The Exeter Times, 1895-8-29, Page 4The Mo!sons Bank ((MARTI:3W1) ISY PARLIAMENT, nee/ Po Wren Capteal $2,000,000 Irest rand - L000,000 Head Ofnee, Moutreae. WeLrelllee'Ale TITOMAS,_ „Eve, Gineellen ALAOTAGIsit Money aavancea to good. farmers on their Own Ittite with one oe mere o oiso b7 per pont, Exeter Branoh. 0,13011 (were lawful day„from mon to pan 'SA",r111iDAYS, 10 a.m, to1 p.m. Curreet roses intereet allowedon depons D.HURDON, Mariager. Establisnea in 1877 15, S, vrtn:EL BANKER, EXETER, ONT Transacts a generalbankinzbuainesa, Reoeives the Acooteits of 1vIerobanta and Others onfavers.ble terms. Offers every accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking prineiples. Interest allowedon deposits. Drafts issued math' at any office o the Merchants Rank, NOTES DISCOUNTUD, and Moo LOAN' o NOTES and 111ORTGA.GES. 811.7=6110[711911.10.91.11111dISAIMM eg. THURSDAY, AUGUST, 23th, 1895. Notice to TlinetaReaders. Thipublishers would esteent it a favor if readers would,when making their purchases, snention that they saw the merchant's adv. tisement in Tere Times, ,NOTES ANL) COMMENTS The British Commissioners af Lun- stcy report an increase of 2,014 lunatics during the last year. It is said the in- crease is confined wholly to the pauper and criminal Glasses. This is another argument for the adoption of regula- dons for preventing the marriage of these classes. M. Laurier's PositlOm --- (Toronto Star, Indepeudent Liberal.) lf one thing more thau another stamps Me, Laurier as DO worthy of elle Presnierehip of Canada it is the policy of fearful incleeision on the Manitoba school question, He spoke again last night, ridiculed the actien a the Govern- ment in re very interesting way, and wound up by saying that the difficulty weld be amicably arrangea by an able statesman. , No one, however, has yet been, given any pro ef that Mr, Leerier is that kind ot a person. He has shown' :time and again that he is a partizan politician. He is a very admirable member of Par- liameet, with a gift at saying nice things to every person that approaches him, but surely when a num fails to speak mit and let the publio know what he thinks, and where ho stands he has. very little individuality and little claim, to admiration, and is an un- worthy successor of such Liberal leateer s as Baldwin, Brown, Blake and Mao. kenzie. err. Laurier prides himself on being. a British eubjeet and clams to be a politician of the English salmi, but he should remember that the little games In which he is indulging and priding himself on now has not a semblance of British or Canadian statesmanship. Every successful English statesman, either in the Opposition or in the Ad- ministration, copes with his opponenb by defining clearly the policy which he advocates. The Canadian people are not fiokle, and do not change unless somethieg is to be gained. Mr. Laurier asked them to support him in a policy which has no features, and in which he has not sufficient confidence to announce it. It is the.boast of Chief Justice Mere. aides Meads that ea a leader in the Opposition he did much to direct the legislation in the Ontario Par- liment EThis is as it should be,for every member of tbe Parliament has a duty to perform. Mr. Laurier, in the present case at least, gives the country little opportunity of having confidence en- ough in hirn to make him Premier or admiring hint as leader of the Oppo- sition. XXX Ottawa Citizen: Mr. Laurier in his Speech at Sorel said he would rather have an American dollar than a British shilling. What did the phrase maker mean by this invidious expression ? England bought last year of our goo ds to the extent of $60,000,000; the Uni- ted States to the extent of $30,000,000. Which was our best commercial friend? x x 'Under the revised Ontario Act to se. cure to wino and children the benefit a life inaurance, as amended by late legislation, the insured has no power to declare by his will that others than those for whose benefit he has effected the policy or declared it to he, shall be entitled. to the insaranee money, nor to apportion it among others than those for whose 'benefit he has effected. the policy or declared it to be. This is the tenor of a decision of the Court of Chancery., x A commission has been looking into the standard of edncationalism in the Ottawa separate schools, where mem- bers of an order known as Christen Brothers were in charge. The Citizen says the work done by these teachers is deplorably inefficient; the text booke are poor, dear and numerous, and in flee French schools no attempt is made to instruct children in English. Such a report should have some weight with Hon. G. W. Ross, the Ontario Alin- ister of Eclacation, who appears to have been blind to these charges so frequent- ly made. c.xx Prosperity so conspicuous