HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-8-22, Page 1'11,7
xxiit. No 1,
si roaD ;/, 01.
• 7,16 BeneRt There is to you
If you buy these Goods now.
-Good Cra.sh Towling, 5c a yard .
-40 in. all wool Serges, 250 a "
-Womens' and Misses75c Hats
for 250.
--(Special) Fancy Towels (4ox21)
roc each.
it* Ruth Flannel for 9o.
• ir
' Asir to seethe new American Bakin; Pow-
der. Large picture (size 18 x 2,1 111.)
. given away with every can.
Ordered ,
Drop in and see the elegant
,range of Stylish Tweeds, Worsteds
:and Pantings we are already
showing for the corning season.
,01:::tur prices are right.
R. S. FORD & 00.
New Teachers.
The following is the report of the joint
board on the malt of the High School
junior and seater leeving and matrioula-
tem, pase, and honor examinatiorte for the
Sr. •MIMS:
junior leaving -M. Atcheson, Jt Brown,
fJonn, C. Deakin, E. Hayes, J. -
Hodson.. W. Letts, D. Mille. A SieFedyen,
D. McIntosh, T. Sawyer (Greek),, W.
'Taylor, W. Whiles.
Seielpi. leaving -B. Relmage, W. Keast,
• 1M. 1V1cOuscheon, J. Slaughters
Matriculation --J, R. Stanley (also
echernistry), L. Webeter, •W. Bennett
,(Latin, physics), D. Hodgson (phyitios),
-,C. Leng (phyeice)„, W. Shepberd (first-
.. clue home s &seems), W. Spence (Peer
man), D. Stanley (physics), G. Thompson
(gtammar'hietory and geography, arith-
metic, Fi Webster, (Frencb).
Junior leaviog-111. Cava, j OartereeT.
McMahen, J. Stewart, D. 8. Todd, A.
Junior lenying-N. McNay, A. Smith, A
Matritmlation-0. !McKenna (also chem -
Junior leaving --J. Buchannan, G.Cowie.
A. Nico), R. Potter,1G. Turnbull.
Junior leaving -A. Consitt.
tide, R. Greece, L. OunninehLe, AL Gre-
sham, F Hertley, R. Higgins, J. Holds.
worth, E. Jenkins, El. Lennos, A. Mo.
• Kenzie, 13. Mcliordie, A Lao reagerb, 11.
-Magee, L. Murray, G. Murray, L Worth.
Senior leaying-M. 'Doherty, L. White-
Matriculation -A. McLeod, A. Ross,
isetiond-class honors Englieli, French,
Goiania). Per L -.T. Bell, Partial -J.
.0hi8holm (pheeiere L. Colwell, (.rammer
history, geography And arithmetic), J.
Henry, (Latin, - French), B. Jervis,
iGreek grammar), 11.- Rose (Latin, Fronoh,
Arammar). P. Tarriball, (Latin grammar,
French grammar.
Junior leaving -E. E Amy, P Austin.
i. wiegastine, A. Dalton, L. Elliott, F.
eGray, R. Johostone ((Jatin), A. Keefe, 1,
Rapittriok, T. Long, R. Hair, 13. millian,
• M. geOlusksy, M. McDonald, A. Sterling,
IseStrang, H. Young.
• Senior leaving -S. Beckett, J Coombes,
C. DurniniR. MoTityieh, J. M. Robert -
:eon, W. Skeltort.
Matrioulation-D. Ilarvey,„,M. McLen-
nan, S. Merril° (second ele.ss honors
English. French, aerman), N. Willie
(Latin authors, Greek), B Guest (Greek),
E. Lookhart4greanautr, history and geog
raphv, arithinetio). R Moorettead (Armond
.class honors English, history and geog-
- ralshY. olassitte), A. McDowell (Latin.
German), A, Many (Latin), 3 MeLean
(Latin, (+reek) J. A. Fillveood (grammar,
history and geograpey, arithruetiol, J.
Stinpsori (Latin, Vrenoh authors).
Junior leaving .-I. Aitchison, William
K. D. C. is marked prompt and lasting
in its effects.
Post Offl.oe Store
Choice Raisins 6 lbs for 25c ; Evap-
orated Apples, do ; Fine Red Salmon,
-2 cans for 25c ; Finnan Haddiere.
,tans for 25c; Fresh Cheese, licts, per
Ib. ; our 25e Vea is lieving a rush. fob
,soine and try it.
Highest price for produce of all kinds,
_Eggs, 'Bettor, Woilttiid Pickinge.
.ter.tit rt az let ,A....t.restxx‘rd.
Aitchisou, Robert Aitchison, W, 13rownell
(Latin), M. Boyd, 0. Otelmore, B. Dever..
eux, J. Duncan, J. Dorsey; M. Ford, M.
Flannagan, E. Gemmed, ,T, Horton, n,
Hagan, J. Millet, A. Prendergeet, D.
