HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-8-29, Page 1ETTJRON MIDDLESEX GAZETTF VOL. XXIII, NO, 2, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29, 1$95 JOHN Weletele ete SONS Fuetelehere and Proprietor:3 R. 3. 111111 00., IATOODHAVI. 4 :The Benda There is to you If you buy these Goods now. -Good”Crash ToWiing„ 5c a yard. k -4o in. all wool Borges, 250 a" , •-WOMOTIS' and ro.i.sses70C Jaais for 25G. -(Special) Fancy Towels (4ox21)., ioc each. C ‘.1-1 ---xeic Ruth Flannel for 9o. 4„, Ask to seethe new AMOrican Baking Pow- I der. Large picture (size 18 x 24 tn.) given Itway with everyean. * .Ordered Clothing. Drop in and - see the elegant .range of Stylish Tweeds, Worsteds and Pantings we are already -showing for the' corning season. '-Our prices are right. R. S. El C)RD &OO, Bruoefield. BB -mew -Wm. Simpson, the other day, out for Mr. Wm. Rettenbury, three acres of holey oats in 3 hours and 15 minuter. e The other day our butchers, Messrs eetlunro and Pelting, dressed a beef in 13 seninutes.--ele. Chas. Wallace, formerly of ,the Brucgsfield Cricket Club, but now of -London, ill their recent match with eChioage, out of the 78 balls which he bowled, rade Il maidens, only allowing the Chicago team to score 10 runa.-Mrs. 'Kennard is elowly recovering, while Jaseeeeurner still, continues in a ,oritical condition.-- The W,F,M. Society of Mahn church shippea last week to Bird Lake, Indian Reeerve, barrels and 'boxes •containing goods to the value of $105.60. -Mr. Samuel Pollock left for Michigan .On Welneeday last Mr. Pollock h now studyinwevith a view of entering the field 'as an evangelist in the fall. -Mrs. Doug. eats, of Heater, h visiting at the American House. -Mr. Wm. Kaiser, formerly Miss Ellen Swan, together with her two daugh: tars, has ieturned to her home in Rio Lake Wieconsin. -Ur. Andrew Murdock, of Chicago, is epending his holidays with his brother, Mr. Robert Murdock, o 'town, Mr. Murder& works in the mantle -department of one of the largest firmin Chicago, at a salary of $5 a day. Blyth Monday oar public schools 'were re-epenea after the summer holidays. -On Monday the regular sitting of tho e 12tlesDivision Courtwas held in. Industry • Hall before his honor Judge Doyle. Sete end cases were brouglik before his honor for disposal. -On 'faraday evening" the regular meeting of the C. 0. F. was hold in Watson's hall. -Mr. J. S. Mc Binnon leeturtaed on Saturday from a three weeks holiday tour in Muskoka reaions, 3. S. sap he enjoyed the trip immense. -On Sunday afternoon the •remains •of Mies Love woe take e fro rn her mother' a rest,dence in town to Clinton cemetery for e• -interment, followed by a loggia number of vehieles and sorrowing friends, Huron Coiserrty N °tee. The °Haan fair will be held on Sept. 24th and 25th. large wild cet was captured near Clinton het week, The Lieut. Goyeruor of Ontario will not open the Clinton lesel Aar as expected. Mr. George Chesney has rented the Wilson farm, adjeining Seafortb, to Ed. ;Fermin. Riohard Alleworth of Godertch (lid on Saturday at the aavexced age of ninety years. - Mint B. Wilson, ofepensell and'friend, were the guests( ot Miss Brogdeu Goderioh on Sunday, Deputyweeve Cantelon and men of Clinton, are buying apples in Prince Edwead county. 3. R. Reid, of Wewenosh, cut from a -field this: week, oats measuring fire feet, five inches. Out of a elearoof forty 'A loyen succeeded in obtaining third elute eettificates Seaforth, Mr,Sowler, of East Wawanosh, father of Mrs Crooks, died suddenly on Wedneeday morning last, Mr. Walter Shillinglaw, of Chieelhurst. threshed 170 buthele of oats from less than two armee. Next! Mr John Rudd, of the Maitland minces - stone Goderith township, continues ill with no signs of improvement, • The Northern Press are of opinion that Thema(' Gibson, Z. P. P. for Beat Huron, will aceede to the vacant Registrar ship. . A few days ago as Tonle Crooks, of Holmesville, was playing sbe was unfor- tunate 10 fall from a scaffold, dislooating her elbow. • The bit in the month of Dr. Bleckall's horse, Galatea, broke the other day, and the animal ran away,throwing the dootor out of the rig. The house ot R. McKenzie, of Varna., was struck by lightning last week and considerably daueaged. Insured in Hay Township Company. It is said that at least three of the newspapers in this county are in the mar- ket for sele ; the newspaper business, like others is much overdone. • Mr. T. E. Hay's has rented his two farms in Maillop. near Seafcath. to the lelessre Strong of Tuelreramith ancl intends going to Seaforth to live. • The orchards along the lake shore seem to have oartiallyescaped the frost and will give 41 fair yield, but those a mile in- land