and wide- spread as to be observed afar off is the only emigration. policy which will be of the slightest use to Canada. A good crop safely harvested and sold at prices which put everybody on the road to wealth is all the immigration policy thatManitoba needs. No policy can conceal the prosperity of a country. And if the substance of prosperity, be lacking, a country cannot be filled up by the attractive power of its shadow. It will be no trouble to get more people into Manitoba and tbe Territories when the people who are there are prosperous enough to excite the envious notice of the world. Wild horses will not keep people away from Canada, when this country is notably prosperous, and no immigration policy can drag people here if prosperiby be not writ large in the circumstances of the Canadian people. x x x Manitoba expeots this harvest to yield, a sarplus of thirty million bushels of wheat, and at 50 Cents a bushel _tint the harvest would be worth fifteen reiee lion dollars in enoney to the province. Among three hundred thousand peo pie fifteen million et,,Ilars is a good deal of money. If the crop be not over es- timated the price of fifty cents per bus- hel is not excessiye, mid, the result. fif- teen million dollars, would give five hundred dollars per head to every man, women: and child of the population. The crop on a hundred acre farm, bear- ing forty bushe's to the Acre, would be worth two thousand dollars. Consider- ing that hundred acre farms are coni- , gie pavan/ate i scarce n arinoha, where farmers think nothing of seediug dowa two huriched acres in wheat, it is easy seeing how fast ;rain must run into money when di e crop is harvested be. fore frost, and prises range from fair to good. The best is what you wept when you are in need of a medicine. Tina?! is why yoti ehount int upon Iloodel Sarsapa• ella. liranttord'e poptilatioo increased over 50e during the' year, It is reireeaffunaliy Meted (het cholera bees beau bercitted loto Galicia, from ItussiemPeeeed, Where it is widely pre - Hon. Mr. Laurier still harps upon the decline of 15 per cent. which he says there has been in the value of farm lands in Ontario, as a coneequence of the National Policy. Perhaps he will try to explain the fall in such values under "free trade as it is in England." A cable despatch says :-- “A remarkable inatanee of the depressed condition of English agriculture mu:erred at the sale of Langdon Abbey on Thurs- day, when 639 acre e ot land, with farm house, stabling, homestead, and seven modern cottages, only realized $28,500, 'Fifteen years ago the property was valued at $100,000, and four yeara ago it was actnally mortgagee. for $70,000. Here is a problem which will keep Mr. Laurier up nights to cipher cut If the N. P. is blameable for depressing Canadian farm lands 15 per cent. in the selling price, as he alleges, during the pad fifteen years, what degree of blame shall attach to -free trade for depressing the selling prices of English farm lands in the same period by from 0100,000 to $28,500 ? x x x THE EXETER TIIVIES„,, Th s IgetteSt News, The Slutinreeks defeated Cornwall 8 games at Montreal, .11.4. John Cullen, of Kingsteeecom- witted. el-04de by hanging, _ Mr. William George of London fell dead on the street, Monday, Grace Newman, of Tritverston, committed enicide by jumping into the Detroit River, Mr. Simms Buries 0.1: Hamilton was killed by an & D. train, and an inquest will be held. Railway construction in the Unit- ed States Since the lst of Jan -any last aggregates 182,138 utiles. The Quebec Bank has •entered an action againgt F. T, Stewart, broker Toronto, for $15,878 for a debt. Mr, H. M. Stanley has declared_ in the Imperial House of Commons that Egypt should be evacuated. Harvesting continues under favor- able conditions in 'Manitoba and some phenomenal yields are report- ed. The Government at Ottawa es pre- paring for a general election, and it is believed the extra session will be very short, Sir Herbert Murray, British Com- missioner, is demanding „repayment of the advances made last Whiter to Newfoundland fishermen, Taking the world over, there is an Charles Pearce, dry goods, Sea- average of one death and one and a forth, is offering to compromise. A.. quarter births per second. Only one - j. Eyiens, builder, Kincardine, has half of all who are born into the assigned to J. Stewart. world live to the age of 1.7 years. It is hinted from Winnipeg that The approaching marriage is an - Premier Bowell and Premie i Green- flounced of Chas. Beal -Mien, cousin of H011. Lotus 13eaulnen, Minister of Agriculture of the Province of Rue - bee, and Miss Julie Anna Casgrain, daughter of L. 0. A. Casgrain, of Windsor. ' The contract for the mason work for the Burlington bridge at Hamil- ton has been awarded to Geo. F. Webb, of that city. The plans show a very substantial and comely struc '- ture which; from appearances, may costfrom $30,000 to $40,000, The United States Treasury De- partment,has decided that materials used in tne construction of the new suspension bride at Niagara Falls op to the United States shore may be imported from Canada free of duty. Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, presi- dent of the Grand Trunk Railway., now at Montreal, is to be married early in November to the Hon. Vio- let Mostyn, eldest daughter of the late Hon. G. C. Mostyn and the Hon -Mrs. Mostyn, and -sister of Lord Vaux of Harrowden. The Barber Company greatly in- creased their force of men in London Friday morning, and are rushing the work along, withallpossible speed. The concrete foundation for the street railway tracks is being laid, the stone for which- is being crushed in the yard at the corn,er of Well- inaton and York streets. r. John A. Fleming, Mosa town- ship, River Road, lot 26, leas a freak of nature in the shape a a big po- tato, grown as a sextette -there be- ing six distinct murphies in a bunch, five of them SUIT011/10iLlg a • sixth of an enormous size. The potato,.. or rather group of potaeees, weighs 1,e pounds. . , ,„,e • Arthur -Dicks, who" is in Toronto jai/ awaiting trial On a charge of murdering his Wife and burningtheir house on St. Helen street to cover the crime, has failed in health owing to the confinement and anxiety, and from a heavily built man, has wast- ed to a little over 100 pounds. It is 'said his health is so bad that he may not live to see the trial. -Mrs. Alex. Chisholm, 'en aged widow lady, who lived alone with an un- married. sister, MisaFraser, at Will- iamston, was accidentallelburned to death Friday evening. Miss Fraser was ill in bed, and leers. Chisholm was in the kitchen ligheing the lamp, when her clothing caught fire, and before assistance arrived she was so terribly burned that she °illy breath- ed a few minutes. Mrs. John Minnie, who resides with her husband in a building op- posite the M. C. R. station,. St. Tho- mas, was arrested Monday afternoon on -the serious charge of having drawn a revolver and threatened to blow the brains out oterrs. nee lefiSS Ida Oke, who, resides in the same building: Mrs. minnie has been keeping a boarding house, and is highly respectable, but, net - withstanding this she was committed be jail. She denies the charge. The Canadian Bankers' Association of Winnipeg has received the re- mainder of the crop setienates. The 'average crop of wheat...0'27.09 bushels to the acre. The total estimated yield in Manitoba is., as follows: Wheat, 30,890,976 bushele; oats, 23,- 988,102 bushels; barley, 6,758,221 bushels; total, 60,636,402bushels. The reports from the Canadian Pacific _Railway in Manitoba and the North- west show that the crop is new safe from all danger. - The Goclench Signal and the citi- zens committee of that town are con- sidering a somewhat extensive elect- ric railway scheme. The scheme is a radial line north to Dungannon, thence to Wingleamato Brussels, via the boundary between Turnberry and Morris, and the gravel road be- tween Morris and Grey, thence to Seaforth and to Bayfield via Bruce - field and Varna, finally making the complete circuit by returning to Goderich by the Lake Shore Road. Tuesday night the barn of George Hutchins, near Huntsville, took fire from the bursting of a lamp. Mr. Eltitchins' son and two other boys event to the barn to sleep, and when blowing out the lamp if, b -est. They need allendeavors to smother the , flames, but without avail. One of the boys named Alvin Joyce, about 14 years, perished in the flames, and itsr.Hutchins was very badly burned, and is hardly expe,ctecl to recover. His season's bay and , implements were burned. No ineurance. There seeMs to be, no reason to doubt any lopger that President Cleveland has aspirations for a third term. The talk about his cleshe in that direction has been general for the 'last few months, but no verifi- cation of the reports eould be secer- e,d. Miring the last few days sever- al Democrats of national importer:ice Alia reputation have been Newleork and in talking with them a Teibune reporter gleaned enough to wartant the assertobe that a concerted effort, evill positively be made to nominate The collapse of the iron frame work of a buildingin process of erection in New York, end the death of fifteen men in the ruins, has raised a serious quest- ion ae to whether architects should not be licensed. The cost of the building which collapsed was $60,000. According to the scale of rates. thoroughly com- petent New York architect would • have charged three per cent., or $1,800, for supervising the work. A gentleman who gained his knowledge of architec- ture by inspiration, and not