HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-9-5, Page 1'
; eta " • ' . 4 tte •
, •
Of311 LAST WE H.
,XiaSt Sprig we S,tePpea ,,soniewhat out of, the track of ordinary Gen
.eat Storeiceopingv bY,91Yetking a MI li
1 nery IDepartment in connection
with our busitiesst (we didn't,. make our fortune_out of the transaction)
bat sold a stank of Millinery, and we think our customers were bene-
byour neW;uudertaking,it at least proved so successful that
4 , we•have doci,Jed to contrane,-and will soon show in this department
A BRAND NEW STOOK, (no old goods) of Fall and Win ter Goods,
i bdt we are not going 'to stop just yet, for we are making another NEW
. VENTLIR1,4.1 by adding to our business a CHOICE NB VV STOOK
• 4of Marttles Wrapspeto. All the latest styles in German Mantles, manu-
• factured to our order. ' Those goods were all bought at the LOWEST
• CA.STIF4GURE a.nd you oan depend on our prices being as low as
ethe,i0vitest.•,Thanking the Ladies for their ltheral patronage to our
Millinery DePartrnen4 duringphe past season, we solicit a continuance
44 Md. both Wfillinery and Mantle Departments this cornino.
easOn. ,
. .
- - is: attending the Wholesale
•41-ilinery Openings In Toronki this week and will be here ready for
'btteineeS Stiortiy.
.1.-iettbor 1)&y. Perth County Notes.
• Monday was. Labor ;Day, and it was Mims Jennie Kemp of Staffs is very ill.
• .v1104 obasived in 'Exeter. All placee of Mr. Wm. Waugh, Huron Road, Logan
•, baffieerte were elosed and the town gener- had 'wield of barley that tbreshed 75 bugh-
allY wore holulay,attire. The monotony els to`the acre.
watt Is olten by the hobilng of games on The flax crop in Rime 'township Perth
county, ibis year will average nearly two
tons to the acre.
•Dr. Matheion, of St. Marys, has been
appointed a local Secretary of the Cana -
diem Medical Aesociation,
The London and Mitchell bowling clubs
played et Mitchell on Monday, 'Mitchell
winning hy a ecore of 87 to 30• ;
Anarew Tinning, a Fellarton pioneer, is
dead, aged 82 yeses. He leaves a grown-
up family and a widdiv in her 70 year.
Deceased was a, etaunahOonservative.
The other day Dr W Gibb, Water
street, St. Marys, took from hie ylael a
tomatoe which weigbed 2 Ibis andel oz.
furnished a meal for six of a it.' 't.etatibat,,reepondence ensued, the oonmeny finally
"r1/1b f •
others aggregated 3 lbs 5 inert',
l ard„ yet" Iled law.
ea e ming to pay the meurance, unless com-
The funeraof the lateEdtaHenry, by
Logan whioli toek place ferain his residenoNta Alter an illuass of n°8"131 a year, Frank
on Wednesday, was largely attended, sad ei nes, of Morris, succumbea on MotalaY
the surrounding comenanity are deettzeset:t;st week from that fatal disease, con -
sympathy with the sorttoveing relatives. 'Nitta Dsceased wag born in Morris
To be free from tick theadaohe, bilious-
ticultural Park in the afternoon.
attendants° was fair,' Pollewing ar• e
the aerates events with the namee of the
,saccessful coMpetitere tt- '
Gum Tattne--Half Leithetn
:Lady 'Tang W, Reailoatifnas Amber H;
• Tennentla Head Theme, Time 1,16,
1 ;13 119. ' •
• Carat: Taen.etdielf milea-T, Murdock's
Ring SIVIAOU. A E. Bessenberry's BodueY •
J. Hairkefiawi 1011 drawn after firsi
Time L20 1 12 1 09a '
• Ekalfriartel -Tem, - Half, nat 0. - W.
Brook's -Fern H, Wing's Sorrel' Dan ;B.
ROSS' Nell Felten. Time, 1.25 128.
rxrne Ra.ag.-Etslf• mile.- A. E.
Tennent's Little Nell ; Dieksen's
-Victoria, •Time ;56.5»
100 rArto epee tednare-Erank Willie,
,•Ede Treble, Martin, Henry fipeerin,
•ateettitga Hoe, Seer axe ataue,--tilt
A• Mart,in, 38 ft,. 2 in. ; H. Spearin, 37 ft.,
• 1-tngilrin Lelia .T1011/?. -,0. .Frit, Dash -
et -weed, 17 ft., : MArtitte Exeter,
•. 1.8 ft., 9a in ; fiertry Spearin, 16f., 2
SaAtimetre Logo joier,--.0, Fritz, 9 ft ,,
ina; Mertin, 9 ft. t P. Sippei, Zurich,
ft.,10a in. •"
Efnanea Reoz. -a'. retitle, H. Speatin.
Beereen Reanaa-0., . Cook, Bengali
"ItIorman Clook, Efensail , Thos. Smith;
Exeter. Ttneet 3.08a.
tDoce Eitue,-1150 yarde.-J. Ktausen,
• Bengali ; M. Hicks, Extitea; P. Browning,
Sze:Imre/a Hoe,..Seite Ais.re Jette.-M.