and over are nearly bear of fruit. • It there ever was a specific for any one complaint then Carter's Little Liver Pills are a • specifio for -sick headache, and eyory woman should knowthis. Only one pill a dose. • Harry Hart has leasea McLean's Opera Hones at Godevich for the coming season, and will have it improved and. re-arrangsd in he appointments so as to reface it mere comfortable and convenient, , Mr. Will Jervis has traded bie farm on which be resides on the 12th con., Gods). rich township, to edr. Jetraers Batler, for his farm on the 141h con. Mr, Jervis pays a difference of' about $1,400. • A family gathering was held at Mrs. Woodburn's, 6th con., of Gray, a few diva ago, when about forty people, the child- ren and grand children, assembled. The old lady is past 83 years of age. The annual statement of chartered banks issued by Government. shows. but the following stook held by residents of Goderich. Bank of Coremerce, 192 shares, $9,600; Bank of Hamilton, 3 shares, $300, Henry Hart has leased IVIcresa,n'e Opera House, Goderioh, for the corning season, and will have it imprcyed and re -arrang- ed in its appointments so as to. make it more comfortable and convenient. The home of Mr W. Bowie, 5th con., Hallett, together with the contents was entirely destroyed by aro on Sunday morning, the origin of wheel is a mystery. It is timid thatthe house was insured for Q400 and the contents for $200. Mrs Catharine Craig died at the resid- ence of her son.in-law, Geo. &alert Hullett, tin Sunday. at the ewe oL 90 •yeees. She was relht of the late John Craig, one Of Huron'e Pioneers, who re - aided on the -Bayfield road, south of Clinton. • John Berry of Laoknow met ivith a pain- ful accident on Saturday •lest. When going down it late hill into Kintail, a bolt HAsnsorio FnA.Toass oame out of the chain, winding it around ▪ Sometimes unsightly blotches, pimplco the wheel and throwing him on the herd or sallotv opaque akin, destroys the at- treettiveoees of handsome features. In all / -emelt cases Sciott's Emulsion will build up the system and impart freshness" and beauty. ' Another juror for the Durrant • murder in¼S80Francisco wag excepted on Monday. This makes twelve now in the twee box. The bequeet of J. C. Wilderming, amounting to $400,000, to the Gniversity of California, will be hended over to the • regents at once, It is for the purposes of • egtablishing a echool to teach boys trades by whieb, they can eavn a living with • their bander John Albert Barnes, who testifies that lee married Helen tidith Bolden in To- ronto, Out., May 7, 1888, ie suing for ,divorce in Trenton, N, J. He lute also •thel Frank A Magown, the millionaire rubber manufacturer'arrested on a crim- inal charge in oannection with the niftier, • and is suing Magown ino civil action for e$100,000. • To get relief from indigestion bilious- • nese, oonetipation or torpid liver withoat disturKing the stomach or purging the tbowele, take a few doses of Catter's Little Liver Pills, they will please you. ......**1•1141* i••••••••••••4••••marook • IKTRItT014 Post Office Store •A NEW STOCX RES14 GRO- CERIES OPENED OUT Tux s WrEac. chninn Raisins 5 lbaiot 250 ; Evap- orated Apples, do ; Fine Red Salmon, '2 cans for 215c ; Finnan Baddies, 2 cans for 25b; Fresh Cheese, licts. per ,111. ; out 25c Tea is having a rush. Get Sarno and trylt, Highest price for prodiloe of all kinds, eIntter, Woel and Piekinge. gravel road. lie had his leg and both arms badly cut. Inspector Paisley laid information before Police Magistrate Seeger, of Goderich, last week, againsb Menne Tilt, Marsden and Robinson, of Goderich, for selling liquor in prohibited hours the charge was enstained in each case and a fine of $20 and costs imposed, Dlr. Hardy, the contractor for the Goa borne bridge, hag the work so far al Deuc- ed that he expects to complete it in about a week. The new bridge is about three feet Weer than the old, and is the second longest bridge in the comity, there being 505 feet of straight planking on it. No appetite? Than do not tsy to force food down; but use the most scientific means for restoring tone to the etortmeh, Hoer? Why, by taking Ayer's Sersapar• ilia, and in a surprisingly short time, your appetite will come again, and Setae to stay. . .A very pretty wedding took place no Wednesday lad in Veinthrm, The eon - treating parties were Mr eGeorge A. beird prosperorie young merchant of Crystal. Dakota, and eonnerly of Ethel. al the township of Grey, arid Miss Enpheada, fourth daughter of Andrew Geyer -dock, Esq. *The Mende of Mr. Dan Rees, or Stanley, are not only much pleased to ,es him home again fromejliiortge, bot are te•1 eht ea that the last operatioe has given hito the almostfree use of his tone le, +tali ir, is no longer necessary for him to carry a slate aboat with him. • We trent that this in te be the last operation necessary. • Mrs. Mary Teortiton, wife of Mr. Ve 0. Thornton died ot Thuredey evening, after a pro' longed and painfift illness. teem wail a native of Thirsk, England, heel been neerried for about 45 years, wee e tesi lent of Chilton for many years, ani els heeeti Ilying itt hen:this 1091 ehe displayed merry hang of oberacter that woo for her eateena and respect. A genier C. re A, match between the Brampton*, and the Sertforth team was played at See.forth Friday, Seaforth wee in four straighta. The times of the go deA ".