HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-8-22, Page 8ARLING DON'T E GULLED For selling at cost is an old "CHESTNUT" and stale and threadbare as theaged garments offered. Our stock of Suits and Gent's furnishings are all new, latest cuts, styles and novelties. You expect us to make a PROFIT . We do sell on a small MARGIN and the many of you who have tried us, know . this to be the TRUTH. We await your judgment. TRY US and learn that LIVE AND LET LIVE is characteristic of our dealing. CARLING ROS. Gfl1G G INSURANCE. pi "WEST ELLIOT,AGENT FOR a.asTEIE WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- ' PANT, of Toronto: also for the PROENtg E INSINA.NUE COMPANY. of London E %gland &WAN OE INSURANCE COM- PANY of England. rft HE LONDON 11,1U TUAL 1.FIRE INSURANCE 00. OF CAN ADA. Head office, .LONDON. For35 years this Company has done the largest business ia Oanada at the lowest rtes consistent with security. Assets, Jan. fain, - 8357,190.0o 43,0001Po1ioies ia force. T. E. ROBSON, President, D. 0. MoDONALD, manager. For further parneuiars, apply to DAVID JA OTIS, Agent, Exeter. Book Store WALL PAPER is our text this time. --- Never in the history of Exeter has WALL PAPER been offered at such LOW PRICES as we shall Sell at this Season, and the Pat- terns will be more A tursiac than ever, Be Sure to See the Neve Stook before buying. Grigg's Bookatore "THE MART." THE BIG - Ie XIttrt jutO. THUEtSDAY. AUGUST 22th, 1895. LOCAL HAPPE,NiNGS. Brevities. Artificial tan is now offered for sale for those who can't go outing. What will a woman sheo the chlokenn with when she wears bloomers? 1 1 store ljnW. recently arBiroedt evmrai between Exeter and Olinton, Olintou won b y eight wickets. °: akt c"hhda sa by rycetnji ntoethdonu Di 51..naJirehisdno sany'., Elgin county fair directors will offer a 6oes Humming A long 'front of the grand stand. prize to induce a couple to be married in I James street Methodist Sunday School AT THE planked in Shapton's grove yesterday. All report. a pleasant time: I a- The trustees of Clinton Public School Big 1. The Stue have instituted a' fifth class to take up Public School Leaving work. The infant daughter of R H Collins fell - offa clothes reel platform the other day and dislocated one of her arms. • Prices tell everytime. We have placed on our counters some very tempting values for the next week. Yes! 8f20rIl$3nice,23lbCo s bffees cS t (*r 1281;! lated Sugar for $1, 10c box Royal Yeast going for 5c, 10c bottle best Flavoring Extr rots for 6c, 20c 3 lb bar N P Soap for lfic, 15c can Red Salmon for litc, 20c bottle good Pickles for 10c, $1.50 box good clean Raisins for 95e par box. Compare our prices with those of' the old fashioned high priced credit stores, and see if you don't think it woulcl pay you to trade with us. Just give us a trial anyway. 122o Prints clearing at 8c, 35c Dress Goods clearing at 22ic, I Oe Dress Goods clearing at 5c, 124c Ceylon Flannelette, 11 yds for $1, 8c Factory Cotton down to 5c. 20e packege of pApier andenvel- ops for $6, 30o Flannelette Shirts for 18c, 30c Shirts and drawers for 20e, $10 Dinner Set, l00 pieces for $6.65, Fine Colored Toi et Set for 81.75. Yes we beat 'ern all. J. A. Stewart. .I, B. -Store closes at haIf past six every evening except Wednesday and Saturday, NOTICE -A11 business announoements notices of pnblia meetings, entertainments auction sales'etc., appearing in there local crinnine will be °nano i for at the rate of five cents per lino each iasertion. Black heading 0 count as three lities. soak with order save to eersone baying open &proems. To insure (thaw of adverneemente in current issue oopi must he handedinto office on Tuesday. TrivitMonuriahmi August 25611,1895. Divine service 11 a. at, arid 7 p. m. Bible class eta 1 tn. Soot 1st, 180, Oarvest Thanksgiving aerie and Anniversary Day. etA1tVES1' BANQUET Labot nay, September Tad, 7 p. ni gee bilis. A Regina dispatch save Joseph Neobitt, one of Regina% prominent well known business men, died this moreiog from an attack of feysr. The deceased was a pro; mitient