&nigh, 3. Warwick. .
Senior leaving -L Bethune.
Matriouletion-S, Dickaon, W. Hills
(French), R. Elill ((reek), A. McKinley
• MIddlesex Obunty Notes.
01 the candidates who wrote at the
printery examinations at Parhhill, ouly
two were eueoessfull.
Mr. Morfit of Prospect Hill has leased
the fame belonging to Mrs„ R. IVIeletyre.
Ezbh eon Blanshard.
Mrs. Jos. Whiting of Perkhill received
the sad news on monday that her brother,
Hr. Wm. Plant,of Port Huron, was deed.
frames Karr, of Forfeit a promieent
Orangeman and Censervative, died this
week, aged 72. fie was an early settler
in Warwick, •
• Mise Dillie Kilbourn has been engaged
•tor take Mos Laura Thompsons' plaoe
teacher in the parkhill ward vehool, elie
latter haying resigned.
Wm. Roberts, East Niesouri, ecild last
week to elr. S. Sperling, of St. eVlarys,
twelve head of fat iseitie • for which he
realized the handsome sum of over $700.
Mrs eteekey, an ola lady of 87 years'
while visiting her •daughter mrs jos Igo
earthy, on the Swamp line Biddulph on
Sunday last expired suddenly while seated
on the front door step.
It was a Grenton girl who bought her-
self a, pair of bloomers, and had her new
costume appropriated by her father who
tied the ends together and media •oat bags
out of them.
Rev. ler Jeans, who was appointed by
the Bishop of Huron to the incumbency of
Thorndale and Grace, Ohturch, Leesboro,
has entered on his duties. and has been
favorably received by his tw000ngregations
Mrs. , Manning, wife cd Mr Lawrence,
Manning. con. 5, Westminster, is dead,
aged 75 years. Decemeed wise a daughter of
the late Joseph Dumaw, was 'born near
Odolltown, in 1820 and moved, to the ate
concession of Westminster in 183e.
• Tbe matey friends in Bast Niesouri,• of
Mr. A. li.Cogswell, will learn with regret.
of his death which occurred meg tly at
his home in Los Angeles, Cal Mr, Cogs-
well was for many years • a resident of
Niesouli, where he VV9,8 well known and
highly re:merited as a limalmreeeher in the
Methodist church.
• Mrs A.ndrew Fells, of the 6th =cession
of North Dorehesa-r, who met with an ac-
cident, has succumbed to titir injuries. ebe
was born in Cobourg • in 1817, and was
• married about 52 years ago. Her husband
located on the farm on which ehe died
nearly 50 years ago. Besides heir aged
husband, she leaves three sons and three
daughters to mourn her lose.
Mr R. J. Robinson, ,oi .A.fisa Craig, lost
about sixtysrods of rail-fiszsee by fire last
week. • It !seems that Arline of the Ilex -
pullers have bean in the habit of °rousing
Mr Robinson's term in going tp and retutzt
ing from work, aod the fire probebly
originated from a cigar stump carelessly
thrown down while the smoker was sitt-
ing on or near the fence.
Mollie:third daughter of str. and arra
Frank Brooks, of Granton was raid at
rest on Tuesday in the Presbyterian mine
tory. She was eight years of age and had
been quite a eufferer for the
past few -weeks Her classmates in tbe
methodist Sunday School showed their
respect by walking in procession at the
The handeome grounds- and residence of
Mr and we Elenry Fortner, of lot 7 con 12
Lobo, were the scene Weclues.lay after-
noon of a very intereeting gataering, met
to celebrate • the 50sh aneiversary of gr
and errs Fortaer's welding. About 100
guests were present to do bon ir • to the
•aged • couple, who • are •yet hale
surd hearty, and from present appearance
ratty live for a goodly number of yearn to
• Lightning struck the large barn of ,Mr,
Malcolm McKellar, 6th concession of
Lobo, on Saturday afternoon during the
storm, Though the fire ivas discovered by
the houeeheld almost as soon as it broke
out, - the flames spread so rapidly that
it was imp reliable to save either the barn
or its 000tents. • It was impossible to res-
cue two horses which were pat in jut be-
fore the storm oemee up, and Mr. MoKel•
• lees enttre •mops for the season were
• destroyed.
As Miss Hart, the 16 year old daugh-
ter of Joseph Hart, of London, who lives
with her grandfather, Mr. Hiram Smith,
of the /6th con, W. Nissouri, was after
the °owe in the fields Wednesday maiming
a tramp jumped over the fence mad throw-
ing tier down held her there wi h his knee
while he cutoff, with a sciesors,her beautie
• rul head of hair. On reaching home the
neighbors gave chase. The fellow was
seen in St Marys same day with the
sciseore in els hand.