`61.' V01166 ,Vni es 17, 18e. 4 and 8 Mid- trtMac 1/C.A.tst:2-TtNra- r I. Q0t7 1 7 "ti n,11, t) S'1t forth, slipped, and falling beefily, •(hula not continue play, and • Ileclgine ef the Excqlsiora, retired with him te even up. Mies Mary Gillespie of Bibbert, • died last week. The Agit= 04481 team, of London, de,eated the Clinton oricketere ou Tueedety by a score of 98 to 72, with six wickets to Spare. • Mr. C. BeLatta, late of Zurich, was one of the succeesful candidates at •the recent departmental examination tor first oases certifieritea. • Last Friday 'salesman Jitmel Connolly, who repreeents the Elohnesyille cheese factoryothippeol 294 boxes to MrBallantyne of Stratford at 7 11-16c. per pound. Mr. Thema McMillen, of Hallett, re- turned from the old country last week. He went over with cattle and reviceedea in dispesing ot thorn very. setisfitotorily. Mr. John ,Iaokson, one of the “old guard" among Clinton merchants, this week retires front business, thine suaceeded by moth fatniliar anti popular name aa W. se F. T. Jaokson. A.lways avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick and then leave you constipated,Oarter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you. well. Dose one pill. A large quantity of clothing, sufficient to fill two large boxes, was peeked and sent away last week for the Indians of the Northwest by the ladies of Seaforth Auxil- iary of Foreign Missions, AU A.bner Catena has sold his farm of 100 acres, on the 3rd concession of Tinker - smith, to Mr Ira Johns, who takes poss- ession at New Years; the pries is in the neighborhood of $5,500. A dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral taken in time has prevented many keit of sick- ness and saved namerous lives. Thi proves the necessity of keeping this incom- parable medicine where it can be •readily reached at all hours of the day and night. One night last weekesome unprincipled persons entered the barn of Mr Louie each Tuokersmith and took his supply cf pork less oneham. Hie lose consisted •of three hams and. one ehoulder, which le quite a loss at this seasou of the year. Mr R. J. Mao:lensed, of Jackson Bros., clothiers, sto,,Clinton,whe has been assoc.: late& with the firm for :en years, retires this week and goes to Seatorth, where he takes a partnership with Me Greig, late Jackson de Greig The new firm will be known as Greig & Macdonald. • Duriug the eleetrie storm which swept over Logan on Saturday afternoon last, Mr. Joseph Looker's stable was struck by lightning and burned to the ground with its °entente, 'whit& consisted of three horses, a new mower, aud this season's hay. There was no Insurance. ' • Oa Monday Hannah B., relict of the late Robert G Cunningham°, Clinton. passed to her reward at the residence of her eon Jobni Mrs Cunninghame's age was 79 years. The lady hadbeen ill but a tew days from a them • of cholera or summer complaint, The deceased came to Canada. f Torn near Boston. Must, in the earlier days, with her parents. On Wednesday last is Mr. William Dynes and Mr. R. B. Scott, of Harparhey, had returned from Clinton, they drove up to Mr. Scott's residenee. Mr. Dynes, who was driving, got out of the rig, and at that moment the horse got fyightened at a piece of paper which was flying about, and turning suodenly around, npset the buggy. Mr. Scott was thrown oat, epraiu: ing hi ankle so that he •now has to use orutchee. We regret to hew° to announce the death of Annie, the wife of Public &hoot Inspector, II Robb, of Clinton, which occurred on Wednesday of last week. She had been - ailing for • more than a year. but her death was quite unexpeoted. She felt its usual on Tuesday, and sat out- side for some titue. On Wednesday she did not feel like rising, and began to fail rapidly th the afternoon. Mr Robb was summoned home, but did not arrive till about a quarter of an hour e.fterlier death. She was in her 34th year. We regret to have to announce the -death of Annie, the wife of the Public School Inspector for East