meitiber of the fire brigade, Odd: falowe and the °weediest Coder of Forest; era. His former home was Illstia Ont. The Ching fano on the Treks, Road, Hay township was offered for sale by auction on Saturday but not sold, the highest bid be- ing $5,000 by Win Davtden. The form hos since been told toA Ur Ching, of Minsitaba, for $5,750. Mr Wm. Ching, the proem electiaparat will move onto hie Own 100 ttere farm Jett wed of the horzie. statist. Mrs. Frances J. Moore visits Exeter weekly. Lanies or Gentlemen reeeived Address 443 Mout Street, London. ItIr John Galster, forman of the fiaa mill, had one of his hands badly jammed the other day while petting a belt on a pulley. Dr. IfoCarty, of Paris, has raid his fine of 8110.37 for practising medicine without license, and was released from Brinatford ;ail Friday. Mr Richard Debridge, of Ueborne, has completed a si!o, the largeat in the county. I; is made of Queenston cement and is thirteen feet equare,21 feet high. The following persoaa have left Exeter on the Farm Leborers' Excursion, for various points ir. Manitobaa-Hugh Brown H. Towel, Chas. Wood, P. and FL Caen, David Miller, Warren Davis, Malcolm Lamont, Robt. Sanders, David Johns, A. Hodgert and John •Loselman. A few days ago there was rather a un- ique wedding when Mr C. W. Brown ekod Min Ida Brown were married at the residence of the 'bride's father, 3. Brown, Brownsyille, by the Rev. Geo. Bream. The bast man was Fred Brown, and the bridesmaide were Lottie Brown and Edith Bruwn. The Leamington Post :-"Milo Malott claims to have harvested 818 bushels of oats off ten acres of land on John Clark's farm, Con. B, Mereea. The land was care - tally meeaured, the seed sown was three bushels per acre. while almost 82 bushels per acre thrashed. The many friends throughout the coun- try of itir and Mrs John Ogden, of [laborite will regret to learn of the death of their daughter Hannah. on Saturday last, of typhoid. feyer. She bad been ill bat 21 days, find with dysentery whieh was fol- lowed by feyer. The young lady was in her 20th year, and had a promising future. Ask some men for an advertisement or a few locals and they will say they don't be- lieve in advertising -a paper is never read Let one of them be caught kissiog bi neighbor's wife, or trying to hold up the eide of a building sometime, and if the Printing office 19 10 the meet of a Eleven - teen story building he will climb up to the top and beg the editor to keep quiet -not to publish it in tbe paper. The paper is not read -oh riot Mr Charles R Aetzel, of Brrioefleldr brother of Mrs McCellum, and Mrs Douglas, of Eteter, has a single model family outfit. The pony is small, fleet; footed, quiet. and a perfect beauty, and is a cross between A Shetland and bromic). The harness and rig are atter English style and the whole oorresponds most charmingly. Vie Aetzel is asis a dog Mosier and heti a kennel of pedigreed imported Smeteh CoIliosa whidh would be hard to beat. John W. Atelteeon, formerly of %rat - ford model, has geoured the NOW Eden school, on the 12th concession, East Nis. flown for the balance of that year at the proeigioue ealary for these herd times of one dollar, All those whe had any idea- tion of attending the model aohools this hal should ponder long over the above Memoir, of a teiteher'a salary. We wonder if this fooludee lighting the school flue and weeping. la v• The band furnished music for a gar- den perty al: Kippenaran Tuesday even- iug, Mr. James Traylor hes purehaeed handsome pony and cart frain Meseta Bearden At. SleDoriell, The rain atoms oT Satarday and Suaday were aceompanied by lightning which dit oonaiderable damage. Mr Jorrieh Butt, Clinton, and troole of Itirs J T Weeteotb, town, dual sudden- ly of apoplexy on Sttortley morning last. A railkrne maohine, whichis said to milk tea cows at a -time, is being tested with a yiekv to being used in this Pro- vince. St. :Warp pays ite town officials sal. aries amounting to $1430, while the machiiiery of .Exeter is run for $700 at the outside, Me. Wm. Penhale of Stephen, has