During Suoday morning Mr Henry
Tunica, a well known farmer reeiding near '
Lambeth, met with • a fatal aceident
Ahem ton o'clock he left :be house for tbe
stable, to dress the sore leg of oue of his
horses. Half an hour later ono of 'Mr
• Tunke' eons went to the barn 'to get his
bicycleand beard his father groan. C40
ing to ttse stable he was horrified to find
• him lying' beside one of the stalk with a
gaping wound 10 biri forehead, just over
the e,ye one of the horses haviog kicked
• A Granton correspondent writes :-A.
newly married couple on the trails neat
Granton, the other arty, attracted a good
deal of atreetien by their pectiliar behavior.
A lady got on the train at the- station, and
took g Mat in frent of them. Scarcely
wee she seated beret° they commenced
reeking retnarks in loud whispere about
her wearing IDA season'e hat end dors.
She VINO severely critieized by them for
some moments, Presently the' lady turn
ed around, She notiosd ta gismo that
the bride was older then tho groom, and,
without the least resentment in her
corintenatioe, she said, "Metlara, will you
please have your eon °lope the Window
behind yen ?" The son closed. his mouth
instead, and the bride did not giggle again
for an hour.
'ot one coMplaint has ever been made
by tho.ie using A.yetoe Serseparille Iwo ds
ing to direction. Parthermore, we bey°
yet to learn of a ease in which It has fail-
ed to Afford benefit, So say Interim& of
4rttim'sbq it evrr the ect‘80317. gee eared
Wiese§ will rot 0 ),
kieneall •
Beitee-Clatideboye in to have another Velltoving are the oterket quotatione ;
renerel tore 3 IL lie, joues of .fiondiin neseses
33 fozlS
Gate .. . . . 23 1o25
... 55 to 60
10,00 to 10.00
1113n47tter....,. • .1d told
,.... • . • 0 te 10
• flel ooirsof au kinds ty f summer footwear
'mist be sot 1 within twe weeks at prices' that
'Vet will open up in A. J ..A41400 OH
Eitarld 011 Eie 211c1 of September. The
piece la being rmaired and in a few weeks
tizne it will d Wass ewe a 0.111'
pleasant limpearance as ;Mg, Jones will
spend hie honey (mem in Clealeboye.-Mi
A.bey of reflation, who hoz had obarge
the serviees in conueati gt tvith the Choi
deboye al G.anton circuit for the pael,
few weeks will remain here until anothe,
pastor is secured.
13RTEF8,-Mr. Me0a1ion, of Exetee,
spent a short time reoently visiting Dr,
and Mrs. arnestrong iluti VIr. Morrow's
family. -3. W. Baird. rtf Motherwell,
formerly teacher ia the IVIonkton
intends ettiliteg early iu September for
Germany, rolitizet he will arratioue hie stud-
ies iu one of the German. aniveraides.-
On Friday night otos of the znerrieet
crowds that eyer etrack Fullerton to the
numb ir of e.boat i humble' assemble! at
the residence of ex-inlla
avor xworthy,
the event being the celehration of the
opening of his new blacksmith oboe and
gon faotorv.- ev. Mr MeFatlyen who
has been ebeent for six weeka in the old
ormutry returned, home last Thursday.
He visited 40411151 petnts in both Brtglend
and Seotlana :sad foetid a oinked change
since he left the old laud la 1367. Seer,
eloFetlyee eujoyed his trip very much
ated is lookia . tee biter for it. The only
unpleasant sweat of the trip was ' in the
onto:age voyage svhen the steamer on
which he 9 i 1 1 IN3'3 1,,rweee in the
seraits of Belle Isle for neatly thIrtysix
• 4•4
St elf%
BIVIEVS. -Mr. Awl Ars Hothem, Staffee
Moe13 Heiniltna child -en, Seeforth,'
and el re. Htmeten ,V11 ttAU hter, -13tyth,
were vain ing at the Greria Betel butt week.
- Several et our oirizerie :sterna for Mint
tobe ou Toured:by of 114'7 week -- The man
of whom, it is said thet if he heui else
world for a ferni lie wava require a Htnall
olPt oateide for 9 .mna ) 0,1011 11.14 b ten
located AL eltsff t Hey. J., Kenner
e,ocoreing to .14119am:e1n .'111 zneee his debut
on Sanl.ky .11,...14t 114, 1.) thre the eitiz-iwe
of Steeft ea a temp Vit .1 3 I9Q330. teking
as Ins text teen. xue, 2 ; Bx xxi, 29 ; e
,portrayea tats resemedeility for the
welfare ef ha fellow 111-1.n. Anri ariaigned
the lig 'tor trafTh) as th.,ta ivisn4eproP.-11,01t9
has over be, mesh:ri gore and to
deetroy ha ea 1 y aed Itt iij demenetrat-
ed ftfter “.1 of 141514k,ti PX too im •
possibt ite et -revive reeos oat he cin_
elude 1 that t 311 only leestimete meerse
Open was to elle, the ox, be 1 erehibitien
vote and el lesson, ers.-1 mem hie
audience ts. trete se v-ey prayed.