by study, undertook to supervise the work for one per cent. To save $1,200, the owner entrusted the work to this amateur.. A law compelling all archi- tects to qualify for licenses by a course of study and to allow no unlicensed architect to supervise the erecting of a large building might conflict with the dislike of monopolies. This happy - go lacky methodof allowing anybody who can get a commission to pay the architect has its dangers, as was proved in New York, where the incompetence of this elleged architect cost fifteen men their lives. crops across the RiVer, in Pike Co- unty, Pennsylvania, sufferee bat Shipments of Ontario cattle are ar- riling in the Northwest. The a R. is restoring its officals wages to the former rate, major Isaac Preston, formerly of plirhain County, died at Vancouver. G, F. Pearson, of Selkirk, was thrown from his horse alV PoSte rester len ight of Swift Cur- ren t dropped (tend while sorting mail. • Norville Tully, a grandson of ex - city Clerk Abbot, ot,' London, was drowned in the Thames. • The Ontario Government Tuesday officially named, North Bay cie tbe county town of Nipissing, Joseph Tanner, Appn, threshed for J. B. Young, 902 bushels of wheat off 30 acres, and.170 bushels of barley oft 6 acres. Judge Horne hes refused the pe- tition to unseat Ald, 'Wear, of Wind- stoiorl,Lon the grinmel that the Return- ing Officer, seconded his Domino,- An inquest held on the body of Mrs. James Mill at Ottawa bronght met medical evidence to the eftect that she died. from neglect on the part of the midwife. County °facers' Fees. The report of the inspector of legal offices for Ontario for 1894has just been issued by the department at Toronto. The return of fees and emoluments of the county judicial officers of Huron shows the following amounts received; Gross Net Income, Income. Sheriff... ,, . .$2,769.26 $968.18 Surrogate Judge.. .793.00 793.00 Master in C/hancery;1200.00 1200.00 Co. Atty. and Clerk of Peace.... -1673.85 1311.30 Meek of Crown, Co. C'etOrk&Sur.Reg. 3199.70 ' 2494.40 The West Moreland election was held Saturday and resulted in the election of Powell, Conservative, by a naajority of 720 votes. The election was necessi- tated by the appointment of Mr. Wood, the foireer member, of the Senate. Much bitterness marked the short cam- paign, and both sides allege bribery. THE MISSION FIELD IN FAR ALGOMA. TelF, MISSIONARY'S COMPANION, , Mr. Geo. Buskin, miesionary for the In- ternational Miksion to Algoma and North Wet attribtites his escape if0/13 severe 414. nets throtagh summer eomplaints to the timely use af Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, He writes as follows: "I wide to my that Dt. Fowler's I./street of Wild Strawberry has been to int a won. derail, soothing, speedy and effectuel rem- edy. It has been my companion for sev- eral yeato during the Iaborg and el:pee:nes of nay mlimitmary work in Algoma. Well it is for old and eciung to heve it in store against the thee of heed which so often emus without werning. Yours truly, GEO. BUSKIN, Miesionary, way may meet and make some set- tlement of the school problem. • The marriage of President Sir Charles Rivers -Wilson of the Grand Trunk and Hon. Violet Moetyn is announced to take place in Novem- ber. T. H. Housser, manager of the Massey -Harris Oompany. Works, of Brantford, was presented Saturday' evening -vvith an address and. a gold beaded cane by the employes of the firm thee. The Superior of the Christain brothers refuses to consent to the re- forms recommended in the Ottawa Separate Schools, and the resigna- tions of the Brothers will probably, be asked. for. Wheat was finn early on Satur- day in Chicago on better cables, but the clearances showed a large de- crease and the market closed ec low- : 0 er for September nt 61 7 Sc, against 66 1 -2c a week ago. • The case of Ohristian Erb, charged with putting ground giass in the family soup, occupied the attention of the Stratford police court since Thursday, and resulted Monday in dismissai of the case. A body was found floating in the St. Lawrence River, near the Mon:. tread. Cotton Factory, Friclay,and in- vestigation showed. that it was that of 0. Gularneau, a store -keeper who has been missing for over a week-. The case against Frank Hessen, the Buckingham stage driver, for ut- tering countefeit money, was dis- missed by Recorder Champagne at Ottawa yesterday, The evidence was not considered sufficient to convict. Weak cables and heavy Russian receipts of wheat with the prospects, of an increase of 1,000,000 bushels in tbe world's visible supply of wheat, depressed the market in Chtcago, Monday, and September wheat dos- ed there lc lower at 61 ec. The -Windsor Finance Committee met -Monday and openedtenders for, the New Water Worke, clebenturee of one hundred. thousand