• Martin, Exeter, 27 ft,,, '9 in, .0. Fritz 27
Sfb.. 2 tn. i'D4 taltilteuzia'27 •
: flanatatete,..Hrett.,'Jiltre.-ui artite, e ft ,
Spearin, 5 ft, in. .
'300 aeirta Reem.-F. Willie .gd, Treble
• ft,• • Martin,, , , , ,
' BioacfraeRson.-.1. mile handicap, with
. Eaten son at back120. e-Geo.Bilber,
AINattee aookaaletaitali r G..teacrsoe,
titagenntiniu, 9.40.
iaton Has:Piteerietla.
• • et -A tritteiph medicitte attained
eaperience prov.ecl ' that Seott's
t Aiaantiori flat ouly etop the.progrees
• eaf:, Pillaionary ..(tensuitiption, but by its
, taut:la:flatted ,tkee ,hoelth tend vigor could be
, •
'atteedrialina ;with dthe. gragetopper meet
•• ''the fattnete, laetteei ate.making the best
'ad ' 4f:a.bart-Viti;italtdit,, The' are "killing and
gatheringettiletnitectttby initeret of apeciel
ttalttPetedr et a Oitneits aoreen end
taelteitt, i•frektistiopper41 ere. Shovelled.
biiettf. P -tan tat to
. „ tee, !ie., ' • • .
' .Ottaititait, latiarevite-.te • 16 , 'TO
shott paff ofthe breath through
,':a• hia Skitter, onpalied with esteh battle ot Dr.
• Agoewea Ceterrhal Powder, aittagee the
ettelee ever -the earl -aces tbe easel pee -e
e ages, ..Pitieleatie entlateliglatfill to, take,
'•'Vet-tie/et r.inet antin'ait4i tiertelan,ebtly °tire
':itaztt .fly,v4ver,' Colds, Headaohe
Sere 'Threat,' • Teasillide arid •Dsaineee
Ode • At C. Ian, z. '
T. D. •g,„k-trilrt:a,tairiactti;leolertomitehatid
"a -ea -ate.
• *---"7"7‘:
ost Office Store
• ,jace • et your
8• Luc A reef.V
•:,,is33,t0ck jt.,in tor tilofail trade,
ate dealing
• avo 70.ar o_
rders catty
eyebrows and eyelashes w sin,
XETE.11„ ONTARIO, TiiEURSIDA/ lel() K,KIN(1, SEPT411Ii3ER 5, 1895
Huron OorititY ,Notes.
aettlitoat Vtroortherct.
0,,,,,go w,st, of ountou, pullea from Falletvi118 WI VAF‘ mialget quaillitoutt 1• • 8, Ford, oft Ford 4 co,, Barnria„--..urs,LJ:pa:r4.toaihriy hag te.
his gerden e cauliflower that weighed Wheat..., .........,.. afite 00 • Dderchants, is hi Pero/Ito this vvenk turned from Thedtord, whore alio has basil
elgilt Pounds. .00.007 .... 4 .. • ..... - .. '4_3 to _35 nroottring 'Inapt, lo lee morotkntilo visiting Felativea, -Mies Leave Thompaon
Ittr, , Joan Shanallee„ of the' 3rd ova, of Oats „,...... ......, .. 22 te22 luipne• tofodratthoemir :tuella:mar, e:tn, a 11,ivvse.,yeigieeAkrt. Iresek:rvirthedhetiroorni:ierainftoor atariolritLaiivrtg, otiwbe,
olIfLu'Nlville.4,et4to:tzd't,eepmotlruiteisri::c0Yriej80.114.1inot:a7;:tt5:61)tuwelleeeikii EfBP:a4y:tec.l....„:,...:,:.',..1..i.y..1,*.i:?*.,0,0,5'1t6oet:016100.4.00 t•rinagme,ear,,ete:aet twitaartagantueoaru,noTedbet‘tienh,v:ii,dt eou le confined to las bed egeint-aliss
for Winuipegawhere he tekee a 61,t1.19.401.1 Eggik 44 the meth, otter 4 b n 8 t '2'8 Ho. Dougall left lett week for Totonto to
atteud the Norrael Sohool, .- L. Cella left
with the Dominion Itxprese Go, tee pairs of au eines or ormet footweer and attb 1 I t - .e ore o- 13P - for London on Teasley, where he tatende
ro• •r• r.rs•••••••• r • .... to 10
'The barns belonging to Mr, Efugh Roall, meet ee sole within two wee e at rates diet „,„„,. , 8 10 Plug to take Place.
Hullett, were burned on Timeday eight, will sell thanetisialtt. la eatesef ae Baete pat toete hall, be ono in Copper's
440011X 144111,114 .et 410140
lotwxfoo*pd Veopeleittre
1 he fire originated by a lantern exploding.
The sail news; reaclaea /3eeohwooa oz
Tuesday of the 'death Chicago of Patrick
Murphy, ewe of Miohael alurphy, a re-
spected regicient of McKillop,
The Foresters of Winghern recehtlypre-
seated their Bro., W. T. Tides, formerly
Of Goderiela, with a gold howled cane, and
Mrs. Yate o with it silver tray.
priaceSeboea . 15 petir oef tvemeatitlY,. tthoteelletinntK°Jg (numb a few weeks later.
right time to buy year Boote Stioet for tail.