• Stanley.
Sicexese-Me Welter eleffs.tt has been
°Quailed to bed for the last few dye, with
ail etteek reeve -my: ne 1eettovereig.
--Miis Bessie nmith runt Miss Mare Smith
base ben ill wish an attack of deeentrry.
- HE Dau 11044, ,vhi is row in Chicego.
has undergone two imn.ticai °pan:inns dur-
insz the laet t,vo
COUNCI11.-000tioil 43101 on Monday•
members all }Kamm.. Tis following AC6.•
ounts WO; n peel: Gm row •et Proud foot, on
sac. flalidev vs, Steni4v suit, $200; .T)Ine-
ston (3ros., ever elp $711,50; A.. M. Todd
Psiilliug 1)25. rhe byltw 1) anthorize the
clerk to levy the rates required cm Celleot-
°en roll, (Ir the present year was road aud
peened. 'rhe twee are as follows:-Clonnty
241-10 toweship 14-5 mille; general
&Moo!'7-10 milk Tim school section
rate t for this veer, as fixed. by bylaw are as
to lows: -S. 8 No. 1, 2 mills; No. 3 18-10
nail's: Ne. 4. 12-5 rattle: No, 5, 11-5 mills;
No. 6, 2e mills; No, 7 J mills; No. 9 13,
2 mins N 10, lei mills, No. 113, 11-5
milts; N. let, 17-10 mills. No, 1U.. 2 milts
No 111. °ems ratg, 49-10 mills. • Thoma
Wiley .484 rigout appointed collector.
Council meets again on Sept. 23rd, at 1
p. m. J. T Cal' ns Clerk.
Hills Green.
sr., Of t1118 vi lege, bet who for some
time ptst has been v.sitine his daugh-
ter, Ms Smiilie, of EiMex county, re-
ceived a te•egrim last week announeing,
the death of his son Willi, at Port
Ageles, Sten of Waahinetne. Deceased
wag b gue near this vnitleer fie also
spent his boyhood days here, but upon
retch:rig meehtiod yeerr he aught his
fortune in 'he, Vlieststin Stites p
cipally Calif° ma. p tly owi ise to hie
not being in the moat rohut heal. h.
Eris reareine were height liZene and in-
terred in Treye.'s ceelete=y on Felay
last. fie WAS a yotnig man of about
thirty three years of age; .,f most exemp-
lary ohm 4cr,e,, att1 wes mist highly and
deservedly esteemed by all.
Saturlay's Severe Storm..
Ab L stoWel, the barna on the feral of
D. -L. Ceinpheil were struck by light, -
nine reed terelly deetroyed, oleo Ihie
seiteon's crop of hay aid fall wheat.
Two brims both full of farm produce,
siteated on let 20,-0eri. 1, town hip of
Merkil ivrty, ,tiljement to the Lucen
reilwey or.'se nse, ow -e' by Duncey,
Were strilek hy lightning and burned,
together with eo theirs
'Phe spire of It .ox Chemin Stratford,
wits esruck bv It4lttfli ig at it hoiht Of
200 feet fi o'n the ground, setting it • on
fire. The are brigivle'by passing a
lino of hose up, inride the spire,_, sub
deed the Limes after half an hour's
hard work.,
VI EAK ANI) 2- '4RV.1./S
Deseribrie tho ceeditieo of thousands of
poet at *hie 6010101.1 Te v have no tip-
net4te, cannot alaep, end complaint of .he
prostratifigeffeet of warmer weenie,- Tee,
conditiop may he remede.d by eeee-Se
svarila, tvhioh meats ao appetite and
tones op ell the oi genie. Et gismo goed
health by melting the blood pure.
Hood's Hie ere the hest afterelinerr
t!seesist digestem, cure heaarrehe
vil1 1:511 them Hig 11 9 nem' of new 13 mts
tilribem just 01:qn,ed and to be ssel at old
'doss. 1) sir ot Norneas' Anseritian Kid
en) Batten 13e018 at $1; cair. !stow ie I tee
deb time to bee imar 'Boots Ss Shoes for tell,
rim you can get them t tuo old priees. UetI
and hi convincee that we mean what we ad-
vertise. .No trouble to show goods. Butter
and eggs takett same ee ifash I.0%.K0A0vtaziaon,
DELIVERY WeenneretioDonell Bros.,
have put a new delivery wagon on the
road, artistioally paieted and bedeck-
ed with all inanuer Or gigot in limiting
othveerlywag:taidythiteYis itadeletiveWahniele Vvritc4b1
calculated to serve ' as :,an advertise.