Fluron,D. Robb, Esq., of Claxton, which took place on Aug 21st. Although she had been ailing for some time her death wee quite" unexpected. She was in the thirty fourth year of her age. She was of a retiring disposition e.nd pass ionately fond of her own home, and was seldom seen out except in company with her husband. Her lest eiokness was borne with Christain fortitude - She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church. The other day Me. Coltman, Cali:eon, and Vise Dalmage, of St. Thomas, had a narrow escape from being drowned in Lake Huron. The couple were among a camping part'- riear Bayfeld and went for a emit in a row best. The means were • troublous and the safety ofethe lady and gentleman was a matter for anxiety by the campers on land, They had rowed out about half a mile and became some- what alarmed from the fact that there was water in the beet, not rotating that it dipped.' On the return •to secure a cup or dipper to bale it out the boat swayed until it got bete the troagh of the sea and along with the human freight went, dowu, at the same • time moeing toward shore. The scoident happened a considerable dietanne from the shore where Mr, W. rl Beesley happened to be He secured another boat and put out, but by this time Miss Dulrnage and Mr. Coltman the fund bottom. with water up to theirchins, and walked to Shore without great diftetaty. Thus a Watery grave was happily averted. TRAT Timm Fnareect Is a common complaint anti it is a dan- gerous symptom. It means that the gym - tom debilitetea because of irapure brood, and in this eondition, it is espeohilly liable to attacks of disertse. Hood'a Sarsaparilla is the remedy for this eonditioe, rine also for that weeknoes which prevails at tbe Amigo of oration or life, Howie Pine act easy, yet promptly and eaeolently on the bowels and Beer. 25o. li b-4-1114-4 CATAttan aiminvirn nit 10 WO , tes,-One short puff 01 1110 breath through .ho Blower, eupplied with etteli bottle of De Agriewei Catarrhal Powder, diffuses the Powder ever the mirfeets of the nasal pre- miers. Paioloret and delightful to take, reliereo ineirtritly, and pertaithently cure Geterrh Hee Fever, Colds, 1108(180110Sore Throst, Tousilitis and Deafnosa 50 deli t kt 0. Late,- Tar, b O. ft sour stoinaeh enci elek b,evinotes. Perth C)ntY (Dtee. net ineoine ita,382 40; Jas. Maefadden, The se Mary rate for $ON IA 18 mole, net income $2,334 31. In addition to the --°u—101Beg: and Clerk, grogi income $2,700 45 R. McGowan, of Bressele, feemerly of a.atreyfrfiogmittrIlese DJoamdigneWoion000dveorrneweeeinvets oaf Kixki°4, 1441 with Plar4itied 8nitle' $2,400, and e200 for travelling expenees. &Tr. W. A. Dent of Mitchell, began Sh ff f G 2; Huron, lt968 16; Middleemel$1,909 20: daef7 1,141.011e Whyte, se, of Mitchell "t °Vie*etrindg' ten6,1,6791364363;e:WIant"hii7're8p145r6t1 210c-; turned, TlIefelaY night from an extenelY° tweeter Fleming points put that during trip to the old lend s 1894 there was a generafalling off in the Mr. W. J, Knox, M.A., of St, Mares, business done in the Sheriffes offices,partly hart been appointed science master of dile, he thinks, to recent legislation, and Orrolgeyille high school at a salary of partly to the growing practice among $750. eolialtors of eiving and accepting services On Wednesday afternoon ,e1r. Robert of papers wheel formerly were generally when yea elm get thew. at t ce el,c1 prices• Call Berry, Blensherd, throttled 1.000 bushels tierved by the sheriffs. "But probably the andbegogixrreodult,111:V,v(Lifrug:Totisa.t "'Leta; of wheat and barley, time 5,houra, 40 general depression in business circles is eere ;sees taken same as cash for geotts. roinuter. also a amuse of the decline in the work in e. wzonLos. Wm. oonway, north of flarrington has these ofecenve The sentence quoted from Children's Fine Button over 30 cows that averages }lira one dollar ' inspector's report as purporting to aecount BeiegM e,__Mies eEwen was viskking clearing price 6oc a pair. a week in butter besidea the use of the for a falling off in the. amonnt of business n Clinton last Week. -Mr. Aaron done by sheriffs le aa unusual if not an en - tire's, erroneous one; Hard times 'generally .F.{8118411 Following are the market quotations ; Wheat ,, , . 58te 00 Barley 33 to35 Data .. ...... 