'..eon autton Boots at el a pat , 44017 141 tile •
• SKIrktori
When you epee got them at tee Old Orteat3. Qsli
aertiset No ttouble to show goeds, autter eolintes. -The scholars of the public
vannclaebgegesottaz:asclamth:ttonzaumzigwolont: we ed- 004„001 took. a kali bolialay on monthly
AA W4a1L013,
Belem -Rev. M. Corry, of' Fuller.
ton, formerly Of Hensall, itt spending
an 101d a piemo on the fair groan
They seemingly had a pleasant tic
-Mies Vile is a guest of Mrs. Bob
°Whet,. -Mrs, jno.Weeleee and M
oGfeTooriguentoW, kthe00,00futSottremtlarreo,Y, jotla
visiting at John efuir's.-Mrs. Steve
IvIcCurtly.-Amos .Doupe acted
judge of the athletic. sports at Exet
on Menday, and Henry Speario took
part in the several events, winning a
number of pre te,
&tr. Jae Motanrchiet of Clinton, was e few day, aqua eia friends and
chosen as one of the 15 players to contest
a game of cricket with the Oanadien
International Eleven, at Termite,
• John Weir, of Hullett, one day last
week threehed for James lieynolde over
two thousand bushels of grain, This is
good work coneidering that tbe it -whine
was moved twice.
Miss C, Dankm, of Thoralch formerly
of Stanley, suceeeded in obtaining a and
den certificate at the recent examinat-
ions ; her many friends aro pleased to
learn. of her euocess.
•Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
cures Dierrhces, Dysentery, Campo, Colic,
Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum and
all looseness of the bowels. Never 'trayel
without it. Pritee 35o.
The other day a couple of snake of corn,
eet on the Eansford farm, Clinton, meas-
ured about la feet in length. They were
not only very tall, bat were the growth of
two months and 13 days.
Monday afternoon the protested lacreste
matobabetween Fergus and Seaforth was
played off at Brampton, and reaulted in
favor of Seaforth-4 to 2. Seaforth thus
wine the senior championship.
Mr. Donald Smith, of Stanley, lately
received the sad intelligence of the death
of his brother, Mr. Fred. Smith, of Da-
kota, frora cancer in the stomach. , the
deceased wee well. known in. theme parts.
For °haters, Morbus, Cholera Infantum,
Cramps, Colic, Diarrhma, Dysentery, and
Summer Complaint, Dr. Fowler's Extraot
of Wild Strawberry is a prompt, safe and
sure cure that bits been a popular fayorite
for nearly 50 years.
On Sunday, Aug. 18th, at Lioa's Mead,
Bruce, there passed away at the early age
of 31 years, Margaret, wife of Mr. George
Armstrong. Deceased was a daughter of
Mr. Neil McFarlane, Grenock, and wee
formerly a resident of Stanley,
• Fire partially destroyed the interior of
acquanatamsee, prior to his leevnig for
• College.---Messre. E, Rennie, George
Brown and John 7...walk) were at Ex-
eter on Tuesday night...4,41r. Walter
Petty is having at i aeotion sale of
household furniture on Monday next.
Everything will be Field se .Mr. Petty
intends leaving for England,- Mr.
Robt. Patterym raised bis new plait-
ing mill on Tuesday after000n on the
site where the old mill whieh was
burned down about a year tigo atood,
-Messrs. Deng, Stewart and Wm,
Buchannan and the Woes Martha
Hunter and Agnes Eloagarth went to
Elyth on Tuesday evening as delegates
of Carmel Presbyterian church to at-
tend the Union Christian Endeavor
convention there.,,,IVIr. Wm. Stone -
Marl and the Misses Ida Hetham and
Caroliue Chapman were at Exeter on
Tuesday evening. -Mr- D. Urquhart
has a new oat meal miller trona Sea -
forth. -Mr. .1anlea Coxworth spent
last Sunday in Detroite-Revs, J. S.
Henderson and. Wilson, and Mies Jane
Laininie attended the U. C. E. 0. at
Myth on Tuegday and Wednesday. -
Mee. Henry Cook returned home from
Detroit on Monday night after a
month's visit ameag her friends in
and around there. -Rev. F, E. Roy of
St. Paul's church, left Monday night
on. a two week's vieit to Toronto,
Montreal and Qaebec, Mr. Futon
of London, will conduct the services
next Suuday night b't.atiti's church.
-Mr. Henry Cook,. miller, lett on
Monday night on a business trip to
Toronto, Montreal and Quebec, -Mr.