BRIBirs,-Miss Eintnit Johnston, of
Willow hall Farm, flensall, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. X. Be Shortt, Parkhill,
tiisnggEfrraiecanad BairI.°yrilPlaa;ek.11-11' is
Robertson, formerly milliner in Exe-
ter, Is visiting Ms. 11. Arnold, -
Business in the village has been quiet
or late. The grain market is dull, the
price of wheat having gone dowa to 65
ciente oer bushel,- reurrloolF's stal-
lion "King Stanton" went a mile over
the Elonsall track ou Friday in 2.27.
This is a record smashere-Mr. Thos.
Barry reports s poor asle for leis
horses in Sootland. He will not be
horns for some time„ -The Orangemen
are making a laig effort to secure the
next leth Julyeelebration for Hewitt'.
The committee are meeting with much
success in their oenvess•-Mr. Samuel
White, of Detroit, joined his wife here
last week, and will spend a short
vacatiou amenfrieucisf-To-dite" 18
Hensairs civic holiday. Thera is no
special attrection and it is likely the
majerity of citizens Will picnic. -D.
Urquhart has put a new engine in his
oatmeal raill as will as added new
01 tehinerv The aepeeity of the mei
will be doable what it was before. -
Ales McFaul, of Lunn, is the guest of
her cousin, eflise Min -dock. -Mr. A.
VVeseloh left this week on a combined
pleasure and business trip to Galt and
Toronto. tie will be absent a week.
-Flax pulling is not yet eomplete,i.
The owners of the mil had 600 acres in
flex this season.-Yer. D. W. Foss has.
adder] to his highly equippeCrestaur-
ant a soda fountains All those who
want a nice drink will do well to call
on him as he keeps a first elites res -
tau -Tann -Mrs McArthur, of Ansa
Craig, is. visiting in town. -A social
was held on iVionday evening in the
basement of the Methodist church by
the jureor league. A. pleasant east
profitable time was spent by all pres-
ent.- Mr Perish conducted service
last Sunday morning in the Methodist
church and elr. Recireone in the even
ing. -Rev. Mr Wilaott was at Goder-
ioh Sunday. -Wm Mitchell left Mon-
day for Ottawe to attend the NorMid
school. -Mrs Millson and child, of
Brantford, are visiting her mother,
Sirs J. Short. -Yr Geo Sutherland ia
visiting at Forest.--eirs Johns, of
Guelph, was the guest of Mr H. Cook
last week.-elr and Mee Schtusenbach
of Plattsville, were visiting Mrs. Fied
ilLoDOnald last weeks -Mrs D Weis.
miller is visiting her parents at Ham-
burg at present. -Mr Broleriok is
very low at present. -Ars A. Taylor, of
Exeter, Is visiting her sisters MN'.
reobkirk.-J 0 Stoneman left for Tor-
onto list Mondey to take a course in
optical:. work. We wish him suocesa
in the work. Robinsons of Lem -
both. has charge of tbe business in
his absence, -Mr Deleon, of the Forest
City, spent Sunday in fiensall.-Mess
Baird, Mr Serembe aud Miss liodgins,
ofParkhill, were the guests of Mr J.
Milser last Sunday.-rifr and Mrs Hob -
kirk epent Sunday in Exeter -Mr and
Mrs Broderick, of Darlavvood, are
visiting in town. -Wm. Bonthron has
returned to Detroit after visiting his
parents here Reeve McEwen was in
Clinton Tuesday.- Mrs Beisen berry,
of Zurich, is visiting her son Charies,
of ties place -Mrs 13 air, of ,Kippen,
spent 8u iday with her son -in law, J.
Weismiller. -Thomas Lang has return-
• efi f 0111 tho old country. -Wm Peart
left euriecley for Manitoba ; Also Mrs.
Simon aun ter and family. -Mrs, (Dr.)
Gr ffen, of Detroit, is visitiug her
p iterate Mr and Mrs A. Buobannan.
Rev. Buchannan, of London, is also
spending part of his holidays under
the parental roof. -Rev J. S. Hender-
son returned; ast Frid I from hie two
Week's visit at Toronto and other
pieces, -Henry Aroold was confined to
his lenses the latter pert of last week,
eat we are pleased to see. him about
again.- -Wrn Robinson. moved his ter-
Ifitare to Denfie d last Thursday and
Thomas aufiesee molted into the house
vacated by him, while Mr Ellis, our
photographer, neoved hate- the house
vacated by T. ;Judaea, arid our new
baker, ate Elewitt, took possesision of
the shop vacated by ler. Ellie -Our
town is on the imove at present, such
is life. --The misses floats end miss
Cavanah Of Detroit, are ottraping at
Grand Bend this Week. -.miss Amey
Nurdock and coeitin, sines MoFtul, ot
Lucite, accompanied by others, are
also oaniptng there, -..nrs Lake atid
two daughters, or Seaforth, vere
the guests of arts & Weseloh laat
Bandage mist Role SinellectOmbe is
visiting Meade in Riecatehrie ar
SrtiEFS.-Kesers Benj. Either and
Fred Brown, of Missy, M.toh,, left on
Moncley to visit triends in St. Clair
and Detrole-etleetirs U. Eilber and Ve
Ratz have re turned from their tishingex-
• poi:talon in Muskoka, -John Preeterand
anti family are virttang Cheany.-Mr,
Henry Schweitzer, our enterprising
miller, ho engaged a first class miller,
and Le now better prepared than ever
to meet the increasing demands for.