dollars. Hume, Brown & Co., of Toronto, of- fered a premium of 60525, Windsor delivery, which was accepted. The sheds at the Agricultural Grounds, Belleville, were burned shortly after midnight Sunday. The property is owned by the Free- hold Loan Company of Toronto. Loss, $2,500; covered by insurante in the Lancashire. The London Cheese Board meeting on Saturday was very quiet, the at- tendance and the number of boxes boarded being small. Of the 2,855 boxes offered 1,040 weresold-Roger- ville, 160 ® 7ec; Cedar Vale, 50 at 8c; -Union Hill, 275 ® 7 9-160; Sombra, 130 riec; Sif ton's 415 @ 7 11-16c. The little 2 -year-old son of W. D. Beattie, farmer of Essex, while play- ineso• about 9 o'clock 1VIoncla,y morning, fell through a small opening intie -well twelve feet deep. The child was found about a,n hour after the accident floating in a foot of waten • The remains of the late Dr. Sohn McConnell, Supreme Sword Bearer of the Independent Order of Fores- ters, who died suddenly while at- tending the Supreme Court in Lon- don, Eng., arrived in Toronto from. Montreal Saturday morning. The wall of a building on St. Cath- erine street, Montreal, Occupied by W. H. Stewart, fine footwear, fell in Friday, carrying .the upper floors with it and compfetely wrecking the store. Fortunately there was no one in the builcling at the time or there inioht have been serious loss of life. in. Douglass one of the best and most successfull farmers in theiCouns ty of Brant, died Moncla,y, aged 78.' years, aftee an illness of some two months. Decea,secl was a native of Scotland, and settled on the Grand River 55 years ago. He was well known all over the Province as a breeder and. importer of Shorthorns. Crown Attorney Clark, of' Wind- sor, has received the evidence taken, at the coroner's inquest on the body of A. F. Walker, of Guelph, who was found -in the river near Arnherstburg two weeks ago. The jury found thet Walker was murdered, and if the Crown Attorney finds that the ver- dict was justified by the evidence he will give the case to the detectives. Tbere have been twenty-four days of racing at the Windsor track up to - Saturday night, and 872 horses have competed for the Money bung up by the association; $28.850 has beeregiv- en the owners of horses and sixty- eight stables have taken the money in the 1'24 races PIM ill all 851 hor- ea leave taken part in the Vitees and fty-seven -jockeys have ridclen over the track. A heavy 'frost prevailed around Port Servis, N. Y., Thursday morn- ing, The corn crop in scyeral dis- tricts in Sullivan County is ruined, as thin ice formed, Damage is also reported in the Valley down theriver in Suesex CoUnty, N. as well as over the nionntain in, the town of and elect Mr. Cleveland for a third Dlstriquiaon of Seed for TestIng Purposes, ----- In the eollowing table will be found two sets of whiten, wheat varieties, which will be sent free, by tea' in half -pound. lots ef each , variety, to farmers applyin,„0. for thelyo, -vi-ho will carefully test the five kinds in the set which they choose, and will re- port the results after harvest next year. The seed will be sent out in the order in which the applications are received. as long as the supply lasts, Set 1. -Dawson's Golden Chaff, Early Red Clawson, Jones' Winter Fife, Surprise, Ameeican Bronze. Set 2.-DaWson's Golden Chaff, Early Genesee Giant', Pride of Gene- see, Bulgarian, Jones' Square Head, Each person wishing one of these sets should write to the Experiment - Agricultural College, Guelph, mentioning which set lie desires; and the grain, with the instructions for testing, and blank form on which to report, will be furnished free of cost to his address, until the supply of grain for distributing become ex- hausted. 0, A. ZAVITZ, Experimentalist and. Director of • co- operative experiments in aericril- titre. • Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, A•ugust 22nd, 1895. -- BRIEFS. -Miss Maggie Poreerfielcl, who has been spending her stunmer holidays at her home at Belgrave, returned on Saturday to open the 'school on Monday. --Mr. Wm. Mc - Pinsky, Principal of the public school here, took a trip to England during leis holidays and reports avery pleas- ant voyage. -Mise Annie Whiddon leaves this week to attend the Busi- ness College in London. -Dr. A. Rutledge, wife and family, of Moose- mirn,Man., are the:guests of the Dr's mother, Mrs. Rutledge. -Mr. D. M. McDonald, wife and family, of Rip- ley, who have been •visiting at Mr. John Whiddon's, iesterned home on Saturday last. -Mr. Harry King left for Manitoba last week. -Mrs. (Dr.) Wright and children, of Tottenham, are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Jewett -41r. Chas. Simons has purchased from Mr. as, Gardner the lot adjoining the Metho- dist parsonage on Louise Street, and