22 to23 Peas 55to 60 Hay 10,00 to 10.00 Batter 13 to14 Hefts- , tie 10 500 pairs of all kinds of summer footwear must he sold within two weeks at prices that will sell them at;sight, 10 oases of new Boots and Shoes just evened and to be sold at old priees, le pair at Womens' Ameriean Too Button Boots at Si a Pair. Now is the right time to buy your Boots &Slims for tall, An Opportunity I Grasp It We are clearing Out the balance • of our sto'ck at skedad- dle prices. Women's Fine Kid Button Shoe, regular price $1.50, clearing price 85c. pair. Women's Heavy La.ceJ Shoe, reg ular price $1.25 a pair, clearing pric,.: 76c a pair. milk for hogs, , Dr. and Blies Thompsoe, et Kirktoe, make more businesa tor these gentlemen left for Winnipeg on TnesdaY for a a orb visit to Manitoba. They went vie boat from Owen Soupd. • Mr. Samuel Sparliug of nt. elarye euffered a mild attack r paralysis on Monday morning,but recovering. from the effects of !same. r Mr. James laewster, of leianshercl, bas remarkably prolific yariety of peas called the golden vine. There are on an ayerage sixteen pods to the vine. Herbert 'Hutton, son of Rev. B. L. Hutton, Ripley, lately pastor of Kirktoia cirouit, has seethed a second-oless certifi- cate at the sweetie examinations. The Mitchell Advocate cornpleins of the Canadian express Co. chargiisg exorbitant rates, and dementia that the monopoly be broken by organizing another company. Mr. Herbert F. Tilley, son of Mr. John Tilley, of Mitchell has been appointect. freight and ticket agent- of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Herriloce Lake, N. Y. Mr. .A, Warren, of Se. IVIerers, has growing in his garden a sunflower 7 ft., inches high, with 60 blossornis on it. Some of the haves measure 5 ft 3 in, in circum- ference. Mr. T. F. Harrison, formerly in the furniture and undertaking business in St Marys, has disposed of his Mock in Dundalk and purchased one of the best businesses in hi line in the city of King- ston . As quiet wedding took place at the residenee of Mrs. George Hutton, St. Marys, on Monday afternoon when her daughter, Miss radio and Air James Purdy, of Rochester, N. Y., were unitei in marriage. Mr. John Rice, who was for some time Master in the Collegiate Institute, in St. Marys, has removed : with his bride to Aurora, near Toronto, where Mr. Rice has been appointed second master in the Collegiate. Mr. Bruce, of Cromarty, who has .just entered upon his duties as kfacher of union S. S No; 1, Zioii bai created a fayorable impression soiar and is likely to be quite an acquisition' to . the ,,neigh- borhood. The Stratford Collegiate Inetitute made a brilliant real& this year. Out of 14 who wrote for senior leaving certificates only 4were successful. The matrioulation results were just as high, 3 being success- ful ont of 13. About 40 head of cattle were in Mr. Tabled pea fieldeldiechell, Sunday, and be - camas Mr. Thomas Skinner drove them out the ownex of one of the besets wits- going to slay him with a large stone, and as it WaS, in the tussle, he lost the poiut off one of his fingers. A little girl namedJones fell down the aide of the railway cat near the Stretford cemetery M.onday and broke her arm. She is a daughter of Robert Jones, of Detroit, and le on a visit at the residence of Alfred Hayes, Railway avenue. She is About 13 years of ere Mr John Struthers, of Elms, killed a bear one day reoently. They had seen ;signs of bear and lay in wait for him a couple of nights, mounted in trees. Sweet enough along came the bear and was eniffing at the tracks at the foot of the tree up which Mr. Struthers wae keeping watch, when he spied him and bored him with a bullet from his 4e. Tho carpus weighedtabout 200 pounds. Mary, wife of Patrick Da0oursey, sr., of Logan, passed away the other day at the ripe old age el 82 years, She was one of the pioneers of the townehip, a, model resident, (inlet, industrious end highly re. greened. She was st mernlier of the Ro- man Catholic Church, and was spirtually attended by Rev. Father O'Neil. S Kirby of Blanshard, recently purehas- ed a horse at a pound keeper's sale. and on Monday, two men came along and claimedthe hems and took it from Mr. leirbyes father, who was using it. Mr. Kirby immediately went to St. Meryl; and procured a warrant for the arrest of the patties and constable Mitchell succeeded in capturing them.al Stratford. Air. 'Frauds Elliott's house in the north Ward Mitchell took fire about dinner time on Friday last. After ooneiderable seareh the fire was found to have originated in8 bureau drawer in one og the bedrooms. The damage to hoase and household effects will be $100, rthioh is oeyered by insurance. The origin of the fire is sup- poeed to have been matches and mice. A very shocking accident occurred et Listowel whereby Alex. Mitchell lost his life. The old gentleman was abont 72 years of age. At an early hour with a lamp in his hand, he worst down stair s to get some water, made a neistep and fell, breaking hierneele A laffe nephew Arriv- ed in time to put out the fire caused by the ramp falling, otherwise the haulm would niedoubtly