTERS CURES DYSPEPSIA, BAD BLOOD, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY TRou LES HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS. •E.B.B. unlocki all the secretions arid remove -ea 1 an impurities from the system from a clenmon pimple to the worst icrofnlous sore. BT.YR DOCK PILLS aet gently yet thoroughly on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. THE PERFEQT TEA THE FINESTEA LN THE WOR1.0 SOON T FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Ilonsoon" Teals packed nnder the supervision Of the Tea growers, and is adv ertisca awl sold by them as a Sample of the best Qualities of 'mean andCeylon Teas. For that reason they see that none but the very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. That is why "Monsoon,' the perfect Tea, can be sold at the same price as inferior tea. It is put up ill sealed eaddies of te lb., T lb. and e lbs., and sold sn three flavours at 400., see, and 60e, If your grocer cloes not keep it, tell him to write to STEEL, ITAYTER & CO,, tz and t3 Front St. East, Toronto., HEM FAILS To Mr SATISFACTION sop /SW XREE 4 See FOR MEN AND WOIVIEN. -THE owEN ELECTRIC , BELT. .Tigdtt Mark] 05, A. OWSN The only Scientific and Practical 11ecbrIo Belt niade Inc general use, precluding a enuitte Current of Electricity for the cure of QIs5ate, chat can be readily, felt and regulated both in quantity a,nd power, and applied to any part of :•he body. It can be worn at any time ,clisring working hours or sleep, andwillpositiVelY cure Itb.evimatiam, Belittles. General 'Debility Luntbstgo, Nervous Diseases Dyepepsi a, Vailecycele, Sexual eV eaknese Impotency, •Kidney Diseases. Leine Back, trinary Di8030306 Eleeteloity properly applied is fest taktugeehe eace of drugs for all Netyous,Rbetunated, say and Urinal Troubles, and will effeet does n seemingly hopeless oases where eterY other :'town means has felled. Any sluggish, weakeor diseased organ roa v this 3081108 be roused to healthy entitle efore it is too late. r Leading Medical men use and reComme". the Owen Belt in their practice. neee OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contnins fullest information regerding the cum of acute, &mode ancl nervous dieeases, prices, ° how to Oraer, etc., mailed. (sealed) Fagg to any address. The Owen Electric Belt & Appliance GO, 46 KING Sr. W., TORONTO, ONY, 201 to 211. State St., Chicago, ill MENTION TIM P.L.P101. It costs 5100,000 a year to keep up the Bois de Boulogne, but, from- $40,000 to $50,000 is derived frem the park itself, and from the rents of the race oourslee ,restaurants, and private houses in it. • •i3O,17:14.4,0,,,k,