a corn stalk which nreaures 14 foot long. We woilid like to hear from anybody who can beat this. Public school opens on Monday next, and it is desirous that as many pupils as possible attend. The old staff of teach- ers resume their respective places. • Messrs Will Atkinson and Andrew Ste welt drive the finest matohed team in the Oonata. Not only are they well mated but they drive up with unususl style During the storm on Saturday, a clothes sine post in Mrs:3 Spicer's yard Usborne, was struck by lightning, while another was lifted out of the ground. Mrs. Spicer was badly frightened. The Clinton papers must surely take note of every nail that is driven in the Comity House of Refuge, in course of erection thereajudging from the minute notes of the progress of the work given from week to week. On Friday last Oawercl 8.113rowu of Winchelsea threshed for George Hey: wood, 125 bushels of wheat in one hour. In•the seine time on another oocasion they threshed 123 bushe's of wheat for Wm. Cowead, Who can beat this they ask. ' A threshing engine belonging to Messrs Parsons, town, broke through a culvert south of Devon on Saturday damaging the maohine some what. The driyer who was walkiug was not injured, but had be been seated in his usual place he would have fro ed badly. The horses freed themselves and escaped in- jury. In response to an advertisement, no less than 107 teachers applied for the principalship of the Duttton public school, the applicants residing in all parts of the Province, and some letters bore Uncle Sam's postmark. Among those who applied were ex. high school teachers, universitygradnates, and even a graduate of "a medical college. Is Labor Day a school holiday ?No: - The High, Public and Separate Scheol holiclaya not included in the usual mid- summer and Chrietmas vacations are Good Friday, Easter Monday, all Sat- urdays, and municipal holidays, Donde- on or Provincial Public Fast or Thanks- giving days and, the anniversary of the Queen's Birthday. [From Department- al Regulations.] An East Zorra farmer refused to kill Ins dog and pay for sheep it wiis accus- ed of kilh.ng, but made the following comprornise :-He would kill tbe dog nd if there was mutton inside of it he Ives to pay half the value of the sheep killed, and if it was proven that the og was innocent then the owners of he sheep were to pay g10 for the dog. He was, however, fined $7 by a ma?,s- rate and ordered. to kill the dog. Mr. D. 0. Dorrence formerly teacher t Centralia, who is now teacher of the Hepworth school, has -always been a ery successfui teacher and this year as added to his laurels, .At the re- ent entrance examination, six of Mr. orrencels pupils wrute and all were uceeesful. One ofthese atocd second ighest of all the pupils writing at Wiarton, Making 611 marks, 6 less han that Aceived by, the pupil taking he highest standing. The annual meeting of the Lake mith Shooting club, of whiah several xeterites are members, was held in he Veadome, Sarnia, on Wednesday, he 14th ot August, the following share- olders being present :-A. S. Black - urn, of London, Messrs Bowman and eays, ale° of Londbn, Mr. Challoner, f Romoka, Mr. lVfaybee, of Stratford, . A. Smith of Forest, J. Fuller, of hedford ; W, Travis, of Wyoming, g, Chestner andMunroe, of Sarnia, rid others. The elecion of officers was hen proceeded with, and the result as as follows :-John Ohestner, of H. 1. Custoras, Sarnia, was elected presi- enb ; A. S. Blackburn, vice-president;. M. A. Smith, secretary -treasurer; Iessrs Bowman, Gilpin, Munroe, Ealler„..Travis, Keays, Smith and ChM- oner, with the president and vice pre- ident, a board of directors ; Messrs uwman, ICeays, a committee to provide ild celery and' wild. rice seed, for so w - ng and planting the lake. The club onsists of twenty members who own 11 the shares, every ehare being taken, he club is in a very flourishing eon. ition and the members are looking for- ard to some excellent sport this fail. Their many friends in Exeter will eeply sympathise with Rev. and Mrs. . R. Gundy formerly of