have been burnea. The residence of Mr Bartholomew Presley. of Kintore, was the scene of a very agreeable surprise on Friday night lad Aug. 161h, the occasion being the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. IT. Presley r of 'a very handsome arm chair. The preexist was an aeltoovsledgement 00 the part of the members of the Mettle. dist congregation Of iiintore, of the services of Mr. lereeley as siinerinten- dent of the Smutty School arid ,ais an earnest and enthusiastic: church worker. The report of the inspeotor of legal offices' for Ontario for 1891 has just been issued by the department at Tor- onto, The return of fooa and emoluments of the county Judieitil officers of Perth thews the following amounts received Sheriff Howie, geese iticonie $2,043 45, net incomee$1,635 61; Judge Wood, gmag come $863 35, dot income $868 35; Master Harding, gross income $1,679 45 net Middlesex County Notes, The Hastings Reuse stables, Parkhill, were destroyed by fire the ()thee dey. Cause unknown • Mr. A. L. 0 dee el- T. It. agent, •Gra.ntion, and rt e I last week from a trip to New Tine -.,oadon and Niagara, Falls, On Saturday last while putting a barrel of ale alto the cellar of the Queen's Hotel, Ailse Oraig,Mr. Jesse Butler had his ghoul - der dislocated. E. J. Phippen, photographer, has taken unto himself a wife ia the person of Mrs. McIlinurray, of Awkona. The marriage took place last Friday. Edward Bower, convicted of the man- slaughter of William Cain ein Biddulph township hat fall, will be released from Kingston Penitentiary on September 10. Bowers was sentenced to fiee years, and as his was an exceptional case, a pardon was granted_• On Sauday a bolt from a clear sky struck the chimney on the residence of Mrs. Thompson on William St., Idea Craig, and completely ehattered the chimney. The lightning knocked some sbingles off the roof and escaped to the groand by the eavetrough and water pipes. The real estate of the late John Don- aldson was sold by public auction at Ails& Craig, when the 200 -acre faro] in Mc- Gillivray township was purehased by Miss Lizzie Donaldson for $9,150, and the 50.acre farm in Stephen townehip went to Mr, Charles Lynn for $1,650. After enjoying a few weeks' holidays 'With their mother in Aliso. Craig, the Misses Campbell left on Friday last for their respective school -Joan to St. George Maggie to 'Uxbridge and Ells to Kornolta ws . After New Years MElla Campbell will teach at Morton's school, McGillivary, having been engaged by the trustees of hat BC °° • his brother john A rteur, banker. The funeral ofMr, John Mal, of Be. Broderick, of Michigan, was' •visiting at Mr. Geo. Broderick's last Friday. - The Mission Band of •Carmel Presby- terian churce intend having a social on Friday evening at the chureh. Every body welcome. - Mr, John Grabiel ot Dashwood, and daughter, Ester, of London, were the guards of Mr. John Pope hat Tuesday.- Civic holiday passed off very quietly, and had it not been for the Exeter Brass .Bend corning up and furptstaing mane at the horse races it would have been dead indeed.-M.r. Neil AloDiarroid hired a horse trona Mr. T. Murdook a week ago Monday, driving to Mr. 'Phos, Stineon's at Bayfield, and telling him the horse was his,traclecl with him, getting $12 to boot. He then cl-ove to parts unknown. Mr. Stinson was in town on Tuesday looking after him and is determined to catch the rogue --Mr. G. F. Ardeld left- Monday to attend the milliaery. openings io To- ronto ; also Miss Delion,-111r. 4. Wes eloh •arrived home Tuesday evening, after a week's vieit in Toronto and other places. -W • Delion came home. frona London Tuesday. -Mrs„ J. Short is conlined to her hod at. present but We trust she may have n speedy recoy- ery,--Mrs. D. Weesiniller has returned home after a two week's vitt with her parents in Hamburg. -Hrs. Hamad is visiting her sister, • Mrs Mardoek, in Tharnesville,-Rev. Swan h is gotie to Guelph on business this week. -Airs. Cowan, of' Kintail, is visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Buchaianittn.-Aliss Jennie Murray left on Monday for Wingham, after several week's visit with her parents here. -Ar. Moir re- turned • to Chicago Saturday -Mr, John Weselote, wile ant family, of Zurich, were the guests ot A. Ve erieloh het Sunday. -Mr, D. Mc Arthur, of Adige Craisi, spent several days with moat, took place to Woodland Cemetery Thursday. Deceased was sixty nine years of age. Last fall he was attacked with a bad cold, which settled on his lungs, and finally developed into pneumonia, Deceased was a native of . Quebec. But some forty years age he came to Nilestown, and for a few years We.b employed in Pearson's mill. He then purchased fifty acres of land, about a mile south of Belmont, where he lived for many years, with bis mother a.ad sister. • Fullarton. • BRIM- -Mr. Dan AleFadyea lefe on Monday for Toronto where he will in a short time resume his duties in the -finis versity.