Geo. Secelareteleft on Saturday on a bus-
iness trip to 13tiffaIo and New York. --
Mr. W. Moratgomery e retie:16114e, 13lyth,on M. tra'sePh BIDS and two danghtora
Tuesday. Origin not known., ma and left for Toronto on:Monday morning
Mrs. Montgomery were out at the time Where her daughter 13ella, is taking a
and there had been no fire in that part of course in the -Aeadelny of 1Viusio, and
the house for Berne time, • will remain there uatil Chrietrase,
Souse time ago, thehouse on the Leween while Mrs. E. and eatt•egat ter, IVIattie,
eloore farm, base line, Goderich township, will return in a few vteeks after at
now owned, by Way, was entirely destroy- tending the extubitiort And visiting
ed by fire. It was insured in the London friends . _ma Jacob Sabluchter ,and
company for /MOO, and considerable cor. wits,of Zurich, were that gueats of Mrs.
Henry Cook: on Tuesday nig/A.-Quite
a number of the Hensall members of
Zurich lod,aetpf A. F. and .A. M. at-.
tended th.Ofeleerae of Mr. Carling at
Exeter on'Saaairclay.-On Saturday at
noon, alrs: Rihn Zimmer, of the Bron -
Wit ap and wa,a united in marriage 'son line, arrived in the village on A
abOatt 11 years ago to Miss Rogerson, who visit to Mrs,:e. Boysenberry, and ap-
survives him. He was highly esteemed by peered m her mind health until after
all who knew hen cl lti
ness, constipation, eta , use Chatter's Little
Liver Pills. SiratPly vegetable. They
gently stiontlate the, liver and free the
stomach 'root bile. a
Mr. A. Wright, Ede I Farm, of Logan
threshed 425ibushels of heat, 200 of barley
and 188 of oats on the fo enoon,of Tuesday
last. The work was done eby Mr. Peter
taiiMurray. The 186 bushels of oats was
the product of two acres of land.
Which is wottet imprisonment for
life or a life-long disease, like scrofula, for
example? The former, certainly, would
be preferable were it not than Ayer'g Sar-
saparilla can always come to the rescue
and give the poor sufferer health, strengtb,
and happiness.
The furteral of the late Mrt. Elizabetla
Smith Tanner, of Downie, took place to
Avondale Cemetery Friday. Deceased
• an 4demise is 0111- eatitig her dinner, when she complain.
cerela, regrett ed. ed ot a pain in one side! °Liter face,
The bate ball club of Bruesels has had an turning quite
another gala day added to their sportingf b
pale medical aid
history, on Monday. Weather fine, at. was at ono.e sent or, but before the
doctor arrived she had reoeived a par-
tendance large, and eyery event keenly
contested. The first was a game of foot alptio stroke, from the effects of which
ball -Walton vs. Blyth -which resulted eb-e died at about 12 o'clock midnight,
one to one. These teams wore afterwards Iler repaains were taken to her home
given time to play off but without alter- on Sunday from which place her re-
ing.the reptile mains were taken to the Bronson line
The death of one of Itioderich township's cemetery on Wedneaday for la ternaent.
earliest pioneers and respected citizens, in The children and friends haye the
the person of Mr, John Rudd, Maitland heartfelt synapathy of the coramunity
0 -meantime took place the othertday. Al: in their sad bereavelment,--Mr. Witt,
though nearly eighty years of age, be. Moore, tr., was at Clinton on Monday
was quite rugged in health until a couple on business, -Quite a number of our
of weeks ago, when he was attached with
Was Lately ninety years of age, and leavea that fatality -heart disease, which result- sports attended the races atExeter on
a funny of ten ettildren, the eldest of ed in his deraiee. Monday and came tome in good
whom is 70 years old, and all surviviug. Thursds,y four of the oldest and beet spirits, because of the atiocess they
Hut many friende weleome beak from known settlers of Huron County mot in had had in winning prizes. -Mr. J. C.
Grease Isle, Quebec, Rev. E. D. Steele, Goderiah and had their photo taken in a Stoneman returned home from Toronto
owing to an acute attaek of Eczema and group. These were Sheriff Gibbons, of on Tueaday night after being absent
consequent exposure to contagious dieeage Goderiche Wm, Young, sr,, Onas Givvin several vveekg attending the optician
in attending hospital patients/. Sines his and John Morrie, all of Colborne town- Institute in Toronto. He is now pre -
return, Mr Steele is improving rapidly ship. Their united aees reach 328 years, pared to teat and fit eyes with proper
and will be ready to resume lase clerical an average o182, and. till are still vigor- glasses. -Quite a number of the _E. 0.
duties shortly. Mr. Steele reports heavy one and hearty, worthy repreeentatives of F. brethren attended the pionio at
rains and cold dieagreeable weather all le.st the good stook that turned this counte Kipper' on Tuesday afternoon and
week down the SI Lawrence. from a wilderness of forest into the rich report having had a good time, -Mr.