intends building a dwelling house on it in the near future. -Mr. Jas.Ingles of Witigham, is a guest at the River Hotel this week. -Mr. Thos. Jackson, jr., of Clinton, spent Sunday in town. -A, number ot our sports took in the lacrosse match at Seaforth last Friday and report a good game. -Miss Beta, Stanbury left on Mon- day to attend the High School in Clinton. -On Monday evening the band serenaded Mr. Chas. Simons, where a pleasant evening was spent. -A grand concert tinclee the auspices of Bayfield Brass Band will be given in the Town Hall on Friday evening August 30th. A first class program of songs, re,citatieras, etc. Among those expected to take part are Mr. Wm. McLeod, Seaforth, the well known comic Singer and dancer, also Messrs. R. Downs; Holloway and 'Foster, of Clinton, and 'Vas. R. B. J. Stanbury, Miss Fairy Morgan and other local talent. This will no doubt be a grand -concert. Doors open at 7.30, concert at 8 o'clock, p. m. Admission 15 Cents. Orange Coutity. The terns Hay Corneae, Milertel Q. - 0011110i t itet pUrSUailt, to adjournmeet on Augusb 20th, An mernbers present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of lust meeting read, and approved. -Moved' by U. Turnbull, seconded by M. Geiger, that Wm Caldwell be notified by the Clerk to remove obstructions and dam placed in E branch of Hay swamp drain by him and others, at once.-Wfoved by M. Geiger, wended by R. Turnbull that the following aocounte be paid vie ,'-- Dan Schaefer, Conamission•er 3, B, $12.5g; Mrs. Zimmer, charsty, $16; Timis Smith, charity? $7,5Q; Mrs. House, charity, $5; Sas, Green, work on bridge C. R, $9.25.'Sam Dietz, do $'2.50; Wm. Blackwelldo P.75; Henry Ilse nails do 25c; Redgus Denomy rep bridge L. R„ $1.50. -Moved by W. B. Battler, seconded by A. G. Ehnes that this council de now adjourn to meet again on Monday September, 30th at 10 o'clock a m. Filen Hos, sr. Clerk. Bowes. -Noah flantzburger, of Washington TerrAory, was th e guest of Gideon Bechtel, one day. lateliy.-Samuel 13ael of London, was renewing acquaintances here one day last week. -J. C. Kalbfieisch has his flax mill running in full blase -Dan COuBin was laid up last week from the effects of a sore arm. -Ellen Johnston, of Drysdale, was in town on Monday. - Al. Steinbach, of Blake, was under the parental root on Sunday.—The barn Which John &Aube is erecting on his farm this-sumraer was raised on Friday of last week, when quite a large num- ber gathiired together from the neigh- boring towns. Fred Siegngr, of Zurich. and JohneLaporte, of this place, were elected captains, sides were chosen and work commenced, Aner a long struggle, John Laporte's side oame out victorious. Mr. Siegner wants to br1Pg better men along next time. Detective Geyer, after a long search has unearthed -the remains of little Howard Pietzel in a cottage occupied by Holmes at Indianapolis. • Prof. john Fletchef of Queen's University has been appointed pro- fessor.in Latin and eer. F. 1. Smale lecturer in chemistry at the Univer- sity of Toronto. mr. David B. moss, aged. 22, of KM- linette village, about six miles west of Cornwall, went to church in Wales Sunday 'night, and after ser- vice started to ride home on the dquble track of the Grand Trunk Railway. monday morning a farmer named Geo. Picks found mr. Moss' 'Way in a culvert, abont a mile west of motilinette. The unfltunate young ma,n probably rode into ,the culvert. The hopeful feature of the situat- ion in the scheduling of Canadian cattle In Britain is that there are in- fluental interests there which are as earnest for the removal of the em- bargo as our own cattlemen. It should be our aim to strengtheu the hands of those men. When inn Long, President of the I3oard of Agriculture, in Parliament the other day said that any general statemeni of the freedom of Canadian herds ,from pleuro -pneumonia was worth- less in presence of the specific reports of the veterinarians of the depart- ment that the disease had been dis- covered among a consignment of Canadian cattre landed at Deptford, 'those who are endeavoring to re- establish the live cattle trade haci no effective rejoinder. J. C. Frevest, Regisrtar of the Su- preme Court, has disappeared from Victoria B. C. Audit of his books is being made. His arrest and cletene„ tion have been ordered, and the Pro- vincial police are endeavoring to locate him. •Light frosts are reported from Novdele, Birtle, Binsearth Langenburg, Salteoats, Yukon, and heavier at Rapid (3ity, Man., where potato 'linen were destroyed a good deal. The impression is that in other places very little damage was done, eeeept at Newdate. The crops are mit to a eon: siderable extent, and as this is all a stock raising country, it not frequently depend- ed ontthe higheet 'rale at wheat. lf any grain 13 very much damaged it w ill be fed to the etock, but a ;great deal of the grain whieh is stilt uncut is beyond any great damage by frost. Thomas Mather'', a laborer, has been committed for trial by Police Magill trate Wells, on s eharge of steeling tem collars and a half bag of oats from George 8, Skinner's laundry in Parkhill. On A ug, Mb Skimmer' place was broken item and e quantity of eldthing teken,and sit °Meer while searching .1thither's place found the eellare and oats, bin tone of the clothing. The accused acknowledged the theft of the Oats, hence the arrest. Mather' was looked up lest November on a chogre of Weeny, and was allowed his freedoro oft mug:ended sentence. R. D.