-Owing to a very bad case of black measles in the neighborhood the pupils of the Mt. Pleasant 3011001 on assembling on Monday were dismissed for few days. The pink and white social on Friday night bwethe Leslies' Aid Society was not as successful as on former occasions. The proceeds amouneed to about $28. Zion: Rams.-- Mr. Johnston of Blanshard, preached a very thoughtful- and. applie-- able sermon in the Zinn church on Stow day morning last in the absence of the pa.stor, Rev. Mr. Coupland.-Thrash- ing is the order of the day. No extra- ordinary yields reported yet', but eudging from the pleasant faces on the farmers the yield. is good.-Mesters John Parkinson and Walter Hera are now attending school in Si. Marys. Sucoess to you, boys-- ...Mr. Squires haa the inisfortune to be kicked by one of his horses the other day. Creclaton. -- BIUSPP. -Mr. B. Brown. has put a new front in his shop. It improves elm appearance of the place very much.-- Mr. W. H. Wenzel wore a smile lase Saturday, but not as broad as it might have been -it is a daughter. -Mr. Segel Eilber also wears a brightened counten- ance. What's the matter ?-Flax is nearly all in and spreading is the order of the day. -John Preeter has retarned from his visit up nortio-The recent rains have deterred farmers irt their oat harvest and did. the crop no good. How- eyorthe yield is very large. Letuner, of sonwle, is vis- iting at Wm. Colvviles,- Rey. Ar, Mc- Kibbon, of Moncton, occupied the pulpit of the 'Methodist churala last Sunday tright. He preached a very Impressive sermon.-• he horse races on Thursday last resulted ia W. R. ttodgins' horse estaning the free for all, with J. Leatborn's a good second and .&. Tennent's third, The three minute trot was woa by A. Dow, fi, Wing, secend.-miss Borth& Hodgins hm as returned hoe m 'rua pleasant Visit with friends ie Leounto. •Mew s • (Too late bee Nek.) BRIEFs.--Threshilig is the order of the day and the grain is turning out vvell.-School opened on Monday with a fair iittendance under the new teacher, Miss Morrieon.--eir. William McCann, who got hurt slim time ago in a runaway, is eb,e to be around again. -Mr and Ws. 'lemmas Yearly left on Saturday tor Muilkolee weere they intend remaining tor a coupte of weeks. -Dame rututir Lias It that a wedding is nigh at ea-, that the en. terprising, village of Kew& is tu have its p'eu;ulaticiff'iticrea, by the pres- ence a a most estimable young couple who are to be made ohe in the near future. and we hope it won't be de layed to have that cierim colored dress ready for the coming event. -- Miss Ida Wilhelm from Hamburg, and Mr. and 'elise Rader of Bm eition, were the guests of Miss eVillielin on Thursday. St affs., Bsagss.-Miss Nellie Fell, Toronto, is visitinvat the old homestead.---Nfrs. Shillinglaw and Mee. Nichols of Mit- hell, wore the guests of Mrs. Bickle on Wednesday last. -Mr. Dalton, 4th concession, Hibbert, out ten Acres of oats in seven hours, 15 minutes; using ' 20 pounds of twine, Let us hesr froni the man,who can beat that, His 4 aores of barley yielded 170 buthels. --Mies Til - lis Jeffrey arrived home from Buffalo oa 'Thursday evening and her many friends in the neighborhood were glad to see her Mulling face amid old sur- roundings once wore, -Messrs, M, and ID, Carmichael and Harr,v Yee, left last week for the western country .-Staffa is to be robbed. of one ot its fair Maid- ens in a few week, and we leatte she goes to,Exoter, where elte cage is al - income $1, e47 03 .Johu 'thrusters, Orew,i ready in order. Attorney, etc., gess indent° $1,783 40, For nervitiv heacittelie tie L D,d. Brinsley. BRIEFS —Mr. 'AI barn rlaggith, nr Ebenezer Meth° Oat chureh on &lodge t wileh'srne Clentralia, occupied the pulpit of het e who t )ir; seen() was a howling hey find the o d place last Mr. liaggah is quite a pronlis- ing looking youn$gb,mti wIiundoubtedlyani.,rtndshoulhe enter the profes make quite a suceeesfu eishiaoher.- It is reported thet Miss Jennie ()ink- well, daughter of 'New James Cock well, Who has beenworeing in London for seine time past is now an iamate of the City Hospitel, being ill with typhoid fever. -Quite a number as- piring youth left to Attend the Luoan High Sehool on. Mon, ter Wm, Hardy. who heti his leg broken about the 1st of May by the kick of a horse is not yet able to walk without the aid of a crutch. -Miss lemma Kent has returned borne from London where she Was working for some tilaze paet.