• the Crediton flour, -Mrs. Frank and
two sons, of Getup:Ibiza, Ohl), ere visit -
lug Mrs, D, Link, -Mr. W. Li, Wenzel
was indisposed far a few days ot last
week-8chool opened on Monday
With a fair attanda.uce, under the
former teachers; Mr, John Nicol, of
Parkhill and the Misses Ballantane,
Seaforth and Le Towel, of Goderich.
-ble Henry'tailoreie very ill
awl not expected to recoven-Mrss
Spence of London is the guest of the
Misses Lswis.---Miss Beulah Beaver, is
visittng triends in Exeter:se-Mrs. W.
Riley returned home to Landoll
yesterday, after a pleasant visit vvith
friends here.-aWes Trevethick has re-
turned to Glencoe. after a slaort vac-
ation here.
No siotee
Scott's Vainleion doeir not debilitate
the stomaoh es ottiet coughemedieinea do;
but en tile contrery, it Ini)prov&i digert
ion and eireegtbene the sioineeleXts ef,-
fecte ere inizeithliete rued pritearinneed41
Berees.-Messrs Peter McDonald
and wif9„ of St. Peul, Minn., and James
McDonald arid wife, of Washington are
visiting at Mr. John Torratace's.-IYIr.
Thos. Kennet, and neice, of New York,
who have been visiting Mr. Torrance
for some days returned home last
week, They all affirm that this is a
splendid country -Mr. Ed Sesame -
berry has eatered Ins trottingshors e
"Rodney" for the Milverton races. He
went a mtle the other day in 2.28. -
Dr. Campbell has been indisposed the
past few daps" but is now able to be
around. -While playing base ball the
otleer day, Kr P. Lamont in making a
home run sprained one of his ankles
so badly that he has to employ crutch-
es to navigate. -The Agricultural
Society Dirootore levee decided to
build a grand stand on the fair grounds.
It will be forty feet long and ten seats
high and will have refreshment booths
undernatle-The base bail match on
Saturday • last between the married
and single men resulted in a draw on
account of the rain. 'the married men,
however, gave promise of winning the
game. -Mr. Major Johnston visited
friends in °linters over Sunday. -D.
Weismeler of Herman spent Sunds in
Zurich . -A change in the proprietor-
ship of the business ot garner & Wing &Insley,
is a.nticipeted,e1r. Merner withdrawing, I
and going out west into the cattle I Brieurs.-Mr. John Doyle has pur-
ranching. His place will be taken. by chased the grass farm on tbe l2th con.,
his larother Jacob from Oil Springs,
• • • 4
Berm's. -Dire John Fyie has gone to
Manitobe on a visit to her only son
James, We wish her a pleasant trip
and it sere return. -Mr John Beb is
Very poorly At present, the doctors give
Winne hope of recevery,-The /armors
surely vi 1 not be complaining of dre
weather now. The recent rains have
done ranch to freshen the pastures. -
Mrs A. Cole is in Exeter attending her
father, Mr Tilos Pollard who is xxot
expected to live lOug.
Bams.- -Mr, A. Bransmore who has
been wieldieg the' birch" tn Revere
for thq last two and a half years, has
reeigned his pointion to attend :the
Scbool • of Periagogy.-Mr. J. W,
Baird, a forther teacher of Revere
Wheel, peel his friends. in Met section
and in our tovvn a shortvisit last week.
Kr. Baird intends sailing fer Germany
early in September, wbere he will cois-
Waste his studies in one of the German
Universities. -Died on the 10th inst.,
in this village, Mary L. Brooks, daugh-
ter ot L. and • Louise Brooks,
in the 9111 year of her •age. Little
Molly was one ot the beighteat and
most attractive little girls in thief
village, she was a beautiful flower that
was permitted to dispense her fragrance
for a little while and then "was not
for God took her."
BluEss.-11/1r. Alex. McLaren of Hib-
bert sold to a local cattle dealer last
week seventeen head of fat cattle for
which he received $1,000, It pays to
raise good stook end feed well. They
were for export to the old country.-
MT..Dtencan McLaren's new home, on
the eastern 100 acre farm is rapidly
nearing completion, and ere many
weeks have passed Duncan will have
the bride nicely caged.- Mr. Andrew
Stewart ot Exeter visited friends in
Staffa on Sunday. -The barn or M.
Abraham Bolton of.Lunaley was struck'
by lightning on Saturday, but for-
tunately was not burned, Other barns
in this neighborhood were also struck
in the time manner - -We are about
to lose another of Eribbert's fair
daughters; ahe goes into the township
of •tlistiorne to share the joys and
sorrows of one of Usborne's estimable
sons, We will give haler partioulare
in due course.