Homy Gilman, of Listowel, has been agricultural garden it is today. Commix- re
committed for trial at Stratford en a ing notes se to their respective achieve- ereo. Sutherland returned home on
charge of perjury, He is said to have so plants it was found that three are °eater- Saturday after Visitiogeseesveralrekes
Forest d otherI south fl
ducted a girl named Mabel Baker, and to dens of the county, 3 were sergeants in ra!portaasa:avinghapda an enjoyable
gave Jimmie from, prosecution under the the rebellion of '37, and 2-iVicesrs Gib-
Charlsoa Act he wanted to marry her. bons and Girvin-were District Council. iiiateateMia Richard COaq returned
The latter objected, but was forced inio lore in the 'Old daya of tbe united Count home titat:itlaY .fter stiellthatt several
the matrtage by her naother. The piejory ties ofHuron, Perth and Braila It was weeks visi ing Goderich and other
charge is laid on the allegetiona that the evreecl they should bo emorded the follow- Pleats Us Iau da °gain00 Sa.turdaY
would-be husband made the metal effidavit ing oharepionehipe ; The Sheriff, chantnight for London and other places on
to tile efeect that the girl in question was pion obopper of the county; Girvin, chair- his way to Oakville to visit friends... -
over eighteen years•of age, was willing to man of churcsh socials; Young,- well- Mr. JOhn Pope, rtterehant tailor, has
" enter into a contract of /marriage with him, what was it 7-01yes, temperance, and had a work shop put to the back et
anti that he triune of ne reeson why he all multi good fellow ; end Mortis -oh, bis store which gives him trtuch more
eboeld not marry. It three out that the Johnl--the ladies' favorite!
room for his business, -We are to have
girl is not yet sixteen yeare of age, is tine On Tuesday an aootdent happened on
widieg to marry him and that he himself thetfarra of Mr. S. Lowery, Surenaerhill, a lite and drurn baed le connection with
hag a wife lit!-ing- seprate trorn him. which very nearly had fatal needle. It the Orange bodge. Tile fifes arrived
this week end the boys intend prectts-
, .
wuhleash, lifil neat septethelyf rceomnostviteidit, mirraiytaileoauul ptboenatatrovbeagthaeo:d,..a they treat to the yen,dy for the fifth Of November tele -
file pond is heat ileums etre two, We with thein sueoess -
the creek, and the boys wore [monde/flea Messrs, Emerson and Brownlee, of
to jumping into the water off the oentre Clinton, were in the village en Moe.
of the dam. Lowery was the first, fol. day on their bikes -Don't mitts the
lowed by John Kyle; the fernier swam firet prize mixed chorus coneert 00
moss the pond end Was a,stoitished when Friday eight in the ItlethOrlist ohuroh.
he, looked around and did not Hee Kyle. It promises to be gond, Admitteion
.ria a rnometa Kyle mime to the surface 25 and 15 dents.
and seek again and again. Lowery then
*as* • seerns •that eft Will owery aod Meagre
t 11, hacking teough keep the ttrontdbial Jan ant atm: Kyle itaa bete aotaiag ing right along, so that they wiil be
to chronic bronobituo. No prompter re-
medy cart be found that Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Its effect iS immediate and the
reaelt periminent,
Sarnia Coeerven -"About eight o'clock
Menden, eveifieg Shirley Morrie, of Ham-
ilton, the little 0100 year old niece of Kra
Clhas. Eland vibile (mumg n dowsteers in
the Vendonae tiotel earrinI t
g gie
lamp, fell when near the leading cin tlie
• hair,
, • first fitter knd was eeverely berned. Her
• , '
e e ged •
and her face Mad iaamiti Were eeverely
burned, lied it not been lot the assistatee
reedeted by Mt. Ed. Pollard, of Petrolea,
Who happened to be tear, and heard the
child's; screame, and who rushed to het
aid with some bed clothes, the little one
would have suffered probably' fatal injur-
Mrd. Olsten, aged 40, come:fitted enfold°
at mr),Innipog by taking prdeon filaterdav
ever:tee .eteeeeijeaterly end were
tgeleAlqc- 4 ithe
swami to the place, which is 'rievea or eight e•".'
feet deep, fled dived. They might hold
of eiteh other, but 'Lowery euecoodea in
getting free ma eame ot, and after met-
ing for a while he made another attempt -
to rosette, atm succeeded iit getting Ityle
out, apparently Iifelats, fu a few min -
tiles he was restored auffiefently to he
taken whore medioal aid was sought.
feeit one in twetity ere free from some
115410 ailtneet caused by itutetioa of the
liver. 'Hee Carter's tittle Liver PIM,
Tee reeult will be a pleesant eurpriee.
TheV '• • i'iotthT .
brittle residence at Baybeld. The iitrueture
ert will cost about $3.000.- A little daughtev
Opportunity I
°rasp it I
We are clearing out the balance
• of our stock at sloeclad-
•die prices.
to stop a day or two before leaviug for VVornet's Fine Kid Batton Shoe,.
Nebraska. regular, price $1.60, clearing
Vlirrtoh price 85c. pair,
Barar.s-Tize Detroit; and. Sarnia. exoar- Women's Heavy Laced. Shoe, reg -
sionista arrived Lome Ideadae morning Ular price $1.5 a pair, clearing
ed the eoatreet for Reeve Burns' new
Ohildrerfs Fine Button Shoe,
clearing price 5o0 a pair.
&bout 3 3O-55. Cooper hes' bsen award- price 715c a pair.
:Scnoox,RBPORr.-rhe following is the
report of Tf., S. S. No. • 15, Bay, and
Stephen, for the month of August.