--Mr. George Pickering of the 131h Con., who recoived a paralytic Stroke several weeks ago, is still in a, Very haw state and small hopes are entertained ot his reeovery.-Mrs. Lightfoot is on the sick list at present. !klieg Winn, of Detroit, is visiting at her uncle's, Mr. Linctinod Oravet.-- Mies Lizzie Hardy, of °odium, villa. ed Mende in this viemity on Sunday. -Mr, Edward Slack and family, of Ilderton, visiteti in this neighborhood on Sunday.-Tlarveittng being Over 111 thig district, the threshings are nets/ being bottratel at a lively rate, Fall wheat gives a yield fully up to the average, while o.tts and Other spring gtaine turning out remark- Vieinity intend flowing ng Bigh Time Shoe, Ion understood that we are sel- ling Men's and :Boy's Ready -to-' wear Clothing cheaper than they have ever been sold in Exeter. Before it is too late, avail your- self of one of our cheap Ready-- made Suits. Highest erice paid for Butter and Eggs. bJARKIIT J P Ross. inst. An Irb3la Jubilee 1 think theY call it; in commemoration of the land- ing of their forefathers on Quarantine Island, have no doubt, Balers The PrizeListsfortheZurich Fair are now ready for distribution. Any person wanting a copy can haye it by applyiug to the Secretary, D, 8, Faust. Now is the time to get a list and makeyour arrangements for exhib- iting stock, grain, vegetables, ladies' work or rev,' other eithibits you desire. Remember the date of the fair, Sept- ember 25 and 26. -Mr. Fred. Siegner and family are visiting in the eastern townships.--Tienry Wurm, sr., leas gone to Berlin to visit his brother. It is quite an maciertaking, as be is over 81 years oldebut his desire was very strong to go and visit his old home once• more.- xiessrt islaaxi Faust and George Schellig,jr., left hat Manday by the Cana lien Pecifie Railvvay's ex- cursion for Manitob I and Dekote. • Zurich. Slaipka. liarEPs. -Mr. Lang, of Exeter, has erected a. steel windmill for Mr. P. atuslahan Henry Doyle is puti Ling up a new brick Lipase' em hie farm ctn. tbe 15th c in -Early bn Friday morning Victoria, befit t daughter of Mr. and Mrs Seveitzer was Galled away to her Heavenly honae, after a week's illness with cholera infantum. The remains were interred in Credi- tor) cemetery on tfais 24th inst.-A new grocery and provision store has been started in the post office buildiag by Mr. W. E' Dum krt. Give Win. a call ' ityett want fresh and seasonable goods.-Qirite a number of our young people visited Grand Bend on Sunday last and report having spent quite an enjoy wee time. -Miss Becky, night superintendent in Montreal hospital is visiting her father, our local shoe- maker.--eli B. Mei thews.of Springfield, Ohio, visitine fit her sister's, Mrs. Sharpe s. Rol t. Blackwell and faintly, of London, ere spending a few week e 4 : r Mos. Hailton's, ar. Our ...on ,0 again running in fu t hi wt. woe en average attendance tor ,,o32 Chat is very gond t*rm.11.-, ing the number of chiefree ien s 44, • working in the fiax mi 1. Grand Bend. - BR1EF4. -We have hail some heavy rains la re kreiti winch prevents har- vesting s en-wher. • h • cutting is al- most a .,e, with the exception of the pea crop, which to v, ry late in this • section. h v4ne hoen put in late to escepe the pe4 hug. .1r(4. Dunbar, of Detweil and her •sis ors, Hattie and 11.., .•••• viAltrott friends here - They dire o The red Brewster estate, ettenged new. not a building to mark the sper. wit 01105 Stead One of the oldest p 0058 or business in this Elect- ion of /ton tiv sir. Dexter, of Chic- ago, is e hitt holidays ..-11W. Suite Desine dine %has Ellinor Grattio were man d at the residence of the brute's peieente, here, last week. --The omapere , getting pretty well thinned (10 as t 13 getting rather late. Thor,- hitt been s great pumber of persons °ampule a el boarding here this year, -R it mann. has been rtwiy attng endithe funeral of hie mot her, tfr. john Dalziel, of Sarni., arrived here true week.-AlieMcDonald tot the London Po:ice, is here visiting at Rev, Corriere's, He has his bag- pipm es with hi, cud the sweet Strains can be heir iivery evening.. Don't Toon, .co Spit or Smoiva Your Life &way - Te the ruthtul, litarding title of a book about No -T -Bee the harrolese pavan- teed egetete gelid oure that brawn( up nieottnNod eetvokit eliminates the nicotine •peisna L000 gain strength, vigor f ohocid, u no physical or fink r•sk, as No- Po -Bae add ander gm), at•••ee +'ole or money 0(1 ...ilk fe is. Ad et rling Remedy' Go. 374 8 • Peet tloetteel. 24r, tr,r ifrosro.v Vet •v • •( , • 1,11,1•1 t1.1 • blew011,-The yoeng people of this ed • r v,vC-11 r ,14 411.4 t Grand Bend on Saturday the 31s1 fli,T,'a" e,.01tPlit'ee'l's''r',•It',;;'',".°I "I" tftif t3a.