Exeter, in the oath of their second son P. R. biol.,. occurred in Windsor on aturday, A telegraphic despatch gives he following pea touters :-"3. P. E. Windsor L. L. B., B, C. L. of the firm f Clark, Bartlet & Gandy? lawyers, incisor, died:Saturday morning at the o ne of his father, Rev. J. It Guady, incisor avenue. He was taken ill ten ayts ago with hemorrhage of the lung, hich developed into typhoid fever. Re ea 11 years of age and had just. been chnitted to the bar. He eras the ningest lawyer irk Ontario and secured a degrees svith honers. He spent two rrea at OsgOode Hall and one terns ith the law firm of Moss &Aylesworth. oronto. fie was eamea to the bar On aster term 95, and after took the t. . L, degree. He entered the firm of lark, Bartlet & Gunder July 1, 1895. is father is pastor of the Windsor Venire Methodist Church." The re - Mos Were brought to Eteter on Mon. yund interi•ed in the Exeter cemetery eside those of Serauel who died here me years arm. The foment took ace Crone the dep 'A and was lergely at aded. talatloaaae4aateeeeealeasa Personals, lAr. and Mrs, liogarth of Hamilton tt Visiti,.)g their parreate, Mr. and Sirs, Hvg,artlaStoplien townatiip, -Mr and otx•stes.Ric)TtToOrociantteus volsiLti:dndthoonixr1 ;40.11trr, Mr, Christopher Coates, at //humid°, /4$ week. -Mr. aad Mrs. Jackson visited friends ia St, alarys last week. -3. W. Broderick, wife and daughters spent the past two weeks at 13ay tiekir Mrs. O'Connor, of Brawls wlau has been vieitiag her daughter, Mrs, (Rev.) Hunt, for some weeks, returned 'wore Priritty.--Xe Lather lir died left on Thersday for Detroit, where he ilas aecured a situation. -Miss Meryniencl, wh has been visiting friends la town for the past month, returned to her home in Loudon tin Friday lasts -Miss Mey of Mitehell is visitisig friends ii, town. -The Missea Lewis and Beaver, of Creditor), are visititig at the residence of Mr. William Penhale, this week. - EL W jessey, of Elinire, N. Y., joiturd Ins wife here last week in a pleaSan visit %tell Mrs. Jesirey's friends in and aroundExeter, They leave for Mich igan m a few days to visit Mras wieine of Seney•-A Bornholm correspondent writes :-"Miss Laura Prior, from neaar Exeter returned to her home after spending it couple of weeks visiting at her uncle'sMr. Henry Hunkin."-M and Alta Simpson .spent Sunday in Parkhill.- Miss Allie 'Secret t, town, is visiting friends in London, East. -Mrs, W. Davis of London, visited her mother, Mrs. P. Fisher, Huron street, the past week. -Mies Howard, of London, is the guast of her father, air. J. N. Howard, -Mr. Will Westcott has been confinecl to the house the past week throueh ill- ness.-- Mr. J. McCrea, of Detroit, was the guest of T. W. sawkshaw of the Commercial the past two weeks. The Misses Hattie arid Jessie Gannet, who have been spending their holidays with their aunt, Mrs. Alex. McNeyin, returned to their home in Wingharn, on Tuesday. --Miss Gertie Dempsey is visiting her sisters in Lucan, -Dr. Rol- lins, and C. Sanders of' Exeter, and Messrs. El. Eilber and V. ltalz, of Crediton,•have returned from it two weeks'. outing in Muskoka. ---Mr. Geo. Heskin of St. Thomas, is visiting his father in Exeter North. -Miss A Hills, of London, is the guest of Miss A. Weekes -Mr. T. ,H. Davidson, ofSag- maw, Michis visiting his parenta, Mr and Mrs. W. Davidson, Andrew street. Miss M. AI Torn has returned from a pleasant vieit with friends in Goderich. -Mr. H. 13uckinghani has returned from Hattoilton where he attended [he Grand Lodge of Oddfellows, last week. -Mt. Wes and Miss Ada Jermyn, of Stratforcl,were guesteat Mrs. J. Gould's this week. Miss Jermyn will visit here for a few weeks. -Mr. and Mrs. James Gould and Miss Kate Gould visited f riend's in London over Sunday. - Mr and. Mrs Parkinson, of Toronto, are visiting Mr Parkinson's father, Simeoe street, for a few, 'days. -Miss Gussie Holland left last week to visit friends In Toronto and attend. the millinery openings.21tir Murray, son of widow Nturray,township of flay,is seriously 11 of inflammation - of the bowel -Mr Gtanvi'le,and triena from London visited W Sweet, V. Ss, On Saturday. -- The Misses Jennie and Laura Anderson of London and Cumber are the guests of Mrs 8atnuel Baskerville.