BRIEFS. --Rev 8 J.Allen of Amherst-
busg was hers last week calling upon
some of his former partshoners.-Messrs
Delgety aud Haogith occupied bhe
pulpit on Sunday fast ix place oathe
pastor, Rey W H Butt, who was in
attendance at the funeral of his father
in Clinton.- School has commenced
and the old staff of teachers are in
1• their places again, ready for another
term of good work.- A Bewslaugh has
purchased a steam engine and boiler
and is preparing to run it straw cutter
this fall among the neighbors. -G a
Windsor, 'who purposes. leaving Cen-
tralia, is offering to sell goods at less
than cost to clear out his stock. -At
the close of the Epworth League meet-
ing on Tuesday evening, Mr W Hag.
gith, who is about leaving for the
Woodstock Collegiate, was presented
with a purse of money by his many
young fnends who wish him success in
his preparation qur the ministry. --We
congratulate Nelson Hickson his success
in passing his third class examination. -
A. grand harvest home supper is to be
held in connection with the church on
Wednesday evening next, Aug 2Sth.
(leen air servwes will be held on the
parsonage lawn on Sunday morning,
afternoon and -evening weather peen -zit-
• tine, and it choice program will be given
afber the supper on Wednceday eve-
ning, The proceeds will be in aid of
• the personage improvement. The
price of ad auseion i25 ceinese
Hur ondale.
BRIEFS.-Mr. ancl,Mrs, G. W. Hol-
man and family spent a few days in
' Londou last week: -Rev. Mr. •Email
I and wife of Utbridge are spending their
' holidays here visitiag friends. -The
I Misses Joh& of Cannoberlfo d who
Ihave been visiting their aunt,..Mrs. Geo.
Lowe, have returned to their home. --
Mr. Jame, tiorton, SOD of Mr. Wiliiane
Horton, succeeder' at the late examin-
ations in capturing a Second Mess
Certificate. Well clone Jtm, Shake!
We understand he intends going through
fora Fist Class. • Thie is a commend-
ihle move and we wish him esteem. -
The Schou' was re opened here on Mon.<
dey.The work of veneering and paititing
has all been completed except] the base.
meat, nod it is no more a dilapidated
concortabut on the eontrary presents a
Splendid appearance. The Trustees
deserve credit for their enterprise ie
this matter arid no doubt receive the
approval of the seetion for making this
necessary improveinent.--The new
Post Office and the reps,iring of the
school an hub the f4irstatep8 in our up-
ward march, and if the two ends of tier
totvo, don't get at loggerheadsleverything
will be well -The harvest is almost a
thing of the past, and although at first,
the prospect, seemed ineegre, yet the
people of this township have reitoon for
thenkiulhess that their lot has not
been °est in lege ferreted distriets Where
the crops are almost a total feilure end
Oink aterving, Everything in this
neighborhood is first 'nage exeept the
hay drop and we expeet the corn Will
help make tip the deficiency.
the property of the late Mr. McKenzie
of East VVeliams, for the sum of $3,-
100. -Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cor-
bett, formerly principal of Sarnia
High School. are visiting Mr. Wm. L.
Corbett, reeve of McGillivray. -Mr.
Frank Mont, of Rae Portage'is visit-
ing at the residence of Hr. Wm.
Darling, -On Thursday evening last,
by the Rev Mr. Deihl Mists Craig, Miss
Britannia Watson was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Wm. Blow, both of Mc-
Gillivray, Miss Victoria Watson,
sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid,
while the groom was assisted by Mr.
Homer Torrance. -The wife of Mr.
Wm. McDonald, who has been in very
poor health of late, we are pleased to
state, Is somewhat recovered. -Muss
Alice Watson, of Landon, • is visiting
at the residence of Mr. John Lewis. -
We see by the London Free Press that
Miss Ida Montague, of London South,
has been united in marriage to Mr.
George Bloomfield, principal of the
Byron public school, Westminster.
Georee is well known in this neighbor
hood beiug a son of Mr. John Bloom-
field of the LOth.-Miss Diary Wells,
or Exeter, is visiting at Mr. Thos.
Ellwood's. -A son of Rev Wm. John-
son, a former incumbent of the Epis
copalian Church here, but now of
Glencoe, ia visiting triends in this
vioinity.-Miss EMMA. Hamilton, who
has been visiting Mende in Uncle
Sam's domains, returned home last
week. -A new roof has been put on
the Brinsley school house by Mr. W.