Names in order of merit,
Sr. 111,-Eoho Speakman, Andy
itieFee,--Jr. UI, -'James Turnbull,
Clara Walper, Eltzgli Spaokman, Ottile
Schroeder, Williana Staniake.-Ii,-
Thomas Stauleke, Charles Hartleib,
Susan Schroeder. -Sr, P5.•11, --Mark
Wiid, SaralitIVIaeriot, Mary Kerning,
Thomati Pone, Henry Bierlitig.-,Tr Pt
dierling, Emma, Wild,
Olive Speakman, Mary Pfail; Aken
Mania, Mary Alderson, Mary Kar-
men. -Pf, I,-Alvna Stanlake, Alfred
Zeirk. Elma Roeder, leddie Brartleib. v
D. NioDonG.i.r.L, Teacher. hj
Bniere.--Mrs. Edward Short, of eo
Credition, formerly of this place, has in
been visiting friends in this vicinity, w
-Mr. WilliatatDobsea left here an a
0MoolnledgaiyatelaltaftoirtuLt3endth°eQr'et.o-amttee.nedetiehne 4tul
Shepherd, reeve of Tuckersniith ; Mr, at
John Latta and Mt? r, Robert Varle
-• at
have returned from their trip to the as
country. -Mrs. McClay us •et en
present confined to bed tbrough e
ness.-Mr. John Templeton Was down la
to Brampton the ether day on bus- th
iness.-Mr. H. Horton, teacher of In
sehoel section No. 10, had to ditunise fo
school one day last week, because on
of the smaller animals bad. songht it
last resting place under the ache
floote-Mr. Peter McKay, deput
reeve of Tuckeremith' who has pur
chased a tract of landto Algoma, i
about to go to that district to build
saw mili.-The youngest daughter
Edie, of Mr. John Maudson, has ba
the rnisfortune to have one of be
eyes plugged out by het younger bro
Sher, while at play, with 10 pair o
scissors. The little girl thus loses th
sight of one of her eyes for life,
of Kr. Reba Stevent aot her head fasten-
ed between ths bars of e gate the lather day
and was relieved from her perilous position
hy Mr. John T. Fierleaul, Nebo had to use
a omit -Miss Belle Johnston, of Winghitm
was called to Loneleaboro, last week, to
take her sister's taboo', who Is As
soon as her Baiter is able to teetone her
defies, Miss johneten will attend the
Clinton model for the Preeent teria.-Mr.
Gordon Ruda, from Michiette, was present
at Mr. Henry Oole's marriage in Irelaod
some 55 years ago.
jelie Preeter hart gone to
TorouteAs a delegate for tbe Ka 0. T. 01,
of this piece to a achool of inatructioe.-
Meesre. 3. Eilber ,on have troProved
their etore by a new front. --Our campers
have returned home from Grand Bend
after spending an enjoyable week.-11Irs
Eli Lemon is on the sick list, ana we
hope 0000 to hear of her speedy recovery.
-Miss Ida Flynn and alies 13, Bornhett
have gone to London to work. -Our town
abotild be well enpelied with tlressine,kere,
Mesa Maggie lalansmp has started one in
tit Tricket shop, -Mrs. Jae Heist and
daughter have returned home from a
isit to Elkton, Miele, formerly their
81410.-MieS Morrison is vitiate at Mr.
ohn Keys fat a len, weeks. --Mr: Matt.
lorlook has moved to Shipest. to take
harge of the store lately owned hy his
n Thelma -Mr. O. Zueile has moved
to Mr. Matt Morlock's honie.-Our town
as quite lively one day last week, the
as men were on sitikoe-Coon hunting is
I the rage bare. The beys have cap -
red no less then fifteen thie •season.-
r and Mrs Yager, of Berlin, are visiting
Mr I Smithai -A. Dumber from here
tended the epotte held in Exeter last
anday, They report having spent an
joyable time -Mr virm Lewis 'tools in
uck shooting at Grand Bend on Monday
st. Ere hao the leek to bag three of
Coes Wolfs while unloading a
ad of truss the other day had the ref
nuts to let one fall on his foot. Be is
• at re esent nurexce et lame leg,
°Y-31 mer aSb te reasPrpi il nar: ei2nu.ail: e's118e961.es
8 meeting read and signed. G Brown was
a appointed coIleotor, same salary as last
, year.
d Efieks-Schwitzer-Thst Reeve and
r Treasurer be empowered to borrow Burn-
. client money to pay running expenses till
f texas ate aveilable.--Carried.
e After payieg the following ordeal the
council adjourned to meet again the first
Monday in October at 10 o'clock, p.
Omens :-5,alcOoroaick, com, $1 25; 0
Bear, coffin, $22 83: W E Sanders. com
St 50: la Hoffman, le ota. 4 con, $1 50: A
Hedging, rep scraper, $1 60:0 T Morlook,
nails, $2 20: Mrs _Newcombe, 52: Eag-
ltson $8: A Harris, $7: 2 Keligallen, rep
out, e2i2 Bossenberry, gravel to road to
Take, 510. W Eton, grovel, 510 96; H
Zeren, axing briege, $1; Thos Neil, rep
cal Biddulph boundery road, $2; P Felber
rep oul, C R, 50. 1 R,ollins, grarel,
$4.0, R MoPhetson, cedar posts, $1 50, W
n' graveling683a3L
.PaY, Clerk.