--eir and Mrs J P Westcott, attended the '1 uneral of Mrs Weatcott's uncle, this late Josiah Butb, Chilton, which, tookplace on Monday last.- -Rev. S. J. Allis, of Aneherstburg visa ited Mr. ,J P. Clarke last week. -A. S. Clark, barrister of Windsor, accompan- ied the remains of the late j. P.' IL Gundy to Exeter on Monday and ViSit- ed Inc cousin, Mr. J. P. Clarke, here. - Mr. Nellie of the Melsons Bank, has returned frora a visit to his parents at Grunlasy, and Mr. 0, B. Marsland has left town,on a two week& vacation. - Messrs. G. G. Johnstonand P. L. Bis- hop are camping at the Bend. -Mrs. Reg. Elliot, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. aid Aire. Isaac Carling. and other friends in towrao-We regret to learn of the illnessofa number of the Verity family in Brantfcad, of ty- phoid fever. They are : Percy, Edith, Gertrud.e and Master Butter,. Sey- eral or them are very low. -Miss- Hog- arth has returned from a visit with friends in Goderich.-Miss Rutherford, of Aylmer is visiting Mrs, Chas. Gidley.-Miss Aegie Mrestaway, is vis- iting friends in Hensall and Seaforth. - Mtss Emma Lewis of Crediron who has been visiting Kiss Nettie Pei:hale the past week, returned -home on Monday. -Mr. Alex. McNevin who has been on the sick list the past week, is able to be around again.-IVIles ,Jefferson, who I has been visiting Mitts Emiline Howard returned to her home in St. Marys this week.. --Rev. Mrand la iss Ford, of Lucan, were the guests of Mr. Wm. Dauncey this weekee-Ar. N. Cobble - dick of London, visited under the par- ental roof the paat few days, -Miss Susan Davis of London, is visiting un- der the pareatal roof .-Miss Maria Pickard, of London, visited friends in ,town last week. -er Ire He Enlerj.7ed. e Cougregattonal meeting, in Am es Street Methodist eh u rola on Alouday evening, it was deoitied to make materiel improvements to the church edftco. The building is ilow;an El shispo. it will be *snared, newly cei ed, repaiuted fwd reseated amphi- theatre etyle. The pulpit will be placed in the centre of the noeth wall. The estimated cost will he its the neighberhood of $3,500, acreditable showed, We notice by theillustrated Saturday Mail of last kveek that Mr. Si. Parkin, - sun, sun of Me. Thus, Parkinson, of our village, and late master in Perichill High School and of Strathroy Collegiate Institute, is atilt heynig suecess in his profession irs Toronto, kehere he is Low prtncipel of one of the Isrgeist schoula. In the issue mentierieci uppearsit photogra nine of tile aucceesful ;mend and theui teachers, and a notice tia,in t whieh we take the following • st. :wheel at the A.rt School Examination held itt A.uril last, under the directiot, of Educational Deis tn., inent, took 13 full teacher's certificates and 178 siogle certificates, entodnig au the head of all public and high salmi $ in Ontario. The school also won tho medal offered by, the Depurbine lb for the pupil teeing the highest number of marks itt Onterio. This record is the more surprising when ib is re. membered that rio Public School took more than 4 teacher's certificates nor more than 102 sittgle eertifiaates, and that no High School...took more than 8 teacher's certidcates and only one High School more than 178 single (torah - cates. James Steep of Clinton, has corn 12 feet long. The wheat market is declining, and it is expected will so m reach 5o. per bushel. The Agricultural Society's grouud- in Woodstock will be sold under molts gage. Woodstock haestrunk a rite of 19 mills on the dollar. the lowest for some years, says the Times. , Division court was held here on Mon-. day. There were few cases on the docket J udge Doyle presided. To MINT. -Unfarnished room, not far from Main st. • Apply after 6 p. tn. at Mrs Jas. Elliett's, or by post, Miss Annie Gray, eldest daughter of Mr. William .Gray, of Seaforth, has been appointed teacher in school eats tion