L. Brice. -A. serious accident occurred
about two int es south of Brinsley on
Saturday 1711) inst., by which the wife
of John Morgan, ot Ansa Craig, sustain
ed severe injuries Mrs. 1VIorgan was
out driving alone, and in coming down
Lintottes hill, through some means the
horse became unmanageable and ran
away, throwing Mrs. Morgan out upon
the ground. When found it short time
later by Mr. Gilbert Bice of the 811
con, she was unconscious and blood
was ozing from both ears as though
her heart had struck the ground with
terrific force. Mrs. Morgan was re-
moved to her house and medical aid
sunstnnned but up to a lete hour on
Sunday she had nut regained sufficien t
consciousness to Speak, and slight
hopes are entertained of her recovery.
B003IING. Like many other villages
this year, Dashwood has been seized
With the boom, Messrs Rennie &
Peu,in, otir enterprising hardware
men are building a large block on the
corner Of Main and Mill street Which
will contain three large gitoree, vvhde
our energetic (Antrim' Mr, Henry
Willett is erecting several briok housed
and a large flax Mill and barns south of
the village. Ile intenda going into the
flair busineas end will next year put
in sones 600 acres. Besides this one ,
61 the handsomest churches in the
County is being built, as Well as several
fine letiek residences et the east end,
by Mr. .1. Keloarinan. Should the
boom continue for a fee" years, Dash-
wood will lay eleite to the hugest of
all its sister Villagets.
BurteStAteSt-While all was eileet the
other night burglars broke into the t,itore
er unities
nee ire FIONA
* end reroprietere
of J. Kellerman and burst open the
safe. The thieves atole two chisels
and a brace frothe shop of Win Zinn -
mer and pried open the laack door of
the store, from which • screws- three
inches long were drawn completely out
of the wood, but it seemed this was no
harrier to them. They then commenc-
ed their work. drilled a hole in the top
of the safe with a 5.16 drill about 1.6
inches from tbe brink of the safe, in
which must have been pat a big charge,
as the slivers of the door were scatter-
ed all oyer the floor and the safe moved
about ten inches from its place. But
for all the cleverness and trouble they
were deceived after all, as there was no
rnoney in it, then they went and burst.
the till open, in erhich they got between
thirty andflfty ceats which was left in
for change.
Bitgars.-MrIsaacBean and family,
intend to move to Goderich in • a few
weeks, -Mr Elenry Calfas is in good
mood lately, it being the birth of a son,
• Mr Bowerman, who has been laid
up for some time, is able to be around.
again. -Wm Smith, ot Mount Forest,
was the guest of Mr• Hoffman Sunday
last. -Messrs D Schroeder and. Ehlere
have gone to the Northwest, where they
[intend spending the rest of the summer.
-Mr E Rotherrneal has moved into bus
bowie whieh be purchated from H.
•Reese lately. -Rey. Eby preached n
the 14th concession Sonday last. -Mr
Louis Miller of Springfield, will occupy
the pulpit of the Lutheran church next
Sunday. •
Biddulph. •
Corricne-The Biddulph Council met
ou the 5th Aug. All the members pres-
ent. A large number of accounts were
paid., Permission was given Win.
Baynes of Granton, to deposit building
material on the side of street tor a per-
iod of 30 days. A rate of 2 mills on
the dollar was struck fon county pur-
poses, while four mills were levied for
township and Public School purposes.
The council will meet agein on Sept.
BRIEFS. -A, very heavy rain storm
passed over here on Saturday evening
doIng consicleralde damage .-Several
shoos of oats, the property of Mr.
Patrick Curtain were struck by lightn-
ing and burned in the field. -The barn
and contents of Mr. Tassel Dauncey,
near Clandeboye were totally destroyed
by lightning. The barn contained this
season's crop of grain and hay and
will be a severe loss to Mr. Dauncey.-
Died at her son's residence, Biddulph,
Mrs.M. Maorgey,mother of lir. Timothy
McKey. The deceased was in her usual
good health up tc a few days before her
death, and was 'at churchthe Sunday
before her death.
Baraire.-Itev T B Compland hag
gone to Muskoka to visit Mrs Coup -
land's father and mother, and will
remaina couple of weeks. -Mr WM,
leobinson had. the misfortune to have
his linger bad.y jammed in the binder
and had to calf the assistance of dm
hired man to help clear himself of the
machine. Be careful in the tuture,
William .-Several of the children in
our village aro indisposed with the
whooping cough.- 8, J. Pym left on
• Monday everting for the Northwest, on
the excursion, and will probably remain
a few menthe if he don't get home sick
to see his best gir1,-1fise Zeta Andrew,.
is visiting her cousin in COristance.-
rtiO beautiful showers we are getting
keep tbe farrnets` singing and the oats
damp, for some will draw wet or dry'.-
Thrashingis the ordet of the day and
the grain s turning out very good. -
Mr Thos Andretv returned to Cotistanoe
on Wednesday efter helping his sons
Bert, to get in his hervet.-Donet felt -
gee the big Ohoson Frieurils ionic to
the Bend 10 morrow (Friday). Eyery-
body welcome. -Mr WW. Miner has
been workieg for Dyer & Howard, of
Exeter, the past couple of weeks.
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