Some time ago a horoe wag impounded
in a Ellenshard ponied and sold by allot -tat
to Mr. Kitkby tor 512, A mate pained
Moran of Stratford (same along in a few
lays afteewarde ana claimed the horse,
and in tome way got possession of it
without paying either the pound charges
or the $12 for which the horse was Bola.
A warrant was lesued against Moran and
Chief taitehell captured him in Stratford,
fie was tried hero hefore Elie Worship
Meyer Moecrip and J Chalmers, Esq, J
I?. on Thursday, on a charge of stealing
She laoree. After bearing the evidenee
merlin was diecherged there being some
irregelerity In the sale of the animal by
the pound keeper We suppose the
township will rimoup Mr. K. for his loss.
Ie the mcont tug-of-war at Hamilton
there ea e three pulls of eve minutia
titration each, The first pall went to
Btrton iolveship and the eocona to Zorra.
The third was a Doll for life or death
RSIS were f a lath were determined to
man Bet retailer If them did win. If
reenIteci 01 s dead heat, leaving the
nranhet of pray, Neel to each team. The
Z eats were ,bort of good man.
Sonocut Renee, -The August report
for S. 8, No 2. Hay, is as follows ;-
V leofe4, F Chapman ; IV-V ME
Russell, blora t Northoott, J Todd ;
Is -1,1117e hY1,(x41, v °NIT el col 't Jsie G,1arnMeoso
Northcott, Ethel 'ffI Northeett, Martha
Jackson part 11 Louise Annstrong,
Luella Vfunn, Frankie Northcott; first
part -,Trio R Jae Briotoell,
Reggie 8 itherhy.
Don't Tooaceo Spit or Smoke
Your Life A. -way
Jo the trutheil, startlieg title of a book
ebent No-To-teee th harmless • guaran-
teed tobecoo habit ogre that bracise sip
nicotieized nerves; eliminates the elootine
polite°, miadta witak melt gain strength,
vigor mid re .ehood. /tat ena n phyeioal
or fine,noial riek, as No-TceBao gold
unaet patentee to eere or money refund.
ed. Book fele. Acl Sterling Remedy
Co., 874 8. Paul St, Montreel
iteuteerrs ego tut Ituattee.
haNvougaittee,trtsbei,d 1,41,,tot tt onaad8rodittmotathWinitusat70150ti
wines went induce enithotaty disete tit
eisulptllf;tht"attedn, totel;iatslO
• Blyth
Barexs.- Mr William Shane left here
oe Friday on a visit to his 000-m.law,
Mr. A. W. Belfry, formerly of thus town
but now of Montreal.- Mr, Harry
Kelly returned on Friday from a visit
to the Old Country. -A large number
of our citizens took advantage of the
cheap excursion to Dettoit on Saturday
gotten up by the L. 0, of W"ingbatn.
Monday being Labor Day our foot ball
team and a large number of our sport-
ing fraternity took in the sports at
lirnaSels.--Elarvest operations are
about through in thia section ot the
country. --The convention of the Ep:
worth League Society is being held in
She Presbyterian church of this town
for two days, Tuesday and Wednesday.
On Sunday morning the annual harvest
thanksgiving service wi I be held in
Trinity Church. Rev. Rural Dean
Hotigins of Seaforth will olliciate ant
preach. The women of the church
are busy decoratiog the edifice for the
occasion. A special offertory will be
taken up at the close of service.
Grand Bend.
Banies,-Farnters are very busy fin-
ishing up the oat harvest as the weath-
er has been favorable the last fetv
days, Threshing has a so been busily
engaged in, and the crops are yielding
good. --Miss Annie Edgerton of De-
troit., is visiting her friends here and
is looking web . --Mr. Alyward of Park
hilt, left here on Monday atter spend-
ing a very pleasant time on thta 01S>S
of Lake Huron, -11,1r. Mills, of Park -
sill, preached in the Methodist church
here on Sunday evening, he has &leo
been spending some days at the lake.
Chartee Bfaeson'e fifth son is ly.
ing dengerouely 101 watt nfO toernetion.
It !teems doubtful whether he will re-
cover. -The camping season is draw-
ing to a close as the scaools hay
commenced again , -Mrs. Williams
eta family of London, were emote;
the last to leave, Mrs William Dike
le still here. -Some of the farmers
have oetamenced te iiow their fall
wheat and the land works fino after
having so much rein. • At unustiel
thing at this seeson of the yea,r, tfilrs
Evertewnene We Go jneeph Gill and daughter intend via.
eve lila some one who has beet tiarettl Wog the Toronto fair next week, -
by froocl'd BartsPaaillit' 805 People 051 aIFl There was a. large picnio here on Fri -
eau& ere praeene this gnat medicine or day No, end a loyely day they had,
what it has done for them arid their
friends. Teem in time Ilood'e &moraine,
preveutti geriouts illettee by keeping the
blood pure and alt the ennuis in a healthy
condition.. 1515 the great blood purifier,
the water was beautiful an they
seemed to enjoy the boating; and the
small ones were here on Saturday, but
the Weather Weal rou g
Go. E, Whipper of VitestAsicl, Mass.,
Roods Pills became i1i favorite oath- who it, fhb gun at the tesoatoo hetet
artis With ovorY one who triee them. ?So, says bo was robbed of 2300 at Niagara Fallpor s
box. • Ont., while theugieg ettre at that plata° Oh
JS, D, 0, for Ileartbiire arid emir etemeoh Setneday night.