(3 for heattburn h and Sour stomac Ontario Lame- Laws. E. Timely; the recently appointed Chief Game:and Fish Ward en of the Pro - vino, has just had issued, by order of the _Provincial 'secretary, the game lima of the Provinceen pamphlet term. On the front page gives the names and addresses :of the game and fish com- missioners and warderie, which will be found useful for reference in corres- pondence with those officals. The game laws are presented in a very conyenient forme the amendments passed since the consolidation ,of 1893 having been inoorporated with the principal act. The clause from the clause from the municipal Act dealing with the bounty for wolves, and the Insectivereus Birds' • Act in full, are also embraced within the covers. There is in conclusion a well arranged index, .phabetioal1y arranged, whioh renders access easy to any 'particular subject in the law. The general distribution of this:pamphlet among sportsmen:can not but lead to better understanding of the_leve e better observance of it also. Mrs Andrew Denholm, wife of t editor of the BlenheimiNews, died on Tuesday, at Blenheim, We. John Minnie, of St. Thomas, has been arrested on the charge of threat- ening to blow out the brains of mrs. Ballard.(nee Ida Oke), who lives in the same building. eerie minnie denies • the charge. Some spicy revelations are looked for. Israel Splitiog, of Windsor, has taken out a writ against Sol White, ex - se. P. p., claiming $1,400, which he seys he paid White to apply to a mortgage. This, he alleges, was neverelone, arid now he sleeks to re- cover his money. . For $300,000 a year and the com- mercial proceeds a oOMpany is willing to operate a cable between Honolulu and the United States. If the cost will be $300,000 a year greater than the benefits the project cannot be re- garded as tempting. it might be cheaper to move 'the Island within bridging distance. The present county Seat ofo Eseex county is Sandwich. Windsor wants • to be the county town, and has offered 1 to erect buildings at a cost of $100,- 000, to be used jointly by the city and county, and On the latter paying $20,- 000 it will get a deed of half the prop- erty. The Central school site has been chosen. A special meeting of the Essex Clounty Council has been called to coneider the much vexed question of a site for the county ,buildinge. C. B. Cameron, of 0011.1721b119, 0., was found dead in his room at the Weddell House, Cleveland, on Thursday morning. A revolver lay on the Coo, near him. There were els bullet holes -in Cameron's body. Detectives belewe it to be a ease of suicide. Cameron was a high Mason, K. D. C. Pill. tone and regulate ,tbe bowels. . GIANED A POUND EVERY DAY, DYSPEPSIA:AND CA'rARRH OFTHE STO,1VIA0H OUR- . ED BY 13, B.B. AFTER HOPE WAS NEARLY GIVEN UP. .........._ GENTLENIE13,-For over three months I was very ill from what 1 believe was a mal- ignant type of Dyspepsia. I at once con» stilted a pbyeleian who ,treated nit for dyspepsia Without success. then went to a specialist who diagnosed the ease as Catarrh of the Stoniaeli, his treatment al- so failed and I was getting worse every day. I could not rest at eight and had to walk the floor to get any ease. I failed from 195 to 135 pounds and abotii gave up in despair when I heard ot Burdock Bloed Bitters as a remedy fen dpepepsia, The first bottle made a change her •the better, and I bolIght siX More being delighted to find myeelf getting better, tinder the nee of B. B. B. I gained a pound a day: I took 18 bottles in all and am nearly back to mnn y old weighs. el reconend dyepop- tics to try the 014 reliable 13: 13. 13. that always cute*, WM. CAMPBELL4 115 Maple St. Landon, Ora Weak, Tired Nervous Women, who seem to bo all WOrilt out, will find in purified blood, made rich and healthy by Hood's Sariapa-- rilla, permanent relief and stregth. The following is from a well known nurse: have eurrered for years with tenaale complaints and kidney troubles and X have had a great deal of medical advice ^ during that time, but have received little or no benefit. A friend advised me to take. Hood's Sarsaparilla and I began to use it,» together with Hood's Pills. I have real- ized more benefit from these medicines - than from anything elseIhave ever taken. From my personal experience 1 believe' Hood's Sarsaparilla to be a most complete blood purifier." 