No. 7, LI uPett. A base bait match between a latleall team captained by A. IVIdFalls and a team of Exeter young men ceptained by T. W. Hawkshaw, will be played here this week. The uufartunate fellow Kirschinoki, who is under arrest at Breslau, .charged with causing the death of it cumpenien last week, is kid to have a brother residing in Huron. . Thomas and Metcel Alderson, who were committed tu OoderiSh for trial on a charge of assaulting Michael Burl- nisucker. of Stephen township, were discharged by Judge Doyle on Friday last, on the payment of to nominal linen Mr. H. Eilber, chairman of the County, of Huron Rouse of Refugb committee, weat to Clititon last week and found that the work was not being 'done according to contract, and it is said, stopped its progreaa. There will likely be a row as the architect has oil along supervised the work. Parkhill Iudeeendent:-"The many friends of Mr. Henry Levett, and es- peciany the fanners of the surround:ate country will regret to teem that hei has retiredirotn the grain business. He was an honest, square-dea ing buyer, and his genial race and merry - greeds% will be greatly missed on the market, May Mr. Levett long coetitme to be a cittzen of Parkhill. It would be a good thing for the town if we had more like The Goderieh Daily Signal has ceased publication. ,o, # John Pinochle, of Kippen, threshed from the product of five acres of barley 250 bushels. S. Davis, of Clinton, had hie arm badly poisoned by Dotson ivy last week, and has been laid ep since. • - Stratford is going to have a great bicycle toartianient on August 27th, when $800 will be distributed in prizes, Messrs H. E. & E. R. 1Todgens have bought the etock belongiog to the Estate tate J. Hedging, Clinton, at 69 cents on the dollar. The will cf the late James Dickson, of Goderich, has been preeeeted for probate. The executors are J, T. Dickson, of God- etioh, S. Masten of Soliforth'and J. E. Ton, ot Goderich. The estate is probat- ed at $27,158. , /efts. Williams, manna of Mrs G. W. ndrews, of Plolmesville died at the par- gonage on Monday moiling. ' The renutitte were taken to Belleville for interment, Rev. (4. W. Andrews %tscompanying theno Much sympathy is felt for the family. Last week a Toronto newspaper reported the death os Mr j, R, Killer, of the lase firm of Miller and Duncan. The report fort. inietely, was incorrect. Mr. Miller wavier - kraals, ill for sortie weeke, but hit condition took a titan for the better on Wedneedal. He it a termer West Huron &boot In opooter., tociavossa. NTIVIRTISX110 ° -AND- ITS RESULTS. There are many perscms who attaoh but little importa ace to ad vertising from the fact that too frequently the commodities men- tioned by the advertiser or owuer are not as represented when plac- ed before the purchaser, henec th, daily expression, "Oh that's not true, it's only an advertisement or blow." Advertising is intended to convey to the reader the different wares for sale by the inerchant, and khould carry to the people facts undeniable in the production of articles mentioned. I over- heard.a man say thus : "It doesol do to be to modest in adve,ifis. ing." Herein hes the reSti lt s : "A want of confidence in the man's word." This week beings to our plasse of business in Ladies' and Gent's apparelconsisting of choice lines in black and colored .1..ness Serges, black and colored .Soliets,, black and colored Hen riel t as, black and colored Indian Oash nieres, besides marry other lines. The largest and most handsome patterns in English Flannelletteb you have seen in Gne store ; in Gentlemen's wear -Black Worsted Sulitings and Paniings ; Bled< and Navy Blue Serges ; best of English and Canadian Tweeds, I Und#,r wear for present and winter wPar- Black,* Brown, Fawn and Navy Blue I3eaver Overcoatings, besid, s Black Worsted Overcoakings. ' We ask your special attention to our Black Worsted Coating 64 lit, at $2,26. n You have seen nothing like itand if to we are open to a pologiss. Come in and look through our stock, we will deem it as a privilege to show them. . azio.itlx113. Pickard & SON Have just received a number of invoice§ of'Goods which are now on passage from England and Scotland per -SS Furnessian and Lneania. These goods will arrive her about the isf of September and in the meantime we must make a lot of morn. Bargains will be" offered in all lines in order to reduce our stock. ' See our 5c Grey Cotton (36 inches wide) 5c. See our 20c Feather Tick- ing (heaviest'made) 20c. See our 5c Flannellette (great value) 50. Soo our 15c Fast Black Hose 1.5c. See our .7fo American Prints (fast colors) 'Tic. See our. 6e'' American °halides (fast colois) 60. See our 17e. Men's Flan- nelette Shirts .17e, Bargains i n Ordered Clothing. Bargains in Ready -to - *ear Clothing. Groceries. 6 lbs New Raisins for 25e. Gallon Apples, per tin, 25e. Washington Baking Powder. This i6 a pure Cream of Tartar baking powder and is very popular in the Unit- ed States. lt has just been introduced into Canada and in order to bring it speedily before the public the pro- prietors are givina as a preinium with each' oan of Raking Powder, a beautiful oleographic picture, price 50c. This is an unpreced— ented offer, as either the baking powder or the picture alone is worth the money. Give it a trial. A guarantee b'oes with each tin. We are sole agents foy Exeter, RS Pickard &Soii .10111,V1111',i New Fall Goods are now 'riving daily. We have just added to our stook the ohOis- .est things in DRY GOODS to be found. inThe market. - • NEW Dress Goods, NEW Flannelettes, NEW Shirtings, NEW Cotto-nades, NEW Cottons. See the best 5ollne ever shown ill Exeter, NEW Tweeds and Worsteds, Also large lines in Boots& Shoes bought before the recent ad- vance: Our values are better this year thanevershov before. We can say no more, a.c 7MEINSTC1ST. Exeter Municipal tiouncil The council met at the town hh11,. Exeter, 16rh August, 1895. All pres.'ent. 'the minutes of previous meeting. read and et n firmed . Carling -Treble --Orders as fol'ows, viz :-S Baskerville$1&50, for street - watering ; do $2 00, for filling tai k at lkiethodisc church ; Wilson Cowries Co., $1,10, expansion ring ; Jas. Creech $11 '75, curbing fur well ;a. Spackman $4.41, sundry account ; ). N. Howard $10.00, incandescent lighter to 31 ti July ; J. Creech $10.00 cherity to Mrs. Sutton'; T. Hartnoll $2.50, labor; Geo Ford $8 15, labor laid gravel ; John Elliot $248,00, in full for balance of contract for grandlithic pavement ; Win Trevethick $27.00, for use of pumps and repsirs fox windmill. -Carried. Ot'irling-Harding-That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to bor- row $500,00,for current expenditure. -- Carried. Trebte-Taylor--That the council pay for tile at W. Drew's , -Crossing at air Griggs to be put in at his expense. --The clerk to write conherninginsur- aace. Caing-Treble--That this colleen -adjourn again for tvo weeks.-Carr.ed. M. EAORETT. Clerk. Instead of dehorning his cattle. the Standard says that a Cortland, N.A., s man rubs the horns of the calves when they begin to appear about e week old, for a minute or two with crystalized potash and they never grow any more. '1'he calf is not hurt in the least. -The Prectical Dairyman. Jr' . Fall Fairs. Toronto Sept, 2-14 London Sept. 12-21 St. Uare Sept. 94.-25 End Nissouri, at Kintore.....0et. 8 Oet. 3- 4 Northern, at Atha Craig.... Set t. 20-27 South Huron, Exeter, Sept. 23-24 Therm -late, ........ Oct. 10 London Toweship, Ilderton Sept. 23 r Mitchell Oat 1-2 Hibbert, Sts. ffa Oct. 7-8 Hay, at Zurich, Sept 25-26 Biddulph at Granton, Oct• 1- g Strata), d, Sept. 24- 25 West Nissouri, aeThorndale... .00-10 (10 ferich Oc. Will secretaries kindly send in (Wee of To Smokers To meet the wiehes of their Cus- tomers The Geo. E. • Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd.,- Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market Conabination Plug of "11 dr, ir SMOKINO TOBAGO!) This supplies a long felt want, giv, ing the consumer one 20 cent ,plug, or a 10 cent or a 5 cent piece of the faintiiiTeolet.B'' brand of pure Vir. g Tho tin ta r r is ot tvevy pie^ u •