„.; Zigh Time
/on understood that we are cei-
ling Men's and Boy's Ready-to-
wear Clothing cheaper than they
have ever been sold in Exeter.
Bell/re it is too late, avail your-
self of one of •our cheap Ready-
made Sults.
Highest price paid for Butter
DEPOT. la or..w
Iffiddleseee Cioun.-ty Notes,
Parkhill's tax rets that year is 24a piffle.
Lunen High School opened with over
80 pupile.
Three Store housea for Grain are en
the course of erection in Lucan. •
Hugh Roes, Etna Willieme, showed last
week a corn stalk which meaeurea 11 feet,
941 inches.
D. F. Stewart's delivery Ilona, Ailsa
Craig, ran away the other day and de-
molished the rig. The driver Was thrown
Letters have been reoeived by roomy
there from the Bev. It. R. Shrew, who to
gall la the old land. No people could be
more anxioue thee the people of Lucent
for his safe return.
Thomas Mathews, the Parkhill youth
charged with theft, was befere Judge
Edward Elliot Friday to elect trial, but
was not prepared, aud was remanded till
Wednesday. (yeeterday )
Tames Biala°, o wasuanster,
died on Saturday last at the are of 105
years, Five claildren ettryiere her, the
eldest of whore 0s69 years, She was born
in Scotland and with her husband came
to Canada in 3831, •
Mr. Dan Grey, of Lobo, met with a ser-.
lions seeiaent 011 Thureday; he wee driving t
the team attached to a threshing raaehine
into tbe bern of Mr. L. Sinclair, when
the oarriera eaught the eceffelding which
fell on him and kis team.
Rey, Geo. Darr left Lieury on atenclay
to spend a few weeks in 1/11uois, and to
attend the M. E. conference to be held
shortly at Ann Arbor, Miela, after whiola
• he will resume his studies at the North.'
western University, Evenston
A young man named 0. Dwyer of Ducar',
had a narrow eeceme one warning /est
week at he was about to board the 7.30
morning train for St. Marys. He Ives
thrown a number of yards alighting on
his head and was 'bawd up in a
dazed state.
Durr Bros.' apiary, Lieury, consising of
about 90 colonies'is yielding a very poor
orop of honey this year, Other bee-
keepers in tbis locality have he,d a eirailar
experience. The great shortage in the
honey crop is largely attributed to the
very heavy frosts and dry weather which
foilowed in the early pert of the season.
Luke Jeffriee of the London constabul-
ary was disoharged from the force on
Saturday for using his office to extort
money arongfully from innocent persons.
He arrested a, young man aud lady and
on payment of 530 by the mote mare they
were released. The young man then laid
She charge of false arrest against the on-
A sad drowning accident moaned an
Kennebscan's River Saturdaa evening.
Rey. Mr. Dewdney, rector of St, John's
Episoopal Church- St. Sohn, l'sTs Band nis
wife and four children went out in a tail
beet. Shelves struckby a emaill and capsiz-
ed. All were resorted except e nine month'e
old child.
From various reliable gources in Man-
itoba and the North-West Terrace fee it has
been learned that this year% crop will be
the greatest iu the history of the country.
Maseru. Clark and Bready, two experts,
who have alit returned from a trip over
the Pembina branch, Ray nun the returns
will be enorneme. Seperintendent Van-
dersliee, of the Northern Pacific, taps that
everywhere, along ids Hue the returns are
exceeding the most sangniae expectations.
TITS Pnwatieriatoe or Vellum Cola-mei:1v
Perigt1 'co Resuree Ler-toner ProlVr 'TUE
8,1001,1AN; iMiche Septt2-Detore are
beginning to tarn their atteution more ex-
clusively to the 8511808 for the great in-
orease of which are known, femete torn -
plaints during the peel ten years, and • to
the remedies of the aaiee. • able, east&
beve been invetaiiicited, arid eaneng °there
that of Mrs. Emmy, of Ashland, Wig .
who was caved of this forth of trouble by
the use of a Itidnev medicine known. ae
Dodd's Kidney Pine which origtnatea
Canticle but has now'beceme widely knoint •
and used thtoeglioat the 'Mestere abase,.
This end the similar °SAVA go to show
Shat theta ttoahlee ere largely dee to the
kidney.e and that the shoos mentionedmre-
y likely to have a great efrecti ,
lessening the nurnber of viable:le to this'
form of eomplaint.
A. Chttre for Deafniesm,
Iibero havo boon Many toroarkabto Ohre
of floarnosa made by tha 1580 Of XtagYarira
Yellow Oil, the great hoasehold rebutdt
for pain, indasonation end oreteers. •
Yellow 011 etitestheettettleiti,SereThrottit
Mitt titutio Mitt VII hOofht thiernhay ah,1
externally tot al( »goo 'it 1