1YIns. C. OROmPT05, 71 Cumberland St., Toronto, Ontario, Hood's Sarsaparilla I Ps' the Only True lood Purifier - Prominently in the public eye today. Flood's Pills easy to buy, easy to taken- eaey in. effect. 260. VARM. FOR,SALE OR RENT. , farm, being lot 11.0n the 14th eon., of Hilabert township. A good bri ok /louse, and a bank barn, 52 x so, (aew,) Weil fenced and in good state of cultivation. Situated onto mile North of Farquhar, Full particulars OD apD1100Ai0o to HENRY RUNDLE, Lot 3, con, 3,Usborne, Devour. 0. or Exeter P, O. FARM FOR RENT: 1130 acre farra in the township izie McGillivray - being lot 3, con. 4. Theland is in a good state, of cultivation. having been thoroughly under drained the past year. An abundance ot good water; 30 acres ready f or fall wheat. Possess-- ion given Ist August. Apply to PARKER Bhos. Exeter. FOE SALE OalE_ZENT. Shoe shop and dwelliog,2 mores Of orohar. ancr d garden at West 'McGillivray corners. Goo& 1 ocality.no opposition -within 7 miles. A rare' chance for a good man: Terms reasonable., For sale or rent. For particulars apply to. 3t HENRY EILIIEB, Crediton, P. 0. FARM. FOR SALE, - The undersigned offers for sale on easy term?' lotlloon. 11, tp, of Stephen First claw order. Large brick house, kitchen and wood ehed,born and drive -house, orchard, lots or water, well fenced and drained, 'will be sola' °heap. proprietor retiring. For particulars aP1)137 to HENRY EILBER, Crediton„ NNTANTED ITELP.—MEN OR V Women in every looality (local or trav- elling), to introduce a new discoverz, and' keen ouf show cards tacked up on -trees, "'fences and bridges throughout town en& country. Steady employment, Commission, or salary $66 per month and expenses, and; =ones, depost bed in any bank when started. For particulars write THE WORLD EED1OAL* ELECTRIC CO., P. 0. Box 221, London, Ont., - Canada May 16-- ma ARM FOR SALE. Lot 34, Con. 4 of the township dt'Usborne, containing 100 acres, 60 of which erecleared and the rot well timbered with maple and beech; a good frame barn 3fix66 feet, also.' good frame stables and driving shed. A good(' log house and other outbuildinge, large or- chard with plenty of small fruit trees. Thee farm is well adapted for grain or pasturage-. It ie situated on a good. gravel road four miles from the thriving village of Hensel. 1 34 miles from store shops, Post office and church - and 2 miles from school. FOC further par - Unifiers apply to MRS. WM. WOOD, °bled -- hunt P, 0. or MR. WM. MITCHELL, Box 14.- 2m Hensall,P. O. HOU SE OF REFUGE. COUNTY OF HURON. Tenders for Furnishings and Supplies for- tthhaeuRouse of Refuge at Clint.on, in the County-- of Buren; will be reeeived in sealed envelopes addressed to 11,111ilber, Esq., Crediton P. O., marked Tender House of Refuge, not later - SATURDAY, 8EPTI3MBER 21st, I The lowest or allY tender not neoenarila opted. A list of supplies and furnishings a detail and also forma of tender may be ha on application to any of the fdlewitir E033-" sons: 0 SNARL/NG, Wingham. DIvrt. Maroon's., Clinton. T B SAttemnas, Wroxeter. BB GUNN, .Seaforth. ,I.oraos Boons, Bayfield. N H "gonna. 13Ir h. Khan, Brussele. 'Nos Cleamixel• Exeter. PEOLIP Rom,' Goderich. II Bauman, Crediton. Gno itioBwas, Honsall, Whil LANE, GO(10310h, B e.5 Pordwieb, A Y MCDONALD, AU1:011111, H. 'EIDER Chairma n, Dated August 24th, 1895. NOTICE TO_OREDITorzs In the matter of the eetate of Thema'', Werry, the Elder, of the township eV eUsborne, in the County of anion, Yeoman,. an Insolvent, and of the, Revised Statutes of Ontario, chapter' 124, and amending acts. Notice is bereby given that the above nareeet env:event has upon this 22nd dar of Ausus4 1898, exedutod an assignteent to me Of all his eetate for the general benefit Of his creditors. A meetieg of the creditors of the said In-- eolvont will be held on Wednesday, the 21ith, day of August A. D.1895, at the hour of two, o'clock P. ,in the law office of L. It, Diek- eon, in the village Of Exeter, for the putoote- of considering the affairs of tho said estate, and giving directions for its &spoon]. Creditors are roMfired tta file their claims legally verified with rise ot y Solicitor on or Were tbe said 28th day of Ataguet,..1893, and such olitithe shall HOS f orth the nature and, paytiMultitil of the eticiarity ar tearities (if any) bold baethe erediters. AR dahlia againet the eald linoliont noted filed with nae oh or before the 15th of Septem-, bar 1895, Will be barred, SAMITen MARTIX, L10fS DICIte01L Assignee, Aseigae&s Soli alto, Egoter. Exeter.. ,Dated this 7th day of A moue, A D., 1895‘. ease **7